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October 17th 2017

We bought a farm

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I posted a picture on Instagram the other day and someone commented that I had been really quiet on social media lately and they assumed I was on vacation. I laughed out loud when I read that because it really couldn’t be the further from the truth.

The reason for all of the silence is not because we’ve been away, but because we’ve been deep in the throes of buying a farm, and a new home for Floret.

We have been growing cut flowers on a small plot of rented land since day one. And while we have tried to buy numerous properties over the years, including the field that we farm here at home, each and every one has fallen through at the final hour. After the last heartbreak, Chris and I finally put the idea of ever being able to have a farm to call home out of our minds. So writing this post is really unexpected. I’ve been wanting to say this for over 10 years since Jasper was a baby – we bought a farm.

Back in May our elderly neighbors shared that they were going to be putting their property on the market, which was a huge shock to us, since their children are farmers too. We never expected that their land would leave the family. But their children decided they were ready to retire and no one else in the family wanted to continue the legacy. They were really heart broken about it because they had always imagined that their children and grandchildren would keep the farm going.

Chris and I eagerly told them that we were interested in the property and if it was going to go on the market that we would love to make an offer. In our little valley, farms rarely go up for sale. Almost all land transactions take place behind closed doors. Because the farmland here is some of the very best in the country, we truly never imagined that a plot would be within our reach.

That conversation with them was the first glimmer of hope that I’ve had in a long time. But since our hearts had been broken so many times before, I pushed all thought of it out of my mind. So when their realtor called a month later telling us that we had first crack at the property, I was completely shocked.

When we first moved to the country from Seattle we didn’t understand how different the two worlds would be. In the city people are very separate and go about their lives independently. Even though everyone lives very close together, there’s strangely a lot of privacy and no one really cares what you do. In the country, it’s exactly the opposite. Since there’s not much going on, your neighbors often watch your every move. Everyone keeps a watchful eye on everything. At first it was tough adjusting to the constant scrutiny, but eventually we learned that country neighbors are the best kind of neighbors. They come over after a storm and help you clean up your yard, they let you borrow tools, they bring you extra tomatoes from their garden and they always make time to chat, usually about the weather.

When we arrived, we were they youngest family in our neighborhood by several decades and quickly got dubbed the City Slickers because we let our manicured lawn grow long, had chickens everywhere, two naked children running around and I was often in the yard spraying compost tea or hanging crystals in the apple trees. We were the black sheep on our road.  

It took years for the nickname, and the judgement to fade, but eventually it did and we were finally accepted into the fold. We recently found out that it was watching our wild naked babies grow up into sweet, respectful kids, and Chris and I working so unbelievably hard for years on end that eventually won them over.  

I’ve already been asked by close friends if this is the dream farm that I’ve posted about over the years. It’s not. This property was a completely unexpected twist of fate. The land is adjacent our little field out back and is what a lot of people thought was ours because it’s in the background of many of our pictures. All of this time time I’ve been telling people that our property line ends at the blueberries. Now the blueberries are ours!

After the call from the realtor, the process took on a life of it’s own. At every bend in the road I expected things to fall apart. But they never did. All the pieces just kept coming together. The process was daunting though. On top of an already jam packed summer creating our new online course, the farm process added a mountain of meetings and inspections, business plans, projections and a crippling amount of paperwork – so many times it felt like there was no way it was going to work out. To our total surprise, it did and I’m still pinching myself.

Less than 2 weeks ago we were sitting with our banker signing the title documents. And we got the keys from the owners this past week. I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that we actually own 25 acres of the best soil in the country, plus a huge barn and a house, and four acres along the Skagit river. I still can’t believe it’s real!

This past week we started cleaning out the barn and getting it ready to be the new home of our Floret shop. We’ve been meeting with contractors, taking truckloads of old junk to the dump, and with each step it’s starting to feel more like home.

Up until this point we have been farming on two tiny acres and running our seed company out of a series of greenhouses, our basement and a 300 square foot garage. We are so used to making due with very little and working with what we have. The joke around here is that we’re constantly playing musical rooms in order to get everything to fit. So stepping into a huge barn and finally being able to set this business up properly is beyond our wildest dreams!

While this new chapter is such a blessing, it is also going to require a lot of attention and focus. In addition to setting up the barn for shipping, we need to start the long process of converting the fields to flower production after decades in conventional berry farm. Our plan for the land is to transition it into organic seed and dahlia production. We will be conducting more extensive variety trials and starting to breed some of our own specialty cut flowers. While there is a lot of work ahead, this project couldn’t be more exciting to me. Our long term hope is that we can someday open up the flower fields to visitors. We are still a long way away from that, but we’ll be sure to share more with you as we embark on this new journey. 

On Thursday I’ll be sharing some other exciting news about a project that we’ve been pouring our hearts and souls into since February. It is going to help so many people and I can’t wait to share all of the details with you here. 

Thank you so much for all of your kind notes, emails and words of encouragement about someday finding our forever farm. Dreams really do come true, sometimes they just take a lot longer than you want. I am so excited about what this new chapter means for our business, our life and our ability to bring more beauty into the world.



  1. Chelsey Fulbright on

    Congratulations! I’m an organic vegetable farmer working in Ohio (from Chicago) and God’s timing is so, so good. I manifested a project lead role here at my apprenticeship farm, and I’ve been given a fully loaded stash of seeds (some Floret ♡), some amazing reads (how I found you) and 1,625 square ft. to create some amazing blooms. Love the process of learning: crop planning, succession planting, flowers in general. Your book and guides have been so helpful to me, and as someone who never imagined being a cut flower farmer, here I am, about to do the dang thing!! Thank you, Erin, and everyone on the team for making accessible and beautiful endless information, tips, anecdotes and inspiration. ✨ I’m late to the party, but right on time. Many blessings to you!!

  2. Sylvia Shi on

    Conguratulations ! Thanks for sharing, I feel so happy for you. It is so wonderful, hard work pays off! I wish you and your family many blessings in your new home!

  3. Helen on

    Beautiful, bountifull work your team at Floret is doing. Hard work pays off.
    I’ve stumbled on your site through an old issue of Victoria Bliss a month ago. Bought your book and registered for your mini summer course since then. Thanks for all the genourous information! I grow essentially perennials that are deer and rabbit proof on rocky clay and a growing season around 135/150 days ( Lower St-Lawrence River-Quebec ). Hoping to infuse my garden with a few quick growing annuals in a fenced off patch next Spring
    A question about your snapdragons : are the hoops just to hold the netting or do you start them out with rowcovers?
    Wishing long life to Floret and the beauty you spread worldwide!
    Helen, xx

  4. DeAnn Schlatter on

    I’m really hoping to buy some seeds from you for next year. Will the store be stocked up again by then?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi DeAnn,

      Our hardy annual seeds will be in stock with our fall bulbs on September 24th and the rest of our seeds for 2019 will be be available in early January.
      Be sure to click “notify me when available” on your favorites, to snag them as soon they’re released.

  5. Rossana P. Pablo on

    I’m glad to hear your inspiring stories and learn from your techniques , thanks for sharing your ideas and i would love to learn more from you , best wishes for you and your family keep me updated

  6. Ojai Flowers on

    So very exciting and what a fun project to watch unfold! I just spent a month up in Bellingham and what a beautiful area! I am a florist grower on a small property in Ojai California and enjoy year-round Sun so I’m curious how long as you’re growing season?

  7. Kendra Costin on

    Hi Erin,
    I happened upon your book at our local library and am so impressed by you! I look forward to seeing all you are doing and congrats on your dream farm!

  8. Susan on

    30 year Organic farmer here. We have grown every crop in the market and some more than others. Flowers are our current passion, when not cleaning garlic. Just transplanted all perennials around the property to a large flower garden. They are small and spindly this year but should make a magnificent show next spring. We mix that with Zinnias, Sunflowers, Amaranth and Broom corn. Hope to pick up some Dahlia tips from your blog. I want to incorporate them, as well.
    Thanks for all the great info so far. Just found you through an ad on Instagram.

  9. Mary Woo on

    So excited for you. What a dream come true. Wish I had started doing this 30 yrs ago….

  10. Tammy on

    That is so wonderful. I wish you and your family many blessings in your new home.

  11. lms5166 on

    Your story gives me inspiration for our small Dahlia farm in Agawam, MA. We are in our 3rd year of growing Dahlias and learn as we go just as you had mentioned. I am so happy you have a new space to call your own! I am sure it will be all you have been hoping and working so hard for. In addition the new Floret Farm will offer new insight and learning for your readers and students. Thank you for sharing your journey!
    Lisa Potter
    Robinson Farm
    Agawam, MA

  12. Kendall Shedden on

    Absolutely amazing news!! You are such an inspiration and I am learning so much from you. I just got a new job at a floristry shop and brought your book in to show everyone. I am trying to gain every ounce of knowledge that I can so that I can one day open up a floristry shop in Rumson, New Jersey. I also am trying to start a cut flower garden in my backyard and so far so good! I look forward to you summer mini- courses too!

    All the best,

    Red Bank, New Jersey

  13. Becky Corbet on

    So thrilled you all have even more space to enlarge your incredible flower farm! As a 65 yr old grandmother, I’ve decided I want to be you, Erin, when I “grow up”… if ever!!?? Thank you for sharing all your “flower growing wisdom” w all of us!!!

  14. Penny Warner on

    So excited for you!! I bought a 40 acre farm in 2006, so I know your excitement! A dream for sure!
    I know your business will bloom!!!
    Future flower florist/farmer

  15. Shannon Jakubik on

    I’m kind of on the late train here but, congratulations! Cant wait to follow your journey and learn. You and your farm are very inspiring to me.

  16. Jeanette Besharat on

    Congratulations on your new farm and on a dream-come true. I had ordered Sweet Pea seeds from you and am hoping that they will do better than any others that I’ve tried in the past. I also had a dream of having a perennial garden in my retirement years – and I have it, but with some difficulties. I have 1 acre and have been able to establish flower beds on almost half of it. My daughter has built me a wonderful vegetable garden with raised beds and this year I received a bed that I can stand at – easy to do the thinning out. Being 73 with a lot of arthritis has put a damper on my garden days, but I’m not giving up. My flower beds are established, but a garden is never finished! I just put my dahlias into the ground this past weekend. The heat that we had (I’m in Bristol, Wisconsin) was not my friend. So, today we have rain and heat – just like a greenhouse! My big question: what do you do with the dahlia tubers in the fall? I have managed to put mine in boxes once they dried off in the fall before the frost and then keep them at around 50% during the winter months in a room off my garage, but space is limited. So, good luck with all your plans.

  17. Karen Hugg on

    Your farm is beautiful! I just discovered your website and will tell my design clients about it. Cheers!

  18. Robin on

    Hi!! So happy to read about your dream coming true! I’m new to the Floret Flower experience and look so forward to learning each and every morsel you share. Thank you and best of luck to you and your family!

  19. Linda Hovgaard on

    Even though you’ve had 464 comments at this point I had to reply. Congratulations to you and your family! I know the wait and disappointments were difficult to endure but this one was meant to be. I too have been blessed with 5 acres in Oregon that we built our home on and 3 acres on the Little John Day River in Astoria, Oregon that we built our vacation home on. Our home property was not for sale when we made an offer and we was promised to someone else initially. I got down on my knees and prayed to God asking to be blessed with this piece of earth that we could call our own and farm on. He answered my prayers. The same thing happened with our coast property. I felt kind of selfish asking him for another piece of heaven but I got down on my knees again and prayed again. He answered my prayers again. I don’t feel I’m just lucky…he knows my connection to the earth….how precious it is and how grateful I am to work, enjoy and take care of the land. I am a firm believer that is why he blessed you with your beautiful 25 acre farm. He knows your connection to the earth and the benefits and happiness you work so hard for and share with the world. I am so, so happy for you and your family. This blessing was meant to be. Thank you for sharing your legacy with us….I have found your book invaluable this year. My husband built me 2 raised bed sweet pea rows this year that I am growing your sweet peas in and I cannot wait to plant other flowers I have purchase from you. You are an incredible inspiration, artist and gardener and like all the other 464 gardeners I fell so blessed and grateful that your legacy is a part of my life. Thank you and best wishes on your new journey.

  20. Elle on

    I am so excited for you. You already have such a great business and story! I so enjoyed giving my mom the beautifully packaged seeds that I bought for Mother’s Day. It was awesome to see her face light up. The perfect gift for her (along with a trowel and some gardening gloves). Keep up the great work/play and ENJOY your dream!!

  21. Laurie on

    Whereabouts are you along the Skagit River? I saw your story in Magnolia. I live in Sedro and would love to visit if you are open to the public.

  22. Laura Price on

    Such an inspiring story, Erin. Thank you for sharing with us. My husband and I have been searching a long time for our little farm as well. This give me hope
    Flower Power!

  23. Maria Cress on

    Hi, my name is Maria, been interested in starting a small scale floral farming as a second job. I am a RN for a long time and enjoys flowers since I was young.Wonder if you can give me any advice. I live in Ohio.Thanks

  24. Susan on

    It took us many years of a similar story, before we got our little farm. We just had to be patient while God worked out the details and timing with the sellers. When His hand is in it, it always works out for the best. CONGRATULATIONS, AND BEST WISHES, AS YOU SPREAD BEAUTY!!!

  25. Mary on

    Wow, is that exciting!! Even more so because it is adjacent to your already established gardens. I’m so glad that you don’t have to duplicate all of that hard work! Enjoy the spreading out

  26. Gwendolyn Soper on

    Congratulations! God bless. Sending good wishes your way during this expansion of land, scale of operation and joy in your hearts.

  27. Beth on

    Congratulations!!!! What amazing news. I’m thrilled for you and your family. Try not to tackle too many projects at once (if that’s anywhere in the realm of possibility) and soak in the thrill of your VERY own farm until you get wrinkled and pruney. ? I’m so pleased for you!

  28. John .R. Fricks on

    Hello from the Great State of Texas! I found/stumbled upon your web site and am glad that I did. Y’all are just what an old country boy needed–information from those who are actually living the life. Years upon years ago the Whole Mother Earth Catalogue had as a slogan/tag line the phrase “Let the men and women of wisdom speak” and I am listening to you. Thank you, I look forward to both reading/hearing more about your lives and to learn from you!
    John .R. Fricks

  29. Susan Rode on

    Your new family farm is living proof that with perseverance , true love of what you do ( even in the hardest of times) and holding onto the vision of your dreams , we can create our special piece flower paradise.. Clearly it takes tremendous hard work, the willingness to take risks and work your to the end of your stamina …and the ability to learn how to stay humble with your mistakes, compassionate with yourself and your family to make something like this happen….Congratulations Erin and well deserved..i can imagine in 10 more years you will bring even more wisdom and teaching about the flower farm business to the world…and more beauty…

    Never underestimate a woman who hangs crystals in apple trees!

  30. Susan B. - Big Lake on

    Just about a year ago I was recovering from my second shoulder replacement surgery. By late spring I hadn’t planted a seed or cut back my roses. No stamina and I felt overwhelmed. Finally got going but my gardens were minimal at best. Late last summer, my niece shared “the book”. Then my daughter bought me “the book”. I read it cover to cover. I took “the book” everywhere with me in case I had missed something or just needed to look at the amazing photography. I was shocked that there was a flower farm in Skagit County I wasn’t aware of. I’ve lived here for 35 years and never once heard of Floret Flower Farm. I tried to figure out where you were from the pictures. Finally, my daughter said it was time to step back because I was getting in too deep. Just plant!
    Right now I am soaking part of my stash of sweet peas and other seeds I’ve ordered and get them into the greenhouse.
    I’m so very excited to try my personal version of Floret flowers and look forward to a fun growing season. I’m so thankful for the inspiration you have given me and for reigniting the passionate flower gardener in me. You guys rock. You deserve the best and so very happy you are part of Skagit Valley’s farming community. This truly is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

  31. Lindsey on

    Truly inspiring! I am a freelance florist from the Midwestern region. I own a small plot of land and crave more. This post really resonates with me. SO HAPPY for you!

  32. LouiseAnn on

    crying my eyes out – so pleased for you guys
    (floret flower farmer online student 2018
    currently without land but still pursuing the dream)

  33. Maxime on

    What a wonderful way to start 2018 :) Congrats for this long awaited dream, I can’t wait to see what beautiful project it will turn out to be :)

  34. Terie on

    ????So exciting for you! YAY

  35. Karen Merritt on


    I haven’t read your emails and blogs for quite a while, because our lives here have been so busy lately (OBVIOUSLY it’s been a while, today is December 4, 2017). However, I am so thrilled with your wonderful news. It just goes to show that blessings still do happen and you and your sweet family deserve the very best! I can’t wait to hear more as you settle in and share more wonderful flowers with us all.

  36. Joanne Le Dressay on

    Thank you for the impact you have on our lives through the grit of the earth, your sincerity, and your passion for farming flowers and treating all of us so well. I have applied all your information to an artistic botanical garden of 1.3 acres and a beach garden in the US. There is so much still to do to add all you techniques to our botanical lives. Thank you.

    Now Erin, I hope you pop in a few veggies too! Your farming techniques have done crazy things to keeping food on the table here in Langley.

    Looking forward to the online course and the new ideas I know you will have added. xo

  37. Who's My Sugarpie? on

    You are an amazing, inspiring woman and I am in love with what you do and look forward to and read every word in your newsletters. The photos are gorgeous, the flowers spectacular, and you have a beautiful, welcoming smile and poise about you that just draws me in. I want this Spring to plant two or three rows in my garden of a multitude of just one or two flowers to enjoy the impact it causes. There is such beauty in mass plantings. I can not wait to dig in the dirt again! Best of luck to you and your team…keep the beauty coming. You fill me up with ideas!

  38. Pat on

    Fantastic and I’m jealous. Love to pay a visit. Cheer :)
    Do check out my blog

  39. Susan Lynch on

    A new chapter – wishing you all the luck in the world and many happy days ahead for you and your family

  40. Laughing Owl on

    Delighted by the news, best wishes from Laughing Owl

  41. Tom on

    Its your good fortune to secure the farm,…. but the winner is the farm getting you guys as its guardian. Nature is smiling, like a contented chess player. Stay strong.

  42. Elizabeth on

    This is so wonderful, 100 congratulations!

    • Reyn on

      Congratulations: ) this is a very inspiring post…. my heart is overflowing for you and your family. What a dream come true! Happy farming ?

  43. Nicole on


    So happy for you guys! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for Floret!

  44. Janette Anderson on

    Wow! Such an exciting time for you & your family. Best wishes for the ‘growing’ business – 25 acres is probably a little terrifying and thrilling at the same time! Having spent most of my life in the city I too have to pinch myself that I live in the country (in New Zealand – the other side of the world) on an acre, sheep, chickens, dogs & a garden; dreams do come true with some focus & hard work. Love your book – growing sweet peas this season! Love, Janette

  45. Haku Nellies on

    That’s amazing! Congrats! Explosive Blessings!

  46. Abby on

    This makes my heart sing! I’ll buy some berry bushes! Real hardy ones…

  47. Kim on

    I’m so happy for you and your family. Good things come to those who wait, even if sometimes we don’t want to.
    Look forward to seeing what your up to next. You are such an inspiration. I love your book, it is pure bliss!
    Many blessings!

  48. Janet Waldie on

    Ten years is a long time to wait!!! Congratulations! I know it’s very exciting for you and it sounds beautiful!

  49. Kristina Karekos on

    Congratulations from Upstate NY! I know exactly how you feel. It’s exciting albeit overwhelming I’m sure. Can’t wait to read updates on your new journey although we understand if it won’t be often! Thank you for sharing it with your FFF – fellow floral fans.

  50. Missy McNeilly on

    Oh Erin!!! How wonderful! You so deserve this.
    You are such a kind, giving person. So happy for you!
    It brings tears to my eyes that dreams do come true.

  51. Maria on

    Dear Erin and Family, congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story. I am very happy for you… like you were family.
    May God keep you with his blessings.

  52. Susan on

    SO happy for you! God bless!

  53. Connie Coday on

    So happy for you and your family. Good things do come true for good people. Looking so forward to photos as you progress; you and team always inspire me. Thank-you for all you do. You and team make us all feel special. May God give you extraordinary strength in this new gift of the precious land…Dirt. Love ❤️, Connie

  54. Annette Crawford on

    Congratulations Erin and Chris! If anyone deserves to have their dreams come true it is you guys! I’m looking forward to following your journey and learning more about flower growing along the way. I just dug and stored my first big crop of Dahlia tubers including tubers I got from the flower farming intensive at Floret. As we head into winter here in Colorado I’m looking forward to another fresh start in the spring. Each new year brings new possibilities! So happy for you!

  55. Laurie on

    This is so exciting, congratulations! I pray more of the Lord’s blessings for you and your family.

  56. Sarahbeth on


    You don’t know me from Adam (as we like to say around here) but I’ve been following you for quite a while (including the farm-buying-dashed-hopes-days). I buy seeds & fleurs from you & I am one of your many many admirers. I found myself crying tears of joy for you all, reading this post. This turn of wonderful fate could not happen to better people. All of your good deeds: advise, information and service to the flower community & folks at large has certainly & finally come home to roost and I am deeply happy for you. The old adage, what goes around comes around keeps running through my head, and while it does – often it is so much less poignant and pointedly perfect for a family who have put their hearts and integrity into everything they do. My love and I bought our 10 acres of country paradise (mostly wooded) in WNC a year and a half ago. With full time city jobs, I know how overjoyed we are… but also how overwhelmed we are too. I can’t imagine the delighted overwhelm YOU must be feeling, so I send to you all my best wishes, fervent joy & magic thoughts that you find reprieve in small spaces to the ecstatic and work-a-holic life that you are all about to kick into high gear to achieve. May your road continue to be blessed with abundance and joy – just as every one of your fans has had the pleasure of experiencing the same from your shared journey with us all.

    • Team Floret on

      Thank you for your kind words and magic thoughts, Sarahbeth. They mean so much!

  57. Dawn on

    Congratulations! What an amazing Dream Come True! I am sure that family is relieved and excited to see their land now under your care. You are probably a Dream Come True for THEM, too! There are a lot of emotions running rampant with such huge Life Changes for ALL of you.

    I am interested to know if you will still rent your already established field? And will you keep some of the berry fields? Not only are blueberries delicious but the look fabulous tucked into bouquets!

    Best wishes for your future full of beauty…

  58. Nancy Dawn on

    Congratulations! I am SO very happy for you and your family. It is wonderful to know your dreams are coming true. I am sure you will be dreaming bigger dreams and working hard to make them come true. #dowhatmakesyoursoulhappy

  59. Sheri Caira on

    Beautiful! Flowers make the world a better place… and now there will be even more… Yay! Your story of passion, hard work and dedication is incredibly inspiring!! So happy for you all!

  60. Nancy McKinney on

    Awesome….congrats!!!!! More SweetPeas , More of those new Cosmos…….ahhhhhh wonderful!!!!!

  61. Annette on

    So happy for this great news!!

  62. Shelley on

    I am SO happy for you! When we bought our three acre farm eleven years ago I could not believe it! Sometimes I still look around and think WOW this really is all mine! I can’t wait to see all of the wonderful things that you do in the future with your new farm! Lots of love!

  63. Bambi Miller on

    I am so, so happy for you, your family and your team! I have been following you since I read an article in Mary Janes Farm magazine. Skagit county does indeed have the best farming soil. Many of my family ancestors lived and farmed there. It holds my spirit, and when searching for farms years ago, like you, we just couldn’t find one in the Skagit valley. We landed in Ellensburg instead. And, while I love this beautiful valley, it does have many, many challenges. You are so deserving of your new farm, and I hope one day to be able to visit it and soak in the beauty. I love your book, everything you do is so inspirational, thank you for never giving up! :)

  64. Anita on

    Dream On, Dreamers!

  65. Kate Anderson on

    Congratulations, such happy news, good things really do happen to good people. Some day I hope to meet you all, as I too, am a neighbor to your north in Whatcom County and have a small flower farm I am getting off the ground. Been growing plants and flowers for decades and had a small plant nursery in downtown Bellingham for a few years. Right now selling irises, but have added sweet peas, daylilies, sunflowers, and dahlias to the mix. Your advise and help is invaluable and I love your book. You give of yourself so willingly and openly, just wanted you to know how much it means to me and I can see to many others.
    So, good luck with your new place, it sounds PERFECT!

  66. Sandra K. Rowland on

    Congratulations!!! I love it when dreams come true! I love your posts and all the beautiful flowers.

  67. Eustacia and Paul on

    OMG! Congratulations Erin and Chris! If ANYONE deserves this, it is you! We are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you and can’t wait to see what you make of it. Best!


    Hello, and Congratulations on Finally Finding Your Farm !
    We’re near Northern Neighbors in Fairhaven/Bellingham WA.

    Thanks to our daughter Lia Turk in Berkeley, CA, we learned about your floral frenzy.

    We send hearty thanks to you, for a referral to North Field Farm in Ferndale .. There we
    gathered some glorious dahlias, for a a festive family event and were able to meet their
    delightful owner .. Who gifted us with one tiny bird nest, created by local bird “weavers”
    who use dahlia centers as their nest sites !

    We look forward to visiting when that becomes a reality ..
    And Wish You Some More of the Same Serendipitous Success !!

    Jim and Michie Turk

  69. Mary on

    Just fund your site. I know the years of which you speak. So so happy for you!

  70. Connie Ausema on

    So excited for what the future holds for you!

  71. Linda Christy on

    I am so excited for you and your family. God is an amazing God, he always provides. Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not evil,to give you a future and hope. Amen Love you Linda

  72. Denise Leavens on

    I have been following for years and am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

  73. Andrea Heffernan on

    What a beautiful blessing, and what a great reminder that sometimes our dreams will take years to materialize. But truly, you and Chris have worked so hard, this is so well-deserved and such a perfect story! Thank you for all that you do to inspire and encourage others!

  74. Wendy Raybould on

    I’m so, so happy for you! Congratulations from a vegetable garden in England! Now that the family have left home I’ve turned half of the garden over to cutting flowers. I bought your book last year and have been following your wonderful, inspiring blog ever since – can’t wait to follow this new, exciting chapter in your lives!

  75. Marie O'Leary on

    Congraulations and every success you both deserve it for all the hard work.

  76. Lisa on

    So super awesome for you both!

  77. Erin O'Loughlin on

    How WONDERFUL that the good Lord has provided your land and encouraged your dreams of sharing His beauty in this earth!!!
    Indeed, you are both blessed! I hope you enjoy all that’s involved in expanding your farm. May your days be good in labor, filled with love, and fruitful. I should say flowerful!
    I hope you truly glorify the Lord through it all…

  78. Linda Bradley on

    Congratulations and a well deserved opportunity!

  79. Merrill McNicholas on

    Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed your posts regarding your journey and look forward to hearing about the next chapter. The photos of flowers are always beautiful and inspiring.

  80. Raven Mozingo on

    So awesome! We just started our own little flower field in Missouri after being inspired by your book! Our best wishes and prayers for a successful future on the new farm!!

  81. Zelda O'Connor on

    Wonderful news Erin; sounds like the ancient Spirit of the Land was working in your favor.

  82. Marilyn Northcott on

    Patience and hard work brings immeasurable rewards! It is a joy to hear about this new adventure for your family! God bless ☺

  83. Julie on

    So happy for you guys!

  84. Rachel Ruppel on

    Congratulations! What a testament to your hard work and dedication. I can’t wait to see what great things you will do on your new farm.

  85. Anabel Trudeau on

    After attending your flower worship in July of 2016, getting to meet you and your staff and watching what it takes to do what you do, I couldn’t be happier for you, your family and your staff! It IS amazing how our dreams can come true when we keep fighting for them and working hard towards them. You and your family were able to buy the farm BECAUSE of everything you had been and done up to that point. Bravo!!
    Your workshop was a dream come true for me as well. I still think about it and talk about it (and as a matter of fact, I was talking to a prop stylist friend of mine yesterday) about you yesterday.
    If you EVER need a helping hand for a week or two at your new place, I would love to help out!! (Seriously!!)
    Congratulations again and I look forward to seeing and hearing everything new in the world of Floret!
    Anabel Trudeau – Take the Cake

  86. Jeanine Greenfield on

    So happy for you Erin and Chris! Congratulations! How awesome that all your incredible hard work has been rewarded.
    Thanks for taking the time to share this journey. And since the work continues, may God strengthen you, help you, and
    uphold you for all that is ahead.

  87. Mitch on

    Congratulations on finally finding the Farm of your dreams. ??

  88. Carolyn Perdue on

    That’s wonderful! So happy for you, well deserved!

  89. Katie on

    Congratulations!!! This is amazing and heart warming to read. My sincere hope is that you do not till this incredible soil!

  90. Ronda on

    Congratulations. A job well done and worked for!

  91. Janet Patterson on

    Congratulations! So happy to see Skagit’s farm land continue as farm land! Win Win!

  92. Bianca on

    I am so thrilled for you and I cannot wait to see where this new endeavor will take you! I truly look forward to watching the Instagram version of it and one day coming to visit your flower fields :)

  93. Mark Dawson on

    Congratulations from the UK! All your hard work has finally paid off

  94. Heather Dziedzic on

    Congrats Floret! Can’t wait to see all of the wonderful new beginnings.

    I hope someone can save the blueberries, it seems such a waste to see mature orchards sent to the chipper. I inherited fruit trees on my property, and live in orchard country. I takes such a long time to get them to that state.

    Must be a wonderful feeling to look beyond that line and know it’s yours!


    Congratulations! I am smiling for you, as I read your blog I can feel the excitement for this new property and all it will hold for you. As a fellow gardener that has a small shop in Colorado, I have to say that I am most envious of your soil that is being tilled in the first photo. It looks so rich moist and loamy, all things that I currently have living too close to the mountains. Soil is the “ground work” for it all to be wildly successful (pun intended). All the best to you and your family. Sharon

  96. Judy on

    This makes my heart happy! It sounds like a perfect fit for you and it will be fun to see you get your growing underway! Congratulations and best of luck with everything you do!

  97. Leesa Stork on

    So very happy for your team and family! Congratulations ?

  98. Josie on

    This is the most wonderful news Erin and Chris! How very, very exciting for you. It’s going to be amazing following your journey even if you’re thousands of miles away. You’re an inspiration in every sense! Bless you and all the happiness you give out!

  99. Karen Bennett on

    This made my heart swell reading it. Good luck to you all. I cant wait to follow your next chapter!

  100. Elisabeth Marshall on

    All the best to you in your newest endeavor!
    Dreams are what life is made of.
    Elisabeth Marshall
    Full Bloom Farm

  101. Marina on

    Congratulations!!! All good wishes for much continued success and much happiness! ????

  102. Jacquelyn Holmes on

    Congratulations to your newest addition to your family- the answer to your dreams- a farm! Here’s to bountiful harvests and that beauty and love abounds.

  103. Annalisa on

    Wow! It’s fantastic
    I’m very happy for you.
    I wish you all the best!
    I have the same dream, I hope to be lucky like you

  104. Anne on

    Congratulations ? grow on and flower!

  105. Katie K Mester on

    This is soooo happy!!! Praise Jesus!!! What a wonderful wonderful blessing :) I’m so excited for you! xo

  106. Frances M Fimbres on

    Congratulations on your hard work and good fortune. Good luck and God Bless…

  107. Diane McElwain on

    I am so happy for you! I enjoy your flower photos so much.

  108. Judith on

    Congratulations, I am so happy for you. I follow your blog from South Africa and would love to do what you do. I had the biggest smile on my face while reading your newsletter. The world is a wonderful place when hard work and dedication gets rewarded in the fulfillment of dreams. Enjoy every moment of this exiting journey, I hope that every step will be blessed in abundance.

  109. Linda Cobb on

    This is so heartwarming. I am so glad you guys are so so happy. It means good things for us all

  110. Mary Koepfle on

    Lucky farm to have your family as it’s steward! Happy for you. More sweet peas!

  111. Janet on

    Best Wishes on this new path for your farm. Your blog and flower farming have been inspiring me for several years.

  112. Lori Bochner on

    Congratulations, so very exciting! I wish you all the best with the new farm. Totally understand the ‘had a dream but didn’t know it would take this long’ sentiment as I always dreamed of owning my own business and at the age of 52, I never would have guessed it would be flower farming and I would finally be embarking on my journey at this point in my life. I had basically lost hope that I would actually own a business. You just never know what’s around the next corner in life. I truly wish you much success and would love to someday visit your farm. Blessings to you and the entire Floret family!

  113. Sandy on

    Congratulations! So happy for you — and excited to see how you transform your new space.

  114. MWG on

    Warmest congratulations. With your generous sharing of flower knowledge and kind attention to flower fans it was high time for life to break your way. What a boon for you/your business and how delightful it will be for us to follow along. Thank you for all I have learned/will learn reading and watching you. Please keep blogging and sharing.

  115. Ellen on

    Wishing you Joy and Happiness always
    in the next phase of your journey!

  116. Heather Schuh on

    Blueberry farming is tough right now (as I am a 3rd generation blueberry farmer that just ripped most of them out to flower farm ;)) doesn’t surprise me they didn’t want to stay in it…sad for their family farm days but so great for you! Congratulations!! Wishing your family many Happy returns and Blessings on your new average!

  117. Karen Lethbridge on

    Wow! That is so amazing! We also have two acres in Central Alberta; it has been fun dreaming what our little plot could be, (as my husband laughs at me). To be able to do this is a great blessing. I’m not sure I could let all of the blueberries go (we love them) but I totally understand the need to reclaim those rows for flowers!
    Congratulations! Best wishes.
    Cherry Grove Florist
    Alberta, Canada

  118. Gayle Schneider - Hope's Way Project on

    I don’t even know you & I simply couldn’t be happier for you & your family! Blessings! ~ One day I hope to be fortunate enough to snag a spot in one of your workshops :)

  119. Rachel Hedger on

    It’s funny how life throws obstacles, curves and dead ends in our paths but somehow, some way, we end up where we are supposed to be. Congratulations. I look forward to seeing this new journey unfold for you and your family!! Best of luck!! :)

  120. Kelly on

    If you are able to open your fields to visitors, I’ll be the first one there! It’s a dream of mine to walk through a field of dahlias. Congratulations to you and best of luck with your new endeavor!

  121. Meg Magsig on

    My heart goes out to you as my husband have a similar story….the Lord’s timing isn’t always as we would like, but He is faithful and I will follow Him wherever He leads us…we are still hoping for our someday dream farm as well. Congratulations to you and your family and best wishes for the days ahead. I love what you are doing and have thoroughly enjoyed growing your seeds this past summer!! Blessings, Meg

  122. Linda in Arlington on

    Congratulations! It is so fitting that this would happen for your family (and for all of us who were hoping you could stay near). Looking forward to watching the upcoming chapters in the life of Floret.

  123. Kim Kardos-Bensing on

    This is a wonderful happy ending. I love reading the process, thank you for sharing. I think all the other offers had to fall through in order for the farm next door to work out. Congratulations. Kim / Studio Sprig, Pennsylvania.

  124. Sara on

    CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited to see what the future brings!

  125. Jayne Buckley Sykes on

    Wonderful news! Best wishes on your expansion. Looking forward to seeing your operation grow and thrive.

  126. Beverly Soltero on

    Do you need helpers? Lol because I’m willing to quit my job here and help lol

    • Cynthia on

      You read my mind!
      As a retiree and an amateur gardener, living in a tiny home next to a farm like this – so I could volunteer – is my dream!

  127. Britta on

    Wonderful and the best of luck to you and your FARM

  128. Denise C on

    What a wonderful story of how things come together when they’re suppose too!
    Just sometime the wait can be the hardest part.

    • Tina McKenzie on


      What an encouraging story! Congratulations – I can’t wait to see what lovely things are coming next!

  129. Eowyn on

    This is just the best news!!!! It means so much to be able to share in your life from a distance in the Hudson Valley of NY. I keep dreaming in part because of strong people full of vision (ESPECIALLY vision of bringing more beauty into the world) such as you and Chris. So looking forward to seeing your continued journey. xo

  130. Anna on

    Yes, dreams come true! We just have to learn how to be patient. I’m so happy for you and your family. Grow your wonderful flower business Erin and keep inspiring us!! Thank you for all you do!

  131. Tiffany Taylor on

    This is beautiful and I am so happy for you!!!! Must be something about 2017 :) My fiance and I are first generation farmers in Ohio and we know the heartbreak of trying to buy a farm all too well. We were finally able to buy our dream property this past July and the hope and joy that accompany the stress make it so worth it. So congratulations!!!!! Can’t wait to see and hear more about it!

  132. Casey on

    How wonderful and exciting!! I’m so happy for you. I’m looking forward to following along as your journey begins an amazing new chapter.

  133. Anna Graham on

    Oh Floret, how wonderful! God has a plan for you, and it will be far more than you expected. Be patient and thankful! I’m so happy for you!

  134. Hilary on

    A dream come true- your happiness is contagious, thank you

  135. LISA STEELE on

    Congratulations! I have followed your progress, read your book and just love your Instagram photos. They’re a breath of fresh air (literally!) in this world that at times seems so petty and whiney and judgey. I look forward to continued to follow your journey. What a wonderful thing to be able to buy the new farm!

    Fresh Eggs Daily

  136. Stevie on

    Amazing, congrats!!

  137. Gretchen on

    This makes my heart so happy! Congrats to you ❤️

  138. Leah Comerford, Heart's Ground Gardening on

    What a beautiful post, Erin – so happy for you!! It can be so difficult to trust that everything happens for a reason (something I struggle with) but when life throws you a plot twist like this.. it all falls into place and makes sense! I remember finding your blog years ago and it inspired me and my little gardening business. I appreciate your passion for your work, and your desire & motivation to share it with all of us. Thank you! Enjoy every moment of your new adventure.

  139. Emily on

    This is just awesome!

  140. Rhonda Howell on

    A wonderful lady named Hattie grew dinnerplates that had been passed for generations. Her yard was the pride of Pike county. She said her blooms passed memories from season to season. I sent her a message and asked her to scatter a few seeds among your rows and to tend unseen blooms with unseen hands. I hope you have lots of winged help as you work your ground. I plan to fill my yard and grow along with you! If I was there my fingernails would be dirty!

  141. Leslie on

    Congratulations This is wonderful news. Can’t wait to see your next chapter come to life.

  142. Joy on

    wow!! That’s amazing! Way to go ?????????

  143. Bob Wollam on

    Congratulations. Well deserved. Sweet peas and dahlias – a great combination.

  144. Zonia Phillips on

    Congratulations and MUCH Blessings!!!!!!!!
    please remember us international folks and the phytos once things get established…

  145. Cindy Sullivan on

    Your the American dream! I follow and admire all you do, this couldn’t have happened to anyone more deserving. Congratulations to you and your family!

  146. Carla on

    So happy and excited- the look of joy on your face is priceless! Can’t wait to see the renovations.

  147. Danielle Lampron on

    Ahhhmazing! Congrats. Godspeed! Can’t wait to visit your FARM someday for a workshop :D

  148. Sofia Monjardino on

    “…our ability to bring more beauty into the world”: One of the best things one can do.
    CONGRATULATIONS! I was wondering what had happened to you, missing your posts on instagram.
    LOVE your text, can’t miss your static huje smile ;-)! I am very happy for you. I hope some day I will be able to pay you a visit; it’s a goal I do (secretly) have.
    Sofia (Lisboa, Portugal)

  149. Bernhardine Uys on

    What a wonderfull new chapter! I am delighted for Floret Flowers! Really hoping we can find a way to grow some of your beautiful blooms in South-Africa!

  150. Catrinel on

    Congratulations to you and Chris, Erin, I am really pleased for you. It will make a huge difference to be able to have so much land to grow in. I hope you will not forget the small grower though, as many of us have a tiny plot and your advice on how to grow intensively was really what set you apart from anybody else. Best wishes, Catrinel ( UK)

  151. Alicia on

    Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! This is going to be so amazing for this company that you’ve built, I cannot wait to see it all unfold. You deserve this!

  152. Sebatsian on

    Success always means hard work, which people usually do not see.
    I am happy to read that you finally are able to realise a dream and grow Floret even further.

    Thank you for Sharing you story it is truly Inspiring!


  153. Leanne on

    Sooooo happy for you!! Here I am sitting in my small country town in southern Australia where my Floret tool belt gets a regular workout, so I feel part of your story!!
    Congratulations xx

  154. Julie on

    Congratulations to you and your family!

  155. Cornia on

    ohhhh wowwwwwwwwwww – I’m reading this – and I’m crying – tears of joy and happiness….just breathhhhhhhhhhhh and remember to take it allllll in….sending you and the family loadssssss of love, light and laughter….from sunny South Africa.

  156. Nardine on

    OMG I am so excited for you … and for your followers too as we get to live our dreams through you! My husband & I are on 16 acres in the south west of Western Australia, but with him working full-time, and me working full-time (and more) on my little wedding flower businesses, it doesn’t seem like we will ever get to build our dream flower-farm businesses. But I live in hope, and until then, I will continue to enjoy reading about your adventures! Best of luck & kind regards, Nardine (Scentiment Flowers)

  157. Marceline on

    God goes before you Erin. ???
    You are truely reaching further than you ever imagined!
    Inspiring you are. Thank you thank you!!!!
    Marceline in Missouri

  158. Kristi on

    Yay!!! Congratulations Erin and everyone at Floret. Hoping to take a workshop at your new farm some day ?

  159. Camilla on

    So incredibly lovely for you! Congratulations!!!! :-)

    I am still in the very first stages of my small flower farm her on a tiny island in Denmark (and my back aches from putting in spring bulbs for the past week :-D )
    But I can so relate to your excitement about moving closer to one’s dreams and for being able to develop one’s business and life into it’s full potential.

    Congratulations again! Can’t wait to follow along on your continued journey :-)

  160. Debra on

    Such wonderful news !! So happy for you.

  161. Lindsey H on

    Wow! The property sounds amazing! I’m glad it’s going to people who will treasure it and who send positive energy out in to the world.

  162. Joan on

    Congratulations from one farm wife to another!

  163. Gay Smith on

    Hey Erin–
    Lovely reading your story. A beautiful dream come true. Congratulations!
    Gay Smith,

  164. Carolyn on

    Congratulations! So happy for you. Try to get some sleep!

  165. alohagracegardens on

    Oh, Erin…I literally squealed with joy and excitement for you when I read this post! This is a real-life example of the good that you put out into the world coming back to you manyfold. You have been so generous and giving of your time and your knowledge and it is AWESOME to see great things happen for you, Chris and the entire Floret family. Thank you for all that you do and for just being wonderful you.
    Sending you much love and aloha from Maui, HI,

  166. Corina on

    You did it! You did it! I knew it would happen!

    • Wren on

      The most wonderful news! Many heartfelt congratulations – so excited to see how beautiful you make the new place??

  167. Paula on

    Congratulations! May you have more flowers, love, seeds, soil and happiness in your next farm time–keep up the sacred work!


  168. Carla TePaske on

    I am so excited for you!! The patience that you shared with us is inspiration.
    Lots of love,
    The Little Garden That Could

  169. Kelly on


  170. Julie on

    Congratulations to you and your family! I cannot wait to visit someday when I am back on Washington. Floret is on my list.Thank you for the inspiration too I have your book and am starting my new garden, with flowers (I will need seeds!) and veggies at our new home. Best gardening wishes and cheers from Colorado!

  171. Patrick May on

    This news is most definitely kick arse my friends! I’m excited for ya! My second thought is in regards to the amount of grass that will need to be mowed or bushogged. I don’t know why that was my second thought. Well heck, fill that baby up with the biggest and most bad arse flowers in the country, y’all can do it!

    P.S. I wouldn’t mind at all coming up there to mow grass, haha! I’ll do it for free!

  172. Juliann on

    What a wonderful reward , and lovely beginnings to your continuing dream!

  173. Sandra carter on

    Some Dreams do come true… It could happen to you!

    So excited and thrilled for you and your family. You are so far above flower grower cultivators and bloggers with your honesty and ethics. Looking forward to ordering from you soon and reading about your trials and successes.

    Sending power surges for continuing growth,

    Sandra S Carter
    Spokane Valley, Washington

  174. Jamie on

    You will make it a beautiful place! My husband and I have shared similar emotions as you. We have been trying to sell our urban home for 2 years and buy acreage. We had deals fall through and faced disappointments but just kept pushing forward. My husbands mantra is never give up. We did finally sell our house and found a home on 10 acres (in Missouri) that is perfect for us. It’s been about 7 weeks now and we still can’t believe it’s ours. We plan to grow flowers for market our first year and work toward our long term goal of a medicinal herb farm. I bought your book this summer before we even got our property because it was so inspiring. Now it will be even more inspiring and educational!!! I look forward to following your journey!! You are amazing !

  175. Donna Huntley on

    So happy for you Erin and Chris, and the whole Floret team! Dreams really do come true ❤ the good lord was just waiting and watching you grow your flower dream! Can’t wait to see what’s in store as you travel this road, expanding our flower horizons, and creating the beauty that you have such a gift for. You are truly an inspiration for us all!!!!

  176. Karouna Thompson on

    What a dream come true to such hardworking and deserving people. Wishing you the best in your new endeavor. So excited to see what you create!?

  177. Rachel on

    How incredibly exciting! It’s amazing how things fall into place…… Congratulations on owning your own farm! I look forward to watching this amazing adventure unfold. Cheers!

  178. Kate Mungoven on

    Truly a dream come true for you, and I’m sure we will all reap many benefits too as you are such generous people. Every blessing to you and your family as you transition and grow. Exciting times.

  179. Wendy Gower on

    Excellent…congratulations. Enjoy and prosper. When you have enough dahlias to sell call or email me. I’m at Charlie’s Produce now. Buying and selling flowers. I’ve?missed seeing and talking to you… In the season and out of your season. Wendy

  180. Susan Maki on

    I am so thrilled for you all! What a blessing, and the start of something so exciting! Looking forward to following along on the progress of your beautiful new farm. Cheers to you!

  181. Miriam Landsman on

    Congratulations! Today I retired from 40 years of runnung a floral design business out of my basement and most of my dreams came true!

  182. mtmanor on

    Yay! Karma comes around. Your generosity and energy come back around to share with you. Congratulations!

  183. Cathy from Perennial Petals on

    That is absolutely the BEST news I have heard in a long time. I am beyond happy for you and your family and your business. You truly deserve this and you bring so much hope to the rest of us. CONGRATULATIONS….good things come to those who wait patiently!

  184. Holly on

    Eeek! ! The picture of you both signing the little claim to your very own patch of earth is priceless. Congratulations!! So excited for you and the Floret family ????

  185. Maureen on

    Congratulations on the wonderful news! Thanks so much for giving so much of your time and knowledge to others. I can’t what to take some more courses from you and your team.

  186. Shannon Jarvis on

    You are living my dream! Congratulations and best of luck with your next adventure. I’m sure I’m not the only one willing to give up their day job to join you in the dirt so if you’re looking for help let us know!

  187. Dana Wehrly on

    I’m so happy for you!!! You bring us all such joy, it’s beautiful to see something this wonderful happen

  188. Rhiannon on

    Hooray! This makes me SO happy for you, Erin. You’re amazing! I can’t wait to visit you guys again xoxoxo

  189. Lisel on

    The biggest congratulations to you!! What a blessing from the Lord! Looking forward to seeing what you do in this new chapter of your lives, may God continue to bless it and make it as smooth as buying the farm was. xo

  190. KimRae on

    Very excited your dream is coming true. There are many times we envision one thing for our lives when the answer is another a bit closer to us. Congratulations! Looking forward to being able to see the journey as I am growing my business along with your business growth. They are tied but different! Blessings!

  191. Lois Moss on

    What a wonderful story! Karma and fate. I’ve recently started a garden tour company that specializes in the Pacific NW, so when you’re ready for a group to visit, we’ll be coming to see you and your farm. There are so many fabulous and sometimes unknown gardens in Washington and Oregon – I love helping spread the word about them and supporting the people who lovingly keep them going.

  192. erin on

    magical over-the-rainbow joyous news!! congratulations.

  193. Paddock to Posy on

    Such Amazing news. Dreams really do come true when you least expect them. You’re an inspiration can’t wait to watch all the changes ?

  194. Anne Jensen on

    Thrilled for you!!! The time was right & ripe. Big work bringing big rewards! Eager to watch this growth spurt with joy, admiration, & encouragement. Now the hardest work & even more satisfaction begins but You Can Do This!

    • Gail Shevlin on

      I am so happy for you all! It’s wonderful when a plan works spontaneously!Many Blessings. I am looking forward to buying so me sweet peas seeds from you! I loved your book!

  195. Sharon Gillespie on

    So excited for you. I follow with great interest each adventure of the Floret Farm. As we enter retirement this month with a brand new little travel trailer we look forward to touring our great country. Our bucket list includes Floret Farm in Washington! Would so love to see your gardens in bloom and meet you in person. You are an inspiration. Our best wishes to you and your family.

  196. Elise Freda on

    Congratulations Erin and Chris! What an incredible story.I’m so happy for your opportunity. You deserve it, you work so hard and now look at all the new space you have to work with! You continue to inspire me!

  197. Sharon Gillespie on

    So excited for you. Have enjoyed following your adventures and your absolutely beautiful flower gardens. My dream is to one day be able to visit your farm with my husband. He is retiring this month and we have just bought a tiny Scamp travel trailer. We plan to tour the country a section of the time and coming to your part of the country is on our “bucket list”. One day I hope to meet you and gaze on the lovely picture you create with every new season.
    Sharon Gillespie
    St. Joseph, Michigan

  198. Linda on

    What wonderful news, so happy for you! Your hard work and persistence has paid off and I can’t wait for all the news and photos next year?

  199. Karri on

    Congratulations!! So excited for you guys and the whole Floret family. You’re an inspiration to all of us flower lovers. And proof that dreams do come true, even if they take awhile.

    We struggled also with looking, falling in love, and then having the rug pulled out from under us or things falling apart in the end. I got so sick of the realtor saying “we’ll find another one” or “it just wasn’t meant to be”. Everything finally fell into place and we moved into our wonderful farm house in the country last August. I spent the winter planning my outside dreams and we’ve spent all spring, summer, and fall working on annual & perennial gardens, fruit trees, and berries. Long way to go, but the journey has been fun. I hope someday we’ll be able to have some more land, but today I’m nothing but thankful.

    Looking forward to watching you all embark on this next chapter and wish you nothing but the best!!

  200. Sheila on

    Congratulations Erin and family! You have worked so hard and it’s wonderful to see how God has blessed you! Thank you for being such a positive influence through your cheerful words and beautiful work! May God continue to bless you all:)

  201. Turissa on

    Well deserved Erin & Chris! You have put in so much energy & love so you are well set to reap the rewards. Looking forward to all your heart warming news. Luv from England @thefloureandtheleafe xx

  202. Linda Hudson Von Axelson on

    This wonderful news! Wishing you all the best as you go into the next stage of Floret. From your neighbors at Great Meadow Farm on Lopez Island.

  203. Cece Noll on

    That is so totally wonderful for you! Maybe I will be able to get some bulbs next year since you’ll have more space.

  204. Vivian Drew on

    May your happiness and joy exude from each petal.

  205. Rene' on

    Congratulations! I think it’s sweet that your neighbors thought of you when their family decided they didn’t want the farm. It’s a great compliment.

  206. Leena on

    Congratulations! So glad to see all of your hard work rewarded in such a meaningful way.

  207. Shauna on

    Congratulations! What a lovely story to read. Thank you for sharing it.

  208. Cathy Schweinegruber on

    I couldn’t be happier. You have inspired me to start my own flower farm here in the country of western PA. I’m so excited about my little business that I can’t imagine how ‘over the moon’ you must be about your 25 acres with a barn, etc. Congratulations and VERY best wishes for your future and I’m anticipating awesome things from you and your new farm. Blessings, Cathy

  209. CheyAnne Sexton on

    Do you Sleep? Wows, Can you sleep. What an incredible life. You are truly blessed and Im coming for a visit June of 2018. Can’t wait.
    peace n abundance,

  210. Robin on

    We are in the process of winning our neighbors over, too. Hard work, the best vegetables, flowers, and love -an impossible appeal! Congratulations to you all.

  211. Carole on

    Great news…can’t help smiling, thankful, too

  212. Josephine Howe on

    Congratulations! The Skagit Valley is beautiful and lush and a site to behold. You will be fabulous caretakers of the land.

  213. Susan on

    Congratulations! You deserve every acre! Many Blessings to you all on your new Forever Farm.

  214. Minnie on

    So happy for you and your family! I have learned so much from you Erin, from your post to your book. I can’t wait to see what will be happening next?

  215. Minnie on

    So happy for your family, and for all of us! I have fallen in love with Dahlias because of you and your post. I have learned so much from your book, and can’t wait to see what will happen next. Sometimes dreams do come true ? Minnie

  216. April on

    Congratulations Erin and Team Floret, this is amazing. I cant wait to watch you grow!

  217. Mary on

    How sweet. I cried so much because I can relate. I feel the Lord’s saying joy so maybe we’ll move out to a more rural place again w/ more space to garden and get some sheep (hee, hee). Yes, they do happen (dreams) and boy do they take long to happen! That’s the hardest part.

  218. Jodi on

    Praise the Lord for you and your family Floret dream farm! It will be a dream come true, just you wait and see. I’m excited for you! Tears come to my eyes….its so exciting to see things grow for you! ….and oh how I wish I lived near by to help with growing plants for seeds, etc. I’ve done a few tiny plots, along with just starting to hybridize my own daylilies, also a few edibles for seed. Makes each day a new adventure to see what is going to pop up next. Makes it even more fun when you can share. Looking forward to what you will be sharing especially the next few months.
    Also a reminder that although we have had to wait, and wait and wait so we have a livable place on the 16 acres we purchased, your story is a reminder of how God has His perfect timing, and also what adventures will be in store for us in 2018!
    Congratulations! And Congratulations on helping keep farming truly alive for communities and families!

  219. Ann on

    Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing more about settling into your new property & what’s to come as well as pictures – all good things come to those who wait :)

  220. catherine rogers on

    What a blessing! That’s great news! So happy for you. We look forward to seeing your new farm!❤️?

  221. Kim on

    Pretty sure my comment will get lost in the sea of responses, but I will make one anyway! I can’t wait see what comes out of all of this, mainly your ability to share more of yourselves with the world! Mom and I both are sooooo excited to the point of being on pins and needles-still. The adventure is only beginning. Enjoy the ride. I know you mostly will! OX

    • Team Floret on

      Your comment is not lost, Kim! Thank you. So much.

  222. Patricia on

    Sending best wishes and congratulations! I believe the work you’re doing is transforming fresh florals. So fun to watch as you continue with your dreams. Amazing what you have accomplished in challenging circumstances, can’t imagine what you’ll do with room to move unencumbered!

  223. Kristen Nagel - Black Rooster Farm on

    This is such wonderful news!! I can’t wait to see where you evolve from here. Thank you for all your inspiration, as I am a city slicker as well who is growing flowers in tobacco and cattle country. You are a true visionary and I couldn’t be happier for you, your family, and your business!! XO

  224. Jackie Krueger on

    How wonderful! A well deserved reward for all your years of hard work. Don’t grow flowers any more…have a very low maintenance yard in Wenatchee. WA but I so enjoy following you and all your activities. Bought your book this year just to be able to browse through and “oh and ah” over the photos. You have so much to look foward to in the coming months; how very exciting for you all. Congrats!

  225. Michelle on

    Congratulations – what an amazing story. ? So happy for you!

  226. Elaine Fuehrer on

    Praise the Lord, how Awesome is that!! I ran across your site last Spring 2017 and reading all your blogs on how you, your family and Floret managed to be a flower farm on 2 acs…was quite the inspiration for me. altho we own 3 acs most is in pastures for our llamas, but im gaining more land in the garden for flowers. I am very happy for you and hope one day to come to your farm!!
    blessing on U and yours!!

  227. Beth Robinson on

    I’ve been amazed at what you have managed on just two acres. Can’t imagine what miracles you will create on 25! When your hearts are in the right place …….

    • Jill weichert on

      I agree, can’t wait to see this materialize. Blessing on your enlarged adventure in life. And thanks for passing on the blessing.

  228. Toria on

    Fabulous news…so heartening to know that your dream has come true x

  229. Jen Cowardin on

    Congratulations! I look forward to watching your lives and business grow!!

  230. Pamela Mitchell on

    What a wonder experience your family is going to have. Can’t wait to see all the changes.

  231. Megan Davis on

    How thrilling! Congratulations! Very much looking forward to watching your new farm and business flourish.

  232. allcorn on

    Such an exciting opportunity for you and your family – what a blessing! I’m new to flower farming, but your book and website have helped me tremendously. I’m so thankful that you are willing to share your knowledge and trials and errors with the rest of us. Thank you! And I’m so happy for your new endeavors on your new farmland!

  233. Phil Muller on

    Oh my what a dream! I can see it, they in a way, did keep it in the family!
    Are these the same good people who tilled your first garden when you got there?
    I can see a Floret Flower coming out sometime named in there Sir’name!
    Well, send a big thank you to them from those that get your flowers and dream about a flower farm so far away!
    Grats! You earned it.

  234. Linda on

    Wow! What exciting news! Congratulations!!! I’m excited to watch your business grow!

  235. Kassi Yancey on

    As a new obsessive subscriber, and reader of your book, I am inspired by you daily. Currently my husband and I live on a 243 acre farm/ nature preserve in NC alongside the owners of the land. We work for rent. Homesteading and gardening is my passion and long time love. I am about to venture into flower farming and because of inspiration from you! I absolutely cannot wait to hear about what’s next and when I can visit and take some classes. Congratulations on your new farm! What a blessing and how perfect that it’s so close to where you already are.

  236. sarah jo on

    As someone who farms half an acre – I’m so excited for you and the endless possibilities!!! (and can’t imagine working that much land since half an acre nearly kills me already :P) CONGRATS.

  237. Alecia on

    Congratulations! Very excited and happy for the you all! Now you can dream of passing your flower farm legacy and property on down to your children and grandchildren :) I’m sure it blesses the neighbors to know their former farm, even though no longer in their own family, will be well loved, cared for and bustling with life.

  238. GP, England on

    It is a magical feeling to own your own dreams. Well done and much happiness to you all.

  239. Val on

    Yay, Yay, YAY!!!!!

  240. Barbara Schneider on

    So happy for you that your dream has finally come true! And when you least expected it to. Congratulations and good luck in your expanded journey.

  241. Lucy on

    What a wonderful story Erin! I am thrilled for you all and can’t wait to watch it all grow!
    I am doubling my space for Dahlias next year.
    All the very best!

  242. Karen Thompson on

    congratulations! I have 5 acres, but most are woods. still I want to grow flowers someday. 2018 To think my dad grew up on 250 acres in VT which is now a ski resort. wish he would have kept it.
    again, best wishes to you with Floret.
    Karen Thompson

  243. Lora on

    I am so excited for you…congratulations!

  244. Andrea Powell on

    All the best Erin. You are indeed fortunate to have had this unexpected opportunity and perhaps you can incorporate the Blueberry business into your plans. Having mature Blueberry bushes is really an added plus if you can do the flower farming around them! You being as young as you are will have the energy needed to expand your business and overall operation and your parents should be very proud of you for all your accomplishments!! I am a retired physician who loves flower gardening as well as raising food crops and I can see all the possibilities open to you and your family. I have purchased seed and bulbs from you and I have to say your peach zinnias are positively gorgeous in my garden. I am the mother of 5 daughters and I wish one of them had had the gumption and interest to accomplish what you have. Keep sending us pictures of your beautiful fields of flowers.

  245. Jennifer Rogers on

    I’ll think of your grand new adventure as
    I plant my sweet black and white anemones this Fall.

  246. Saraswathy on

    Big congratulations!! It feels good to see FloretFlower grow. I hope to visit your farm some day.

  247. Sheree Lillie on

    A huge congratulations to you guys! You’ve worked so hard and it’s just beautiful seeing such deserving folks be showered with this blessing. And, of course, I’m also thrilled as it means MORE BULBS!! You tend to sell out before I can get my hands on them. Haha ?

    Wishing you continued success!
    The Lillie Family

  248. Laura on

    Ah, yay! Such exciting news! Sounds like the classic case of ‘God’s Timing’ (which I associate with molasses). It’s slow going but in the end, probably the best timing and so sweet when it happens. You guys have great experience and built up a solid business in the meantime, and are all prepped for bigger things now. I can’t wait to see what you make of it. I so wish I lived closer, I want to come over and help you all clean up and build more good stuff!

  249. Anne' Westberry on

    You are living my dream! I could not be happier for you, your family, and those who work with you. I can’t wait for more updates to see what all you guys do. I hope that one day I can follow my dream as you did. Best wishes!

  250. Katy on

    All of the best for you and yours!!!

  251. Julie Wilson on

    Oh. My. GOODNESS!!! Congratulations, Chris and Erin! Your story continues to inspire. I cannot wait to see how this next chapter unfolds for you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Prayers for your dreams to continue to come to fruition, hugs, and more hugs!

    Lotsa flower love,

  252. Shannon on

    Wow!!! What a beautiful dream, you’ve shared so much bounty with the world and it has come back to you many fold. That’s as it should be. Can’t wait to enjoy the expanding farm right along with the rest of your grateful fans. Hopefully the former owners will enjoy seeing all the beauty that results. In the meantime I will keep driving around my town looking fro some glimmer of farmable land :)

  253. Sandra Knauf on

    I read your excellent book, cover to cover, a couple of months ago, and then I see this today (the first newsletter I’ve received, ha ha!). I am so incredibly happy for you! It seems like good news is not exactly rampant these days and this is beautiful, exciting, DREAM-AFFIRMING news. Thank you for sharing and congratulations to your family. <3

  254. Bindy McClymint on

    Congratulations and best wishes It is lovely to have your own soil!

  255. Angela Strand on

    Sooooo happy for you all! This is the best news!

  256. sally on

    Bends & twists in the road lead to blessings that were not within our sight before. May the farm be the fulfillment of earlier dreams and the fertile soil for new ones! Congratulations!

  257. Zach on

    You are an inspiration! I hope to figure out how to do something similar to your business model here in Colorado at some point. Best of wishes on your newest growth and endeavor!

  258. Danielle & Ashley on

    Congratulations Erin & Family! A little farm of your own will be such a wonderful journey. We look forward to watching and supporting you from our little farm in Australia.

  259. Louisa on

    God’s timing is always the best. Congratulations on your new farm.

  260. Pat Anderson on

    Pat- today is my birthday and after reading your story I felt like I had just gotten a great present! Congratulations!

    • Team Floret on

      Thanks–and Happy Birthday to you, Pat!

  261. Heather Young on

    Congratulations. Sounds like a win-win for both parties involved. They know their land will be well cared for and produce beautiful flowers.

  262. Melissa on

    This is so awesome, congratulations!!! We’ve been looking at farms recently, your story came at a great time and just helped me with a decision. I can’t wait to see everything Floret becomes!

  263. Suzanne Pruitt on

    This is so wonderful! For you and for all of us! :-) Many blessings as your journey continues…Thank you for sharing the beauty that is Floret.

  264. Becky Crowley on

    Oh wow, I’m so excited for you both! I can’t wait to watch this next adventure unfold. If anyone proves that anything is possible (with a crazy amount of hard work), it’s you & your family. Cobgratulations!!

  265. Diane Berthon on

    Congratulations, What a gift to a giving couple. So happy for you two !!

  266. Bekki Jamison on

    Woweeeee!!! So thrilled for the continued growth and success of your new farm!! Dreams do come true! ??????

  267. Sofía Cassarino on

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to see the process of transformation!
    I wish you a lot of success!!!!

  268. Thea on

    Congratulations!!! I’m soooo happy for yous!!!

  269. kathyjo jones on

    What a Wonderful answer from GOD for the yearning of your heart’s desire. Be Blessed <3 <3 <3

  270. Claire Ingsta on

    You have blessed so many with your passionate knowledge and gift of displaying God’s beauty, this was meant to BE!

  271. Jessica on

    This is so great to hear. It makes me want to keep dreaming! Thanks for sharing.

  272. Alyssa Henry on

    Congrats! Thank you for sharing your dreams and dreams coming true, especially when it takes the long haul. You speak beauty, reality and hope into other dreamers as well. I’ve so enjoyed following along.

  273. Madeline on

    God is shining down on you and your family. Feeling blessed for your perseverance in your endeavors to own and cultivate your dream. So happy for you!

  274. Anna Zingmark Terning on

    What great news! You guys are such a huge inspiration for a dahlialover on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Will love to follow your upcoming adventure! Biggest congrats to you all! ?

  275. Cynthia Lewis on

    How exciting for you. I have always been inspired by your success on such small acreage. I can imagine all the plans you can finally make. Good luck.

  276. Tracey Allen on

    I do no know you and I am not even in the same country but I want to express an emotional congratulations – your book and website have inspired me to grow flowers myself, to run a very small hobby business next year and to see my love of gardening as something I can maybe make a small income from. Thank you for all you share. I sometimes think if we want something enough, and if it is meant to be, the universe does everything to align all the parts for it to be so and I wish you all huge success with your new farm..I shall be following the new adventures for Floret Farm closely.

  277. Michelle Gephart on

    It’s always a delight to see what’s going on at Floret! Congratulations on your new farm! I’m excited to see you grow your business, and I love reading your blog. I’m in your cheering section, Erin!

  278. Rachel A Waddleton on

    I am so Happy for you. Congrats. I just bought 47 acres in C.T. last year and dream of growing cut flowers. It’s been a lot of work but it will happen.

  279. Maureen Hoone on

    I am thrilled for you! Your passion for what you do is so inspiring! You are so deserving and I look forward to see what comes next! Best of luck with your dreamy next steps! I am a gardener and a huge fan.

  280. Marian Luther on

    Oh Erin, this made me cry, I’m so happy for you and your family! You and your family deserve this and I look forward to watching you grow and for all the wonderful surprises you will have for us in the future!

  281. Erica Bush on

    So proud for you guys! I’m learning so much from you as I read through your amazing book. Getting ready to start my own cut flower garden here in Georgia. Happy to hear y’alls exciting news and looking forward to see what’s next!

  282. Anna on

    Congratulations! It’s so wonderful to follow along as your dream unfolds.

  283. Mercedes on

    Lovely news for a lovely endeavor? Wishing you great success in your newest venture…Love that you share your joys with us❤️ We are living vicariously in your beautiful Pacific NW!
    A fan

  284. Hank Murrow on

    I know you must be snowed under with work getting ready for winter. Nevertheless, I want to buy some seed when you get settled so close to your first place, so let me know when I can buy some Sweet Pea seeds for my wife please.
    [email protected] , a potter in Eugene, OR.

    Cheers! Hank

  285. Phillis Jones on

    So very happy for you guys! That little two-acre plot was the setting for my first workshop, the Wildflower Workshop at Floret. My time there opened up a whole new world of doing business for me as a floral designer. I’ll be forever grateful and I couldn’t be happier for you for this next big chapter! I can only imagine what you’ll do with 25 acres!!

  286. Susan Wachtel on

    Loved reading about your journey to own your own farm. Providential and in God’s perfect timing. Excited to read about adventures in farming as you go forward.

  287. Lisa on

    Erin -What an amazing story!!! So thrilled for you – I can’t wait to see what is next!

    And to the former owners, who made the tremendously difficult decision of selling their beloved family farm: Know that your farm has been sold to EXACTLY the right people who will love and honor the land and ensure that it is there for the next generation. You can rest easy now, you could not have made a more perfect choice…your beloved farm is in good hands for now and in the future.

    Best wishes to you all!

  288. Marineta on

    What an amazing time for Floret Flowers and your family!!! Magical!!!! Flowers are happiness and more happiness is comming thanks to you!!! Love following your journey! Mu dahlias were a hit this year, I bought them from you last Fall! Love and thank you for your inspiration!!! Marineta @flowercraftety on IG

  289. Susan Massar /The Flower Lady Inc./ Atlanta. Ga on

    What wonderful news for you and your family ! You deserve this wonderful blessing….much happiness from those who follow your dream.
    Look forward to all the special things that you have planned in the future .

  290. Summer on

    Congratulations on dreaming big and seeing your dreams come to fruition. This is most certainly a game changer and I am so excited to see what you two create next!

  291. LAURA STARK on

    Congrats on the new chapter in your lives! Doors do open when the time is right! Looking forward to seeing what life unfolds for you?

  292. BA garside on

    Such a wonderful story in this day and age. Congratulations.

  293. Peggy on

    I would sit at your Skagit riverbank and pluck petals off a zinnia, “one gratitude, two gratitude…” Happy for you (and a wee bit envious). ? Best wishes!

  294. Frances on

    Your story makes me believe again that dreams can come true. Congrats!

  295. Susie Hopper on

    It was meant to be! What an amazing turn of events, congratulations. All of your hard work is paying off! SO THRILLED for you all!

  296. Joanne Repman on

    This is so wonderful. I’m do happy for you and your family. And for us when some day we will get to visit!

  297. Silvia on

    Yooooohoooo! Congrats Floret Team/Family! What great news. Sooooo happy for all of you and for all of us who have been watching you guys grow and making the world a better and more beautiful place, one bloom at a time. You are awesome! Love and blessings to you all!

  298. Jean S on

    Fantastic!! Yes, lots of work ahead–and much beauty and joy. I look forward to reading more as you go along!

  299. Jan on

    We’re so thrilled for you, Chris, your children, and Skagit Valley! Your new farm will be in loving hands.

  300. Jan on

    We’re so thrilled for you, Chris, your children, and Skagit Valley. Your new farm will be in loving hands.

  301. Yuleidy lopez on

    Congratulations. I’m very happy for you. May God bless you and your family. The flower comunity appreciates you very much for your knowledge and unselfishness sharing your wisdon about these beautiful flowers. Muchas gracias.

  302. Molly Gionet on

    What an exciting adventure ahead! It will be exciting to watch Floret flourish even more. My family is moving to Skagit Valley on Bradshaw road next month. We are so thrilled to be in the gorgeous valley!

  303. Shyla on

    Oh my goodness Erin. Reading this and knowing you through social media for the past few year makes my heart so happy! It is just so good to see God work and dreams come true. Congratulations!! We’re all excited to see your business expand.

  304. Robin Thomas on

    You made me cry. I’m so happy for your family and flowers. I hope you give tours when you are up and running!

  305. John James Gibbons on

    This is such a beautiful read. I am so happy for you both and all the Floret team. Congratulations and best wishes for the new chapter of dreams ???

  306. FlowerLady on

    Congratulations to you!!! That is wonderful news.


  307. Dori on

    Oh, my gosh! Such wonderful news! Yes, yes! More land means more seeds and bulbs, and flowers, and classes! The sky’s the limit! Congratulations!

  308. Clair on

    SO EXCITED FOR YOUR FAMILY! Your journey has been such a beautiful joy to witness. SO MUCH HARD WORK. I hope you know how much beauty your hard work has brought to people’s lives, on so many different levels and in so many different ways!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

  309. Susan Atkinson on

    Congratulations. I am thrilled for you all. May you, your family and team members be blessed with courage for the new opportunities, to make wise decisions for the land and each building health and abundant strength to walk through a dream come true. May you count more blessings every day.

  310. Amy Dawson on

    Sending mountains of congrats and bushels of flower love your way from Camano Island !!!!! SO AMAZING !!!!! What a blessing for you all !!!!

  311. Courtney on

    To Erin and Family, and the whole Floret Team,

    Y A Y !!!


  312. Lisa Hasselman on

    Congratulations! Sounds like a dream come true for your family and the land!

  313. Ellen Smith on

    So happy this finally worked out for you. Looking forward to more flowers in the future.

  314. Suzan Bartee on

    INSANELY COOL. Congratulations to you — and to us! We will get to share in your bounty! :)

  315. Sandy on

    I bought my farm last year and the thrill has yet to wane so I know your excitement! Good luck with your plans- enjoy every minute.

  316. Debbie evans on

    Congratulations. All those disappointments were for a reason. This farm was waiting for you. Enjoy!

  317. pam on

    Congrats! May the roots you put down be strong and deep, and may your endeavors be richly blessed!

  318. Sheila on

    Congratulations on your news! What a wonderful blessing and the start of a new adventure. I’m so happy and excited for you!

  319. Jill on

    Years ago I had a 25 acre farm, a spot carefully selected after much searching, with soil and moisture ideal for a very specific crop. There was nothing that matched walking the rolling land at sunrise or sunset, breathing in the smells of soil and plants, and dreaming of what would be. How wonderful that you’ll experience this, after all your searching and hard work. Congratulations! Enjoy every moment of making it everything you know it can be!

  320. Debbie evans on

    Congratulations. My mum used to say’as one door shuts, another opens’ and ‘everything hing is for a reason’. All those other disappointments were for this. This farm was waiting for you. Enjoy!

  321. Susan Marano on

    I am happy for your good fortune. Best wishes.

  322. Mary Grace McCauley on

    I love following along on instagram, and reading this post made me tear up. So happy for you and your family, and I can’t wait to watch what the future has in store for you! Your business is a testament to hard work, dedication and patience!

  323. Debbie evans on

    Congratulations. Wishing you every success. My mum used to say ‘as one door shuts, another opens’ and everything is for a reason’. This farm was waiting for you.

  324. Gabby Nelson on

    I am so happy for you! The joy shows in your smile. Thank you for always inspiring me in new ways.

  325. Marielena Acorda-Shaner on

    So excited to hear this news!!!! When it is the right time things just fall into place you guys deserve it. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the news :D

  326. Laurie on

    What happy and heartwarming news! Am glad for you and yours, your business, the perpetuation of the land for farming, the joy the sellers must have in their farm going to good farmers, and for all of us out here in the world that appreciate what you create and feast on the flowers of your labors. My smiling, happy hug wings it’s way to you.

  327. Andrea Durst on

    SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I know how golden this moment feels. Congrats for all this opportunity laid out in front of you. Your courage continues to inspire.

  328. Jill L Fielder on

    Years ago I owned 25 acres of farmland, carefully chosen for a specific crop after much searching. There’s just nothing like walking the fields, in the early morning or a sunset, breathing in the smell of plants and soil, and knowing that it’s yours to nurture and care for. A dream come true, indeed! Congratulations!

  329. Debbie evans on

    Congratulations. My mum always said ‘as one door shuts,another opens’ and ‘ everything is for a reason’. This farm was waiting for you. I wish you every success.

    Debbie Evans

  330. Pascale Toussaint on

    Congratulations! This is wonderful. I am very happy for you. Looking forward to more posts about the new farm.

  331. Judy Wilson on

    So very happy for you. It is great to see the land in the hands of responsible and dedicated people!

  332. Suzanne Barroso on

    Oh sunny day ~ Congrats and Good Luck with all the future possibilities ~ Life is Good ~ Enjoy ~
    Looking forward to visiting one day ~ and maybe even distill some boanicals with you ~:)

  333. Mary slingluff on

    Hooray for the beautiful Floret family!!!! I am so happy for you. May your dreams continue to come true and your flowers, seeds, bulbs and tubers flourish. No one deserves the best soil in the world more than you do!

  334. Erin Schneider on

    I love your blog and your news made my day! Always a joy to learn of people stepping into and living their dreams, bringing more beauty and balance to the world through flowers! The ‘Magic Skagit’ once again provides (lived there back in the day and I am now back in my Wisconsin nest continually inspired and encouraged by your farmer florist efforts! Much abundance to you and we look forward to learning more and support your seed biz! – yours in hardy kiwi Erin, Hilltop Community Farm WI

  335. Emily Peck on

    Congratulations! That is wonderful news! I’m so happy for you! :)

  336. Rose Blamey on

    Congratulations! How wonderful to have your dreams realized!

  337. Robin on

    Wonderful – congratulations to you and your family!

  338. Suzanne Barroso on

    Oh happy days! Congrats and Good Luck with all the new possibilities ~ Life is Good ~ enjoy~
    looking forward to visiting ~ would be so fun to distill some botanicals with you one day :)

  339. Pirjo on

    Wow a dream come true for sure! I love your flowers and your dedication to your growing business. All the best to you! I hope I am able to visit your flower farm sometime!! Greetings from Lethbridge Canada.

  340. Kathy Horn on

    Serendipity at work! Showers of Flowers! All best wishes to you and Chris; can’t wait to see what grows out of this new chapter……..

  341. Lisbeth on

    Fabulous news! Congratulations on working hard for your dream and never giving up on a bigger farm of your own. Can’t wait to see what happens next in the ambitious and beautiful world of Floret!

  342. Cindy on

    Sounds like the happiest news ever. More beautiful Floret Flowers in my instafeed is a good thing!

  343. Debbie Sandeman on

    Congratulations Erin and Chris. I am so happy for you and wish you the best of luck! I look forward, as a Skagit resident, to be able to visit!!!

  344. Sharon Fibelkorn Chapman on

    Your tale brings tears to my eyes! So so so happy for you and the business. I am planning to move the Hubbs and I to the Spokane area and am also hoping for a little land but my dream is to be planting your bulbs on it! Glad you’ll be around for a long time. :)

  345. Risa West on

    My long term goal is to visit your fields when you open them up. I’m so happy for your family and the team. It’s been lovely following along the last year.

  346. Bonnie Peters on

    So wonderful! I hope all your dreams continue to unfold, although if it weren’t for your hard work and dedication it wouldn’t be what it is now. All the best!

  347. Shelley Haganman on

    This is such great news. So happy for you all. Looking forward to the day to be able to visit your beautiful place. Congratulations!

  348. Shelley on

    That is so exciting! Congratulations. I was so disappointed that I didn’t get to take the trip to one of your classes this year but now I am looking forward to seeing your new farm!

  349. Maureen Kelly on

    Congratulations! The farm couldn’t have gone to a more deserving family. Best wishes as you settle into your new home.

  350. Danielle Grillo on

    You deserve it!! Congratulations Erin!!! ??✨? I am very happy for you! ❤️?

  351. Kelly on

    My heart is so overjoyed to read this! What an incredible blessing! I can’t wait to follow along with you as you start this new journey! Congratulations!!

  352. Kim Buchanan on

    Congratulations! I am a firm believer in “God’s timing” and never giving up on your dreams! I can’t wait for more seeds, bulbs, and beautiful instas of your farm! I love pouring over your book in the evenings and dream of one day having a small scale flower farm myself! My son started his organic farm from the ground up, no pun intended, and the amount of work, sweat, and angst he experiences still has this moma leery of jumping in! For now, I will enjoy my backyard garden and your new adventure!!

  353. Mary Railey on

    Erin thank you for sharing your exciting news
    So happy for you and your sweet family !
    What a JOY it is to hear how God is blessing you
    I think it’s because your sweet hearts desire is for everyone to learn and spread the beauty of God’s creation with so many !! You have renewed my spirit to get back out outside and plant a garden at 60 years old !
    I am anxious awaiting my bulbs and can’t wait to get my emails when seeds are back in stock !!!
    I know you must be exhausted ! Thank you for taking the time to share your personal hopes and Dreams !
    I pray they all come true ! Blessings Mary
    PS my dream is to come to your Workshop !

  354. Kim Wheat on

    Wow! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!!!

  355. Jessica McCarty on

    Oh my goodness, congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your journey to Home – not ashamed to admit I teared up a bit. :) I’m so, so, so excited for you, your family + Floret. What wonderful work lies ahead!! From one former longtime farmette-hunter to another, may your land and toil be floriforous, and may your newfound blessing take root in your lives. Can’t wait to see what’s next. :)

  356. maggie etheridge on

    Heart felt congratulations! It was meant to be. You have a huge following here in the UK and I for one am so grateful that you freely share so much. (just wish we could get your seeds over here! -maybe next big thing?)

  357. Toni Christianson on

    John and I are so happy for you and Chris and your staff! Before we purchased our Nursery we attended a class about Skagit Valley. There we learned that the Valley floor has soil that is included in the 1/2 percent of the most fertile in the world. That you’ve been given this gift by neighbors you ‘won over’ by your great parenting and hard work is no surprise. Loving, devoted parents and hard work win every time with the sincere and authentic farmers of Skagit Valley.

  358. Dru Rivers on

    Such a wonderful uplifting piece of news. It should be headlines! We are all so excited for you – from our farm to yours!

  359. Tammy Makoul on

    Dear Floret Family,
    I am elated for you all! Your hard work, dedication and perseverance with a little loving from your grandmother and also the grandparents who sold you the beautiful land make this even a more meaningful story! You were indeed meant to do all this and it is written in all that you do, share, and your desire to bring beautiful things to the world. Bravo! Keep on doing what you do best: being creative, being beautiful and being your true selves. Never lose the spirit!

  360. Kelly on

    How incredibly exciting and challenging for you! What a dream to now call a piece of this beautiful part of the world your own, I cannot wait to see what the future brings for you!

  361. Lee Ann Marienthal on

    I can’t wait to see more of the new farm photos!

  362. Christiane Simon on

    Wow, I feel so so so happy for you! Amazing news and I’m looking so much forward to follow your work in the many marvellous years ahead. Congratulations from all my heart!!

  363. Lee Neff on

    Congratulations to your whole family and to all of us flower addicts who will have yet more opportunity to appreciate your talent and innovation! Your comments about living in the country ring so true to me. After living in towns and cities for the first 66 years of my life, my husband and I moved to the country, actually, to Kingston, not very far from Seattle, but the room to experiment, to breathe, to observe and just to be have changed my life. Thank you for sharing your lives, your talent and your commitment so generously. Lee


    A very BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DREAM COMING TRUE!!! As others have stated, you and your family have worked hard for this, and the Floret team. I look forward to more awesome news and seeds and plants from you in the future. I am so happy for you guys!

  365. Becky on

    Congratulations! I know this is so exciting and can’t wait to see where you go with this!

  366. Kyle Wells on

    How inspiring! This is the kind of thing I needed to see today, as it keeps me striving for my goal. Congratulations!

  367. Karen on

    I’ve got goosebumps and watery eyes just reading your post Erin – I don’t even know you “in real life” yet I feel such happiness for you and for dreams coming true. Congratulations – I look forward to continuing to watch your journey, buy your products, and daydream about one day coming to visit your property via one of your workshops or perhaps even an open garden day (hint, hint). Blessings.

  368. Terra Mulliner on

    Congratulations on your new farm!!! What a dream come true!

  369. Kathy on

    I’m so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  370. Barbie Whisler on

    How very exciting…your dream come true! Congratulations! With joy and trepidation over the daunting amount of work ahead, you carry on to make your full dream reality! Good for you. I live on Camano Island and hope someday to be able to bring my Garden Club up to visit! Best of everything in your new “digs”!!

  371. Donna Jackman on

    I am so incredibly HAPPY for you all. We bought a house in MAINE and are moving in three weeks to a little over two acres of awesome soil! I have following you and next year will be my first year of planting cut flowers! Wonder if you have had as many sleepless nights as we have had?
    CONGRATULATIONS to you and can not wait to hear of your next big announcement!

  372. Kathy on

    I’m so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  373. Janice Jenkins on

    Congratulations ! What a wonderful opportunity for you & your family.
    Wishing you every success in your business endeavours.

    Janice Jenkins
    Langley,B.C. Canada

  374. Jennie on

    How wonderful! Congratulations! Dream big dreams!

  375. Ragna Shollenberger on

    How amazingly wonderful it is to read your story. I am a «Newcomer» to Floret Flowers and am now waiting with great anticipation for this years Sweet Peas to come on sale. I can hardly take in the beauty and sweet aroma og one of my favorite flowers, and they lasted all summer long!!
    I see what has happened to you as one of God’s many miracles, and it has brought you so much JOY. I love surprises and God is a God of surprises.
    ENJOY!!!!! Many fruitful years ahead for you, Love Ragna Shollenberger, Canby, Oregon

  376. Ariel on

    Hurrah! Such a wonderful piece of news to hear. Happiness and positive community growth in a time where we all need more of that. As someone who has dreamed of farm life since a child I understand the years of longing and am so glad that your dreams have manifested. As always you and the whole crew are an inspiration. I can’t wait to see the floral beauty that enfolds over the coming years!!!

  377. Westcoastie on

    Congratulations! Your smile in those pictures above say it all.

  378. Lori M on

    Oh how exciting for you! My heart just bursts for goodness in the world and for you to expand your beloved business bringing beautiful flowers to small and large flower patches all over the world.

  379. Elizabeth Seymour on

    I’m so happy for you and your family! (I couldn’t stop smiling as I read this post.) Congratulations and may all your dreams come true!!

  380. Patricia on

    Dear Erin:

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I can’t be more happy for you guys. These are great news!
    I knew something was brewing up…too much silence ? Although I did not think of you taking vacations but being busy with some project. Now we want to get to know the new place!
    Take it easy and enjoy every moment. You deserve it so much.
    My best to you, the family and the Floret team.

  381. Tyson on

    CONGRATS! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for 25 acres! Your book and story has inspired me to start growing flowers myself. This year i started with zinnias and the reaction you see on peoples faces when they see a fresh bouquet is intoxicating. I hope to one day visit your farm for a workshop. #realmengrowflowers

  382. Kim Cooper on

    Huzzah! Congratulations and good luck with all the many many things!

  383. Renee on

    This is AMAZING!!! So well deserved. Huge congrats!!!!

  384. Hannah Watson on

    Congratulations and keep following your dreams.

  385. vicki on

    Thrilled for you! Congratulations!

  386. Katherine George on

    Congratulations! It’s a really big deal and a reward well earned. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

  387. Michelle on

    This is wonderful news. While I’m just dabbling in flower growing, we had a similar dream of buying a farm or farmland–and a similar twist of fate (a farmer who needed to sell but really didn’t want it to be developed) clear across the country in Maine. Dreams do come true. Congratulations. And, I can’t wait til you open your fields to the public. I come to WA often for work and have dreamt of being able to see your gardens.

  388. Susan Landi Bellingham on

    Congratulations, Your amazing business, and, dedication to hardwork, and creating a beautiful life, is unfolding, just as it should be. I will be waiting, for the day, I will be able to walk through your beautiful gardens. And, hopefully, you will allow artists, to set up their easals and, paint.

  389. Kelly Krause on

    Congratulations. Your hard work is inspiring. You deserve this blessing.

  390. Bonnie Smith on

    I’m so happy for you! I wish I lived closer so I could follow the progress of your wonderful new adventure.

  391. Kerri Thornton on

    I am so thrilled for you all! What a joyful step for Floret and the team. I am grateful you can honor the previous owners by putting hard work and love into the land. Enjoy this new season and the move!

  392. Katie Grear on

    Aww I know what an incredible feeling this is and I’m so happy for you guys. You deserve it! Many blessings and congratulations!

  393. everly singleton on

    My happiness for you is totally selfish. More land means more seeds and bulbs, so hopefully i’ll be able to purchase before everything sells out. Congratulations!

    • Ginger on

      Ha! Came here to say the exact same thing.

  394. Khamoor Poehlmann on

    Yay! I am so delighted for you. This is fantastic news and I am sure that you will continue to influence and assist others with your passion and knowledge about flowers and gardening and business. So flippin’ exciting!
    I wonder if you will develop your new barn into a classroom space now too, or will you continue to use the Bayse Farm?
    Again, congratulations.

  395. Katie Grear on

    Awwww I know this feeling and I’m so happy for you all. Many blessings and congratulations! ~Katie

  396. Cara on

    This is fantastic news and I am so pleased for you and your family! I was thinking how fortunate you are to have been “stuck” with the small space for so long because you learned to rely on your creative problem solving skills and perhaps the larger acreage would have been overwhelming. You know… too much too soon? You’ve been able to dream and hone in on goals and processes over the last decade and now that you have the space, you’re ready! No wasted time. I hope it is everything you dreamed of and more.

  397. Naomi Rudo on

    Congratulations and thank you for sharing your wonderful story of dreams coming true.

  398. Sharon on

    I am so very pleased and happy for you. Hard work does pay off…

  399. Judy on

    I only know you through this beautiful website but I am crying happy tears for you. Onwards!!

  400. Marian Duff on

    Dear Erin and Chris,

    I am so thrilled for you. I hope it turns out to be even better than you have dreamed. Hard work and focus on your dreams make them come true – obviously! Very well done and all good luck to you.


  401. Michele on

    The land couldn’t have better stewards.
    I can’t wait to see how your story unfolds.
    ENJOY! ❤️

  402. Mary Turner on

    Congratulations! What wonderful news for you and your family.

  403. Sandy; West Cottage Gardens on

    Congratulations! What a wonderful, beautiful story and by the photos, a wonderful beautiful farm! Best wishes for Floret!

  404. Michele on

    The land couldn’t have better stewards to care for it.
    I can’t wait to see how your new chapter unfolds! Enjoy!!!!

  405. Flora on

    Congratulations! That’s fantastic news. I look forward to seeing what you can grow there.

  406. Kristy N. on

    Congratulations. I can’t wait to watch the process of this new land becoming your home and farm.

  407. Kate on

    Wooooohooooo!! So excited for you. Beyond words. You have worked so hard for this, and it’s well deserved. Yayayayyayayy! (happy dance, pour champagne, more happy dance. repeat.) Looking forward to seeing it! ❤️

  408. Lynne on

    Congratulations Erin!
    I could not think of a better person to sell my farm to if I were your neighbor in the Skagit Valley.
    This is truly a beautiful story! I hope to visit one day soon.

  409. Michelle Uhrbom on

    So happy for you! Wishing you all the best on your new farm!!

  410. Rosie on

    Such lovely news for you. Sometimes the best things take many years to come to fruition. Hard work and commitment really do reap rewards and of course we all need that little bit of luck. I hope it turns out to be everything you’ve always dreamed of.

  411. Carolyn Thompson - Willow & Mabel Garden Co. on

    Erin & Chris – I am so happy for you! It just goes to show that you should never give up on your dreams! I am so glad this was posted today as my husband and I were talking about the next step on my flower farm early this morning and I am so nervous to make this next big step but after reading this you have helped me make my mind up – as always I thank you.

  412. Erin Ortiz on

    So excited for your family and business! You deserve it! The previous owners will be so happy knowing that their farm will be lovingly worked and cared for. And filled with gorgeous flowers!

  413. Phyllis Singler on

    I am so
    Happy for you! Congratulations and the very best of luck

  414. Debbie on

    So very happy for you guys on your purchase! The smile on your face says it all.

  415. Shar Katz on

    So excited for you and your family! Best wishes to all of you!

  416. Mariah on

    Congratulations! I’ve been following your journey for the past few years now and it could not have happened to more deserving people. Seeing you achieve your dreams gives me hope for my own! Can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds for you and your family.

  417. Angela Abrahão on

    Congratulations! This is such good news Erin. I am so happy for you and your new farm venture, and its exciting as your viewing public to see your success!

  418. louise Sliger on

    This is incredible. I’m very excited for you folks. You are so creative and generous!

  419. Beth Billstrom on

    Congratulations! What a beautiful story! It’s been fun following along as your adventures unfolds. Also, it’s so nice to hear GOOD news from the west coast!

  420. Kendall Black on

    I am unbelievably happy for everyone at Floret!!!! Congradulations, this is so very exciting!!!!!Yay!!!!

  421. Katie on

    This is amazing! What an incredibly dream come true. I am so happy for you, your family, and of course your business!
    I’ll be following along and hope to be one of the visitors of your beautiful land someday.

  422. Judith Dechat on

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’ve been following you for a few months and I am thrilled for you. I’m so thankful for you sharing your behind the scenes and allowing us to peek in and rejoice with you. Can’t wait to see what the next next season in your life brings forth. That is such great news! I’m just starting, thanks to you and the inspiration you’ve been. I love your updates because they keep me going as I stumble my way through the “birthing process” of our own.
    Judy from The Farm at Chateau Dechat!

  423. C. Missy Duffy-Lehrer on

    Congrats…I am sure the work is just beginning but when you work at what you love it just does not seem like work at all does it. Blessings

  424. Erin Hopkins on

    Congrats !!!!! What incredibly fabulous new!!!! CHEERS!

  425. Linn Caine on

    Oh, Erin,

    I couldn’t be happier for you! We also are dreaming of the day we escape Seattle. We recently purchased our 20 acre dream property in Southern Washington!
    Although, I am not at the point in my life to make the property the flower farm that I have always dreamed of, I am certainly excited to grow enough to peddle a few bouquets at the local Farmers Market.

    Can’t wait for the journey, for you and me!

  426. stephinie on

    This makes my heart SO VERY happy!! To think that all the things that didn’t quite work out made it so you would be in the right place at the right time for this. Pure magic. xoxo

  427. Andrea on

    Congratulations! Look forward to hearing about all your new adventures.

  428. Kerrie on

    Congratulations Erin to you and your family! What an exciting new opportunity. I’m so happy for you guys, you deserve this amazing blessing!

  429. Pat Shaw on

    Congrats—more hard work and more flowers ahead for you!

  430. Amyks on

    Wow! This is thrilling news, it must be so daunting, not only the waiting game, but now all the work that must be done to make it truly Floret Flower Farm. Yay, so excited for you.

  431. Kim on

    I am sooooooo very happy for you all! You have created beauty in the world and that’s such a blessing to all of us who watch, learn and are inspired to do the same. Words fail sometimes…

  432. Cynthia Zamaria on

    Congratulations! How so very exciting for you, Chris, and the children. You will be such good stewards of the property. Can’t wait to see what more magic you create. xox

  433. shay on

    wow! so happy for you. that just gave me goosebumps… we moved to an old farm house in Anacortes from Seattle 4 years ago so i totally get it and am totally on board with you!! congrats!

  434. Cynthia Zamaria on

    Congratulations! How so very exciting for you, Chris and your children. You will be such good stewards of this property Can’t wait to see what more magic you create. xox

  435. Felicia Alvarez on

    So excited for you! May your farm be forever prosperous.

  436. Ali on

    So totally awesome!!!


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