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May 22nd 2023

A Rose Story Part 4: An Interview with Anne Belovich

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I’m thrilled to be able to share an interview with revered rosarian Anne Belovich (pictured below with her husband Max). This interview took place in August of 2021, just months before Anne passed away at the age of 97. 

I am so thankful to have gotten a chance to know her and am so inspired by how fully and generously she lived her life. 

Anne Belovich and her husband max in the rose garden with their dog

You’ve had a very full career and an even fuller life—first as a botanist, then a teacher, then a sailor, a general contractor, and then a rosarian and a writer. Can you tell me a little bit more about your very diverse life path?

I have had a very full life and while much is owed to the length of my life, my longevity, likewise, probably benefited from having a full, diverse life. Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged. 

It would probably surprise many of your readers to know that I used to consider myself a prisoner in my mother’s garden. We lived in Morro Bay on a high bluff. As a young child of three, maybe four, I used to run away—down the trail, that certainly wasn’t made for children, as fast as I could go down to the water. I’d get down there in the sand and there would be crabs and herons that would be fishing—so many wonderful things to see.

My mother would come screaming down after me, drag me back, and tell me to stay in the garden. The water is where I wanted to be and I managed to sneak out often until my mother put up THE fence.  My mother had a wonderful garden considering those times and her means. It was always about nature though. My appreciation of flowers came later.

My life could have played out very differently if not for losing my first husband in World War II. He was such an amazing man—very handsome, very good to me, and talented. I ran away from home to be with him and get married. He entered the military and became a fighter pilot in the 1st Air Commando group under Colonel Cochran, with the mission of flying behind Japanese lines to supply and evacuate troops and materials as well as provide fire.

My husband completed the ‘Thursday’ mission but died shortly after because of his airplane’s mechanical failure. This left me as a 19-year-old widow and new mother who had to find her own way in life. If not for this tragedy, I would have most likely had more children and settled down into a role very different from the many I’ve had since that time.

One thing that isn’t mentioned above, but is very dear to me, are the numerous volunteer and board positions I’ve held, especially co-creator of NOAH, the Northwest Organization for Animal Help, in Stanwood, Washington, which is dedicated to ending euthanasia of healthy, adoptable, and treatable homeless dogs and cats. Our humble beginnings consisted of volunteering once a week to answer phones and match the people who had lost their animals to those who had found animals on the Island.

As a result of the ever-growing need to save more animals and serve the community, we expanded adoption and a transfer/low-cost spaying and neutering program. In coordination with over 50 other shelters, NOAH transfers animals at risk of euthanasia to continue to work on giving them a second chance. I was on the board until my husband Max needed more care to stay in our home at the end of his life. However, I still donate to this important cause and others that lessen the suffering of animals, both domestic and wild, and work to conserve biodiversity on our planet. Much more work needs to be done in these areas.

Rose arborsIn the introduction to Ramblers & Other Rose Species Hybrids, you say that “fortunate circumstances” led you to start a small rose garden. That small rose garden evolved into 5 acres of nearly 1,000 unique varieties (which eventually became the largest private collection in North America). Can you tell Floret readers a little bit more about this fortunate circumstance? What was it about roses in particular that put you under their spell? 

I just love them so. I’m a very visual person and the beauty that roses bring into my world gives me great joy. The “fortunate circumstances” I referred to in my book on ramblers was that I read an advertisement about a nursery in Oregon that was going out of business and having a big sale.

The ramblers were a really good price, and I came back with a truckload of them which I put on the fences around the property. I also put some into trees by building trellises to help support their growth. There was something wonderfully mysterious about roses growing up the trellises and into the trees to make the tree look as though it was blooming.

Arbors overgrown with rosesYou’ve written five books on roses, but have a deep love of rambling roses. What do you wish others knew about this amazing group of plants and why they should consider growing them in their garden?

Ramblers are easy to grow. Once they are established, they need little care. They grow tall and are excellent for covering fences and arbors, and for growing into trees. They provide a quick and easy way to add color to the garden.   

Roses in bloomYou’ve scoured the globe for rare rose varieties. What are some of your favorite specialty nurseries? And besides your own wonderful books, do you have any other books or resources that you’d recommend for beginning and experienced rose growers?

While I have traveled the world, I like to support local, small business owners as much as possible. Their work is hard, and we have lost many nurseries, especially those that focus on old roses. Vintage Roses used to be the best but went out of business. I enjoy going to Christianson’s Nursery & Greenhouse in Mount Vernon, Washington. Two others are Hortico in Canada and Rogue Valley Roses in Oregon.

As for books, Classic Roses by Peter Beales is a very important reference book if you are serious about roses. Another one that was very helpful to me in the beginning was David Austin’s English Roses by David Austin and Michael Marriott. 

Roses at Anne Belovich's propertyI always hate it when people ask me what my favorite flower is because there are too many treasures to choose from, but if you could only grow five roses in your garden, what would they be? 

I really don’t have a favorite. All of them are so unique and bring something special with them. If I must choose one, I think it would have to be Hybrid R. Moyesii ‘Geranium’. In my book, Ramblers and Other Rose Species Hybrids, I mention that mine had grown to 10 feet (3 meters). That was in 2016. It is now running way up into the trees and spills over in a striking cascade of scarlet red in early summer. It fills the view from my dressing room window.  

Anne Belovich visiting the roses at Floret

Pictured above: Anne visiting our rose garden this past summer

Your passion for roses started much later in life. Do you have any advice for someone who feels like it’s too late to pursue their dreams?

I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. 

My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.  

In fact, I am about to launch my own website and blog. I’ve always wanted my own website and I don’t think it’s too late to do this. I bought my own domain last week.

Overhead of Anne Belovich's book, A Voyage of Determination surrounded by rose bloomsIn your book, A Voyage of Determination, which chronicles your incredible adventure sailing your beloved boat from New Zealand to California, you share your formula for achieving any difficult goal, which I found incredibly inspiring as a woman who has big dreams. You write: 

“When I was alone I spent much of my time thinking about the fantastic trip I had been privileged to experience. It was of great value to me in a way that was quite separate from getting the boat back. I had learned that I was capable of accomplishing very difficult goals. I was able to face considerable hardships and even extreme danger when it was necessary to achieve those goals. Without being quite aware of it I had developed a formula for greatly improving the chances of achieving any difficult goal. It consisted of three main parts.

First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal. If you are a man you are not apt to encounter prejudice in life’s goals because of your gender, but if you do don’t let it stop you. 

Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. Becoming a rocket scientist will be a difficult goal if you struggle with math, but maybe some remedial instruction in math would help you overcome the problem. I learned to navigate the old-fashioned way with a sextant even though I didn’t learn my number combinations when I was a child because of constant moving and now I compute manually with difficulty.

On the other hand, you might want to pick something that comes to you more naturally. A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career. Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do. I owe much of my success to this one.”

I put some things in the Voyage of Determination, and you have to do all of them. Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes. I bought three books when I decided to build the house on Camano Island; how to frame a house, how to wire it, and how to do the plumbing. You need to study and become an apprentice.  

You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that. For example, I bought and used a wall jack on a house I was building to lift the walls into place all by myself.  

You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else. 

Arbors overgrown with roses You have so generously shared what you’ve learned with so many and I would love to know how myself and Floret readers can support your work into the future. How do we ensure that these rare and heirloom rose varieties live on? How can we pick up the torch and help carry your legacy forward?

Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.  

Max and I used to have people over all the time to enjoy the property, and many friendships as lovely as the roses developed. I couldn’t do that for a while, but now that my son and his wife are restoring the gardens, we have been able to do this again on a very limited basis (and keeping public health recommendations in mind). It’s such a joy to see old friends again, such as you, Erin. I believe you were a young lady when I first met you. So many memories tie us all together.

I have given many roses away over the years—to individuals, nurseries, and to other special collections and demonstration gardens. Recently I was notified by Claude Graves, curator of the Chambersville rose garden in Texas and the Anne Belovich Rambler Garden there, that the American Rose Center Committee voted to begin the process of replicating my entire rambler collection in Chambersville into a new garden to be constructed at America’s Rose Garden at the ARS Headquarters in Shreveport.

It is a comfort and honor knowing that my rambler collection will be duplicated and conserved in a permanent internationally-acclaimed garden. I am grateful to Dean and Carol Oswald and Claude Graves for their dedication to and hard work on this large project. I am also grateful to my friends who have watered, fertilized, and put one of my rose cuttings in a place with lots of sunshine and continue to share cuttings with their friends, both old and new, and younger family members.

In addition, consider organizing volunteer efforts to help out in rose gardens that need extra hands. What we consider older roses now can be found in many home gardens that were started by people in their younger years. The work of weeding, fertilizing, and pruning can be satisfying but enriched by stories, expertise, cuttings, and new friendships. We will have our first pruning party in February with area-old garden rose enthusiasts and garden clubs. Consider these kinds of events in your local community.

Roses growing along a fenceYou can learn more about Anne on her website, where her family has begun publishing blog posts that she wrote before her passing. 

I had the opportunity to interview Anne’s daughter-in-law Teddie Mower who is now caring for her extensive collection of ramblers alongside her husband Rick, Anne’s son. In the interview, she gives an update on Anne’s roses, information for those interested in visiting the property, and how we can all help carry on Anne’s legacy. 

If Anne’s story has moved you, please consider adding one of her books to your library. Proceeds from the sales of her books will help support the preservation of her rambling rose collection.

Gallica Roses by Anne Belovich

Large-Flowered Climbing Roses by Anne Belovich

The Little Book of Alba Roses by Anne Belovich

Moss Roses by Anne Belovich and Harald Enders

Ramblers and Other Rose Species Hybrids by Anne Belovich

A Voyage of Determination by Anne Belovich

Overhead of Anne Belovich's rose booksI thought it would be fun to give away Anne’s complete library of books to three lucky readers. To enter to win, please share what part of her interview inspired you the most. This giveaway is open to both U.S. and international readers. Winners will be announced here on May 30.

Update: A huge congratulations to our winners: Michelle, Pam Blinten and Carrie K.

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  1. Tammy Hawkins on

    I am turning 60 this year in August. My father died from alzheimers last July. As did his mother and sister years before. All getting around 65. I woke up this morning so depressed it was raining out and I have planted over 200 dahlias this year trying to start a cutting garden to sell cut flowers. I’m starting this with my daughter who has a autistic son and needs to be able to be stay at home mom for him. I have spent the past year feeling like I was just getting to old to start a new business venture and missed so many things in life I wanted to mark off my bucket list but was running out of time. Everyday just feeling like my clock was ticking. So just by chance I was back at Floret reading and exploring as I love all the info and the images of beautiful flowers. What a inspiration has this article been to me. Wow. I have a whole new outlook, im not almost 60. Im barely 59 lol. I told myself if I didn’t get a lot of my contract work this spring I wouldn’t worry. I would just know it was God telling me to dive deeper into my floral passion. And this article definitely has me knowing I need to stay on track with my dahlias and keep pushing forward. Someday i will see Floret farms in person in all its beauty. Thank you so much for all you pay forward to the flower community. God has put you on the perfect path. I love what you do and God bless you for caring and sharing.

  2. Cara B. on

    I don’t need biceps and a beard to build my dream garden and cultivate flowers and roses. Thank you Floret!

  3. Sonja Smith on

    I was so excited to read that at 60 years of age, she started doing so many ambitious things in life!!! I will be turning 60 this year. I’ve had the mindset that I’m becoming old. Today, I’m changing that mindset, and I’ll start trying new things that I love and sound interesting!!! Thank you very, very much!!

  4. Autumn on

    I just love seeing Anne’s gardens! Her generosity is insipring!

  5. Deb Moss on

    I found her comments on how to achieve difficult goals to be very inspiring. I raised twin daughters telling them they can do anything they want. Don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t do that because you’re a girl. They have both grown into very independent women.

  6. Dianne Jardine on

    Like a lot of other comments I found it to be great advice to say that it’s never too late to start something. Life-long learning, staying engaged and active very important however, I most liked her talk about “big biceps” I’ve been in male dominated industries for two careers… computer programming (when I started it was very male dominated) and plumbing. I’m not a plumber but I run a plumbing shop and can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people ask to talk to my boss!. Anne is simply inspiring all the way around! From the age is just a number, women can do it too, biodiversity, animal care and welfare… all of her careers. Absolutely remarkable… a truly amazing women. She is the epitome of “Girl Power!” and I will have my grand-daughter read this interview.

  7. Stacy on

    I loved reading this interview back when it was first published and I still often think of Anne. She decided to make roses her work and it didn’t matter her age. She was interested in roses and therefore dove right in. I just love that.

  8. Gail Tryon on

    So much can be accomplished after others think you are too old…we love roses on our farm as well.

  9. Megan Pressley on

    I love that age is really just a number and if you want to do something in your life, you shouldn’t let that be a factor to stop you. The fact that she accomplished so many things amazes me. Her passion for always wanting to keep learning really spoke to me. I think I resonate more with the age statement because often I feel discouraged and think that I got a late start and I won’t be able to accomplish my dreams. That’s just more motivation for me to keep pushing and to keep learning so I can better accomplish what I have sat out to do.
    So thankful that a person recommended floret in a group that I’m in. Ever since discovering it, it’s gave me hope. Everytime I watch your episodes it always pulls on my heart strings. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope there is a season 3!

  10. Kim Klonowski on

    The sentiment that age doesn’t matter resonates so much with me.

  11. Blaire Andrews on

    I just love that you are never too old to start a new project! Age is just an idea :)

  12. Jill H on

    I loved the inspiration this interview gave me for my own gardens, as well as all the information and background Anne gave about her journey!

  13. Leigh Schroenn on

    I loved her comment about age – ‘I thought 60 was so old . . . I pursued many dreams after I turned 60’. I turned 50 last year and thought that was so old. Thanks to Anne, I have realised I could be only half way through my life now. I have had 3 rose gardens in my life and have just made my fourth (I start a new one each time we move house). Thanks to Erin, Floret and Anne, I realise now that there is much more to a rose garden than just enjoying one’s favourite varieties. Now I want to be part of preserving the old roses. Thank you!

  14. Julia Hall on

    Of all of your extraordinary flower stories, this one hit home the most. I recognized some of Anne’s roses as close to the ones in my Mother’s scrappy gardens in Colorado. The harsh weather and soil made many of her gardens fail, but she did everything she could to save her wild rose plants. I never realized what her efforts meant until now and want to carry on her legacy and Anne’s. Graceful grit prevails. At 67, I am also embarking on a new career in construction and Anne’s ageless tenacity for female ingenuity in male spaces has inspired me beyond words. I am so grateful for your passion and sharing legacies Erin. The adventure begins!

  15. Starlene walker on

    I love reading favorite part was, dont let anything stop you from going for your dreams, and to believe in yourself. thank you for sharing.

  16. Lara M on

    Don’t underestimate what you are capable of doing. This resonates with me in many ways, particularly as I navigate following my own floral dreams and battle the self-doubt we all stumble upon from time to time. In many ways it is easy to cast aside dreams and aspirations as far too lofty or unattainable, but if it is something you truly desire and want then it is completely within the realm of possibility to acquire the knowledge necessary to make those dreams a reality. Something magnificent and beautiful is not built overnight, but instead takes time and patience and nurturing.

  17. Mira Hsu on

    Thank you for this interview. It encourages me that it is never too late!

  18. Jennifer on

    Thank you for sharing. I particularly enjoyed her “late in life” advice…that if she had stopped at 60 when she thought she was “old” she would’ve lost 37 years.

  19. Carina on

    That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  20. Carina on

    Wow, thank you Floret (and Ann) for this interview. It’s incredibly inspiring to hear from a woman who rose to meet such significant challenges and turned that into growing and giving so much to others. “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” So much wisdom in this. I’ve been struggling with long COVID for about 9 months—trying to parent and garden and stay connected with people has been challenging in this season. For my next garden task, I’m going to plant a rambling rose to keep this fresh in my mind. And I will definitely be thinking of Ann. Thank you for this.

  21. Mel on

    Anne’s comments on her age – on 60 not seeming so old anymore and everything she’s done looking back – really resonated with me. I feel so scared of aging so much of the time. Her words in this regard were comforting!

  22. Terry on

    My favorite part of Anne’s interview is when she said “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” I’ve been doing this for quite a while now and really enjoy it. Friends come over and I give them tours of my garden and my property and when they have an interest in a plant, whether it’s an edible or flower, I explain what I know about it and send them home with cuttings or plants I’ve propagated. I am by no means an expert, but as my knowledge of plants has grown I enjoy sharing what I know. Time I spend with my plants relaxes and renews me :-)

  23. Sherry Shuler on

    I have been trying to garden with a limiting disability since 2014 without really any success. There have been some breakthroughs this last year that make me hopeful for the future. The formula Anne laid out in “Voyage of Determination” is highly inspirational as well as motivational for overcoming self imposed limitations.

  24. Shelleen Arendt on

    My favorite part of this interview if I have to choose is that, “It’s never too late, don’t isolate, be a part of life and continue growing, evolving and learning!

    I am beyond blessed to be a part of this group and to learn so much over such a small amount of time.

    Watching you, reading your posts, blogs brings a serenity that is much needed in my life ❤️🙏🏻👍🏻

    Thank you!

  25. Kathryn Johnson on

    Anne spoke of friendships that expand the knowledge and legacy of roses simply by the gesture of sharing both visually and by giving others her plants. This reminds me of how my grandmother used to encourage me to take the opportunity of a cutting from her garden to grow my own and feel the satisfaction of a beautiful flower or vegetable grown to maturity .

  26. Camryn C. on

    Anne sounds like a lovely woman. I’m sad she’s passed now and her wisdom is no longer with us, but her books and her gardens are a consolation that some of her will live on in this world. I loved when she talked about her multiple careers. It gives me hope that I can be all the different things I would love to be in life. A mother, a gardener, an author, an adventurer. Two of her quotes stuck out to me: “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” And, “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” If Anne can do it, we can do it too!

  27. Jerri on

    The most inspiring part of her story is her determination and excitement for life. She only saw opportunities to learn and grow. Her story is a personification of her beloved rambling roses. Her strength, hardiness, and passion to grow and experience new heights – a rambling rose – Anne Belovich.

  28. Kat Fitchett on

    Wow! Anne really is so inspiring! I love when she said, “…you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.”

  29. Connie on

    the most inspiring thing is how late in life she came to roses, and what is being done to preserve her collection now. what an amazing life!

  30. Celeste Alfes on

    Such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing! Just returned from Monet’s Garden in Giverny and he planted LOTS of beautiful pink, purple, and white roses! Keep the stories coming!

  31. Lisa Will on

    I appreciated her stating that I am not too old, even now at 66 to begin new things. The ramblers are beautiful so is her story. It fascinated me immensely. So much so, that I went out and bought a rose that I hope is a rambler. It’s good to know roses are not difficult and they need three things we as people need too: water, food, and sunshine. I can do that. The most exciting part is that then I can share roses through cuttings. I love that! What a wonderful, beautiful way to make a difference in another person’s day. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Kimberly L on

    Sharing with others and to inspire. What an amazing lady and legacy.

  33. Antoinette Lowery on

    I love that Anne started so many things after turning 60. I turned 60 last November and I look forward to starting new things and new businesses and pursue new adventures. She inspires me to go for it and live.

  34. Katie on

    I love that her legacy is being told and she can be remembered for bringing so much beauty into the world through flowers!

  35. Stacey Baskette on

    “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old.” Anne was a rambler like her favorite roses and she has inspired me to start rambling – thru life – thru the garden – thru books. Thank you for sharing this beautiful interview.

  36. Danielle Migliore on

    This entire interview is an inspiration to me! I love how Anne always wanted to continue to learn and grow . One thing Anne said which inspired me the most is that you can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. I can really feel Anne’s positivity and encouragement through her words and although I’ve always loved flowers, and specifically admired roses, I only recently began growing roses in my garden. When Anne said that I can exceed my goal if I prepare myself over time, I resonated with that message knowing that it will take time to get where I want to be and for my rose garden to as well, and that’s ok! Both Erin and Anne continue to inspire me to become the gardener I’ve always wanted to be. I am so blessed to get to keep learning about and growing flowers. Reading and watching other people’s love for growing flowers and having beautiful gardens gives me happiness and makes me inspired.

  37. Carla Wisdom on

    Oh my goodness, I adore her! I wish I had someone close to me to inspire me that way! I am 41. Five/six years ago, my husband cheated on me with a high school girl. Before that, he had cheated on me with a 20 something year old. After the divorce, I was left feeling completely grateful to be free of his manipulating, narcissitic ways, but there was much trauma and I was left shattered. My liberation was accompanied with feeling like I was looking at all these shattered pieces of myself and not knowing how to mend them. The pessismistic feelings overwhelmed my thought processes and it has shown in the life I have lived since then. It’s as if there has been a delay in my life as I try to overcome my mindset of hopelessness. With the help of a inner healing minister, I am regrouping and starting to do the things I should have done in my 20s….figure out who I am, pursue my dreams, acquire the skills that go along with those dreams, build a life I can be proud of. These are things Anne did and therefore your article on her has touched me to the core! She never saw herself as too old or considered that it was too late! Although I don’t have a woman in my life who inspires me to the level that Anne does, I want to be that inspiring woman for my 9 year old daughter. And for others in my midst. One of the things I know I want is an astounding garden of beauty. My daughter and I have lived with my mother since the divorce. I don’t even have my own property yet. lol But I’ve been soaking up all the info in your Cut Flower Garden Book and with your online resources to start a cut flower garden here at my mother’s house. It’s been a dream of mine since high school that I’ve never tried to realize. My mom’s house is home for now, and I want to fill it with beauty. I don’t want to wait until I own my own property. I need the inspiration now. I have a big fascination with flowers that one doesn’t normally come across in local nurseries. Everyone has the same plants out here in West Texas, it seems, and they leave me feeling bored. But I ordered many seeds for plants I have not seen in people’s yards out here to see if I can grow them. Adding some roses would be a dream come true! I especially love the idea of having an arch overflowing with rambling roses! I loved the idea of a Secret Garden as a child and to me that is the perfect symbol of happiness …. sitting in a beautiful garden, away from the troubles of the world, inspired by all the beauty around you. Thank you for sharing her story! And Erin, you are quite the inspiration as well! I’ve been following you for a few years now and tears just stream down my face when I watch your show. It just moves me so much! It makes me so happy! Thank you so much!

  38. Kennedy on

    The tenacity with which she approached life! I love how she chased her passions into her older years. I also loved the part where she said to keep moving, stay out of bed, and never stop learning. Such a good reminder to live life to the full and not become apathetic.

  39. Keisha Samarco on

    That it’s never too late to start anything and to keep moving. She also said to not be stingy, which is part of being a good human.

  40. Holly H. on

    Anne herself inspires me, her attitude and determination, her life long quest for constant learning, her love of adventure and of course, her passion for roses which is also my passion as well…in fact, all of the above are passions of mine.
    I hope to continue to devote much of my time to the world of roses and gardening.

  41. Carrie Saia on

    Her whole story inspires me, thank you so much for sharing. But what really stands out is her determination as a woman to encourage others to develop their passion; study and learn how to achieve what drives them. As a woman and leader in a business world her love for life long learning and giving back as she has so unselfishly done for decades is amazing. I want to share her story with others!

  42. Brittney on

    I love that she encourages you to be a life-long learner. Such an inspiration.

  43. Lynn M on

    There was a lot of inspiration in the interview but what really spoke to me was the part where she said “I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” So many times I think of what I would like to do, but then think at my age, it is not reasonable. She certainly is an illustration of how “not reasonable” is not an option if it is something you truly want to experience.

  44. Meg on

    Nearing the age of seventy myself, I was very inspired by her words of encouragement about continuing to learn and take on challenging projects. I don’t feel like 69 and I’ve been a mad gardener all my life and hope I have lots left in me to do all the projects in my head and my heart! Also someone just gave me a start of “R. Moyesii “Geranium” and I will be thrilled to live to see it grow into the trees.

  45. Anne on

    Sharing what you know and sharing what yo have.

  46. Reka Darring on

    Truly inspiring story! It’s never too late to start something new with a good cause. It was also cool to recognize her son, he was my favorite professor at Indiana University. Not surprised he was raised by such an inspiring woman.

  47. Jenn Christensen on

    She is so inspiring! I love that she encourages you to just keep going after your dreams and interests and to be a life long learner.

  48. Christina Serrano on

    I love that Anne said you’re never too old to stop learning. I love the idea of rescuing these heirloom beauties. I am inspired to continue to grow a collection of my own!

  49. Esther on

    Anne’s words, “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams” resonated with me. The last two years have been filled with days of wondering if maybe it’s just too late for me to pursue my passion, and it’s especially discouraging when I see people younger than me who have already been doing what they love for many years. I feel like I don’t have what it takes: time or the skill set. Her words remind me to not give up hope.

  50. Michelle on

    WHEW. So much inspiration! As I age, I really feel what she mentioned about both making sure not to isolate yourself and always be open to new ideas! Want to start something new or learn a new skill? You are breathing today, get busy, there’s always time for collecting knowledge, friends and experiences!

  51. Lisa on

    I admire her perseverance, her love of learning, roses and animals in need. Also that she advocates for shopping local nurseries.

  52. Jo mclean on

    I love roses and Anne’s collection of rambling roses is inspirational 🌸😍

  53. Allee Shrum on

    I love her thoughts about sharing your garden and love of it with everyone 💗

  54. Dianna Brubacker on

    I love how she had such a passion in continuing all her amazing roses! It is such an inspiration!

  55. Jill Armstrong on

    I’m not sure what made me feel so emotional hearing and watching Erin tell Anns story in season 2 Growing Floret but I sat in awe of her accomplishments, maybe it was the fact that as I approach the age in which she started businesses snd and her roses..Im like hell ya…im not going to let that number stol me from digging in z plant tree rose heck maybe try a new job!!!! Thanks Floret for always moving our 💕 hearts. Big hugs. Im going to search for s rambler rose somewhere here in Ontario inspired.

  56. Kim Moss on

    I was inspired by Anne’s comment
    “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.
    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.
    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    At almost 60, I too, am beggining my rose journey!

  57. Chandrea Burch on

    It is amazing to see what all she has accomplished and continued to explore more in later in life. So many are willing to call it quits after 60. I love roses and would benefit of having this collection to learn more about the different varieties of roses and caring for the ones I currently have in my own garden.

  58. Julie on

    I love that Anne tells us to ask ourselves if a dream requires big biceps and a beard. It is empowering to be reminded that I can do anything I put my mind to.

  59. Bobbie on

    What an inspiration! I can relate to begining a new project at a stage of life when many are retiring and slowing down. We have started a flower farm in our 60’s, it keeps us active and engaged doing something that we love!

  60. Tina Roy on

    I love that she started really expanding I hee care of roses in her 60’s and that it’s never too late. I’ve started my rose garden in my 50’s and feel that it’s made me younger and more curious to explore, acquire and grow my own roses and see the beauty they provide for me and my community where I have the opportunity to share them.

  61. Tanya on

    The most inspiring part of her story is that she started at an older age! I can’t wait to nurture my garden for years to come. Truly inspiring!

  62. Carolyn on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.”

    Very inspiring lady

  63. Michelle Koch on

    Wonderful – required reading for me in its entirety every few months to keep on track with challenges, and goals. Most importantly to dare and truly live all the delight and awesome adventure life invites us to explore.

  64. Laurie C. on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” In today’s world so much happens so quickly. Anne reminded me that my flower dreams are worth the wait, and that it is never too late to begin again. Thank you Erin for sharing Anne and the roses.

  65. Connie on

    I loved when she stated she thought 60 was so old.

  66. Kathy on

    What a wonderful blog. I’m grateful that her story is shared. What an honor for you Erin. Her work ethic is amazing. We need to learn from her. Stay young, stay fit and keep growing.

  67. Britt McIntosh on

    It feels like I am trying to choose a favorite flower when asked what part of the interview inspires me the most … each paragraph seemed to offer a floret of inspiration.
    1. The recognition that the loss she experienced set her on the path of the life she got to live
    2. Co-creator of NOAH
    3. That flowers and her calling found her “later in life” … it’s never too late to try new things!
    4. To shop and support local
    5. That we are capable of accomplishing incredibly challenging tasks
    6. To find the gratitude
    7. That when you love and care about something for the sake of loving and caring for something … it can have a lasting impact and legacy.
    BUT MOST OF ALL … when you LOVE something … SHARE it!

  68. Samantha Le Blanc on

    Anne’s comment about the 3 things on determination is both pragmatic and gentle advice to us all. It can be applied to most facets of life, gardening or office life.

  69. Amanda Murphy on

    I loved the fact that she never stopped because of her age. If she had something she wanted to try, she did. Even in her 90s she was working on her own website. She had more life to live no matter what age she was. That’s inspiring!

  70. Georgia Mohr on

    I am 62 and started my journey with roses 4 years ago. I am inspired that Anne started her journey at 60, but I was also inspired that she became a contractor. I am also passionate about historic homes. Perhaps, though recently retired, there are many more chapters in life. Anne gave great advice such as get out of bed and stay up on current events. Inspiring.

  71. April Wilson on

    Wow..what an amazing and inspiring woman. Pursuing a hobby and turning into a rewarding career! Thank you Floret, for sharing another blessing. :)

  72. Shirley Barth on

    Anne is such an inspiration! Loved the first episode of Growing Floret and enjoyed this interview. My favorite take away is that you can do anything you want to at any age!

  73. Jenna on

    I want to build a pergola over our patio that overlooks our garden and I think I might just have to add a rambler rose to climb up it after seeing all of Anne’s amazing roses. The hard part is going to be choosing just one… or maybe two… or three…

  74. Brooke James on

    I love that Anne didn’t consider herself old at age 60 when she began her journey with roses. As a 52 year old flower farmer, I am inspired by that attitude for sure!

  75. Marilee Shiner on

    I love how she didn’t find roses until she was 60! That is inspiring to know that as adults we keep learning and growing.

  76. April Thomas on

    I think everyone needs to have known an ‘Anne’ in their life. She seems like she was such an amazing woman. I absolutely draw inspiration from her chasing her dreams at 60. I’m 45 and so often feel like it’s too late to follow my dreams. I need to be more like Anne.

  77. Leigh Ziemczonek on

    I am so inspired how Anne didn’t slow down as she got older, and that she looked forward to turning 100. I’m 47 and sometimes wonder if I am too old to start a new hobby or project, but Anne showed me that I could still have 20, 30 or more years to do new things. I am so glad her roses are being preserved so her legacy can live on. Thank you Anne for sharing your gifts with us all 💕

  78. Martha Brogdon on

    As a relatively new gardener in my 60’s I find Anne’s story so inspiring . It gives me hope that it’s never too late to begin learning more about roses and gardening in general. I loved her comment… “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. ”
    Thanks to Anne and you, Erin, for encouraging us all in enjoying the beauty of flowers!

  79. Sue Carbaugh on

    “I pursued many dreams after turning 60…It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ” At 61, this is inspiring to me on so many levels. Inviting people into the garden and sharing what you know and what you grow – yes, yes, yes!

  80. Dawn Whitehead on

    Anne seemed like an amazing woman (as we all are) who never let the worlds obstacles stop her. Her tenacity and spirit shows throughout her life which helped her accomplish all that she wanted in life. Even with the road blocks and setbacks, she turned her “lemons” into lemonade and set out to live life on her terms accomplishing her goals through her love of animals and roses (just to name a few). A truly extraordinary woman and life lived to the fullest!

  81. Carly on

    What inspired me the most about Anne’s interview, is how personal the roses are to her.
    I really connected to the part she spoke on being a new 19ye old mother with a recently deceased husband. I think that intertwines her so much to her journey with roses.
    I also am personally relating to this, as a new mother being abandoned by her fiancé. My son is 2 and I recently bought a house, work full time, and starting my new cut flower garden this year.
    There is something of nurturing the flowers that brings such gratitude and satisfaction to one with hands full.

  82. Melodie on

    What a wonder! From traumatic experience at 19 to 97 years of experience. I really resonated with her perspective on what happened when she was younger and how she moved past it. How she said that at 60 she felt old but got to grow roses for 37 more years! I want that perspective on life. I also loved how she said sharing the cuttings is an act of love. I think so too. Share the flowers as much as you can.

  83. Meredith Brown on

    I just love how the most important part of carrying on the rose legacy is to invite people into your garden and share the roses! That generosity & sharing are key completely melted my heart!

  84. Jc on

    What a delight! There were so many takeaways, finding life and joy after 60, in adversity, and not being fearful, hit home for me. I especially loved that she talks about not letting prejudice get in the way and looking inward to prejudice within one’s self. Anne’s outlook on life is so refreshing, honest, and elegant in its simplicity. It is an honor to get to know her through your interview.

    Thank Erin.

  85. Naomi on

    Having known some people seeing age as a reason to slow and refuse to learn new things, I am encouraged by stories like Anne’s always willing to learn and grow. I love to find new skills and feel achievement, and hope to continue taking on challenges all through life like Anne!

  86. Linda Hovgaard on

    Ann Belovich is such an inspiration on so many levels! I love the passage you shared from her book A Voyage of Determination and her advice on how to conquer your dreams and aspirations, especially if you are a woman. To receive a collection of her books would be an honor! Since I want to start my own heirloom rose garden I would pour through the pages of invaluable information and soak it up with delight!

  87. Akacia Rose on

    This is such an inspiring story and Anne was such passion-follower. Many traits to be admired in this woman. My middle name is Rose. One of my very first formed memories was of a very precious bottle of rose essential oil that was gifted to me by my father for my 5th birthday. I coveted that bottle all the way into college where, somehow, sadly, I lost it. I used to open that bottle and smell it just to be transported back to my childhood. So powerful. As I continue to come closer to who I truly am in this life, I realize that the rose truly is intimately intertwined with my life purpose. Names are so powerful. I recently had the blessing to purchase my first home and plan to bring this 2.5 acre property to life. I have been deeply inspired by the process of design that you showed us in season one and plan to put all of myself into creating the most beautiful ecosystem here based on preservation of less known and endangered plants, including all sorts of flowers, and animals. When I found out that you were jump starting a rose project based around preservation, my heart sang! I would be beyond the moon to be involved in this movement in any way I can and would gratefully accept this gift with open arms and a big smile. So exciting! Thank you for all you do and I support the legacy that you are leaving behind!

  88. Olivia Behrendt on

    Roses and wonderful memories with my Mom are tied together. In 1980 something she and I started a small collection of heritage roses. The collection started a spark that had me seeing in the beauty around us. Diving in deeper into gardening, the arts and eventually Photography. Fast forward to today, 2023 where I have only the memories to look back on, since my Mom passed 11 years ago. I chose a career, as a professional photographer. This interview with Anne Belovich got me to thinking about career paths. At 46 I have had a successful business for 18 years. While I am happy and enjoy many aspects about my career, its never too late to start something new. I enjoy the excerpts from the book: A Voyage of Determination, where Anne explains the ideas of limitations as a woman. “Does this job require testosterone, or a beard?” If not then go for it. Learn a new direction that you’re interested in, do the deep dive and become an expert. My next adventure, start a rambling rose garden, to honor my Mom, and remember the best memories. In essence go back to where my passions began!

  89. Jessie on

    Inspirational is an understatement. Starting my first rose garden only 2 years ago at age 50, this interview is rose gold. I am most inspired considering her rose venture has spanned more than many careers starting at age 60 & her message to keep sharing. Her journey that became a legacy can start at any age.

  90. Erin M Sullivan on

    Her perseverance! I am intimidated by growing roses, but we shall overcome, what a voice of determination.

  91. Melissa Jander on

    Thank you for sharing your interview with Ann, wow, how inspiring. I am an artist who also gardens. A friend of mine connected with Teddy in 2021 and we were able to visit the Belovich garden to paint there one morning. What a beautiful experience. It’s so great that you are taking up the cause to help preserve these rare beauties. Cheering you on! And congratulations on a new season of episodes on Magnolia Network, really wonderful to watch. Okay , back to your question, the part I loved most about the interview with Ann, is her bravery and determination, along with a generous heart to want to share roses with everyone. I’m on a new journey of collecting old roses and finding creative ideas on fencing to keep them as safe as possible from deer.

  92. Beverly Chesney on

    Just starting my rose garden, I love how she loves to share. I’m that way with my flowers and garden, when people walk by I love to talk and let them know where I buy my seeds from or give them some seeds I have extra of. My goal is to have my whole block look like a garden oasis.

  93. Alexandra Ellis on

    When Anne mentioned that most things in life are obstacles that can be overcome, it really inspired me to think about what obstacles, real or imagined, I have placed in the way of my goals, and how taking a different approach could make these goals achievable.

  94. Violet on

    I have a hard time getting my roses to thrive, this was very inspiring and a great interview. Love roses and think they are so beautiful

  95. Janet Vainikka on

    I am most inspired by her (and your) generosity to share flowers! I love that she stresses the importance of inviting friends into your garden.

    It’s also very inspiring that she never stopped learning and growing. She was working on creating her own website up until she passed away. I love that about her!!

    Thank you once again Erin and Floret for sharing!!

  96. Jenny Sterling on

    I think it’s incredibly beautiful that her thirst for continued learning, sharing, cultivating self growth and growing community saw no slowing down even near the very end of her life. Her age and her increasingly closeness to passing away never gave her a reason to slow down, but instead she thrived on and took joy in accomplishing something new that she hadn’t done before. What a beautiful soul and inspiration to the rest of us. Her legacy is the spirit she’s instilled in so many and even now continues to do so.

  97. Brenda Veinotte on

    I was inspired by learning of Anne’s newly discovered passion for roses at age 60. It is never to late to start growing roses and do what you love to do.

  98. Amie on

    This part of Anne’s interview is really empowering, “… be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.”. It’s easy to stop yourself from exploring new interests when 1) a challenge presents itself and 2) when others say “oh that’s too hard”. When I think back, my greatest achievements have been persevering through both 1) and 2). Never underestimate yourself!

  99. Susan on

    What inspired me the most from Anne’s interview was learning of her newly discovered passion for roses at age 60 and then going on to write so many books, sharing her knowledge and love. At 60+ its so exciting to discover a new passion that brings beauty and joy and new information to learn. Life is a bed of roses!

  100. Marlowe Whyte on

    Thank you, Erin, for sharing all the facets of your passion for flowers. Anne’s words about her life when she turned 60 (and felt like it was ‘so old’) really pricked up my ears, as I am approaching that age and wonder and worry deeply if I will get to complete all my soul’s ‘missions’ in life. Her words remind me of the futility of fretting, as I may very well have another unexpected 37 or so more years ! I have left behind quite a few rose gardens, often with sadness, as I grow so attached to places. But with great joy I have visited one of the cottages where I planted and trained an Alberic Barbier (old french rambler) all across the deck railing. The new owner treasures it and has continued to nurture many of the old roses that I sourced from nurseries in Ontario: Buff Beauty, Souvenir du Dr. Jamain, Albertine. Friends and acquaintances of mine have planted successful cuttings that I’ve taken from all my best roses to many different places in BC, and this is something that still makes me smile.

  101. Jaime McGuan on

    It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams…I love that! I hope to be able to keep going after my dreams as I get older.

  102. Lisa Seppanen on

    Anne is an encouragement that we can live a full life. I like when she said “stay out of bed” and “don’t isolate.” Sad that she was a widow at 19 and had a new baby at that time. I really like that she took from the roses she obtained from the nursery in Oregon and placed them on fences around her trees so the trees looked like they were blooming—what a great idea! Anne left a beautiful legacy.

  103. Heather on

    So much of this interview inspired me. I think what stuck out most was her perseverance and joy.
    She was 60 when she started her interest in roses and at 97 bought her domain name and was trying new things. Her advise to not put yourself into a box or limit yourself is so inspiring.
    Thank you for the opportunity, but I will try to add one or more of her books to my library regardless of the giveaway. Thank you for the introduction!

  104. Jenn Kirksey on

    WoW! That was a special treat to read her interview! Very Beautiful soul indeed! Her values and encouragements on find a way to do what makes your soul shine in life. The “Pruning Parties” and sharing your garden with others or volunteer to help others spoke to me! She is right, no matter how old you are never stop moving to enjoy what makes you happy 🌹

  105. Shaina on

    Her spirit. I can feel it reading the responses that were from her. Telling us in her own way that age, tragic, etc shouldn’t put us to stop anything. If we have any goal, we should go for it. Nothing should prevent us from reaching our goals! I loved watching and hearing her in season two.

  106. Meg King on

    I just turned 60 and am inspired to start new hobby and projects. My mother is 94 so I hope I have longevity in my genes as well as Anne had. I love roses and am reminded of a tiny house I rented in Kirkland. This cottage had two wild rambling roses that my ex wanted to tame. They grew up into the old apple tree. Anne would have loved them!

  107. Tamara Wilcox on

    One of the most inspirational women I have ever read about. Thank you so much for bringing her life into the spotlight so that her remarkable spirit may live on and inspire so many!! I love that at the time of the interview, at age 96, she had just bought a domain to launch her own website and blog. She says, “…go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal….Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” Now I will think of Anne when I walk amongst the roses in my own garden :-)

  108. Rachel Hynd on

    Her unflaggingly indomitable and generous spirit. In a world such as this, that is an amazing thing to maintain. She found a way to ride the waves, with courage and joy, that she also shared. Beautiful. Thanks for the draw and your own generous spirit!

  109. Korina Talbot on

    I love that she mentioned about passion for particular hobby that can turn into a career, it is a validation for me to continue doing what I love and makes me happy which is gardening and maybe one day it could be a career.

  110. Sarah Hawkey on

    When I watched the roses episode with Anne, of course I cried pretty much the whole way through, and since then all I see is imaginary old roses around my home. I’m so glad I caught up on my floret emails and read this interview, too. The section from her book you shared is very inspiring, reminding me that at any age I can follow my curiosity and inspiration. It also reminded me that the limiting thoughts of others might very well be thoughts in me as well and must be weeded just like in my garden, and that being a woman – well, I can do anything all myself.

    Last year I bought my home, all by myself, a life long dream fulfilled. I’m very curious about old things – I love older people, old homes, old forests, old music. I’m a professional soprano and even specialize in 17th-century music.

    Anyway, when I started my gardens last year, it turns out I have a gift (or my home does) for roses. As I was practically watering my dahlia patch with my sweat and tears (lots of tears!) my four new rose bushes were thriving, flushing again and again, and I barely lifted a finger for them because I was so focused on the dahlias.

    Now that I know Anne’s old varieties of roses are out there, I’m determined to find some to grow here and share with other rose lovers like me to continue her legacy. Thank you for this wonderful interview. I went to Anne’s blog and can’t wait to finish reading that as well.

  111. Micayla on

    The fact that she started when she was 60. That’s just amazing! Sometimes I start to think that I’m too old to start new things when most people start those things when they’re younger. But that’s not the case! I can do it no matter the age!! That’s so freeing!

  112. Alexis Penzell on

    What an inspiration to all of us rose growers and lovers….there’s so much to learn and Anne is a remarkable model for what could be! Thank you for sharing this interview!

  113. Dennise Wright on

    I appreciated her comments about inviting others to your gardens and sharing your flowers! Showing hospitality and giving to others is what is needed in this world today. These are the acts of kindness that will be remembered. I love the idea of giving people something tangible to take home and enjoy!

  114. Jennifer Love on

    I love that Anne talks about keeping moving, learning, and doing no matter what age you are in life. I really love that she didn’t start her rose journey or her construction company until after age 60. It give me inspiration for all the things I still want to do in my life while, at the same time, I am approaching a milestone birthday that is really making me contemplate how few years I might have left on this earth – and so many things I still want to do to find more purpose and joy in life. I love her zest for life!

  115. Lacey Terrill on

    Thank you for sharing this interview! Every part of this was so inspiring but my favorite part was Anne’s response to what her formula is for achieving difficult goals. Her words resonated so deeply and reminded me to keep dreaming and my dreams are achievable but only if I put in the work. Be curious, learn, take action, and “don’t be stingy”! She was quite an amazing woman and there is so much to learn from her and her 97 adventurous years!

  116. Moe D on

    I was stunned to learn that Anne was a young widow and mother after her first husband died in WWII. That had to be such a horrible tragedy to work through but opened so many doors for her in the end! I am also a very visual person like Anne and I like to photograph my flowers! :) She is so inspiring!!!!!!!

  117. Alisa Johnson on

    What stood out to me most is her simplicity for describing how to take care of heirloom roses. I think life gets a whole lot easier when we recognize how simple things really are. It might mean we have to step back and look at the challenge to see the simplicity, but it is there.

  118. Sheri on

    The part that inspired me most was “ You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…” It is so true; I am too often reminded in the garden. And sometimes we just don’t have bicep strength.

  119. Monika on

    So much beauty and inspiration! Both from the garden AND the gardener!

  120. Katey Campbell on

    As a young woman who is a landscaper (hardscaper/ plant installer/ designer), floral designer and now general contractor, I have such an appreciation of her words about not stopping if those around might think it’s a “man’s job”. Constant looks and comments haven’t stopped me yet, some days it makes it difficult though.
    You definitely don’t need those big biceps, equipment does help though!
    I’m in a very male dominant landscaping world and I’m thankful I can do the things I do. I also love encouraging young people, to do the hard, physical labor. It always pays off.

    Thank you Floret Crew!

  121. Susan Schlieve on

    “It’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” Priceless advice, and what she started and accomplished after 60 years old is VERY inspiring.

  122. Tonya on

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story she is so inspiring, I love how she talks anout inviting others into your garden and building relationships with friends and family.

  123. Deborah on

    I was inspired when Anne talked about turning sixty (as I recently have) and how that seemed so old- but wasn’t- and went on to pursue her passions the next 30 years! That’s what I intend to do and I’ve always wanted to grow roses; so I’m going to spend the next 30 years doing that! Never too late!

  124. Mary K Yodzis on

    The end was very moving, when she talked about inviting people over and the “many friendships as lovely as the roses”that developed. She said inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. How often we forget that! What an inspiring lady. Enjoyed the story very much!

  125. Girlie Delizo-Jasper on

    Thank you for sharing your time with Anne with all of us. My favorite part about her interview is her encouraging gardeners to invite people in our gardens. It’s like she’s telling us to let the roses help us make and keep connections with people.
    It’s her legacy, and I’m inspired to let her legacy live through me.

  126. Kayla on

    I loved how honest and positive and nonchalant she was about growing roses. Many people (in my area in zone 5 in particular) tend to have grumpy attitudes towards roses but I have found they are a delight to plant and have around. I really connected with her love of these beautiful, wild, unpredictable plants.

  127. Cam t on

    I just love what she said about it never being too late to pursue a passion or a new career. I’m 54 and only really started studying flower farming and soil science two years ago, trialing flowers and using amendments and suc. I have asked myself many times “am I a fool for starting on such a physically intensive new career path?! After twenty two years of restaurant ownership and being exhausted by that physical labor, am I simply out of my mind to be doing this now?” Her words have definitely swept many of those doubts away because when they love and passion is there, you can do anything you set your mind to. She’s right that there are always work arounds if you love doing something enough to figure it out. Truly an inspiration for us old broads!

  128. Susan on

    Wow, is she inspiring!!! I love that, in addition to going after what she wanted, she also prioritized giving to others in so many ways!

  129. Norma on

    I liked when Anne said, “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard.” Thank you for the interview

  130. Froukje Spaak on

    Having recently entered my 60’s I was heartened that she started with roses then. It really isn’t the end of my life then but an opportunity to start out with another dream. I have 30 or so roses and may just keep growing more 😁

  131. Abril Slate on

    At the age of almost 33 I have started my love of roses. After a battle of deep depression the part where she says keep moving get out of bed really hits home with me, 6 months ago I almost lost my life and now roses are a big part of me getting out of bed staying active and taking in as much beauty as I can. I have much to learn and actually dm floret all the time with questions 🙃 thanks for being so gracious in answering!

  132. Sarah Steidinger on

    What a beautiful woman. I love that she was completely satisfied that her work would live on in others after she was gone, by giving away so many cuttings and knowledge. I pray to have the same outlook and impact when I am her age.

  133. Sabrina on

    What an inspiration she was! Do what you love and never stop learning and moving! I just Loved this episode so much, really resonated with me. I plan on watching it again! Thank you for sharing! Xo

  134. Melanie Martin on

    I am in awe of Anne and equally inspired by her determination as well as your own. 3 years ago we left Arizona and moved to the north shore of Chicago. Covid and a long cold winter had me down. But a trip to the bookstore with my daughter turned things around for me. I picked up your book ‘A Year in Flowers’. It inspired me to work towards becoming a flower farmer with a side trip going back to school to become a landscape designer. If it weren’t for Anne’s inspiring you, and you inspiring me, I’d be in a very different place today. I am continually in awe of the community of people you meet around gardening and Anne is the ultimate expression of what it means to be inclusive and supportive. I loved watching the episode last night and learning about her wonderful gift to all of us gardeners (and beginner rosarians ;) )

  135. Cynthia Thompson on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ” My youngest child will be a senior in high school, and I have been working in the direction of my “next chapter”. Ms. Belovich’s story is a wonderful elixir for all my self-doubt.

  136. Alexandra Larose on

    Everything was inspiring, but I especialy liked when her son says what she responded to people telling her she went into Roses very old and that she didn’t want to stop living at 60!

  137. Tanya on

    I enjoyed this episode so much! Definitely a favorite. They all are really. Anne is such an inspiration! Hearing about how she was 60 when she began growing, studying, and writing about roses was just amazing. And the quote about sharing your garden and your passion with others is such an encouragement. She accomplished a lot in her last 40 years. Anne inspires me to keep growing, and learning because you’re never too old to try new things.

  138. Wendy Koritnik on

    When I am feeling overwhelmed and at a loss with my little business, I turn on Floret. I can’t even count how many times I have watched season 1 and have already watched season 2 , twice I cry, smile, laugh and find myself feeling inspired once again. Thank you for sharing your story, and Anne’s. You both have made the world a better place to live in!

  139. Kim Wakefield on

    Anne’s story is very inspiring to me. The biggest inspiration to me was that she was a life long learner and didn’t let her age or sex interfere with her education, her life or endeavors. I think her story speaks to me because she loved water and nature as a child, and continued that love throughout her life. I have always loved being near water and loving nature.

  140. Mette on

    Very inspiring, especially how her life looked like after the age of 60!

  141. Daphne Minkin on

    Oh goodness, as I turn 59 next month I am so inspired by her “fresh start” at age 60 and at all of her accomplishments after that. Such a beautiful soul and a sharp mind, she reminds me of Miss Rumphius, the Lupine lady written by Barbara Cooney!

  142. Mariah on

    It is all so inspiring, don’t hold back from what you want to do is my biggest takeaway. Such an amazing life. Thanks for sharing it all.

  143. Natalie on

    Both of you are so inspiring! The love and passion you both have for flowers are tangible.

  144. Ronda Banner on

    I loved the section on how Anne loved to share her roses – reminds me on my mom who was known as the “Rose Lady” – she had a garden of over 100 bushes that she meticulously care for in the same way as described in Anne’s interview. My mom gave roses to everyone who crossed her path, but was especially loved at the Ronald McDonald house and Winn Dixie Hope Lodge in Gainesville, FL . She delivered vases of her roses to both locations every week for almost 25 years. It was her dose of “rose therapy” to help the families and patients that were housed at both locations have a bit of sunshine and loveliness. The two sound like they were kindred spirits and made my heart happy to read your interview and relive some cherished memories of my mom at the same time!

  145. chelsea on

    I felt so inspired by her comments on determination, being a constant apprentice and learning everything you need to in order o build the life you want to have. It gave me a burst of new energy to continue learning and growing past the feeling of burnout I’ve been experiencing. There is always time to make your dreams happen, but you have to put the work in and continue to be a student of life. I love her perspective on that.

  146. Eilis on

    I love that she has shared her roses with so many people and they have made their way out into the world. What a legacy!

  147. Shana Tundevold on

    I was most inspired by Anne’s “formula for achieving any difficult goal”. I think that her mindset is similar to mine and it can sometimes make me feel like a very intense person. It is good to hear validation through her formula that there are other women with similar drives and passions that may take a little more perseverance to achieve as it goes against the grain or defies norms. When I am passionate about something, I pursue it full heartedly and relentlessly. Rather than feeling out of place by my way of approaching these things, it is refreshing to hear Anne’s perspective that it is okay to face adversity, but it will also take perseverance to achieve challenging goals.

  148. Kim Young on

    Where to begin?! I think the most is turning 60. It’s not over. I’m getting up there in age and my enthusiasm sometimes doesn’t match my energy level and it makes me so sad. I want my body to cooperate w my mind. Also, her saying don’t underestimate what you’re capable of. I could cry at that because that is my mantra. She was such a remarkable life force. This interview is such a gift!

  149. Shellie R. on

    Her generosity inspires me. I have so many violet babies but was afraid to give them away because I thought people would find it strange. I will do better.

  150. Sharon A. Orlando on

    Your interview with Anne Belovich was a joy to read. Learning her life story and seeing the work you are doing to continue her legacy, I am reminded of the children’s book, Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney. As you may know, the book’s main character is inspired by her grandfather to do three things: travel to faraway places, live by the sea, and most importantly, make the world more beautiful. And she accomplishes the third by planting flowers, which becomes her legacy. Thank you for creating and caring for so much beauty and color- you are an artist! Like Anne and Miss Rumphius, you have and are continuing to make the world more beautiful.

    The graceful Eden Climber rose is my garden among others, but each flower is such a unique expression of beauty that it is hard for me to pick a favorite!

  151. Katie Reinhart on

    I’m struck by the recognition that one of the greatest tragedies of her life (the loss of her first husband) ultimately led to a life-long passion that she otherwise might not have found. I just got laid off mid-way through a divorce and am trying to keep up the hope that the universe is going to find a great place for me, as it did for her.

  152. Madison Dorman on

    I love the story about how her small rose garden turned into almost 1,000 varieties on five acres, and it inspires me to keep on going with my small garden in hopes that it too may become big and beautiful and give smiles to others.

  153. Robin Avenmarg on

    I loved reading about her life. I really liked that she just started a new chapter of her life at 60. Since I can relate to that part. The encouraging words about not isolating yourself, staying currant and having friends.
    I just started gardening and incorporating roses into beds. She is quite inspirational, as is Erin.

  154. Ellen G on

    “Know yourself….A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that can be pursued.” This is inspiring and encourages me to spend some time thinking about my interests and things I have a passion or specific talent for. How can they be used to help and encourage others and add beauty to the world around me?

  155. Hillary Hunter on

    Wow you guys keep inspiring me to follow my dreams at 40 years old. I’m just beginning to remind myself that flowers are my souls perfect match. Coming from generations of gardeners in my family all with a passion of roses this season really hits home. Love ❤️ what you guys are doing.

  156. Ashley Van Meter on

    First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.

    What excellent advice. Some I hope to live by and teach my daughter to live by.

  157. Amy Kaufman on

    I love Anne’s perspective on age. Starting at 60 is not too late!

  158. Leann Reece on

    I cannot believe how much I wept at the first episode. And it was truly all because of Anne. Her wisdom and fought-for knowledge is a gift that will be given for generations. She understood the most important thing in life: connection. In her interview, she said how friendships started and really grew because of enjoying the roses together. There is such wisdom and beauty in that – taking time to meet people and connect with them; hear their story and bask in the presence of beauty together. She seemed to truly understand and actually live out the saying, “stop and smell the roses.” Smelling roses does nothing other than elicit joy. But I think Anne understood how much more it truly does — it elicits joy because of the sweet aroma, it also breathes deep connection between one’s soul and the garden. The place of growth, beauty and connection. She gets it!! Bless you Anne and THANK YOU Erin and Floret for sharing her story.

  159. Jagger on

    Her life of many passions. As someone with an entrepreneurial spirit it can be scary to go against the “social norms” of having a lifelong career. The life she lived shows it’s possible to choose things you enjoy and continue down whatever paths call you, no matter how many there are!

  160. Karen Adam on

    She inspired me to create something beautiful and reminds me that not matter when and how I can always start with what I have.

  161. Ramona on

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. This is such good advise 👏💜🌹

  162. Ruth on

    I think the most inspiring part of this interview was her talking about how you’re never too old to pursue something. This is something that I am struggling with as a stay at home mom. It’s been almost a decade of caring for my little people and I am starting to worry/wonder will I ever get to go and do something or is it going to be too late? Anne’s story is such an uplifiting one where she really made the most out of her life!

  163. Adele Anderson on

    I love her determination and advise on reaching your goals especially in male oriented careers.. and how she started at 60! I’m 47 in my 3rd season of fishing on a lobster boat… hoping to maybe own my own one day! And also trying to start gardening.. started with your seeds Erin! 🌺

  164. Bobbi on

    Thank you for sharing the beauty of Anne’s work with the world! You are truly inspiring and even inspired me to take on roses last year! They are such a joy and much more hardy than people give them credit for.

  165. Donita Schindler on

    I love how she continued her journey of learning till the day she passed. That is very inspirational. Also her talk about climbing roses up through the tree tops where it looks like they’re blooming! So much fun in gardening and I hope to continue always. 🌸💚🌸

  166. Tobi on

    I think I love the part about her starting roses so late in life. That matched with the fact that she said sharing your garden and flowers is just as important as growing them. That is one of my favorite things to do with the flowers I have now. For years I have said that I wanted to grow roses and this has inspired me!!

  167. Andrea on

    Her place is so peaceful and beautiful, in an old-homestead and established sort of way. Seeing all of the photos gives me hope that one day my place can have that same feel and beauty. To just have the patience to let it grow to be such. To just keep working and living life as it comes.

  168. Jodi on

    I love Anne’s passion to preserve and share her roses and all she has learned in her life. She is inspiring in many ways, but especially encouraging to me is to never stop doing and learning no matter your age or situation!

  169. Karen Burnett on

    I don’t know why I got so emotional watching the first episode . . . especially the parts when you talked about Anne. Something resonated with me deep inside and I have been thinking since about how I want to do more of what she was doing. I turn 60 in a couple of months and my favorite parts of the episode, and the interview, was about how she didn’t really start in earnest to grow roses until her 60’s . . . what a tremendous encouragement. Sometimes I think that I am the odd one in my suburban neighborhood as I have abundant patches of rambling roses that I love to just let go wild and grow up into the trees – yes, they may only bloom once a year yet it is something I look forward to every Spring. I loved hearing about how she did the same thing. We recently purchased a couple acres on a hillside in the California gold country and my dream to grow roses and dahlias there gets stronger every time I watch your show or read your books. Thank you for your legacy and for honoring Anne.

  170. Brandi Van Lee on

    I love that Anne created such a treasure that has been passed along for others to care for and enjoy. Her story is so inspiring and moves me to not shy away from continuing to learn and create with the plants that I love and that I’m never too old to do so.

  171. Madison Post on

    I appreciate how Anne noted how good things can still come out of terrible situations. She points out that her life would’ve been likely much different if her first husband didn’t die in WWII. However, she was able to work through such a tragedy and make good from it.

  172. Alix Hester on

    I am so inspired by Anne encouraging us to not underestimate what we are capable of as well as identifying prejudice in ourselves that would limit our self confidence.
    I find it so incredibly uplifting that she started her Rose journey in her 60s I am 57 and I am just in my fifth year of growing roses, and it has changed my life.
    It brings me such joy to share them!!!

  173. Judy Meek on

    I love her advice on life. Stay in touch with others, keep up to date on current events (for me – just enough up to date to not stress!), and stay active!

  174. Diane Daversa on

    What a wonderful woman! Anne really does inspire me and all women to keep going and never give up. You never know what life has in store for you and flowers always enrich the journey no matter where it takes you.

  175. Debbie Gaynor on

    The many things she pursued and accomplished after the age of 60 truly encouraged me . I just turned 60 myself and just planted my very 1st rose bush this spring. I am so excited to learn more about roses and continue to grow my collection! Thank you so much for this inspiring story.

  176. Sarah on

    I think it’s really inspiring how she says we can meet any goal as long as we prepare over time. So often we want to jump to the end goal quickly without the hard work and learning, but the learning and growing is the majority of the journey.

  177. Jayme on

    I expected this interview to be a good read but I did not expect just how much it would resonate with me. Thank you so much for posting,l!

  178. Erica on

    What an inspirational person! I started off thinking that I would browse this section and ended up being totally glued to it. I’m finding all of your content so interesting and the stories that you choose to tell are really amazing. Thank you!

  179. Anita Cairns on

    I absolutely love when she says that you’re never to old to follow your passion! She is an inspiration! Just keep moving! ❤️

  180. Christina Young on

    The part that inspired me the most was “ You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…” Women are stronger then they give themselves credit for.

    I love the idea of roses but have always been told they are HARD to grow! Would love to add these books to my reference library as I start my flower farm.

  181. Kathleen Rozelle on

    I love that Anne just wanted to share her knowledge & love of roses & the roses themselves. If nobody sees them or they just disappear from existence then the beauty is lost forever! She reminds me of Erin in her passion, generosity & problem solving!

  182. Kathy on

    I loved Anne’s spirit seed she sent to the world…don’t be stingy…share 💕 Gardening (especially farming it) is actually therapeutic, and yet, it quickly lends itself to (sometimes raw) isolation … it is important to share the natural beauty …outward… it is as though an honour…an exchange…like a gift of powerful medicine…received/earnestly honoured/addedto/ and passed on… 💕 There in…lies the sparkly…beauty…the magic of life. I really wish she could of made 100! Your paths crossed … you honoured…you continued you shared…absolutely…for a reason 💕 keep shining the light 💡🫶 What a treat…gobbled up…season Two 👍

  183. Celina on

    What an amazing women. I love the 3 main components she lives by, Do not let being a woman stop you from doing what you want to do, get to know yourself and find a passion and learn all you can. Every woman needs to read this interview.

  184. Bernard Arreaga on

    It was so nice seeing Anne story being told. You and your team working in her garden was so magical.

  185. Andrea K on

    The passion she has for the work is amazing.

  186. Jelena on

    “Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a mans job”
    I resonate with this in my work of managing a 20 acre wedding venue. Love her! What a legacy!!

  187. Nicole on

    I love how she shared her gardens & her rose cuttings with so many others. Gardening is often a solitary activity, but inviting others to share in the beauty or let them take a piece of that home is a true gift.

  188. Kate on

    I just started growing flowers in my garden and it’s been my greatest joy. I’d love to win this!

  189. Rebecca Byrne on

    I’m inspired by her advice to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but don’t underestimate what you are capable of doing.

    Such sound thinking and very encouraging to me, having recently retired from working in anatomic pathology and wanting to tend a garden and cultivate beauty.

  190. Vera Soroka on

    Wow, what a legacy she has left behind. A remarkable woman. You were so lucky to know her 💕

  191. Nan Siler on

    “Inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important” reminds us all that sharing our love for roses, flowers, and gardens of any kind is all about sharing. Giving cuttings to friends, taking them bouquets, all of these are amazing gifts that come from the heart.

  192. Katie Ollier on

    Gardening is about friendship, don’t be stingy. I absolutely love that! In a world with so much division, anger, and sorrow, you can always depend on gardeners to have the perfect outlook and to send their love and care into the world.

  193. Tara M on

    Just a lovely and inspiring women! I love that she started her rose journey at 60. And now has over 30 years of knowledge. That’s an inspiration to me as I’m 53. Don’t slow down! Keep going for what you love.

  194. Maryrose on

    In our youth obsessed culture, it’s fantastic to read a story about a women who started a new career at 60!! It’s so inspiring! Everyone has a story and her life’s story is fascinating! Thanks for sharing Anne’s life with us!

  195. Tracey Sherman on

    Anne’s interview reinforces that no matter our age, we can still make our dreams come true. This is meaningful to me because, 1. just this week, I passed 62 years, 4 months, the exact age as my mother the day she passed away, and 2. my husband and I have lived in 38 homes in 43 years of marriage and are still living temporarily in an apartment as his career goals have required frequent moves. It’s a very good life, but goodness, do I look forward to settling and expanding my little balcony potted garden to something more permanent! Anne also inspires me with her spirit of generosity–the importance of sharing our life blessings and dedicating time and energy to making our world a better place. Thank you, Floret, for introducing us to this most remarkable woman.

  196. Jane Powell on

    I love that if Anne set her mind on something, she did it! She even built a house!!! What’s not to admire, inspire and leave you in awe???

  197. Lori Wyatt on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    ^ That is my favorite part ^. This was basically my motto during our homeschooling years. Each kid had interests and I tried to make it possible for them to let their interests lead them as far as we could afford. The best days!

  198. Kathy Gieser on

    So much to choose from! But I must say her “advice” at 97 struck me the most…how she pursued her love of roses at age 60 while also starting a contracting business and just recently was launching her own website and blog. Determination, education & the pursuit of following dreams wholeheartedly. Truly very inspiring!

  199. Celine on

    What an inspiring and interesting woman! Thank you for giving us a glimpse into Anne’s life and for this beautiful interview.

  200. Tamara Kizer on

    As a 63 year young passionate spirit to all the joys and disappointments, the planning, process and journey of gardening , I was emotional and became teary eyed hearing and seeing Anne’s story. The determination, her open sharing of all her knowledge, love, dedication and the journey that she began in her 60s .
    I always question whether pursuing this passion is doable at 63 years old and annes story brought me a sense of possibility hopeful confirmation for my future and my place in the growing world.
    I am fulfilled and energized when teaching , encouraging and sharing, and supporting several younger gardeners (40’s) discovering their passion in the gardening world. They are the future of gardening and knowledge and We all can learn from Anne’s generosity to the world and her commitment to rambling roses, her purpose Thank you for sharing Anne’s story , an unknown but beautiful story, it meant so much to me and I am sure many others.

  201. Ashlyn H. on

    I’ve been considering starting a small patch of roses in my own garden but have been overwhelmed with trying to do it “right.” But Anne’s simplicity is encouraging: water, fertilize, lots of sunshine. That I can work with. I also love that she was a woman who worked with her hands and didn’t let her gender stop her from doing really anything. As I tackle my own garden, I’m inspired to ask for help when necessary, but first try to do the work myself.

  202. Pam de Ruiter on

    Get out of bed and do !!
    Age has nothing to do with your passion , as Anne said she started her rose journey after 60 and look what she’s accomplished!

  203. Ashley on

    I’m 37, often already feel that I’m too late to the world of flowers, and wonder how we’ll ever manage to buy our own land for growing. I so love her can-do attitude, her reflections on her age, and how she continually pushed forward with her interests. What a legacy!

  204. Marissa on

    Both the ideas that you are never too old to learn something new plus the fact that doing great things requires study and hard work. As a teacher and a dreamer I felt proud, validated, and inspired.

  205. Michelle on

    What an amazing woman! To be so diverse in so many different fields and have done them all so well. I was very impressed with her desire to have her own website at 97! Wow!

  206. Bethany on

    I love that she said don’t be stingy. Share your passion with others and maybe they can learn too. You can grow friendships by being generous. Love that. It’s so important in a world that seems more isolated and self centered to be generous.

  207. Sandy on

    An amazing woman! She is inspirational and I was touched by many things she spoke about during her interview, but especially when telling you to set your goals and then go about gathering the knowledge and skills to reach those goals. Often you will exceed those goals. And as a woman, you can do anything a man can do. Where you lack the strength, you can find mechanical means to overcome this! My father also taught me this!

  208. Catherine Duvall on

    What a beautiful lady! I just loved reading this article. My favorite part was that her relationships because of the roses because as beautiful as the roses and the parallels there.

  209. Darcy Conatser-Pacheco on

    What a treasure of a human. I am so inspired by her sailing journey and her advice on following your dreams. Incredible and uplifting wisdom. I am bookmarking this page and plan to visit her website as well. Thank you for sharing this Floret!

  210. Penny Griffith on

    … what she said – about having the expectation to live to 100 fascinated me!
    She needed all that time to do all the things that she accomplished!
    I’m starting my bucket list now.

  211. Paige Beck on

    She was so tough! She kept learning and doing and got the most out of her whole life 😂

  212. Michelle on

    I am now 69 years old and I totally believe what Anne said in her interview about sharing with others. I absolutely believe her advice to keep moving, keep seeing friends. Start new projects! It’s a beautiful day!

  213. Emily Krause on

    What hit me the most was Anne’s advice to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.
    In today’s society, especially the younger generations, everyone is hooked to their devices. I constantly have to encourage my daughter to read a book, go outside, try something new. It just goes to show how fast life passes you by and if you spend you time looking at other people’s accomplishments you are going to miss the opportunity for yours.

  214. Maggie MacDonell on

    I love that she didn’t let her age stop her from perusing dreams! Age is only a number and she proved that!

  215. Jennifer on

    She was an amazing lady and I loved that she didn’t let age stop her from learning new things. My husband and I built our house ourselves and I really admire her for learning to build houses. And to track down so many rose varieties from far away places…we owe it to her to keep her rose legacy alive. I also loved that she placed a lot of value on investing in local nurseries. So much wisdom in this interview. Thank you for sharing!

  216. Donna on

    The part that inspired me the most was the things she did in her sixties. She lived her life to the full until the day she died. I am in my mid 60s and I want to follow her example. I want to create beauty for myself and others, always!

  217. Katie on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. ” Wow, what a wonderful quote and philosophy. Since beginning to grow dahlias on my own property, this has become my own philosophy. Nothing brings me more happiness than sharing a bouquet (or a tuber) with a friend or family member and seeing their faces light up. What an inspiring woman!

  218. Morgan Gilbert on

    It’s hard to pick just one thing about Anne that inspired me. I feel like we shared many interests and passions. I love her interests in nature and animal welfare. I also love her mindset about sharing.
    “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

  219. Darlene at Fieldstone Hill Design on

    I was most inspired by Anne’s late start!!! And her advice to stay out of bed. I am a later-starting rose gardener and this was encouraging to me!!! What a life beautifully lived.

  220. Michelle Fatovic on

    Her passions resonate with my own, flower gardening, victorian houses, never being afraid to do what you can dream of. I am nearing my retirement years and my dream is to build a beautiful garden to be enjoyed by all, the birds, the butterflies and the people that visit me. Years ago I had a flower shop and I had a sign made to put in the garden I would have many years later. It was a statement from a magazine article I once read. It reads, “I’m out on my porch every morning and evening. Sometimes I’m alone. Sometimes friends come by. But always I’m enjoying my garden, and the wonderful flowers there that remind me of the people who gave them to me.” by Lucy McKenzie. Bless you Anne for sharing your joy of roses.

  221. Mary Dorcey on

    Wonderful story…..she even looks like my Mom! What a wonderful life she led, surrounded by so much beauty!

  222. Amanda Cook on

    I’m not sure you could ever receive better advice than this “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    I turn 39 in a few weeks, I’m a mother, wife, friend, and gardener. I decided a year ago to take a pottery class at the local community college, so I now claim to also be a potter. And, now I’ve been so inspired by this story I’d like to start a small rose garden. I look for inspiration frequently, I work in IT as a young woman without a formal technical education. I’m always up for a challenge and I can relate so much to this interview, your first episode, and the desire to live a driven full life. I too believe that I can do anything if I do my research, study, and gain the knowledge to complete the task.

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story and for sharing yours.

  223. Susan on

    Nothing is impossible! I loved that Anne was such a force of nature. What an amazing legacy she has given us. There is so much to learn and enjoy in life. Never let anything stop you from living your dreams. I just turned 60 this year and to hear Anne say that she thought that was old and then lived another 37years doing amazing things was such an inspiration to me.
    Live, dream, love, and give!

  224. Emily on

    I’ve had some opportunities come up to grow a business, but I’ve always been scared of failing. Ann’s interview encouraged menot to be afraid.

  225. Vicky Thompson on

    At 72 yrs old and growing rambling and other antique roses, some now 20 years old I’m inspired by Ann’s advise to stay out of bed and keep gardening. It’s what keeps me going and keeps me young at heart.

  226. Shalon on

    All the amazing things she did. She was not afraid of making mistakes. She just read studied and researched then and just went for it! I liked when she said to share the roses. Invite friends in and enjoy the property. I always worry about how things look, that they need to be perfect to have someone over, but she is right that, many friendships as lovely as the roses will be developed. I also will keep in mind her advice of “To keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    Thank you!

  227. Lindsey on

    I had a neighbor like her once who always was so giving and generous. She began my love for flowers as she handed me a pair of shears and told me to go pick a bouquet for myself. I love how Anne was a giver. Because of her generosity, we can enjoy her roses that live on. Giving is what starts a legacy and I want to follow that path as well. 🌹

  228. Elaine Farrand on

    Her comment about not letting age get in the way of pursuing your dreams resonates with me. I’m in my early 60s starting a cut flower business, and always searching for new and better ways to utilize my land and be a better flower farmer!

  229. Julie VanAgtmael on

    So much to give inspiration. What a remarkable woman. The most inspiring part for me was her mindset to start such amazing journeys at 60. I am 63 and have wondered if I should stop buying plants for my garden. This story has reassured me that I can keep going and enjoying and loving my garden. In particular my roses. It seems I can never get enough of them. Winning her library of books would truly be a blessing.

  230. Aubrey H. on

    “You need to study and become an apprentice.” Maybe because I’m a mom of littles and feel my brain is mush some days, but I find the act of researching, strategizing, and applying gardening techniques I’ve learned as satisfying as the blooms themselves. Anne’s passion is incredibly inspiring and I love her willingness to share her knowledge and the fruits of her labors. What a treasure of a friend to have had!

  231. Lisa Traynor on

    What inspires me the most about Anne is her passion for these roses and the desire to share them. And all this after age 60! As I’m closing in on the end of my 40s, I find her refreshing and I see hope for myself in her! I can’t wait to read her books!

  232. Emily Filowiat on

    What an inspiring person! I love how she spoke of turning 60 as just another quarter of her life. Seeing someone achieve such lofty things no matter her age is truly inspiring. I really enjoyed reading the entire interview and learning more about her in episode 1 so far. I was moved to tears. Thank you for sharing.

  233. Christy Winter on

    I did not know roses came in so many shapes and sizes until I watched the first episode of growing floret. I first learned if dahlias in a similar way and I have been obsessed with them ever since. Last year I purchased dahlia seeds from floret and I was amazed how many different flowers came from one seed packet. I learned how to save the tubers and seeds from Erin’s book and this year I have planted 88 dahlias from seeds and tubers I saved. Anne’s story makes me want to try my hand at ramblers. I have always avoided rises because of their thorns. And I never thought they had a pleasant aroma but maybe that’s because I was experiencing then from a market where they were breed for mass production.

    The part of Anne’s interview that stuck out to me was to “get out of bed” and enjoy life. I had a back injury two years ago that left me with a disability and it really limits the things I am able to do. I still have dreams to do big things and in the end I do get them done, it just takes a lot longer than it has in the past. I think this tear I am going to plant a rambler to help remind me to keep my head up and keep moving forward.

  234. Ginny Talbert on

    I love Anne’s formula for achieving a difficult goal. What an amazing and special woman! This is a very lovely interview, Erin, that you were fortunate to do.

  235. Kelly Ann Myers on

    Love love love this story of roses – want to learn more!!!!

  236. Karina Tun on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. “

  237. Paige Patterson on

    I love the 3 part formula she shared. I’m in the midst of contemplating making some massive changes and was letting my brain (and my age — going to be 61) trip me up. Was heading towards futility but found this article to be a lovely nudge to the left of where I could have been heading. Brilliant. Onwards.

  238. Julie Munro on

    I love that flowers bring people together, in the most nostalgic and meaningful way. I’m fairly certain most of our first memories of gardening is with our mom, grandma or someone else meaningful that helped instill the love in us! Love learning about Anne’s beautiful and rose filled life!

  239. Christina Lentz on

    Enjoying this season of Growing Floret. The legacy of Anne’s roses brought me to tears, reminding me of my Grandmother and her roses she had when I was a little girl. Making me wish I had them today. I enjoyed this interview and look forward to reading Anne’s blog. My favourite is when asked how to continue on her legacy, Anne replied “Keep them watered, fertilized, in a place with lots of sunshine and to share them. Don’t be stingy”. Flowers really do have a way of bringing people together.

  240. Susie Armstrong on

    Anne is truly inspiring. I am 62 years old and when I read that she sought goals starting at 60 it made me think. I will now be pondering the things that I have disregarded as achievable this late in my life and recalculate what I am missing to reach those goals. Thank you Anne.
    I have many flowers in my cutting garden and now multiple gardens of different types but I have to say a rambling rose that grew on the old open ended garage with my 1949 cape in Ashland, Virginia has always been my child. The garage was torn down but I made sure to protect this little rambling rose. I have looked it up may time trying to find out what type it is but have been unsuccessful. It is so sweet and my favorite flower that I have. Its blooms are clustered and a beautiful shade of red with hints of pink. I know Anne would have treasured it too probably.

  241. Jackie Wilkinson on

    What an incredible story. Maybe there is still hope that I can grow roses in my 60’s!

  242. Sarah on

    Wow, she accomplished so much! I think building a house is super impressive m and even starting her own website a 97 years old is his a testament to never stop learning and growing!

  243. Mary on

    I love Anne’s words, “to inspire… is an act of love”. Thank you for sharing her legacy❤️

  244. Carolynn Manners on

    I am in awe of this one woman’s tenacity and grit to teach herself skills and to learn about roses, but more than this I’m in awe of Annes generous spirit and gratitude to those who grow her roses and share them to the gardening community. Many of us started our first gardens with clips and cuttings from other generous gardeners who were wiser than us, people like Anne who encouraged our efforts and taught us what they had learned. Thank you Anne for sharing your story.

  245. Traci Clemens on

    What an inspiring woman! I too am a visual person, and the pictures were extraordinary. Also inspiring for my own garden as it grows. I have felt that I was too late to start anew, but after reading how Anne started at 60 and is now 97 (and still going!), that encourages me to get off my tuchus and start living. The advice to “get out of bed” and “stop isolating” hit home. I fall into that trap and inhibit myself. Thank you for the encouragement that is much needed. I also will be taking back ideas to my own garden from pictures in the article. Love the trellised roses. I will start doing my homework to take care of the one rose I have so far and had planted with my 5-year-old niece. We call our rose “Enee’s Rose” – Enslee is my niece’s name and she does love roses! Additions are in the works :) Especially now with all the visuals above and a niece who wants to learn!!!

  246. Carolynn Manners on

    I am in awe of this woman’s tenacity and grit to teach herself skills but more than this I am in awe of Annies generous spirit and gratitude to those who own and tend her roses, many of us started our gardens with cuttings and slips of plants from other gardeners, this generousity lives on in our hearts and gardens. Annie has been a

  247. Amanda on

    I loved that when asked her favorite she chose a red rambler, I had just ordered on set to arrive Friday and it’s all I can think of. Lovely Interview.

  248. Marta on

    What a role model for today in so many ways! For me, hearing about what Anne achieved in her life after the age of 60 was such a powerful motivation and reminder to push through the barriers we come up against in society. At 52, I have just been made redundant at a job I worked for 20 years. It can feel like opportunities are there for the youth alone but reading through your interview with this wonderful lady’ has given me much needed determination and insight. Share, visit with friends, don’t shut yourself off, lifelong learning, big and small goals , animals and plants nourish us,….she built houses….!!! I can live, I can work, I can learn, I can grow and I too will share my gifts. Thank you Anne and Erin, for sowing these seeds in my heart and I imagine, in the hearts of countless others.

  249. Rosa Veldkamp on

    I just turned 58. That she started this amazing journey at 60 is incredibly inspiring.

  250. Apfia on

    Wow what an inspiring woman. Her comment about never being too old to begin something hits home. Becoming a female contractor after 60 🤯 mind blowing.

  251. Maureen on

    Just beautiful…and as far as inspiration, yes.

  252. Shihan on

    What an inspiring lady. I can remember when you and your team went to visit Anne.

  253. Robyn on

    I didn’t know about Anne’s Garden … and I am so thankful for you bringing her into my world. I have been a Landscape Designer since 2000 when I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. After going thru the treatments I realized how precious life was and immediately enrolled into the certification program for landscape design at university. I’ve been designing gardens ever since … until 2 years ago when I got too advanced with my MS. Now I’m home most days … fighting a full-time wheelchair but absolutely loving all of my gardening books … especially those on flowers such as roses, peonies, irises, and your books too … especially the one on Dalia’s … I’d love to get Anne’s rose books … even if I can order them … I will definitely try too. Thank you for bringing so much flower education into my life. Your shows and your books and your daily posts have taught me so much more than the whole 3 year landscape program I took at university. I hope this makes you smile … you’re doing such important work, Erin and team! 💜💜💜

  254. Jennita on

    the sharing part inspires me the most. So much beauty to share. Thank you both ❤️

  255. Robin on

    Such A Beautiful Lady! I remember when you and Chris went to visit her and how packed your Van Was with Rose’s!

  256. Kosuke on

    I read this interview from Japan. I was so shocked to know Anne’s first husband passed away in the ww2. Then I also impressed with Anne’s lest life was phenomenal and spectacular and adventurous. My wife and I also growing rose here and dreaming to beautiful rose garden like her.

  257. Cassidy on

    My goodness, where do I begin! Such a remarkable lady, I wish I had the honor of meeting her, but I am so grateful you gifted us with some of her wise words!

    I think her overarching attitude of determination and ability to do the work to achieve her vision and goal is the most inspiring part for me! As someone who has many ideas, I really appreciate this! She has definitely inspired me to put in the work and education to accomplish my dreams! Thank you for the motivation and incredible wisdom!

  258. Lauren on

    The thing that moved me the most I think was everything she accomplished in her life, from a sailor, a botanist, a teacher , a contractor and a rosarian. Wow

  259. Annamarie Witcher on

    I am so excited to see more beautiful roses . Roses are my favorite there smell is just the best. I would love to learn more about roses. I want to have at least one of every rose. Thank you for this blog post it so inspiring.

  260. DianeS on

    What a strong, amazing woman. I love that she wanted to share her knowledge and her roses with others that shared her passion for roses. Loved S2 E1. Can’t wait to view the other episodes.

  261. Danalynn Vanstone on

    I LOVE her advice….stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family. I couldn’t agree more!

  262. Mamta Shankar on

    ‘My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. ‘ This was the most moving part of the entire interview for me. As someone who also got into gardening late, I can relate. But roses make such wonderful partners in life. With every passing year mine bring more and more and more joy.

  263. Mary Lenker on

    I was impressed with Anne’s formula for achieving difficult tasks! I believe where there is a will there is a way! Many times I have had to figure out a way to complete a task that I didn’t have the knowledge or the strength to accomplish. It is empowering to hear other women share their accomplishments. Anne is a wonderful role model for girls and women.

  264. Nelz on

    Her desire to do something so grand in her later years is very inspiring! She was so determined and motivated. I’m very inspired.

  265. Cyndee Carvalho on

    I loved reading about this amazing woman. I spent the morning in a beautiful garden used for cut flowers where they make arrangements to give away to the seniors, hospital bound, widows, and low income members of our community. All of this is run by an eighty -year -young seed gardener. Woman like these make me proud and honored. Thanks for sharing this interview. Cyndee

  266. Kim on

    she has amazing determination! very inspiring.

  267. Maggie on

    Love your continuing the old varieties, telling the stories, and enriching our flower world. I love old roses. I’ve got some of my grandmother’s from the 1940’s …..Ann’s books would be a beloved treasure!

  268. Zac on

    I was inspired by Ann not letting her age be a reason not to do something. I was encouraged by this and it was a wonderful reminder to embrace each day we have and live it to the fullest. The first episode of the show really gave me a new perspective on preserving plants, something I hadn’t thought of before.

  269. Marti on

    I don’t know how to explain how serendipitous the timing of this is. One thing that stopped me dead in my tracks in reading this interview was the fact she built her house on Camano…where we’ve literally JUST moved to…and today, the same day you post this, the day after season 2 launch, we learn we are officially able to move forward to start building our house. How she started her next chapter at 60…and I’m starting mine at 40. How her love for the garden came later in life, which mine did as well. I know the likelihood of me winning is slim, but if there’s any way to be able to help with her gardens, and propagate roses from her gardens so her legacy lives on at my new acreage and so I can share them with my family & neighbors, and my loved ones in other states, I’d really love the opportunity. What a win it would be to be able to help Anne’s living heirlooms live on everywhere for generations to come.

  270. Nancy on

    I love Anne’s philosophy on sharing with others and not being stingy. My grandmother believed the more you gave away the better your garden would grow.

  271. Debra B on

    Reading how Anne encouraged the sharing of rose cuttings and considered it as acts of love and friendship made me think about my rose journey. When my husband and I started our gardens, we looked for rose gardens and found very friendly people who were willing to talk to us about old growth roses and some offered to share cuttings along with their knowledge. My garden favorite is my Sweet Brier whose leaves smell like fresh green apples and has small delicate pink flowers.

  272. Tammy Makoul on

    I was so intrigued by the fact she started her rose passion and collection at 60! My word, she built her own home, sailed, I don’t think there’s anything she couldn’t do! She knew how to live life. God bless her and her legacy lives on! 🤍✨

  273. Veronika Shliazh on

    I am the most inspired by the part that she started her collection at 60. You never know how long you will leave, but some people give up and don’t want to do anything. Im inspired that Anne didn’t think of that and continued living and engaging her life by growing roses!

  274. Alicia on

    I love that she didn’t let being a woman in her generation hold her back from taking the reigns of her own story and creating for herself the life of beauty she envisioned. She literally built and grew the beauty around her on her own.

  275. Susan O'Halloran on

    The fact that Anne took on her rose garden in her 60’s. This gives me encouragement to undertake new garden adventures even though I just turned 72.

  276. Dearborn McHaley on

    What an incredible woman! Reading about her various adventures and paths she took in life is incredibly inspiring to me. At 43, I have also already taken several interesting paths in life, most of them in male dominated professions, without caring whether I “had a beard or the biceps.” I wanted to do it, and I simply made it work. What she said about the key to longevity consisting of life-long learning and growing really strikes a cord with me. That is the philosophy I also follow in life. I’ve been a teacher, a paramedic, a nurse, and now a horticulturist and farmer-florist. My dreams and passion for learning and evolving haven’t slowed down one bit. I hope I am as lucky as Ms. Belovich to live a long, full, and varied life.

  277. Missy on

    “It’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” And “commit yourself to lifelong learning and skill development” so so good!

  278. Pam on

    I was very inspired by her comment that she thought 60 was old, and then lived a whole second life. So many people retire and think life it over. I am thinking of it as a another chapter. I became a master gardener last year looking forward to new opportunities in my next chapter when I retire! Anne didn’t set out to change the world, but has had a great impact. We never know where the road will take us, but if we don’t have our eye’s open for the next opportunity in our next chapter, we might miss it! Here’s to many more chapters when I retire!

  279. Michelle on

    Learning from such a place of passion.

  280. Heather on

    I have been feeling down lately because of back issues that are preventing me from doing any gardening this summer. Being inspired that I have many more years ahead of me to catch up was so inspiring.

  281. Jayme Viglas on

    Wow! Anne’s life story and personality are beautiful in so many ways but the way she was able to make her ideas come to life by preparing, educating, and putting no limits on her abilities is what is truly inspiring.

  282. Cheryl Jardine on

    A wonderful life story – the comment that inspired me the most was keep moving, stay out of bed, meet with friends and have lunch – she accomplished so much after age 60 that it truly is an inspiration for someone my age to do just as she has said. Learn new things, spend the time learning a hobby or particular talent you might develop so that life is full – there will be times when you can’t devote all your time but keep at it and that talent will develop into an enjoyable time and inspire younger family members and friends to carry on the same zest for life.

  283. Courtney Ross on

    What a sweet wealth of knowledge. So inspiring to hear her way of staying young. To stay out of bed, keep learning, we can do anything we set out to do if we put in the effort. Such an inspiring woman thank you for sharing.

  284. Alison Hall on

    Life-long learning! Anne mentioned this in the interview but clearly her life is an example of how learning keeps you young and engaged with the world. Love this and will aspire to it.

  285. marlae lee on

    “Be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing”. I LOVE this!!!!

  286. Debbie on

    I just retired at 62 and I am so incredibly inspired by what she achieved after 60s, starting her own construction company even wow!
    I recently bought roses last year after reading this article originally because it it’s inspired me that I can do anything after 60 like she did!

  287. Carol Sammons on

    What an inspiring woman! I love that her passion for roses started when she was 60 years old. I just turned 60 this year and am so excited about my new garden. I will be planting some old rambling roses! Thank you Erin for sharing Anne with your followers.

  288. Morgan Anderson on

    Anne’s story is so inspiring! I probably would never have heard it without Floret making it known, which is kind of scary. Thank you for making her story known.

  289. Kathy Dublinski on

    I read about ramblers and how they add color to the garden.
    I love roses and would to see these ramblers in my garden!

  290. Lisa on

    Loved “Don’t be stingy”. Anne’s beloved roses have a better chance for survival because she shared. A remarkable lady. Thanks for sharing her story and her wise words.

  291. Mariah on

    “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    I hope my garden, my roses, can help create the kind of generosity I see in Anne!

  292. Jenna Street on

    This episode brought me to tears. It was beautifully inspiring!

  293. Kendra N on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    This made me tear up actually, because my mom and grandma loved roses a lot and summers around my grandma’s porch smelled of roses. It also reminds me, what legacy do I want to leave behind? What do I want my kids to remember me most by? What will they love most about me, when I have passed on.

  294. Meloney on

    Anne’s whole life was inspiring with all the things she had done over the course of her life. The roses really touched me.

  295. Leda Bower on

    I feel the comment that touches my heart is when she says you are never too old to carry on with your passion, I believe and hope that is when the best work is done….

  296. Alyssa on

    The part where she lifts up the wall all by herself with a wall jack! And that she did so many things in life, with her whole heart, and her passion for roses didn’t start till her 60’s and she still pursued it!!

  297. Geetha Raghunathan on

    I loved the fact she was a feminist survivor who could rise above all odds to fulfill her aspirations! You go Anna!!!!

  298. Catherine Stewart on

    Wow, what an incredible human. I’m turning 60 next year and I am so inspired and excited about the future. Anne’s words make me realize that it’s okay to be starting something totally new at my age. I’m intrigued by all the things you learned and accomplished throughout her life. I love that she did not see any limits being a female and that she felt she could do anything a man could do. I love this way of thinking and will remember her words whenever I am thinking I can’t accomplish something. Thank you Erin and Anne for sharing such a powerful life story.

  299. Carolynn plowden on

    Everything about Anne is inspiring and I admire her strength, love of animals and beautiful flowers. I love how she doesn’t have a favorite flower because how can you choose like that?

  300. Maureen Mosher on

    Wow, what an incredible life she had and an even more incredible legacy she leaves behind for us all. It’s hard to pick just one thing that was inspiring about her story, it was all incredibly moving. I’m so thankful you shared her story, and her roses 🌹

  301. Laura on

    The comment she made, “It’s s never too late to act on your goals and dreams” is so amazing and encouraging. She truly was an amazing woman!

  302. Amy on

    I am in tears thinking of the full and wonderful life that lead to having a wonderful passion for roses. I can see myself in her childhood, feeling trapped and wanting to escape to a calm and quiet world filled with the mysteries of nature. It is so wonderful to see the way that life ebbs and flows and follows the path that it was meant to take. I feel so inspired to follow what life brings and see where life takes me. 🥰

  303. katy Giffault on

    Erin you are so special to bring to us Anne’s story and save cuttings from her vast collection ! I am inspired by both of you
    and your steadfast, fierce focus on learning and sharing. It just dawned on me tonight that these two qualities you both have in spades, is your gift to all of us!

  304. Nichelle on

    I was so inspired by the fact that Anne started her incredible rose collection and passion when she was in her 60s! We are never to old to learn something new and make a difference in this world!

  305. Linda Wininger on

    Although I am disabled she made me reevaluate where I am in life and where I have yet to go…or better yet…want to go…. I will be 70 but I am a young 70 and for sure have lots of time to do what ever it is that inspires me.
    I would have loved to have known her too. Thank you for sharing her legacy.

  306. Lydia on

    Wow! What an remarkable way of living, having, so many different ways of living. She had many different careers of life, a botanist, a teacher, a sailor, a general contractor, a rosarian, a writer. She even went another path of life at age 60, very inspiring and something that I can learn from, it is never to late to choose another way of living, never to old. You had a great privilege in meeting her and bringing her ways to yours. Thankyou for sharing this interview with us, she was a very impressive woman!

  307. Jessa on

    What a beautiful interview! I’m so inspired. By the work that you are doing. My favorite quote was “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” It’s so true!

  308. Kari Ward on

    Anne’s interview is inspirational to me as I turned 60 this year. She lived a full life after 60. I am inspired to be curious and continue to learn and be open to opportunities in this next part of my life. Thank you for sharing a special conversation with a special person.

  309. Kelly Martinez on

    “ Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged.” What a beautiful statement!

  310. Aleta M on

    The photos inspire me, what a sweet woman!

  311. Ashlin Wilson on

    This is such a beautiful story. It helps keep this time and season if my life in perspective. One day I hope for my garden to be as lush. Until that time, I’ll keep changing diapers and loving in my little ones.

  312. Cheryl Duncan-Molloy on

    This was an amazing interview, what a pleasure to read about Anne! “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” <3 this quote, how empowering!

  313. Belinda on

    I think the thing about Anne’s story that I find so inspiring is that it is never too late to find your life’s purpose. I love that her legacy began at a point in her life that most people feel is the curtain lowering.

  314. Michaela Williams on

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful interview with Anne. Her story is so inspirational and she teaches us that it’s never too late to dream! ❤️

  315. Jenni on

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful interview.

  316. Danielle Doby on

    I love how she embodies the truth that it’s never too late to dream a new dream and change the direction of your life. What a legacy she left behind – it’s so inspiring!

  317. Rebecca Materasso on

    Reading this for the third time and I can’t help but feel like Anne’s story is a part of my story that hasn’t even happened yet, if that makes sense? She left a legacy that is unmeasurable. I finished season 2 of Floret and Erin you have to know that you have already left your mark on this world. You’ve given us all something that can’t be measured by words.

  318. Betsy Feiden on

    It’s never too late to set a new goal or dream a new dream. 🕊️ ✨ This interview is so incredibly inspiring as well as the first episode of season two. Don’t let anything stop you from doing what you love. You can do anything you set your mind to. Never sell yourself short. Thank you so very much for sharing Anne’s story. 🙏🏽💕 Thank you so much for inspiring us to dream big and bring to life those dreams.

  319. Sally Poppema on

    You are never too old. Stay out of bed, socialize, go out to lunch and keep learning . Keep going!!!

  320. Ashley on

    Anne. What an inspiration she is. Nothing stood in her way of her dreams. It’s like she had no obstacles.
    I am so thankful to know a tiny piece of her story. What a gift you have in having met her and to have the opportunity to continue her legacy unto your own.

  321. Lindsey Ashcroft on

    I’ve just begun my lifelong dream of becoming a rosarian. I have 13 varieties right now and I love them as much as my 5 children, miss them when I’m away, enjoy their company so much and love gifting them to others. Such a lovely interview!

  322. Tammi Goff on

    What an amazing & inspiring woman! “… try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.”

  323. Joyce on

    This is the part of the interview that most inspired me were her thoughts of using her roses to GROW FRIENDSHIPS! She is truly an inspiration and she brought more beauty into the world.

    “Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. “

  324. Nilou on

    What inspires me is Anne’s determination/drive to do the things she sets her mind to. Something to draw on and apply to in my own life.

  325. Meghan Marshall on

    Anne’s words of wisdom and advice is something I will carry with me. She is an inspiration to all of us

  326. Tracy Ann Sellers on

    What an inspiration. I could live another 50 years and hope to have the wisdom and love for life as Anne. I did not know she was involved with NOAH. We have adopted 2 beloved pets from there over the years. I love her passion for all things living.

  327. Amanda Cipperly on

    I find so much inspiration in the idea that a flower is a legacy. When she says “ Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”…. That answer has so much truth to it!

  328. Jordan Henning on

    Anne’s determination inspired me and also the fact that she was able to devote so much time to her work and to writing book to share with others is incredibly inspiring.

  329. Cathy Baker on

    So encouraging – ” you can meet or exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” Reminds me a bit of Thomas Edison’s 99% perspiration. And gardeners most certainly do that. I also really like that ramblers, once established, need little care. And I will be planting a rambler or two!

  330. Sierra on

    To me, I found her story about starting multiple projects at sixty incredibly inspiring. Knowing that Anne stuck with her passions throughout her life and continued to learn inspires me to keep following my passions no matter what age.

  331. Kelsie on

    I think the most inspiring thing to me was that she started new ventures at 60 & noted she got to enjoy those ventures for over a third of her life!

  332. Amanda on

    I love the message in her story! You’re never too old to stop learning. So beautiful!

  333. Susan Galloway on

    At any age, we can make a difference. Never stop learning. Never stop living. Each day is special. Each day is a gift.

  334. April on

    I feel inspired to do more to preserve our past treasures. I love Anne’s love for roses and bringing American roses back. She’s definitely a ray of light and I love that she never slowed down. She always followed through and completed what she put her mind to.

  335. Jessica Erickson on

    It’s never to late to get something started if it’s a passion. Love this story.

  336. Adrienne on

    That she started things at 60! I’m turning 52 this year and feel like I have missed my opportunity for certain things, especially in my career. But now I am inspired! I can make shifts and try new things at any time. And that in her 90’s she just went for it with a website and blog because she always wanted to do it. That is so inspiring.

  337. Ann Brown on

    Her comments about her dreams vs her age. Just keep going! Plus, stay out of bed…

  338. Carly Jordan on

    I love that this is a passion Anne picked up at 60! I’m on a new career path at 40 and sometimes feel like I’m crazy. This reminds me that there’s no time like the present and there is still so much time to live and learn!

  339. Elaine Carter on

    Ann’s story is so inspiring. I am 71 years old and love to learn more and more about gardening. Her story inspires me keep learning and adding new things to my gardens.

  340. Heather P on

    What a lovely lady. Thanks for sharing her story and beautiful roses!

  341. Jessica on

    The most inspiring part of the interview was her discussing not letting being a woman stop you from achieving your goals. As a young woman who just bought her own house, I often felt and feel the prejudice or opinions about doing so on my own. Love the idea about setting goals and finding the ways to achieve them!

  342. Marta on

    “Inviting people in and sharing is perhaps the most important”.. so much wisdom!!

  343. Sherri Y. on

    I love that Anne did not let her age hold her back….never too late to start going after your dreams!

  344. Patty A on

    I too like to invite people in to my garden. To share knowledge, lessons learned, clippings. I like her encouragement to share and to be generous. The world needs more of that, and thank you Erin for helping to promote that kindness.

  345. Rebecca Bolton on

    I love how she turned her tragedy … the loss of her husband, into something positive and beautiful.

  346. edna thackeray on

    Ann advises women to live their best lives as they see fit! We can clearly see Ann lived her life to the fullest!

  347. Grace on

    What an amazing life, and the interview is so in depth, which does her justice. Thank you!

  348. Kira on

    I love Anne’s advice in this interview, particularly about knowing yourself and your own strengths!

  349. Carrie on

    How she first viewed the garden as being imprisoned to inspiring.Beautiful soul.

  350. Carrie on

    How she first viewed the garden as being imprisoned to inspiring.Beatsoul.

  351. Rhonda on

    Anne is so inspiring! She reminds us much can be accomplished at all ages and stages of our lives. Too, I love her spirit of giving and sharing, which will extend her beauty of roses to a restless world! Oh, what beauty in each rose, truly a gift from above. Thank you for tending His gardens so well.

  352. Betsy on

    Anne is very inspiring and I adore her take on life. Such great reminders that there are no limitations! Her roses are magical and extraordinary! I’m excited to begin my own rose journey!

  353. Katherine Horton on

    It was neat that it was not till she was 60 that she began her rose journey. And also it is inspiring that her Mom had to chase her down to get her back in the garden to help! Maybe there is hope for my kids to enjoy gardening one of these days! What an inspiring woman!

  354. Jodi Fabian on

    I love her perspective on starting her rose collection “later in life.” It’s fascinating that she considered it just the 3rd part of her life and not really “later.”

  355. Kimberly on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” As a SAHM to 7 kiddos at 44 years old, who sometimes feels like she has sacrificed the best years of life for her family, I am challenged, encouraged, and inspired by Anne’s never-ending dream chasing. I see me in her and I am excited to see what dream I can pursue next!

  356. Sally on

    I think the hardest part is finding something about Anne that doesn’t inspire me…Anne you were a force! Many times in my life I have believed things to be as simple as researching an idea and then learn by doin it. And yet, I find myself in the research phase for far too long, often never moving past the fears I develop from outside criticism. It’s been hard for me to admit that while I am loved by my family, we come from a legacy of surviving not thriving and so new ideas are often met with doubt and a certainty for failure. Reading Anne’s interview along with watching episode one of the second season, I felt my heart heal. I felt healed that someone else could take an idea…like building a house or cultivating roses or starting a website in her “later” years and just do it because she believed in herself. She trusted in herself. And darn it Anne, that is a true gift in this era of imposter syndrome and cancel culture. So, I’ll take Anne’s lesson in Self and apply them to my endeavors from here on out.

  357. Anne Try on

    I love how generous she was with her roses. Instead of treasuring them as an exclusive collector, she shared her joy widely. What an exemplar of a gardener’s spirit!

  358. Emily Monk on

    “ It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ” WOW, you can tell this beautiful lady was full or curiosity and always eager to learn- no matter what. We often let ourselves get in the way of own self. We need to set it down and walk away from whatever thought or fear that is paralyzing us from pushing forward. Keep learning, it’s never too late, run full speed at those goals/dreams and just START.

  359. angela rose white on

    Oh my, Anne was such an amazing person! I have loved roses since my teens and have grown many in the past. I’m inspired to grow and help preserve the old ramblers as well as support NOAH. Thank you for her marvelous interview and photos of her roses!

  360. Carissa Fleming on

    Society tells us that women of a certain age have no value, but Anne reminds us that the only limits are those we place on ourselves. (Time to get out the wall jack!) I’m so inspired by women such as Anne who take on new challenges in the second half of life. What an incredible legacy, to live one’s life as such a generous act of love.

  361. Cara on

    Her drive to do new things and bravery are the most inspiring to me! I love that she was so willing to share her knowledge with you also, and share her roses with friends and loved ones!

  362. Lidia Alvarez on

    What inspired me about her story is how encouraging she was she started at 60 and she accomplished many dreams. Sometimes we put our dreams on pause because we are afraid or we think too little of ourselves and we sometimes die without even trying to start our dream. Sometimes we feel like is too late but in reality what does that mean ? Well she said it right “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes share the beauty of roses don’t be stingy. Now on days people don’t really want to share and if they do they want to charge you so much money. I loved her kindness her love for old roses and how at the end she still wanted us to consider volunteering. She accomplish so much !!! Very inspiring and thank you for sharing her story. I know your collection from her garden is going to be amazing. Congratulations you guys did an amazing job telling her story.

  363. Sheila on

    I g’night 60 was old. And she still has 37 years of passion. I am set to retire at 61. I starting growing flowers and harvesting seeds at 60 this will be my first true planting and I am inspired because yes!! I am just getting started. Such a great thought and something so great to look forward to in the next hopefully 30 years.

  364. Peggy on

    I can’t believe I’m 68! I want to be more like Anne! She has inspired me to ignore the number and keep on planting, learning and sharing my flowers. My time continuum seems altered when I’m in the garden…sometimes it flies by and sometimes it feels suspended but always I’m having the best time! I think Anne proved that nature, magically, keeps us young.

  365. Kym on

    Her quote about it never being too late to achieve your dreams and her formula for doing it. What a beautiful inspiration to be a strong woman. Thank you for sharing!!

  366. debi weinberg on

    Anne’s comment, about being 60 and starting, resonates with me. I dug back into gardening at 65, after retirement. It is an absolute gift to have the time to dream and plan and then execute (somewhat slowly) new ideas for my yard. Now it seems I have too many seeds and tubers for the existing garden space, and I must, must, increase the gardens. We can continue to grow at any age,

  367. Sarah B Lewis on

    My favorite part was: ask yourself if the activity you want to do needs big biceps and a beard, and if not go for it and fight the prejudices!
    That made me laugh, but we truly need the inspiration she exudes. :)
    Thanks for the interesting read-S

  368. Carole Holiday on

    I just turned 70 and it’s feeling hard to “keep the old out.” Anne certainly makes fodder of that thinking with her reflections on turning 60. What a powerhouse and what a reminder to seek beauty and adventure, no matter what the age!

  369. Amy on

    It’s wonderful to see you are preserving and sharing the beauty of a lost art and legacy. As someone venturing into the world of roses, I feel truly fortunate to have access to this valuable knowledge. Thank you for sharing with others.

  370. Karouna Thompson on

    I just love how inspiring her work is. The sheer will todo what ever she put her mind to. What an inspiration and fantastic human.

  371. Sara Rickman on

    I love Anne’s advice on accomplishing something. Also that 60 isn’t too old to start new hobbies or a new calling in your life! I’m going to read her book Voyage of determination!

  372. Allayne on

    What an incredible inspiration and proof that no dream is too big and you can do anything you but your heart and soul into. Anne’s legacy and beauty she shared is truly something to be celebrated.

  373. Torrie on

    Oh, I just loved this so much! I started watching the first episode of Season Two last night, and I remembered reading the four-part blog series you’d done on the experience. Roses have been a tricky crop for us to try and establish on our flower farm, but that doesn’t keep me from trying and trying again! I love how in this interview, Anne talked about the importance of always learning new things and just staying active in your own life rather than letting your own (or others’) expectations around your age get in the way.

  374. Debbie on

    As a beginner gardener at the ripe age of 68, I am inspired that Anne also began her gardening journey later in life. I live in the North Georgia mountains and have been researching a rose or two for my garden. I am eager to learn about rambling roses.

  375. Kathy on

    Oh my gosh! The whole interview inspired me! Her passion to be a life long learner really resonated with me.

  376. Hannah on

    Anne inspires me. Beyond her love for flowers and what she contributed specifically with Roses, Anne’s gumption, drive, and ability to chase any goal is a huge inspiration to me. She wasn’t afraid of anything, from crossing the sea, to starting a new career in a typically male dominated arena, to following her passion with roses.
    I am so thankful you were able to interview her, as I’d never heard of her before this series.

  377. JC on

    Such a really great interview. Always come back to reread this since it was posted.

  378. Thomas Barrett on

    What a example of a strong woman and what can be accomplished when motivated

  379. Charity Ravn on

    I am so excited to see this as part of Season 2 Growing Floret !

  380. Megan on

    Life long learner and to not let being a woman stop you from doing a man’s job. What an inspirational woman to all of us. Thank you for sharing.

  381. Lillian McDowell on

    Everything you do and create touches my heart so very deeply, I’m a lover of nature, of our earth and of course all her beauty. I have a small rosé collection mixed into my garden now but I can tell you over time that it will most definitely continue to grow. Your generosity of knowledge already speaks so very loudly to the world as did hers. I would love to own and preserve one of her ramblers as they are my favorite type of roses. I envision one of the blooming high up in one of my trees when I’m old the way they were in her garden. Three years ago I started worrying myself about what would happen to my garden as I aged…who would tend to it? Or would she been taken back by the earth herself as I watch out the window unable to do anything. I wept when I watched you guys free her garden of the blackberry brambles.

  382. Lisa kelly on

    The part of Anne’s interview that is the most inspiring to me is that she started with Roses in her 60s I greatly admire women who never stop growing and learning

  383. Angela Bassett on

    I appreciated her comment to explore our own prejudices. I was raised that I could do anything, but wonder if perhaps I hold myself back, because I’m a woman. Age is another prejudice…. I often feel that it’s “too late” to start something new. But with her perspective, there are still a few decades ahead that could include an entire new career.

  384. Lynne F. on

    Recently retired and at age 60, Anne’s comment about lifelong learning definitely hit home. My 92 year old father made a similar comment about how much time there can be after retirement to do many things that you want to. I have spent the last year learning new aspects of gardening and have been inspired by so many. This spring, I gave away some of my dahlia tubors to friends after learning from Floret how to successfully split and store overwinter. I was as thrilled to give them as they were to receive them!

  385. Haley M. on

    As June approaches I can’t help but think how excited I am to see and smell all the roses in bloom. May, here in Central Washington State, the roses are breaking dormancy from the long cold winter. Come June, they will be in full swing, buzzing with pollinators and decorating the landscape. I couldn’t help but think of one day having a large rose garden of my own, where I’d open it to the public while they bloomed. Then I got the email notification of this post today. I am inspired by Anne’s story and the legacy she has left. Guess I best get to creating that rose garden to share with my community!

  386. Sandee on

    Anna lived bravely, testing herself at each stage of life. And instead of slowing down in her 60s, she rediscovered gardens and shared this love with her family and friends, literally giving away her rose cuttings. What a beautiful spirit…

  387. Amanda on

    Anne is so inspiring! I think people around me think I am crazy for starting a flower farm in my early 40’s. I’ve always said why not? We aren’t promised tomorrow but why waste today. I love that Anne did the same in her 60’s. I love her spirit of learning and wanting to contribute something to the world.

  388. Thilini on

    My parents are now at an age where they feel too old to do things. This interview was wonderful in many ways, but particularly where Anne points out she thought 60 was old and she has done so much in the almost 37 years since! And also, personally having grown up with the encouragement that women can do anything (and I forget what an advantage that constant encouragement has been), it was a wonderful interview for my mother, to hear from someone older than herself, that being a woman doesn’t need to prevent you from doing something you want, enjoy, or love. Thank you for an uplifting conversation.

  389. Aly Bundy on

    I found so much inspiration when she said it was never too late to follow your dreams! I am hoping to follow my flower dreams as well! Thanks :)

  390. Megan on

    What a lovely interview! I loved when she said that it is never too late to pursue your dreams. It is so true but sometimes hard for me to really believe!

  391. Angela Hicks on

    So inspiring! I am 62, started my flower farm three years ago, and now want to add vintage roses to the mix. Thanks!

  392. Christina Olson on

    I love her stance on not needing to be a man to do something – “does it require a bear and big biceps?” – I love this because I’ve struggled with the “men” jobs vs “women jobs” concept in my life!

  393. Emily Bowker on

    Since becoming a widow for more than six years now, I couldn’t imagine myself living alone, I do a lot of stuff now that I never thought I could do, she’s right “ you can do a lot of things that a man can do except those that requires strength” that statement really resonates with me.

  394. Stephanie on

    I love that she started new careers after turning 60, but also emphasized sharing and connecting with others. They are fantastic reminders that we are only limiting ourselves, and that nothing can replace spending time and sharing with others.

  395. Emily Jones on

    I love how she said it’s never too late to follow your dreams. I felt like a late bloomer coming to gardening at 30! Now I realize it’s just perspective. What a fantastic life filled with flowers!

  396. Anna on

    I think the notion of never being too late to start sticks with me. I always feel like I have passed the time in which I can do something or I am running out of time, but that isn’t the case. Can always begin at any moment.

  397. Carol Bass on

    I turned 60 this past February and retired the year before. It has been an interesting transition, to say the least. I am wonderfully inspired by Anne’s comments about thinking 60 was so old…Yep, I can relate. Hopefully, I too have well over another one-third of my life to keep pursuing dreams. My garden is growing more than ever and I’m still learning. I have repeated Anne’s quotes on that subject over in my head for the last two days. To say it’s been life-changing may sound trite, but truly…it’s pretty close.

  398. Whitney KS on

    The idea that beauty matters and that love for beauty can be passed down. We are never too old to be kind or make the world more beautiful. So inspirational.

  399. Kalynne Gray on

    This resonated with me, “…inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” I really love this as I begin pursuing my dream career being a flower gardener and florist. I hope I can meet people like Anne, who will show me acts of love and support in this career and not be stingy with their knowledge so I can I pass it along for generations to come.

  400. Erin Vaughn on

    Anne’s statement, “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy”. Every word of this statement is uplifting and inspirational. It gives me this gumption of motivation to pick up and continue her legacy in Sweet Home Alabama.

  401. Melissa Harwick on

    To think that 60 is old… write! Sometimes I feel like 40 is old! How wonderful to think about potential if one like, Even at 60 years young. Beautiful interview, thank you for sharing!

  402. Bettie Carol Gorham on

    My favorite was this part (sense I can relate to the age) I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

  403. Allison Royal on

    As a self proclaimed life-long learner & nerd, I was so inspired to read about another kindred spirit out there. I come from a family that lives well into their 90s and I’ve always known I never want to stop learning and working at what I am passionate about. I just loved when Anne said she started so many new adventures after turning 60. Reminders like that help me take a breath from time to time & remember, slow & steady is the life for me. What a wonderful interview & an amazing soul!

  404. Hannah Piva on

    Floret and Anne’s desire to share knowledge and curate beauty in the landscape and in people is such a powerful mission. Sharing information doesn’t take anything away from the source. This rose series has certainly made me feel the feels. I’m ready to tear out the Ivy on my back fence and plant ramblers!

  405. Robert on

    What inspired me about her is that even with grief and tragedy she turned the cards she was dealt into something positive and always seemed to be positive about her outlook

  406. JoBeth Taylor on

    The simple fact that we can do just about anything we set our minds and hearts on to accomplish. Even at a later age, we can still learn how to make dreams big or small come to life if we just set aside fears and try. What an amazing human!

  407. Chelsea Fraser (Hansen) on

    What inspired me most was the excerpt from the voyage of determination which was a reminder that we are capable of anything we put our mind to if we become our own apprentice and teaching ourselves the very things we aspire to be.

    Enjoyed the read.

  408. LaJuana Oswalt on

    I was inspired by her comments on aging – that 60 isn’t old, keep moving, go out with friends, learn about things, etc. At 65, it is encouragement I have been needing.

  409. Megan on

    I love her tenacity. Follow your passions no matter what. And enjoy and treasure the beauty and simplicity life offers through water and flowers.

  410. Leslie Aungst on

    A delightful, inspiring interview.
    I love her telling us to share, just what the world needs right now.

  411. Laura Minthorne-Brown on

    I am so inspired by Anne. I like to think I’m a little like her. Since I was little I’d go to the library if I was interested in a topic, check out the books, read them, take notes and make it happen. It is the richest, most rewarding process I’ve ever been a part of. My dad was a contractor while I was growing up and I spent my childhood running through just framed walls and building things out of scrap wood on job sites. Building and researching has never intimidated me and I’ve been able to apply that base knowledge to everything I do in my life. It’s a strong foundation and one that I’ve been able to use for my own rose garden, home, farm, and even career in healthcare. Women are powerfully capable, just break down the problem into manageable steps, become an expert and work hard for the goal. You’ve got this.

  412. Lena on

    A beautiful & ever so inspiring life story as dear Anne certainly has flourished through out her life & kindly given of her time, garden & knowledge throughout the seasons of her life leaving an everlasting legacy.
    At 53 I am a lady who has come to gardening in my Vintage years as only the other day I crossed paths with an elder lady whose rambling little garden of roses I always admire on my stroll to the village & she kindly offered to share some of her rose cuttings for me to begin my journey into the blooming of hopefully my first rose.
    With gratitude to you Erin & Anne for sharing the beauty of flowers & the stories that weave their way into our lives.

    P.S I loved her caring ways to NOAH,
    how wonderful it would be if there could be a rose in honor of that where proceeds went to helping an organisation that she was so involved with.

  413. Robbie Goldman on

    When she shared her three things formula for accomplishing what is. Challenging. She saw such resilience i herself and it is so inspiring.

  414. trudi or katrina renault on

    Thank you for the wonderful interview, it’s great to hear about her journey in life and how it connects to her roses! Our gardens are ever changing and always welcoming.

  415. Jen on

    What an amazing woman. I would love to read her books. I love her “never too late” attitude. I’m 49 and was in a bad marriage for almost 19 years. The last 11 years I’ve been blending a family of six kids, healing and trying to figure out who I am in the mix of it all. With our last child half-way through high school, I find myself trying to figure out my future. I’ve tried a lot of things, learned a lot of skills, grown a lot, but nothing has panned out as a career path. Sometimes I feel like it’s too late. I appreciate Anne’s reminder that it’s never too late. We simply need to make a choice, take action, and believe in ourselves. And if there’s roses surrounding the process, even better :)

  416. Christy on

    Oh my! The whole interview was an inspiration! There’s no way to pick a specific part! Thank you for sharing this! My grandmother used to grow roses and I kept thinking of her when I was reading!

  417. Anita on

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it” this is so true, sometimes the only limitations in life are the ones we construct ourselves. And fear of loosing is a great inhibitor.
    I will live more going forward I think :)

  418. keiko leonard on

    What a gift she gives all gardeners! I often feel a lack of confidence in growing roses; not sure why roses seem so daunting to me but they do. After reading her interview I feel empowered to try again! Thank you.

  419. Alison on

    Thank you for sharing her story. She is truly a inspiration.

  420. Nataly B on

    Loved this… ‘Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.’ We are all more capable than we think we are!

  421. Mona on

    Thank you for sharing Anne with all of us. Every chapter in her life is inspiring. Learning what she accomplished from age 60 on is truly a lesson in living our best selves.

  422. Micala G on

    I love her passion for giving things away and sharing. That’s the favorite part of my gardening as small as it is, it’s the sharing. Recently I visited a friend and was greeted by a beautiful bed of Iris and lilacs. It was thrilling to me to see them keep growing elsewhere.

  423. Sabina K on

    Anne’s approach to her roses just touches my heart. She feels and she does – it is so encouraging for someone like me who has always loved flowers but just at the beginning of growing them. Her confidence gives me confidence.

  424. Shannon Sullivan on

    While I love that she poured her heart and soul into her roses, I love even more that she makes it about loving people by sharing her love of roses.

  425. Maddie on

    “ Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    This is so inspiring to me. I have been working on creating a garden in front of our house. Something I hope will bring life and beauty and hope to our neighborhood which has seen some very dark times. And it’s been such an unexpected blessing to me connecting with so many neighbors while I’m out in the garden. The flowers have become an entry point to talking life and I know this is only the beginning of something really wonderful. I look forward to inviting people in and sharing flowers.

  426. Brittany on

    As a newly single mom of 4, hearing how she lost her husband, and still achieved so much is inspiring.

  427. Kristen Pushor on

    Love her remarks about how life doesn’t end at 60. All the things she accomplished in the final 37 years of her life past 60 is just remarkable and a beautiful inspiration to us all to continue to chase our dreams , explore , grow and challenge ourselves at any age.

  428. Nancy G. on

    I liked her advice to always keep learning, no matter how old you are. She lived a very full and interesting life. What an inspiration!

  429. Ali News on

    You can do it no matter your age how inspiring that is, sometimes I think I started too late, but she proves me wrong

  430. Cindy H on

    I just can’t stop thinking about how much she accomplished in the gardening world. Similar to her, I’m just now getting into gardening at the age of 40. I have lamented not discovering this passion sooner, but her reminder that we have so many years ahead of us has made me so much more excited!

  431. Loretta E. on

    I love that she got books to teach herself how to build a house. Too often we think certain skills are out of reach, but nowadays, so many people are generous with their knowledge that anything we want to learn is available!

  432. Amy Armstrong on

    I’ve been considering a career change as I approach my 40th birthday. I often wonder if the timing is too late. But Anne has inspired me to go for it. I feel more empowered after reading this interview to get this ball rolling.

  433. Brittney on

    What a woman of wisdom! I especially appreciate that even though she didn’t start this hobby until well into her life, she was never hesitant to try something new. I can learn a lot from her example. I also love to see her passion for the things she invested her time into. She inspires me to keep learning and not to be afraid to try new things!

  434. Emmy Gran on

    I love Anne’s advice to not be stingy! Gardeners are some of the most generous folks, I know. What an incredible woman. I aspire to have an ounce of her gumption.

  435. Allison on

    It’s inspiring to not let age stop you from starting something new.

  436. Kara on

    “This left me as a 19-year-old widow and new mother who had to find her own way in life.” …I don’t know why that made such an impression on me. Maybe because we’re so many decades out now, looking back at all the “finding her own way.” She had no idea at that time – in the trench of heartache and loss; just a young girl, a young mother… but so much life was yet to be. It’s beautiful, really.

  437. Sarah Holm on

    Anne is an inspiration to me, to think she build a house! As a women of many passions and limited by having young children right now and am so looking forward to seasons later in life when I can pick up new hobbies, and learn to become an expert in things that I have not let learned about. I also love the idea of preserving the past by sharing your passion with others. I would be so honored to have some of Anne’s roses in my garden one day. Or perhaps in the school garden, so many students could enjoy it and take clippings home for their own gardens one day.

  438. Chessy on

    I’m starting a new stage of my life at 50 and I so admire how she just kept reinventing herself. She was a romantic and a dreamer ( like me!) but did it so pragmatically with planning and intention. I love that. Sometimes our dreams seem so out of reach but if you just break them down, step by step and just take action, they aren’t as impossible as they seem.

  439. Laura on

    I’m blown away by the passion for roses! Erin, a long time ago you shared Anne’s story on Instagram and I squirreled it away in my brain but forgot the specifics. Thank you for including this in the Season 2 story! I can’t wait to dive into her books to learn more about roses.

  440. Amy on

    OH my the show was sooo inspiring last night. Brought me to tears. Since I am in animal rescue and passionate about that, I would say that part was inspiring for me to never give up. I never cared for roses much until I saw the episode and read this interview, I may have to change that in my garden now. Truly an amazing woman…..

  441. Darci Spiker on

    I loved being inspired by this incredible woman! “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was 37 years ago…almost 1/3 of my life so far.” Well, that puts it into perspective. The only time you’re too old is when you are. Don’t let the numbers get you down!

  442. Chere Tournet on

    Anne’s generosity is what impresses me. She wants to share the power of roses. Certainly she had the traits of perseverance and vision. And like you, Erin, she had the gumption to set a goal and educate herself toward that end. Thank goodness for you who keep our world growing with beauty.

  443. Erin on

    My favorite is the part where she talks about how her passion for roses started at 60 and how “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” That part was very inspiring.

  444. Valerie Mckeehan on

    What a wonderful perspective that it’s never too late to act on your hopes and dreams! That is such an inspiration. I also love the advice she gave: keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. Such a beautiful legacy!

  445. Stephanie Greenall on

    Absolutely stunning photos and such a great, informative and insightful interview!

  446. Jacquelyn D. on

    Anne’s story is incredible. I have so much to learn from her. Thank you for sharing!

  447. Kim Bowling on

    I love her determination and persistence, and the emphasis on being a life long learner. I too am a very visual person, but had never put the two together; bring a visual person and my love of flowers. What a legacy to leave behind. Thank you for sharing Anne’s story!

  448. Theresa Harriman on

    I love her comment “Don’t be stingy”. Sharing knowledge, cuttings and also viewings of one’s gardens is a true act of friendship and stewardship. Keeping these roses and their history alive is a gift only a limited number of people continue to do, so that the younger generation can benefit from the joy that these truly beautiful roses add to the world.

  449. Valerie Fimple on

    To hear someone as special as you and Anne state that there is no way to pick one flower as being your favorite was total music to my heart! Each flower, including those we call weeds, are all beautiful and unique! Thank you for bringing us these amazing stories and the opportunity to learn.

  450. Dorothy on

    What an amazing woman! Every part of this interview was memorable, but the part that is most meaningful to me is her philosophy on life: “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” Following the pandemic, I haven’t gotten back to living life again. Her advice was timely and very needed.

  451. J on

    Starting at 60!!! What a wonderful inspiration. So many things left to do, and opportunities to impact those around us.

  452. Eunice Wu on

    I love her determination and her words: “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes…
    You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.”
    I love the idea of being a lifelong learner and trying new things!

  453. Carrie K. on

    I appreciated her reminder to share the beauty with others. My husband and I have been very intentional about keeping a section of our garden for cut flowers over the last five years simply so people (especially young children) could come make bouquets and take them home with them when they left. It’s very poetic to think about bringing a little beauty with you wherever you go. I believe that Anne shared this mindset and love for others. It’s very inspirational to keep the tradition alive.

  454. Kelly C on

    It’s hard to pick just one thing that was inspirational. Her life story is incredible! What an amazing woman!

  455. Fran Rushing on

    That interview was amazing! What a blessing to have know such a strong woman with such a full life. I am currently entering my 60th year of life and am hoping I can fill the next 30 years with as much beauty as Anne did her own. My husband and I live on 10 acres in Indiana and my only dream is to make this a place of beauty and peace and tranquility that others will want to visit so that I can share it. I was inspired by Anne’s encouragement to invite people in instead of just hoping they want to come. Thank you Anne and thank you Erin.

  456. Jackie on

    I was greatly moved that she started her journey with roses at 60 years of age. She is an inspiration to everyone that there is no age limit to learning something new and discovering new passions and creating new goals in life. Her generosity in sharing her knowledge, time and roses with us should encourage us to to do the same with our own interests and to inspire the next generation to pursue their own dreams.

  457. Laura C. on

    When Erin asked, “How do we ensure that these rare and heirloom rose varieties live on? How can we pick up the torch and help carry your legacy forward?”, and Anne responded, “…However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” That answer reqally resonated to me – grow flowers to enjoy and bring beauty and joy and peace into your life, but also share their beauty with others, in the hope of spreading joy and peace throughout the world.

  458. Ellen on

    This story was so moving, she had so much hardship throughout her life and still persevered through it all. She is truly an inspiration and gives me hope that me in my 30s, mother of 2 little ones and my 9-5 job right now won’t dictate the rest of my life, I am still trying to figure out who I am and what can further fulfill my life. Thanks for sharing!!!

  459. kaitlyn on

    Her mission and message of sharing. Sharing blooms, sharing knowledge, sharing the beauty of gardens. I love sharing flowers but have always been intimidated by roses. I have a few now and can’t wait to add more, learn more, and keep sharing! She’s very inspiring! What a legacy.

  460. Kimberly on

    I love Anne’s story so much! This made me joyful and tearful. I love her advice, accomplishments, and determination. I hope to leave a beautiful legacy like hers. Roses are definitely a favorite and I live by the city of roses. I love to visit the rosé gardens every year. I grew a rose garden in my previous home and and hoping to have one in our current home. Thank you for sharing this Erin

  461. Nina Hawkins on

    I love her story. I been following her story since the first time you mention her. I’m 55 and I was always afraid to grow roses mostly because I had no luck and I was killing them for some reason. After I began reading about her in your log and hers (last year) , I decided to give a try. I bought 15 English roses (hard to get a hold) from bear roots and to my surprise are doing so wonderful in my garden. They are not producing many roses but the ones I got are so amazing since is the first year or second year I. The ground. I realize what I was doing wrong and follow her advice. I also realize that is never too late to start a project. I’m in love with roses agin and I want to continue growing new ones in the years to come. I have a total of 30 varieties now and i want to keep adding more..thank you for giving me inspiration…..

  462. Karen Smith on

    It gives me hope that she “started late in life” at 67 years young I am finally at a stage in my life where I have time to do the things that bring me real joy. Gardening and flower growing is at the very top of that list and spending time with my grandchildren.

  463. Krista Callaway on

    What an inspiring story of an incredible woman! I loved her drive. Just keep going. It is NEVER too late to start pursing your dreams. I am in my mid 40’s and I am searching for the next thing to grab in life. There is something about this story that now makes me want to grow old roses. I have several acres and I too love beauty. To cultivate beauty takes a lot of time and work but oh the reward. This woman has definitely inspired me to get my hands in the dirt and just start planting beautiful roses. I want the roses that smell wonderful surrounding my place. My mind immediately started thinking about where to plant them as I was in the midst of reading this article. It was captivating and encouraging. When you listen to someone speak about their passion it trickles into your soul and lights a fire. Absolutely amazing!

  464. Carla on

    ” (…) inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.” The only reason I can find solace in my flowers is because someone once shared their flowers and solace with me. The more you share, the more there is!

  465. My-Tien Walz on

    I love that Anne says, “don’t be stingy with your garden.” Her message is kind. Over the years, I’ve invited friends and family to my garden to share and inspire them to start gardening. At first, they said, it was impossible. I never gave up on them. Every year, I plant vegetable and flower seedlings and gift them to get started. Now they start their own seeds and we visit and share the amazing growth and sometimes, death of each plant. The gift of being able to garden and share with others is special and should always be shared. Kindness counts.

  466. Gina on

    What inspires me the most about the interview was her call to action, asking people to consider volunteering in home gardens to help with pruning or other tasks. It reminded me so much of my grandparents, who had huge gardens and a lot of old roses that withered and died because no one was there to help them when they got older. I was far away and was shocked when I returned and found their gardens almost dead and the beloved old roses gone. The relatives that inherited the house just dug everything up because they didn’t consider how special any of it was. That has always haunted me and reading Anne’s words, her call to action to help in these home gardens makes me think that while I wasn’t able to save my grandparent’s gardens, I could help others maintain theirs. I’ll be looking into such activities in my own neighborhood and if need be, starting some. This quote is what inspires me to do better, “The work of weeding, fertilizing, and pruning can be satisfying but enriched by stories, expertise, cuttings, and new friendships.”

  467. Laura H. on

    I read this interview when it was first posted. Reading it again I found it no less inspirational than before; I think I could read it yearly & find a new, fresh idea each time!

  468. Beth Pederson on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” This is so true of anything we do in life. Especially as I am starting a flower farm and am in the throes of various stages of flower fails :).

  469. Katie Wolt on

    Anne is truly a renaissance woman and I admire her drive to pursue whatever she wants! This interview is one of my favorite pieces from Floret’s blog.

  470. Jenni Hulburt on

    I love her wild approach in allowing these rambling roses to integrate into the trees. It’s an inspiring design for my own woodland farm space!

  471. Zanné on

    Anne shared beauty. She shared what she had in her heart and hands. She shared her love for old roses with rose lovers all over the world. Inspiring!

  472. Catherine Raven on

    “I have given many roses away over the years—to individuals, nurseries, and to other special collections and demonstration gardens. ” This is what really makes you a gardener–spreading your plants around to friends and other properties

  473. Rachel on

    What inspired me the most from her interview is that you don’t have to have to stay on the same path in life. It is ok to try new things and take different directions with your career!

  474. Kim Bailey on

    What inspires me the most is that she doesn’t put herself in a box with social limitations and construct. She doesnt allow being a female or age put out the fires of her passions and desires and ideas. She really lived! My father was the same way.
    I am a very adventurous woman and have way more ideas, interests and projects than i will likely live to finish, but like Anne says, when you stop, you stop living. I’m closing in on 60 and feel like I’m just getting started! It’s inspiring to see other women accomplish amazing things, not just for themselves but for community. I hope that when I leave this earth I will have made some type of worthy contribution. This is a lovely tribute to an amazing woman. I am sharing it with my 23 year daughter Anna for life inspiration.

  475. Jennifer Nelson on

    I love that she said sharing her garden and the beauty of roses with others was an a act of friendship and love.

  476. Megan Kim on

    So this isn’t specifically commented on in but no one put limits on her, not her husband in regards to space, or questioning her how many is enough. I love that she had a dream, a passion, and no one gave her sass about it. Result: a wonderful and valuable collection of roses and information that would have been lost if not collected. ❤️🌹

  477. Cathy Marpasert on

    “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there”. I loved this! She also mentioned her determination many times. That is what it takes!

  478. Alex on

    What an amazing thought to consider that her career with roses started after she was 60 and turned out to be a longer career than the things that came before. We all have the choice to age with energy, passion and determination, and what a great model she is for this! She ran her race to the very end. She had such a beautiful and extensive collection but she was not “stingy” with it and in the process, she spread her love and developed and transferred her legacy to those who came after her. Her refusal to be stingy with her knowledge and experiences seems like it has inspired you, Erin, and we are all grateful that you bring us up with you!

  479. Linda Dalton on

    I love her uplifting message on how to achieve your dreams. It’ll talked work and effort. “Become an apprentice,” she says. I also love how she is a inspiration to always keep reaching to fulfill your dreams. She started her rose project in her 60s. Just amazing!

  480. Katie Scoggins on

    Such an inspiration! I love her zest for life and her innate value that life is about learning and doesn’t have an expiration date. I actually received her Gallica Roses books for my birthday after I read your original email (or maybe it was on your IG). It’s beautiful and I’m not sure how one decides to choose varieties when I only have a city plot. ;-)

  481. Kim on

    I didn’t really want to plant roses until this story. Now I’m on it! Roses to be planted soon.

  482. Joanna Vargas on

    I am inspired at the age she started at. You can do this at any time of your life!

  483. Sylvia on

    I love how inspirational she was “you can do anything a man can do…”

    She sounds like such a wealth of information and a special spirit to have known- even for a short time.

  484. Sandra L on

    I am about to turn 54 and this interview has given me so much inspiration! Anne has just reinforced that we should never stop learning and challenging ourselves to do more. Moving and learning help keep us young!

  485. Laura on

    Amazing! I love that she started at 60 years old. I am in my 50s so I find this so inspiring. Her advice is spot in, to keep making goals for yourself, stay active, stay connected.

  486. Helen on

    Such an inspiration, from sailing to roses and everything in between. Thank you, thank you for sharing her story.

  487. Katie Sayre on

    Her steps for accomplishing things inspired me! She persevered to do a lot in the face of adversity. Thank you!!!

  488. Jennifer on

    What a precious treasure.
    What a fantastic soul.
    What an inspiration!
    The most inspiring and meaningful part, is how she rose up, turned a tragedy into empowerment. She moved forward and thrived. Beautiful.
    Thank you, Erin, a much needed read.

  489. Emily on

    I love this quote “ Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged.” I have always believed this. With gardening and growing it can be a lifetime experience- this is what I want for myself.

  490. Andrea Goffin on

    Sharing. Sharing knowledge, beauty, passion. It’s so sleazy to get caught up in the act of growing flowers that you forget that the beauty of them comes truly in sharing them with others.

  491. Anita Vanberkom on

    Wow, she seems like she was such a strong, motivated, intelligent women. It’s inspiring how she was able to flip the stories of her life that seemed hard to move her forward. She could have gotten stuck on the fact that her husband died so tragically.

  492. Fina on

    What a inspiring woman Anne was! What a life! If she can start a new life of construction at 60, more than 30 years ago, building homes in a typically ‘big bicep’ industry, there is no stopping us younger women. Very inspiring and just a lovely person to learn about

  493. Shannon (capergirl) on

    This section resonated with me – First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal. If you are a man you are not apt to encounter prejudice in life’s goals because of your gender, but if you do don’t let it stop you.

    Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. Becoming a rocket scientist will be a difficult goal if you struggle with math, but maybe some remedial instruction in math would help you overcome the problem. I learned to navigate the old-fashioned way with a sextant even though I didn’t learn my number combinations when I was a child because of constant moving and now I compute manually with difficulty.

    On the other hand, you might want to pick something that comes to you more naturally. A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career. Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do. I owe much of my success to this one.”

  494. Rachel Burgoon on

    Anne as a person is inspiring as are her gardening skills. What I find motivating is her ability to juggle so many paths and passions!

  495. Ellen W. on

    I love that she admits to starting on her roses late in life. But that didn’t stop her at all. Something I will take to heart and she is a wonderful inspiration to all of us. Thank you for sharing!!!

  496. Samantha Brockdorf on

    I love Anne’s outlook on life, how it’s never too late to learn new things and begin new paths. I am earlier on in life, and I find inspiration and hope from anyone who begins blazing new trails at later points than “normal.” They help me remember I am not locked into any one career or path, and I probably can’t even imagine where I will be in 10, 25, or 40 years.

  497. Mary Cait on

    I think the most inspiring part of the interview is that one pets was able to collect so many rambling roses and preserve them for future generations of rosarians to grow. Her idea of sharing the cuttings and the garden itself is so important

  498. Killian M on

    Her age and determination for everything in life is inspirational. It’s wonderful seeing people just drive forward with the goal to do things wholly and correctly.

  499. Smi on

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s inspirational story. I really liked her statement which she has proved that ” It’s never too late to try something new” and “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important.”

  500. Gretchen Hughey on

    I was very inspired by her comment that her extraordinary life came from being a life-long learner. I think it seems she also took risks as part of that learning. Sometimes it’s discouraging to try new things and not meet immediate success; being a lifelong learner emphasizes growth over outcomes. I would like to grow in that attitude. Additionally, I thought it was interesting how she kept moving forward after her early widowhood. I imagine that was a very difficult season of life but she persevered. That’s a good lesson also.

  501. Sharon Bare on

    “Inviting people to your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. ….And sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love…of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    This reminds me of my mother and grandmother. I still have flowers that they shared with me, and in my moves to different homes, I always dig up my flowers and take them with me…drives my husband crazy! I love sharing my flowers with friends and family. I have passed my love of gardening to my youngest son, and he has passed to my grandchildren. I love sharing gardening with him….this is my legacy. ❤️

  502. Ellen Pollema on

    I’m 70 and instead of thinking about my time being limited, I’m inspired by this: “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60…”

  503. Desiree on

    Reading your interview with Anne is so inspiring. Love knowing she was a Military wife and her love for animals brought me great joy as I belong in the same category. Being a military wife I never had the chance to start my “permanent” garden until approximately 10 years ago, so now I’m digging in with all my heart. One of the first roses I planted came from my Grandmother’s farm, a rambler (no idea what the name is), but it’s a beautiful soft pink that went from the farm to my Mom’s house and after her passing came to my yard. It’s survived decades of hurricanes and freezes and is still going strong.

  504. Rachael Gaskill on

    What I found most inspiring is her determination and grit to keep growing and learning. I can only imagine starting an incredible hobby at 60 and then developing this incredible garden for 30 years. People usually close up their life when they reach 60 but she kept opening hers up. Beautiful!

  505. Laura Fisher on

    She loves roses and animals on top of that, her establishment of Noah, to end euthanasia of healthy animals. Truly a beautiful human being.

  506. Karine Labbe on

    After reading her remarkable journey, I am inspired and particularly touched by Anne’s precious words: « A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career » and « It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ». Mid-forties and in the process of acquiring an acre of land to cultivate flowers of my own, this is exactly where life is leading me.

  507. Elisa Allen Arias on

    What an inspiring woman! Thank you for sharing her and this interview with us. I found her advice that it’s never too late to try something new to be particularly inspiring. At 38, and as a mother of young twins, I sometimes think that new projects or big undertakings “aren’t worth it” at this stage in my life but that’s such small thinking! Thanks again.

  508. Mary Dondlinger on

    I love that Anne was a lifelong learner. So long as we are here on this earth, it is never too late. Take a chance, reach for your dreams!!

  509. Kristie Wray Ralston on

    I adore two things.. One, that there are roses growing out of her trees! I now want to do this! Also, she just bought her first domain. What a treasure she is!

  510. Stephanie on

    I think it’s amazing and inspiring that she gave away/shared so many roses with others!

  511. DoLee Spurgeon on

    The thing that struck me most was when she said “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else”. How true is that? In order to achieve anything, you have to be determined and willing to put in the work. What a wonderful woman she was.

  512. Esther LaRoque on

    “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy”
    So grateful for all the wisdom and experience she has shared with everyone throughout her life. Very inspiring.

  513. Sandy on

    Wow, what an inspirational story from an incredible woman! My favorite quote is “I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.”

    Being that I am over 60 and hesitant about jumping headlong into to the flower industry–it would be a radical change for me. But I have developed a passion for flowers and working with them. I have been doing nonprofit wedding work for a few years and love it. Giving brides a dream wedding that they could not afford otherwise. I would love to expand including having some land with a flower garden to chose from, but have been hesitant.

    My grandfather had a wonderful rose garden and my father grew them also, it would be wonderful to carry on that legacy–probably where my love of roses/flowers started! I used to be more bold in my younger years, and had many unique adventures myself, that I can relate so well to Annie. But I have gotten more reserved lately, questioning my abilities–it is not too late!! Thank you for sharing Anne’s story and inspiring me!!

  514. L French on

    That when she turned 60 she thought she was old. But looking back from 97 she still had 1/3 of her life to live. And that it’s never too late to try something new. Such an inspiration!!

  515. Julie Mattes on

    Anne’s singular vision and passion for her garden and her conservancy is really a touchstone for me and spoke to my heart completely. It might be that the roses choose you and not that you choose to love roses? Anne’s absolute work ethic and obsession had to have come from passion. I also loved that Jill’s kind words to Anne made it into the episode. Jill really illustrated how the Floret team respected Anne.Ju

  516. Elizabeth S on

    I love her advice about inviting people into your gardens and sharing your flowers with them! She said it’s an act of love and friendship, and the greatest legacy! I find that to be so true because the majority of my perennials came from my grandmothers and family friends who loved flowers so much that they just wanted to share them with everyone! ❤️

  517. Karen Yurkovich on

    The paragraph from the interview inspired me the most
    where she says keep moving, stay out of bed, go out for lunch, stay in touch with friends and family, stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas and life long learning
    This is how I try and live my life but have never seen it written down so it’s a really good inspiration and reminder! I find roses and flowers are part of life long learning as I am always researching and learning more about growing flowers and vegetables too!
    This year one of my projects is to grow roses from cuttings
    I have been gardening since I was 4 ( 62 years of gardening) and absolutely love it! I think it’s important to share your knowledge as Anne did and share your flowers too if you can!
    Thankyou Erin for sharing so much of your knowledge!

  518. Varner on

    Her passion for roses and knowledge she shares with others! She is amazing and still so dedicated to educating others!

  519. Lauren Schafer on

    So many things from this interview bring tears to my eyes.
    ” It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ”
    “, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. Becoming a rocket scientist will be a difficult goal if you struggle with math, but maybe some remedial instruction in math would help you overcome the problem”

    One thing is common in every section of this post… Never stop growing and never stop pursuing your dream. As someone who just left a comfortable life on the beach to start a homestead in the mountains, this rings so true and is so encouraging and just makes my heart sing. “what is too late, anyway?”

  520. sarah hill on

    My favorite part of Anne’s interview is the sailing. Such a great role model for flower farmers and women everywhere!

  521. susan hubbard on

    For those of us considered “old” by many, her words are like a shot of vitamins for the soul. Not one of us feels old “in our heads” and it’s high time we just got on with the business of learning, living and loving. So grateful for these words and the lovely television program. My “rose garden” is now in containers on a patio, but they are loved and appreciated just the same.

  522. Alana on

    Her generosity in sharing her knowledge is so inspiring!

  523. Jon on

    Anne’s search for truth & beauty which led her to become a “Rose Guardian” is both poignant & inspiring.

  524. Lynn Minerich on

    Thank you for this wonderful interview. Everything about Anne is inspiring, but perhaps most is how she just continued to live and learn, not letting growing older stop her. I did love the part where she says don’t be stingy, but to share your roses by cuttings, etc. It is how the legacy continues.

  525. Sarah on

    I like her formula for achieving any difficult goal and the way she embraced life and adventure!

  526. Akina on

    She taught herself how to build her own home reading books and doing. Love that can-do nature! Wow🤩

  527. Erin Dippold on

    Wow, what an inspiring woman & what a gift to be able to read your interview with her! Thank you so much for sharing. I loved what she said about starting a goal or dream “later in life.” I am currently a stay-at-home mom to two little children & sometimes feel that I’m missing opportunities to pursue things I’m passionate about because of the time & work it takes to fill this role I have chosen. I always appreciate reminders from women who are older/more experienced than me that there is still plenty of opportunity as you age to pursue passions.

  528. Julie Carroll on

    I was most interested in her starting in her 60s.
    I’m starting in my 60s too!
    Maybe it really isn’t too late.

  529. Elena on

    Her passion is so incredibly inspring.

  530. Laura Wenrich on

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself” – that’s so good!

  531. Oriana on

    I loved reading about her legacy overall, and the efforts to duplicate her collection and preserve it, which will extend her inspiring legacy.

  532. Erin M. on

    I only just started growing roses a few years ago, but I adore them. Their scent and beauty always brings me joy when I see them. I had to have knee surgery a month ago, and it’s killing me that I can’t walk around and care for my roses! Looking forward to healing and being able to care for my roses again.

  533. Val Boergesson on

    I remember being so inspired from her last time you posted about her that I spent hours reading about her. What an incredible woman, and when her roses bloom in your garden, I am sure it is one of your greatest treasures. I have flowers from my mom’s garden and every year they come up, it’s such a gift.

  534. Emily Barnett on

    I loved how she talked about inviting people into your gardens. Don’t be stingy, give people cuttings, and share with others your gardens. So sweet and inspiring. A small way to make the world a better place..

  535. Casey Thomas on

    What an incredible story! I love that she picked up this passion for roses later in life and through a happy coincidence of a sale at a local nursery — my obsession with dahlias started in a similar way. The fact that she built Victorian houses in her 60s+ is incredible, and I love the feminist confidence!

  536. Kathy Parish on

    What a joy to read Anne’s story. I love when she said, “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams” and her love of animals is very heartwarming. What an incrediable inspiring lady she was and still is by spreading beauty and love into our world.

  537. Amy VanSlembrouck on

    The fact that she overcame losing her husband and being a single mother at only 19 years old shows the drive she has for life…..I was really impressed with her whole story. This would be fantastic to win on the 30th for my 40th birthday!

  538. Jan on

    I loved that she would go to classes or read up on how to do things, like build ! Such a wonderful, inspiring lady

  539. maureen sullivan on

    As a 60 year old woman I was inspired by Anne’s statements around aging. There is more time, there are more wonderful opportunities. She embraced the aging process and navigated it with tremendous elegance.

  540. Julie on

    Anne is indeed an inspiration! I think our culture puts limits on aging but Anne redefines what growing older means. It’s never too late to learn a new skill or venture down a new path. What a role model Anne’s life and legacy gives to a new generation willing to redefine the “senior” years.

  541. Tara DeMaris on

    How very beautiful her life was and the legacy she left. I especially like how she says not to let being a woman stop you. I have some very big God-sized dreams. I want to grow all of the things. I live in a very cold climate place, but I have this dream of growing food and flowers year round using many methods of growing. Greenhouses, hoop houses, hydroponics and whatever else helps. Anne’s word inspire and keep my heart longing for the dream to upscale to more space, but I will keep growing all I can in the space I have, even in my parlour. Thank you for sharing Anne with us all.

  542. Joanne Crouch on

    Sharing your garden through visitations as well as sharing bits and pieces is a wonderful way to continue a legacy and it says so much about Anne’s way of thinking. I’m 71 and I hope I am lucky enough to have 26 more years of gardening and sharing in me!

  543. Joce on

    Such a beautiful story! Her legacy will continue to bring light into this world for years and likely generations to come. She left her mark in the form of flowers, what’s more beautiful then that? 💕💕💕

  544. Mary Beth Hunt on

    She let me know you can do ANYthing at any age! Her whole story is inspiring and Erin, you are now part of that story!

  545. Jess on

    I’m so inspired by how she discusses starting her rose journey “later in life” and then realizing just how much more time she had to develop it. And I love it when you recommend books – such a great resource and opportunity for my kids to stumble on at home and discover a new passion.

  546. Helena on

    I love Anne’s instruction to invite people into your garden and to share plants, inspiration, friendship, memories. That resonated with me because gardens of the present are so much about a sense of place. At once they ground us in the present and transport us to the plants, places and people of our past. By sharing our gardens, we gift present beauty and future memories to others.

  547. Colton on

    The entire interview was just awe-inspiring. Watching the first episode really struck something in me with how the Old Roses are being lost, and once they’re gone, they’re forever gone. Her life, and the legacy that she had was incredible, and I really love how during her life time she never thought she was “Too Old” or “Not enough time left.”
    Her outlook has changed my perspective a bit, and I am excited about the opportunity to learn more about these incredible wild plants.

  548. Anne on

    Thank you for this! I would never have found her on my own. Having reached “middle age” and confronted with a necessary exit from my life long career and focus, I have felt pretty lost. Reading how Anne started most of her big dreams and successes in her 60s is SO inspiring and gives so much hope.

  549. Taylor Sievers on

    “Determine what it is you want to do then acquire the skills and knowledge you need, buy the books and take the classes”— THIS. 5 years ago I started a flower farm. I knew absolutely nothing despite having a degree in agronomy. I read and read and read and memorized the pictures in seed catalogs. Made my own Excel spreadsheet to organize all the info I was accruing. I’m now “the plant lady” in my community and I laugh when I think about where I was 5 years ago. How much more will I laugh when I’m 97 years old? I hope my garden makes an impact for others like hers has. I dream of that!

  550. Amy Noonan on

    What an inspiration and treasure! I was so moved by her story of determination and not being afraid to try something new. Building her own house just wowed me as well as her age! I immediately sent it to my mom, who is retired but still wants to change the world and leave a legacy! Which is one thing I learned by watching her episode, leaving a legacy is more about sharing than actually doing something concrete. That really resonated with me because if everyone was like you and Anne..this world would be in a much better place. Thanks again for sharing all you do!!

  551. Cessie on

    Her love and heart for friendship, generosity and legacy are as beautiful as the roses she cared for. Thank you for sharing her with us through this interview!

  552. Janet K on

    Oooh I just loved reading about Anne’s story. What sticks out for me is her spirit. Her reaching to accomplish her dreams. I will read this over and over again. So much inspiration. As a rose lover, I will gradually add all her books to my garden library.

  553. Janis W on

    Amazing lady ~ I was so touched by her thought that ‘friendships as lovely as the roses developed’. That means so much to me.

  554. Jessica A on

    Wow, she’s such an aspiration as to who I want to be when I grow up. Never giving up on my dream, no matter the age. I’ve never heard of Anne’s roses program or her books, even if I don’t win, I will obtain her books ♥️

  555. Elizabeyta on

    I read this interview when it came out. I planted a bed of 18 roses this year and I have to admit this interview helped prod me in that direction. I have started to collect bouquets every week and the scent! Also, the time in the garden is lovely for me.

  556. Sabrina Koebel on

    Oh! I love that she was part of NOAH!
    But my favorite part was “Don’t be stingy.” Sharing part of our gardens is definitely a great way to inspire our friends and families to carry on gardening and keeping old plants alive.

  557. Angela Webster on

    The most inspiring part to me was that she thought 60 wasn’t old when she still lived another 37 years. 37 years is a long time to create something new. I’m 43 and feel like I’m over the hill yet at 60 years old she was continuing to create new career paths and seems like life really became her own at that point. She is inspiring to me because even though we never know when our last day will be that I can still pursue my dreams and create new dreams even at an older age.

  558. Anna Steinle on

    What I always find amazing when reading stories/interviews like this one, is when someone sets out to create their own happiness and it inadvertently creates happiness for someone else and the next thing you know, they’ve left a legacy…all from creating something for themselves. The lesson is, find something that makes you happy with no care to the eye rollers or critics. You’ll be surprised how much others will find joy and inspiration.♥️

  559. Sonia Covarrubias on

    “”” Without being quite aware of it I had developed a formula for greatly improving the chances of achieving any difficult goal.”””” this sentence hit me gloriously, I think I have developed something similar and I didn’t know until I read this , thanks so much for sharing this fabulous interview with us !!!!

  560. Kate on

    I thought that Anne reminding us that you have to meet and exceed your goals over time was very helpful. Also her sharing that she didn’t start her rose journey until she was 60 was helpful; when it could have been considered “too late”. I often dream, but then don’t follow through due to the business of life with babies. Our time is coming, though, and it will be a worthwhile and rewarding activity to share together as a family.

  561. Kayla on

    I was so inspired to read what Anne had to say about following dreams later in life. What an amazing lady. And her rose gardens are beautiful! I am a beginning but passionate gardener, learning as I go while wrangling children. I now want to try growing some of these gorgeous roses!

  562. Kirsten on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ” Making a career shift at the moment and I needed this reminder!

  563. Molly Feider on

    Anne’s determination and love of life long learning are a true inspiration. She found ways to make her dreams happen, even later in life. Building her own home and sailing from New Zealand to California? Wow!

  564. Tom on

    Anne underscores the significance of legacy by safeguarding and disseminating the splendor of ancient roses. She urges individuals to open their gardens to others, exchange cuttings, and foster connections and friendships through the shared affection for roses. Anne’s lasting impact endures through her vast assortment, her literary works, and the endeavors to preserve and recreate her rambler collection in gardens throughout the United States.

  565. Kailey on

    Anne’s story was so inspiring to me! I love roses and have started growing many around the yard. What really stuck with me was what Anne said about sharing cuttings with others to allow the rose to continue to spread across the world.

  566. Marie on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else. “

    So encouraging! So true!

  567. Dawn on

    I love how generous she was with her knowledge and how she didn’t even get started until she was 60! We often feel like it’s too late to start something, and she has inspired me to just do it even though I’m in my 50’s. :)

  568. Leora on

    What inspired me most is it’s never too late to start your legacy!

  569. Laura Campbell on

    Anne’s dedication to creating such a beautiful legacy and her generosity is inspiring!

  570. Ronda on

    Thank you for continuing to share Annes story…I am 60 and retired, her story confirms that you can start bringing more beauty into this world no matter how old you are.

  571. Melody Richards on

    That inviting and sharing are the most important. I went to college to be a dentist, but took horticulture as an elective. After falling in love with the kindness and generosity of horticulturists, I couldn’t resist pursuing a major among those who wanted to share so much! Now I love paying it forward😊

  572. Caroline on

    It’s amazing how much she’s given back to her community. I’m also inspired by the fact she didn’t start her rose journey until she was 60. I just turned 53 and started a new hobby keeping houseplants. I finally found a mentor who is helping me learn the art of taking care of these beautiful aroids. People with knowledge who freely share it are a treasure.

  573. Veronica T. on

    What inspired me the most was the legacy of inviting people into the gardens and giving away roses and sharing them with individuals, nurseries, and gardens. I do this with my own flowers and gardens, including flowers others have shared with me and the ones I have been able to transplant from my mother’s garden. My mother taught me so much from being a master gardener and sharing her love of flowers and plants. The hospitality of sharing any kind of flowers is a passion of mine! I am just now getting into learning more about roses and growing them.

  574. Megan on

    I’ve just started growing roses and it would be great to have more resources so that I don’t kill them!

  575. Deanna Hill on

    I love her young spirit! It’s so easy to think I am past the point or I’m out of time in a certain season of life. What a bold, strong, inspiring woman!

  576. Ashley jensen on

    Anne, what an amazing feat to have collected nearly 1000 roses! What a legacy to leave behind to share with the world in so many ways. Roses have become a passion of mine next to dahlias the last few years. Diving deep into the Rose world has opens my eyes to the possibilities in roses theirs long lineages to unique species, the divine smells that each rose has. Anne’s rose collection is an a testament look to her hard work this and attention to detail, and ultimately her love for roses. I know that many roses are not an easy task to do each season brings its challenges, and she took it on at her age. Thank you floret team for the amazing work you do and letting Anne tell her amazing story. The roses will live on to tell her storie.

  577. Tara Rodden on

    I actually took a snapshot of one of her answers because it was a kick in my rear! I’ve been frequently slowed down and even put of of commission with a bad knee lately. Prior to that, I had become isolated during Covid for 3 years because we have an immune suppressed child. I started reading and learning about flowers this year and simultaneously, began my lifelong dream of growing. I’m still isolated a lot- but the dirt, the seedlings, the flowers- they are bringing me back from the funk. I am afraid about many things so much of the time, and I loathe feeling fearful. Flowers lift my soul.
    So, when I read Anne’s words,” My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself, read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.“
    It felt like she was reaching from beyond and talking just to me! Her life accomplishments are a bit intimidating, but inspirational. When I was 17 and graduating high school, I begged my parents to not make me go to college yet because I wanted to be a florist more than anything. They gave me a hard pass. Four years later, I was a floundering young adult with a useless degree. I married by the time I was 23 and had a child by the time I was 24. Lots of life later, I’m 51 and FINALLY starting to learn and do what I always wanted.
    I was feeling that maybe it was fool-hearted to begin later in life, but after reading Anne Belovich’s words this morning, I think doing this just might save and prolong my life.
    Thanks for finding her and helping to carry the torch. God bless her and her roses!!

  578. Melinda on

    It’s never to late to get started – take the risk!

  579. Doris Platis on

    Gardening has always been a challenge for me! I referred to my style as “dig a hole and throw the money in”, but after reading about Anne’s journey into the world of rose cultivation, I became inspired to see my small rose garden quite differently. Now I carefully, spray, water, fertilize and pick every black spot from my “babies”.
    I have been rewarded with the indescribable beauty and variety of this flower. In some small way I understand and share her dedication and delight with the Rose. Thank you, Anne.

  580. Jen on

    I really liked Anne’s comment “inviting others into your garden and sharing is perhaps the most important. Don’t be stingy.” One of my favorite things is sending friends and family home with a bouquet of freshly cut flowers, starts or divisions of something growing on my property that they love!
    Roses have always intimidated me a bit so I would LOVE to read Anne’s collection of books to build my confidence in growing healthy plants.

  581. Sheila on

    I was most inspired that she didn’t start in her rose journey until she was about 60 years old. I’m over 50 and am just starting my rose journey and hope I can contribute to the world through gardening, too!
    Also, I am inspired that she had so much passion and cared so deeply for plants, animals and humans!

  582. Sam on

    It may sound silly but I’m 27 and sometimes feel like time is running out. I’m a dreamer with many dreams, many goals, many ideas of how to be intentional with the people and places that surround me. Anne has inspired me to prepare for my dreams right now, to pursue them hard and well. As long as I’m breathing I will continue to study, to learn, and most importantly, not be stingy.

  583. june on

    What an incredible individual. This interview will stay with me for a while, there’s just so much richness in everything she said.

  584. Diana Jones on

    I love how freely she shared her roses and gave away cuttings. When she said it’s an act of love, friendship.
    That is so very special. Aside from her rose legacy, I believe it’s her generosity that people will remember most.

  585. Gwendy Haas on

    I think what inspires me is her free spirit and just a show of love for so many things that are amazing in this world. She reminds me a lot of my grandma as she seems to just find a way to get things done and pursue what she loves just like my grandma did. I think that the pioneering spirit is amazing and I hope to forever have the love and openness to share and live life that way. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. I am a huge fan of roses and have been adding a couple every year to my space and love High Country Roses here in Colorado and am so happy to see them on your resource list. I really have enjoyed your sharing of your journey and appreciate all that you have shared with us.

  586. Liquet céline on

    When she say we can realise many dreams after turning 60. It is very insping. Because I am 50 😉

  587. Chloe Hemmerich on

    The part of the interview that inspired me the most was how to know your own limitations while still doing the best job you could.

  588. Sharon K. on

    I loved how she shared her garden and inspired others. I too love to give away bits of my (nowhere near as inspiring) garden. Just a few days ago I received pictures of peonies thriving in a friend’s garden that I shared many many years ago. Happiness!

  589. Michelle Koeppe on

    So deeply beautiful! Anne inspired me to not take my time on this earth for granted; make assumptions about an individual’s capabilities or dreams. Thank for sharing Anne’s story! My great uncle was an accomplished rosarian, Charles Vernon Covel. Anne reminded of his grace, generosity, and vitality. He also lived a very long full, zesty life.

  590. Wendy Jannuzzi on

    I love that she shared her roses a very generous lady . She was also very encouraging to all of us that think trying something new and different is beyond our reach.

  591. Autumn on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.”

  592. Tara Simons on

    I loved the entire interview, but what really reached out to me was her encouragement to share the beauty of roses with others, particularly by sending people home with cuttings. I do that with my own roses and other flowers I grow. Her words felt like she was squeezing my hand with approval.

  593. Jill Wittig on

    I love Anne’s involvement with NOAH. I also love knowing that her fortunate circumstances were simply a fantastic sale, a truck and a vision, and that boosted her adventure into roses!

  594. Xena on

    I really appreciate Annie’s honest reflections on pursuing difficult goals where she shared “… try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” I work to balance these in myself when pursuing unknown big dreams and it was grounding to hear with all her life fruitions, this was a grounding navigational piece for her. Thank you Annie, may you rest peacefully

  595. Geralyn on

    Anne is so inspring! I love that she started with roses at 60. I have the mindset that you’re never too old to learn something new and try to impart this knowledge to my young nephews. I started violin lessons at 42 and started gardening at 47. Who knows what I’ll get to do at 60?!

  596. Robyn Anglebrandt on

    Inspiration, perspiration and dedication! My uncle is a rocket scientist and she is correct
    I’m saying a lot of hard work. But everyone’s mind and eyes just love flowers and their scent. Why wouldn’t we want to carry on such beauty in the world. Gods help of course! Thank you for sharing – flowers, talents, and wisdom. In the military I have tried to leave each house better than when I came. Flowers = Power
    Would love to add her roses to our forever home for the legacy it will leave for our 6 children and grandchildren alike.

  597. Robyn on

    Her words about all she has done in life are inspiring, but the most inspiring is when she spoke of starting her own rose journey over 30 years ago…so around age 60…this makes me realize at 44, I too can start working towards expanding my knowledge and my own gardens to have my own collection of ramblers. I had sold my larger farm almost 2 years ago which meant my carefully curated gardens were gone. My lilacs which were over 6 feet tall and wide, my small collection of shrub and rambling roses, 300 varieties of daylilies, 10 varieties of clematis, peonies, azaleas, hostas, monarda, etc. It has been hard to start again at my new place which the grounds are much smaller and no previous gardens were here.
    Reading this interview came at the right time…Anne’s words about starting her rose gardens in her 60s were what I needed to hear.

  598. Robyn Lee on

    What a truly inspiring story! Im amazed how she accomplished so much that she sets her mind to, whether it’s sailing the pacific or rescuing roses. I’m just a few years into my gardening journey myself, having inherited some roses that were already planted on the property we bought. Learning more each season!

  599. Annjanette DeBellis on

    What an incredible story of Anne! Like everyone we all have the ‘age’ we should be doing something, we should have accomplished something.
    Having kids, married, education, career. Her ability to influence so many people when most would have quit or slow down is inspiring.

  600. Taylor M. on

    My favorite line was “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important” because so many people today are starving for beauty in their day to day life and sharing the fruit of nature and nurture, in the form of beautiful roses, is a way to do that.

  601. Bethany Turner on

    Anne’s story is so good! From what she has been through at such a young age, to continue to grow flowers in her 90s. She mention to always keep moving, I think that is one best advise someone could hear. Once you start to slow down, it is hard to get back up and start doing it again!

  602. Jocelyn Yard on

    As an avid gardener myself, both as a volunteer in other gardens as well as my own home, I was moved by how much Anne shared her roses and her garden, both with the plants (cuttings) themselves and blooms. With all the hatred and turmoil in the world, it feels wonderful to create sanctuaries for yourself and others to enjoy, to make the world a more beautiful place in your own small way. This joy and beauty is meant to be shared. What a beautiful legacy. I can’t wait to visit her garden next time I am in the area. I also just got my sailing certification so I can now how have adventures on my own, so that struck a chord with me too. I wish I could have met her.

  603. Heidi Fleshman on

    I found Anne’s comment regarding sharing roses so wonderful “ However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. “

  604. Rosemary on

    Pursue what you have an interest in and keep learning new things. Wisdom for everyone at any age. I love that.
    I will think of Anne as I plant a new rose bush I recently purchased.

  605. Cassidee Shinn on

    I’m so inspired by her intrepidness and fortitude! I loved that she when to NZ and sailed home!

  606. Joyce Winget on

    I love how Anne started her rose collection at the age of 60. I started taking flower classes at the age of 66. And how she said to stay out of bed! I am in my garden from morning until dusk. I get really sore sometimes but I think the work keeps me young: 46 years ago we bought this old home on an acre. I planted a pink rambling rose. Last year I started taking cuttings from the rose. I’m going to give each of my 4 kids a plant for their home. I will have to buy Anne’s book to find the name of this rose. I was so excited to hear how she helped start Noah in Stanwood. I used to bring Noah all our out of date surgical supplies there. She inspires me to start volunteering again. She was an amazing lady.

  607. Samantha Pecker on

    Anne’s willingness to start a new hobby in her 60s is unusual and inspiring. She knew what she wanted to do with her life and didn’t let anyone stop her. Too often we are told that it is ‘too late’ to change careers or life paths. Anne’s story disproves this falsehood and shows that life is what we make of it.

  608. Andrea Steele on

    I’m amazed and awed that she started her rose passion at 60. I’m 59 and just started planting roses last year. It’s is so addictive. She had a tough time losing her first husband, but she showed fortitude and grit and made it through. What an amazing woman!

  609. Colette on

    My heart belongs to ramblers! And Anne’s curiosity, love and inspiration to support and nurture these amazing flowers is truly an inspiration. Her words of wisdom for long learning and to learn something new is exactly what my “mid-life crises” moment needed to hear! Thank you!!

  610. Melinda Ching on

    I am so blown away by her story! What an adventurous woman! To be starting a new journey at 60 is absolutely inspiring as I hope to be that way as I get older. Thank you for sharing this interview. As someone who is in their 30’s and has a midlife crisis every year (sometimes multiple times a year), it was so affirming to hear her tell her and also demonstrate that you are never too old.

  611. Rhiannon Le Fay on

    I was really inspired by Anne’s comments about really getting to know yourself and your strengths so you can define a path for yourself that will bring the most happiness, success, and self-actualization. This is so helpful for me, as a new flower farm business owner, to remember – that I don’t have to be good at everything to pursue this, I can figure out and celebrate my strengths and find other resources/support for the necessary work that I’m not skilled at.

  612. Toni Marie Bucci on

    Just turning 30, I had this sense of doom come over me that it’s too late to start a new career/hobby because I’m getting “older”. When Anne said “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” it hit me so hard. It was the encouraging nudge I needed to remember that I can start working on a new goal/dream at any point. A season of change is coming in my life and I really needed this today. Anne was so inspiring and this interview really made my day. Thank you!

  613. Jolene Cetak on

    Anne advises us not to let what we don’t know, hold us back. Study, take classes and practice….and you are never too old! At 64, I intend to follow her advice and have a life full of the beauty I dreamt of all those years at a desk!

  614. Sarah on

    I love that she gave roses away, showing a true passion to share with the world!

  615. Cindy cunningham on

    Anne’s reference to lifelong learning spoke to me. And the fact she could complete ‘big biceps’ tasks after age 60. 39 more years of accomplishments. Love her philosophy. I can relate a little since leaving the MN climate and moving to Camano Island. Learning how to garden here! Clearly after the age of 60!

  616. Rachel C on

    I’m so inspired that Anne didn’t start her rose adventures until 60. It’s such a good reminder that it’s never too late to start something new!

  617. Audra on

    I love how she was a life long learner. We preach this to our kids and she was a vivid example. Living life to its fullest is what she embodied! Such an inspiration.

  618. Hannah M. on

    Life can take on so many journeys and paths. It is so inspirational to see how age and circumstance does not have to stop dreams.

  619. Jannah on

    I love her focus on life-long learning and her spirit of determination! What a remarkable lady, she’s very inspiring, especially in her perspective on age, it’s never too late to start. She lived so fully and had so many varied experiences.

  620. Anna S. on

    I love that there is no timeline to finding and excelling in new things. It inspires me to lean into things I love and keep trying and learning!

  621. Sara on

    Love her life advice to keep moving and stay out of bed. She truly is an inspiration and a beautiful reminder that it’s never to late to start something new.

  622. Heather Nathaniel on

    I love her perspective on age and going after goals! What a phenomenal life and story!

  623. Kathryn Costello on

    I appreciated her insight into deciding what it is you’d like to pursue, and then taking the time to actually learn the skills necessary to succeed. What an amazing woman.

  624. Jennifer on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ” I’m so encouraged by the idea of having ~30 or so years left, maybe. What could I do with that?

  625. Carol Mac on

    My mother loved roses and grew several different varieties in her garden, and though I loved to pick them and arrange them in vases to enjoy inside or give away, I never really learned how to grow or care for them myself. My mom is gone and I am now in my 60’s and was SO encouraged that Anne only started her rose journey in her 60’s. Most articles I read seem to discourage growing roses, but these posts about Anne and her roses has inspired me to give them a try. I am so grateful for these videos and all the resources on roses and can’t wait to get started!

  626. Kris on

    I loved reading this interview — and old roses. I bought my first from Roses of Yesterday and Today back in 1991. My first old roses garden. When I moved, I started another rose garden with rugosas and others like Madame Hardy, Rosa Mundi, Blanc Double de Coubert, Frau Dagmar Hastrup — described as “A flower artist’s dream of loveliness”. They are all in full bloom in my hillside garden, a wonder to see and smell. Another, Eddie’s Jewel, is a riot of color, arching over walkways. I hope that I can keep working in my rose garden for years and years to come — still laughing over “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.” Inspiration for us all!

  627. Brittany on

    I love that Mrs. Belovich knew her rose collection would be preserved before her passing. That is a wonderful legacy to leave and also an assurance of a life’s work.
    It’s so inspiring to hear her speak as a strong woman, without fear of failure or judgment. Building a house by herself?! How incredible. On a much smaller scale, I was just gifted a battery operated weed eater for my birthday. Now I don’t have to wait for anyone to keep my gardens tidy— just like Anne didn’t need help raising her walls.
    Thank you for sharing her words with us!

  628. Jacky on

    The sheer amount of time and energy she put into her work is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing this interview.

  629. Diana W. on

    Beautiful and inspiring! I would love to add ramblers to my garden.

  630. Barbara on

    Her recommendations on living your life are golden. I especially loved that she remembered thinking she was old at the age of 60. Yet there she was at 97…….37 years later! She is such an inspiration. (I’m 61 😂). Thank you for posting this. It was perfect timing for me.

  631. Mona on

    I love her joie de vivre. Thanks to both of you for inspiring me to plant roses and other wonderful seeds/plants.

  632. Yelena Kushuk on

    She wasn’t hoarding all the roses only to herself. Her generous heart, giving away roses, sharing the beauty inspires me. She is gone, but roses that she gave away will bloom, reminding new owners what a great person they once met.

  633. Judy Neely on

    Coming into the garden world in my sixties and now 70’s, I continue to learn so much through experience and study and, of course, other people. What a beautiful interview this is to encourage and motivate one in the days/years ahead. Beautiful.

  634. Jen Barber on

    Her life story was my favorite part. So inspirational and motivating!

  635. Lauren on

    I guess my answer is like a lot of others, but that she started this passion later in life. It makes me feel like I still have a chance to have a dream. I’ve been caring for family members for the last decade or so and have put a lot of my life on hold. This makes me truly feel like I still have a chance to have beautiful dreams. I want to long term grow flowers and food hydroponically indoors since I’m in a very urban area. Your newest story, and Anne’s, gives me the warm feeling of hope it’s not too late!

  636. Anne Marie on

    What I find most inspiring about this interview with Anne is her advice on how to pursue your dreams, however challenging, and to question the barriers we place on ourselves. What sage advice, especially nowadays, when instant gratification is more alluring than perseverance. What I love the most about gardening, how it encourages valuing both presence in the present and investing in the future.
    Knowledge of Roses are a gap of my gardening experience that I am looking to fill. I am inspired to start now by taking a cutting from this most beautiful peach coloured, fragrant rose that grows out front of a friend’s house. Wish me luck!

  637. Carter Wallinger on

    Her recommendation to know yourself but not to underestimate yourself– it is so easy to underestimate yourself. Anne shows great determination, work ethic, and the commitment to herself to chase what she is truly interested in. What a wonderful role model and example of how full life can be!

  638. Kris on

    Her advice to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family. That is so important! What a blessing it is to be alive so we should not be wasting our time here on the earth. To love God is to love what He created. All the beautiful flowers! Just so thankful!

  639. Kim Masse on

    Not letting age stop you from pursuing what you desire in life is inspiring and admirable! It is never too late to do what makes you happy.

  640. Makayla on

    Anne brought so much color to this life; not only color with her flowers but with how she lived and loved. Overall, I found Anne starting so many adventures in her life, especially in her later years so inspiring. I am in my later 20’s and feel such a need to have everything figured out. Anne reminds me that it is perfectly okay and natural to start, fail, and try again at anything that catches my interest and never stop learning.

  641. Abigail on

    I am so inspired by Anne for so many reasons. I think the first reason would be her perspecitve of following your dreams at any age. I feel like I often fall into that feeling of “its too late” to start down another path. Hearing and reading her story and feeling her passion for not only flowers, but animals as well gives me hope that some day soon, I too can really choose what i want my path to be and make it happen.

  642. Ava Brock on

    Life is a long journey full of adventures. It’s never to I late to embark on a new interest. Follow your passions, learn something new, stay out of bed!!!!

  643. Kimberlee on

    To find a passion at any age that inspires others to get involved & continue it beyond your vision is an incredible legacy. That what moves me every time I re-read her story!

  644. Hannah Hewitt on

    I love that Anne didn’t let stereotypical gender roles be a barrier in her adventures and discoveries. Her passion for exploration is inspiring.

  645. Kathleen on

    I love her whole spirit. This line stuck out to me, as someone who is just north of 50, “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.” A very good reminder!

  646. Melissa Bryan on

    What a lady she was! She reminds me so much of my own grandmother. My father’s family is from Oregon and Washington. She used to tell me that I could do anything that a man could do as well and she did. My grandmother was a force to be reckoned with. When my grandfather told her that she couldn’t pass the exams to be a nurse, at 35 she proved him wrong and led a company and career in nursing. She never let her age stop her either and always encouraged my dreams. At 84, she was still caring for her gardens at the farm. My grandmother was my inspiration and I truly enjoyed reading about someone that reminds me so much of her. I wanted to hear more about Anne’s adventures sailing! Such a treasure she must have been. My heart is forever in the PNW and I always feel home in my blood when I am there. Thank you Floret for bringing us such a beautiful soul to honor in memory.

  647. Sara on

    I felt inspired by her encouragement not to limit yourself because of your age or other people’s ideas of what you should or shouldn’t be able to do. Just get up and do it!

  648. Carolyn Brinn on

    Big muscles and a beard are not necessary! I love this!
    My Mom and I took SO MANY cuttings from my Grandmas old, pink climbing rose. Only one made it and I look forward to watching it grow and to be able to share it one day.

  649. Shelly C on

    Anne was an incredible woman! One part of this interview that is inspiring to me is when Anne says, “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” This reminds me of my mother & her love for the roses in her garden. Over the past 30 years she’s taken many cuttings from her roses & propagate them, so that she could share with family & friends. Like Anne, my mother isn’t “stingy”……. sharing her roses is a generous act of love!

  650. Theresa Gawthrop on

    I lived the story about how she got started with her ramblers. Next time I come home with a carload of plants I’ll just say it was ” fortune circumstances”!!

  651. DeAnne on

    I love that Anne started her flower journey at the age of 60 and worked so diligently to hone her love for and collection of roses. What a legacy.

  652. Candice Eberle on

    Anne lived such a rich life. Mixing her passions with her generosity. The feeling that settles over me is honor and nobility along with delight and wonder. Anne had an open heart and her legacy is one that reflects onto those who have come and will come to know her story. A story of true beauty, the feminine we all long for to exost.

  653. Christie Tackett on

    ‘You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself overtime’. While some goals and dreams might feel daunting it just takes a few to look back and see how far you came. What an impressive life to look back and see how much Anne achieved with her take charge of your own life attitude. What an inspiration!

  654. Ashley Selland on

    Wow what a story! She led quite the life. I think my favorite part was the fact that she wanted to share all the rose cuttings with everyone. This spring I shared strawberry starts with 10 people and that was so fun to me. I hope to be able to share more things as my garden grows.

  655. Kelly Hering on

    I love that “it’s never to late to start” on a passion. I’m 56 and just getting started with roses. So inspiring!

  656. Margaret on

    Before I ever doubt myself again, I will now always say out loud ‘does this activity require big biceps and a beard.?’ If the answer is no, then I will move forward. Thank you Anne! Simple wisdom.

    I’ve managed to kill any small potted rose bush ive bought, so to know that there are ‘easy to grow’ varieties is a blessing and removed my fear of growing roses.

    I love the community cleanup and cutback day! I think I’ll try to find one to help with!

  657. Tracy Duncan on

    I loved her spirit! Staying active and gardening well into my retirement is my main goal. Growing something beautiful and being able to share with others is inspiring.

  658. Kat on

    I love the fact that Anne Belovich just went for it at 60. “I pursued many dreams after turning 60…It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” I feel like now I have permission to stop coasting through life and really go after my dream.

  659. Rebecca Casagrande on

    I love her views on being a lifelong learner and staying active. Never stop pursuing your interests.

  660. Leisa on

    I will hold onto what Anne’s mindset about aging. She says,”At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. “
    I’m 64 and I need to adopt Anne’s wisdom about aliveness and learning. Thank you.

  661. Viktoria Skillingstad on

    “ Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” was very powerful to me.

  662. Katrina on

    What an amazing life. I have tears in my eyes after reading just this little bit of Anne’s story.
    What impressed me most was how she faced adversity and loss – how she didn’t allow it to crush her, but she kept striving and learning and loving and living. Amazing.

  663. Deborah on

    Mrs. Belovich comes across as the most amazing lady. I liked that she wasn’t afraid to try anything, especially like contracting to build homes. I found it truly inspiring that some things she didn’t begin to do until she was in her sixties. This gives me hope because I’m 65 years old and am very much interested in roses. My first rose bush was a David Austin. I purchased it because in my book it isn’t a rose unless it has a wonderful aroma. I am interested in vintage or heirloom seeds and flowers of all varieties. I enjoy gardening and am looking forward to doing it full time as soon as I get myself retired from the old 8 to 5 job. The interview with Mrs. Belovich was truly inspiring and it was good to see how she grew in wisdom from the sad times as well as the good and lived her life to the fullest not being afraid to put her hand to anything that she wanted to do. What a testament her life is to doing well whatever your hand finds to do. I’m so thankful for finding your website Floret and look forward to watching and reading all that you have so that I can plant my roses and flowers and share the beauty. May God Bless!

  664. Christina on

    I am so grateful that I read this interview! The thing that really touched me was what she said about not letting anything stop you from pursuing what you want to do. Too often I make excuses for why I can’t do something. I’m inspired by her courage, persistence and love for whatever she was doing. I want to start being more courageous and run after what uses my gifts and talents and fills my heart while blessing others.

  665. Kelly on

    I love Anne’s advice to stay active and involved as you age. And to help each other out in our gardens.

  666. Katie on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” What beautiful advice! Forever learning and growing will keep you young at heart and life forever enriching. Anne seems like she was a wonderful lady!

  667. Kirsten on

    My Gran use to tell stories about how her mother could hear the roses cry when she cut them. My Great Grandmother was also a rosarian, and her legacy was passed along in my Gran’s stories and now the flower garden that my Aunt tends on the very same family property. This new episode of Season 2 really got me thinking about my legacy on the property, now in the family since 1906. My Gran’s dying words were to ‘Take care of Thetis’. She held my hand and looked deep into my eyes, just as she has many many times over the past 20 years. “I promise”, I said. And I do. Her legacy is also my legacy. “I am part of it, and it is part of me.”

  668. Elizabeth on

    I’m so inspired by Anne. I love roses too and I have worked up to 40 different varieties now, after a few years of work. As a “late bloomer” I always worry I’m too late to anything in life, but as I’m in my 30s, I now feel like I have plenty of time! Thanks for sharing her story and I can’t wait to read her books.

  669. Nina on

    I love how she said they you’re never to old to pursue a hobby and I would love to know more about all of the things she was into; especially sailing.


  670. Katelynn on

    Anne is so inspiring to me. As someone who has always had ideas that might seem a little out there (one of them being starting a flower farm :P) Anne makes me feel like I can actually do it.

  671. Renee Gibson on

    I was struck by the lessons that came out of a Voyage of Determination. It is inspiring and can be applied to any life goal be it cultivating and preserving roses or sailing. Thanks for the share!

  672. Kayla on

    “Invite people into your gardens and share is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    We’ve lost so much as a culture closing ourselves off and tucking our heads to our own endeavors. Beauty, life, and our homes ( even if uncomfortable) is meant to be shared.

  673. Gale on

    I like how she said that we can meet and exceed our goals with preparation. Study and learning. I am 69 and still want to learn and stay active like her.

  674. CJ McDonald on

    Anne’s tenacity to keep on learning no matter your age. I’m inspired by all she accomplished after 60 and her sage wisdom on how to achieve a goal.

  675. Annie Domenici on

    I’m now fifty and was thinking that it might be too late to start such large projects but she has inspired me that it is never too late to go after your dreams.

  676. Monica on

    I think the part that inspired me most was that her passion for roses didn’t begin till she was 60, sometimes I feel that I because I got a degree in one thing and have spent the last 10 years working in that field that it is what I have to do for the rest of my life. My interests have changed and that’s ok! Another thing that inspired me was the part about don’t let being a woman stop you, I feel that in my current field, a predominantly male field that this really speaks to me. I really felt inspired by so much of the interview, I’m so many ways

  677. Randi Pratini on

    My idea of heaven, the thought of a stroll through this abundance makes my heart palpitate, my nose twitch (in the best of ways) and my eyes open wider than I would think possible! A visual and sensory intoxication!

  678. Stephanie P on

    I love the idea of volunteering at gardens to preserve and share roses! And growing friendships along with roses by sharing roses.

  679. Michelle L on

    “Invite people into your gardens and share is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    I find this so true, show off your hard work, share it with those who appreciate the effort and know the hardships and joys. Be prideful.

  680. Jessica Clifton on

    Anne is such an inspiration! Reminding us that it’s never too late to pivot and follow our dreams.

  681. Rebecca Leharani on

    I am so inspired by Ann in many ways. I can relate in many ways to her life as mine has been similar in having moved a lot as a child, wandering off to a stream to collect tadpoles when told to stay in the back garden, trying different careers as they posed a difficult challenge, but most of all gardening. As I turn 60 next year, the 15 agricultural acres I recently purchased (to go back to the land) from selling my farm 10 years ago to downsize and live in a condo. It hasn’t been a mistake, it just gave me some time to realize that my 8’x20’ deck cannot house all of the flowers and vegetables I grow, nor the 100 lavender plants that we just planted on the land! And I have more to do. It is hard work but I refer to it more as a labor of love. The building lot on the land where I plan to put a small house is nestled in the wooded area of the property. There is much wildlife and beautiful native weeds and plants that are living there so I don’t plan to remove them, only add more to encourage butterfly’s, bee’s and any other creatures that need a haven for a bio diverse home. However, the area is so large that I have now found the answer to add some grand colour, and with a history, and a future to enhance future generations on my land. That came to me after seeing the roses rambling in the trees of Ann’s garden. I can envision the beauty in seeing roses peeping and peering from the trees and towering over the top reaching for the sun. Really a beautiful life that she created for herself, such a wonderful existence and amazing legacy to leave and pass on.

  682. Krista on

    Her overall determination that anything is possible. I’m a petite woman and helping my partner start an organic vegetable farm and often feel like there are things I can’t do. Annes ability to build a house and put up walls alone with the help of a tool / machine is very inspiring and beautiful. 💕

  683. Aimy on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” This resonates with me on so many levels. As a new mom, I sometimes feel like I am losing myself, so I appreciate this advice so much.

  684. Sara on

    I think her entire life’s journey is fascinating and inspiring, but what is most inspiring is her perseverance and willingness to forge a path that is uncharted. Bravo!

  685. Karen Zimmerman on

    Oh my! I will be looking to read more about Anne! Wonderful interview!

  686. Tracey Twidwell on

    There are so many inspirational takeaways from this lovely article. A standout to me was her comment about not being stingy. Share your garden, invite people in and give them a piece of it to take home. That’s how you give inspiration. The process of inclusion and showing your passion has a ripple effect inspiring others. I’m sure there are many gardeners now cherishing this lovely woman’s gift of a start from her rose collection. She lives on as does her beautiful roses.

  687. Debbie Alenius on

    What an inspiring woman! I was most inspired by her amazing spirit to live her life to the fullest even when most would have settled to just “retire”. This is what I needed to hear as I am near sixty and moving to a new home and starting to develop my dream garden from scratch. Roses were treasured flower of my grandmother, and my mother who recently passed away. I will be taking cuttings now from my parents house to use in my new garden thanks to the information you have shared with all of us.

  688. Mary on

    I loved that she didn’t start growing roses until she was 60, and enjoyed 30+ years of learning and growing her passion. I liked her determination and pluck. Makes me want to plant some special roses straight away!

  689. Jan Fritz on

    ” You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” It is the preparation that is so intimidating to people. If you want it, you have to work at it, and that’s not an easy task.
    I have adored flowers my entire life and have been involved with them in one way or another. I was a teacher for 36 years and never was able to join our local garden club because they held their meetings during the day. I enjoyed flowers whenever I could during my busy, busy schedule from early morning till late at night, working with and preparing materials for special needs students, but being among flowers and immersing myself in nature was always my relief from that extremely taxing and very challenging job. When at last I retired, I ventured to the garden club and loved it. Almost immediately, I was asked to hold certain positions which I slowly agreed to, one small step at a time. Though I was asked repeatedly to be president of the club, I felt like I wasn’t prepared. By experiencing these new positions, taking on responsibilities slowly, and finally building up the courage to devote myself to such an all-encompensing job, I agreed. I also hold positions on the district level, and I’m being courted for the state level. I know that the training, the practice, and the small steps gave me the courage and the knowledge to get there. Though I’m still learning and always will be, I am always one who has overprepared for everything, and I know it’s that willingness to devote myself to the learning aspect that has helped me succeed.
    What an amazing woman Anne was, and she is truly a role model for every woman who follows her.

  690. Jean Parchewsky on

    It is amazing and inspiring that she said figure out what you want to do and don’t stop learning until you can do it.

    “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes. I bought three books when I decided to build the house on Camano Island; how to frame a house, how to wire it, and how to do the plumbing. You need to study and become an apprentice. “

  691. Christina Melvin on

    The portion of the interview that jumped out at me the most was the portion regarding her age. The fact that she started her dive into roses and preserving them at 60! The age most people are trying to scale back, Anne dove in and started a new passion. In some way I feel I can relate as we started our little flower farm at 41 and are wanting to expand and have this as our full time (meaning I will eventually step away from my full time job). I continually think about my age, 42 now, and keep asking myself if I really want to build a larger flower farm going into my 50’s. This interview was incredibly inspiring and has me yelling YES! I want to expand! I want no NEED to do this as the flowers are my passion. Age is just a number and should not define what and how we do things. Live your life doing what makes you happy, what makes you look forward to each day and try to pass that knowledge down to someone, which Anne did.

  692. Lilith on

    I think the part about still pressing on with whatever it is you want to do regardless of it’s seen as a “mans” job or if you encounter prejudice, or if you encounter those views inside yourself, it is an important reminder.

  693. Natalie Lairamore on

    I think it’s amazing that she didn’t let age slow her down. Even at 60 years old, she didn’t stop trying new things. These past couple of years, a new dream of mine has been to have a small farm raising a few animals and growing cut flowers (including roses, of course.) But at almost 44 years old, and no experience with farm animals, I’ve told myself it’s next to impossible. Anne’s story has encouraged me that even at 60 or 70 years of age, it isn’t too late to start something new.

  694. Iris on

    Her advice: “….to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. ” That is so very true.

  695. Anne Haley on

    In my sixth decade, as I realize how ephemeral life is, Anne’s gesture of contributing beauty to life and evoking joy through the gift of old rose cuttings is most inspiring to me.

  696. Lisa on

    “It’s never too late”. This.

  697. Lilia Z on

    I loved reading about how her garden evolved! It always seems such a daunting journey when you first get started and it’s nice to read about how other people succeed.

  698. Courtney Townsend on

    “Lifelong learning and growing keeps one engaged”
    I strive to live this out every single day, and I hope to leave a legacy like Anne.

  699. Cynthia Boyd on

    I was so impressed with this woman’s overall perseverance for life and intense passion for roses, rose growing, and sharing her knowledge and skills to others…especially, of course, to Floret, without which, many of us would not have known of this incredible rosarian. Now we all have the ability to learn about it through Floret’s interest in sharing her legacy and their desire to preserve and pass along the roses and rose knowledge to all of us… I loved this interview and as usual, Erin (and Floret team), you continue to inspire wide and far…even to a woman who gardens in a little tiny cottage garden off the North Atlantic Ocean in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.

  700. Cindy on

    I am most inspired by Anne’s giving spirit and her desire to share the beauty of roses with others. I can attest to the joys of sharing an arrangement of fresh flowers or a cutting from a rose bush and how it nurtures the soul of the recipient as well as the soul of the giver. I believe we gardeners are on a shared journey in this life, and sharing our dreams, our goals, and a small piece of ourselves with others unites us and helps us nurture the lives of others as we continue the legacy of the gardeners who have gone before us. She was a true legend of the rambling rose.

  701. Shasta on

    I’m not sure what was most inspiring. I feel like the entire interview was. “ You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time” I get impatient with my self sometimes, but that is great advise. I love this interview. I will be back to read it again!

  702. Nancy on

    What an inspirational person, her words to live by:
    “advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. ”
    Reading her books would surely be inspiring for me, As newly retired I have time to garden.

  703. Sarah on

    Wow! Right off the bat I connected with Anne’s story! I am a biology teacher and one of my favorite classes is one I created myself to teach students about the importance of wildlife, biodiversity and conservation. I just love anyone who takes the time to follow their dreams while still inspiring and leading the next generations. We are keeping our fingers crossed we can move into my husbands grandmothers farm house this summer. 90 acres of beautiful, serene landscape. And around the house is just bursting with floral life. We want to move there and just make it bloom even more and continue her legacy.

  704. Stephanie Galarza on

    I loved her thoughts on not being stingy and sharing as a way to inspire other’s love of roses.

  705. Judy Brown on

    Two things, really, struck home with me from the interview.
    The first was her attitude about not letting age stop you. She accomplished so much after 60 years of age! I’m 70, and though very active, I do realize I have let age stop me.
    The second is her attitude about being generous with your plants and knowledge. I believe in this, as well. I have both shared and received most of my favorite plants. The provenance of an item stays with you, and when I care for my plants, I always think of the person I got that plant from. They stay alive, to me.

  706. Kennedy on

    I watched the first episode of season 2 last night and got choked up several times learning about Anne’s legacy and Floret’s mission to preserve it. Simply put, this is truly what it is all about – not just flower farming, but life! I was most inspired by her constant passion for learning and disregard for age in the process. Her eyes lit up when she saw flowers – I know that feeling too. You have to be willing to put in the work, but it is so inspiring to know it’s never really too late in life to learn and try new things. Stay uncomfortable, fail, and above all – stay curious. What an invaluable daily reminder.

  707. Kaity Newman on

    She is so inspiring I love how she said not to let being a woman stop you from doing a job. Often we can feel intimidated & hold our own-selves back.

  708. Lindsay on

    I love how how she taught herself to build her house. What an inspiration and hard worker. She read books and was confident that she could take on a project…that resonated with me.

  709. Diedre Jagge on

    The part of Anne’s interview that caught my attention was where she talks about thinking 60 was old, bit that she had started new things at that age and accomplished so much after that. I struggle with thinking “I’m too old to do this now”, so I REALLY appreciate her point of view on aging.

  710. Avery Kuhn on

    She is such an inspiration. I love how much she emphasizes that being a woman is not a weakness. The part where she says to look for our own prejudices is eye opening because I think sometimes we hold ourselves back without even knowing it. She is such an encouragement to follow your dreams and do what you love.

  711. Micheala on

    Anne’s generosity is what is most inspiring to me about this interview, and about her work with roses. I love that she came to them in her 60s and still had almost 40 years loving and growing roses. I love that she generously shared her knowledge about roses and also offered cuttings to share. What a beautiful legacy!

  712. Leslie on

    So much inspiration in this story! I love her advice to try new things and always keep learning, but to make sure you prepare adequately. Thank you for such a great blog post. Now I want to buy a few garden arches and cover them with rambling roses.

  713. C T on

    You can do anything a man can do – you must be an apprentice. I love the big biceps concept – Anne is a true lady.

  714. Camby on

    The comment about turning 60 felt old, but that was 37 years ago…really put a lot into perspective for me. Even at 40 I feel afraid to jump and change but it helps me realize I have so much more life to live.

  715. Lynn on

    Starting a new adventure at 60! I am 56, just bought 5 acres in Arlington, WA and I have such big plans for the garden…she has inspired me to include some ramblers in the garden. What an inspiration she was/is …thank you for sharing her incredible story.

  716. Laura Burns on

    She had a “full life.” That is the dream isn’t it? To be able to say you pursued your passions…Enjoyed life and felt it was full. A beautiful example of how to live.

  717. Christina Hanson on

    What a life she has led! A widow at 19 to living to 97 with so many adventures in between……I aspire to live a life like that. I love her advice : “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” My grandmother lived to be 101 and this generation never ceases to amaze me – tough and fearless. I hope to be that.

  718. Ashley on

    Her advice “to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” Is something I really love. I started doing similar to her advice when COVID happened. I was so focused on work, I was missing things around me. My kids growing up, my passions or lack there of. I started gardening, and getting outside. As a child I loved being outside whenever possible and as an adult and parent working, I wasn’t doing that as much anymore. Especially when my kids became teens. I started getting outside and learning more about gardening. I’ve in the last year started learning more about flower gardening, especially cut flowers and it has been amazing. She’s 100% right, it’s never too late. I know it is a common saying, but it so so true. Thank you for sharing about Anne. Her memory will live on, along with her roses.

  719. Carlie on

    I especially love the reminder to not be stingy. Sometimes my garden is my retreat, and so I’m not quick to share the space. But I can see how it might be good for me to remember to share the space, and not just the harvest.

  720. Margaret LaPlant on

    It’s genuinely hard for me to pick a specific part of her interview that inspires me the most. I love that you are NEVER too old to learn something new and dive in fully.
    My favorite thing about Anne’s interview is that I just thought of my own grandmother. My grandma studied tea roses and had her own nursery in Texas. She would carry all kinds of roses so she could learn more about them.

  721. Ashley on

    I love her tenacity! Truly ahead of her time. And I love that her rose collection didn’t start until her 60’s; inspiring to see that it’s never too late to start something you love!

  722. Devan Butler on

    I was so inspired by Ann saying “what is late in life, I plan to live to 100” if she can do what she did with her roses at 60+ I just think of what I can do at 35 if I set my heart and mind to it! I really love growing and I can’t think of anything better to have a collection of than varieties of roses that will preserve rare species! I have heard Erin say so many times throughout the show she wants to do some thing that matters and she’s already done so much that matters! She taught me everything I know about starting a small flower farm! All the knowledge she gives is so empowering and I feel like I am doing some thing that matters by growing and sharing with others. I would love to win and book collection, because Erin’s books have changed my life so much I know that somebody as passionate as Ann with her roses would help me take my rose collection to the next level.

  723. Amy H on

    The portion about it never being too late to start a new journey. Sometimes the thought of a new garden is overwhelming but you just gotta go for it!

  724. Kelly Raymond on

    It is inspiring to see another woman with many different passions. She really lived such a full life. Learning about all the careers and hobbies she had reminds me of my recently passed grandmother, who I credit with my love of flowers. Seeing how driven and passionate Anne was… I bet they would have been great friends. With all the volunteering they both did here locally in western Washington, I wonder if their paths ever crossed. I often have a voice in my head who thinks I should have 1 career and set interests and both of these women remind me that I can do it all, and I should.. If that’s what I want. Not everyone has the same interests through every season of their life.

  725. Nicole on

    Oh my!!! What an amazing lady!! Absolutely incredible!! The entire interview was inspiring! But what spoke to me the most – not being too old to start something new! This is always a concern of mine and she said exactly what I needed to hear! I love her story! 🥲🥰

  726. Audrey Long on

    I found her stamina to pursue her life’s dreams no matter how physical or complex they may have been inspiring! She never planned to slow down and that’s exactly why she is such an inspiration.

  727. Mary Pursley on

    What a life of determination, even at such an early age in the garden with her mother. She was her own person her entire life. Follow your dreams!

  728. gillian on

    I loved her reflections on her age–that turning 60 wasn’t too late.

  729. Lisa Higgins on

    I loved her perseverance and the power of leaving a legacy as s
    he truly was an inspirational soul.

  730. Evelyn on

    “Be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing” This resonates with me as it is something I am working on. I’m finding that one of the best ways to do this is by actually doing the thing I am afraid to do. Taking the first step in the direction I want to go can often feel the most intimidating.

  731. Debbie on

    I LOVE that she began her passion for roses at 60, and then went on to pursue other related dreams, and never stopped learning and trying new things. What an inspiration!

  732. Erin Kindall on

    Perseverance and a commitment to lifelong learning are messages sprinkled through Anne’s conversation. Inspirational!

  733. Rachel Miller on

    I took from the interview her joy for life. I loved that she kept going, kept doing, and kept living! She never limited herself. What an inspiration!

  734. Lara Solensky on

    I loved watching the episode last night with my young daughters and seeing the next generation already getting excited about beauty and the concept of leaving a legacy. Every piece of Anne’s interview feels so inspiring!

  735. Shaylee Reoch on

    Upon getting your email about the premier of season 2, Growing Floret, I was so excited to hear there was more to be shared about roses. This will be my fourth time reading through A Rose Story parts 1-4 since last year. I obviously love it for more than one reason. It contains history, a scavenger hunt in a secret garden (!!! I could swoon), the preservation of beauty, the passing of wisdom, and a life’s story that tells us it’s never too late to follow a passion AND that you can have many. I’m very easily inspired and passionate and like to go all in and all out, so when I can’t or am limited, I get discouraged. Anne didn’t grow her first rose until the age of 60 and it reminds me that journeys are slow, collections take time, and it’s never too late to keep learning. Her story gives an opportunity to slow down, see beauty, and get dreamy. Even though I can feel bogged down by limitations it encourages me to take the next (likely slow) step in the direction of my flower dreams. I should also share that before reading this story I disregarded roses as being “every woman’s favorite flower” or “common and conventional” I’m so happy that this story proved me wrong and revealed that roses are a timeless, romantic site to behold. In February of this year I purchased my first (and only rose, so far) from David Austin roses- the Olivia Rose Austin. I’m starting with one so I can give it proper attention and care, as I’m also expecting my second baby in a few short weeks. I want to buy 50 roses and all the trellises and towers to go with them, but I’m short on a couple necessities like land and time and money, but as Anne teaches through this story, journeys are slow, they take turns, I can do what I can with what I have and it will never be too late to be a passionate learner.
    Anne’s story has truly been my inspiration for roses and I’ve shared it with the closest women in my life: recommending to read it over an early morning cup of coffee. It is the stuff of dreams, what we should savor in life, and extremely, rarely beautiful.

  736. Lori Guilfoyle on

    What resonates with me was when she talked about her sailing trip and 3 parts to setting goals. In the second paragraph she says”be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing”

    It is a really beautiful interview.

  737. Sheila on

    The interview is perfection. Anne is the ideal role model for us all. She lived 97years, had various differing careers, difficulties, triumphs, and so much wisdom to share. She teaches to learn, to have passion, to have self reliance, to share, to care, her wisdoms go on and on. How lucky this world was to be graced with 97 years of her. I can only imagine the knowledge that is bound in her books. I will read them all at some point in my lifetime. I am 50 years old and began growing cut flowers from seeds 2 years ago and am loving it. This year I added 9 rose bushes to our gardens. I hope to have 30 plus years to continue my passion as she did. Thank you for all your contributions, Anne!

  738. Kelsy on

    A true treasure of an interview! Anne left a mark in this world. A reminder we can all add beauty in some fashion.

  739. Joni Sauers on

    Her starting so much if her life at 60 totally inspires me, what a lady!!! I will be turning 63 in a couple of months and really needed that inspiration, thank you!!!

  740. Nadia Piche on

    I feel most inspired to grow roses now and preserve their history. Their story made me fall in love with them and see their beauty in a new way. Do you know where someone in Canada can access these varieties? Also, what an incredible woman who lived such a full and rich life. She inspires me to live!

  741. Tamara Millage on

    I want to be just like her when I “grow up”!

    What impressed me most about Anne is her spunk for life and the passion to seek the best from wherever stage of life you are in. She didn’t confirm to some preconceived notion of being what’s expected. She reminds me of my grandmother, another spunky gardener lady who loved life and left a legacy of positive.

  742. Sarah Jo on

    My favorite part about Anne, and what’s most inspiring about her interview, is that she didn’t limit herself or let others limit her. She didn’t limit herself because of her womanhood, she didn’t let others limit her and ‘fought prejudice where you find it’. Her life didn’t just consist of one thing – but many, many passions. From saving dogs and animals, to sailing, to growing, to always learning. She was limitless and that’s so incredibly inspiring.

  743. CJ on

    When Anne says, “be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do”

  744. Alicia on

    I enjoyed the part of overcoming prejudices it’s something that some women do everyday.

  745. Emily Albertson on

    I’m inspired by how much she loved roses. I never really considered all of the behind details of roses until now!

  746. Melissa Patterson on

    Anne’s perspective on never being to old to dive into something new really inspired me. And how it’s important to get out and do stuff, not to isolate yourself. What a remarkable woman!

  747. Sarah Murphy on

    I love the idea of having your community be involved in the process. New enthusiasts can learn from the pros-regardless of age. A pruning party sounds so educational and rewarding!

  748. Amy S Long on

    She has such an inspiring story. Owning your too muchness is a favorite. I am someone who has often been referred as too much. It’s nice to hear someone say that’s okay.
    Starting late in life is just a reminder that it’s never too late to live the life you want.

  749. Jamie Tanner on

    The fact that Anne continued to not only grow, but start new businesses, well into her late years in life is such an inspiration. During a time in their lives when most people start to slow down, Anne seemed to pick up steam. I hope I can be lucky enough to do the same.

  750. Robin Parsons on

    I was inspired by so much of this interview as I am starting to grow roses again. I haven’t had roses since my children were young. I purchased my first DA rose last year, and after planting my dahlia tubers in a new area this year, I now have room for a few more roses.

    Most specifically, I am inspired by her line about never being too old to try something. Our children will both be in college in the fall, and just last night I stepped down from 15 yrs of volunteering for their school district. It’s time to figure out what MY next chapter will be. Ann did so much after 60. I have so much more life to live, and now I get to put my passions first.

  751. Jamie Desmond on

    Thank you for sharing a brief glimpse into the life of a remarkable woman.

  752. Katie on

    How she followed her dreams at any age and any point in life

  753. Kellie Eickmeyer on

    Preserving our horticulture is so important, sharing with others so selfless, a soft voice in the midst of a noisy and chaotic world. I hope to be like Anne with my gardens and community.

  754. Audra Baerga on

    I love when she says, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” This is my philosophy especially with gardening.

    A life long spent in learning and gardening is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story.

  755. Faith on

    I really loved the part about her beloved rose varieties being shared and preserved. I really wish I had taken cuttings from my grandmothers roses and other garden treasures before her home was sold after her passing. To keep a piece of history, something that was loved and cared for and help carry it into the future is truly an act of respect and love.

  756. Kate on

    The list of what she determined you need to succeed was just what I needed. I love learning but I have put off for too long learning about passions I want to pursue vs learning what I need to earn an income… I want to bring both sides of that coin together. She is fascinating!

    “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes. I bought three books when I decided to build the house on Camano Island; how to frame a house, how to wire it, and how to do the plumbing. You need to study and become an apprentice. “

  757. Sue Pettit on

    Her energy pops out on the page-inspirational, clear and determined. To want to start her own blog! At 96?97? How awesome. Living her life to the fullest and to continue to learn, share and push.. It is something we do not see very much any longer. This is what our younger generations need to be exposed to. Just lovely.

  758. T on

    What an inspiring interview! I loved the motivating response to the question about starting her rose collection later in life. Her advice to keep moving, stay open and always learning is a good reminder to live each day and enjoy the roses along the way.

  759. Stephanie Statnick on

    Water, food, sunshine and don’t be stingy! Will watch this episode again and again. Erin and Anne two inspiring women.

  760. Glynda Crunk on

    Become an apprentice: Living, learning, loving is a life’s work. Appreciate the community and camaraderie of others as you travel together on this most precious of journeys, a joy full life.

  761. Katy on

    So many things about Anne are inspiring! What a life she lived! And amazing how active and driven she was. Her advice to readers was spot on! I also identify with her story about her moms garden and falling in love with flowers later in life- that was the same for me! I couldn’t fathom why my mom loved her garden so much and now I love it too!

  762. Rebecca on

    Here’s what caught my heartstrings and played them: own your “too muchness” and use it. For most of my career and adult life I’ve been told I’m “too much” and Anne, and y’all’s journey with roses is aligned with the expansion going on in my life of continuing to use it and have it serve me well as serve others around me. Keep growing!!! It matters.

  763. Karen C. Principio on

    What really caught my eye was Anne saying she started at the age of 60. I’m currently 63 so it resonated with me. I recently found one lone rose bush at the back of my property and was marveling at the beauty and scent of the flowers. My husband was out there with me at the time and he suggested that we plant more of them. Reading Anne’s story has given me hope that it’s not too late for me to start building a collection of roses.

  764. Dolly Perry on

    My favorite part was when she talked about her trip back from New Zealand and what she learned. I had breast cancer and in my battle learned many of the same things.

  765. Chrisdee on

    What inspires me most is that she did this later in her life. It’s awe inspiring to see!

  766. Mary K Murphy on

    Roses have a special place in my heart. My grandmother grew roses in the harshest of conditions in Felton, MN. It is a prairie farm town near the Red River Valley. Winds and severe cold and a very short growing season were some of her challenges. In comparison, my challenges in suburban Minnetonka, are deer and bunnies. But I can use all the help I can get!

  767. Kristin on

    It’s difficult for me to pick which part of Anne’s interview inspired me the most. Her perspective on life and her ability to see the positive in even the most difficult circumstances shine through her responses to the questions. I’ve felt so much pressure to have it all figured out at an early age and to find one career and stick with it, but Anne’s interview has reminded me that’s not true. Life can be much more fluid and forgiving than I’ve often believed, I just have to be willing to work for it. Thank you for sharing her interview with the world!

  768. Kristine on

    I love how the pursuit of beauty urged her on. Amidst tragedy and war, she kept her eyes open to the beauty right next to her. I have a lot to learn from this. I wish I could also look back at my life and say as Anne did: ” It was a difficult time in the world, but the moments of beauty is what I remember.” (From her blog)

  769. Amy Pilgrim on

    I loved it when Anne said that at 60 she felt she still was able to learn new skills. I’m a few years shy of 60, and realizing that 60 is still young, and I still have dreams to fulfill, and learning to do, and places to visit reinvigorates me! I’m looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish in the next 30+ years. I, too, believe in lifelong learning. As long as I’m breathing, I plan to keep learning, and doing, and experimenting. I started my first garden this year, and have 38 dahlias, umpteen zinnias, celosia, xeranthemum, amaranth, and anything else I can stick in the ground, as well as herbs, fruit trees, and vegetables. It has been so exciting to watch it all come up out of the ground and start growing.

  770. Stephanie on

    I am putting this on a post-it to see each morning: “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” Absolutely loved this interview and this episode and so excited y’all have roses now!

  771. Rachel Deem on

    What an amazing inspiring woman. I want to send her book of determination to all of my daughters. I have always loved the old roses myself. They create such a beautiful attraction in the garden and they are easy to care for. I would like to read some of her books to learn more about taking care of the roses I have in my garden. Her garden looks beautiful and I want to go and read her blogs. She reminds me of my Aunt Blanche who lived to 100. Full of energy and always on the move. I would like to learn more about rambler roses as well. I would like learn more on these types of varieties.

  772. Ana on

    Anne is an inspiration. How she talks about strength as women are equal to men should serve as inspiration to all women. How she mentions that a person is never too old to follow their dreams is inspirational to all. I find this truly inspiring especially when it comes to agriculture and farming. Lastly, being a life long learner I’d love to learn about roses by receiving her lovely set of books.

  773. Bethany on

    Anne’s advice how to follow your dreams was an inspiration to me. And I loved her encouragement to share your flowers with others- generously!

  774. Briana on

    I appreciated that she mentioned that she used to try and escape the garden. That, coupled with all the career/life changes she took on over her life, reminds me that we all have different seasons of life. Our tastes, interests, goals, and mindsets can change and that’s not only alright, but incredible. I like the hope it brings that even though maybe there’s something that I’m not particularly good at or fond of right now, that doesn’t mean it’ll be that way in 10 years–or even tomorrow. I can just keep following my current path until I find another one to switch to! [And just like eventually Anne found a stage of life where she loved being in her own garden, maybe there’s a phase of life ahead where I actually am willing to keep up on my laundry?]

  775. Mary Combs on

    I really think the most important jewel was Anne’s formula for greatly improving the chances of achieving any difficult goal. I found the three main parts to be enlightening.
    What an inspiration!

  776. Christina Johnson on

    My favorite part of Anne’s story is how she has built a beautiful community that will keep growing along with her roses. As we all learn more about them and their unique and wonderful (almost lost) attributes we gain friendships with others as enamored by them. Those who want to share the beauty lost by breeding which has removed the amazing fragrance and lovely habit of rambling roses will have a connection unlike many others.

  777. Rebecca Hudson on

    What a powerful and beautiful story. I took so much inspiration from both the story and episode. Thank you for sharing!

  778. Erica VG on

    I’ve often dreamed of finding an old overgrown garden full of roses and other plants. To clear things back to find new or extinct specimens. Sounds like Erin has done just that 🌹

    Annes advice to never stop learning and you’re never up old to start something new! Such words of wisdom from experience, which is the best sort of education. Do what you love ❤️ keep moving, experiencing, learning and keep your relationships flourishing.

    Thank you Anne for sharing 💐

  779. Pam Blinten on

    I absolutely love that she said that “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” The fact that she pursued her dreams at 60 is amazing and so inspiring. I often wish that I had known my passions before I went to college so that I could’ve gotten an education in horticulture and ended up in a field I loved. It often feels like it’s too late to change paths because I’m so entrenched in the one I’ve taken. I read this interview when it first came out and it motivated me to pursue my dreams. Since then, I have taken the Floret Workshop and opened a farm stand. I’ll be selling cut flowers for the first time this year. We’re even buying a bigger property to have the space to expand. One day, this will be my full-time “job” — and I add the quotation marks because I don’t feel that it will ever be a job, but rather a combination of new daily experiences that will allow me to thrive.

  780. Kim on

    Omgosh! I went through a box of Kleenex last night watching. What a stunningly intimate and gorgeous episode. THANK YOU so much for all of this. 💕💕💕

  781. Jackie Holman on

    Her lust for life and determination to go after what interested her despite being a certain age or a certain gender resonated with me. We’re so focused on youth in our culture that we forget you don’t stop living and learning after you’ve earned some wrinkles. Hers was a life well lived all the way to the end and I find that inspiring.

  782. Jillian Saikia on

    That new passions can be found later in life and learning never stops. It is possible to pursue new callings and those callings can open up a new way to love life. Absolutely beautiful!

  783. Kari on

    I loved that she invited people into her gardens and invited people to be generous in sharing!

  784. Jane on

    I am turning 65 this year and am so inspired by Anne’s advice to continue learning and taking on new challenges in the last third of our lives! I am planning on starting a farm, learning to keep, raise & milk goats. I want to be able to make my own cheese.

  785. Jess on

    I love the idea of using roses as an excuse to have people over to your property, to bloom relationships. What a lovely thought.

  786. Denine on

    The fact that she started all of this at 60 amazes me. The thought of not limiting yourself by gender I do most of my projects myself and sometimes it is daunting. This is beyond inspiring.

  787. Winnie Black on

    It is never to late to create or share your dreams. Anne is an inspiration to me at 67. I have always been a gardener and aspire to be one at 100. Anne’s energy and drive is so catching. She lives on in her books and roses. Thank you for sharing.

  788. Samantha Lipoma on

    I love the parts about sharing her roses and knowledge. How special it would be to have a flower legacy to honor your work and preservation efforts. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

  789. Kim Carter on

    I love that she started at 60. Gardening can be so therapeutic and I would imagine it has been wonderful for her and still is.

  790. Lauren on

    I’m so inspired by her vigor and dedication, even starting later in life. It helps me to feel that it’s never too late to start something!

  791. Laura Davis on

    What a wonderful read…I am inspired by her drive..I recently turned 65 and ti see what she accomplished in her later years moves me. I’m looking forward to reading her books !

  792. Maren on

    The bits of her life as a child, a young wife and the different roles she took on. Really inspiring.

  793. Diane on

    I loved Anne’s advice to keep moving, stay out of bed , go out to lunch and visit with others, read and stay up to date with the news, be open to new ideas, and continue to learn and grow.

  794. Suz P. on

    Two things really stood out to me. One: I never knew I could grow roses up a tree, which would give me so many more places to plant! Two: I love that she started her “career” in roses after the age of 60. I’m turning 40 next year and sometimes it feels old, but this really puts the experience of life into perspective. I have a lot of new things to learn and become!

  795. Dana Goodson on

    I enjoyed this episode more than any other! Ever since I read your interview I’ve wanted to know more. I felt emotional so many times and feel drawn to help preserve some of the antique roses! Thank you. Thank you for making me feel like there is someone else out there with a heart like mine for the beautiful things.

  796. Theresa Bolton on

    I think what inspired me most about her interview was that she didn’t let her age stop her from trying new things. I loved her recommendations for living a full life, especially being open to learning, staying in touch with friends and family and going out for lunch! Thank you for sharing this interview.

  797. DeAnn on

    What a lovely way to develop friendships through the beauty of flowers. I also love her determination. If you want to learn something read and take classes. She would have been someone you would love to meet. So much knowledge, passion, and compassion. What an awesome lady.

  798. Marsha Watkins on

    At 58 years old and in only my third season as a flower farmer, I was loving Anne’s attitude that life isn’t over once you are out of your thirties or forties. I friend commented I was jumping into too much when I added a new rose garden to my flower fields, I said “I love to learn new things. I don’t want to sit and stare out the window in my old age.” There IS a lot to learn and I hope to keep my brain cells working by learning all I can just as Anne did.

  799. Nancy Norton on

    Ms. Belovich’s zeal for learning is inspiring. A single mother at 19, sailing a long treacherous trip, building houses. The erecting the walls with a wall jack! I love roses and I have noticed through the years those around me have enjoyed the ones I have planted and have grown to really love them also.

  800. Karen O. on

    I will be 58 this year and it is so inspiring to see someone do so much later in life. I hope I can accomplish as much in my later years. I like the older roses as they are so much easier to take care of and seem much less finnicky. I am looking forward to adding some ramblers to my garden.

  801. Chanda S on

    I love that she started ‘later’ than most. Showing it’s never too later to start something you love.

  802. Brittney Aranda on

    What inspired me is Anne’s willingness and desire to share. Not just information, but the roses themselves to multiply them and give others the opportunity to observe, enjoy and share again with others!

  803. Kylie Rahmlow on

    All the different things she accomplished in her life no matter her age. Absolutely inspiring.

  804. Jeanne on

    I enjoyed the variations she had in her long life. She dove in head first to so many different things and seemed to really achieve a high level of success in all her endeavors. She proved that it is never too late to try something new, just roll up your sleeves and go for it!

  805. Angie on

    You’re never to old to learn a new skill!

  806. Whitney Steele on

    I think I may have the same comment as everyone else! The “big biceps” excerpt from her book is fantastic, but I love the part afterwards: “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself.” Sometimes I think as if everyone else is in my way, when really my biggest obstacle is probably myself. This was a good reminder to root out those prejudices in my own mind so that out prejudices won’t affect me.

  807. Hallie on

    I was just thinking not to long ago that 42 was too late to start over but this just showed me it’s never too late to do what you want.

  808. Carolyn M. on

    What inspired me most about Anne’s interview was her sheer determination to learn and accomplish. I loved the quote “unless it requires big biceps and a beard…” because it IS true. Women can do most anything with learning and effort, if we’re also willing to put in the time and overcome prejudices. Her story pushes me further on to accomplish my own goal of finishing my education, which I’m doing now and should be done by Spring, God willing. I also am coming later in life to a love of rosses. Here on the East Coast “beach roses” were all over the beaches during my childhood. I hope to grow some Rosa Rugosa in my own yard soon. Thank you, Floret family for inspiring us all. You guys blow me away.

  809. Amy Wilson on

    I love that she didn’t start growing roses until she was 60! It’s never to late to pursue something that interest you!! She was so inspiring.

  810. April Schluender on

    What an inspiration!!! I love where she says “ You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else”. Her life is such an example of what’s possible when you put your mind to it!! Thank you Anne❤️

  811. Nikki Mccomsey on

    That she inspires others to pursue their big dreams at any age. It’s so true, life is short.

  812. Becky Culbertson on

    As a 65 year old woman, I love that she said you’re never too old to pursue your dreams, and how many things she did after the age of 60! That is so encouraging to me!

  813. Chelsea Beutler on

    I love, love, love this comment from her:

    “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”

    As a female entrepreneur in this space, and a mother of 4 boys and 2 daughters trying to raise a family while starting out, I find myself constantly fighting these pre-defined roles of what’s a male responsibility vs a female one. I love the inspiration here to not feel limited- to believe in your own capabilities, and continue to follow your dreams regardless! I also have children who are watching and learning from me and I hope they pick a little if this up.

  814. Katherine Sumbler on

    Anne’s story hit home for me. Bootstrapping life and teaching herself how to do “man work” while still maintaining those feminine passions like raising roses. I own a construction company and do “man work” every day. I love coming home to the calm beauty of my garden and unwinding after a long day. I would be filled with gratitude having Anne’s Roses accompany me in my evening strolls through the garden.

  815. Alandra Kahl on

    Great advice all around. My favorite part was her spirit of preservation. Thanks for sharing.

  816. Becky on

    Sharing is the most important

  817. Julie Gosen on

    Anne’s story is motivating to me because she is proof POSITIVE that you are never too old to start something new. And as someone who has rescued a sweet little dog, her heart for these animals also speaker to me. I always say my little dog rescued me. I wonder if Anne might say the same.

  818. Jolene on

    It’s never too late to find your multiple callings in life! Thank you for sharing her story and making her known.

  819. Alandra Kahl on

    Great advice all around. My favorite part was her spirit of preservation.

  820. Carly on

    Very inspiring to keep trying things that you’re interested in and never stop learning

  821. Amy Balsbaugh on

    I loved seeing the photos of her flowers and her life. What an amazing woman!

  822. Catherina Gailey on

    I love Anne’s advice on finding one’s own path. It is true that sometimes w e underestimate our abilities.

    What beauty words!

  823. Natalie A. on

    Such an inspirational interview. There are many aspects that inspire me personally, but the one that gives me the most hope is that she began her rose journey at the age of 60. For her to have started her journey at the age that so many other people are retiring, and to have created and achieved so much in the next 37 years with it, is wonderful. All of her many passions, and her success in each, is amazing.

  824. Catherine Bloomwood on

    I enjoyed the mutual love between Erin and Anne. You could feel the caring and respect for each other.

  825. Cassandra Atwood on

    What a beautiful interview! I think what inspired be most was the notion of preserving the beauty of roses for future generations. Being able to leave a legacy with flowers is pretty special.

  826. Kristin on

    I loved reading Anne’s advice to not accept gender prejudice from others, and to be on the lookout for gender prejudice within ourselves. So true! What a lovely interview to read, thank you for sharing 💗

  827. Nena C Williams on

    I am inspired by the entire interview! Her advice on making career choices in line with your interests is very wise indeed! I wish she was still with us! She was one of those unsung heroes we hear about and come to appreciate, especially for her work in preserving the rare rambling roses of yesteryear….

  828. Ashly on

    So inspiring to try new things at any age!

  829. Vicki Kommes on

    Beautiful interview with a beautiful person. I love how she spoke about it being never too late to pursue your dreams. A true inspiration for me as a 71 year old youngster who never stops dreaming about a secret garden with roses galore!

  830. Erin on

    I found it so interesting that Anne’s favorite rose was a David Austin with a very low petal count! I really enjoyed this interview and pledge to do my part when it comes to helping out in gardens and sharing my roses.

  831. Samantha on

    Her generosity and her deep desire to share her treasures that took such dedication and work is very moving.

  832. Amanda Eastvold on

    I was struck by how the loss of her first husband changed the trajectory of her life. I find many gardeners I talk to have stories of loss. Gardening is a way of creating joy again—as Anne has done her whole life by sharing what is dear to her.

  833. Chris G. on

    The idea that it’s not too late in life to set goals and accomplish them really resonated with me.

  834. Shelly Pope on

    What an inspiration! Her legacy will live on will live on through generations! I love how she carried out her dreams, that takes such courage!

  835. Melissa on

    I was also most inspired by what Anne said about aging “I pursued many dreams after turning 60”. I, too will be turning 65 this year and although I don’t feel my age, I thought it was too late to move to the country and start a destination farm and B&B/wedding venue which has been something I long dreamed of. This really caused a shift in my thinking and hopefully once the real estate market calms down-something I will pursue. What a great role model!

  836. Liz Elms on

    I love it that she reminds us that ‘later’ in life is not really late ♥️ It sometimes feels as though if you do not find your passion early in your life, there is no point to try anything. But this is so foolish. She proves that at 60, she could still find and pursue a passion for a very long time. There is no rush. I do not need to feel as though I have already missed my opportunity. Thank you.

  837. Shelby Musgraves on

    The entire interview is inspirational! But, while I wouldn’t call myself “old”, I find the most inspiring part to be that she didn’t let her age keep her from starting a new goal, a new dream. I often feel like I’ve wasted half my life why start now… but she looks at it differently. I have half a lifetime left! Such a small but impactful change of perspective. One I feel I will hold on to for some time. And now I can’t wait to add roses to the dream.

  838. Sabrena Orr on

    What a charming and lovely lady. Documenting her life is a treasure! Thank you for sharing her inspiring story.

  839. Jill Reed on

    I was inspired by her generosity and the sharing of her knowledge, garden and love of beauty.

  840. Sarah on

    I love most her attitude that women are just as able-bodied and minded to achieve our dreams as anyone – it’s the determination that determines how far we will go! Thank you both for leading the way as pioneering women!

  841. Lauren Torkildsen on

    I just love and feel empowered every time she says she could do anything a man could do. I often feel frustrated that I am not strong enough or don’t know enough about tools and machines to get the job done but I have to remind myself of Anne and just go for it.

  842. Terri rogers on

    Her spirit of generosity and that life is meant to be shared. What an amazing person!

  843. Jane Glick on

    Anne is an inspiration to us all, to spread the beauty that lies in our garden passed down from generations. Her will to live and live well and long being active and caring out your dreams until the end!

  844. Jennifer on

    I treasure reading about the many bends and twists of a gardener’s life. Gardening is such an apt metaphor for life and Anne’s life was an enchanted garden. The continued giving of self and pursuing her passions despite difficulties,
    are what I admire. I would love to see and read more about how that plays out with roses, thorns, and pruning shears.

  845. Linda Boyer on

    I have a very large rose garden but it is nothing compared to hers. I think she inspired me most when she said she began to follow her dreams at 60! I am 60 ish LOL and have dreams that I have felt were too late to follow. But seeing all she accomplished after 60 and seeing her amazing roses have brought me hope that there is still time to follow dreams.

  846. Bri on

    I loved the idea of her husband Max delivering her roses. Being able to share with others is my favorite part of gardening. Meeting someone like Anne is so rare these days and her story is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing and opening these doors!

  847. Mylène on

    What stood out the most for me, from this interview and from what I saw on Growing Floret S.2, was Anne’s incredible focus and determination. From building her own house to pursuing her passion for roses so “late” in her life; she didn’t late age or time keep her from accomplishing anything. I’m in my late thirties with a small and young flower business and was starting to feel pressed for time lately. Hearing and reading her story really uplifted my spirits and helped me tune in to why I started working with plants in the first place: for the love and joy of spending time in nature, for learning, and for sharing beauty with others. And it reminded me that perhaps my best years are ahead of me… :)

  848. Lori McCormack on

    I love the later in life encouragement and also the bit about sharing and generosity.

  849. Nicole Dunkel on

    I love her fortitude as a woman and ‘doer’. My Mother-in-law, Diane, was much this way. They keep going. This likely contributed to her living a long life of purpose, and the legacy of her roses will go on and on. She was a ‘contributor’, not a spectator (with her work with animals as well). I also liked that at age 60 she began her path of growing roses… of which she was introduced in her very life. A community ‘rose’ from this…through her generosity, a gift she gave to many it seems. Thank you for sharing this.

  850. Tammy Ringeisen on

    Such a beautiful interview with Anne. I was struck by her passion not only for roses but everything in her life. Age was truly just a number to her and didn’t stop her to live her life to the fullest. I admire her love for roses and it has has reinvigorated me and brought me back to my own love affair with roses. What a remarkable women! Thank you!

  851. Jen on

    Wow!! What an amazing woman. I loved reading about her various passions (a lot align with my own). Its so wonderful when people share their knowledge and expertise with the world like she did. It makes the world a richer and brighter place for all. Thank you so much for sharing your interview with her. I feel inspired.

  852. Jace on

    Anne put her mind to what she wanted to do and didn’t let time be a factor of not following her heart. That in itself, is a huge lesson to all of us; to not let time dictate what we can and cannot do. Anne’s more than inspiration, she’s a role model.

  853. Elyna Kim on

    I am blown away by all of the amazing things that Anne was able to experience and accomplish in her life. I love that she never let her age or gender keep her from challenging herself and learning new things. Her passion and drive are truly inspirational so thank you for sharing her story! Also couldn’t have come at a better time as I planted my first shrub rose this year :)

  854. Lea Kelly on

    Thank you for sharing these words with us. This quote is so stirring to me from Anne: ” … inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” It causes me to imagine who might be encouraged as I share my little garden with them.

  855. Ari G on

    Wow, Erin… this project is like kisses from angels. In the past year or so I have also developed this profound relationship with roses. It started with a picture of a 50 year old climbing rose that my great grandmother pruned into an arch over their doorway in Albuquerque, NM. My great grandmother was a Jew and Black and also from Europe. She had been taught about roses from our European Jewish ancestors.
    I’ve been studying their medicinal qualities and finding so much inspiration from herbalists of the long old, Avicenna and Trota de Salerno to name a couple with fascinating writings on Rose. I make skincare, and am wanting to explore the diversity of colors compounds in Roses to create different shades of makeup. The idea was born from my identity issues around being multi-racial and how I used to use makeup to hide my diversity.
    Sorry if thats info-dumping, I’m autistic, which brings me back to Anne. I resonate a lot with Erin and Anne and their too-much-ness. I too feel like there was something I was clearly born with and has lead me to collecting, categorizing, and finding solutions to hard problems. Anne didn’t start until her 60s but still did it for a third of her life. She let life guide her to this path, and I am similarly drawn as if these flowers are way to get know myself more.

  856. Emily on

    Such an inspiration! I admire her giving spirit! Her passion for roses was so strong, she wanted everyone to love them like she did. Sharing knowledge, or sharing plants, she made the world a better place!

  857. Carol Carter on

    What I appreciated most about Anne’s interview was her positivity and that she did not start her life with roses until she was 60. I am about to turn 65 in a few months so it gives me hope that I am able to start my own journey with roses.

  858. Jennifer on

    The idea of preserving all those beautiful roses so that others can also enjoy them – Anne is a real inspiration. We are losing so many things in this world, the curators are my heroes.

  859. Sarah B. on

    Anne truly lived the principle “that by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass.” I was inspired by her desire to learn to cultivate roses later in life. I felt that she didn’t want her success to be an anomaly, but rather wanted to inspire others to make that the norm to follow your dreams (at any stage in life) and find your success.

    As a young girl I read a retelling of Beauty and the Beast that surprisingly shared tips on growing roses. Simultaneously, I found a dying climbing rose bush beneath a tumble of weeds. Using that book as my guide, I cleared the weeds, built a trellis with my mom, and nursed it back to health. Those first blooms brought me so much joy!

    You’re never to old or young to find your passion.

  860. Inge Houghton on

    Her simple advice for a fulfilling life struck me as most inspirational: “keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    A good recipe toward a life well lived. Great words of advice from a woman who’s done just that!

  861. Elisabeth on

    Ah, this was so beautiful! I appreciate her generous spirit. I was moved by her intentional direction to share your garden, to invite people in to also enjoy it. Thank you for introducing us to Anne!

  862. Julie Ann on

    Many of her dreams were accomplished after age of 60. This inspired me to continue (and not think my dream was foolish) my work of turning our 3 acres of desolate dessert valley land into lush place for respite for our community. After 7 years of plugging away at my dream (there have been set backs) perhaps I too may live a long life like her and see my planting dreams come true.

  863. Kate on

    Very inspired by her generous spirit, her determination to pursue all goals and continue learning and growing throughout life, and her willingness to continue to reinvent herself through pursuing passions!

  864. k on

    Wow, what an inspiring woman! I loved her approach to life. This quote, in particular, stuck out to me – “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” Thank you, as always, for the generous giveaway!

  865. Kimberly on

    Where to begin? I love a rambling rose. The interview with Anne and all the rose posts took me back to my childhood. I used to see climbing roses all over barns, houses, and old building. Now, it seems they have been torn down along with the roses that Anne fought to save. How amazing to read about her path and passion. What is even more amazing is that people like you are working to preserve her legacy. Thank you for honoring the past and those who fought to save our living history in floral and fauna.

  866. Mikelle on

    I have found a love for unique roses and have been wanting to learn to grow Bergen. I would love the help of this library and to carry a piece if Anne here with me!

  867. Felicia Blair on

    I was most inspired most by two things she said( the whole interview was amazing), it’s never too late to accomplish your dreams, to stay in your dreams as you age. This I such a powerful message. I am 61 and am embarking on building a new business.
    The seas you don’t have to be a man or have a big strong man around to accomplish physical feats of strength. She built a wall on her own!!!! What a conversation you had with her. She is an inspiration, thank you for sharing.
    PS, roses are my favorites!!!

  868. Jordan on

    I love that she has shared so many of her roses as well as her knowledge through the books she’s written. What a legacy!

  869. Diane Guillebeau on

    I watched in awe of Anne Belovich and her spirit. I’m saddened to think some of her roses could be lost forever. What an amazing person she was and I was moved to tears hearing her speak.

  870. Tenille on

    The challenge to follow your dreams. I get intimidated but I love how she did so many things in the time she had.

  871. Elizabeth Betlejewski on

    I love ramblers and climbing roses, and I would love to incorporate more into my garden. It’s wonderful that her collection will be preserved.

  872. Laura Kendrick on

    What inspires me most about Anne is that her greatest achievement didn’t start until her 60s. Where most people are preparing to slow down she was ramping up. Maybe she holds the true secrete of how to achieve a healthy long life? Strive to continue to hit goals and fulfill yourself with knowledge and beauty at all stages of life. It’s so inspiring to me as someone just begging her flower journey, as I look to transition out of being a manager in healthcare to a life of true beauty. Often society makes us feel we have to have it all figured out and accomplish by our mid 30s, but in reality if we keep the mindset that all stages of life are open for great success, beauty and giving back to the world around us the success can be endless. Truly amazing.

  873. Lisa on

    One of my many favorite parts of Anne’s interview was that she began this journey after she turned 60 and continued to have a full career through her beautiful life with roses! As I am now 62, she is a wonderful and encouraging example of how to find a special joy in aging and staying curious and engaged in your later years. I would love learning more about her passion for roses in her library of books. Thank you.

  874. Becky J on

    I am touched by her love of not only roses, but the people she’s come to know through them. It was inspiring for me to see her passion spread throughout her yard, from the paths and under archways where the roses climb to off the page. Thank you for sharing. If I have half the green thumb and life she has had, I will be happy.

  875. Lindsey on

    My whole life I have spent not knowing what it is I’m meant to do or even what I want to do with my time here. I’ve always thought of myself as someone who could do, be, achieve anything, and that I could do those things on my own. I just haven’t known where to start. I feel so passionately about so many things, but feeling like I can only choose one has made it difficult to commit to something wholeheartedly.

    What really touched me about Anne’s life is she didn’t let anything hold her back, not the death of her husband, not being a young mother, not even THE fence her mother put up. She knew what she wanted and she went after it with the passion and ferocity that I can only hope to possess. This inspires me to stop living to work and start working to live and do those things I’m passionate about regardless of the obstacles that stand in my way, including clearing out the weeds and old plants from my garden and investing time in putting beauty back into this world.

    Thank you for sharing this!

  876. Amy Hardin on

    Her quote: “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    This is exact topic my husband and I have talked about as we watch our parents and their friends age. Those that are the healthiest follow this advice… and it is something that we want to follow too for our physical and mental health.

    Also, I tend to have new favorites (read: obsessions) every few years. Its been dahlias, zinnias, hostas, and daylilies. My while still obsesses with these, my latest obsessions seem to be moving towards irises… and after reading these articles, I may be propagating some roses! Roses are a bit difficult in my area as the Japanese beetles love them as a tasty meal. However, I’d like to try propagating the roses on my grandparents’ farms. What was your overall success rate with your propagating of Anne’s roses?

  877. Aubrey Costello on

    I am inspired by her entire life story, a true modern Renaissance woman! So many different adventures and career paths; from building homes to creating a beautiful rose collection. Thank you for bringing her life story and old roses back into our lives; a true inspiration and now something new to start collecting in the garden!

  878. Lynn Colcernian on

    I wish I could fill her shoes and continue to keep all old world plants part of our planet, not just roses. It is from them we learn what a wonderful place own backyard can be. She was truly a courageous person with a determination to continue down the path of life long learning , she was a “rambling rose”. It seems that through her passing she was able to share even more of her beloved roses. Thank you Erin for continuing her legacy and now yours, and many others who will continue it,

  879. Jessica Defaymoreau on

    Anne!! You are a queen! This was just the sweetest interview to read. Love her passion and determination for all things roses. Her generosity is what keeps this roses alive like old stories being passed down. Anne you are a legend!

  880. Emily on

    I am inspired that it’s never to late to start and that she stayed so active into her late 90’s.

  881. Sarah Crow on

    She is an inspiration! The beautiful pics and her inspiring story are what inspired me the most.

  882. Shannon Parker on

    I’ve just started on my rose collection and would
    LOVE to learn more from Anne and her beautiful books! They would also serve as an inspiration as I’m learning watercolor right now.

  883. Anne on

    I love how Anne says don’t be stingy! Her generous spirit, sharing her knowledge ,cuttings & plants with others .
    Such an inspiration

  884. Jane Glick on

    I love roses and the more fragrant the more I love them. I have inherited a rose from my great-grandfather in England and of all the clippings started here in the US mine is the one to survive. Now I am dividing and sharing my rambling rose with friends and family to keep it alive for generations to come. I loved the first episode of season 2 and excited to watch more. What a wonderful inheritance! I would love to bring this legacy to the east coast and fill gardens everywhere with the beauty of roses.

  885. Eden on

    Everything!!!! She made me believe at almost 60 (which is scary to say & think)🙁 I am capable of still starting a new chapter in my life. I’ve started a flower garden & was afraid it would be too much since I am also a full time caregiver for mother who is 91, but with Anne’s enthusiasm & encouragement I’m realizing not only is it possible but it will make both our lives more joyful. What an inspiration Anne’s life has been & still is. Thank you for sharing it.

  886. Lora B. on

    Ah…..roses….brings me back to my Grandma Pearl & Grandpa Heston’s gardens. She had a simple, five petal pink rose bush that smelled light & divine & he went ditch digging on country roads to find the wild Iowa yellow rose. It climbed up the side of his workshop. We now have a 3 acres place where I’ve love to have these. Thank you for sharing all that you know!

  887. Whitney Lawrence on

    She sounds like a wonderful woman and a hard worker. I like hearing about other woman who aren’t afraid to do hard things or things a man would do. But she also continued to do new things late in life.

  888. Jes Labrecque on

    Anne is an incredible force to be reckoned with. Her entire life is an inspiration. But what really inspired me was talking about the legacy , what do you do -to have your work live on. Her little facts of sharing with others and not keeping things to yourself- that is something I’ll be taking with me. Share knowledge , share love of things, give from your garden. Don’t be stingy.

  889. Virginia Selzer on

    Wow! What a wise and beautiful woman. With so many of us beginning anew in our sixties, Anne’s story inspires, encourages and holds our hands as we fearlessly journey into the next phase of our lives. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  890. Makayla on

    There is so much great advice Anne has given us new and old gardeners! The 1st is “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” , which sometimes we are our own biggest critic and can hold ourselves back! The next is something I tell myself often, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” I remember a time at the grocery store, and chatting it up with a 92 year old woman, who gave me this exact advice! Thank you for introducing us all to so many great and inspiring people! Sincerely, Makayla

  891. Jennifer Wingard Hershey on

    “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. ”
    I like the concept of sharing plants. I love to do this with my friends and encourage them to have beautiful and productive gardens.

  892. Nina on

    I’m most inspired by the idea that being a woman means you can do anything, even that which is typically considered a man’s job.

  893. Colleen Driedger on

    It’s never to late to start something new. Due to chronic health issues I feel I’ve missed many good years of my life and I’ve been unable to dream big dreams but she reminded me that anytime is a good time to begin new adventures.

  894. Mariah Henry on

    I was deeply inspired by her perspective on age and passion. As a young beginner flower farmer I felt I was late to the scene. She started 30 yrs and as she mentioned many don’t last that long in a career! It’s very humbly and inspiring to witness this passionate lover affair and outstanding relationship between time , beauty, age, and self- acceptance. God bless ❤️

  895. Judy HOlland on

    I loved all of the articles. I have a love for roses, but I’ve always been afraid of not being able to take care of them right. My first love of roses occurred when I lived overseas, and I went to a Rosegarden in Germany, I thought it was the most magnificent thing I’ve ever seen, now I have two David Austin roses, Portlandia and Jude the obscure, I have a rose, called ebbtide, a white knockout rose that smells heavenly, and a couple drift roses native to my area. I would love to have more roses around my property, and Aunt inspired me because I am now over 60, but if she can do it, I can do it.

  896. Deborah Helms on

    As a 54 year old mother of seven children ranging in age from 7-32 years, I have often contemplated what’s next. I found your interview with Anne beautiful and extremely inspiring. The most inspiring part of the interview to me was the part where Anne says that she “pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.”

  897. Melissa Gardner on

    I fell in love with roses a couple years ago and have been collecting them since. Her journey has inspired me to look for what makes me happy!

  898. Ellette on

    What a gift you were given Erin in having Anne as a friend and mentor! Loved reading this interview, her words were so inspiring to me as a woman in her 60’s. It’s never too late to start learning something new!

  899. Heike Carlson on

    I am amazed that she started with her roses when she was 60. I will be 60 in a few months and it is great to see that she was a force at that age!

  900. Laurie Stoker on

    You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.

  901. Lauren Smurr on

    Anne’s story inspired me to start growing roses for the first time! It also gave me the confidence to attempt to propagate an old rose from my late grandmother’s home in my own garden :)

  902. Whitney Brown on

    So much of her life is inspiring. At 35 I often feel like I’ll never get this professional grower thing going, but its nice to be reminded with a name and a face that I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just do it. I love how she was making ways for herself to accomplish whatever goal it was. Like when she made a jack for the walls! That made me chuckle. That’s hard laborious work. But she used the work smarter not harder method. Just an overall cool lady.

  903. Brenda Gagne on

    Such a strong and beautiful spirit! Very inspiring. I dream of building a rose garden like that, through the years. To be a collector, and share, there is healing in that space. A lovely way to connect with our inner-selves and others.
    I have not visited the ARS in Shreveport yet, but look forward one day to seeing some of her roses growing there.

  904. Barbara Galiunas on

    I love rambling roses and have about ten of them that climb up trees and fences in spectacular right angle turns. It was wonderful to read how much she also lived their glorious displays of colorful blooms

  905. Stephanie Harper on

    We purchased our forever home with land about a year ago. We remodeled the entire house ourselves and now I have started on the vision I have for the outside space. I have a half acre that I see becoming my own garden oasis. What inspired me most is that Anne started in her 60s. I have had thoughts of this might be more than I should take on but after watching season 2 of Growing Floret and more so the episode on Anne and her roses. I know this is exactly what I want to do. I have planted sunflowers, zinnia, bachelor buttons, and of course dahlias. At our old house I had roses but did not think to propagate them to move them with us but now so wish I would have. Hopefully whomever lives there now finds joy in them as I did. Now to bring roses to our new home.

  906. Susan F. on

    When Anne stated that looking back from age 97 that she thought that 60 “was old,” I felt very inspired to continue trying new things and exploring all that life has to offer.

  907. Kayla on

    I’m inspired that she didnt start until she was 60. At 41 I feel like I’m just chasing dreams 10yrs too late to make it work. I need to get over that mind set and turn this place into what I want to.

  908. Jackie on

    “…you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing”. So much wisdom and encouragement in her words. Sadly, at 62 years of age, I often believe the lie that it is too late to begin a journey that would rob me of discovering/embracing a new passion.

  909. Sarah on

    I thought it was inspiring how she discussed developing new passions as life goes on!

  910. Maggie on

    The idea that she attributes the success/catalyst of becoming a rose gardener to the loss of her husband in WWII is so interesting. What was a tragedy she looks back on as a brilliant turning point in her life. It just makes you think, sometimes that horrible thing you experience is making changes that you will come to appreciate one day. Hard to know that in the moment, but a touching sentiment nonetheless.

  911. Melanie on

    The value of lessons learned over Anne’s lifetime are immeasurable and rare. I think what inspired me most was her speaking of her personal history and how she chose to rise in the face of tragedy, through the use of self teaching. Constantly finding ways to learn and persevere in spite of what challenges she faced is something I can relate to and learn from myself. It’s so inspiring to hear that it’s not too late to change your mind and try something new, and that there’s always a path around an obstacle if you persist and seek knowledge.

  912. Stephanie on

    Her determination to not only bring more beauty into the world, but truly show that women can do absolutely anything, no matter the situation or age, is truly inspiring.

  913. Sandy Mitsch on

    “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” To me, this quote from the interview says it all. It’s her love for roses and not just their beauty, but how they touch our lives and bring love into the world that is so moving. That is her legacy.

  914. Erin Rhyne on

    What an inspiration!
    I think her advice on getting out and visiting friends, continuing to learn and grow is beautiful. It resonates with me.

  915. Hillary O on

    I love how she inspires me to keep learning, growing, trying no matter my stage of life.

  916. Sheri Bruun on

    Thank you for sharing this incredible woman with us! Not everyone gets to meet such a force. Thanks for this.

  917. Cathy Branly on

    I was most impressed by what she said about following new dreams no matter how old you are. I started my garden 6 years ago and am still learning about all aspects of gardening. I love being outside, even if I am only weeding! At 64, I regret not having learned to play the piano; it is time to turn that regret into a new goal.

  918. Brooke on

    Anne was truly inspiring! Her take on life has given me a new perspective. I am only 29 years old and I feel like I’m starting things late in life for my age, but that’s just it, it’s my perspective. She made me realize that it’s never too late to start something you truly care about or enjoy.

    I’m a flower enthusiast, and one day hope to really start my own flower garden and admire in the beauty. But currently I’m military and move every 3-4 years. Every house I’ve been at. I’ve planted a rose bush, and cant wait to finally have my final homestead to have so many different varieties and colors.

  919. Vanessa N on

    It’s so inspiring to hear that she didn’t get into roses until the age of 60, but then was able to spend over 3 decades of her life becoming an expert. She is a shining example of how important it is to always keep learning!

  920. Kali Sbalbi on

    “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

    These words made me weepy. I think I, along with many other women, have subconscious sexism against myself. I hold back from trying so many things and experiencing so much life because I believe I don’t have it in myself, but wouldn’t hesitate at the thought of any man doing the same task.

    She simplified the solution so well — ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. I will carry that with me.

  921. Mads Merritt on

    I gotta say, I didn’t think I was gonna end up tearing up. But she was so sincere when mentioning that the ability to share those cuttings and forming those friendships was the greatest legacy. I e noticed that among those who have lived long, the connections are often the greatest gifts they treasure, and it is usually a by-product of their material passion.

  922. Tim Yokules on

    As a history teacher, I appreciate the quest to learn from and preserve the past, and what Anne has done to keep the legacy of the ramblers alive is remarkable. We are beginning our rambler journey and this article and the first episode of Season 2 have provided a great overview of their beauty!

  923. Cynthia Willey on

    One of the great things about Anne is her generosity with her roses. Sharing her knowledge and her beautiful roses with others is a great gift. Anyone who has her roses will carry her memory. Thanks Anne the worlds rose angel.

  924. BekahL on

    Very inspired by her boat trip and that it’s never too late to try your hand at something new.

  925. Sherry Wankowski on

    “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” I love this! She is 100% correct. I’ve met so many wonderful people through gardening and sharing what I have. Having a beautiful positive legacy is something she will leave behind someday. I hope I can too.

  926. Heather on

    I love when she said that we can meet and exceed our goals if we prepare ourself over time. It takes hard work and consistent work, but we can get there 💜

  927. Rocio Jimenes on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” I’m at my 40s and I feel old to start my business, but after I saw her and reading the interview I felt motivated to keep going.

  928. Amy C on

    This woman sailed alone, built her own house, and she continued to challenge herself with new technology like the website and blogging. She was tough as nails and I hope to be half the woman she was someday

  929. Emily Hayes on

    My favorite part of the interview with Anne is when she says it’s never too late to start doing what you wanna do. She says her love of roses started when she was 60 which at the time she thought was old, but at the time of the interview that was 37 years ago, I just love the idea of going out of your way to pursue what you love no matter the age

  930. Nancy Yorke on

    I enjoyed her comment about starting later to enjoy the roses and that she built the supports. We’re never too old to keep learning.

  931. Lori Larue on

    I sat down with a cup of coffee in hand this morning and a link to this blog. I am seriously supposed to pin point what I find most inspiring? Hmm…not sure I can do it. Thank you so much for this interview. It’s going to be shared among my friends for it’s awe-inspring content. Ann was beautiful, inside and out. Look at that lovely woman. First, she brought up volunteering. Kudos to her! I volunteer on a board and for an organization that takes care of the elderly in my town (think Meals-on-Wheels, etc). We have people who have volunteered for 25-30 years for our organization. We would not be successful without them. Kudos to her for mentioning that, and kudos to her for saving fur-lives who couldn’t defend themselves! Who wouldn’t be inspired by “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard.?” “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard! My god I love this woman! :-) She supported local businesses! My family has a local business. Farming. We grow vegetiables. We’ve been in business since my grandfather purchased the farm in Vermont in 1917! We would not be successful if it wasn’t for the locals supporting us! Who isn’t inspired by her starting something new at 60! Hello, how many people do we know that start throwing in the towel at 60? I love that she loves rambling roses and that she went to all lengths to find them and how she shared them with people. Ultimately, she found a beautiful way to connect with people. Anyway, perhaps the most inspiring part of the interview is the sum of her total makes for one awe- inspiring Ann, one that I won’t forget about. What a beautiful soul she was. Thank you for taking the time to interview her. Give-away winner, or not, I’m already a winner for having read this fine interview this AM. Thank you, Erin. How fortunate you crossed paths with her. Thanks for continuing to support her work. Sincerely, Lori

  932. Elizabeth Powers on

    As I was watching Anne during the first episode of season 2, I was in awe of this gem of a woman that perhaps the world would never had known if it weren’t for you Erin. Her collection of rambling roses was impressive but her legacy was what really struck me in awe. I think the entire interview was a gift to humanity. Because it reminds us all that something such as gardening is worthy. We need more Annes in our world.

  933. Jessica Luther on

    “ Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself”. Her ability to break gender norms is inspiring! This is one of the lessons I strive to teach my children, including my son.

  934. Angie Hossler on

    Anne’s determination showed me how independence is a strength. Understanding ourselves is important and we shouldn’t feel bad for wanting to understand who we are or take the time to figure out who we are. Her story is so inspiring, I want to do more of what I love verses what others think I love. This store is so fulfilling and rewarding. Thank you for sharing Anne’s story! I wish I could have met her to spend some time learning from her. What a wonderful women she must have been to sit and chat with.

  935. Suzanne Agan on

    I was so inspired by how she began pursuing some of her dreams after turning 60. I just started some of mine at the age of 50 and that hit especially close to home :). – Suzanne

  936. Nicole Swick on

    Of course, I love Anne’s sense of independence, but I especially love her thought on sharing: “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” She is proof of goodness in this world.

  937. Jenna on

    I love how she has continued her passion so late I’m her life. She’s an inspiration to never stop being curious.

  938. Karen on

    What am inspiration! I’m bolstered by her assertion that your age does not dictate your ability to follow your passions. 💗

  939. Amy Shearer on

    Go out, visit with friends, don’t isolate yourself. It seems so simple but it is so easy to get caught up in all the to dos that I forget to have fun!

  940. Anna on

    Even rocket scientists have to work hard to become rocket scientists. Nothing comes easy if you want to be really good at it and make a career out of it. What an inspiring lady.

  941. Carolyn Sherring on

    Wow, what an inspiration Anne is. At nearly 50 her advice on growing older is exactly right and like she says, it’s never too late to have goals and dreams.

  942. Aubrey Hopkins on

    She’s a woman I want to model my own life after. Not letting stereotypes get in the way or care that I come across as overly ambitious; she lived a very full life and left a very beautiful legacy!

  943. Alyson Morgan on

    her grit, compassion and determination. “ You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.”

  944. Suzi Ketterer on

    My favorite part of this interview was the very end when she encourages you to share the roses so more and more people can enjoy them. I had the most beautiful established roses at my first little home. I’ve recently expanded my garden at my current home to include more roses and lavender. In addition to my dahlia obsession thanks to your book. I love caring for and sharing flowers. So excited to get through this next season of Finding Floret!

  945. Aleena on

    Anne has inspired me to plant many rambling roses around our property to add some old world charm!

  946. Martha Long on

    Honestly, the entire interview is a beautiful inspiration, but I was particularly impressed by her comments on not letting age be a deterrent in pursuing your dreams. Such a rich, vibrant life she has lived. I also love the way her roses have brought so many people together. I’m saving this interview to reread often. Thank you!

  947. Jessica S. on

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story. Her life was a great example to those coming after – explore, learn, do – all with a little sense of humour. A life lived to the end!

  948. Sydney on

    “ Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it” Anne is an icon. What a wonderful read! She sounds like she was an absolute delight <3

  949. Valarie A. Dunlevy on

    What an inspiration! How the world would be so different if we all practice what she thought and did!
    I especially loved this from her interview,
    “… you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.”
    Brings tears of joy and a happiness, and a fresh new light on my gardens and my passion for growing. I’m tuning 69 in Nov and my middle name is Anne! We are ALL connected in this life! Thanks so much for sharing this information❤️

  950. Heather Brunelle on

    Her description of Voyage of Determination moved me as I am also an independent woman that has learned to build on my own.

  951. Beth Hatcher on

    For sure, it’s the later in life advice that means a lot to me. Starting my flower farming journey at 56 years old sometimes seems a little crazy. It does keep me very active and I am also learning so much about it and myself every day! Anne is such a treasure!

  952. Liz H on

    She says right at the beginning, “Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged,” and those are words to live by.

  953. Lindsey on

    This… “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job” was beyond inspiring. We often don’t realize the gender roles that are introduced to us as children and for women how limiting that can be. Even in society today. What an inspiration she is to women and girls everywhere even if they aren’t interested in flowers and gardening. To see what she has done over the last 30 years and her lifetime can move a person to do what they always wished they wanted to do but thought they couldn’t.

  954. Debbie Kostolansky on

    What a n inspirational woman.! You’re never too old to find your passion in life.

  955. Sarah Hennessey on

    This episode was incredibly inspiring and allowed me to think of old roses in a new light. I’m blown away by the many beautiful forms and colors shown, and how hard a few special people have worked to keep them going all these years. Thank you for sharing this dedication with others. I am inspired to continue learning about roses and eventually become a steward of these beautiful treasures too.

  956. Clare Loxterkamp on

    I love the idea of pruning parties. Sharing the love of gardening with others continues to full my heart and keep me charging through the weeds.

  957. Jen Seale on

    What an inspiring human! I loved the Voyage of Determination formula for achieving difficult goals. ❤️

  958. Alexandra on

    I recently lost my father which was a big loss to me but it also forced me to learn some things about myself. Gardening was a therapy for me during and after that loss. Note that the warmer weather is here I am able to get back outside and in my gardens. I got a rose bush this year which reminds me of my father and growing up. Gardening is my favorite hobby and being able to watch my garden grow gives me great pleasure and thoughtfulness in life when things aren’t going great or I need a better outlook

  959. Mary on

    I was so inspired that she started when she was 60 and her response to doing something late in life…. I’m so intrigued about roses now and wondering how/where I can put them in my garden.

  960. Sue on

    What an inspiration! A great reminder that age is just a number and it’s never too late to start something new!

  961. Kelley Mansfield on

    I love that she started at 60 and I love her explaination of how to achieve a goal. Very smart and strong lady.

  962. Amy G. on

    Oh my gosh. That she didn’t even start her rose journey until 60. You’re never too old for new adventures!! Keep living life!! ❤️

  963. Teanne Teeft on

    Anne inspires me to be curious and reminds me that it is never “too late” to learn. Thank you for sharing her story and making it known!

  964. Dawn M on

    After spending the day helping my garden idol Eleanor Tickner(83) tend to her four acre peony garden I found myself crying with relief knowing someone else especially you Erin and your team has the same overwhelming sense of responsibility to keep her legacy going. Although she now has to move around her beloved garden now in full bloom in a scooter she shares that same sense care for her 2500 babies that Anne did. Both you and Anne have added fuel to my fire to keep trying to find a way to save the farm or acquire the plants. Learning hands on in the garden from my elders, starting with my Grandmom and Dad has been is my greatest blessing♥️

  965. AMY DENDY on

    I find her zest for life inspiring and the fact that she continued enjoying her hobbies and passions until the end!

  966. Susan Travalena on

    It was sweet to hear that it is never too late for goals and dreams. ♥️ An extremely intelligent person.

  967. Susan on

    At 58, I loved what she said about beginning at 60! It’s never too late and I hope I continue start new things too!!

  968. Kristin on

    I found roses and gardening late-ish in life, as a way to deal with my divorce. It’s been the most rewarding journey and I love how she says it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

  969. Hattie Wiebicke on

    Just her ultimate love of roses. I was fortunate enough to be raised partially by my grandmother and great grandmother. And when I think of them, it’s always roses that come to mind, especially my great grandmother. She had the greenest thumb and could make anything grow. Before she passed, we took cuttings of her favorite roses, and I still have many of them growing to this day.

  970. Kristin L. on

    I love that her perspective was that inviting people into your garden and sharing roses was the most important thing. That is encouraging and inspiring.

  971. Stacy Fitzgibbon on

    Starting her dream at 60! I’ve been putting plans into place to retire a little early so I can start farming. I’ve had plenty of moments of doubt around how successful an aging body can be at starting a manual labor job so later in life. Anne is now my inspiration and my new mantra “Be like Anne!”

  972. Megan Z on

    I was inspired by her age when she started. It’s so impressive to have someone in their senior years still have so much life to live. It makes me have hope that while I may not have done much now, it can never be too late.

  973. Lori on

    Lovely interview, beautiful soul. Love that she says (and shows!) it’s never too late to chase your dreams!!! What an amazing woman – I’m so inspired by her life – thank you!! 🤍

  974. Laura Fenby on

    What an encouragement to live life to the full. It doesn’t matter how old is, she never considers herself too old to keep trying new things and expanding her knowledge and business.

  975. Michelle on

    I loved when she said it was never too late to follow your dreams. It’s a good reminder to get up and go and follow things that make you happy.

  976. Kathy Stewart on

    She goes through life with the same curiosity, determination, and generosity no matter what the task at hand or dream to fulfill is. The originally “you can do it” spirit.

  977. Dani Boss on

    I love her take on “later in life”. So many successful people got started when they were older… gives me hope as I embark on our flower farm journey at the ripe age of 39!

  978. Ann Alexander on

    Like everyone here, I was inspired by the whole article, but as a “young” woman of 62 with BIG dreams, her perspective on following your dreams no matter your age was especially inspiring. I’ve loved roses ever since I can remember and as an artist, I continue to be enamored and challenged with capturing their beauty in my artwork.

    And in our yard, there is a spruce tree that has passed on that I have been dreaming of becoming a trellis for my first rambling rose. I wonder which one I should choose…

    Another Ann (without an “e”)

  979. Maureen G on

    At 69 I own and operate my own flower farm which I started 9 years ago. I was inspired by my mother who grew antique roses in a garden near her antique shop in Western Maine. Every year at Mother’s Day my father would take her to a specialty antique rose nursery and buy her a couple of new antique roses. I took cuttings of those original old roses here with me to my farm in 2014.

    Ann’s story inspired me because she started one of her journeys at the age of 60 and never gave up on being curious. Curious about the world around her and she was not apologetic about starting new projects kate in life. That’s inspiring!

    I have purchased from Rogue Valley Roses and really love their selections. ❤️

  980. Aaron Haddock on

    I love that at she was motivated to create her own website, a new thing for her, that late in her career where she is already a published author. Very motivational.

  981. Laura James on

    Anne’s passion and love of doing something she loves. As with anything in life worth passing down to others, if they see the passion and excitement that it gives us, perhaps others will treasure it as much as we do. Growing Rambling Roses 🌹 is an art just as quilting or canning. . These things have to be preserved an passed down through the generations. So thank you for saving such beauty.
    I just turned 59 so 60 is just around the corner. I too love roses and well anything with gardening! She made me think about my life’s passion an to pursue them as she did. All the while enjoying the loved ones around me an sharing my passion for everything ❤️ what a beautiful soul !

  982. Marlee Hakes on

    I love her drive to do what she loves even it it seems too lofty of a goal.

  983. Nicole on

    Her sense of adventure and building houses! I would love to read A voyage of determination…What an inspiration!

  984. Logan Stoltman on

    What a full life indeed. I was inspired most by how Anne never stopped learning and growing. What a beautiful testimony of a life & labor of love.

  985. Margo Quiriconi on

    I felt so touched in reading this interview. What commitment she has and how generous in sharing her love, friendship and knowledge.

  986. Lisa Mittleman on

    I just turned 60. I appreciated Anne’s comment that given her age of 97, 60 wasn’t that late in life to begin her rose garden! I’m now an empty nester and really have the time to garden! Plus, my middle name is Rose (passed on from my Grandma), so I have always had a real appreciation for roses!!

  987. bridget comeaux on

    I love her attitude that you can do anything with preparation and study. I copied that and put it in the fridge so I and my kids can see it a lot. Someday hopefully it will sink in and root.

  988. Colleen on

    I love this story! What inspired me the most is her commitment to life-long learning. There are always knew things to be learning, even when you think there couldn’t possibly be anything knew to know, especially at the age of 97 and the life that Anne lived. I also love that she tries to support local. I would love to read some of her books!

  989. Vasoula Kyrkos on

    Her encouragement to chase your dreams. She lived through a time when it wasn’t easy for women to do what they wanted and not afforded certain opportunities. But she made her own. It’s not too late to do what you want is something we all need to hear. Dream big, find your passion and do them. And don’t let fear, age, or lack of big biceps stop you. Find your “wall jack” and move forward.

  990. Erica Robertson on

    This quote really hit home with me. As a Firefighter/paramedic i was met with more prejudice than help. I fought through so much to reach where i am today and i do my best to help the people around me not have the same problems i did.
    “ don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

  991. Karolina on

    Wow, thank you for sharing Anne with us, she is a true inspiration! I love that she found her passion for roses at 60 and has been able to do so much, it makes me feel like there is still so much out there to discover and learn and that, like Anne, I could do it all!

  992. Sarah C on

    It’s never too late to start something new! I am so inspired by this!

  993. Jessica Nichols on

    I love her desire to act on love, friendship, and legacy with the gift of cuttings. What a beautiful thing to share and treasure.

  994. Dawn Sherrill on

    Such a well lived and full life. I love the fact that she never let being a woman hold her back. So resilient. Since I’m in my early sixties and looking for a new career, this interview was so inspiring…..all of it. I’m going to forward and share with friends my age. Thanks for sharing this. Now out to look at MY roses. :)

  995. Megan Hover on

    I loved her emphasis on community and that she has pruning parties! Life and knowledge are so much richer when shared

  996. Morgan Larson on

    My favorite part of the interview was that she developed this passion for roses when she was in her 60s. You don’t need to find your passions early in life to have a full life.

  997. Lois on

    I love the inspiration that she provides as a woman and a human being. What a treasure and I am envious of all those that she has mentored and shared with.

  998. Erin Ardoin on

    Her generosity is inspiring. Sharing k her knowledge and her roses. It’s so lovely. And if course, your willingness to share that legacy too.

  999. AmyRose on

    I love her passion and drive. What a beautiful legacy.

  1000. Jill on

    She was always determined, from the age of 3 or 4/to her passing, she pushed forward and followed her dreams. Such a woman that I and many women should learn about.

  1001. Sarah Swan on

    Wow, what an inspiring woman! I loved reading about her life and all of the different careers she had. Her formula for achieving a difficult goal was very inspiring. I tend to have big dreams but feel like some are way out of reach.
    I love that she wanted to start a website and blog in her later years! That task seems daunting, even to someone who has grown up with computers, but how much more of an undertaking when that was not your way of learning growing up.
    I love that you were able to record all of this rich history in her story. One of my favorite things to do at get together was always to sit with my grandparents and my great grandmother and hear the stories of their lives. We have a lot of it written down as well.
    This is a treasure ☺️

  1002. Sarah Thurman on

    I love how she challenges what should be considered late in life, and our preconceived timelines for new pursuits.

  1003. Jasmin McGraw on

    Anne is so very inspiring, fight the prejudice and go ahead with your dreams is jumping out at me. She’s incredible.

  1004. Katie Thrush on

    I loved how tenacious Anne is. I loved this quote “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

  1005. Marci on

    I loved reading about Anne, what an inspiration, but I loved it even more getting to watch it last night on season 2! She is truly amazing. Would love to read her books.

  1006. Lee Ann S on

    I have always feared “getting old.” And by that I don’t mean the physical part of aging, but the fear that discovery, reinvention and opportunity only reside in youth. Anne’s story shows that fear to be misplaced. <3

  1007. Greta on

    “I pursued many dreams after I turned 60…” and “Commit yourself to lifelong learning and skill development”

    That part of the interview is so inspiring that age doesn’t matter and you shouldn’t hold yourself back! I’m starting a garden in my 40’s and wished it was something I began years ago but this interview gives such a different perspective! This is extremely inspiring and motivating! Thank you for sharing her with us!

  1008. Marybeth Kou on

    I appreciated what Anne said about what’s most important – sharing you garden with other people. That is my dream, to make a beautiful place for people to enjoy and rest in, whether that is my own private garden or somehow something open to the public. I’ve always dreamed of inviting people into my garden and sending them away with flowers or cuttings.

  1009. Janet on

    I think it’s pretty amazing that she didn’t start growing roses until 60, and it’s now what she’s become most known for. Definitely an interesting and inspirational lady.

  1010. Dede Warren on

    I’ll be 60 next year and am completely inspired by Anne’s indomitable spirit! Last year I joined my local rose society, as well as the American Rose Society, and this year I’m applying the Master Gardeners program as soon as applications are available. Anne has so successfully shown us all, it’s never to late to be who you might have been! Neither age nor gender should stand in our way.
    Bravo to Anne, and to Erin who shares her indomitable spirit! You inspire us all to do more, and to reach our full potential.

  1011. Cristina on

    Very inspiring. Her determination stood out to me.

  1012. jodi weaver on

    i loved the continued drive to not sit down and stop. The live to the last minute attitude.

  1013. Dana Strouse on

    I love her advice on sharing “ However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. ”. Her story and advice Reminds me of my favorite book, Miss Rumphius.

  1014. Brooke on

    I love her passion for growing. I’m inspired by the idea of volunteer work parties as I add roses to my cut flower farm. It’s been hard to figure out where to let interested people help, but now I think roses will be a good flower to consider bringing people in for. And then we can have tea by the roses when they’re in bloom at some point.

  1015. Melanie Self on

    I am 61 years old! My name is Melanie Anne. Anne with an “e”. I am retiring from a very rewarding career of serving families. We have 6 acres of beautiful rolling hills in North Carolina. We are hosts via Airbnb to a sweet little 1970 PlayMor glamper. Bath house going in soon. A greenhouse and gardens are in the plans. But I am 61. Starting just now? My heart leaps for joy today! If Anne can do it, then I can too. The years await MY opportunity create a beautiful southern garden space to share with others. Or perhaps a rose garden! How I have longed for the inspiration to just do it. Thank you for valuing Anne’s life, telling her story and her faithful work. Thank you Anne not only for sharing but for inspiring in me the courage to do what I love just because it brings my soul great joy!!

  1016. Sarah on

    So inspiring! Thank you for helping her message be heard.

  1017. Crystal Bailey on

    The part that inspired me and tugged at my heartstrings was, “Max and I used to have people over all the time to enjoy the property, and many friendships as lovely as the roses developed.” I absolutely love that so much!

  1018. Sarah McCutcheon on

    “It’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams”

    I found growing just a few years ago at 37. I turn 40 this year and we just bought a 4.5 acre property here in Michigan and I feel like I have to rush to get it all going. Hearing her journey and that she was still going at 97 is a great reminder that you do still have time if you live your life to the fullest.

  1019. Sara Hewitt on

    I love that she used her gardens to meet new friends and let others enjoy them. She brought so much joy to people’s lives simply by sharing her roses and cultivated friendships with many by doing so – the beauty of connecting.

  1020. Rachael Faber on

    I was awestruck to hear she built hoses after 60. Not just owning a company with workers that did the heavy lifting, but getting in there and doing the physical work herself! It was so encouraging to hear her love of roses didn’t start until she was 60. I’ve often felt I waited too long at 50 to get started with flower farming so this was especially touching. Thank you for sharing her story! I look forward to being able to read each one of her books and would love to one day see her beautiful rose garden!

  1021. Keressa on

    What a woman! Her determination and her formula for doing anything is inspiring ❤️

  1022. Tracey Wykes on

    Wow, what an awesome lady. She certainly lived a full and enriched life. I’m inspired by her advice to keep learning and act on your dreams, no matter what age you are. Strong motivation for me to carry on with my flower filled dream life!

  1023. Michelle Kurtz on

    Anne like Erin is an inspiration to all of us who love flowers. As a budding flower farmer I’m always happy to learn anything I can. I love all of the information about roses as I’m just getting started with them.

  1024. Juliet Turner on

    “ careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing”, she wanted to build a house and she did and she also did not consider age as a barrier to chasing her dreams. Such a rich and full life so well lived.

  1025. Stephanie Liska on

    Gosh, there is so much to be inspired by in this interview. What an amazing woman! I think the part that moved me the most is seeing that is can be okay not living in one silo. She lived such a full life with so many interests. That is how I live my life but I’ve received a lot of feedback over the years that I have too many dreams or I dream too big. She had lots of desires and she went after them all. Roses, DIY, sailing, and the one that made me shed a tear, spaying and neutering animals. I started a local project of spaying and neutering cats in 2019. I’ve been able to help over 170 cats get fixed and vetted all on my own. In addition to being a full time engineer and hobby farmer. I was really moved that she had so many different interests and she went after them. I hope that when I’m older, I’ll look back and think, damn I had as full of a life as Anne. That would be incredible.

  1026. Hannah Guilford on

    “ First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. ” yes, Anne! I myself am a general contractor and hobby flower farmer, with a passion for many florals including roses. There’s something about the sweet wild scent and unruly nature of rambling and old roses that draws me in. Maybe it’s because, like Anne, I’m a tough and big personality and we connect with things that grow in their own direction. I’ve placed and order for some more roses in her honor, and I’m excited to see them come to life, and to share their cuttings with friends.

  1027. Gary Bailey on

    After 20 years in the military, I have found myself in her shoes with my wife. At 50 years old and not as spring chicken as I was, I am collecting hybrid tea, ramblers, drift, climbers. We both are facing medical issues, but Anne’s story was like looking in a mirror.

  1028. Natalie on

    I am inspired by the keeping forgotten beauty alive for a bit longer.

  1029. Leona on

    Keeping moving with pain is an issue. My love for flowers and spring weather is encouraging

  1030. Kelsy Webber on

    I read this interview when Floret first released and has stayed with me ever since. I’ve been greatly impacted by this quote- “If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”

    I know I’ve had this prejudice against myself in me, despite having a perfect example in my grandmother who was an engineer turned single farmer all while raising 6 boys. She owned her own computer parts store for decades. She broke every mold I knew of. I’m shifting my life to do the same. This year I am learning to skateboard and loving it!

  1031. Jennifer Barr on

    I am inspired by her encouragement to organize and/or participate in volunteer efforts. I used to be so much better at that!

  1032. Bernadette Ducasse on

    As a lady who is up around 2am everyday (just am) I like that Anne stated “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” We may be two peas in a pod!

  1033. Gabrielle Heller on

    I am in my last year of my 30’s. I feel like my fun years are over. I love how she felt that starting roses in her 60’s made her realize it was a 3rd of her life. I still have a lot of life to go. And let’s hope all of them are filled with flowers! Thank you!

  1034. Amy on

    I loved the thought of you are never too old to start something new.

  1035. Min K on

    I watched the episode 1 of Growing Floret season 2 and it would be an understatement to say that I have been inspired by the story and all of the work that team Floret has been envisioned for! I love both old and new roses and I do believe that spreading the love of the historic roses among home gardeners is definitely helpful in an attempt to preserve them from going to extinction! It would be amazing if I can receive Anne’s books as I love growing historic climbing and rambling roses and I have just started this season! Looking forward to more years with historic roses. Thank you for all you do!

  1036. Susan Davis on

    I love the part about sharing about the roses and making new friendships.

  1037. Ruth on

    Generosity! Share, give, spread. Ahhh the beauty and just giving it freely to everyone around you. A lesson I need.

  1038. lisa on

    I liked the idea of knowing yourself; your talents/limits. I also enjoyed the comments regarding age and to keep moving.

  1039. Krystal on

    It’s never too late to pursue a passion, dream, or new adventure! Got to keep in moving! Thank you for sharing this.

  1040. Robert Tainsh on

    The part of Anne’s interview that inspired me the most is when she said, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” I am divorced, live alone, and my children live in far away states. I love when a neighbor stops to admire my plantings and asks questions about each of the plants. It keeps me engaged and makes me feel like I still have value in spite of my advancing years and solitude.

  1041. Bri on

    Her perseverance to do what she loves and keep chasing dreams. Empowered women!

  1042. Amber on

    The power of sharing touched me.

  1043. Sophia on

    I’m inspired by her passion and dedication!

  1044. Cyndi Treiber on

    I absolutely loved this interview and Anne’s inspiring and tough personality. What really hit home for me was the following: “If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.” Encouraging people to f I get prejudice is one thing. Encouraging people to engage in self-examination with the same fervor is something we all should be aspiring to on a much more grand scale!!

  1045. Christina on

    I have fond memories of pushing the thorns off of my grandmothers rose bushes prior to picking a rose. I share your passion of passing on flowers with neighbors and friends.

  1046. Alexandra Mudry on

    Her formula… especially the part about knowing yourself and talents/limitations – but not letting yourself conclude that you aren’t capable because you might not be the best at something to start. Just knowing that it’s worth trying and not having a fixed mindset… clearly it led to such a long and rich life!

  1047. Leslie Wasik on

    I am beyond inspired by Anne’s story! Thank you so much for this work you’ve done to preserve her legacy. I think what gets me the most is the remembrance of what an intellect she was. She was so driven! Once she got something in her mind, there was no stopping her, and the work that she did was so very important. I feel a distant kinship with this sort of spirit, and it is wildly motivating to me to read this story. It gives me hope that the work that we are doing on our small farm in Western New York will make a difference and leave a lasting positive effect once we’re gone.

  1048. Rebecca Yan on

    I am inspired to “go ahead with my dreams!” 🌸😄

  1049. Stacey Diehl on

    Anne was very giving & welcoming and I would like to imitate that.

  1050. Jayme on

    She’s so inspiring! Not getting into roses until 60 years old; and all the amazing things she’s accomplished! It’s reminding me that you’re never too old to start something. Here at 31, almost 32 I feel like my life is over. That I’ll never get to be flower farmer/vegetable gardener. This interview put a little pep back into my dream!

  1051. Cassaundra Cornell-MacKenzie on

    Her advise to “keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development” is a very important message.
    I find myself feeling isolated at times due to working from home, then operating our farm and raising a toddler. In college and before kids, I was always out and about – she reminds me to always keep moving for the benefit of yourself, not just of others.

  1052. Ashley Laabs on

    I am inspired by Anne’s late start and frequent turnovers. Such a diverse life! I believe I will live similarly, as I’ve changed careers frequently and only recently came to gardening.

  1053. Melissa M on

    Anne’s generosity giving roses away over the years inspires me – what a wonderful thing to do in the spirit of gardening community! I look forward to sharing my plants this year.

  1054. Ady Cope on

    Anne’s advice: “to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development” is very inspirational to me.
    I find myself isolating myself in my garden lately, even though deep down I’m wanting to share and enjoy the beauty, that I’ve worked so hard at growing, with others. Her words are the reminder and nudge that I so often desperately need. My flowers and garden make me so happy and I should share the beauty with others more often so they may feel that same excitement and happiness too.

  1055. Kris Reed on

    What an amazing person Anne was – I’m so happy to got to know her just a little through this lovely series! I especially appreciate her oh-so-practical approach to tackling life’s problems. Thank you!

  1056. Delphine Bienvenu on

    Magnifique! Thank you for that tender and sweet story. Salutations from up north, in the cold Quebec province of Canada.

  1057. Sheree Sieg on

    Truly amazing and inspiring . Thank you so much for sharing

  1058. Fiona Lovely on

    Loved this series on Anne! Thank you for sharing Team Floret! 🌹

  1059. Carrie on

    Thank you so much for sharing some of her vast knowledge! She sounds like a very special person that touched many lives not only with regards to roses but to her philosophy of life!! Thanks to you Erin for telling us about a wonderful person!

  1060. Julia Burnett on

    While Anne’s comments from her book A Voyage of Determination inspired me to share this interview with my high school students, the idea of simply sharing a rose clipping touched my heart today. Sharing is at the center of spreading joy to others in our lives. Thank you for this reminder.

  1061. Laura Hale on

    What a courageous and generous woman! I loved the part where she emphasized live long learning, but appreciated the humble way she has incorporated generosity throughout her life. Thank you for this article Erin. Please know you have the same gifts: courage and generosity!

  1062. Jeannette Bull Robison on

    Anne’s comments on age and ability spoke to me. I was rooted in Texas – and loved the state and my family (still do!) At age 40, my husband, sons and I moved to Pennsylvania. What a beautiful state, and so many gardens! I got a fresh perspective on what was “out there” and what I could do. While still in my original career as an art director, I set my sights on working in education. Our next step, when the boys were grown, was an opportunity to move to South Carolina – another adventure, at our age! When jobs proved to be scarce for me, I decided to go back to school, and study horticulture. What a fresh, new perspective for my artistic foundations! Now, approaching 67, I am a landscape designer, combining my lifelong love of plants with my other love, art. Just because some opportunities are past you, does not mean that there are so many more ahead! Keep your eyes – and your heart – open to the possibilities.

  1063. Mia Cahal on

    What a beautiful and full life! It’s is so inspiring to see what she accomplished later in life. I’m in my late 20s but have already felt the doors is possibility closing around me as I age. Ann’s story reminded me that dreams are possible no matter when you begin. The important thing is moving forward and taking steps to achieve your dreams. Wow! So grateful for her life and that you have shared her with this community!

  1064. Beth Ann on

    Wow! I love the wisdom she shares. Quite frankly what has inspired me most about what she said was the simplicity of what she said about each thing. I over think everything and she was so simple and made everything sound so easy if you just remember to take things one step at a time. Let things fall into place and enjoy the ride. ❤️

  1065. Karen on

    What a moving interview! I found the part where she said although she was 60 when her passion for roses began, it has been longer than the careers of many. (the big biceps bit was also very funny!) Thank you for sharing this Erin. x

  1066. Eric on

    Thank you so much for sharing this interview and providing more information about Anne’s book. Her zeal for a life full of learning and betterment is so, so inspiring—especially now during this never-ending, inescapable pandemic.

  1067. Helen Andrews on

    This is an amazing story, interview with an inspirational] gardener, person! At 85, I so admire her determination and
    desire to do, whatever it takes! Bravo Ann, I will be planting roses among the trees on Vashon Island, and, a very proper lawyer friend of my husband once asked me, with a blushing face, “where did you get those biceps?” To which I answered, “ lifting babies!” It helps to keep working!! Cheers, Helen

  1068. Toni on

    I loved the interview. Her love for life in general was my favorite part. I also loved that she built a house and used a jack to raise the walls. Nothing would stop her! What a great story and a great life!

  1069. Stephanie on

    I started my adulthood as a performing artist and dedicated my life to it. However, over the years, it broke me down a bit and I realized there was so much else out there I wanted to try but couldn’t due to fear of missing out on an opportunity. I finally decided to start listening to my heart and in my forties finally met my insanely supportive husband, and I’m pregnant with the baby I thought I’d never be able to have. Marrying my husband resulted in a move out of big cities and here in rural Pennsylvania, I found gardening. A passion I never knew I’d had buried inside me (and had been trying to assert itself through tiny herb gardens on window sills for decades). I began apprenticing at a local flower farm last year while in my head thinking I wish I’d found this when I was younger. But late bloomers are my favorite, and reading this interview was a fresh reminder that there is no such thing as too late if you love something. Thank you for this interview.

  1070. kayla on

    my favorite part of the interview was when she was talking about how your gender doesn’t matter as long as the job doesn’t require a beard or big biceps, only for her to double back later and say that the biceps don’t really matter either a what a lovely person and a wonderful interview :)

  1071. Janet Biernacki on

    I think it’s her building of her home and then building more. But it’s the attitude mainly of how we can do things. “Even rocket scientist had to study “

  1072. Daniela Schimpf on

    I really enjoyed this interview because it wasn’t only about roses. It was a journey into my inner self , knowing to be strong if it needs to be,like she as a sailor & open up to show kindness on the other hand like she shares her knowledge & garden .Actually the rose reflex her life as a rose is : tough ,thorny,beautiful, cheerful. The most fun part was the “ bicep & beard” part .
    Thanks so much !

  1073. Brooke on

    The most inspiring part of this interview was the part where she mentioned using a jack hammer. I’m a single woman with a large garden and having the right tool because I don’t have biceps is so crucial. A fair amount of people think I’m crazy, but I get results so it is worth it.

  1074. Jamison Williams on

    Thank you so much for a wonderful interview. I love roses and want to learn more! Anne is truly inspiring and my favorite take away is that you’re never too old to begin your dreams!

  1075. Autry Cataldo on

    I planted my first David Austin roses last year. I can’t wait to see what they do this summer.
    I’d love to learn more about roses, and Anne’s love of them is inspiring!

  1076. Geoff Rigney on

    Really enjoyed the entire series. The interview with Anne is incredible. We are blessed to meet such souls on our journeys through life. They offer so much inspiration. I’m a sailor too so I ordered Voyage of Determination. I can’t wait to read it and share it with my daughter Anna. I’m looking forward to looking over her website and other books as well as well. 60 is the new 30. I should know; I’m almost there myself. Tracey and I just beginning our new journey at Homer’s Bay Art & Garden, a flower farm plus more. Keep the inspiration coming Erin. We’re watching and reading. We appreciate you.

    Geoff Rigney

  1077. Joanna Z-Wynne on

    Thank you for sharing this inspiring and moving story of this amazing woman. Truly a life well lived

  1078. Deb on

    Oh my, what a lovely read. I will keep this post as I will try to make it my inspiration to get my rose garden growing stronger. I have just recently, the last 2 years, started to enjoy roses in my garden. My husband keeps on telling me to slow down, I’m the same age as Anne was when she took her sailing trip. I just keep telling him that keeping busy in my gardens is what is keep me young(er). Love your site BTW.

  1079. Armik on

    Such a lovely way to wrap up the series with this interview. Ann’s advice to stay out of bed is what I need to remind myself these days. Meeting with friends and family and sharing your expertise and not being stingy is such a great way to live one’s life.
    At the age of 34 I struggle with changing my career completely, thinking that it is too late, but this interview with Ann reminded me that it is never to late to chase your dreams. Thank you.

  1080. Rachel on

    These lines brought tears to my eyes.

    “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far. At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60…My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    At 46 with a chronic auto-immune condition that includes small fiber neuropathy pain throughout my entire body, I sometimes feel like I live in a 97 year old body and tend to isolate myself. This reminds me that I have a full life to live and possibly more years ahead of me than behind me. I could literally be reborn tomorrow and have another 51 years of incredible living…..thank you Erin and Anne.

  1081. Ramona Anderson on

    Lovely thanks for sharing. I love the part about giving away the roses.

  1082. Marina Dillingham on

    Anne’s advice on staying young by remaining active is what touched me the most. My mom is turning 79 in a couple of weeks and no one believes her when she says her age because, like Anne, she never stops moving, learning and seeking out new experiences. After a long career as a high school teacher and administrator, two masters degrees, 4 children, etc., she reinvented herself as a painter after retiring from education and she now travels the world showing her art. Like Anne, my mom is an inspiration and living proof that age is just a number. Like heirloom roses, Anne and my mother have only grown wiser and stronger with age.

  1083. Teri on

    Thank you. I love that she was young at heart and was never too old for a new adventures

  1084. Clarice Hampel on

    I am impressed learning that she co-founded NOAH and had a deep respect for animals. And how nice that Anne liked to share her plants with others. Spread the beauty and enjoyment of her collection. Thank you for sharing Anne with us.

  1085. Heather Cease on

    Thank you for sharing your interview with Anne here- for honoring her legacy. The part of her interview that most inspired me is how she looked for ways to overcome obstacles. She didn’t let difficulties stop her. Incredible!

  1086. Kristi on

    What an honor to have shared this time with her, Erin. Memories you will cherish always. Thank you for bringing her encouraging words to us, so we can also be blessed and inspired to muster up the determination we need to reach our life goals! I’m so glad you do what you do, how else would we have learned about this marvelous woman!!

  1087. Heather Cease on

    Thank you for sharing your interview with Anne here- for honoring her legacy. The part of her interview that most inspired me is how she looked for ways to overcome obstacles. She didn’t let difficulties stop her.

  1088. Heidi Roycroft on

    There are many motivational speakers who haven’t lived the message the way she has. She is an elder to listen to. I will get her books because I’d like to hear more of her voice. I liked when she said there are ways to overcome obstacles with work and tools! Thanks for bringing her to us Erin.

  1089. Margaret on

    Wonderful interview and so true in her words – be strong, love what you do, be curious, keep learning, and SHARE. No limits. Go for it, but be smart. Love it. Thank you!

  1090. Wendy Vanwagoner on

    Her comments about it never being too old to pursue something new really encouraged me. I started a new business when I turned 50, and now three years later I think about starting more new businesses or pursuits in a wide variety all the time!

    Loved this series! Thanks so much for sharing it.

  1091. Mel Smith on

    I am sitting here writing this in my bed – procrastinating going to bed early so that I can be up early for my desk job. Something stirred in me just now and for some reason I feel like crying. So often we are taught that life is simply school, career, family if you are lucky, retirement, and that’s that. But look at the life that Anne was able to live outside of that structure. There is so much beauty and life to find, cherish, seek. Although I do not know her outside of the words she shared here, this quick glimpse into her life has moved me. Why should I compare my life to the progress of the life next to me? In a world full of roses, Anne is a rambler rose.

  1092. Jenn Goonan @Cheers_to_Flowers on

    Her words will be taped on my fridge, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    Thank you so much for sharing this series, so beautifully written and inspiring!

  1093. Sheryl Jump on

    What an inspiring woman full of great knowledge! I find her advice to be practical, don’t let being a woman stop you, know yourself, learn what you need to accomplish a goal. I might be interested in some climbing roses or ramblers for my back yard. Inspiring that she kept her body and mind fit and interested in life.

  1094. Tina Pender on

    I was so inspired by her tenacity! I love that she found a way to accomplish her goals despite prejudice, even prejudice hiding in her own mind. That’s such great advice! I think she truly understood the concept of sowing and reaping. She sowed generously and reaped a legacy!

  1095. Marilyn Holliday on

    Erin, thank you for sharing your interview with Anne.
    I would have never known about her and her life. I love how she planted the roses in the trees. That she was always learning and sharing her roses. She is another Pioneering Spirited women that we have as part of out heritage. Thank you so much for this. I have enjoyed it so much.

  1096. Mary on

    I was drawn in by your questions and so looked forward to Anne’s answers. One word instantly came to mind while reading the interview: Fortitude. Anne had it and you were so, so lucky to be a part of her life story and experience her friendship. Well done!

  1097. Lana Duvall on

    What an amazing interview! It’s inspiring that her passion with roses started when she was 60 and she cultivated that passion for 37 years. Many people would not start a new hobby or interest at that age, but she did and it enriched her life and many others. I love that she pursued her goals throughout her life. 💕

  1098. Laura Wall on

    The words that resonated most were these: “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.” Sharing in the experience of a garden is what matters most to me from those who’ve guided me to those who I have also been able to share with and inspire. Thank you for sharing Anne’s story!

  1099. Terrie Kilroy on

    What a lovely interview. Before reading the interview, I was disheartened that she had spent many years laboring to build beautiful gardens and amass a collection of prized roses. Only for the gardens to become overgrown, in need of care that she could no longer provide. I wondered what words of wisdom she could share with us. Then she reminisced about she and Max having friends over and told of how they were able to share the beauty of the gardens. How, in years past, she’s given many cuttings to younger friends and now they’ve grown into the “old” roses. In her words one can feel the joy of sharing the beauty of those gardens. It is comforting to know that in giving cuttings to others, she was able to share the roses’ beauty far more reaching than her own gardens. A sense of continuity, in that her hard work will not be lost because she is gone. Thank you for sharing this.

  1100. Marlee Hakes on

    What a sweet interview. I would have loved to have sat and talked with her about her adventures. Her books looks inspiring! I love how she pursued her goals and dreams all throughout her life, not letting life circumstances or age keep her from it. If we could all have such beautiful attitudes!

  1101. Gunner Rozploch on

    What inspired me most about the interview with Anne was that its never too late to pursue your goals and dreams. Even though she was 60 when she got started she still pursued her passion for roses and started her incredible collection despite feeling like she had a later start.

  1102. Britany Lunderg on

    I loved and I am inspired by how generous Anne was with her knowledge– to write books, to open her garden, to share her time with you and now all of us. It was a beautiful reminder that one is never to expert to support even the most novice (thinking of myself in this case at the beginning of her gardening journey).

  1103. susie marglin on

    Most of us womenfolk know we can grow something. Wether babies, if that’s our bodies choice, or at least geraniums from the local Home Depot. Now renting equipment to raise a wall we just constructed or learning to cross the Pacific ocean with the guidance of a sextant and the stars takes an unusual belief in self. I don’t like committed exercise or sweat but at 70 I ran my first half marathon. Too bad I spent so many years not thinking I could do that. Anne showed over and over how belief in oneself never should stop. Amazing how the fragile beauty of roses and the joy of watching them ramble over fences and up trees was her final delight.

  1104. Simone Osthoff on

    Anne is certainly a remarkable example of what it means to live a full and meaningful life. I particularly enjoyed her first advice “don’t let being a woman stop you…” emphasizing that gender limits can obstruct one’s aspirations from both within and without. And above all, her love for learning is palpable and generous. Thank you!

  1105. Kathy Fiero on

    Your posts whether on dahlias or cut flowers, and now roses are always so inspiring. What I greatly appreciate is your effort to honor the past while moving forward on your own journey.
    “Meeting” Anne Belovich through your interview and documentation of her garden was so enjoyable, thank you! This year I hope to add some roses to my garden to join my dahlias and cutting garden flowers. Thank you for the nursery suggestions.

  1106. Elizabeth Burke on

    I am most inspired by Anne’s message that you can achieve your dreams regardless of age or gender. Just focus on your goal and do the work necessary for success! As a parent and second career retired teacher, that has been and will always be a very important message to pass on to our children.

  1107. Rebecca Craythorn on

    As someone who works in a male dominated industry (construction), I found Anne’s reminder not to let gender be a barrier really struck a cord with me. Ironically, being an avid backyard gardener, I have found it largely to be a space dominated by women! I find myself echoed in parts of Anne’s voice in the duality of being able to perform ‘male’ roles but also having a great love of the more nurturing ‘female’ space of the garden. She sounds like an amazing lady Erin, and I am glad you have shared her words with us. It reminds me, yet again, to slow down and take the time to get to know the people behind the plants, and the stories they have to share. Can’t wait to see how your collection progresses!

  1108. Jill on

    I loved her advice to share with others and to give freely, and to build community events around your garden. Especially in recent times, it’s so nice to have these types of opportunities to connect with our neighbors!

  1109. Sharon Weaver on

    I was inspired by how later in life she started her passion for roses. I am turning 59 soon and have never had a lot of success with my roses. I am now ready to be determined and succeed! Also the fact that she was a woman never held her back from achieving her dreams. She was a very wise woman that reminded me of my grandmother who was a working farm wife who succeeded in her dream of becoming a painter ❤️. You were very privileged to know this great lady

  1110. Wendy Chase on

    I’ll be 60 in a year, and her interview was so encouraging! I went back to school in my late 40’s and there are still more things I want to do. Sometimes I feel like I’ve missed the chance, and it’s so good to hear stories like hers. I adore roses and although I live about 125 miles south of the Arctic Circle, I have some! Rosa Rugosa Hansas are very hardy and they have a lovely fragrance. The biggest problem I’ve had with them is moose think they are pretty tasty in the wintertime. I dream of the garden I’ll have when we retire and move to the Lower 48.

  1111. Gretchen Heard on

    Just when I think I’m done and ready to retire, my daughter asks me to help with her new passion; growing flowers. Anne’s story is a reminder to me and many other 60 something’s that we have a lot left to offer. It keeps us young working outdoors and oh, the flowers. Loved the series of articles. Thanks, Floret.

  1112. Michelle Taylor on

    I am 54 and I feel as if I have spent my life being a mother and have forgotten who I am and what I wanted to be. It is scary to realize a part of your life is changing and coming to an end. Not that you ever stop being a parent but you get to focus on your needs and wants again. I have felt lost and out of direction. Two years ago I meet and became friends with a lovely woman Phillis May who is 97. She has become a great inspiration to me. Her life philosophy is very much like Anne’s stay open to new things get up and out of bed everyday and enjoy as much time out in nature as you can. Never stop learning, challenge yourself as much as you can and be thankful for what you can do rather than frustrated with what you can’t. These sentiments have meant so much to me and truly have changed my outlook. How fortunate you are to have met and spent time with such an inspiring person as Anne. Thank you for continuing to sharing your journey /story with us.

  1113. Rose Valencia on

    What an inspirational interview! “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old” these words made me smile and warmed my heart. I will turn 60 next May. And next May I will graduate with a degree in Landscape Design. Covid opened the door for online learning in a field that otherwise is not obtainable online. I bought the books, I passed the classes (only one left) and I will take my passion of gardens as far as my life allows. Thank you for sharing Anne with us. Can’t wait to read some of her books and her blog.

  1114. Anna White on

    Such a beautiful interview. I love her fearlessness and courage. Had to reach for the tissues..

  1115. Barbara Lindberg on

    I so enjoyed the other three postings of this story that I couldn’t wait to read this one. I will buy one of her books for sure. I loved how she talked about not letting being a woman stop you from pursuing goals that are non-traditional. I’d love to know more about the Victorian homes she built! She was so incredibly diverse in her experiences. I’m certain that it’d be fascinating to sit and talk with her. I wish I had met her but I’m very grateful Erin that you’ve shared the friendship that you had with her with us. I do feel like I know her after reading the stories.

  1116. Jo Moore on

    Clearly Anne embraced a positive outlook and curated a life of challenge and personal growth. Possessing an evolved aesthetic often manifests by surrounding oneself with the most beautiful elements of nature. The reverence and honor this amazing woman bestowed upon her beloved roses will live in perpetuity in gardens of friends and in America’s Rose Garden. I can only imagine how many lives Anne has touched and inspired with her many talents and passions.

  1117. Leslie Trecha on

    I’m getting close to retirement and I’m a little nervous about staying engaged after having a long career with a full schedule. I love Anne’s advice to “keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up-to-date with current events, be open to new ideas and commit yourself to lifelong learning and skill development.” What a perfect call to action! I’m going to keep this quote and use it as a guide.

  1118. Jan Crane on

    I loved her story. She is an inspiration to people to never stop learning…whether it is about flowers, building or current events.
    I’ve just begun to grow roses in the last few years and I’m 64. I hope I live to 97 to enjoy them in their full glory!

  1119. Wendy Keiser on

    Anne said in an interview she had a done a few years ago “for as you know well enough, rose gardens seldom outlive their owners for long”. Her legacy will live on, not only with Chambersville Heritage Rose Garden but now with Floret Farms.

  1120. Chloe kirsch on

    I just sobbed reading this. Her love of life is what is so moving to me. She obviously loved roses just as much. I like when she says ” don’t be stingy” . The generosity from the floret team and from people like Anne are what drove my mom and I into flower farming. I want to give give give so her saying not to be stingy hit me right in the heart. ❤❤

  1121. Polly Vollmar-Heywood on

    As a person who has worked with elders most of my career, and the last 20 years creating handicapped accessible garden beds for elders in care settings, I love that you are commemorating Annes life in this way! My favorite part of this interview is her 3-step advice on how to approach your Big Picture, or life goals. It’s basically to ‘do it’. Don’t lie in bed dreaming about how great it could be, if only. Study, try, and try again until you’re capable of reaching that star!
    Thank you so much for sharing your relationship with this amazing woman!

  1122. Linda Hovgaard on

    “Keep roses watered, fertilized and in places with lots of sunshine!” Advice that applies to people as well. However, there were so many other things in her interview that inspired me deeply as well. “Inviting people to your garden and sharing is perhaps most important.” I love her advice to keep moving and commit to life-long learning and skill development. I am inspired and driven by her “3 main parts” for achieving any difficult goal. I heartedly agree that supporting local, small business owners as much as possible is vital. And last but certainly not least, I love the fact that she pursued many dreams after turning 60, including her passion for roses. What an admirable, strong, inspiring, beautiful woman! Thank you Erin for sharing her legacy with us!

  1123. Jackie on

    Each summer, I lived with my grandparents who also both lived a long life full of love and adventure. My lust for gardening began while helping them with the gardens that surrounded their cottage in the woods. I watched and helped them prune and fuss over their little plot of paradise. We lived each summer there along a creek and they taught not only their grandchildren, my sisters and I, but also neighboring and visiting children how to swim. Ann reminds me of these two fine examples. Never slow down and give to your community and friends, human and furry, and indeed the world. She led by example. Her care for others and future generations is remarkable and I recognize your contribution to her legacy by sharing her story and giving to the floral community. What an opportunity you are given to honor this wise crone’s legacy.
    Thank you,

  1124. Lori-Anne on

    Profound words from a life well-lived. Anne’s guidance and knowledge of roses, encompasses great life endeavors and achievements. The life advice “go ahead with your dreams and fight prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.” is motivational and inspiring. I would definitely enjoy reading and learning from Anne’s library. She has left a legacy of gardening roses and living a long, full life.
    Thank you for sharing her story and interview 🌹💕

  1125. Cristen Atkins on

    Nearing the middle part of my life (almost 50) and still not know what I want to do with my life (except for my 2 daughters Katy and my dog Dolly ), Ann inspired me when she said:

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60,

    “At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60…”

    So, hopefully there is still something out there for me to find…seeing that lol Ann didn’t figure it out till she was 60 makes me think I still have a chance not to waste my life and make my parents proud of me (even in their passing).

  1126. Josh H on

    I loved this part: “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.” It’s definitely what I have tried to do with my own garden. Almost everyone that comes by leaves with at least one new plant and it makes my heart so full to share the beauty God has blessed me with.
    Amazing interview with an incredible lady!

  1127. Kim Pike on

    Her background is so interesting and inspiring. I would have loved to just sit and listen to her talk about her life. What an amazing experience she has had.

  1128. Megan Daline on

    I, too, am a rose lover and Anne is my new idol. I just turned 70 and I find her to be so inspiring. My favorite is that she wrote her books in her 90s! I also love the way she figured out how to accomplish difficult goals.

    Thank you for sharing this interview.

    Best, Megan

  1129. karen lindsay on

    I love how her zest for life and the great outdoors started at the ripe old age of 3 or 4. How she would ‘run away’ down to the beach to frolic in the sand. And
    how her mother would come barreling after her, screaming, to drag her back to the garden surrounded by THE fence. Such a feisty little thing. It’s no wonder she lived to 97! Her life came full circle ~ she started in a garden filled with beautiful flowers (though she didn’t know it at the time), and ended surrounded by her own lovely paradise. May she rest in peace.

  1130. Samantha on

    What an amazing interview! I feel so inspired. Thanks for sharing

  1131. Iza Iseri on

    Thank you for this lovely interview and for introducing me (and so many others) to Anne. I loved her can-do attitude. The idea of her using a wall jack on her own is my favourite! That is my kind of person! Your interview really highlighted her diverse interests, generosity, warmth and passion.

  1132. Pam Jenness on

    What an incredible woman she was. She has left such a legacy to this world. I loved it when she said that because of roses many “Friendships as lovely as the roses have transcribed”.
    Thank you Erin for sharing this incredible series with us. You are our current day Anne.

  1133. Amy on

    Wow! I am in awe of this woman! What a life and career! Her determination and not putting limits on herself convinced with her giving heart truly have inspired me. I love what she says about sharing your garden and not being “stingy”. We, as flower lovers and gardeners, should be out there sharing our knowledge and the beauty we create with others. Flowers bring so much joy to so many. I’ll be doing free tours for the elderly in a nursing home this season and I’ve been workin on making my garden spaces accessible for them. The participants always have a great story to share and the nostalgia they feel is so beautiful. Thank you, Erin, for sharing your knowledge with the world and for helping to preserve this woman’s legacy!

  1134. Jean Lynton on

    I live in New Zealand and have a passion for roses . At the moment after 25 years of being our garden with many David Austin roses, we are planning a new house and garden with roses once again. You have spurred me on to get progating.
    I would really love to have all the books.

  1135. Donna on

    I found her advice most inspiring – keep moving, stay out of bed – commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.
    I’m approaching 60 and her story is so inspiring; I myself will ‘keep moving and learning’.

  1136. Corinne tomlin on

    Just wow ! What an incredible person on all levels I love her take on life , we can do anything if we want to to, also the instinct to share all . My personal favourite is to walk through my garden and visit my people who have so generously shared their favourite plants with me I have a conversation with those that love passed and am so grateful to have a little bit of them with me . I too am now able to share my beauty with others and am always so excited to gift a piece of beauty to others . Thank you for sharing this story what a treasure to have known this lovely lady . I am truly grateful today for this read ❤️🌸

  1137. Diane Kreider on

    Ann Belovich reminds me of my grandmother who was born in 1897. My grandmother was resourceful and multi-talented, and she nurtured my love of growing flowers. Like Ann, her gardens were much admired by friends, family, and folks just traveling past on the busy road that bisected our farm.
    Ann’s advice in the interview regarding determination and acquiring skills and knowledge, taking on any challenge regardless of gender, and being prepared to work on your goals over the long haul resonated with me. What a wise woman with a giving heart. She didn’t stingily keep all of her knowledge and bounty to herself. Her generosity of spirit, advice, intelligence, fortitude, grit, and willingness to share are an example for all of us. It would be such a pleasure to walk through her gardens, enjoy her roses, and linger in the beauty.

  1138. Billie on

    This is such an incredible story of a life well lived. One most of us can only dream about and that is the incredible message I learned. We can all achieve our dreams and goals through hard work, always learning new things and giving back to others. What a beautiful environment to dream in. Thanks for sharing.

  1139. Laura V on

    I love that she was also an activist for animals.

  1140. Sue Balston on

    Wow, thank you for sharing this. For me, “inviting people in and sharing the roses” my heart skipped a beat. Anne is a gorgeous beautiful soul ❤️ X

  1141. kasse duffy on

    I love her formula for achieving a difficult goal. I also love the advise to stay out of bed and have lunch with friends. Thank you for sharing this gem.

  1142. Brenda on

    I love her passion for life long learning! That you can pursue something you are passionate about, you may just need to be creative in how you achieve the knowledge or background it requires!

  1143. Andrea Woodhall on

    So many aspects about this interview is inspiring… the one I needed to hear is that it’s never too late to begin your dream. Thank you!

  1144. Karl Holzknecht on

    Wow, just wow! I knew Anne and Max through their construction company and the beautiful Victorian homes they built throughout the years. Anne was always so gracious and sweet. I recall hearing about her gardens and roses, but I, in my busy life never penetrated further, then our friendship through the lumberyard. My eyes were full of tears and my heart full of joy while reading this inspiring interview. I now understand more fully the depth of her strength, character and joy of life. I love the inspiration and encouragement she shared, and I will definitely share this story with my wife and daughters… and my son too.
    God bless you Erin for sharing a true vintage rose, Anne Belovich!

    Karl Luis Holzknecht
    Cascade Lumber, Inc.

  1145. Amy on

    Never too late to start perusing your dreams. Get up and move, don’t just lie around. Enjoy life with others.

  1146. Sally on

    An inspiration that an entirely new life can open up in older age, when so many are sinking into their couches.

  1147. Evelien van Schoonhoven Smid on

    The part were she said, just buy the books, learn and do what you learned! And also the always keep learning, you are never to old!
    Just a lovely lady.

  1148. Connie Reeve on

    My favorite was the Voyage of Determination answer.
    I grow roses and am helping at the American Rose Center and am working with Claude to get everything set up to duplicate Anne’s RAMBLER COLLECTION.

  1149. Terri Dux on

    My favorite part is pursuing her dream at age 60. At age 58, this hit home to me. I can’t stop thinking about Anne and her lovely life and mission.

  1150. Rad on

    She is such an inspiration for not only flower growers but to every one . Be passionate about your dreams and never give up .

  1151. Darlene on

    This has been such an inspiring series. Thank you so much, Erin, for sharing it with us. The quote you took from her book made me reflect on my own life. How many times did I have a dream just to see it squashed by nay sayers? Unfortunately, too many. At age 66 I am now retired and I want to do something to make me feel like I have accomplished something. Her words of encouragement combined with the Cut Garden Mini Course have lifted my spirits and encourage me to try growing a small cutting garden. I have ordered 3 packets of seeds from Floret and 3 others from RareSeeds. My goal is to have my own flowers to use in our home. Fresh flowers bring joy and peace and I can look at them and thank God for His beautiful creation. Wish me well.

  1152. Kirsten Redman on

    This impacted me the most about her – first as a botanist, then a teacher, then a sailor, a general contractor, and then a rosarian and a writer. This is such a wonderful example of a life well lived, and I loved that she said there is nothing a man can do that a woman can’t unless you need strength.

    You can see she was a generous, kind soul just looking at her! Thank you so much for sharing this!

  1153. Kirsten YOung on

    “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    My Grandmother use to say the exact same thing. “Don’t be stingy.”

    I find the more I give, the more I get. Clearly, the same was for Anne. Sometimes I forget, when caught up in the traffic of life. This was a good read and a good reminder.

  1154. Christy Snowder on

    This whole story made my heart happy, but if I had to pick a couple of things it would be the part when Ann talks about it never being to late to chase your dreams, but my absolute favorite would be the part when she talks about inviting people into your garden and sharing because it is an act of love and of friendship. This world could definitely use more positivity and love that’s for sure.

  1155. Aya Haley on

    A well lived life, Anne! Bravo!
    Erin thank you also for also being an example of what inspires me most – curiosity that becomes talent that is inviting and celebrated, sharing so deeply it becomes a legacy. Wow. I agree, do you. I am a Marine Corps veteran excited about my own baby rose garden that I have carried around.. finally able to grow in one place! Yes, do let your dreams lead you, you can!

    “Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

  1156. Connie on

    What a wonderful story and connection for you and rose lovers like myself. I love the old rose varieties and grow a few some purchased, some I’ve propagated as well as shared from friends gardens. Rainy weather challenges on the east coast of Vancouver island have not deterred me. I grow the climber New Dawn which my granny grew, Dorothy Perkins, American Pillar;,Alychmist,Rosa Spinosissima(has black rose hips);Frau Karl Druschki;Rosa Mulligani; Rosa Glauca, Honorine De Brabant; Bonica, Westerland(a favourite) Madam Hardy; Climbing Peace; Abraham Darby;Henrie Martin moss; soft pink unknown moss, Scabiosa rugosa; and a favourite Albertine. Some are a challenge but I love them all.

  1157. Mary Darling on

    What an amazing woman! I loved her positivity and can-do spirit that she applied to her endeavors. Her message to share the beauty of gardens with friends and family, to make them a place of community, resonated with me. And she sailed (single-handedly?) from New Zealand to California!!

  1158. Mindi Bruckhart on

    Thank you for sharing this interview. I love how she didn’t let her age stop her from pursuing a new interest. Determination, hard work, and study.

  1159. Susan O'Halloran on

    I am inspired by Anne’s diving into rose growing at age 60! Some may think it is too late to start a new project at that age, but she did it anyway. And she was rewarded by enjoying that project for 37 more years. And we have all been rewarded by her collection of roses that have been saved from extinction and the knowledge she has passed along.

  1160. Jan on

    Anne was a special woman whom I admire greatly! Not only for her wonderful collection or roses but her determination and ambitious spirit!
    She is an inspiration that resonates with me for her determination. While at 70, I am healthy with a new cutting garden, a job with a fiber arts travel company and aspirations to buy a sailboat in Mexico. I love the “never too late “ idea. Surround yourself with the people you love and those with similar interests!
    Thanks for introducing us to this wonderful woman whose legacy is so amazing!

  1161. Cassidy on

    Wow, how inspiring! My favorite part of the interview was where she said “don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job” I didn’t realize she was a general contractor. I love old houses and would love to renovate some in the future, but I’ve kinda let that dream go as I didn’t think I’d be good at it, but I can learn!

  1162. Annelise on

    Invite and share! I love that about Anne and Erin’s interview. Isn’t that what gardening is all about? Share the beauty and listen and observe others as they receive the beauty. I am inspired by Anne and Erin to keep searching for the “why” that sends me to the garden to smell the roses!

  1163. Martha on

    What a great interview, thank you!

  1164. Sandi Stewart on

    What an incredible gift you’ve shared with us Erin! Anne’s story leaves one feeling they have so much more to do in life. I especially love her quote “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard.” This definitely gave me a good chuckle.
    Thanks again, Erin, it’s a joy reading your blog and visiting your site. There’s a true sense of your love and passion for flowers.

  1165. Mackie Neely on

    How inspiring! I love that she didn’t start many of her adventures until later in life. She gives me inspiration that I can try things that feel daunting.

  1166. Emily J on

    I’m so inspired by the open-hearted generosity that Anne has and I see it in how Erin runs Floret! You both are an inspiration for open, loving, sharing sunshine! I’m trying to do what you do in my garden and in my heart. Thank you for your example and for introducing us to Anne’s beauty as well.

  1167. Sherry L Dampier on

    What an amazing lady. Every obstacle, heartbreak, and challenge she took on with determination and strength. The woman built a wall in her home, by herself, with a wall jack! I was so inspired by her tenacity and ability to find creative solutions by looking inward, into her own heart and mind.
    She gave me hope, and a renewed sense of self to find a new lease on my own future, regardless of how much time I have left. It is so easy to be led into the darkness and fear in todays world. We must embrace the beauty and light that surround us, let that ignite the passion in our souls to create a better path and renew our energy, and fight the urge to succumb to challenges when we feel helpless. She grew more than a garden full of roses, she grew independence, self confidence, bonds, love, and passion. Wisdom comes from many experiences in life. I gained perspective from her story. Thank you for sharing, and continuing her legacy, she will inspire many through new and old blooms.

  1168. Jamie Schmidt on

    Having just turned 50, I sometimes feel like I shouldn’t start new things because I’m too old. What inspired me most was Anne’s start with roses at age 60. Amazing and inspiring! I’m going to pursue some dreams, take some classes and never stop learning or moving! Thanks for sharing Anne’s story.

  1169. Sandi Thompson on

    Unless one needs big biceps, constant testoserone, and a beard, a woman should consider any pursuit interesting and available to her. As a 63 yr old woman, who may also have a 1/3 of my life remaining, this is perhaps the push I need to jump into a new life interest!

  1170. Claire Lewis on

    Her whole interview was inspiring, but the part that really touched me and stood out was when she was talking about sharing her garden and cultivating friendships and relationships. I teared up at the part when she spoke about how when she met you, you were a young lady. I believe you came back into her life for a reason and to help share her story and to help keep her legacy alive. Thank you for sharing 💕

  1171. Janet on

    The part where Anne said she started pursuing many dreams after 60 really resonated with me, since I will be turning 60 soon and plan to start pursuing new adventures!

  1172. Pat Bywaters on

    How precious Erin you met her and were a beautiful rose in her garden; and that you have given this floral community a piece of her to share.

    I am inspired, and wrote in my journal:
    “It’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams.
    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (do not isolate yourself, read….be open to new ideas and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development”—I am touched and brought to tears by this beautiful soul. Thank you Erin for bringing her story to life.

  1173. chantelle ellis on

    Tears! On my vision board one thing that stood out to me was the cut out that says… Better with age. As the years creep in Anne reminded and inspired me that it’s never too late to act on your goals ands dreams. The beauty of roses make my heart happy. Thank you Anne!
    Chantelle Ellis

  1174. Anita Fraser on

    “Don’t be stingy.” That simple motto changed her entire life, rather opened up her entire life. Anne wasn’t stingy with her time, her love, and her garden. Most importantly, she wasn’t stingy with her beliefs about her own capabilities, she had a generous attitude towards herself and what she could accomplish. If we could all follow that one simple principle, our world would be beautiful, in all the ways that matter.

  1175. Holly Starr - JoMiLL Farm on

    I think the part about inviting people into your gardens to share the joy with them stands out! She’s such an inspiration to many people. Do what you set your mind to do and see what the possibilities bring to your garden. Her legacy includes not being stingy share with others the beauty of the rose!

  1176. Dianne Gomez on

    She reminded me that we are the ones that can easily hold ourselves back when it comes to do doing something new and we don’t even realize it. It’s so easy to make excuses. She reminds me to be smart, to prepare and to just be brave!

  1177. Natalie Lairamore on

    I found it so encouraging that Anne discovered her love of roses later in life. It gives me hope that it’s never too late to chase a dream.

  1178. Mimi on

    Wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. Am inspired to add to my rose collection!!! It’s never too late to live your dream.

  1179. Pat Hogg on

    What a tenacious Spirit!! Started specializing in roses at AGE 60!! Then spent 1/3 of the rest of her life fulfilling her rosey dreams! Her gentleness and generosity speak to me… What a woman! Thanks for sharing Anne’s story, Erin! 🌺🌺🌺

  1180. Lynn Metevier on

    What an inspiring woman! I love her can-do attitude. Her love of learning is what made a difference in her own life as well as others. There are many things here we should all emulate.

  1181. Charmaine Teddy on

    I love how Anne is so selfless and enduring! Great lady –
    Someone you can truly admire!

  1182. Cathy Seras on

    What an amazing interview. Anne’s heart is as big as her rose gardens. I loved her statement; “Inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” Anne not only left a legacy of her knowledge for roses but the act of kindness and love for others. I truly believe that is an amazing legacy to leave.
    My father grew beautiful roses on a trellis on the side of our carport as well as a rose bushes in his gardens around our home. The trellis of roses were beautiful and he always made sure we had a bouquet of roses on the first day of school to share with our teachers. I am anxious to begin my journey of roses in my gardens this year. I have recently retired from my job at the age of 61 and I am excited to begin my next journey in life and pursue my dream of floral design with some of my own cut flowers as well as local flower farmers.
    Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring story and all your knowledge you share with your followers always.
    Best to the Floret Family . . .Cathy Seras, Pennsylvania

  1183. Maddie Zack on

    I am just starting a new chapter in my life, and find ever part of this story inspiring. I think the top of my list, other than the rose garden, is how many transitions to new careers she accomplished. To begin again takes so much courage and strength. If I am half as courageous as she was I am on the right path.

  1184. Dee Vlasak on

    What an inspiration! Although Anne’s knowledge of roses brought me to this reading, it was her positive and encouraging message of passion, determination and life-long learning that inspires me most. I, too, was a teacher and now a flower grower (on a very small scale), but have many other interests and passions. Anne’s words encourage us to follow our dreams, willingly knowing the work involved, because the rich and rewarding outcomes lead to a satisfying life. It doesn’t get better than that.

  1185. Heather Champney on

    “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” What a gift to get to share in pieces of wisdom that a life well loved has to offer! Thank you for sharing her with us and thank you, Anne, for inspiring us to strive for a better version of ourselves.

  1186. Nicole on

    So inspirational. Anne sounds like a very wise woman. I was especially struck by what she says about age not limiting your accomplishments. Also how to get out of bed, keep moving forward, and keep learning.

  1187. Judy Montgomery on

    Obviously Anne was a fabulous energetic person with many passions. I was most impressed by all that she had done after she turned 60 right up to her passing at 97. Her legacy of roses and friendships will live on. Thank you for telling her story.


    The most inspiring part of the interview to me was when Anne spoke of turning 60, and how at the time , she thought it was old but now realizes how much more time there is to learn and explore new interests. I turn 60 myself this March, and while at times, I do feel that I am old, I am reminded that there are so many new things to learn. I have a small rose garden, and this spring I am planning on expanding it and adding some new varieties. I have much yet to learn about roses and would love to read Anne’s books.

  1189. Michelle Graff on

    Anne’s determination is contagious and inspiring. Her keen sense to see how one, can make a difference with a little helping hand, giving something or one a chance to live, (A dog, a cat or a rambling rose…) gives such joy.
    Also, to support small business is supporting someone’s dream, and makes you feel good!

  1190. Wende on

    The same as picking a favorite flower, this entire interview was a great read. Must say tho, A Voyage of Determination hit home for me, everything about her experience including sailing sounded like my mom. I know if Anne and my mom didn’t live on opposite sides of the country and instead opposite sides of town, they certainly would have been fast friends. Thank you so much for sharing your time spent with Anne, she was a remarkable woman.

  1191. Suzanne Weschke on

    I have tried to grow roses from seed, but they never take. I’m going to be watching for that book or a workshop on growing roses. I don’t know if I can come up with a favorite rose. They are all so beautiful. I would love to win the roses, but I would need some instructions to go with it so I don’t mess them up lol.

  1192. Clare C. on

    So much wisdom and inspiration from this woman. I loved reading about Anne and her story was inspiring. We just moved and are starting all new gardens at our new home. I have a love for ramblers as well, and have already purchased several for our rows of fencing. Starting over is hard, but reading how she started at what we think of as later in life really put things into perspective for me.

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”

  1193. Lynda Hardwick on

    Wow! The most inspiring part of this interview was that at age 60 she didn’t look at herself as someone who would settle in retirement. She instead looked for new adventures fueled by her passions.

  1194. Theresa on

    I loved how she started in what we think is later in life.

  1195. Crystal Ponto on

    ” Don’t be stingy.” I think that’s the best quote ever…don’t be stingy… with roses, with beauty, with knowledge, with kindness. I wrote this quote out for my classroom and it hangs on my wall. Thank you for sharing this fantastic interview!

  1196. Bailey on

    Roses are a slice of heaven in your own backyard. I too have shared cutting of my heirloom roses. I also created a rose-infused honey that won the 2016 Good Food award for infused honey.
    So many ways to enjoy roses. I use the petals for blessing ceremonies to celebrate births, death and other meaningful life passages. Yes, we need to keep growing inside and out!

  1197. Rebecca Carlo on

    I loved that she pursued her dreams later in life. There is no limit to starting your dreams. Love that! Thank you, Erin!

  1198. Scottie on

    What an amazing woman at 97 years old to be so open and generous. Gives me hope as I am 67 years old work as a full time RN with Covid patients and love flowers and long to slow down and just garden . I am definitely trying roses . I doubt I will slow down but I will try roses . Thank you Floret for everything you do

  1199. Annie D. on

    She is a really inspiring woman. Thank you so much to have let us know her. I was really moved when she said that she did not feel like she had started her passion for roses so late in her life since it had been more than 30 years since she continued it! It’s a great proof that you’re never too old to start something you love.

  1200. MarySue Cromwell on

    I am impressed that she never stopped learning and trying new things. At the age of 57, it has inspired me to do the same.

  1201. MaryBeth Melchior on

    This was AMAZING! I will turn 57 next month… I discovered horses at 47 and now we have two rescued horses and just bought 8 acres for them (and us) and we’re all together now. This land needs lots of love and attention… and then Floret popped into my life! You have introduced me to flowers and I will have my first-ever garden this year!! Anne’s story so resonated with me – the journey of continuous learning and growth, nature bringing it all together. Thanks for doing this interview, Erin – and for everything you and the whole Floret team do. You’re all helping me move forward for my self, for my animals, and for the world. Love you all!!

  1202. Eileen McKie on

    This interview was so timely as I am working through the Floret Workshop. All of her advise is so inspiring to me as I’m starting a new career as a flower farmer at 64. I printed the interview and have it in the front of my Floret Workbook for the days I feel overwhelmed.
    We should all pursue our dreams no matter how old in years we are and even when the people around us tell us we are too old.
    Thank you Erin for sharing .

  1203. Amy Szabo on

    What an inspiring woman. The part that really hit me is that it’s never to late to start something new. Since a young age I have always had the goals of owning land and starting a homestead. I turned 30 this year and it brought me massive anxiety that I was getting to old and still don’t feel as close to that dream as I had hoped to be by now. I know 30 is not that old, but for me it really felt like a milestone and that I was behind in my life plans and losing time.
    Hearing that Anne didn’t even start with roses until age 60, and still had 37 years of experience after that (longer than I have even been alive) put things in perspective.
    I am still anxious to achieve my goals and own a homestead, but am going to try harder to enjoy the ride and accept that it might take longer than my young self would have hoped. There is still plenty of time!

  1204. Lorna Burley on

    Flowers truly connect people. My grandfather, upon retiring from owning a family auto machanic business, turned his hands from repairing engines to growing dinnernplate dahlias and a lush rose gardens. Anne’s words are so true, when you are determined, you can learn to do many things. I’ve been adding roses over the last several years to my existing gardens and dove into cut flower farming more seriously last year at 56 years of age. It’s inspiring to hear Anne started at 60, so I need to stop wishing I started younger and move forward with learning all I can to continue on this extraordinary adventure. Thanks Erin and team Floret!

  1205. Jennifer Doyel on

    I love when she mentioned “the fence”. This term shows how many of us are restricted in our lives. She showed us how to climb over that fence and recreate ourselves into productive people!

  1206. Kelly Doetsch on

    I am planning a garden to share the experience of connection and peace I feel when in the garden. I’m inspired by Anne’s work ethic and advice to grow by learning. I have a rambling rose cutting that came in the mail from a friend. I put it in the ground in sunshine and it’s taken over the fence. I am encouraged that sharing flowers connects all of us

  1207. Ingrid Thornton on

    What an amazing woman, so powerful in her quiet and determined way of being, and so wise and inspiring. I love the story of her frequent escapes to the sea shore as a young child, definitely a premonotion of her life to come. And her ability to make her ideas and desires real, despite whatever the challenges. She seems to have had the ability to simply and calmly ‘just do it’. What a rewarding and satisfying life she has lived!

  1208. Mellanie Tuttle on

    I have been caring for my mother and then my mother-in-law for fourteen years. They have both passed on and now at the age of 69 I find myself needing to recreate myself and figure out what I want to do for the next 14, 24, 34 years!

    The quotes from Anne’s book and then her next comment really struck a cord. Figure out what I want to do and then go for it. Maybe even grow roses! I always thought they took up so much time, but now I have the time!

    Thank you for all you do. I am enjoying your newsletter so much.

  1209. Karen Mary on

    What an inspiring woman! I think we need to see and read about women like Anne more often (at least I do). I especially enjoyed the photos and like her advice about not underestimating yourself and picking up on something you enjoy, like a hobby. Thanks very much for the wonderful interview!

  1210. Marya Boast on

    Your interview with Anne literally brought me to tears when she added in pearls of wisdom about life in relation to gardening and following dreams. Truly resonated with me. Thanks for sharing cuttings from Anne’s life philosophy garden with us.

    ‘To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.’

  1211. Patty Swartzbaugh on

    At 60, I bought my farm after 10 years of searching, feeling the magic of the place but seeing mostly waist high weeds. Over the past few years I have had some amazing discoveries. As it turns, out the property had been loved and nurtured by Marshall Crosby, a botanist from the Missouri Botanical Gardens. His wife, I’ve been told, loved roses and there is a rose garden engulfed in blackberries I would love to uncover. The joy you found in Anne’s roses has inspired me to explore this wild blackberry patch.
    As I uncover the special parts of my new world, I am slowly identifying the beautiful plants I have now been entrusted. The most inspiring part of the interview was the when Anne described taking on her dreams at any age. I just need to study, renew what’s here, add, and invite others to join my journey.

  1212. Maureen James on

    The interview and the photo of her in your garden captured her spirit and zeal for life. Her curiosity and willingness to learn are indicators of her passion. The fruit are all the lives she touched along the way.
    I most loved what she said about 60 not being old. We need to hear these words of wisdom and apply them to our lives.
    Thank you.

  1213. Sheila Hlubucek on

    I’m inspired by her commitment to lifelong learning and skill building. I turned 60 this year, and I have so many dreams like Anne did. I’ve been questioning how long I’ll have the strength and stamina to achieve all the goals I have on my nearly three acres. Now I’m feeling bolder about my goals. I just need more tools and tenacity but I’ve got this.

  1214. Amanda on

    I love that she started her rose journey later in life. I have been following Floret for some time, was a participant in the first class series offered, and have been studying all I can to become a flower farmer someday. I have often felt discouraged because I’m not getting any younger (I actually turn 41 next week), and worry that I’ll get to the point where I may be too old to start a farm from scratch. Our current property does not allow for much gardening, let alone farming (HOA rules and all, blech), so I’ve been limited in what I can do right now. But her words and her journey is inspiring and uplifting. I’ll keep studying and planning because it’s really never too late.

  1215. Alexis Penzell on

    I loved learning about Anne’s journey with roses. What a wonderful way to keep and expand friendships through garden invitations and parting gifts of cuttings! I’ve had mixed results with roses, perhaps a function of my being a weekend gardener and more, I suspect, my lack of knowledge about what I should know and do. This sentence resonated with me, “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” Now my intentions are clearer as I’m so reading for the Rambler and Climbing Roses!!!!

  1216. Jen on

    ” You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else”. I loved this line. I find I quickly give up if something doesn’t come naturally to me. Having a strong and determined mentor like Mrs. Belovich in my life would have changed my world. What an honour it would have been to meet her. Congrats to all that were able to cross her life path. Thank you to Erin and your team for bringing this soul to light. Without you showing interest, we never would have been able to listen to Mrs. Belovich’s words and outlook in life. She sounded like a really special person that we all could have really been inspired by.

  1217. Brandy Schwartz on

    I LOVE how Anne wants to do something, she does it! So inspiring. I just starting, this past year, creating gardens at our new home and also learning some new construction/building skills as we are renovating our home! An encouraging interview.

  1218. Denise on

    It’s funny I’ve never been one to like roses, saying that brings back a memory from a rose my mother had in her garden that as a child I would walk outside just to smell that pink rose when they were in bloom. I never did know the name of it, but the memory of that smell always brings me back when I read great articles like these. Thanks for the Rose Story. May have to find me a Ramlin Rose to start in my gardens at 65…LOL

  1219. Darlene Lonnay on

    She is an inspiration…. To think she started her rose journey at 60 ….loved how she expressed her goals …and yes we can do anything a man can do ! Thank you for the journey


  1220. Catherine Duarte on

    I enjoyed this so much. Especially when she mentions that she started after 60. I am 55 and I love how that has made me feel. So many things to try and grow. Such a lovely ( rose) story to read in the dead of winter. Thank you.

  1221. Bess B on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.” In a society that is bent on individual consumption, Anne knew that generosity and community are the much richer options. That’s incredibly inspiring and arresting.

  1222. Jayne Elisa on

    This was such a great read. Now I want to go out and plant a rambler to climb a tree as soon as possible. I know the perfect tree too.

  1223. Christa Kiessel on

    I love how much she enjoyed sharing her beautiful roses and how this resulted in many friendships. I live on the farm my great grandparents started and have the joy of nurturing some of the old roses they planted. My soul is connected with this place that has been handed down the maternal line of flower guardians for three generations. Anne’s story is incredibly inspiring as I start my 51st year. A historian wrote about our farm…”It was said by neighbors that going to the farm was always an occasion with good food, laughter, and fun.” My hope is that I can create a permaculture on our farm filled with trees, flowers and roses to share with neighbors, just like the old days. I will no longer worry that I’m too old to see this vision become reality.

  1224. Maretta Wight on

    I will be 50 this year and my mother passed away at 68, so I often find myself thinking I have may have less than 20 more years to live.
    I am most inspired by her advice to those who feel they are too old to follow their dreams.

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.
    In fact, I am about to launch my own website and blog. I’ve always wanted my own website and I don’t think it’s too late to do this. I bought my own domain last week.”

    This past July I completed a degree in Web Design & Development and I was especially tickled to see she was launching a blog at 96. What a truly remarkable and inspiring woman.

  1225. CG on

    Invite people in and share. “Don’t be stingy!”

    Sage Advice, and not just for gardening.

    I admire and appreciate the women who have freely & selflessly shared knowledge with me, and aspire to be that way myself. Too many times women are pitted against one another–it can feel powerful to withhold information from others! I’ll carry Anne’s advice and build strength through cooperative sharing and receiving.

  1226. Shelly Lehto on

    I turn 60 this year and found it truly inspirational that she started her rose journey at my current age.

  1227. Anne Haley on

    I love the fact that Anne Belovich had a full life after fifty!

    I also love that she contributed beauty (and joy) to the visual world through her love of roses!

    It was her Homeric sail boat journey however that most inspired me–her courage, determination and willingness to learn are palpable and help me stay my perilous course!

  1228. Linda Montgomery on

    Thank you Erin, for writing and sharing such a wonderful post in Anne’s legacy about her Roses and books and her amazing life ! She is so inspiring despite her hard ships! It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development”

  1229. Susie Bates on

    I was very intrigued by her life’s journey, but what is most inspiring is her generosity! Her advice to share your love of gardening and the flowers you grow with others is advice I will adhere to. I will also be adding more roses into my life because of this wonderful series! Thanks to Anne and to the Floret Team.

  1230. susan on

    Thank you Erin for sharing Annes interview! It was so inspiring to note her “new” career growing roses and gardening started at age 60 and she was able to continue for over 1/3 of her life. The many interests she cultivated and her advice on staying engaged was so motivating. I loved this series on roses and look forward to starting my version of a rose garden this spring.

  1231. Amanda Beatty on

    What a wonderful and inspiring woman! I have to say I am most inspired by her encouragement of sharing your garden. Hospitality and friendship are two things that every human understands. The last two years have been difficult to everyone, and I know that I myself have become somewhat rusty on sharing something as simple has a glass of tea and the beauty of a garden with friends. I have a lovely, sunny spot in my backyard that I have been laboring over what to plant…Mrs. Belovich has inspired me to plant roses! Thank you, Floret for sharing this beautiful interview with a very special woman.

  1232. Brittany on

    What a wonderful and inspiring series to follow. Thank you for sharing your team’s and Anne’s experiences with us. I love that she passionately reiterates gardening’s social nature. It makes me so excited to share my garden with friends again this year!

  1233. Mary on

    Living Anne’s advice leads to a well-rounded life filled with love, friends, accomplishments and fulfillment. Growing and sharing roses (or any flowers!) brings the joy that we all need. This was a lovely interview and series. Thank you, Erin!

  1234. Melissa Espinoza on

    What a great story. An amazing women who lived a full life. I’m inspired. I want to go out now and buy all her books. Hahaha. I loved her advice on , “don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job”. I tell my young girls constantly never to be afraid of doing something that is generally seen as a “man’s job”. I remind them that there is no such thing.

  1235. Sally on

    This interview gives me inspiration to keep going, work hard. I can still have beautiful gardens in my 70s! Come on Spring, hurry up.

  1236. Susan G on

    What an amazing Woman! Thanks Erin for sharing her story and for continuing to inspire and guide gardeners all over the world! YOU are amazing! Thank you!!

  1237. Michelle Brown on

    So much life lived and lived well! To remember to always continue learning and trying new things; how inspiring to hear of all the paths her life took.

  1238. Terry on

    When Anne speaks to her approach for life, engagement, always learning and looking towards the next thing. So positive and inspiring!

  1239. Tiff Drong on

    How inspiring! The most inspiring thing in her interview is how to keep her legacy going: “Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine.” “Don’t be stingy.” I think this applies in all aspects of life for humans. Keep hydrated, fed for energy and sunshine for vitamin D. We are too like roses, no one is the same but we all require those main ingredients to be successful. Don’t be stingy in your relationships. Surround yourself with like minded people that encourage you and make you feel good. Thanks Anne for your inspiration.

  1240. Margery Sherrill on

    Two things in particular: you are never too old to follow a dream and be generous with your knowledge and time.

  1241. Laura Baker on

    Laura, January 17
    Wow, just wow! We recently moved back to our home state of SD to retire. We are 57 and very deep into renovations inside and out. We have some extraordinary new outdoor raised beds where I’d like to include a rose garden, but don’t know where to start as far as varieties. I’ve had roses before, but not a discerning skill for choosing.
    I’m a retired teacher and am inspired by the idea of this next phase of my life. I’m happy to read this story, and yours, Erin, to see what might be next for me…now that I have time and space on our acreage to plan grow!!

  1242. Aisling Flower Farm (Leah) on

    What a wonderful, fascinating individual?! I admire her dedication to being a life-long learner! She also reminds us to share our passions with others. A lovely lady….the world needs more people of her character! Thanks for sharing her story!

  1243. Ashley Izsak on

    This interview is so inspiring! I’m almost 40 and can’t believe how quickly time has flown. It is so soul filling to read about how she grew her passions for so many years after 60! I also love the fact that she bought house framing books and built homes.

  1244. Kaylee on

    I loved this interview!!! My absolute favorite part is when Anne talks about the best thing you can do is share. It sounds like she was a generous lady who loved to share her passion with people far and wide. What an inspiration!

  1245. Gae Morris on

    What an amazing legacy! And what a blessing for her to share so willingly!
    And thank you for sharing as well.
    Everyone who reads through this article will surely be inspired to continue to share with others.
    God bless you. And Anne’s continued work through you and others.

  1246. Kris Zingone on

    For me it was the interview, for sure! The fact that Anne didn’t get “into” roses until her 60’s , inspired me! I am 54 and purchased my first rose just last year. To be honest it didn’t go that well. A friend gifted me another and I am hopeful for this coming season. I loved when Anne said looking back from 97, 60 didn’t seem that old ☺️So true! Thank you Erin for sharing this wonderful interview. RIP Anne x

  1247. Brenda Miller on

    Building houses and sailing alone – she certainly was accomplished and thought big! I consider myself somewhat independent – I raised sheep, grew a vegetable garden and started flower beds on my own five acres….. I wanted to be a farmer’s wife like my mother but I wasn’t going to wait for someone to give me that lifestyle – I created it myself. Then I finally marry at age 45, and a break from a country lifestyle has been luxuriously restful and allowed for travel. Not sure what the next chapter of my life will be as I settle into a new permanent life with my husband and I’m ready to take up care again of my little hobby farm….maybe a miniature oxen team? Build a life for yourself, and it all falls into place. That’s been my philosophy, and no doubt the way Anne lived too!

  1248. Anna Steinle on

    Propagating! You have totally inspired me to try this!
    On a side note, I agree that gardens in general were just meant to be shared, whether by touring, book writing, picture sharing, clippings, or simply talking about them…❤️ Gardening creates fascinating memories..and you need several lifetimes to learn it all💐

  1249. Ashley on

    This interview was so inspiring—thank you for sharing! What inspired me most was how varied her pursuits and interests were. As someone with various unrelated interests, it can feel difficult at times to feel confident about moving forward with one pursuit, worried about burnout or becoming stuck and not being able to pursue something else. But her life sounds so rich and full pursuing her interests regardless—for me it just helps to see that someone has done this, that it is doable. And that it’s never “too late” or you aren’t “too old” to try something new, even if that would require more school/learning. She’s a shining example of a life well-lived. Thank you so much for interviewing Anne.

  1250. Sylvia Nichelle on

    Such an inspiring article! I love her thoughts on staying out of the bed and engaging with friends. Never stop learning and growing! So powerful and true!

  1251. Cherrelle on

    Loved this quote, “… inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    So very true! I love being involved in these truly special interchanges!

  1252. Kimberly on

    How inspiring! I love that she says to keep learning, wonderful advice.

  1253. Debbie Ridpath on

    As a 55 year old woman who is entering a new phase in life, I find this article and her words inspiring on many levels. Thank you.

  1254. Danielle L. on

    Excellent series! I love her advice to keep moving and learning, and that she started her rose journey in her 60s. So much inspiration packed into this interview, thank you.

  1255. Susan Stanton on

    Great interview with such an inspiring women! Loved that she had not only one career/passion but several! I will be 60 in a few years so it’s inspiring to read about her buying her first rose bush at that age and going on to create her incredible garden! We need hear about more women like her!

  1256. Kim on

    Love her generosity and how she loved to share her space and knowledge, “Don’t be stingy.”

  1257. Kate on

    Wow. Such a blessing for you both to connect and reconnect over the years. Thank you for interviewing her and preserving her legacy. This hit home for me (it was something that you had quoted), as it relates to my newfound passion for gardening, cultivating, and cut flowers.

    “A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career. Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do.”

  1258. Susan Rich on

    I love how she said something to the affect: just because your a woman, doesn’t mean you cant do it! I went to work at UPS when I was 36 (thinking it was just a man’s job) 22 years later I just retired from there! Now to play in my gardens :)

  1259. Toni Burnett on

    Thank you so much for sharing this amazing woman’s story, along with your own. I have always loved roses. When my hubs and I moved into our home some 21+ years ago, our front yard was a blank slate. I filled it with at least 15 different varieties of roses based on their individual beauty. Little did I know at the time that I had chosen 2 heirloom roses, unfortunately I do not know their names but they are my absolute favorites. Every spring we get people stopping to view and smell the explosion of color and glorious scents. I even had a lady and her daughter ask if they could use them as a backdrop for her senior photo. I love that I can brighten someone’s day with something as simple as a rose. I love to cut small bouquets and share with my wonderful neighbors. It does the soul some good. Please Erin, continue sharing your story and flowers as I have finally found a renewed passion of my love of flowers. (PS. So excited, I just got my seed order from you yesterday! Can’t wait to start planting!!!)

  1260. Deborah Burns on

    Such an inspiration! I am so happy to have “met” Anne in your interview ;nd learn about her life, thank you Erin.

    Anne’s story is another extended hand that will help me recover from so many traumatic set backs from these past 2+ years. At 62 (63 in February) I am having to start over again…. I am finding my footing but confidence has been unsteady. Anne’s example of beginning her rose gardens at 60 and website at 97 (!!!) is truly inspirational!

    “Anne: I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60…It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

    In fact, I am about to launch my own website and blog. I’ve always wanted my own website and I don’t think it’s too late to do this. I bought my own domain last week.” – Anne Belovich

    Anne’s website is lovely and I am very glad her family will continue it and share more of Anne with the world!
    I am going to re-read Anne’s words below over and over while I work on my recovery and grow into my new and best life.

    Thank you Erin, Floret Team and Anne!

  1261. C K Singley on

    What an amazing woman and an amazing garden! I’m love that she came to her hobbies/passions later in life and returned to one then as well. I definitely need to pick up A Voyage of Determination. The discussion of roses also reminds me of my grandfather who planted his first rose bushes in chilly Montana close to the end of his life. I’ve always wanted to figure out what variety they were and barring that grow as many close to the color as possible. Grandpas roses are gone now, but a personal garden in his honor lives in my imagination. It’ll happen. 💕

  1262. Jenny Sterling on

    These lovely books will need to be make their way to my bookshelf and gifted to friends who I know have many beautiful gifts and need to hear it’s never too late to chase dreams, to learn, to pursue with all your heart. I also adore her attitude of using her rose garden as an opportunity for community building and extending kindness to others. Thank you for sharing her inspiring story!

  1263. Mary Hofacker on

    I enjoyed the whole interview. I was most impressed that Anne did not give up after her husband passed away. Anne chose to keep living and enjoying life; not letting being a woman stop her. I too am a widow, for almost ten years now. I moved from the home that my husband and I shared together in the country, to a new, older home, in the city. It is in this new home that my gardening took off. I love my gardens and each year, I expand them. My neighbors watch to see what is in store each year. They say I work too hard; but, it is not hard work. It is what I call doing my “beautiful”. Even as I carry each stepping stone (over 500 pounds of them) into place. I finished what I called the winding path garden this past spring. This garden created a natural blind to my small garden in the back of my house. This year I have plans to enlarge a few garden areas and create a waxing moon crescent garden that is designed along the natural contours of my property. I have so many roses that I need to plant. Thank you to you and Anne for being an inspiration to many.

  1264. Paula Dinius on

    I was very inspired by Anne! I too am a Botanist, educator, and started a cut flower farm when I was 60 years old here in Leavenworth, WA. It’s been a wonderful new chapter in my life and I look forward to enjoying it for many years to come. I like Anne also sailed from the west coast of the U.S. to New Zealand around 25 years ago. The South Pacific is such a wonderful place to explore – the amazing marine and plant life. Crossing oceans is definitely a character builder and opens doors to worlds unimaginable. After surviving the ‘Queen’s Birthday Storm’ and coming back to the States I once again started playing in the dirt. Here is the link to the documentary about the ‘Storm’ and the great adventure of a handful of amazing people.
    One thing I know – plants will always be a part of my life!

  1265. Cyndi Nylander on

    Greetings from a snowy mountain in the wilderness in N.E.Washington…….Your Rose stories were so beautiful and i am so inspired! Anne has inspired me more than anything i have read in years..and i will be adding to my old rose collection as soon as the snow is gone. What beauty and what a life lived! I have walked in many homestead gardens since a young girl and then back in time as a young child in my grandmothers and the gardens of my great aunt. Old Rambling rose bushes, Hollyhocks and Foxgloves, Sweet Peas of such vibrant colors that would take your breath away, Pansies with their jolly faces dancing in the breeze………….Always chasing butterflies and listening to the hum of the bees…….Living in Portland years ago visiting the Rose Gardens , riding the train from the zoo and anticipating the beauty of the roses when we arrived. Yes, Roses do captivate your heart! We have many life lessons to learn from our elders……….Thank you for Anne’s interview and story. You are amazing too Erin. I have followed Floret from the beginning and it is one of my favorite blogs and when you are in magazines i get so excited for you. Congratulations on Florets success and you are wonderful to carry on Anne’s legacy and for all the beauty you bring to this earth.

  1266. Susan Jurkatis on

    I’m so inspired by this beautiful woman! I love that she didn’t even starting growing roses until she was 60. At 58, I am going to begin my first adventure with cut flowers in my garden. I have spent all summer and fall 2021 researching and prepping my tiny little space in my backyard to make this dream happen. I would love to learn from such a rosarian expert as I have learned from you this year, Erin, and others. Thank you for sharing these blog posts. The world definitely needs more flowers and more people like Erin and Anne!!!

  1267. Bekki Jamison on

    After reading this fourth article, I moved to tears. I’m reminded of my own grandmother, who grew wonderful flowers, including roses. One of which I still have today.
    Last year, I was lucky enough to get six very old roses from a property, from Craigslist! They survived all summer and are flourishing!

  1268. Lori on

    “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important” this touched my heart. It’s so true in life…we can all inspire and introduce others to things we love and to enjoy what nature brings. Perhaps taking time to smell the roses and enjoy the beauty around us and share the love of flowers. What a legacy Anne is leaving behind!

  1269. Joanne on

    It’s the journey isn’t it? Wow, wonderful to learn about this amazing woman. Thank you for the inspiration and private moments from a precious person. Erin, your continued generosity to invest so much of your time energy and accumulation of roses has lead so many of us to the World of Roses Erin. Here we now know of the treasure Anne has created and how we can know her and roses through our lifetime. A living museum of roses is growing around us in North America and it is just so wonderful to see a glimpse of her journey. A rose is a friend for life. I am imagining Anne walking as I now do down my pathways watching them. I would cherish and use this collection of books on my journey with roses.

  1270. Abbie on

    What an inspiring, can-do woman. Anne’s passion for learning really resonates with me as I jump all into my long-awaited first ever veg/ cut flower project (largely instigated by Floret’s wealth of accessible information), whilst embarking on a career change from corporate advertising towards a more connected, authentic life, crafting interests into a career at 28yrs old.
    I seem to think ‘I should have worked things out by now’ but Anne’s full varied life and empowering attitude irrespective of age has spurred me on to keep searching and learning, forget comparing myself or wondering if I’m ‘doing the right thing’.
    Thank you Erin and team for being so generous with all your information, learnings, and stories. I always look forward to checking in whenever there’s a video course or update.

  1271. Rosalia on

    Old -Rare-Unusual Roses- The history of the rose is an old and almost as complicated as the human race. Types and classes have flourished, scattered and interbred. There are bigger gaps in roses history….longer silences….but roses and man have travelled along they history on the same broad paths of changes, decline and fall. Great men and women have lived and died and recorded themselves in history. What an interesting world it would be if the greatest were still with us, alive and representative of their era….Alas they are gone forever, but the rose, in its infinite variety, still survives, identically as it grew and flowered even before the Christian Era…..Will Tillotson

  1272. Kathy Ploeger on

    Your interview with Anne Belovich was delightful and her “formula” for accomplishing one’s goals an inspiration we all could learn from. Don’t let prejudice stop you from living your dreams. Know yourself enough to believe in what you’re capable of and finally, be willing to put in the time and effort to prepare and reach your goals.
    It’s never too late!

  1273. Melissa Mailer-Howat on

    A beautiful interview sent to me by my youngest daughter. She is helping me create a new garden in a new home having been widowed last year and a year off 60. Anne’s words have resonated on so many levels. Her love of roses and sharing that passion being the most obvious, but the fact that she neither let her age or gender hold her back in her dreams is a reminder to me when at times it might seem my chances have passed. Having read her words I’m now wondering whether creating a new garden is just the beginning and maybe I too might pursue some dreams and learn. Working in the garden is a great place to contemplate life and the magic of watching what you grow come alive is both inspiring and something to share with others. How wonderful that even in her passing Anne is changing peoples’ lives and perceptions through her roses and her words.

  1274. Hannah Blackwell on

    “Commit yourself to lifelong learning and skill development”. Love this blog ♥️

  1275. Sarah B on

    Her giving philosophy is inspiring. I love how the ideas we see the Floret goals to inspire and share with others was also a part of Anne’s view. I love her quote: ” inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

  1276. Samantha on

    Thank you for doing this series. The part that I have found the most moving is Anne’s philosophy of sharing. “Don’t be stingy” is such important advice to emphasize, even when compared alongside key details such as feeding and pruning techniques. Roses have a way of bringing people together that is deeply rooted in the heart. The way Anne touched yours and how you both continue to touch all of ours through your generosity of both plant and spirit. Thank you to Anne (and you) for the reminder that it’s never to late to stop and smell the roses, but to share them as well.

  1277. Kasey on

    I was inspired by her combination of romance and realism. It was an uplifting read as a k-12 educator looking for joy and encouragement. I took away from this interview that we can either keep daydreaming, or, dig in (ha!) to the know-how and bring this beauty to life ourselves. Women are capable, anyone is capable. Get empowered by knowledge and then go undaunted into making beauty happen. Feeling inspired!

  1278. Cj on

    Anne’s passion and perseverance inspired me. She researched, planned, executed, and shared what she loved..ramblers! What a wonderful legacy she leaves to the world!

  1279. Whitney Brown on

    I love this woman now after reading this! My favorite part is where you were discussing how she built her house. She encourages you as a woman, not as a feminist that puts down men, but more of don’t whine about it being hard. Pull up your big girl pants and get to work. Bc whether your a man or a woman life is hard work and full of struggles. She is how I want to be if I am fortunate enough to see old age. She is a great depiction of just being who you are without needing a chip on your shoulder. She seems tough and strong as well as soft and feminine. Thank you for introducing us to such a person! I felt so often in my 20s after having kids that I wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything else in my life. That by the time I was done raising them I’d be too old to start over. Well age comes with some wisdom and now at 34 I now know that I just take the kids with me. I need to show them hard work and starting new things and not quitting bc its hard. Which is why when we aren’t homeschooling I am learning everything I can! And even lots of during our homeschooling. We truly aren’t ever too old to start.

  1280. Antonia VandenAkker on

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful interview with Anne Belovich! I am 67 yrs old and am inspired by Anne’s admission that we are never too old to pursue a dream and to keep on learning all of our life. In my endeavor to follow one of my dreams, growing an English garden, I have been reading your books Erin and following your blogs to learn as much as I can. Thanks for your generous wealth of information that you share with your readers!!

  1281. Amber on

    What a beautiful woman and life! Her resilience is so inspiring. What inspired me most about Anne’s words was when she pointed out that her career in rose started at age 60… which seems late in life but as she pointed out was 37 years ago! I feel the pressure to be who I am and leave the legacy I leave now in my 30’s while raising babies and this was such an encouragement that I have so much life to live still and so much time to DO. 🤍

  1282. Elaine Plude on

    The first thing that jumped out at me. Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job. The enthusiasm that comes through her words about her beautiful roses.

  1283. Umm Shams on

    O, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful series. I was just searching for articles/recommendations to add to my painfully sparse collection of roses. I can’t help but be inspired when I read that Anne Belovich’s passion for roses started when she was only 60. Here’s to the successful 60s!

  1284. Alyssa Koehler on

    The timing of this series was quite moving for me. My grandmother passed at the beginning of the week, her middle name was Rose. As her health has been in decline over the past weeks, I had spent time thinking about how I would like to add a rose to my garden in her memory. At her funeral the pastor serendipitously gave the most beautiful service connecting many aspects of her life to that of a rose. She did not live an easy life, she lost her mother as a child, battled decades of health challenges, but still through these challenges she bloomed. This thoughtful interview with Anne demonstrates the inspiring power of plants and flowers to connect us with strangers, loved ones, and our memories as we weave together the beautiful tapestry of life. I have never grown many roses, but really look forward to exploring this group of plants in a way that holds new meaning.

  1285. Alex Mudry-Till on

    I love how simply and directly she states about how to live your life… get up out of bed, spend time with friends, keep learning. Finding passions throughout your life is important and age should not be a limitation.

  1286. Olivia on

    I love her zeal for life and her can do attitude. She really simplifies life down to the basics. If you want to do something, you learn about it and then you do it. Simple as that. You can do whatever you put your mind to. You can be whoever you want to be, and do a lot of good while you are in your way.

  1287. Kathleen Budd on

    What a great interview! I loved parts one thru three and so happy Erin that you and your team were able to spend the time at Anne’s garden and take so many cuttings of her roses. Anne’s story from losing her first husband to starting a blog at 97 is so inspiring. Thank you Erin for taking the time to share your work with all of us.

  1288. Suzanne on

    I was so moved by Anne’s zest for life. She lived without limits and has inspired me to chase my dreams! Her age never deterred her. I love how much she has given and truly offered her best to make the world a better place. She was wise, brave and brilliant. She completely inspires me! Thank you for sharing.

  1289. Sydney on

    Anne was such a spirited woman! I admire the way she was not afraid to try something new and give it her all, regardless of her age or experience level. All too often we put ourselves in a box and never allow ourselves to try something new for fear of failing or not getting it right on the first try. You never know what you’re truly capable of if you never get off the couch!

  1290. Lauren Calderon on

    The part about not worrying about age when learning and staring a new hobby. I’ve quite recently found a love of roses myself. I also love the part about not being stingy. I’m in the process of transforming my backyard into a welcoming and relaxing room, if you will, with hopefully beautiful gardens to be enjoyed by my family and others.

  1291. Stephanie on

    Her determination! I’m floored by her confidence to take on challenges, like learning to build her own home. It’s a great reminder that we’re all capable if we take the time to “study and be an apprentice” in any area we aspire to conquer.

  1292. Brooke on

    I think Anne is a rockstar. Roses are my all time favorite flower. I think what inspires me the most about Anne is her willingness to give. She says “don’t be stingy” and I love that. I know not everyone wants to share, but I believe if you have something beautiful, why not share it with the world. I’m so grateful Anne has chosen to share her roses and her knowledge with all of us!

  1293. Becky F on

    This article has touched my heart. I am 61 and never thought I still have 1/3 of my life to live. Sitting outdoors enjoying my morning coffee before our rain starts, I texted my daughter. I shared with her a video of a bird flying over our pond and these words, “It’s a beautiful Sunday morning. I was just reading a really nice article and realized potentially I still have 1/3 of my life left. I need to do something”.
    Floret, this interview is so inspiring. I have a lot of life left to live and plan to plant a few roses as a thank you And then figure out my next chapter.

  1294. Keressa on

    What an amazing lady! She had so much wisdom to share, but I loved how determined she was to meet her goals despite her age or any obstacles in her path. Such an inspiring woman!

  1295. Janyel Taylor on

    As a woman in horticulture myself, I love her attitude toward not needing the strength of a man to do tasks. Her attitude is truly inspiring. Sometimes I get frustrated that I can’t do something because I’m not strong enough, but she’s right, there’s a way around it! Love this article. Thank you for bringing us in. ❤️

  1296. Stacy Morris on

    I still as much as I love flowers cannot get over the contracting and lifting the walls herself. What an amazing life story of suffering rising to be something that didn’t derail or stop her but inspired her to all and then some more ! Thanks for these posts so inspiring !

  1297. Amy Buchanan on

    I loved Anne’s message about never being too old to pursue your goals and dreams. She certainly lived this philosophy.

  1298. Cindy Browning on

    What an amazing lady with amazing wisdom. I think what she said about needing be willing to be an apprentice to a skill you want to learn is a good reminder that we don’t start out as experts.

  1299. Jennifer Evan on

    It is beyond amazing to hear of her determination and ability, especially after an age most of us consider to ‘slow down’. She started her own construction company! Built houses and framed a wall herself! Her will is awe-inspiring to women all over. As an amateur grower of roses myself, I hope to have a garage backyard garden for friends and family to enjoy, and would love to learn about ramblers.

  1300. Lori Jo Acre on

    I am most inspired by Anne’s thoughts on sharing cuttings; “Don’t be stingy.” Oh my! That made me laugh. And I so agree that sending cuttings of roses is an act of love and friendship, the greatest legacy. How true!

    I created a Victorian garden from scratch around an 1875 cottage. There was a rose nursery in southeast Michigan that specialized in hardy heirloom roses and I filled my garden with many of her hardy roses. Sadly, they have since closed. After 25 years of creating a garden that I shared with friends and one that was filled with plants they shared, I retired and moved. I am starting over now and want so much to create another garden where I can share and receive the “greatest legacy.”

  1301. Laura Adams on

    I loved reading this and getting a feel for this remarkable woman. I love when she shared the importance of sharing your garden with friends. What a celebration!

  1302. Abby Ostler on

    Wonderful and inspiring… to “start” at 60 gives me even more confidence to dig into gardening with passion. And I promise not to be stingy and share everything!!!

  1303. Stacy on

    Her determination, starting at 60 year of age really inspired me, I am approaching 60 and keep telling myself your to old to start this. She was so full of life, so I’m going to get started. Thank you for sharing her story!❤️🌸

  1304. Tracy marino on

    There are many areas of this interview that I loved but I giggled when she spoke about being able to do anything a man can do, and if the muscles aren’t there you can figure out how to get past that! I am always dragging,,pulling and maneuvering my way through projects and that comment really spoke to me. She is so inspiring not only as a gardener but as a woman who overcomes, and that speaks to all of us ❤️

  1305. Delinda on

    When I turned 60 I thought that was old, but now 37 years later…it was less than 2/3’s
    (I paraphrased)
    I am so glad I read about Anne. My mother had two old rose bushes at my childhood home. I loved them even as a kid. My goal is to try and root. A cutting from the one that remains for my home.

  1306. Lorna Dotolo on

    I love everything about your interview with Anne. The poignancy of her interview for me at 64, inspires me to eagerly anticipate a full life into my 60’s and beyond. Her words,”I had learned I was capable of accomplishing very difficult goals. I was capable of facing incredible hardships and even considerable danger in order to achieve these goals.” Thank you for this lovely interview with such an amazing woman.

  1307. Amanda Robertson on

    ‘It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.’ I love her passion for life and her bravery to seek her goals and dreams. What an amazing lady.

  1308. Louise on

    “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength… I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that.” To hear this from a woman who pursued her dreams and did everything she wanted, is very inspiring. I think that this part is very inspiring for a lot of girls and women. As women, we can do anything we want and pursue every dream we have!

  1309. Kim Bowling on

    Anne: “ My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. “

  1310. Tawnya Northen on

    In your interview with Anne, the part that most resonated with me is her words of one to continue learning and develop skills.

  1311. Dora Varo-Hernandez on

    I am closing in on 60 so it’s inspiring to me that Anne started so much at that age! I find courage in her story to start learning about roses, one of my favorite flowers, and to go after my passions. I have so many ideas that include gardening, I have no excuses!

  1312. Carrie on

    I love that she discovered her passion at 60 and at 97, she’s still doing what she loves! I don’t feel like I’ve quite discovered my passion yet but at 44, I’ve got plenty of time. What an inspiration!

  1313. Kate Harrison on

    My heart clenched and my eyes teared up when Anne said the most import part is to share your garden with others and that the friendships you make there are more (just as) important than the roses. Such a beautiful soul.

  1314. Sam Brooks on

    What a woman! When she asked whether it would take big biceps and beard, I couldn’t help but laugh. Then she added that even the biceps issue could be overcome with mechanics. Such a great way to view your challenges!

  1315. Nora Chamberlain on

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story! I was SO inspired by Anne’s accomplishments later in life, especially her pursuit of and passion for roses! I’m 54, recently retired RN, and am now pursing a career in flowers. As Anne demonstrated in her life, the Best is yet to come!

  1316. Mindy Ganze on

    SO inspiring!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful interview. My favorite part, was her advice, keep moving, stay out of bed, visit your friends and family, don’t isolate yourself, read and stay up with current events. I’m just in awe of someone that has such a vibrancy for life, and shows others that it’s possible to achieve your dreams. It’s never to late to start!

  1317. Johanna on

    I love the idea of gardens being a way to connect with people. Time to share some yard work with some neighbors!

  1318. Lacey Tucker on

    Wow what an amazing women!! I’m so blessed and excited to have read this interview and to hear about Anne! I was instant sucked into the interview and her story. I will definitely be reading all of her books. My favorite part of the interview was when she said: My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go
    out to lunch and visit with friends and family
    (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date
    with current events, be open to new ideas, and
    commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

    I’m going to remember this always. I love that she started this at 60 it makes me feel at 40 it’s not too late to start a passion and grow it. Life can be a wonderful adventure if we let it. She has inspired me so much and lite a fire in me to get out there and learn and develop the skills I have and learn new ones.

    Thank you so much Erin for sharing this interview and letting us into her world!! This rose series has been fantastic! You are such an inspiration to me and so many people across the world.

  1319. Marysia on

    „A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career.” – This should be said to all when growing up. Repeated all the time. Now, in our weird times so many struggle silently. Most people chase something.. I’m sure that when asked, “What is is you want to achieve in life” most of us wouldn’t be able to say what precisely just “a carrier”, “money”, “happiness” etc. Yeah sure, but what is hidden underneath these words? We all struggle at some point in our life’s. I struggled, I didn’t know what I was chasing until 3 years ago when I came across a book “Cut flower garden”, that changed my life for ever. Every one has their own life path, some will find their passion which will lead to a rewarding career, some won’t. Im sure that being encouraged at the youngest years of life to find your passion (whatever it might be) surely would give us more dreamers, inspiring people than we have now. Believe in yourself and your dreams, life is too short and the best way to spend it is by doing something you are truly passionate about and love.
    Who would have thought that flower farming would be a thing!

  1320. Gina D'Apolito on

    “be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing….” words to live by ! Amazing that a nursery going out of business started a new passion and new knowledge. thanks so much!

  1321. ELLEN ATKINS on

    What an incredibly interesting and inspiring story. I think was impressed me the most was her strength, fortitude and belief in herself that she could accomplish anything she wanted to do. Many times we look at ourselves and what we think or believe are our own limitations. Ann showed the world what a force of nature she was and taught us that if she could accomplish her dreams, anyone could. Since my husband passed, I have felt like half of a person. We both loved gardening which has become my therapy and makes me feel closer to my hubby. I especially adore growing flowers. My Ed used to surprise me with all kinds and varieties because he knew how much I love them. I hope he is looking down on me and is proud of my efforts. I miss him so much.

  1322. Heather on

    I love in her late nineties she wanted to start a blog and have her own website! She is such a source of inspiration to not be afraid of trying something new!

  1323. Michelle on

    What strikes me most is that she was 60 when she started studying roses, less than 2/3rds of the way through her life! What a necessary, good reminder that it is never too late to learn something new or to become a master of that skill. I love learning and there are so many things I want to learn. It’s easy to feel like there is a time limit on learning but I want to be like Anne, learning until the very end!

  1324. McKennae on

    Wow, what a great read! I didn’t intend on reading the whole thing but got sucked into her beautiful story. I really enjoyed learning that she was in her 60s when she started to pursue her dreams. It really is inspiring to know you can still accomplish so much at an older age. I also loved her enthusiasm about being a woman and going for what you want without society telling you that you can’t. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story! I will now be heading over to her website to read her blogs. ❤️

  1325. Rhonda on

    Inspiring lady!💜

  1326. Charlotte Book on

    As a young person (I just turned 20 this month) I find her words on living a diverse life so beautiful. I am currently a college student at an Ivy League university and constantly feel this immense pressure to have a set path and to have everything figured out. Anne is an amazing role model because of her message that it was her diverse life endeavors that made life so rewarding. Her words really helped me change my mindset about life goals and success.

  1327. Brooke James on

    I love that she said she didn’t consider herself too old when she started growing roses at 60. Absolutely amazing and inspiring, especially for us older growers.

  1328. Darline Mitchell on

    Oh how I wish she had wrote a book about her life, I found this so full of adventure. The best part was her encouragement to do things, not just to dream about them but to actually do the things no matter the obstacles. I know it has lifted my expectations for myself. Thank you for sharing.

  1329. Samantha B on

    It’s always so heartening to hear it’s not too late to start something new. The fact that Anne started so many new things at 60 is so inspiring. It’s so easy to feel like you’ve missed the window or it’s too late to learn or achieve. To have someone provide such vigorous reassurance that you can accomplish just about anything you set your mind to whenever the passion takes you, it’s comforting to say the least.

  1330. Ana on

    I’m so glad I took the time to read the whole interview. My favorite take away was about how she credited her rich life of many different vocations to the tragedy of losing her first husband (and longevity). While in the thick of things we are told everything happens for a reason and it’s hard to believe. But seeing proof and someone who has truly overcome and lived vibrantly was amazing. Thank you.

  1331. Marsha Barr on

    I loved that she was older when she started her collection!! It gives me such hope!!

  1332. Patty Ovington on

    Hearing her talk about never being too old was so encouraging! I am 63 and just bought a beautiful 6 acre piece of land where I hope to plant my dream garden (which includes roses). Floret has been a constant source of encouragement for me in this endeavor! Thank you!

  1333. Stacy on

    I’m most inspired by the fact that’s her rose journey started when she was 60! It really puts into perspective the idea that you really have no idea how long you have, whether many more years or not, to pursue your dreams and goals. So while many people might have thought 60 was too old to take up a new hobby, Anne didn’t and she got almost 40 years of learning and loving roses.

  1334. Chelsea Willis on

    How to choose one thing that struck me most! Such a beautiful interview, at the moment what really stood out was her memory of having people over to admire her garden, and now to be experiencing that (safely) again. I think especially right now the idea of sharing space with people in a beautiful setting like a garden or flower farm is heart medicine. It’s what I love most about flower farming and appreciate her sentiments around it.

  1335. Brenda Harvey on

    “Fortunate Circumstances”

    From a truckload of “going out of business ramblers”
    to nearly 1,000 unique varieties, to the largest private collection in North America.

    As a child of the Depression Era, Anne knew a “really good” deal & opportunity when she saw it.

    What an incredible legacy Anne left. Never underestimate the power of perseverance.

  1336. Dorothy on

    I ‘ve always loved roses.she has a beautiful garden.her books are wonderful.Those Rose’s gave her lots of joy and beauty for many many to have those books.

  1337. Robin Fortenberry on

    What a wonderful life she built for herself. All of her experiences are inspirational. The part that resonated with me is the push to share the roses not be stingy. Inviting people to the garden and building friendships through sharing cuttings of the beauties to keep them growing into the future of many gardens.

  1338. Alicia Richards on

    ‘Don’t be Stingy.’ With roses. With company. With your knowledge. I absolutely love that.

  1339. Linda R on

    For me, being 49 and close to the milestone of 50 is scary. While I know if “never too late to be what you might have been,” hearing her example is inspirational. Also, the last few years, flowers have been calling me. Perhaps time to listen to that siren song.

  1340. Michelle on

    Wow makes me think a little in depth about myself. I’m 55 this March and just started the growing of my garden this past year. I’ve wanted to start a venture with flowers for awhile but wondered if it was a task to take on considering my age. She’s truely an inspiration to me. I cannot wait to read her books! I love how she says bring people into your garden and share beauty and your knowledge something this world needs more of. I’m super excited to start growing in all aspects.

  1341. Isabella on

    My favorite part was how she put the age question into perspective. I’ve had the blessing of knowing two of my great grandparents well, and they are (and were) two of the most lively people I’ve ever known! My mom always laughs when she talks about my great grandpa, who at ninety would drop his cane and strut around, saying “Look, I can walk like I’m seventy!” I’m only in college, and this kind of a thing reminds me that even though it feels like I’m locked into the life I’m planning forever, I have many years ahead of me to explore and learn.
    I’m a very random person, someone who would pick up a hobby at 60, 70, 80, just because it was there. Anne’s story in the interview encourages me to continue chasing all of my dreams, no matter what.

  1342. Lacey on

    Sending a cutting is an act of love..of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. ❤️

  1343. Grace on

    I love Anne’s reminder that it is never too late to chase a dream. This whole interview is beautiful… suddenly I want to plant a rose garden!

  1344. Jeanne McCabe on

    She did so much in her life! I live that at 97 she decided to blog, that is do fabulous. She inspires me to start those projects I dream of doing instead of just dreaming about them.

  1345. Robin Corwin on

    I enjoyed that she doesn’t have one favorite. I can relate! I have many favorites and I think my favorite changes daily! Wonderful article. She is such an inspirational woman!

  1346. Katie T on

    There are so many nuggets of wisdom here. Thank you for sharing the interview with us! My favorite thing she said was this: “ My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    I’m going to post it on my fridge.

  1347. Mary on

    I love how she bought a domain name at the age of 97, and on the first blog post she says, yes, I’m writing another book. The woman never stopped and must have been the ultimate optimist. Inspiring!

  1348. Jill Green@ Sweet Life Garden on

    Best quote, “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy”. This is so true! It is important to share the beauty that surrounds you in a rose garden. I have had many women ask if they could just come to visit my garden to sit and meditate and pray. It is such an honor to share the beauty of roses with others. Thank you for sharing this interview with all of us! What a legacy Anne has left for the world!

  1349. Diana Griffin on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else. “

    – become a life long learner!

  1350. davia mcnamara on

    i just love how inspiring she is and how she never let her age, gender or really anything in her way stop her. i will always keep her words about never giving up on your dream no matter your age in mind as i continue to grow my farm…what an amazing interview

  1351. KELLEY on

    A woman I can certainly resonate with! I’ve been struggling to find my “right” path (at 56) I feel as though I don’t fit in where I am. I remember how much I loved my grandmothers flowers and have been planning to replicate them from memory, and she had many roses, yo this day I can still remember the perfumed air of her gardens.

  1352. Laura Baughman on

    The whole interview is inspiring to me, however this part from the excerpt of A Voyage of Determination really struck me. “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”

    I practice ‘getting out of my own way’ daily if not hourly, and these words remind me that I’m not alone.

  1353. Deborah Cline on

    Such a beautiful story of a woman who could and did. I have similar things in common. Being a widow, being alone, and trying to find my sense of purpose at almost 60 years old. As I was reading this I was in bed, lol, I got up and started moving. My flowers and roses I truly love, I just moved to Florida and starting my rose garden all over is rewarding but as we know can be expensive. So planting one rose at a time but reading her story gives me hope. Hope for tomorrow, and a beautiful cottage garden…

  1354. Theresa Biggs on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    Inspiring others and sharing is a prefect act of love and friendship indeed.

  1355. Mary Dunn on

    It is inspiring to hear Anne’s views on not accepting limits when you wish to pursue big dreams. To prepare and educate yourself for each step, to learn from others to help you gain knowledge and the confidence to believe in your success. Such an amazing lady who is still sharing her dreams and encouraging others. It is an honor to be introduced to her through your interview

  1356. Theresa on

    “There was something wonderfully mysterious about roses growing up the trellises and into the trees to make the tree look as though it was blooming.”

    what a beautiful thought ❣️ thank you Floret for
    this story

  1357. Wendy on

    I love that Anne is a dog and rose lover. I too am a dog and rose lover. I volunteer with Pets With A Mission where Lucky or my late dog Jasmine (a rescue) and I would help students read. With our recent purchase of a ranch, my husband and I are creating a garden where I hope to add roses. Recently I gave “Crawfish Étouffée” rose plants to a close friend since she always gives me étouffée casseroles.

  1358. Sue C on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” What an amazing woman…..

  1359. Gwendolyn Valcourt on

    Her advice to keep moving and stay engaged with people and the world around you speaks to me. It’s been difficult to do these past 2 years but it’s been so helpful to learn new things and keep my brain and body active. She was a wise woman and seems very kind hearted, thank you for introducing us to her!

  1360. Chelsea on

    I love that she says you are never to old to follow your dreams! At the age of 60 and she started growing roses and lead a life she always dreamed about! She had such a wonderful accomplished life that is so inspiring and wonderful to read about!

  1361. Deborah S Nelson on

    I love that she was 60 when she started her love affair with roses. I’m 67 and keep remembering this when I think that I’m too old to accomplish anything new!

  1362. Karen on

    There’s an old saying that goes, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ Annes story is truly inspiring. I’m looking forward to adding roses in my garden this spring.

  1363. Ann on

    Pursue your passion, whatever that may be. You will have many throughout your life, but that enriches you.

  1364. Kathy Farr on

    Her words to not be stingy. Also her humility in that she gave part of credit for what she had accomplished to her long life . She wanted to share what she loved. Truly amazing woman.

  1365. Lori Dodson on

    You know sometimes you pray to God for visible confirmation, soon as I reading those words , “ it’s never to late to act on your goals and dreams” , was my confirmation . Starting new adventures at 60 is amazing and with me being 40 ,it set a flame 🔥 in me to continue to pursue my passion of flowers no matter my age. She is right keeping moving is key to longevity !

  1366. Shelly on

    I was inspired by her advice to not let one’s age or gender discourage them from pursuing a passion. I will be 60 soon, I don’t have abundant sunshine on the plot I live on and I’ve never grown a rambling rose. This will be the year I try.

  1367. Julie Woodhead on

    “Be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing.” Amen.

  1368. Jackie Wilkinson on

    This would make a wonderful birthday present for myself since tomorrow I turn 61. And of course I love roses.

  1369. Ainsley Owens on

    Anne’s story is such an inspirational one! I’m very inspired by this advice she shares, “You should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you’re capable of doing.”

  1370. Shannon on

    I love how she encourages everyone to not underestimate themselves! What an example.

  1371. Lisa King on

    I turn 60 tomorrow. Anne has inspired me to get doing the things I would love to do. A flower garden perhaps? I do have rose plants that came with my house. I wonder what kind they are. Also, stay out of bed. A nasty habit I have picked up.

    Growing Floret was also a inspiration to me. I remember some girlfriends of mine putting in beautiful gardens and I thought, I could never. You see, it was outdoors with bugs and bees (allergic). I have always loved other peoples gardens. After watching Growing Floret, I want to put in a flower garden (keeping the Benadryl and EpiPen handy). I have an area on the side of the house that would be perfect. Everything is mapped out on grid paper. Can’t wait to get started. It is an exciting time as I start this new chapter.

  1372. Jess Little on

    To succeed is to give freely, don’t be stingy… that will stick with me. Share the garden, it’s beauty, and to make friends through it. To follow her passion and begin at age 60 is so inspiring as well. What an amazing woman. May her legacy live on!

  1373. Mary Beth Hunt on

    “Stay out of Bed”
    I looooove getting back in bed….skipping lunch out…….and talking to friends.
    Maybe I need to change my ways……..

  1374. Liz on

    “Ask yourself if the task requires big biceps and beard” 😂 I adore how frank and to the point she was! Pursuing passion isn’t really something we are raught to carve into our lives to bring joy anymore, I appreciate her advice and perspective on how to realistically achieve that!
    She sounds like such an enlightening woman to have known, I would love the opportunity to read her books!

  1375. Susan McKenna on

    I just turned 60 this year and am feeling “old”. I love knowing that she started a whole career at 60. What a kind generous spirit! I wish I could have known her. Her giving attitude will spread joy and roses throughout the whole world!

  1376. Tracy Sellers on

    I just joined a seed swap al over the country and one of things I felt in sharing with so many people was the Legacy. Anne talks about how to keep hers going, by sharing , having other people grow what you grow. I love that. I shared seeds of a flower that I planted in memory of my Dad. Now those seeds are traveling to gardens across America and I feel like apart of him will always live on. I don’t have much in this life, but I have a garden to share, always. I would love to be a part of Anne’s Legacy.

  1377. Tina Gamache on

    I gave never tried to grow roses – reading this makes me want to run out and start right now! What a treat to get to hear from this amazing woman.

  1378. Barbara Ryan on

    Going on 67, I like hearing her talk about never giving up on your dreams, no matter your age. Like her, I’m hoping to accomplish a lot between 67 and 97:-)

  1379. Holly Laway on

    I love that she started later in life with roses. We all tend to believe we have to be on that journey by 30. It’s just not true and I feel inspired to start my she shed to photograph my cut flowers. A passion I realized I have just last year.

  1380. Kristin on

    The best part … for me … was her words on following your dreams no matter your age! Very inspiring and encouraging to find and follow your passion. Would love to read her books!

  1381. Ann Jackson on

    “Don’t be stingy.” As true for gardening as it is in other areas of life. What an amazing woman.

  1382. Dania on

    I love that she emphasizes that the only way to succeed in preservation is to give freely. To share cuttings, invite people to the garden, and let people experience the beauty. To share is to succeed. I’m so profoundly inspired by that message. ❤️

  1383. Cindy on

    I loved her talking about when she turned 60 and started something new, not knowing 30+ years later she would still be teaching about roses and still growing them! I turn 60 next month and she has inspired me tenfold!! Thank you for sharing her with the world, what a special person. ❤️

  1384. Sandra on

    Your gender should not stop you pursuing your dreams.

  1385. Kathleen Koehrsen on

    Anne’s legacy that you just keep living and doing – start the thing that interests you next and keep going. Roses always in all forms make my heart bigger but it’s that act of caring and growing and learning that’s the true reward. Sounds cheesy but it’s so true.

  1386. Amy Claborn on

    It’s never to late to act on your dreams and goals!

  1387. Erin on

    An awesome adventurer! Her earnest approach to life and looking back on all experiences as propelling her towards the next leaves me inspired. I live in a rental house and will plant a rambling rose on the property for the next family to enjoy.

  1388. Kate H on

    “It is never to late to act on your goals and dreams”-Anne Belovich

  1389. Lindsay wilkinson on

    The entire interview is wonderful. What a beautiful story. Anne was amazing and I love that she started so late in life. Can’t wait to order her books and learn more about roses. Thank you for this series!!

  1390. Annette on

    I am 58 years young and have just finished a year of quite brutal treatment for cancer. What an inspirational and wonderful lady Anne is. I have just began to remodel my garden with my first rose garden part of my plans. What inspires me most – you are never too old and you need to just get on with it. I will get out of bed each day, I will plan and grow my garden and be generous in sharing my experiences and joy of gardening. It is also good advice to be social and to keep learning. I will also continue to find novel ways to replace biceps and beards for the hard parts. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful lady. Whilst I cannot meet her personally, your interview has made me feel like I have met Anne. And I like and admire her.

  1391. Laurie on

    It’s inspiring how she was so intentional with her life. She didn’t sit back and casually live with what fell into her lap, rather, she pursued so many different things and reaped the benefits of that. It makes me think that I could do similar things. There is so much out there in life to experience and do; one just needs to be intentional about it and try!

  1392. Sheri Larkin on

    Inviting people into your garden and sharing. That’s really what gardening is about. This has made for such an uplifting part of my snowy Saturday

  1393. Catherine on

    I love how she was generous with her roses and enjoyment of them and encouraged others to send cuttings of roses into other home gardens as an act of love and friendship. I also am inspired by the life and adventures she lived through her roses. This was a beautiful interview!

  1394. Veronica D'Arcy on

    Thank you for sharing such a lovely interview. It warmed my heart to see Anne urging readers to be generous with flowers and plants, reminding us it’s an act of love to share flowers and their beauty along with our generosity can spread much that is good. I believe the giver receives as many of those blessings as the receiver.
    (It was also very encouraging to be urged to continue to be brave with our dreams beyond 60 … especially relevant for me as my 64th birthday is only weeks away.)

  1395. Jami J on

    I just turned 51 and love that she looked back on 60 as not being old and wasn’t daunted by anything in life. The fact that she sailed to New Zealand was particularly inspiring to me. I love that her favorite roses are ramblers, as they are mine too. I was heartbroken when my parents ‘updated’ our front porch when I was a child by cutting down our rose.

  1396. Kate Songhurst on

    I love her insight on life, work ethic and how to stay connected to your higher vision for your life. She’s so inspiring! I love that she shared, “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. “ I think it’s so important that a life well lived is developed over hardship and struggle and transformed into wisdom and something more…truly the lessons learned is the beauty.

  1397. Anna S on

    I love how she shared her roses with so many – her love of roses led to loving people well ❤️

  1398. Rebecca on

    What I found to be most inspiring was this paragraph “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”. It sounds like such little, simple things, but for me, with the hustle and bustle of life with 2 little kids and work, it’s hard to remember to take time for those things. Anne sounds like such an amazing lady, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog to read about her life. Thanks for sharing!

  1399. Gia on

    Anne’s courage and determination to tackle new adventures in life at any age is my favourite thing. The positive that shines through from her words. And a very generous admirable lady. I like that she is pleased/honoured to be recognised in an international garden and saying she is grateful to her friends and the people she has donated roses to and who have continued to plant and look after them, so sweet. I also love and find inspiring that she sailed and built a house on her own without needing big biceps.

  1400. Jill on

    I laughed out loud about the testosterone as I’ve been known to seek out some “testosterone ” to help me in my small garden. The entire interview was inspiring and it was so wonderful to hear her speak of sharing which you do, Erin, so magnificently:)Thank you.

  1401. Jen Koym on

    I was truly inspired by Anne’s view that age is nothing but a number. I had my first child late in life and feel like I found my purpose late in life. But Anne has a great outlook….that it might not be that late in life. Go for your dreams! Very inspiring.

  1402. Allyson Boop on

    I just love how she didn’t let age stop her from pursuing a dream. ❤️ Her advice about living a full life is just amazing. So glad you shared her story, thank you!

  1403. Kathy Astin on

    What an inspirational lady! I will be turning 55 this year and have recently found a love in gardening. Joy in all things nature really! And this past summer, I discovered Dahlia’s all because of Erin’s instagram posts and her inspirational story on the Discovery channel!
    I think since turning 50, I’ve been feeling a little down, thinking how all the exciting big moments of my life were behind me. I reflected back on the decade between 1990 -2000 and was shocked at how much I had lived in those 10 short years. Some of it was ugly & painful but most was beautiful! Just like flowers! I divorced my first husband, delivered a baby (while also raising twin toddlers) went back to school to get an advanced degree, married and divorced again, started what would now be a 20 year career in the prevention of child abuse & neglect and married the love of my life in 2000. Now married 22 years this summer, it’s just remarkable to think how much one can do in ten short years. Anne’s words & life bring a renewed energy for me and I’m going to remind myself often of her words to keep dreaming and pursue them with a passion and her advice ” to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development”. This is exactly what I needed to read today! A boost to recognize that I got a lot more to do in this next 50 years!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and the inspiration!

  1404. Kellsie H on

    It’s absolutely inspiring that this interview was with Anne in her late 90’s! What a sharp cookie. Reminds me of my grandma great. The biggest inspiration I got from the interview was Anne’s willingness and determination to try new things, age and gender limitations be damned, haha. This was an amazing read. Thank you!

  1405. Margaret Schelde on

    I’m almost 60 and new to growing roses. I’ve never heard of a Rambler. I’m getting one. Loved Anne’s story.

  1406. Michelle on

    I’m 52 years old and literally just bought my first roses in Dec of last year to start a cut flower garden for the first time. Never to old to start

  1407. Mel Himelright on

    I’m about to turn 50 and this article and in particular Anne inspired me to keep learning. I loved what her advice was. I now want to do a deep dive into climbers and ramblers, in addition to the Forest farming I’m in love with already. Beauty is all around and the sharing of it is SO key. I just love her ideas!

  1408. Kari Parks on

    This resonated with me.
    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    This clear & simple advice spoke volumes to me. It’s a reminder to keep investing in myself.
    Erin, what an incredible opportunity to interview Anne. Thank you for sharing her inspiring story.

  1409. Sarah Montgomery on

    As a soon to be 43 year old preparing to make a complete career shift from attorney to a farmer florist, Anne’s perspective on aging and following your passions at any age was just the message I needed at the moment I needed it. Thank you Floret and Anne’s family for sharing this interview, her inspiring story, and these beautiful roses.

  1410. Julie on

    What an inspiring story. I have loved gardening all my life but just started growing roses last year at the age of 60. I love a story that shows us we should never be limited by our age and that we can always learn and grow and to challenge ourselves. It gives me so much inspiration for the next 40 years!! I love to give people the flowers I grow – it’s a gift to be able to do something you love that you can share with others. Thank you for sharing this story and for your commitment to continual learning and teaching. We gardeners certainly love it!!

  1411. Tanya on

    Reading your interview with Anne was very inspiring to think that at 60 she took on such a challenge and excelled.

    If anyone has been a female in a work place and allowed their hair to grey they will know that you become invisible in the eyes of colleague’s particularly those with only a few years experience.
    To read Anne say”don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”
    This is empowering to remember that with adjustments I can do anything as a female… and that I need to quiet that voice in my head when it doubts me!
    Thank you for bringing us Annes story and sharing her legacy.

  1412. Ginger on

    When my mother died over thirty years ago and my daughter had just gotten married , I needed something totally different to lose myself in. So I found a book on old roses and read everything I could find on their history. This story reminded me so much of that time when immersing myself in roses got me through a difficult time in my life and added beauty when I needed it most.

  1413. Heidi Hower on

    What a wonderful trailblazer Anne Belovich was, and she left a legacy for us all to enjoy!
    This interview spoke to me on so many levels. One, because I too have a love for old roses, especially rambling roses. I Love when she said,” the beauty roses bring gives me great joy. ”
    I also love her wonderful advice that we could all use after the last two years.
    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” It’s just so important to take these words to heart and apply them in our lives. What a change the world would be!
    Lastly, her accomplishments after 60 are truly unimaginable. Most people don’t accomplish what she accomplished after 60, in a lifetime!! This struck a cord with me as I am approaching 60 and I’m feeling very old. There are things I haven’t done in my life that I wished I had. Anne has given me a new hope that it’s never too late to accomplish your dreams.
    I have to say, when I saw how long the interview was I thought there was no way I had the time to complete it. I sure am glad I did! What a wonderful woman. I wish I would have had the pleasure of meeting her.

  1414. Karen Bailey on

    As someone who turns 60 this year, this comment was important to me.
    ‘I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.’
    Karen Australia

  1415. Ashley on

    “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes. I bought three books when I decided to build the house on Camano Island; how to frame a house, how to wire it, and how to do the plumbing. You need to study and become an apprentice.”

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.”

    This rings so true for me. I took a huge leap of faith by choosing to pursue a career in medicine and worked my butt off. Now I’m in my second year of medical school despite the odds. Each step of the way so far has been filled with doubts about my ability to succeed. And each step has required me to think just like Anne. You have to have some fundamental belief that you CAN and if you have that and truly want it, there is nothing stopping you. Thank you for sharing Anne’s story. She is such an inspiration. I hope to be like her throughout my life and never shy away from a dream, no matter how intimidating it seems. (My non-career related dream is to have a beautiful, successful garden so I’m on a quest for knowledge and hopefully, when I’m finally in one spot for awhile, I’ll be ready to pour my heart and knowledge into it).

  1416. Meghan Hahn on

    Anne inspires me to keep learning. We started homeschooling our kids this year and flowers have been a way that we have connected with beauty. Anne mentioned that she is a visual person and that roses brought her joy. We planted milkweed to be able to watch a caterpillar turn in to a Monarch. It was so fascinating and the kids loved it and it brought us joy to see the kids get super excited every time we had a new caterpillar arrive and then turn in to a chrysalis. I would love to grow roses this year as a way to keep learning about the joy that they can bring to us and maybe our neighbors.

  1417. Julie Gosen on

    I just “retired” after 40 years as a nurse practitioner in Newborn Intensive Care. I have always been a gardener. I was really worried about retirement. It was not 100% my choice but more the choice of my back. I had 2 spinal fusions 12 months apart.
    I thought to myself, “you are NOT going to sit around and become morose and sedentary!” I gave myself your current Flower course for Christmas and I have been diving in and reading ever since.
    Anne’s story is ringing true for me. I do not in any way feel that I am “over” yet. I’m taking a landscape design course and am converting my back and side yard into a pollinator friendly flower growing haven. I have 1/4 acre to play with. I have helped friends with garden design already. This is only the beginning for me. I cannot wait to get going.
    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story. She and I would
    have gotten along famously❤️

  1418. Minerva Sanchez on

    I think the most inspiring part of the Anne’ life story is that is never too late to pursuit your dreams, and more than that, as a young woman I think is very inspiring to have such a role model to achieve things tipically carried by men. Rest in peace Anne!

  1419. Holly on

    “Inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    I’m so inspired to invite people to enjoy my garden and flowers. Also, the idea that it’s never too late in life to pursue a passion is very encouraging to me.

  1420. Kimberley Goodey on

    My favourite part of the interview.

    You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there and to acquire skills to do what you want to do. Read the books and attend the classes.

    A very inspiring lady and her words have really hit home and moved me. I’m going to read her blog now. Thank you for sharing this.

  1421. Kristina Anderson on

    I was most inspired by how she never stopped, buying a domain name in her 90s!

  1422. Coleen on

    I just turned 60! So much left to do! She’s the inspiration!

  1423. Danielle Doby on

    After navigating some serious health challenges, I made the decision this year to follow a childhood dream of mine and begin a flower farm. A tiny fear pops in every now and then that reminds me I’m 36 and completely starting over again — while there is so much possibility in this, the fear is still there and it feels real. Reading this interview reminded me that it’s a miracle in itself that we all have the opportunity to change and keep changing. To stop, start, or begin again, any time we want to.

  1424. Erin Persinger on

    The whole interview! I’m approaching 40, and totally shifting with “what I want to do”, and I panic sometimes because I feel like I missed out on so much time already. Fear is dumb like that LOL! Going to do it anyways!!

  1425. Marya Gjorgiev on

    I agree with Anne that sharing your garden and flowers with others is a wonderful part of gardening. I

  1426. Destiny Conner on

    What a treasure to read and learn so much from such a special woman! I love how she explained going through hardships can help give us the courage to lead us through our goals or dreams! Also how she talked about knowing yourself and believing in yourself. These are truly things we hear often from the older generations that I think we take for granted those special words of wisdom. I know I needed to read/hear that again and remind myself that it’s okay to dream big, to trust myself and go for the goals I hope to one day achieve!

  1427. Rachel on

    I was so inspired how after the age of 60 she continued to fulfill her dreams and goals! Love her perspective on keep moving and going forward! I love to garden and still have so much to learn, I’m not quite 50 so I have many years left to learn and grow

  1428. Nina Hawkins on

    Wow!!! How inspiring…. after reading her beautiful words over and over so they can stay with me forever I believe I can follow my dream of completing my grandmothers garden. I though I was getting too old and tired to accomplish this dream.she brought my faith back…. It will take me a while but I feel strong now to reach my goal…..thank you so much💕

  1429. Ara Holmes on

    It’s so inspiring how she wanted to share her roses and her knowledge with so many people!

  1430. Jennifer Johnson on

    I was inspired that she started at 50(I’m 51) .. the fact that she just educated herself and built houses, this is something I’ve always felt and currently working through this process. You really can do anything if you work for it! What a wonderful human she was.. Also I’m afraid of growing roses and I really don’t want to be😂

  1431. Brandi Besand on

    Wow!! I love her comment about age and gender not mattering. I’m 44 and I’m ready for a change in my career. It’s hard to think about change when you have worked in the same career field for 20 years. And age and gender definitely weighted down my thoughts. Her words inspire me to keep dreaming. Wow!!

  1432. Jessica on

    Not a specific quote, but the overall amazingness of her. No excuses, I can do anything I want attitude regardless of my gender or age. I have read and reread her interview and the voice in my head keeps enabling me to do all my gazillion projects I keep thinking of

  1433. Kerry on

    That you can meet your goals if you prepare over time. 💖

  1434. Tiffany Turner on

    I absolutely love when Anne said, “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.” As a new flower grower, I can become very overwhelmed with all I need to do, but I’m learning to focus on my goal by learning and reaching out to other growers. Taking time to learn is the best thing I can do for myself and my farm!

  1435. Sheila on

    It is never too late to act on your dreams…..and keep moving, stay out of bed….
    She is an inspiration. I have two neighbors in their 80s, just like this. They are wonderful examples of what can get done if you aren’t lazy and keep moving.

  1436. Ramona Cramer on

    I was delighted to learn that Anne’s garden is continuing with plans for the future. So many wonderful nurseries and gardens have been lost. Her advice on how to keep moving forward productively into the future is my take away as I plan to start something completely different for me at sixty one. Thank you for sharing such a delight.

  1437. Johnna on

    Thank you for sharing this interview with Anne. I realize that at age 53, I still have decades of productivity and time to reach so many people, in many different ways. Flowers will open those doors.

  1438. Denise Rice on

    How fortunate you are to be able to take snips from Anne’s garden. The joyous light in her eyes matches yours when you talk about flowers. It makes me smile every time. Thank you for sharing a great story/interview.

  1439. Nancy on

    I am retiring soon and love her inspiration. I always did what I could by myself because I knew I could do it. My husband also died and I turned my grief into my gardens. She has inspired me to build a rose garden of old species of roses!

  1440. Dian Deimler on

    I’m fast approaching 60 and an avid gardener/farmer who always wants to try growing something new. Reading your interview with Anne further inspired me to add more roses to my property and most importantly to continue my path of learning something new every day! Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

  1441. Eileen on

    Thank you Erin, thank you for this wonderful series on roses. I’ve always wanted a rose cutting garden. Somewhere to go on an early summer morning, and walk thru the rose bushes, admiring them, smelling them, deciding which flowers to clip and bring inside or share with friends.

    And then I look out onto my back yard in NY and see the deer; the deer that walk thru my yard everyday, the deer that sleep in my backwoods, the deer that eat my cosmos, and my phlox and my tulips and I think nope… not this year. I’ll wait until next year and figure out the best way to have a cutting garden that the deer can’t get into.

    But your series has inspired me. Inspired me to take the next few weeks/months are start figuring and planning out how I’m going to do this. Taking the time to figure how big of a garden do I want, will it be in-ground or raised beds, how much fencing am I going to need, how many plant do I want, which type of roses, colors, fragrances, etc.

    So, thank you again, I have my work cut out for me, but I’m looking forward to getting started.

  1442. Caroline Meza on

    My favorite part of the interview was when Anne was sharing her late start to her passion for roses. Her pursuing her passion at 60 years old shows that it’s never too late to do what you want. It showed me that when you really love something, it’s never too late to make it happen. Anne is truly an awe inspiring person 🤍.

  1443. Chelsie Solie on

    I loved hearing about everything she accomplished after 60. What an amazing woman! I definitely want to get going on my garden!!

  1444. Lise on

    I loved when Anne said “ Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. ”. That really resonated with me. I am in awe that she started this when she was 60. She showed me that at 63 life does not have to slow down, but become richer when we explore new passions! Thanks Erin for introducing us to Anne! ❤️

  1445. Patty Eisenhaur on

    Such a wonderful story, and Erin what better person to share it! Inspiring me as I approach 60 that I can follow my dreams!

  1446. Melissa McKay on

    I loved reading about all the dreams she pursued after she turned 60 and that she doesn’t consider 60 to be late in life. I’m trying to get my first book published at the age of 47. Most days I feel so late to the game. But Anne had her first website in the works at age 97! Reading this interview made me feel like a youngster. What an inspiration she is to “seasoned” women everywhere.

  1447. Sabrina on

    I’m turning 45 soon and I feel like I’ve yet to accomplish my dreams. But I was so inspired by Anne and her outlook on life. She thought she was old at 60, but then went on to have a beautiful life, accomplishing so many things.
    She really gave me a lot of hope! I’m now embracing middle age, knowing that I’m only getting started!

  1448. Jennifer Davis on

    What a delightful read! I loved her formula for getting difficult things done: Don’t let being a woman stop you, know yourself and your talents, be willing to spend time and energy preparing for what you want to do. What an inspiring lady! I’m off to order some rose bushes!

  1449. Debbie Guy on

    Thank you for sharing this inspiring story and interview with Anne. I am encouraged by her starting different ventures, roses and capentry at 60 since I just turned 60 this year. Also her talking about putting the work in… no matter, man or women things can be done but you have to put in the work and ingenuity. Fascinating woman on so many levels!

  1450. Lavdi on

    Such an amazing lady! Thank you, Erin, for interviewing her and sharing her wisdom. I loved all she said, but her desire to learn inspired me the most. At 97 years old, she thought of starting her website. It is something you don’t hear every day. Also, her advice to keep moving and stay out of bed made me laugh because I was in bed while I was reading her interview. The idea of reading and staying up with current events and her call to commit ourselves to life-long learning and skill development made me think one more time about what I want to accomplish in my life!
    It is never too late! You are never too old to start to learn and do new things!

  1451. Jenny Barnes on

    Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal.

    This is so relevant to my career as a gardener so far…I was turned down for a job in my favourite gardener because I wasn’t a man, they thought I wasn’t ‘physically able’, I went away and found another job. 3 months later, I received a phone call asking if I was still interested, it hasn’t worked out with the man they’d employed. I accepted the job and worked my derrière off to prove I could do it. 3 years later I’d progressed from under gardener to head gardener with a team under me!

  1452. Melissa Reed on

    I love the following quote from her interview:
    “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” I’m glad to hear that her son is continuing her legacy.

  1453. Mary Cait on

    This was a wonderful read and was full of some great advice. My favorite part was her advice to keep moving, to get out of bed, and keep learning. I think this is advice that can help anyone out through difficult times in life.

  1454. Anila Nair on

    What she said about how it’s never too late to pursue your dreams is something we all need to hear especially since it came from someone who practiced what she preached. The advice from Anne that resonated with me the most is…” My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development”.

  1455. Linda Baptista on

    Oh what an awesome interview. Mine was that at 60 she still had so much to accomplish with 37 years of learning , & and her love of knowledge. Also stay out of the bed 😊

  1456. Susan Smith on

    What an inspiring, uplifting woman. I liked the reminder about sharing; I love sharing my flowers and veg – it brings me as much pleasure as the growing part. I also liked her sense of adventure and inquisitiveness; as long as you cultivate that I think that is why you end up having a lovely long life.

  1457. Jill Kline on

    I can not tell you how happy this journey of yours makes me! Over 30 years ago I was a newlywed working in a Stanwood physical therapy clinic. One of our patients was Max Belovich. I remember the conversations of how he had built a house for his wife and was starting on her rose garden. He adored her! He also encouraged me to plant some roses of my own. I knew she had “quite a few” roses from his stories but so appreciate seeing your pictures. I never got to see it in person, only through the eyes of Max. Thank you to you and your team for all your hard work. We all appreciate you!

  1458. Kerin on

    Love this part Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.

  1459. Heather on

    I love that she took the tragedy of losing her husband at age 19 and built a path that she loved that took her to 97 years old.

  1460. Kimberly Zimmer on

    I am so inspired by so many parts of this interview and saving it to read every New Years. I was especially inspired how much she achieved after 60. Her suggestions to us all and continuing to learn.
    I really want to also read her more about her sailing journey. since those time of silence you do learn the greatest lessons are the most inspired have have also learned myself earlier this year. Either way, to be gifted this incredible library of hers or buying them. I want to learn more from her and share was she teaches to others. RIP Anne🌹The love of gardening will keep your works moving forward.

  1461. KimberlyRummelAshlock on

    I am inspired by how many adventures she has had over her life and how even tragedy was cited by her as a catalyst for her positive life experiences. I live the attitude that you’re never to old to grow flowers as well as yourself. Such an amazing lady, I am so glad her legacy of passion for life and flowers lives on.

  1462. Tawny Fazio on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” I love that Mrs. Anne legacy will live on through her roses! That’s inspiring to me, I hope one day my kids and grandkids can have a rose I started in my garden in theirs and can have many conversations about the passion I had for gardening and hopefully inspire with positive story or feeling with it.

  1463. Amie Mares on

    I love hearing about her life, her story, all of her achievements. What an inspiration and what a beautiful life to celebrate! Thank you for sharing her story!

  1464. Kate on

    I am so stunned by her ability to see herself without reference to age. Not, my life is defined by what happens in my twenties and thirties, but here I am at sixty and eager to start new things. I’m only 42. And after reading that bit of the interview, the word ‘only’ seems entirely appropriate. Here’s to a lifetime of beauty ahead!

  1465. Janet on

    I loved that she didn’t start her amazing rose collection until she was 60, and amazed at everything else she did after that too. Basically don’t let society decide you’re too old to pursue new interests and dreams. Her generosity is inspiring.

  1466. Sobihia on

    Anne’s story has really touched my heart. From reading this interview,I can see what a kind and generous lady she was. I think the main thing I have taken from her amazing story is to never be afraid of starting something new and never let age be a factor that hinders you. Anne’s interview was very reassuring, especially at this time in the world where COVID-19 has caused so much heart break and uncertainty. However, Anne’s words of wisdom are the perfect encouragement to follow your dreams and enjoy your creativity but to also share that beauty with others around you because “it’s an act of love… of friendship” to do so. I absolutely love gardening and will definitely take Anne’s advice on board and do my best to share that beauty with those around me. Thank you so much Erin for this beautiful interview. P.S the photo’s in this blog are so inspiring.

  1467. Rebecca on

    Bless her for saying “You can do anything a man can do …”
    You better believe it!!! ❤️

  1468. Mev Clark on

    I’m 25 and already find myself feeling “too old” for many things, like going back to college or changing careers or taking risks. Anne’s life and words soothe that worry, and she is both an encouragement and a challenge, to truly enjoy every moment of life, to also be aware that life is fluid, and change for the better is always possible.

  1469. Amy Christianson on

    This woman sounded like a real lifer superhero. What an amazing life! So much of this was inspirational to me – overcoming the loss of her first husband with a small child, building her own home, starting an animal rescue, the amount of love you can feel coming through this interview for those dear to her, and the fact that she openly shared her collection to everyone without wanting anything in return. But, I think the most inspirational thing to me was her belief that you are never to old to learn new things or start something new. It would be easy to say that they do not make women like her anymore, but instead I think I will just try to become a woman like Anne Belovich.

  1470. Philomena Menta on

    I am obsessed with the fact that she started later in life on roses. It’s such an inspiration when I realize I am NOT too old to start something or to create a new passion in life. Life isn’t over until it’s over.

  1471. Joanne on

    I continue to be thankful that gardens and garden relationships serve to secure historical paths of art and botanicals including roses. Erin and Anne thank you. I would be curious if you know any resources of the rose garden of Josephine wife of Napoleon. I have been doing some reading and wish to visit.

  1472. Millie on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” So much wisdom in these simple words. As a nurse and especially after working through these past two years, this is advice I plan to take to heart for my own life as I continue to care for others. Such inspiration!

  1473. Madeline Given on

    I was floored when I read that she became a general contractor at 60! And built a myriad of houses! It is truly inspiring and gives those of us who already feel too old SO much hope.

  1474. Brittney Rarig on

    “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that. For example, I bought and used a wall jack on a house I was building to lift the walls into place all by myself”

    This paragraph spoke to me! I have worked on a few different farms and was usually the only female. I knew I didn’t have the strength of my co workers, but hated asking for help. So I would find ways to get things done without using brute force.

  1475. Jenny on

    She was an inspiration! I really like how she viewed her work in the context of her whole life. It wasn’t about putting in the years until retirement, it was more about pursuing a passion and enjoying life and work.

  1476. Jenny on

    That was the perfect inspiration for a sloe Saturday morning.
    Out of all of that, the reminder to check if you ar holding yourself back was my favorite piece of advice.

  1477. Sarah Rose Harrison-McKiver on

    Roses have always held a special place in my heart, I have a small garden with just about 7. I am planning on adding more(just ordered The Pilgrim from Heirloom). My middle name is “Rose”. This was such and inspiring blog post and I would love reading her books! Thanks for introducing me to Anne!

  1478. Erin Bing on

    Wow! Anne’s story is so inspiring and something I really needed right now. It really opens your eyes to believe that it’s never to late at any age to create, learn and follow new dreams and passions. Her belief to never underestimate what is inside you and what you may be capable of if you put the effort and care into it. The scale, whatever the size, of what can be achieved with love, attention and care is nothing but spectacular. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to rereading and visiting this blog post over and over. How special it must be to have known and been friends with such an extraordinary women!

  1479. Penny Jameson on

    I am so inspired that this lovely woman started at age 60. I’m 58 right now but I have be been hesitant to start a flower garden. I love roses, I have loved them my whole life. With some guidance I think I can do it. I’m beyond excited!!

  1480. Jenn Hall on

    Amazing woman. Thank you for sharing her story. One of my dearest friends and plant lover lives in Cambria. I’ve been to Morro Bay. There aren’t many things that will get me out of the garden. That bay would. They have a mermaid parade there. I could not pick a favorite flower. I could not pick the sea over flowers or flowers over the sea. Luckily, we don’t have to. Such hope and gumption in widows who plant and refuse to give up. Need Ramblers now…..and more books.

  1481. Lauren on

    What a treasure! I absolutely loved her advice on how to meet your goals and follow your dreams!

  1482. Christine on

    What an inspiring life Anne led!!! My take away from Anne is to do all the things. Hard things, simple things, the things we are passionate about and to continue learning and finding our joy everyday!!! Thank you for sharing Anne with all of us Erin.

  1483. Galicia V on

    I’m inspired! Her advice is gold! Don’t stop moving, learning, and doing.

    I recently built our own home with my two hands. It was such a rewarding journey. I love how she talks about doing hard things in order to reach your goals. And sometimes you have no choice but to do the work to surpass what you though was your limit.

    What an amazing woman!

  1484. Charlie on

    I’ve done the same job for 15 years, I now feel ready to start another. If she can do that at 60 then we all need to take Anne’s philosophy. What wise words from an extraordinary woman! She speaks so much sense and I love reading about her approach to life. So inspiring – an amazing read!

  1485. Cassy on

    Wow, she is an incredible lady and very inspiring. I loved her advice about life long learning. Set a goal and then learn all about it and then take the steps necessary to accomplish it. Educating ourselves constantly sound like the key to success in our goals and making them more attainable. Very lovely read thanks so much for sharing that with us all.

  1486. Lori Birchfield on

    What an amazing story of an amazingly accomplished human being. Her passion in life and at the age of 60 is remarkable. She tried to make a difference no matter what she was doing. Her story gives me hope. I’m in my early 50’s and it reminds that I’m not too old to still dream and have big dreams and that I can accomplish those dreams no matter how big or small. Thank you for sharing her story with the rest of us.

  1487. Kathleen P on

    What an inspiring woman! As someone who is easily intimidated when i don’t know how to do something her words really resonated and felt like the pep talk i needed!!

  1488. angela on

    Sailing to New Zealand, lifting the walls on a house independently with a wall jack, buying three books to start a journey on building houses. These are things I didn’t know about her but I am truly inspired by. What an incredible interview.

  1489. Dianne on

    This is such a beautiful and inspiring piece, thank you! “Be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing” really resonates for me. We bought and are restoring a beautiful little piece of paradise, planting trees, wild flower fields, and lots of roses! It’s a challenging high mountain environment, so far a dozen roses are surviving! Yay!
    Thank you for bringing so much beauty to the world.

  1490. Katrina on

    Don’t wait to pursue a dream! Just learn what you need to, get your supplies, and go for it! You can start something new at any age!

  1491. Ashley on

    I love that she said it’s never too late to start!

  1492. Ashlee Schnell on

    I loved reading that it’s never to late to start and to stay out of bed. I’m a young 37 but struggle with a genetic collagen disorder that slows me down greatly and makes it a struggle to even get out of bed. Being in my garden among my plants and silly chickens has brought me great joy and the energy to move more.

  1493. Kate Hollander on

    This section really spoke to me
    “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. Becoming a rocket scientist will be a difficult goal if you struggle with math, but maybe some remedial instruction in math would help you overcome the problem. I learned to navigate the old-fashioned way with a sextant even though I didn’t learn my number combinations when I was a child because of constant moving and now I compute manually with difficulty.”
    At 64 I am now trying to recreate a Makers career and very much value her encouragement.

  1494. Kathaleen Moore on

    WOW! What an inspiring woman! I loved how she shared just because you’re a woman – don’t let that block your dreams – figure out a way. She also shared to educate yourself before you pursue- read etc know what you’re getting into. And i love how her age didn’t hinder her! I look forward to reading her books!

  1495. Claire on

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.” I connect so deeply with this entire interview, but this quote really struck me. And I am in awe at all of the things Anne learned and accomplished throughout the many stages of her life. Building houses? I left my career recently and am exploring life and new interests and am truly inspired after reading this. Thank you for sharing, Erin.

  1496. Tabitha Hathcock on

    I loved the part when she was a little girl running to the ocean and how she didn’t appreciate the garden at the time and how eventually she did develop an appreciation of flowers. Sometimes I feel like we don’t realize how something does impact us and how we don’t always have a passion for something from day one. But eventually it can develop and how we shouldn’t feel guilty for not having felt that was all along.

  1497. Shauna on

    Such a wonderful woman! Her determination resonates with me. You can do anything once you acquire the tools!!

  1498. dee on

    “I pursued many dreams after turning 60” – What an inspirational woman with thoughts and ideas well beyond her time!

  1499. Ellen on

    My favorite quote is: commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. Yesss!
    I love easy care roses, especially for the environment.

  1500. Clare Greener on

    Such an awesome interview, thank you for sharing. As I start my own life again, I will reread and keep her three messages on how to succeed despite the storm, close to heart.

  1501. Rosa Veldkamp on

    This is what spoke to me most :

    “When I was alone I spent much of my time thinking about the fantastic trip I had been privileged to experience. It was of great value to me in a way that was quite separate from getting the boat back. I had learned that I was capable of accomplishing very difficult goals. I was able to face considerable hardships and even extreme danger when it was necessary to achieve those goals.

    I’ve found that so true for me during hard times.

  1502. Elizabeth McKenzie on

    I was very inspired by her point about starting when she was 60. I just turned 60 and have always wanted to grow roses. Also I share in her love for ramblers and love the roses driving into the trees and come out into the sun in celebration of bloom.

  1503. Nicole on

    This interview is so incredibly special. It inspired me and ignited a light in me that I hope never goes out. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Her positivity and determination really spoke to me. I love her outlook on education and how you can truly achieve what you want if you just reach out and really try.

  1504. Stephanie P. on

    Approaching 60 myself and developing a new passion for florals and painting, Anne’s sharing of all of the NEW passions that she pursued after 60 was most inspiring!! I’ve been feeling pretty worn down lately and her comments have fueled the fire for me!! There is still PLENTY of time to start new things! Thanks for sharing this!!!

  1505. Laura G on

    “I thought 60 was so old.” ~ I turn 56 on January 17th and have been stewing about this number. Anne started her rose passion at 60; a passion that continued until 97! Get up and get moving, the pandemic will end at some point! Her energy, passion and curiosity are a source of tremendous inspiration. Thank you for sharing her story and for shattering the societal myths of ageism.

  1506. Rachel on

    I love how she shared how ‘late’ she started in life and yet it didn’t feel as if she missed out. It’s never too late to pursue your passion and never too late to enjoy it!

  1507. Maryjo on

    Her trip from New Zealand to California!

  1508. Carlie Brooks on

    I really loved the advice to evaluate what your own prejudices are. I don’t think I ever would’ve thought to evaluate that internally, and see how my personal prejudices might be preventing me from doing more of what I want and can accomplish. I think sometimes I’m afraid of how wonderful life could be because it could be something grand and that is sometimes intimidating. But it’s also beautiful advice and has an element of grace when pursuing your dreams.

  1509. Kelly on

    I love her life outlook and determination. I read this article to my 10 year old son who has ADHD and dyslexia and my 6 year old daughter who has dyslexia to inspire them. It’s great to read an article that supports what’s important when life gets tough.

  1510. Chelsea on

    My favorite part of this interview is her sweet quote below:

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

    How beautiful and lovely that her late interest in roses didn’t deter her and continue to have 30 years in cultivating and searching for what she loved most. Anyone can take that advice nowadays and it’s some thing I really took away from reading this!

  1511. Jeni on

    Love her message that it’s never too late to start!

  1512. Amanda on

    I am so inspired by the different paths she explored in life. As someone who is intrigued by so many possible paths in life, this is giving me hope that I can explore and be so many things throughout my life. What an absolute gem you have shared here. Thank you for taking the time to share her story and her beautiful flowers. I think I need to add some ramblers to my garden now. ❤

  1513. Jennifer Porter on

    The entire interview was very inspirational. I especially liked her statement that you can do anything that a man can do, except for things that require a lot of strength.

  1514. Michelle on

    “Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job.” This is gold. What an inspirational interview. It’s never to late to start. I also love how she mentioned accommodations. If you aren’t strong enough maybe a machine can help. So many give up because of a small challenge.

  1515. Robyn Garner on

    Anne’s story gave me hope and inspiration! The best part was Anne saying she shared it! I wanted to study horticulture since high school but pursued another path because counselors said I would have a hard time finding a job. Now in my mid 40’s I’m hopeful that life can evolve and I can take a 360 in anyway to pursue interest and new goals And not to let FEAR hold me back. She left a lifelong message in her legacy!

  1516. AmyM on

    I love that her long life is such an inspiring example of how natural it can be to evolve from one area of focus to another. We can spend years working, learning on a subject, and that can lead to another that we devote lengths of time to. That can lead to such a rich life~one that inspires others to explore life in their own way. Thanks for sharing her story!

  1517. Beth Schultz on

    Reading your latest blog and interview with Anne is a wonderful source for great encouragement and inspiration. I ‘m in my fifties and have blindly jumped into the business of growing and selling flowers because I want to do something that feeds my soul. The fact that Anne didn’t start her rose garden till she was sixty gives me great hope. Anne followed her passions, worked hard, but did what was fulfilling for her mind, body, and soul. So thankful that you had the opportunity to know her and pass her inspiration on to the rest of us.

  1518. Wendi O on

    I was inspired with how open she was with her garden. Don’t be stingy, invite people over to enjoy the old fashioned roses. I’m jealous of her garden but I hope I can create something as beautiful one day.

  1519. Nicholas Hodgins on

    What a great interview, and such a triumph of a human being. I think what touched me the most is that it’s never too late to try something new, to start a new path in life, to fins happiness. I’m often overwhelmed by the fear of “running out of time”, this story comforts and inspires me more than I can put to words. It’s never too late! I love that so much. Thank you for sharing.

  1520. Wendy Knudson on

    I was amazed at how much she accomplished later in life. Kind of a wake up call for me. Retirement is nice but there’s no reason not to find something exciting to do now that I finally have the time!

  1521. Lori Jordan on

    I like how she stated, a woman can do anything a man can do, just may need to improvise. My husband builds our homes and I have helped lift walls and they are HEAVY. It is amazing she did that many times on her own. Thank you for sharing her life story.

  1522. Rachel Hardy on

    Wow. I think what has inspired me most about this interview is her sheer determination, drive and energy to accomplish the goals she set out to do! What an amazing lady!

  1523. Maria P. on

    My takes aways are, “keep moving, stay out of bed, go out for lunch”, also that she worked for what she wanted. Read, learn and try! There is no reason for us not to try at something we love.

  1524. Nicole Krygsheld on

    I was inspired by her many career paths and that she bought a domain for a website at almost 97 years old. What an amazing lady!

  1525. Ashley Turnage on

    That it is never too late to start a rose garden! Age should not deter you from following a dream.

  1526. Tricia Boutelle on

    Honestly, I think the most touching and inspiring part of this story has been Anne’s desire to share. To share cuttings, to share knowledge, to share passion and encouragement. Thank you so much for sharing Anne and her life’s work with us. What a gift!

  1527. Sara on

    There are so many parts of this interview to love. Her spirit, tenacity, love of life, determination, and how genuine she feels. I particularly enjoyed her discussion of overcoming gender bias and how important it is to make sure you don’t harbor any of those biases within yourself. As someone with disabilities, this is such an important lesson that needs to be learned and relearned all the time. Thank you for sharing her incredible story with us.

  1528. Janelle W. on

    Thank you for this series & especially the interview with Anne. Her relentless learning and exploring new experiences in life casts her as a role model alone. Yet, her 3 main rules for achieving your goals was very inspiring. Her wit and honesty are timeless.
    It’s wonderful knowing that her efforts & legacy will continue for decades to come!

  1529. Rebecca on

    The importance of doing what you love brings beauty and joy to the world, but so important is being generous, sharing it all and give what you can away :) Creating from your heart and sharing it is the greatest gift!

  1530. Lisa Kelly on

    There is so much in this interview to be impressed with and inspired by. I am 62 and I too took up creating a rose garden at 60. I have always always loved roses and am so thrilled to discover Anne Belovich. I had the most beautiful large print rose wall paper with pink roses in my bedroom growing up. My late mother and I picked it out and we put it up. Well, mostly she did. But she taught me how. A great memory. I am most impressed with Anne’s ability to continue to go after her dreams, no mater her age or gender. I cannot believe she sailed from New Zealand to California. Pure bravery, in my opinion. I know I could not do that. Can’t wait to read her books.

  1531. Sonyia on

    Her age when she started is SO INSPIRING!!

  1532. Gina Flint on

    I love her message of hard work and study to achieve your goals. As a teacher, that is a message I share with my students. What an inspiring woman and story! Thank you for sharing!

  1533. Kristin Greener on

    Beautifully inspiring ! Reminding us not to complicate our future goals with feelings of doubt. See it, believe it, work for it!

  1534. Winnie on

    She is inspiring, on many levels. Her desire to continue to be a lifelong learner stirs me to pursue more of my passions. What a great interview!

  1535. Megan Hover on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    I love this. It is truly inspirational that she accomplished so much after the age of 60. This past year I’ve been feeling like I am getting old! Some of that came with fighting breast cancer and not feeling well and body, but this encouraged me that there’s a lot of life left to be lived. In the past year + A little I have started growing flowers, and can’t wait to enjoy the fruits of the labor this summer. Also, I love that you are digging deeply into roses right now. I know your great grandma and her sweet peas Influenced you… My grandfather was a prize winning rose grower in his suburban home in Wisconsin. He doesn’t grow as many varieties anymore because he’s in his 90s but I would love to gift some of these books to him.

  1536. Kim Johnson on

    Such an inspiring woman! I loved that she said that it was never too late to follow your dreams ♥️

  1537. Elma on

    Wow what a blessing for you to be able to meet her and learn so much. Oh the words your never to old to start really makes me excited to learn more about roses and to grow them myself. I only have about 20 and I am excited to find more. Thanks for sharing her with us..🌹🌹

  1538. Denise Fairbank on

    Beautiful interview 💗 and inspiring. To think of her rose beginnings at 60! Her advice here resonated with me and serves as a reminder to keep learning…..

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  1539. Tammy Ringeisen on

    What a wonderful women! I loved when she talked about being able to do anything, fulfilling a dream with determination, knowing your talents, learning all you can, and not get discouraged with limitations. I also love her zest for life regardless of age. Wonderful interview with so much to take away from it. Thank you for sharing and how fortunate we are to read her words.

  1540. Denise Williams on

    Anne embodies the spirit of adventure, from the age of four she had such an adventurous rambling tug within her, that she never stopped chasing her entire life. She is a true, beautiful, original, Rambling Rose and her strength and beauty, just like the Rambling Rose, are such an inspiration.

  1541. Peggy on

    It is eye-opening to think of pursuing a new passion at 60 (I am 56.) It is tempting to think I am running out of time, but Anne’s words make me question that. The possibility of 30+ years ahead makes me wonder what I should fill that time with. Certainly flowers are high on my list. Thank you for sharing the beautiful fruit of Anne’s life.

  1542. Shauna C on

    Wow, what an amazing story! Such an inspiring life! I have no roses currently, but I’m adding new things every year, I’ve been looking into roses for a few years and I think I’ll take the plunge this year!

  1543. Hannah on

    Like choosing a favorite flower I just don’t know that I can pick one favorite part of her interview! What a remarkable person. I would say I especially loved her advice for growing up and aging- what a treasure.

  1544. Leah on

    What an inspiration. I too am in my 60’s and beginning to learn more about flowers in my yard. I love that Anne said that all women can do anything they desire and at any age if they work, are creative and resourceful.

  1545. Beth snively on

    Wow! What an inspiration to start doing what youngish no matter what the age!

  1546. Jerri W on

    Starting something in one’s 60’s and accomplished such achievement is truly amazing – her life story is assuring us nothing starts too late. ‘Lifelong learning and growing keeps me engaged’ – I think she probably gave away the secret of lifelong happiness as well.

  1547. Kyle J on

    At 22 I began breeding my own roses and at 24 (now) have been worrying that I won’t have enough time to create the series of roses I envision. However learning that Anne only started at 60 and has been able to contribute so much to the world of roses (and by the sounds of it the world in general) has given me renewed hope and vigour to achieve my goal. Also her thoughts on sharing, learning and experiencing life with friends, neighbours and strangers is exactly how we create and maintain healthy and vibrant communities. Roses can play a major part in that.

  1548. Glenys Gallagher on

    The whole interview inspired me, what an amazing woman and what a privilege to have known her.

  1549. Amalia Groh on

    I loved the comment that unless the job needs “big biceps and a beard” that women can do it. Love this, what an inspiring woman.

  1550. Julia on

    How inspiring! As I push towards 60 her comments have made me feel as though I’m just getting started! Loved the interview.

  1551. Janet Hedrick on

    The sentence “ It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ” really resonated with me. I will be 63 the day of the giveaway and in the last three years I have worked harder to achieve my goals than all the years before. The silver lining of Covid is that I’ve had many online opportunities to learn about gardening and have found so much inspiration, Floret Flowers included, of course! Learning never ends and keeps one young!

  1552. Tiffany on

    Her life is so inspiring. Just keep going, get out of bed, try something new, and continue to learn. It’s never too late.

  1553. Kimberly Zoller on

    Roses and a contracting business! Really teaching us that women can do it all EVEN “later” in life. What a role model.

  1554. Lucy Martin on

    What an interesting, and inspiring story! I was particularly moved by her saying we are never too old to begin a new dream. I love how she said how she first thought 60 was old, but at 97 it didn’t seem like it. Also to get out of bed, to keep learning.
    Thank-you for sharing such an incredible legacy and giving us an opportunity to win her books.

  1555. Hannah on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important”
    Growing up my father always had a large rose garden, and he learned his love for roses from my great grandmother. She would always have a large garden with lots of bird feeders and her gardens were an oasis. Reading her interview reminded me of my Grandmother, and I am now inspired to start growing roses of my own.

  1556. Michelle on

    What an amazing life lived. I’m 38 and lived hearing she found her love of roses when I was only a year old. Life is such a weird blessing. Who knows what will happen next!

  1557. Mary Dondlinger on

    I am very inspired by Anne who really gives the message that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams in life. What an amazing story!!

  1558. Whitney on

    “ It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. “

  1559. Julie Lopez on

    That part that hit home with me was that she didn’t start her rose garden till she turned 60.
    I just turned 60 last August and made me realize what amazing things I could do in my garden still and with my life!
    She was truly an AMAZING woman! Thanks for sharing her story!

  1560. Dawn Krusi on

    I love this interview with Anne. I have been growing roses for thirty years and I too love growing the ramblers into trees. I most love how Anne talks about being able to do anything we want with a little determination. I raised my children off grid as a single mom in Northern California, growing more than a hundred roses with a one gallon a minute well, in the middle of the forest, with lots of deer. And I love the pictures of Anne’s garden. So lovely!

  1561. Diana on

    I believe the part that hit home to me the most was the advice to keep moving, stay out of bed, don’t isolate yourself, read and stay up to date on current events , be open to new ideals , and commit yourself to life long learning and skill development.
    This will serve you though out your life no matter what you choose to do.

  1562. Kim Parker on

    …”you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.”

  1563. Kathleen Magin on

    This blog series is just wonderful. Truly captivating. You would think that what struck me most about the interview was something specific to roses. Oddly it isnt. It is the following:

    “don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”

    This is a message that so much needs to be shared to females of all ages. Anne is a wonderful example of living by this mindset.

    What a treasure this world has lost.

  1564. Danielle McKinnon on

    The whole interview inspired me. I really appreciate Anne’s encouragement about you are never to old to start something you’re passionate about. She brought tears to my eyes because age as of lately has been a hard subject to swallow and I am grateful for honesty and inspiration!

    Thank you for sharing this post! It’s a true treasure!

  1565. Kari on

    You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself overtime.

    These words resonated with me. She has such wisdom and is very eloquent when speaking. I’m looking forward to reading her books and having them for my library would be a gift. Thank you for sharing her story!

  1566. Suzanne Anderson on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.“ loved this quote, especially the end because it reminds me that I’m no different than anyone else who wants to pursue their dreams or just push themselves to try new things.

  1567. Julie C on

    I loved that she wasn’t afraid to take on new things at an age where most people are thinking about settling down.

  1568. Sherry Hebert on

    What a beautiful story of a life well lived! It’s exciting to know that work to preserve Anne’s passion, and achievements is in place. I am left; inspired, filled with hope. This story has delivered on the strong message; never stop dreaming and achieving. When Anne speaks of the greatest legacy “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship.” I feel this exudes what most of “us” passionate growers/gardeners can relate too; sharing the beauty and joy that flowers and our gardens bring. Something worth sharing, something alive worth connecting about…
    Thank you and you team for sharing!

  1569. Alyson D Gray on

    I am inspired by Anne’s goals in her life! As I am in my 60’s, I have often wondered what I have to continue to give. Anne never stopped and I don’t want to either! Thanks for sharing her story. I want to set some goals in my garden and my life and this 4 part series has given me some incentive :o) Thanks for sharing all of it! I’m going to make my way up to Christianson’s Nursery & Greenhouse in Mount Vernon, Washington soon and find myself some roses!

  1570. Toni Mason on

    I love the idea of a Pruning Party. Collaborating with other passionate gardeners to help maintain rose ( and other) gardens where a little extra assistance is required.
    The idea of pitching in and helping an older gardener to keep their own garden alive and thriving is also a concept that resonates very strongly with me. I plan to take that thought and find a way to make it happen . It must only be a win win situation for us both.
    I am in the South of New Zealand and having been a sailor myself, was intrigued to read of Anne’s adventure and will be keen to read more of her Voyage of determination. I turn 60 in a few weeks and reading her interview has confirmed how much more I need to do! Thank you.

  1571. Pam B on

    Wow, Anne was absolutely amazing! I screenshotted her entire answer about it never being too late in life to pursue your dream. I am in my 30s and I constantly feel like I’m stuck in the path I chose and I’m running out of time to make a career change into horticulture. The fact that she started her own company and co-created a nonprofit after 60 years old is truly inspiring and shows that it’s never too late to try something new!

  1572. Linda on

    Having just turned 60 a few weeks ago, I loved her comments about all she did in the last 1/3 of her life. So many things yet to learn!

  1573. Darla Newcomer on

    I love what she said about her favorite rose being the one she could see out of her dressing room window. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Something to enjoy from the fruits of your labor in the comfort of your home. My grandmother had roses under her living room and bedroom windows, I can still smell them when I think of her. I remember the rose perfume lingering in through the window after a summer rain. She had the old fashioned roses, not sure what variety but at the age of soon to be 60, I am encouraged by Mrs Belovich to study about roses and find out!
    Thank you for introducing her to us. I am so glad she wasn’t stingy with her roses and shared them with you. Many blessings for a successful rose garden!

  1574. Pat on

    I will be 68 this year and hope I can get my garden in good shape after I leave my job in March. I care for my husband and mother who are both disabled but look forward to spending time on my flowers. Anne has helped me see it is possible to still reach for our dreams in later years.

  1575. Elizabeth Cauthorn on

    This whole interview was inspiring but I liked her advice. To keep moving,get out of bed,go out to lunch,visit friends and family,read,stay up to date on current events,being open to new ideas,life long learning,and skill development.

  1576. Rachel E on

    Oh my gosh, what a QUEEN! I’m currently in the thick of the toddler years, with capacity for little else beyond surviving the day to day, so it’s so inspiring to hear of how she was still following new dreams in her 60s!

  1577. Barbra Yuhas on

    She is very inspiring to me. With all that is going on with covid I seem to find more and more time with my roses. I love reading about Anne and it gives me more inspiration to expand my flower garden. Thank you for sharing.

  1578. Karen Combs on

    I was most inspired by what Anne accomplished after age 60, I’m in the same age group and still dream big dreams and hope to accomplish so much more. One is never too old to keep learning.

  1579. Ann Reimer on

    I love her example of overcoming hardship, continually learning and growing and never thinking that you are too old to start something new; that as long as we have life we can work to accomplish our dreams. I especially love her idea of how gardens are meant for sharing with your friends!

  1580. Kimberly Manning on

    I find Anne’s perseverance most inspiring. It’s very easy to stay stuck in a mental construct that defines what one can and can’t do. I love being inspired by, especially women, who have defied those constructs and pursued what they wanted. She’s wonderful!

  1581. Annetta Gower on

    I love how she says to not be stingy and share! So simple, yet so powerful.

  1582. Roseman Creek Ranch on

    Having done a lot in my life too, but now in my early sixties, it’s amazing to hear about how much she continued to do in that last third of her long life.
    I also love the group pruning idea. I have numerous roses I’ve collected since the eighties here. Approx 250 roses, adding more every year . I’ll be Sharing some this year on my Instagram site Roseman Creek Ranch .

  1583. Shasta Alexander on

    “look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself” Oh that’s a good one. So inspiring. As a 43-year-old woman just starting to think about establishing a beautiful flower garden it’s so inspiring to know that she started her rose journey at 60. I am also currently renovating an old victorian home and doing much of the work by myself. Her words about not needing a beard and big biceps will ring in my ears while I work :)

  1584. Sharon Haster on

    I so enjoyed your articles about roses. I was not familiar with Anne Belovich, but found your interview very enlightening. She must have been a wonderful person to know. I especially found it interesting that she didn’t enter her rose gardening until her 60’s. I have always felt it important to continue learning as we age and was delighted to read Anne’s feelings were the same. I hope her family will be able to continue caring for her roses as much as she did.

  1585. Peggy Dlugos on

    “Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine.”—Anne’s words about caring for her roses. But isn’t this what we all need. And isn’t that what our gardens do for us. As much as we care for our gardens, our gardens are nurturing us. Let’s all stay in the sunshine.

  1586. Gay Dallek on

    I so enjoyed reading your interview with Anne Belovich. What most stood out to me was how many times she came back to reminding us not to let anything get in the way of your dreams and goals regardless of being a woman. Do what you desire. Find the answers and pursue your goals. Don’t let anything get in your way. Find your passion and pursue it. All of blogs in this series were wonderdul but this one with Anne struck a cord.

  1587. Juliet Turner on

    Thank you for sharing Anne Belovich’s story. It is inspiring to see how much she achieved after turning 60, especially as I am in my early 50’s and hesitant about starting up a new career. I will be putting up quotes from her on my walls “Be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing”, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”, “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. “

  1588. Deborah on

    Three things I found particularly inspirational: 1) inviting people to share the roses — both in your garden and by sharing cuttings with them; 2) it’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams; and 3) don’t let your gender keep you from pursuing your goals and dreams — and perhaps the key insight there: “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you…” Thank you so much for this series of blogs, for sharing your interview, and for the work to preserve Anne’s collection.

  1589. Nadine Parker on

    Thank you, Erin and Floret, for sharing Anne with us all. What a treasure! Picturing her running away down the path to the sea as a wee lass just makes me smile. Her stunning rambling roses are really a metaphor for her life, wild at heart, resilient and generous, and always seeking opportunities to beautifully forge her own path amidst love and loss. Her life and legacy are an inspiration and a gift.

  1590. Mallorie Havener on

    Erin, thank you for your passion and dedication to your trade and not shying back from inviting others in to share in those same passions. This series of postings have been monumental for me. Anne’s life is one of determination, perseverance and the humble approach to learning and acquiring knowledge at all ages of life. I have purchased your online workshop and it is pushing me personally in ways that I did not know that I needed pushed. Already the first module has been difficult as I project defeat before the task and journey has even begun. So I needed Anne’s inspirational outlook on life and time. I am encouraged and honored to follow behind women like Anne Belovich and Erin Benzakein.

  1591. Julie Miedtke on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. ”

    THANK YOU ERIN, and I will be purchasing and reading ‘Ramblers’

    ramble on rose

  1592. Panat Cherdchu on

    I am inspired by her passion and that she wants to pass it along to others. It is amazing how she and her husband created a wonderful garden that fills with unique rose varieties. I am glad that her rose collection is being preserved and everybody can be there to appreciate them.

  1593. Sandy McTavish on

    YOU , Erin of @floretflower are the INSPIRATION to us ALL!
    Showcasing beauty and beautiful women , inspiring US around the world to be BETTER!

  1594. Kathryn Casey on

    I’m inspired by what she said about being generous about sharing your garden and roses with others. Especially when everything is marketed these days, it’s a good think to remember.

  1595. Yulia Z on

    Very interesting and inspirational interview! Amazing woman! Thanks for introducing her to the readers like me who never heard of her.

  1596. Dawn Sparkman on

    I think it would be the thought of not being stingy. Giving others the beauty of roses by sending cuttings home with them is an act of love…of friendship. There is truly more happiness in giving than receiving. ❤️

  1597. Audrey Brown on

    What an inspiring story! I’m forwarding this link to my friends. Thank you so much!

  1598. Judy Ables on

    How can I pick a favorite part of this rose series?! All were invaluable.? But I guess in my heart was your interview with Anne and her words of advise. Especially about how foolish she was to think 60 was old and what she was able to accomplish beyond 60.

  1599. Carol cole on

    What a blessing to come across this story. I absolutely Love roses despite a bit of an allergy to very fragrant long stemmed varieties. My Grandpa used to grow roses along his fence line and over a large arch by the garage. Such a wonderful memory of running into their yard to visit the roses! My own experience has been hit and miss. I’ve had some fairy carpet roses that lasted 25 years and a Blaze rose I’ve been trying to eliminate for years from the trellis in front. (It only blooms every other year and red no longer works in front.). I had a beautiful New Dawn climber that sadly disappeared. I’m still trying with a beautiful yellow variety. We’ll see. Your story Erin and that of Anne Belovich is inspiring me to keep at it as long as I’m given to enjoy my gardens!!! Thank you!

  1600. Candace Minster on

    I am blown away by this woman! Her work with roses is extraordinary, but reading this makes me want to know so much more about her. She had me hooked with her tales of running down to the water as a child. Her determination and will is so inspiring. I hope I can have a fraction of her energy when I turn 60, let alone 97!

  1601. Carolyn Shields on

    So inspired that she didn’t even start on her roses until she was 60. That’s amazing because what she did in those years most people couldn’t do in a lifetime. She truly was a special person.

  1602. Whitney on

    I love how Anne started this massive garden at 60. I just got married and inherited a very blank slate of meadows, lawn,and forest paths in my husband’s 7 arces. The land is part of a larger farm that has been passed down for generations in his family. I get so nervous about making garden plans for it. Will the maintenance be too much for us, how will I be able to maintain it when we get old, and will the design be out of place for the area? I loved how Anne just went for it and created something she loved and loved to spend time in. I need to get out of my own head and let myself dream when it comes to my garden. I need to learn to be OK with the temporariness of a garden. It might not be perfect until the day I die but until that day even little parts of it can give me pleasure and provide tiny reminders of cherished memories. Thank you for sharing this story it was inspiring and comforting.

  1603. Mauricia on

    Absolutely a delight to hear more details about Ms Belovich, and so much energy and courage… To start her blog at 97…My goodness! She was fearless! And became a contractor and builder with 25 projects… I have done 4 projects of diferent sizes, I guess I have now a minimum of 21 more projects to go!
    And I guess I will be packing and taking with me all of my plants, especially my roses…
    Many thanks for sharing this interview

  1604. Sheila Walter on

    I am 71 years old, and definitely the most inspiring part of the interview for me was her attitude about age. My husband and I tend to our one-acre garden by ourselves, however we’re constantly being “advised” by friends and family that maybe it’s time to move on to a smaller property. I feel like I’m just getting started, and Anne’s experience has provided me with new inspiration!

  1605. Holly Hagy on

    I love this lady’s life and story! She is amazing and so inspiring! I am an old rose grower and just turned 62 and her comments made me realize, I still have a whole life ahead of me…! I have always wanted to build my own house and now, after reading this story, I think I might just do that! And I can’t wait to get some ramblers to add to me roses collection! I do hope you write a rose book!!! Thank you for sharing your rose journey!

  1606. Kelsey on

    I think it’s amazing she has so many goals and never thought once that age or gender could stop her. It’s inspiring to that she never felt too old for things. I want to put that into practice.

  1607. Johnelle on

    What an amazing lady! I bet it was an honor interviewing her! I guess the best thing about her interview was how she courageously took on a different career path of building houses!

  1608. Eri on

    I love her dive into it attitude! And being up for so many different things. She lived a full life.

  1609. Leslie Shrage on

    I am an artist and a gardener. I spent my early adulthood cultivating a creative life that was very fulfilling. I married late, and it has been my joy to have the privilege to stay home and raise my children for the last 19 years. As I get close to 60, and to my youngest’s journey to college, I have been avidly anticipating and planning a return to the creative journey that has been mostly on hold. It was incredibly inspiring to read of all that Anne has accomplished since turning 60. I have taken to heart her words of encouragement, and I endeavor to build as interesting a life in this next chapter as I possibly can!

  1610. Ramon Fenollosa on

    Las palabras de Anne son todo una inspiración y más en los tiempos que vivimos tan desesperanzadores. La energia y visión de la vida que tenia Anne hace de esta entrevista una fuerza de motivación por la jardineria, las rosas y la vida en general.
    Un abrazo desde España.

  1611. Ellen on

    I love, “ get the books, take the classes”. Sometimes a new idea/project seems overwhelming to me, Anne is such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing her with me.

  1612. Laura Temple on

    What an amazing woman! I’m inspired by the fact that she didn’t start growing roses until she was 60. I’m 58 and just beginning my flower-growing journey after discovering Erin’s Cut Flower Garden book. Now I want to learn about vintage and rambling roses. My fantasy retirement property will have enough acreage for me to grow lots of flowers! I envision selling bouquets at a roadside “honor system” flower stand–not for the money, but to offer the joy of a beautiful bouquet to whichever community I end up joining. There will be a sign that says, “If you are unable to pay, but could use a bouquet for yourself or someone else, please take one.” There will be a crate for people to return vases for future bouquets. My vision of my future with flowers makes me very happy to think about!

  1613. Barbara on

    Her overall outlook on life was most inspiring. Even at the end of her life she was looking towards the next thing she was going to do, not just laying down and waiting for the time to pass. You never know when your last day is. I also loved the line ‘You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.‘. I’m going to have to put that one on my fridge to remind myself daily.

  1614. Leanne on

    I found the whole interview (and the other three blog posts) super inspiring, especially being an older woman just starting out on my own rose journey, such a lovely timely message that I haven’t come too late to the party! I also loved her attitude toward generosity and not being stingy. Thanks so much for introducing us to Anne.

  1615. Leah Casady on

    I love that she said she started her new journeys at the age of 60. That 60s not too old to begin any new adventure and to keep learning and growing and giving. I think giving is a huge part of her success. Her generosity to others hopefully lead to them being generous as well. She is definitely a role model for all of us. I have so many ideas and plans and it is encouraging to me that I can continue forward with all the creative ideas I have if I will just believe in myself.

  1616. Kori on

    Love her boldness in throwing herself into new things and living life to the fullest. So inspiring…. I currently have a few roses in my yard but now I’m determined to learn all I can and to plant the rose garden I’ve been dreaming about.

  1617. Kamille Scellick on

    One is that she shared about her first husband and how his death changed her trajectory. This grief & loss seeded and became a life lived like her acres of roses. She said don’t isolate yourself. She knew living life alone, not being generous and not working hard mattered. I love this.

  1618. Norma on

    I love that in retrospect, Anne didn’t feel that 60 was all that old. I’m encouraged as I creep up to that age and am falling head over heals in love with flowers. I plan on taking her advice of constantly learning, meeting with people, and giving generously. Thanks for publishing the interview.

  1619. Margaret L McNamee on

    I can tell by this interview that Anne Belovich was an encourager; she started by encouraging herself. She was also a reflective person, figuring out the mental processes that were the driving force in her life, giving her the inner strength and stamina to bring to fruition such a wide variety of accomplishments. The part I appreciated the most was her reflection on age. I have always thought it silly that some people, especially women, are uncomfortable telling their age or even hiding their age. I think a person should be proud of their age and especially happy to have the privilege of bigger numbers! I hope to turn 70 this year and I think of it as starting a new decade. Anne’s attitude of not holding back starting a new project or area of knowledge is a great encouragement for me. I have plans for revamping my perennial garden, I would love to use the garden as inspiration for watercolor painting. We unfortunately lost 2 oak trees in the past 2 years, but it will greatly increase the amount of sunlight in the garden. My mother grew tea roses. I love the more fragrant older roses and I would love to learn by reading Anne’s books.

  1620. Judy Suzuki on

    I love how she started her rose love at 60. She thought it was old but 37 years later …. Amazing how wonderful for you all to meet her.

  1621. Cathy C Reineke on

    WOW! Such inspiration to live life to the fullest and not let age keep you from following your heart and leaving a legacy!
    Thank you Erin for sharing Anne with us! You are amazing also! Thanks for sharing your life with us and your generosity is greatly appreciated! Blessings to all!

  1622. Jodena on

    It’s never to late to start!

  1623. Gloria W on

    I appreciate her sharing that you may or may not have a natural inclination toward something, but either way you have to put in the work to fully prepare yourself to embark on something new and do it well. And not to self-limit based on your gender, or fear. What a courageous woman she was!

  1624. Christie Jo Thomas on

    The entire interview was so sweet and inspiring and I just loved hearing about how she took so many chances and believed in herself and most of all encouraging and reminding us (especially women) that we ca do anything we work hard enough at. Mostly though, I love this advice, especially during the time that we are living through: advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. It’s a good reminder to not just live, but thrive. I’m reminded of that quote that I found on a little painted rock on one of my early walks during the height of the pandemic. Thank you for sharing :)

  1625. Sonia O on

    Amazing and so inspiring: to start something new and exciting at age 97! Sound advice on so many layers. Most importantly live life to the fullest. What a lovely story and beautiful legacy Anne left us.

  1626. Tanya on

    Overall what inspired me was that Anne was determined and she didn’t let anything stop her. She went for it! I love how Anne shared her story, her roses and kindness with Erin and the Floret team. Then Anne and her family let us get a glimpse of it all. I am inspired, encouraged and grateful for this opportunity and want to go buy roses for my soon to be garden. I didn’t realize how many varieties of roses there are! I feel a lack of confidence at times but these moments give me hope!

  1627. Sonia O on

    Amazing and so inspiring: to start something new and exciting at age 97! Sound advice on so many layers. Most importantly love life to the fullest. What a lovely story and beautiful legacy Anne left us.

  1628. Nova on

    Thank you for sharing the interview with Anne. What inspired me most is her gratefulness for life and call to generosity. The interview hit a heart string at the end when she said, “however, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.”

  1629. Shelby r on

    At first I thought it would be about her ramblers… but I’m still not sure the difference between those and climbers: For me, the most inspiring part of the interview was her grit… sailing across the ocean and building houses.

  1630. Peter Jones on

    Honestly what part of the interview wasn’t inspiring. I had already sent the link to my daughter but after reading Anne’s advice on not letting being a women stop you from finding and doing something you love I copied and pasted it so she wouldn’t miss it. The wall Jack was great too I can almost see her building that house the world needs more Anne’s.

  1631. Cilia Lalonde on

    A story of inspiration and strong words! A life filded with neverending projets is a great life! My goal is to never have my wishlist of things I want to accomplish get down to zero! What an incredible journey, her passion is contagious, her words are powerful! I got quite moved just by reading this post!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  1632. Deanna on

    What inspires me is her attitude and belief that she can do hard things. I so often don’t do things for fear of failure. With that mindset, I am only cheating myself. I’m trying more every day to put myself out there. No matter what happens, I am going to learn!

  1633. Malealyn on

    “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams!” That is going on the wall!

  1634. Anne on

    What inspires me the most is how many different things she did over her lifetime. Didn’t start with roses till 60 and amassed such a large collection and became such an authority. Just an amazing woman with so much great advice.

  1635. Jennifer EC on

    What a wonderful woman Anne must have been. It’s amazing that at 97 she was setting out to learn to build her website and become a blogger! Having big plans through to the very end is inspiring and reminds me of my own sweet grandmother who passed with tickets pinned on her bulletin board for theater shows she planned to attend as well as plane tickets to travel from Japan to Switzerland for a big hiking trip. They both remind me that instead of worrying about the future you can choose to create your own beautiful path and live life to the fullest.

  1636. Autumn Roberts on

    I am inspired by her to follow my dream. I will be 60 this year and have started to worry it is too late. But her words touched me because I began my love of flowers at 58 and I hope it is just the beginning. Thank you for putting this together and sharing Anne with us.

  1637. Tynja Lofgran on

    My favorite part about this interview is how old she was when she began her journey with roses. I have 5 small kids, and getting out in my tiny back yard to weed seems quite daunting since there has always been a baby to be held. Knowing that i have time after the kids are a little older allows me to enjoy the moment.

  1638. Betsy Walbridge on

    It’s really difficult for me to pick just one part of this interview as most inspirational when frankly her entire life and philosophy are inspirational. For mean, at 63, it’s probably hearing her talk about her life after 60 and all she accomplished. I to a new home (after 33 years in the suburbs) and have been learning how to grow a cutting garden, a rose garden and be a floral designer. It’s awesome to hear her not let her age or the fact she is a woman, get in the way of her dreams!

  1639. Mendy Pelster on

    Hi Erin,
    What an amazing tribute to your friend! This story is so precious and I loved every bit of it. So often, I feel my own life has been so many lives and it was refreshing to hear another woman who has a an unusual life and is happy with the varied parts of her inspiring journey. I just loved her encouragement for women without any disdain for men. What a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for sharing her wisdom, beauty and courage with everyone!


  1640. Keith Benitez on

    Such an incredible inspiration. It is evident that she was full of life and wonder. Sleep well and I hope to meet you in the resurrection.

  1641. Alyssa K. on

    I so appreciated her words about bearing down and investing the time and energy (and potentially funds) to learn well about what you want to do. We should all pursue excellence in whatever we put our hands to, from hobbies and passions to jobs and necessary tasks. Thank you, Floret, for this lovely interview!

  1642. Alexandra on

    What struck me about this interview was just how fearless, optimistic, and caring Mrs. Belovich is. I was inspired to not only care for roses but to share them too. Her words “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy” stuck out to me, because they describe roses as something that’s bigger than itself, bigger than all of us.

  1643. John McCullough on

    I love her determination- not only to learn and reach her goals but just to get the job done! She reminds me on many of the women in my life. Often they didn’t have help and faced a lot of opposition, but they found a way! It’s a lesson I had to learn myself in my career. I was also inspired by all her accomplishments after 60. So often I dream of where I could have been if I made different career choices. But at the same time I don’t regret the sacrifices I made. It gives me hope that maybe one day I will be able to experience those other careers when the time is right.

  1644. Olivia Hilario Day on

    What an inspiring woman! I love that she was so giving. From volunteering to sharing her roses. It’s people like her that bring hope to the world.

  1645. Lori Ternes on

    Anne’s beautiful spirit and love of life shone brightly and will continue through all those who had been fortunate enough to be in her presence and those who wii read her books and visit the gardens.

  1646. Jo Cubelo on

    I just love this whole story! I am 58 and just retired and moved to a very empty garden. Roses are a must for me. I am planning on moving my moms roses from her house so I can care for them and enjoy them now that she is gone.

  1647. Sandra Karina Tun on

    “Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal.”
    I think this needs to go on a t-shirt!

  1648. Carmen Raterman on

    I was touched by the fact that she started her collection in her 60’s. I am 51 years old and just started my small flower farm with the help of my daughter. There is so much I don’t know and at times I question myself if this is a crazy idea. I am learning to ride horses, take care of cattle and also grow flowers. All of it totally out of my comfort zone. Thank you Erin for sharing Ann’s roses and her words with me.

  1649. Rebecca Buchanan on

    “So many memories tie us all together.”
    What a remarkable, inspiring, and generous woman. Thank you so much Erin for revisiting your friendship with Anne, and then sharing it with all of us. I have been touched beyond words.

  1650. Rcohelle on

    Sooooo much to love and be inspired by in this interview. I especially love that she came to roses at 60 years, so inspired by this.
    Also this!!!! “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.”
    What an absolute legend!

  1651. Anna on

    I loved her formula for achieving a goal. Some dreams seem so out of reach, but it’s true: “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” If you don’t work toward it, you’ll never get there.

  1652. Kelly on

    Anne said “ …inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship.” What a beautiful thing to do. I love sharing from my garden! There’s more joy in giving than in receiving.

  1653. Julie Hardcastle on

    “It’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” This is such an important statement and code to live by. I love the example of sharing her garden visually, intellectually, and physically. I never feel like my garden is “nice” enough to share with others. Because of this, I am losing out on friendships. Anne’s story is one that I’ll take to heart and learn from and I am already planning ways to share my small, incomplete garden with others in my community.

  1654. Barbara on

    I enjoyed the common sense attitude; find something you are interested in, study and learn all you can, become an apprentice and go for it.

  1655. Louise Thomassin on

    Thank you for sharing the passion of Life and roses with your dearfull friend Anne. Such a wonderfull moment reading these stories from you. Thank you so much.

  1656. Elaine Elmore on

    He spirit is so inspiring and her joy of sharing the beauty whilst growing friendships as her legacy is so impressed through how she interacts with you! She was a gift! She has inspired! Hoping to continue to grow a garden that I can share in her honor and my grandmothers honor. Love this!

  1657. Tiffany Charles on

    I’m most inspired by her willingness to keep pursuing and learning new talents no matter her age. There have been moments in my own life where I have struggled to believe it’s not too late for a new career….and I’m nearly 39! Anne’s words are so encouraging for a aspiring flower farmer like myself.

  1658. Janice Marie on

    I loved her quote to get moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with family and friends..commit yourself to life-long learning. I also like that she never even grew a rose before she was 60. That challenges me that I can still have a full life ahead even though I am 58.

  1659. Kira DeRito on

    What most inspired me was her age when she began her journey with roses. I sometimes get caught feeling like I’m ‘old’ at 47 years now that my daughter has moved on to college. How silly!

  1660. Beverly Mouw on

    I love the visual of the roses blooming outside of her window. What a glorious thought on this dreary winter day in Michigan.

  1661. Kerry Rhodes on

    i love that she speaks of generosity and handing on knowledge freely and to seek knowledge . Gardeners that do this create gardeners , when i was very young ,barely speaking the lady next door would show me around her garden and to me it was a wonderland still is

  1662. Tawny Fremont on

    It amazes me the treasures our elders have and they are truly waiting for someone to ask to share it with. I wonder how much of our past gets lost from not seeing, talking and sharing with an elderly neighbour or a senior with similar hobbies.
    Your story moved me. I am so glad you were able to be part of Anne’s world and to introduce her inspiring story, garden and roses to all of us who didn’t know her.
    Thank you

  1663. Lisa on

    As a person entering the empty nest stage of life, it inspires me that Anne did so much in her later years. I also am just having time and funds to get going on my garden dreams.

  1664. staci derenne on

    I loved that she just kept learning, also to share what you have with others. I’m new to gardening so this would mean so much to someone trying to learn.
    Loved this interview

  1665. Mary Hill on

    I so enjoyed reading Anne’s story. What an amazing human. Having recently retired some days I feel “lost” and without a purpose, although I know that is not true. Anne’s below advise is a reminder there is so much more life to be lived. Thanks for sharing about this incredible woman.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

  1666. Donna on

    I am inspired by the fact Anne never backed down from a challenge. She met each one with a fierce tenacity. I am inspired by the fact that we as women can do hard things. Her love of life and gardening provides a perfect escape to connect with God’s bounty and richness.

  1667. Nelz Nunez on

    her dedication and passion for roses at her age was the most inspiring to me. wow, what a legacy! i can’t wait to learn more from the gift she’s given us.

  1668. Kirsten on

    Her comments about her age and that she spent over 1/3 of her life with her roses was so eye opening. Most of us do think about 60 as late in life, but it truly does not have to be. What an inspiration Anne is to all of us, women especially!

  1669. Kylie Massengale on

    I love how she never stopped learning. I can’t imagine building an entire house and she built several! That takes so much courage and determination and I admire her for that.

  1670. Anna Swenson on

    So much of what Anne spoke about inspired me….. mostly her comment on not needing a steady stream of testosterone, big biceps, or a beard!! I laughed and then thought of the things that probably hold me back with similar thinking… If she can do it then so can I.

  1671. Bev Walker on

    I will be turning 60 next year, so her comments about all she accomplished after that age are incredibly inspiring!

  1672. Alicia on

    I am so inspired by her story. I think my biggest takeaway is understanding that when you’re starting it can be difficult at times to see the end-view. It is easy to want to rush the process and hurry along to get to the garden you can stroll through and enjoy. But in reality it’s more about the process of creating something that is filled with what you believe to be beautiful. Supporting local growers along the way and sharing the beautiful you’ve cultivated and the knowledge you’ve gained with those around you.

  1673. Joanna on

    What a beautiful series, Erin. Thank you so much for sharing Anne’s story, her insights and perspective on life. It makes me happy to know her rose legacy will live on through so many who share her passion!

  1674. Samiha Mohammad Sharif on

    This is such a moving story, and I specifically enjoyed Anne saying: “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.” As a college professor and beginner gardener this resonates with me deeply, as it’s a message I first and foremost strive to engrave on my own heart, and then also share with my students. Thankful for all the beauty you both bring into this world.

  1675. Elisheva on

    I was inspired by what Anne was able to accomplish after her sixties and even now, buying her domain. It made me reconsider some of the limitations I put on myself. Her words and her world view are so encouraging and inspiring. I’ve heard so much about her, but hearing from her is so special. Her interview has really motivated me to garden roses, and to do so without fear.

  1676. Machelle R. Edmiston on

    Anne inspired me to not let my insecurities and fear of unknowns (and lack of huge biceps) keep me from pursuing my dreams. I have dreamt for many years of becoming a teacher, an artist that is set apart in what she creates and puts out into the world. I love beauty and learning and I’m always developing my skill set to be something I’m proud of. I will continuously think of Anne and her unrelenting courage in extreme danger and unknowns at sea to inspire myself to push forward. Here’s to Anne! She and her roses are something to behold. I have 7 different varieties of roses currently and I cannot wait to adopt more of these lovely blooms to add to my collection.

  1677. Gretchen Honeyman on

    I admire her for her courage to start so many new journeys after age 60. It helped give me a little boost to continue with the planting of my 25 feet by 50 feet flower garden at age 76. It has more meaning since I grew up on Camano Island. Thanks Anne!

  1678. Jennifer on

    Anne is so inspiring! I thought at 52 that my chances for living out a dream were over! Reading her story makes me rethink that attitude! I also want to be a life-long learner! I think that it keeps your mind sharp and gives you a reason for going on. I’d love to read her book about her sailing adventures and her books on roses. Who knows what ideas might get planted in my mind from reading her story?! What an amazing life she led! Thank you for telling her story and for propagating her roses so her dreams carry on!

  1679. Carlee Schaefer on

    It was so inspiring to see again and again how
    Anne would be considered to have “started over”. In her career and interests, she constantly reinvented herself for nearly 100 years. As a young women in my early thirties, I find this challenges the pressure I feel that I must know what I am going to do for the rest of my life to be an adult. It’s never too late to try new things and become something more than I ever thought I could be become.

  1680. Stina Tillotson on

    What an amazing woman. I loved this quote: “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

  1681. Abbey on

    Just as it’s hard to pick a single favorite flower, it’s hard to isolate any one part of this interview. Connection stands out to me. There’s an immense sense of connection. To the flowers and nature, to each other, to ourselves. This connection heeds all senses of sharing, generosity, and beauty. Things that evoke the dreamer in all of us, things that go beyond what we can imagine. These values need to be cared for, cultivated, shared, and conserved as much as the roses themselves. It was a pleasure reading this and being introduced to Anne and her work. Thank you! ⚘️

  1682. Julie Wise on

    “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship.”
    This is what did it for me🥺

  1683. Lily on

    I love hearing that she has inhabited so many different roles. It’s wonderful to remember and be reminded that we keep growing and changing.

  1684. Frances Vortman on

    What an inspired and amazing woman!. She lived such a full life and much of what she’s known for happened after the age of 60! Her story is much like that of Ruth Bancroft here in Walnut Creek, California. Ruth started collecting succulents late in life, also in her sixties like Anne, she began creating her beautiful legacy – The Ruth Bancroft Garden, where hundreds of succulents and cactus of all varieties can be enjoyed by the public. I love the empowering statements Anne made about women and how you’re never too old to do or create something wonderful. God bless her and all women like her – their light will always shine brightly and continue to motivate and inspire.

  1685. Larissa on

    A beautiful article about a beautiful person. It’s so inspriing to read about Anne’s life and all the amazing things she did, and to know that it’s not too late to follow my dream. One day I hope I can be even half as inspiring and accomplished in life as she was.
    Thanks for sharing this amazing interview!

  1686. Ruth Rossow on

    I am amazed at this woman! When she said a woman can do anything a man can do given the knowledge and finding a way to use equipment to provide strength, it hit a cord with me. I’m seventy years old this year and was feeling afraid I was becoming limited in what I can do at this age! Your story of Anne has inspired me to get with it and start something new. I’m going to start with a rambling rose that will remind me of her and inspire me every time I see it! Thank you Erin for your interesting story.

  1687. Debbie M on

    Mrs Belovich sounds like she has personally went through a lot of trials and tribulations throughout her adulthood but used them well to her advantage. There are things that we all can learn through our circumstances and bring fourth the beauty that we can support through sharing our lives and knowledge to others that come into our paths and just share time with one another. This is a wonderful gift that Mrs Belovich learned and is willing to pass on. A wonderful gift of time. Very touching.

  1688. Ida Maria on

    The story of Anne Belovich is moving and encouraging
    So many details , like constantly trying to learn , never give up, learning to handle your talents , keeping the movements ,
    Hopefully helps me to get my dreams through , even not being the youngest one 75 , My husband and me started
    To built a Garden near Rome 30 years ago , but there are still
    So many projects , when I see these rambler roses , I would love to plant them besides the once we have already

  1689. Mary on

    Wow – she is incredibly inspiring. I loved that her whole life was really about pushing the boundaries. I think personally in my current season of life, her quote: “You need to study and become an apprentice”, has been a powerful reminder as I enter into my chosen career at 44 years old, that I have the ability to do incredible things DESPITE starting at this point in my life. I want her determined, “why not?” perspective! Thank you for sharing Erin

  1690. Kjerstine Vachter on

    What an inspiring woman, all around. Love her can do attitude, but also recognizing she had to put in the work to learn the craft. Thank you for sharing!

  1691. Naomi on

    I love that she said 60 years of age in retrospect was less than 2/3s of her life. There was so much wonder and beauty yet to come for her because she didn’t stop, she kept going and enjoyed life! “Our times are in God’s hands…”

  1692. Marcie on

    I pursed many dreams after turning 60…This dear lady is an inspiration. So sorry to hear she passed. Turning 56 this year and needing some new direction. My favorite place to be is outside looking at the flowers and the wonders of this beautiful world. SoThankful to come across this interview today. Maybe it’s time to become a master Gardner. Flowers, my camera and the sunshine… I love when she says my advice is to stay out of bed, keep moving, go out to lunch. I’m buying her determination book today…

  1693. Cynthia M on

    Very inspiring woman! My favorite part: “go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself”. I think sometimes we can become are worst enemy. Overcoming our old patterns or ways of thinking might just be the only barrier to make our dreams a possibility!

  1694. Meghan on

    I love her advice to find your talent but, “Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do.” This has been my journey with flowers thus far. They come naturally and being around them just feels right, yet I spend countless hours reading, learning, and observing. A good reminder for this time of year, particularly as I plan the coming season’s garden, to slow down and put in the work to bring it to success.

  1695. Caitlin Rush on

    At the very start, this line struck me: “My life could have played out very differently if not for losing my husband in World War 2.” A young, widowed mother—how very heartbreaking! No one is spared adversity, but if we keep moving and working in its wake, we can bring cascading, rambling, prolific beauty and the happiness into the world in ways we never saw coming.

  1696. Jean on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. ”
    This was the most inspiring advice to me!

  1697. Kimberly C on

    As we work towards building a tiny Cabin on our property, I was amazed that Anne managed to build a complete house, alone. It gave me inspiration to do so much more of the building when the time comes, rather than helping out from the sidelines while my husband does the hard work. He may have the ‘beard and big biceps,’ but that doesn’t mean I can’t do more too!

  1698. Laurelle Guillet on

    I was really encouraged by her starting her rose collection at the age of 60. I’m 61 and purchased my first David Austin rose last year. I always dreamed of a secret garden as well. I have felt that I’m getting too old to start having bigger flower gardens. After reading this post , she has encouraged me to believe it’s never too late. I still have time 😊

  1699. Almetra Weaver on

    “I pursued many dreams after turning 60… is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” I only started gardening one year ago at 44 years of age and have enormous dreams of a beautiful English Garden. I celebrate my 45th birthday on January 19th and am encouraged that it’s never too late to start.

  1700. Alix Hester on

    As someone who is about to turn 56, I am so inspired by Anne’s new endeavors at 60!
    This is so moving to me!!!
    “At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60”

  1701. Isabel on

    “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing.” In my 40s and just starting to learn about flower gardening, this interview has been so inspiring. Thank you for sharing!

  1702. Carrie on

    So inspirational, I would have loved to have met Anne and walked her garden with her. Your interview was wonderful, I’m so happy you shared it with everyone.

  1703. Jennie Miller on

    I love that she lists how she feels you can achieve a long life, continue learning, stay out of bed, lunch with friends and family, such great advice!

  1704. Antje on

    I loved everything about this interview! Thank you so much for sharing. I found it especially inspiring that her passion for roses started in her 60s. I am in my 40s and just stared my cut flower garden last year and sometimes feel that I am late to the game … but love Anne’s advice to “commit yourself to life-long learning & skill development.”

  1705. Laurie Jarmer on

    You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.

  1706. Tammy Bosshardt on

    The interview with Anne was delightful to read. What a lovely lady she must have been. I think we could all benefit from her wisdom; Keep Moving and Committing Ourselves to Life-Long Learning and Skill Development. I am very impressed by how much she accomplished after the age of 60, when most people are slowing down, she was busy writing books to share her knowledge so it wouldn’t be lost. What an inspiration she is!

  1707. Wilma on

    “Commit yourself to lifelong learning and skill development”

  1708. Hillane Lambert on

    I was impressed that she didn’t start her career as a rosarian until she was 60. I connected with that because I’ve started my career as a flower farmer at 65! I love her attitude that a woman can do anything a man can do and it takes perseverance and willingness to study to reach your goals. I’m completely inspired by her life and so appreciate your sharing this with us

  1709. Francesca Luppino on

    I’m inspired by the sheer magnitude of what Anne accomplished, as well as her humility evidenced in the simple advice she provides us – to not let being a woman keep me from doing something and to truly dedicate myself to study. As I reflect on this advice, I realize that I’ve had success in my first couple years of gardening due to doing these things, and I feel encouraged to continue down this path. Wow, I can’t wait to learn more about Anne and roses! Thank you so much for sharing her story here.

  1710. sharyn on

    Beautiful interview! I am so inspired by the variety of interests and Anne’s interest/willingness/ability to develop the expertise(s) for each. But what brought me to tears is Anne’s face in the picture of her visit. Her face simply glows with all that she is! Breathtaking! Thank you, Erin, for bringing her into my life.

  1711. Lisa Bryan on

    Lovely! Despite the losses and challenges Anne faced in her life, she remained motivated and curious. That inspires me! Everyone has challenges, it’s what we do about it that matters. With a full heart, Anne created beauty in her lifetime 🌹

  1712. Catherine on

    How wonderful. Life long learning is a phrase we hear a lot. I think it’s easier say than to practice. I’m inspired by Anne’s curiosity and resilience.

  1713. India on

    Her comment to “look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself”…
    I work in a male dominated, backward facing industry where I keep finding myself guilty of subscribing to the same mentality. If I keep believing that some jobs are “men’s jobs” then how can I ever expect to change the perceptions of other people?
    We are all capable of the same jobs… and if some of them take biceps and a full beard to “complete” then I want to challenge that and say they take biceps, testosterone and a beard to complete “quickly”… but I’ll get the job done in a similar time frame with grit, hard work and a plan that allows for future growth and expansion – I just have to challenge my own mindset!
    Anne is absolutely an inspiration, and I’m excited for land to grown my own rose garden (coming May 2022!)

  1714. Vickie Murray Elkins on

    Mostly that you can do anything at any age as along as you’re determined and willing to learn. Also you gotta get up and get moving on it and it doesn’t matter what gender you are.

  1715. Diana Leguizamon on

    Often times we put ourselves in categories; too old, too young, too late, but my gender, etc. Anne shows us what happens if we decide to not let ourselves be limited by these things and decide to let our passions drive us forward. Anne’s zest for life, adventure and the pursuit of knowledge is what inspires me the most, and, how she centers community and friendship as the foundation of it all. A purpose outside of ourselves and sharing with others can do wonders for the world. What a legacy.

  1716. Lavi on

    Probably the best interview I’ve ever read. My favorite: “ probably benefited from having a full, diverse life. Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged.” May God give her many more years so she can reach many more with her wisdom and grace.

  1717. Kristen Smyth on

    “My life could have played out differently, if it weren’t for losing my husband in WW2.” She didn’t say better, or worse, just differently. I found that most inspiring.

  1718. Bianca baldizon on

    Every inspiring word of this interview was special. A great interview to start the new year off on the right foot. How utterly inspiring- I want to be just like her!

  1719. Paula Bolash on

    Anne’s formula for achieving any goal inspired me.Being 60 myself, and having ordered my first roses, I can see with determination and lots of learning, my skills will grow.Thank you for sharing this lovely interview.

  1720. Mariana Edwards on

    What most inspired me was how Anne explains how anything is possible no matter when you start in life. How amazing it was to read that validation for me. As many woman I carry so many rolls In my life and I have always longed for finding that thing that defined me. Gardening is something that I have seen in me that defines me. It makes me feel so good to have the soil on my hands and the ability to grow something. My love for it scares me only because like Anne says we limit ourselves. In the back of my mind I’m my own worst enemy but I need to let it go so that I can grow a beautiful garden and maybe have the courage to turn it into something bigger that I can share with anyone. I want to inspire my children so they can see that you can achieve success in anything, at any age no matter your gender or lack of resources. It is possible, and that’s what You helped Anne convey to a lot of us dreamers. Thank you Erin for such an amazing gift.

  1721. Sharon Weaver on

    The fact that she had this idea of creating her own website and blog at 97 years old!!! A clear sign not to let your age define you!!! Such a sweet lady and I can’t wait to get my hands on some of her books!

  1722. janet hall on

    Everything! Just so inspiring and a life well lived.

  1723. A'lyce on

    As a woman who is currently remodeling her own home with the help of my husband when he is not working and available, I was so inspired by Anne’s determination to not allow her gender to stop her from achieving what she wanted. She found ways to get something done like using the wall Jack to hoist the walls into place. Her dreams and goals were so wildly different, too, and I absolutely love that she was unwilling to let her age deter her from starting new goals. What a wonderful lady, indeed. I’m so grateful to her for her generous outlook on life and all that she and her husband have shared with the world and those around her.

  1724. Laura on

    I was most inspired by what she achieved since the age of 60 and her dedication to passion. Lovely story, thank you!

  1725. Stacey Diehl on

    Not letting gender prejudice you may have about yourself was an inspiring thought. How many times have I said, I can’t do that, I am a woman, or I have never done that before. This has changed the way I think!

  1726. Bryan Benner on

    Starting a new chapter of life at 60 is so inspiring!
    She was an amazing person.

  1727. Anne on

    I love the advice to continue lifelong learning.
    Such an inspirational interview.
    Just what I needed to hear in this time of Covid.

  1728. Gail Riffle on

    Wow! She reminds me of my grandmother Onnie, who lived to be 100 years old. Full of life, spunk, and intelligence. I really connected with her advice when she spoke of ” It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. 

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. “

  1729. Theresa on

    Anne’s story certainly moved me so much that my heart’s pitter-patter feel more intense with inspiration to pursue life-long dreams, with a vengeance. Her message about going after one’s dreams, no matter your age, hit home with me. I, too, began this journey with flowers late in life, in addition, hoping to fulfill a very long ‘bucket list of ‘to dos,’ but feeling like I am too old to pursue and realize all the experiences and opportunities that I’ve dreamed of. Anne has reminded me to remain a life-long learner, “stay out of bed,” and never give up. Erin, thank you so much for your kindness. I would imagine this interview has benefitted so many.

    All the best,

  1730. Cindy D on

    Thank you so much for sharing this interview with us! There are so many inspiring thoughts. Her encouragement “to get out of bed” and really follow your dreams. spoke to me. I am especially inspired to” let people in” and “to share,” I believe she said “not to be stingy” I love that and will allow that to guide me. Again thank you Erin.

  1731. Alexys Romo on

    I love that she shares cuttings and her knowledge with many, and refers to them as friends. There is truly something wonderful about how roses and flowers can be common ground for anyone, anywhere. After these very hard couple of years, it can be hard to tell friend from foe, and I love that Anne has a welcoming and kind spirit. It encourages and inspires me to be open to more flower friends, and to share with others.

  1732. Debbie Piper on

    Wow, what a beautiful lady Anne was. I loved it when she said, “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.” My dad says nearly the same thing to me whenever I say, “I wish I knew how to _____. ” The overall impression that we are never too old to achieve what we set out minds to, is inspiring to me as well. Thank you Erin for sharing Anne’s story with us.

  1733. Kimberlyn Parks on

    I took a photo and highlighted these quotes so I don’t forget them. “ You can’t become a rocket scientist with out a great deal of study and neither can anyone else.” -I love that, she really leveled the playing field with that bit of truth. And
    “Sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens is an act of love… of friendship” “inviting people into you gardens and sharing is perhaps most important.” Both of these quotes for me sum up why to grow flowers in the first place. The language of flowers is benevolence.

  1734. Wendy on

    There is SO much to be inspired by in that interview. She sounds like such an amazing and kind and generous woman. What inspired me most was her starting something new at 60 and that whole attitude, which I share, of the great benefits of lifelong learning and challenging yourself with new skills for a long, rich and fulfilling life. And a varied life! That, and her work with animal nonprofits.

  1735. Ann on

    I was brought to tears reading this. I was so inspired to learn that she didn’t start her rose collection until she was 60s… really gave me much needed perspective. Thank you so much for sharing Anne’s story with us.

  1736. Katie Garretson on

    Anne seems like a gal I should have been best friends.
    Bada** woman who is funny, inspiring, and very serious about ‘keeping them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine’. I love her empowerment call to woman to follow our goals with her splash of humor, ‘unless you need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. I hope I grow up to be like Anne one day. We need more Annes in the world. Thanks for sharing Erin. Because of Anne, I bought 2 roses today!

  1737. Elizabeth Scharback on

    Never stop learning, stay out of bed, go out to lunch. Do the all the things. What a beautiful life

  1738. Jinah Kim on

    I loved all her stories. Especially about starting rose gardening at 60… made me tear up. It put hope in my heart that I can accomplish these things too. I loved that she lived a full life to 97 years and she enjoyed people, was generous, accomplished much, and was always learning to do new things. ❤️

  1739. Elena Cardwell on

    I was so inspired by her age of 60 and starting her rose garden. Here I am 61 and just getting into the swing of flower gardening. My mom was an avid rose gardener with over 80 rose bushes on her 1/2 acre lot. I was single for many years and lived in many places with no place to agrden and now I am married with a beautiful 15 year old daughter and my husband and I bought a house in 2017, the first for both of us. It is just a quarter acre but we are having so much fun turning it into a beautiful flower and vegetable garden!

  1740. Meg McGinnis on

    I loved her comment to share, fertilize and grow old roses. Our first home we planted Rambling roses by some popular trees. Paul’s Himalayan Musk and Van Fleet. Today they go up 30-40 ft and are a shower of small pink and white roses. Just breath takingly beautiful.

  1741. Pam Smedley on

    Well, Anne’s life is inspiring, but her accomplishments after age 60 give us all something to aspire to. Learning, taking on new passions, and sharing your garden with others! I live in a community with 2 acre parcels surrounding 140 acres with two ponds. My neighbors often come by and I share my new enthusiam for cut flowers and roses. We’ve discussed having garden parties, and I think Anne is right! In her memory, I will host a garden party this spring! Thank you Anne, and thank you Erin and crew for sharing your work, and so many resources.


    Starting life at 60. I just turned 60 and I will admit I do to much dreaming and not enough doing. It might sound simple but going out and buying a book on learning a skill, wow . I think so many of us sit and look at videos and tutorials and get overwhelmed at the skills a person has We have forgotten the value of a well written book.

  1743. Charmaine Anthony on

    Having just turned 64, Anne’s view on starting her passion at 60 was not too late. Even at 20 I was lead to believe I was too old for nursing school, at 40 too old to be a dog trainer, the later I ignored. Anne’s rare beauty was not only her roses but her willingness to share with the world her knowledge.

  1744. Sue on

    I loved that Anne planted roses to grow up in trees!

  1745. Rikki on

    How amazing a woman! I felt moved to tears reading that at 60, an age she once felt was old, was over a third of life ago compared to the age she was at that time. That no matter who you are, how old, or where in life, you can do anything. I feel this deeply to my core. I’ve done a lot, but I also know there’s an infinite amount of life left waiting for me and I’ve never felt so encouraged to do so as I do now. What a gift it must have been to know Anne.

  1746. Kc Jochim on

    Such an inspiring woman with a beautiful story. She makes me feel validated at 55 that yes I can start on a new journey. But what inspires me the most about Anne is generosity of her flowers and her knowledge. She truly must of been a beautiful rare gem herself. Beautiful series!

  1747. Sara on

    “I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” – what an inspiration and what a life full of accomplishments…many after 60, where some never complete in a lifetime. Never stop growing and chasing your dreams…what an inspiration! Plus the part about noticing the prejudice in yourself and overcoming it. We are amazing creatures us women, and it’s easy to forget sometimes just how much we can do if we put our minds to it! ;)

  1748. Joanne Mulloy on

    As someone in my early sixties, I was inspired by the fact that she did so much in that one third of her life after 60. What an amazing story and a reminder that we still have so much to offer and create our own legacy, such as Anne’s. She lived an incredible life of adventure and generosity! It inspires me to follow the threads of my own passions and interests to see where it takes me and maybe I have over 30 more years to realize those dreams. Thank you for sharing this incredible connection with Anne and for preserving an important aspect of her legacy for the world to enjoy.

  1749. Denise Ahl on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” Keep moving…stay out of bed. Really sums it all up. What a life she has led. Truly unstoppable! I keep picturing her trees with roses growing through them and can’t wait to try it at my place! Thanks for the inspiration!

  1750. Olivia on

    I am always blown away by how much fear can limit us. Anne shared that she did not let her gender shrink her life and that’s my take away.
    I hope that in my sixties I can continue to live a full life and fill it with meaningful work and roses.
    ( Grateful to Anne and thanks Erin) !

  1751. Wanda Vanderveen on

    What a woman! Favorite part was when she said the most important part of your garden is to share it with friends. Brilliant advice.

  1752. Laura Wood on

    This quote from Anne inspired me the most, “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”. How perfect is this! This is exactly what I feel in my soul about all flowers! About filling homes and lives with such touching beauty! That really is the greatest legacy!

  1753. Patricia Loehr on

    Anne’s insistence on sharing inspired me the most. Do not be stingy …love given away grows more love. Sharing one’s time and talents has no down side and is key to a meaningful, robust life.

  1754. K on

    Anne was an AMAZING woman! I am 55 starting this new adventure with flowers. I wonder how much I will be able to accomplish in the next 5 years…really 4 1/2. I too believe we should keep on learning. One of the things I noticed about Anne’s life is how diverse her interests were and how she was SO successful in what she set out to do…with tenacity starting when she was 3 or 4 and racing to the water. That spirit never left her. Such a great reminder to think bigger, learn more, and don’t limit what can be accomplished.

  1755. Rita Guitron on

    What a treasure and how fortunate to have been able to share and be a part of her journey.

    My favorite part was her formula specifically the first part of 3. Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean there has to be limitations (except biceps and a beard lol). Face and persevere over prejudice and to be sure to look at yourself as well. This can be a metaphor for many things, ultimately, I think for me, it means don’t be afraid to try, put the time and effort into it and you will persevere, you will get past the challenges and learn from them and don’t be your worst enemy and prevent yourself from achieving your goals and/or dreams. At the end when you’ve done the work and have arrived, the reward will be 10-fold. Find your joy ladies. (& gents)

    Looking forward to persevering! thank you, Erin, for sharing Anne with us!

  1756. Melissa on

    I loved how she started something new at 60! Her comment about staying out of bed, be with people, don’t ever stop learning will keep you young. I just love that and am inspired to keep going, keep looking at the world with wonder.

  1757. Cindy Russell on

    What absolute joy this past hour has been reading all about your love for roses, gardening and people…..and Anne, she is a treasure beyond. Our snow here on Gabriola Island, (in Canada and not so far from you) has just melted and today our gardens show the promise of Spring….tiny fresh new leaves on the honeysuckle! I am retired and have all my days enjoying working in our gardens that grow more lovely as our years pass. You have reminded me of how much we look forward to our days when we live and learn in our gardens….Thank you Erin, I am so glad to have found
    you….Cindy Russell

  1758. Jamie on

    Anne shared the secret to living in her words:

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    We could not hope for more simple advice!

  1759. Katie B on

    Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship.

    Anne’s advice elicited an emotional response I did not expect when reading these posts. After being unsuccessful at vegetable gardening (but very successful at feeding local wildlife), I bought Floret Farms book with the intention of starting a cut flower garden this year. I read through each season in the book, envisioning myself preparing for and caring for beautiful blooms. I bought seeds in the January seed sale, with seeds of excitement taking root inside myself. I read these four blogs with the intention of soaking up every piece of advice on how to be successful. What I didn’t expect was to end the article in tears, knowing that the excitement of growing a cut flower garden comes from a place of wanting to share something beautiful with loved ones. Anne perfectly captured the sentiment of growing flowers, sharing them with friends and strangers to bring something lovely in what can be a difficult and isolating time. I look forward to taking the tips in these posts to brighten the days of those around me.

  1760. Ann on

    I am Ann without an “e.” I am 62 years of age. How inspiring to read Anne’s life story and hear her say at 60 years she still had well over 1/3rd of her life to live! What really inspired me was first her passion for her community and helping and giving back freely. Secondly ,with a focus on recognizing what you would like to do and studying and preparing for it, there is just about anything you can do! I have enjoyed roses in the 4 gardens I have lived in and planted over the last 12 years. I am moving again this year sometime and love the idea of always having a blooming garden around me. Perhaps it’s because my middle name is Rofe which is old English for ROSE! A beautiful interview! Thank you! 🌹

  1761. Cynthia Fuller on

    What an inspiring woman.i particularly enjoyed hearing about her early life. She obviously was passionate about what interested her from early childhood. It was inspiring to hear that she started out running away from the garden and then later in life it was her refuge.
    Nature has always inspired me. I grew my first garden at 19. I am now 62, retired and my passion can be my pursuit. In a previous house I had 75 rose bushes and the house I have now sadly does not even have one. I will be remedying that.
    You are both women to gain a great deal of knowledge from. I appreciate both of you for your willingness to inspire and share, truly grateful.

  1762. Kristina on

    “ Anne: Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    Wha a beautiful woman , her answers were so humbling , no matter what age you can always live your dream. She is truly inspiring . Thank you for this wonderful read.

  1763. Winter Cohen on

    Anne’s message and book on determination are so true and inspiring. We so often are self-limiting…
    Now I am looking for Ramblers! Will be sure to gift myself one of her rose books. Thank you again for sharing this story with us.

  1764. Aki.S on

    I’m so lucky to come across this articles even from Japan!

    The phrase by which I was most inspired is:
    “you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing,” especially the part to know my limitation but not to underestimate my capability.
    I thought that was an important clue to achieve anything when I, living with a chronical disease, should have in mind, and should not let my handicap stop me from what I really love.
    Thank you very much for sharing this interview and the long backstory with us. I’ll come back to this interview whenever feeling tired or small, taking her words as kind of advice from a mentor.

  1765. Megan Allen on

    I loved her willingness to share her knowledge and beautiful garden with others. “ Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.”

    This reminds me of all you’ve shared, Erin. You’re carrying on her legacy.

  1766. Maureen deTar on

    It seems to me that she has lived many lives in one. I love her suggestion to go to lunch with friends and family. Ultimately through this time in our world, I have come to cherish time spent with others. It feeds my soul and brings new challenges and opportunities to me when I have felt so isolated. Growing roses has always been a passion of mine and I come from a long line of hybridizers. I am determined now to share this talent of propagation with my own grandchildren and pass it to another generation. May we all have dozens of gifted roses in our friend garden by the time we are 97. Oh, and my sixtieth birthday is coming up!

  1767. Nicole T on

    What a glorious life she led & it’s inspiring that she didn’t pursue many of her dreams until she turned 60.

  1768. Ruth on

    Wow I’m so encouraged by this incredible woman

  1769. Karen Lange on

    I love Anne’s resilience and her ability to reinvent herself through the journey we call life. A beautiful soul! ❤️ Thank you for sharing Erin.

  1770. Janet on

    What a wonderful lady! It’s so neat to hear that the roses will continue to live on.
    I was most inspired about her part on caring for roses. Water, fertilizer, etc., but most importantly, invite friends to your garden and share cuttings and pass them along. Don’t be stingy. This is friendship she said.
    Thank you for sharing the interview.

  1771. Lisa Younce on

    Anne is so inspiring, and to a 60 year old that really encouraged me the most! I think looking at my life as only 2/3 over is a great perspective.

  1772. Lisa on

    Such a great interview! I love the part about not underestimating yourself…you can do anything you put your mind, time, and effort into!

  1773. Desiree on

    I was very inspired with her comments, “don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy”. What a beautiful soul she was!

  1774. Michele Paciunas on

    Love this interview! Love how she says don’t let being a woman stop you unless you need a constant supply of testosterone, big biceps and a beard! Ha! I am sure it was such a gift to meet this lady. I, too started with roses later in life, and am so thankful for all the inspiration.

  1775. Rachel on

    Very beautiful! I love This story so much! Thank you for sharing with us all ~Rachel

  1776. Jen Worthington on

    Anne’s attitude and confidence allowed her not to be intimidated. Good advice for life or the garden. Anything is possible.

  1777. Katrina on

    As a healthcare worker who exclusively works in geriatrics, I can think of no greater lesson than “you are never too old to follow your dreams”. Love that she developed this passion at 60!!!!

  1778. Kevin L Cook on

    I was most inspired from Anne’s advice of continual education, sharing your garden, and spending time with old and new friends. How fulfilling it will be…and how fulfilled Anne must have been during the last month’s of her life. You can see the happiness in her smile during her visit to your farm. What an inspiration. She has given me hope that my own recent craziness and garden obsession to collect and learn as many and as much as I can about Narcissus at this time in my life…..might actually help me live longer! I know it will bring me great joy but I hadn’t thought about such life benefits. Thank you for sharing Anne and her story with us.

  1779. Nicol on

    I liked the part where she said women can do what men can do except the ‘big biceps’ part. And crazy she raised a wall herself using just a jack. Wow! Inspiring!

  1780. Judy Chandler on

    I find it inspiring that she accomplished so much after the age of 60 including amassing this incredible volume of heritage roses.

  1781. Lynne Resch on

    I was feeling a bit low today…. starting a flower farm at age 68, what am I thinking! Then I read this sweet interview.
    “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” That made me smile…… perhaps if I follow her example… “Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged”, I’ll be around another 30 years!

  1782. Audrey Nielsen on

    I just had to copy and paste her amazing, spot on advice
    “ My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    So thankful for this interview and I’m looking forward to getting to know her better as I read her books!

  1783. Ginny Sulya on

    Hi Erin, thank you for sharing this interview with Anne, I so enjoyed Anne’s talking about her legacy and sharing her garden with others. My hopes for my own garden and all that it could be is to share its beauty with others! Just being present in the moment, seeing the delicate blooms, smelling their fragrances and the sounds of the pollinators happily oblivious to anything but their work at hand! These roses all have a history and I hope I can be a part of preserving them for future generations! I truly am inspired to never let my age determine what I can do! In Anne’s timing, I’ve only just begun!

  1784. Rhonda on

    Thank you for sharing her story! I am in awe of her determination and spunk! How wonderful that her roses and her legacy will live on to help and educate others. I have planted several David Austin roses over the last few years along with local nursery roses. I am finding I love the ramblers more each year! Thank you!

  1785. Mia on

    It’s very inspiring for someone like me who just started gardening and had my 1st 6 roses last year. I love roses and just reading about Anne’s passion in life gives you hope and encouragement to do things you have always wanted to do.

  1786. Eilish murtha on

    I’d like to enter this competition not for myself but for my grandmother. We are apart due to covid and because she is going through chemo so it’s been a hard 2 years but we message almost every day, we always end up talking about our gardens, mine is a tiny town garden, hers, the garden that I was raised in, not overly large but definitely bigger than most here in the UK, through the years I’ve come to know every plant it’d ever help, annuals and biennials have been and gone they come and go but roses have always been a constant. Some of her roses are heirlooms in the way that they were once cuttings from her own grandmothers roses. My favourite part of the article is the mentions of cuttings and passing them on. I recently bought my own house and finally have my own little space to grow. When it js safe again to visit my nan and her garden, I shall be taking cuttings and carrying these heirlooms on and this inspires me and fills me with so much joy to think I could potentiallybe growing a plant that my grandmother has grown and so has her mother and her mother’s mother etc. This article really resonated with me and made me remember how precious my connection with my grandmother is and how we bonded over the garden so many years ago. I thibk if I was to win this competition for her she’d adore these books especially now that she’s Cooped up at home and unable to work in the garden as much as she takes time to heal. And then the bonus would be that when it’s safe to visit her again- I can flick through the books too with a nice cup of grandad made tea!

  1787. Amy on

    As someone who went back to college to get my masters degree at age 40 (and started a new career at 44), I love her comments regarding starting to grow roses at age 60. People think that by 35 you can’t change careers or start something new but really, it’s never too late, especially when it’s something you love doing.

  1788. Elizabeth Schraeder on

    I loved that she started her roses at age 60 and that she emphasizes that as a woman you can do much more than you think!

  1789. Bobbi Winniestaffer on

    Thank you to Erin and her amazing team at Floret for helping to spread the amazing story of Anne Belovich!

    I wish my grandmother would have gotten to meet someone like Anne and Erin. We lost her just before Christmas 5 years ago. She had such a small, but beautiful rose garden at every home I remember her living in, and there were a lot. Her love for making others happy through her food and flowers filled her life and has continued through her legacy with us grandkids. I cook, bake, and plant roses at my home for not only myself, but for others to enjoy.

    The most inspiring part of Anne’s story for me is that it’s never too late in life to do what you love regardless of age, sex, or education. If you try hard, and want it bad enough, it’s never too late to have a full, rewarding life doing what you love!

    This year I’ll be expanding my rose garden. I’m also starting my seed garden with the advise from Erin’s books and the online workshops.

  1790. Maria Lightner on

    Anne’s life story and her advice on following your passion are both inspiring. I just hope to God that her wonderful home and gardens stay in the family with her son and wife and thrive for generations to come.

  1791. Anna on

    I love that she started this passion later in life. Sometimes I feel like it’s no use setting up something new, even at my young age. But I should just try!

  1792. Jan on

    I loved that she said “don’t be stingy” to give cuttings to people and introduce people to old roses is an act of friendship and love. This is so true.

  1793. Jill Whiteman on

    I was most inspired by her comments about don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job. As a full grown woman who stands at a whopping 4′ 10 ” tall I have learned to be very creative when tackling physical things that would be much easier for a man to do. Like Anne did with her use of the house jack to put walls up by herself. 2 years ago I bought a used rototiller to till a large area of my back yard for a vegtable and flower garden. My husband got it running for me and I proceded to till the area for the garden. It wasn’t easy hanging on to the tiller but I was determined to get it done and I did. I have always been on the old fashioned side and would love to learn how to grow and care for heirloom roses.

  1794. Beth Jann on

    It impressed me most that she was always running toward her dream. Escaping her mother’s garden to get to the water. Escaping to marry her first husband. And even when roadblocks were placed in her path: the fence in the garden, her first husband’s death when she was so young, she never gave up.

  1795. Michelle on

    This was such an inspiring, lovely series. Thank you all so much for putting this out there for all of us!

  1796. Debra Schwyhart on

    Anne was a woman of action – moving, learning and sharing! What a privilege to tour her garden and of course sharing her knowledge and her collection with Erin. As a result we will all benefit! What an amazing woman and inspiration to keep moving, learning and sharing in these trying times.

  1797. Teresa on

    I love this so much. As someone who’s keeps thinking it is too late for me to start gardening, or too hard, or start another passion… Anne’s message has really resonated with me. It isn’t too late. There is always time for late bloomers.

  1798. Mary Thompson on

    Anne did not start her rose journey until she reached the age of 60! I am 63, and to me, this is the most inspiring part of her interview! I have often felt that I was getting too old to begin growing roses or working with cut flowers. But reading this makes me realize that if you have a passion for something, it doesn’t matter how old you are. I would love to win a set of her books!

  1799. Merrilee Brooks Runyan on

    It’s the generosity that bubbles up throughout the interview. I love it when she says ‘don’t be stingy,’ that sharing roses is an act of love and friendship. It’s that spirit that infuses the entire interview and inspires me to grow more roses so that I can share them widely.

  1800. Denise Reed on

    I found the section on keep moving, don’t isolate yourself, keep learning and stay out of bed. I’m 72 years old and this advice went straight to my heart. She was a wise woman.

  1801. Lauren on

    I loved this series! Anne was an inspiring woman – I even took a screenshot of a quote from the interview for my own future reference:
    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    Oh, and ofc her roses are gorgeous!

  1802. Lois Burn on

    The joy of sharing her joy so freely and passing forward the treasures she so carefully gathered was very meaningful to me. As I transition from mother to mentor I will take this memory into the future relationships I cultivate. Garden to Garden.

  1803. Caren on

    Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.

  1804. Sabrina Cummins on

    Share.Dont be stingy.
    What an important message to carry in every aspect of life.

  1805. Marie Deforge on

    I found her whole interview inspiring, what a fascinating woman to sit with and converse. The most meaningful for me was her zest for life, and tackling your dreams, even the big ones and the seemingly difficult ones. I also enjoyed and will follow her advice on sharing from the garden with others.

  1806. Emily Marabotto on

    Anne’s story is so amazing. Such an inspiration to learn about her life and that at the age of 60 she followed her passions. Anne inspires me to pursue my dreams and believe in myself. Thank you Erin for sharing her legacy, and taking the torch and running with it. I’m in my first week of the Floret Workshop and know this was the right decision! I love all the learning and growth your platform has brought to my life. Now I need to get some rambling roses for my garden and get growing. Thank you ❤️

  1807. Rhonda Kobylski on

    Give, give, and give again. Never stop giving and sharing and inspiring others. Wonderful story and beautiful roses! Thank you.🌹

  1808. Christina N on

    Anne’s legacy advice to invite people into the garden and share the roses is such an inspiration. What a privilege we have to share beauty with one another through having people into the garden and giving generously. There are few things more stunning than a rose, save a welcoming and lavish heart.

  1809. Chloe on

    This was a wonderful interview! I resonated with the sentiment that you’re never too old to start and, particularly, her advice to: “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes… You need to study and become an apprentice.”

    I have been working in finance for 7 years, feeling overwhelming anxiety that this might be the rest of my life’s work – glued to a computer screen, analyzing investments, and feeling generally unfulfilled. I recently turned 30, which is quite young in the grand scheme of life, but was a milestone for me in realizing that I’m getting older, time is passing by faster and faster. Do I want this for the rest of my life? Then, I discovered the world of small-scale organic vegetable and flower farming – I’ve been reading all the books I can, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, etc. And I’m going to pursue it in real life! I will be leaving my finance role in just a few months and my husband and I have accepted a position to begin a new journey as apprentices at an organic vegetable farm this Spring. This was a wonderful inspiration to keep acquiring the skills/knowledge that I need to gain to do what I want to do – and to be a lifelong learner! Loved this interview.

  1810. Rachel on

    An amazing woman! Her story helps rekindle the drive to chase my dreams – it’s never too late to start learning something new.

  1811. Lisa Barber on

    In Anne’s interview, I like that she said woman can do anything. Don’t limit yourself, even if you need biceps. I say that all the time. “ I wish I had biceps.”Anne seems like she was such an inspirational woman. I will definitely enjoy her books!!

  1812. Trish Sullivan on

    What a truly remarkable life! I so enjoyed hearing her inspirational words about continuing to find challenges and new passions after the age of 60, especially I am traveling that through that decade now.

  1813. Shilpa Patel-Singh on

    As a plants person myself I have lived by the philosophy of sharing plants and cuttings, while connecting with others through my garden. I love this quote as there truly is no other way to inspire and be inspired … “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

  1814. Julie Bailey on

    Anne’s interview was very inspiring, and I appreciate Floret publishing it! I am also approaching 60 years old, and I’ve never planted the first rose, so her testimony of starting at age 60 definitely inspired me!

  1815. Michelle Jacobs on

    I was amazed that she started her own contracting company after turning 60 and built 25 houses, she’s sounds like an amazing woman! I would love to win her books, but I will buy them if I don’t!! Loved the 4 posts about roses, I learned a lot, especially about propagating roses! And your flower farm is amazing! Thank you Erin!

  1816. Melissa Longman on

    WOMEN CAN DO ANYTHING! 💪 A statement I truly believe but sometimes need to repeat.

  1817. Leora on

    Its inspirational reading about the joy her garden brings to all, to share her garden and rose collection, that flowers are beautiful and magical and so are the love/friendship/connection they provide!

  1818. Klara Cramer on

    How could I even pick the most inspiring quote? Anne’s three keys of achieving big goals are so simple yet so hard to accomplish. I have always struggled with impatience with myself when it comes to learning new things, but since being faced with a monumental task of creating garden on a pile of construction rubble I will need to engrave her simple advice somewhere on the fence to remind myself that being an apprentice has no time limit on it, because life teaches us every day, mind you we don’t always learn our lessons every day. My mother in law had a beautiful garden, she loved English tea roses. After her death the garden declined rapidly and I didn’t have the time and skills to do anything about it. We now moved our father in law into our new home with us to care for him and I would love to create little English garden for him to enjoy and to honor mom, so I have a monumental task to learn about old English roses. I’m looking for ward to this journey.

  1819. Jordan K Massad on

    “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.”

    Yes Ma’am Mrs. Anne! I plan to remain a curious student of my newly found and beloved passion of growing beautiful blooms.

    Thank you Erin and Team Floret for encapsulating this wonderful woman’s legacy.

  1820. Catherine Schuerman on

    What a lovely interview with a delightful lady! I could relate to her starting her study of roses late in life. I have done the same thing with art and hope I live a long life like Ann so I can excel like she did!

  1821. Angie Taylor on

    Anne played a tune on my heart strings! Sometimes us girls, especially over 50 need reminding to be brave and just have a go. Thank you Anne I will remember your love of life and beautiful roses. Thank you Erin for sharing Anne with us.
    Now to add more roses to my garden 💖

  1822. Heidi on

    My takeaway from this interview lies in admiring how she emerged from the ashes of tragedy, to go on to live such a full and beautiful life. This is something I think we all can admire and carry with us in this world <3

  1823. Laura Black on

    I just wrote down her statement about a passion for a hobby might indicate a talent that could become a career.
    I enjoyed seeing her beautiful roses, and i’m amazed at your drive to propogate and grow so many. I enjoyed your ‘Sanctuary’ episode of your show and i would like to see what your farm looks like now. I am sure it will be beautuful.

  1824. Rachel Clark on

    I love that she didn’t start collecting until she was 60 and how she really encourages you to go after your dreams. I also love that at 97 she was working on her first blog and website. I personally want to live until I die and Anne gave us a great example

  1825. Christy on

    “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal. If you are a man you are not apt to encounter prejudice in life’s goals because of your gender, but if you do don’t let it stop you…. On the other hand, you might want to pick something that comes to you more naturally. A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career. Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do. I owe much of my success to this one.”

    Most inspired by how she “kept moving”, regardless of age. How insightful to remind us to dig deep for anything that would cause us to stop believing in ourselves and restrict us from following a difficult goal! This story moved me more than I thought it would. Thanks, Erin and team! And Anne.

  1826. Mari on

    One of my favorite quotes is “ You need to study and become an apprentice. “
    I am a teacher by trade and know how much it takes to accomplish something . To see the struggle and want to help, if you are not determined you’ll need longer or worst case fail. So when I started my flower business I soaked up ever bit I could find. Books, blogs, workshops and then while growing my own business. Now I want to have special cut varieties and I started my own rose garden. There’s so much to learn and at the moment I feel rather overwhelmed but it takes time, patience and committed. And when I see how much Anne has accomplished throughout her life I feel inspired to take on as many challenges as I can take to thrive. And somit begins…!

  1827. Carol Bonsignore at Local Roots Floral Design on

    Such a treasured interview. My favorite part was her starting roses at age 60. I turn 60 this year and after reading this interview, have decide that his Spring I am going to start a rose garden which I have wanted to do for many years. Thanks Erin for saving some of her rose varieties and this wonderful story and inspiring me to get on with it!.

  1828. Brittany Eilert on

    Her love of life, courage and commitment to keep teaching herself anything she put her mind to was especially inspiring. I love that she did not pick up roses until she was 60. This gives such an encouragement to someone with great dreams and goals but who fears their ship has sailed. She kept
    Learning. Such a beautiful example to follow after. Thank you Floret!

  1829. Janet Coffey on

    I too am inspired by everything Anne has done. I was glad to see she started her rose garden at 60. I just started growing flowers last year at the age of 69!!! We have 10 acres of pasture that my husband says I am ruining!!!! I love what I am doing and Anne has given me the encouragement to continue. I am adding roses to my flower garden this year.

  1830. Rebecca Neilson on

    “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important.”

    I love that line because that is exactly what got me started with growing flowers. My love of flowers stems from my grandmother, but the inspiration and courage to start to grow flowers started when a friend of mine who loves to garden gave me a tour of her garden and sent me home with a bouquet of flowers and then gave me some seeds the following spring. Her enthusiasm and generosity lit something in my soul!

  1831. Tara Ferrari on

    I am always in awe and somewhat surprised by people who seem to be able to live multiple lives in their lifetime. To hold many and very different jobs. In todays modern culture, generally we think of that as impossible. Over the last couple of years, I have found the joy and fulfillment in gardening that is seen emanating from the flower and farming communities. I often yearn to drop what I’m doing and decided to become something new! While it’s not that easy, Anne re-inspires that passion in me. Hopefully the flower farm i develop one day will be one that would impress the Anne Belovich’s of the world

  1832. Chris on

    The portion of the interview that was inspiring for me was when she said, “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.” I grew up way up North and although my community recognized traditional roles, I didn’t fell that I was restricted to emulate those roles because when there was work to do on the family farm, everyone pitched in to get the work done. It wasn’t until I was older and started to venture out of my home town community, that I felt the pressure to ‘stay in my lane as a female.’ There was a lot of societal pressure to conform to what was expected of me. I did not fall to those pressures and was faced with harsh opposition when I entered male dominated fields. I know my persistence has served as inspiration for other young women to follow their dreams and not be limited to what others think they should be.

  1833. Mary Jane Landau on

    …be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing.

  1834. Deborah on

    Which part? All of it – especially on a day when I was inadvertently forced to see my almost 60 something self through the eyes of a younger person. HECK!!

    Your interview with Anne provides inspiration and an absolute lifeline. I no longer feel ‘too old’ to pursue my flower farming dream. There are things to learn, workshops to attend and books to read. Unexpectedly, it could be one about a Rosarian’s seafaring adventure whilst sitting beneath a canopy of rambling rose blooms, planted last winter to pretty up my neighbour’s lilac tree when its blooms fade. According to Anne, my plan might just work and all our neighbours may just get to share that unexpected beauty – even if it does take a few more decades :D

    Thank you for sharing.

  1835. Deb Halverson on

    It should be a requirement for girls in every school to read her inspiring words! She is truly proof with hard work and believing in yourself you can accomplish anything!

  1836. Laura T on

    I love where she says that you are never too old to try something new. I see you, Erin, and how you started growing flowers as a young mother. I did, too, never to the extent and success you have, but always lacking in self confidence. Now that I am over 50 years old (and I feel the same as I always have!), I see that it is NOT TOO LATE!

  1837. Dawn Schilling on

    Anne didn’t let anything deter her, including her age and gender. She learned the skills she needed to accomplish what she set out to do. What an inspiration! Also, I love her encouragement to continue to have goals and to keep learning, even later in life. It is what keeps you young.

  1838. Erin on

    I am most inspired by her sailing! How amazing!

  1839. Heather on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams”. I love this!! It seems like we are suppose to have it all figured out in the first half of our life. But really the first half we just fake it til we make it! When I say “make it” at least for me, it’s believing in myself. Allowing my dreams to become a reality, regardless of the options of others. What a beautiful inspiring woman.

  1840. Jane Walker on

    ‘I still donate to this important cause and others that lessen the suffering of animals, both domestic and wild, and work to conserve biodiversity on our planet. Much more work needs to be done in these areas.’

    These words encapsulate Anne’s generosity and her willingness to share and care with all around her. She was a truly remarkable woman.
    It is wonderful that her roses will live on in many gardens. As will her spirit.

  1841. Julia on

    “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal… Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself.”

    Wish I had her wise words to guide me during medical school and residency, grateful to have them now navigating a male dominated career. What a brave, incredibly full life and what an inspiration!

  1842. Brittany Yu on

    This is beautiful! I hope my small new rose bushes will one day grow into a thing of beauty!

  1843. Clarisse on

    I loved how she said to simply share the beauty. To get up everyday and keep moving. 💜it was such an inspiring article to read about her life 💜

  1844. Nina on

    I was inspired by her book explaining her journey; her “determination.” I loved hearing about everything she’s accomplished and about always sharing your roses as a sign of love and friendship and not to be “stingy.” I would love to read her books and also her Voyage of Determination book as well. I think my husband would also enjoy the inspiring nature of the book. Thanks for the wonderful read Erin!

  1845. Abigail on

    I was encouraged by Anne saying, “be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do”. How true! And how hard when we often find ourselves in packed schedules & lifestyles. Yet, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well”. That usually equals TIME.
    I remind myself that little bits of time devoted to a project do matter and do add up. For example, spending 30 minutes a day on a project adds up to 3 hours a week, then 12 hours a month.

  1846. Chrisdee on

    I sincerely have read the part “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.” 4 times. It solidified something in me – you can accomplish anything – doesn’t matter your age. Thank you Anne!

  1847. Mubaraka on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    Simple and wise words gleaned and distilled from living a life most of us can only dream about! I am in my early fifties and her life and words about all the things achieved after she was 60, gives me strength and hope.
    “We will have our first pruning party in February with area old garden rose enthusiasts and garden clubs. Consider these kinds of events in your local community.”
    And her gardening philosophy of love and share! The world can use this in every facet of our lives.

  1848. Lynn on

    I loved when you asked her how we can carry on her legacy her answers were so simple…keep them watered, fertilized and in lots of sunshine; share the beauty with others; share cuttings! Such a sweet, simple way to ask others to carry on her legacy💕 Thank you Erin for this delightful series.

  1849. Sylvie Manderstrom on

    Such a wonderful interview Erin! My absolute favourite part of this interview is where she speaks about real life. Her formula for achieving any difficult goal really touched my soul as it is an incredible reminder that we are perfectly capable of achieving anything we set our mind to. Such wise words spoken by a wonderful woman who has lived a long filled life.

  1850. Chessy on

    My favourite part of your interview with Anne is just how open and fluid with life she was. She didn’t define herself by one aspect of her life but was a sailor, a teacher, a botanist, a wife and mother, a contractor, a rambling rose expert, and even a blogger! I had never heard of Anne before this interview and I am so inspired so thank you for introducing me to her. I always thought you had to have one passion in life to put everything into, but that never worked for me. Now, hearing Anne’s story I feel like I have permission to be many things and even change and evolve with this precious life. I will definitely be reading the account of her sailing voyage for even more inspiration!

  1851. Alexandra on

    I love the part where she talks about sharing the garden with others being important. I’m slowly but surely building my garden from the ground up and this is the number one focus I have… “How can I create a space that others feel welcome in? A place where the cares of the world and hours melt away?”

  1852. Mary Beth on

    As someone turning 59 soon, it was inspiring to read that she too considered herself old at the time. What if she had continued to believe that? Look at all she accomplished in those 37 years! Thank you, Anne. You are a dear.

  1853. Vanessa Tentes on

    I am just in awe over Anne and your entire process of documenting her life, her legacy, her adventures and of course, her beautiful roses. What inspired me the most is her fearlessness to conquer anything, regardless of gender, and her words on overcoming prejudice around us and within us. Her words of “biceps and beard” will stay with me, as a a reminder and inspiration that we really are capable of whatever we set our minds too. Thank you for this incredible post, and sharing her with us Erin!

  1854. Allison Villard on

    When Anne talked about inviting people into her garden it inspired me to open a local rose garden that people from everywhere could come and visit. A botanical garden of sorts but just for roses. Her dedication to the old roses and preserving them is very inspiring. I also loved how she talked about getting things done as a woman. The way she made being a woman a strength rather than a weakness was incredible. I am going to take that strength with me through the rest of my life.

  1855. Adriana Anderson on

    One of the things I look forward to the most is having a garden that visitors can experience and escape into. Currently, my husband and I love having people over and entertaining them outside if the day isn’t too hot or cold. Our garden is so young but many people are amazed by the garden each year. I really enjoyed when Anne said, “Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. “, because I can definitely agree and relate. I also appreciate this quote because growing roses does intimidate me but she makes it seem simple :)

  1856. Janis Eppensteiner on

    What an amazing lady!! Knowing basically nothing about growing roses, Anne’s story has inspired me to learn. I love that she was co-creator of NOAH since I am an animal lover myself. Also, her advice to stay out of bed, go out to lunch (!), read and be open to new ideas is the perfect motivation for the mid-winter doldrums in Ohio. Beautiful story!

  1857. Jackie on

    A great reminder to me that I can do whatever I put my mind to. In the past I haven’t let being a female slow me down. Trained to be a meat cutter and took auto shop and wood shop in evening adult school once I graduated high school. (Girls couldn’t take those classes in high school). Pulled an engine out of an old car. Time for me to get going on a new project.

  1858. Erin Clark on

    Anne’s advice to share cuttings and open your home and garden up to develop friendships was so inspiring! And I love the visual of your garden growing as your friendship grows. This was such a lovely interview. Thank you for taking so much time to share and preserve her legacy!

  1859. Marsha on

    What inspired me the most from this interview were the things I need to most remember for myself:

    “have people over all the time to enjoy the property, and many friendships as lovely as the roses developed”

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  1860. Bryony on

    ‘It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.’
    And maybe our dreams change and evolve over time! The nostalgia of reinventing a childhood garden, writing books, preserving the best timeless classics. Amazing amazing lady. Words to live by- we only hold ourselves back.

  1861. Sydney on

    What a fantastic interview – I actually teared up a little reading about her life. Her advice to keep learning and keep your mind open and moving really spoke to me, as well as her comments about starting “late” in life. I’m only 30 and sometimes it feels like it’s too late for me to take up something new, so to read about a woman who discovered a new passion at 60, when she still had 1/3 of her life left to live, really made an impact on how I look at life. Thank you for sharing her story!

  1862. Terry on

    Her understanding how we each make Rose gardening, though I do not doubt in any form, most valuable when shared : Anne – Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.

  1863. Barbara on

    As I am looking at turning 62 in a couple of weeks, it is so inspiring to know that she was just beginning a wonderful long lived chapter in her life at that age. I love the advice to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” That is what I plan to do for the next 30 years.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful interview.

  1864. Kasey Rainey on

    Anne’s advice at the end to volunteer helping to weed and take care of rose gardens is further proof to me that I’m on the right path. I’ve been considering (for years now) starting a branch of the American Rose Society in my area because the closest one is more than 2 hours away. I am going to make it a point to do two things this year: find a place to volunteer regarding rose care and make an action plan to get a chapter of the ARS going in my area! Thank you Erin for this series of posts and thanks to Anne for all her wisdom and good works. :)

  1865. Amber on

    Wow, what an inspiring human and what incredible images of her garden. Just what I needed today.
    It is clear from her own accomplishments that she never let the obstacles stand in her way, and that I find the most inspiring.

  1866. Stephanie Liller on

    Erin, this was fantastic to read, and what an incredible tribute to Anne. I as well as many of us aspiring gardeners, look up to incredible legends like her and yourself. I think what stuck out to me the most was

    “ Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.” – Anne

    This reminds me so much of the content you share with us in your wisdom and books to help those wanting to learn to grow those skills and knowledge. Thank you to determined women like you and Anne, who are making a vast and incredible move in the world to making it a better place.

  1867. Erin McCracken on

    I love that she started her journey with roses later on in her life. I only starting truly loving gardening after I had my kids; I still struggle with it sometimes as well. It just confirms my belief that it doesn’t matter when you do something, so long as you do it and love it, that’s all that matters.

  1868. Whitney Smith on

    I’m so inspired by her passion for learning. I have long been someone who learns from books and then stores the knowledge away. Reading this makes me want to go do something with the knowledge. The part about sharing with others brought tears to my eyes. Lovely.

  1869. Lizzie Swartz on

    I was thinking I was becoming too old to start something new; that I was behind! But her advice to start at any age particularly resonated with me.

    Thanks for such an extraordinary interview of an extraordinary woman.

  1870. Laura on

    The quote from her book about sailing “…be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing”. I am closer to the beginning of my life, so to speak, and I have big dreams that could easily seem too big if I let them. Inspiring to read what Anne was capable of doing with the right perspective!

  1871. Bambi Halcomb on

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.  
    Such Great Wisdom and Advice, especially for this aging grower that needs to convince her body she can do this on the daily.

  1872. Kirsten F on

    Thank you so much for capturing this and bringing her story to those who would never have other wise found her. What an inspiration for a continual dedication to life long learning and in continuing to try and do things that you otherwise thought you could not. I need more Roses.

  1873. Bethany on

    Erin, thank you so much for sharing this! I am inspired by the thought that I could live to be 97 (my own grandmother is 92!) and that I have plenty of years ahead of me to learn and grow! My family recently moved and bought a few acres of land—I am so excited to continue to learn how to grow things! Last year’s attempt at a cut flower garden was a flop, but my tiny salad garden was a win! I’m so enjoying your content and excited to be planning for this year, learning from last year’s successes and failures!

  1874. Ruby Albert on

    What inspired me the most was the fact she started this rose career when she was 60 and look how far she came!! Her attitude to life is amazing! Her advice to life is amazing. The fact that she was making a website at 97 is amazing!!! I’m an awe of her and I think I need my own collection of roses now but I’ll need to find space haha!!

  1875. Marcia Sharkey on

    I especially enjoyed her commentary on learning new skills. What an absolutely amazing woman. Talented in such a variety of areas. Looking forward to reading her books, especially “A Voyage of Determination “. Thanks for sharing this unique friendship with us!

  1876. Trinity Rinear on

    It is inspiring to be reminded that you truly can do anything if you put your mind to it and put in the work, study, and time. It is a simple statement, but so profoundly true, that “you can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.”

  1877. Becky on

    Very poignant for me, I’ll be 60 later this year and this is a wonderful reminder that it’s never too late to follow your dreams. :) Thanks for posting this.

  1878. Savannah De martimprey on

    Life really threw her a curve ball, and she caught it. I think that’s the general theme I loved in this article. Also there are different seasons in life, and how they build on each other is beautiful.

    My favorite:
    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    My mother in law who is in her 60s, but looks like a 20 year old gives the same advice.

  1879. Beth Mears on

    I was so thankful to read about someone else who loves the Old Fashioned ramblers and climbers and who allowed them to do their wild thing to such a beautiful extent. I was impressed by her amazing foresight in planting these beauties all around her property… imagine bringing home a truckload of roses from a nursery!!! Heaven on earth! Thanks to this wonderful woman, and her amazing tenacity during her lifetime, roses in their most elemental form will continue to thrive and show us that something so unspeakably beautiful is also a thing of strength and endurance.

  1880. Lyka W on

    I love the idea that it’s never too late to start something new. Thirty-seven years is more time than a lot of people spend on one thing. That’s so inspiring.

  1881. Paige Petticrew on

    I love how she state you are never too old to start something new! As a younger person starting a career in horticulture it is exciting to me to know that if I allow myself I can be open to so many opportunities!

    Anne speaks as she was such a giving person, in her share of plants, love for horticulture, and passion for helping others! This is truly a testament of what a fantastic person she really was, as so many people now are not as giving with their knowledge without receiving something in return.

  1882. Angela Kuhl on

    I love her advice on keep learning and keep moving. Do not isolate yourself. Stay out of bed and meet a friend for lunch. I honestly believe that is the key to living such a beautiful long life. One of my favorite aunts, she was 89, recently passed away. Se walked two miles everyday and was sharp as a tack. Thank you for sharing Erin!

  1883. Michelle Richmond on

    It’s incredably eye opening to read about a woman of 97 starting her own website and blog simply because she had always wanted to do it. Letting go of a mindset that limits your options by age is so freeing and now we have the beauty and wisdom of her written posts to look forward to and learn from. It’s never to late to contribute something beautiful to the world.

  1884. Melanie Corey on

    I was so taken by her saying that you can become anything you want! If you struggle with some part of what you want to be, then study to become better! It’s never to late to start your dreams no matter the age. All of her wisdom and livelihood is so encouraging!

  1885. Carlee on

    What I loved about her interview was that she found we women don’t need men to be and feel strong and capable. We just need determination and something we love and are fascinated by so much that we can’t help but go after it. It’s very sad that her first husband died and I’m sure it broke her heart, but she made a beautiful life out of the ashes of grief.

  1886. Melissa Ferrari on

    I was most inspired by her comment that starting her passion for roses at 60 wasn’t late at all considering she had 37 years to devote to them. It’s so important to keep finding new hobbies that you love, give your life meaning and keep you mentally sharp. Thanks for this interview.

  1887. Deborah on

    What inspired me the most was, it’s never too late to start!

  1888. Elie Jeanne Ouellet on

    This article brought me tears. She truly was a beautiful soul! Her Advice to keep moving, read and stay open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development is what stuck with me the most but also how she seemed like a thankful, positive and generous human. She truly is an inspiration and an example of determination and courage.

  1889. Clare Haig on

    What inspired me most from Anne’s interview was to gather a group of old rose lovers together and to help care for precious collections of what we, in New Zealand call heritage roses. I can think of places in private hands that having been built up over the years are now priceless but the owners are becoming too frail to put the work in. But there are also public collections that council staff either don’t know what they’ve got or don’t have the time to look after them – or both. Thank you Erin for sharing such a special interview.

  1890. Hannah on

    Thank you for this interview. Anne’s story and her message are needed by so many and I am grateful for your introduction to her. I can’t wait to get my hands on her books! Her perspective is a life changing one, especially if you have that fire (drive, energy, voice, feeling) inside saying you can do bigger things, yet feel held back, if only by your own mind. I love how she talked about not isolating yourself, another message we’ve needed in the US for decades.

  1891. Kim Bensing on

    I am a 56-year-old floral artist whose formal training is as an Art/Creative Director. I only began floral art & design 5 years ago.
    Therefore this phrase inspired me the most: “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family.”
    My husband’s grandfather founded a handbell company in Pennsylvania after he retired. He also lived well into his nineties and had the same philosophy about work. It’s so important to not focus on age or perceived limitations. We need to keep learning, try something new every day, look for inspiration everywhere and go to lunch with friends often!!!! It’s so important to stay connected and be passionate.

  1892. Hannah on

    Thank you for this interview. Anne’s story and her message are needed by so many and I am grateful for your introduction to her. I can’t wait to get my hands on her books! Her perspective if a life changing one, especially if you have that fire (drive, energy, voice, feeling) inside that says you can do bigger things but feel held back, if only by your own mind. I love how she talked about not isolating yourself, another message we’ve needed in the US for decades.

  1893. Haley Burns on

    I loved this entire interview, she is such an inspiration and I hope to continue to live my life and learn new things and follow my passions as she has! ❤️❤️❤️

  1894. Abbi on

    “Keep moving…Spend time with family and friends… Sharing is the most important…”
    Lovely reminders to perpetuate life! A good story & beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.

  1895. Lisa on

    Anne’s generosity in sharing her roses and her knowledge is such an important example. Seeking education for yourself and passing on what you know to interested people helps link the generations. The last conversation I had with my father was about some wild roses. He harvested hips for me and we had a great chat about roses and propagation. He didn’t make it back to give them to me himself but the roses sprouted and I will keep on the journey with them always thinking of my Dad and his love of learning.

  1896. Iris Saligman on

    My rose garden is one of my joys in life and am excited to plant more old roses and climbing roses. Ann’s advice reminds me of some of the things my mother used to say, “keep moving, stay out of bed, don’t isolate yourself, be social, read and be open to new ideas and commit yourself to lifelong learning.” That is such good advice.

  1897. Janine S. on

    As a woman in a male dominated field every day I go to work I feel like I need to fight. Sometimes this gets daunting, and I get frustrated with myself for not always having the energy to fight. I love this wise lady, as she put it very beautifully, “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. ” To know that she, even at 97, had the energy to fight all those years gives me perspective that not only is it the right thing to do, it’s our obligation to keep fighting, especially for the younger generations. She was a beautiful, strong, powerful soul with wisdom that I am so grateful you captured in your interview. I will always remember her words when I feel tired. Keep going until you’re called to heaven.

  1898. Laurel on

    I love when Anne says you can do anything a man, can do except those thing that require strength, but there are other ways around that. A true feminist!

  1899. Arlene Trabona on

    In her book A Voyage to Determination she realizes she is capable of accomplishing very difficult goals. She feels that being a woman should not stop you from going ahead to achieve your goals. If you know yourself, your talents and limitations. If you have the passion then your talents should be pursued. Always be willing to spend your time and energy preparing for what you want to do. She inspires me to go ahead and achieve my goals! She encourages women to believe.

  1900. GregTumidanski on

    What a joy to share ! My inspiration came from…. “A passion of a particular hobby might be an indication for a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career”. Those words from Anne encourage any one …. at any age … to follow their passion … to share your passion with others!

  1901. Joy Smith on

    I am most inspired by her encouragement to start new things at 60 yrs of age! I am 61yrs old…and while the wear and tear of dairy farm life is rearing its ugly head…I am encouraged to believe that I dont need to think I should be “slowing down”! I am still young! Thank-you, Erin for sharing het life, roses and inspiration with us!

  1902. Martina Ballard on

    “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard.” This is priceless…I’ll remember it forever!

  1903. Charlene on

    This was a wonderful interview and I was thrilled that you shared it with your followers. When Anne mentioned that 60 years old wasn’t really old and how many accomplishments she had after turning 60, it was so inspiring for me, a gardener at 65! Her words come from a lifetime of experience and are full of wisdom and encouragement for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful post.

  1904. Nicole Schoor on

    I loved when she said “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” This interview was so full of gems Erin, thank you for sharing and for not being ‘stingy’

  1905. Carmen on

    I love that she emphasizes that we can do hard things and that we should stay curious and delight in possibility and lifelong learning. Stag curious and see where it leads.I also loved that Anne encouraged generosity in her pursuits. I really felt inspired by this interview.

  1906. Danielle Gibbs on

    As a mother to young children, I loved the visual of Anne running down the cliffs to the sea and her mother making her come back to the safety of the garden. Sometimes our children run away from us for adventure/independence or whatever. I love how she returned.

  1907. Merideth on

    What a treasure! Thank you for sharing her wisdom and legacy with others. I appreciated so much this part of the interview, “It is never too late to act on your goals …. My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  1908. Vince on

    I am amazed how peoples’ lives are formed from decisions made at an early age as Anne stated how getting married so young formed the rest of her life. And what an amazing, productive life she had. Thank you for sharing.

  1909. Sarah Brunner on

    I just turned 44 and am entering my 6th year of flower farming. When I started I already felt like I was starting late. I have enjoyed pursuing many passions over my life, but lately I have worried that I won’t be able to start many new adventures because of being “too old” to start at the beginning of anything. That is why this part of Anne’s story struck me so deeply;
    “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.”- Anne
    It’s easy to lose perspective on the potential of life when burrowed down on one’s current circumstances. Anne’s story is a refreshing reminder that it is possible to live and experience even more.

  1910. Carolyn Thompson on

    Firstly, I think this is my favorite interview that you have published. You are very lucky to have met her – I love feisty old ladies. My favorite passage in the interview is. “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.” – Thank you again for taking the time out to share this – absolutely wonderful.

  1911. Peggy San Roman on

    I had to laugh when I got to the end of this post, asking for my favorite sentiment. While I was reading the post I had to stop, copy a paragraph and email it to a friend before I could resume reading! That paragraph was “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” Wise and wonderful words from a truly inspirational woman. Thank you, Erin, for sharing Anne’s beautiful story with us.

  1912. Susan Stevenson on

    She lived her life every day as an opportunity to learn, dream, work and make the world a better place. Simple to say but harder to actually do over a century!

  1913. Mandi on

    I’m most impressed with her starting roses at 60 years old! I often find myself think because I’m 40, it’s too late to begin something new. I’ve already started roses, but I’m more inspired than ever to start the piano and French!

  1914. Mary Irvine on

    I loved Anne’s Steps to Achieving a Goal and her advice to check to see if testosterone is truly required. Anne learned the necessary trades for housebuilding and proceeded to build a number of houses. This is a good example of a limitation that many women would feel, but it can be overcome if one has unexplored aptitudes in that regard. Trying is the only way to find out! I liked that Anne included the possibility that men might face prejudice too, and if they do, that they should rise above it. It is wonderful that Anne’s beautiful and extensive garden will be duplicated and will live on! I hope to travel to see it and to purchase a couple of her Rose books to add to my library. I am very inspired by her life!

  1915. Liz Conner on

    What an inspiration she is!
    I loved when she said, “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.”. This reminds me of you Erin, and giving away the dahlias, and how wholeheartedly you teach others and help them to grow in their own way. There is far too much fear over competition and giving too much away. I can’t wait to plant my rose garden. My Uncle, whoo lived to be 90 years old had a wonderful rose garden. We will be replicating it on our property in his memory and honor this summer.

  1916. Sherry Donovan on

    “Don’t let being a woman stop you……and look for prejudice in yourself.” Powerful words that are especially relevant in today’s world. This is an amazing interview with questions that allowed Mrs. Belovich the opportunity to pass along wonderful insight from a life well lived.

  1917. Debra Fortney on

    I loved reading your interview with Anne. Her story reminds me a bit of Tasha Tudor another amazing woman who was an amazing gardener and illustrated children’s books, and lived to the ripe old age of 92.

    I am 62 and was inspired to read how she went on to built houses, write books, etc all after age 60! I am an avid gardener and plan to go back and read this article again whenever I feel the need for inspiration.

    Anne’s life was a life well lived. Thanks for sharing her story. I have over 30 rose bushes and my garden is about 1.5 acres. I would love to educate myself further by reading her rose books.

  1918. Brenda on

    I don’t think I could find enough words to say about such an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing her story. I’ve worked in an industry, considered a “man’s job” so I understand that, the depth of her determination to be successful and independent in her work. What a spirit she had, and so important to carry that forward. I loved her advocacy and kindness for the animals. Very inspirational.

  1919. Danielle Studley on

    Wow, this is a keeper! I think I’ll print it out and tuck it somewhere so when I randomly find it again some day it will inspire me some more. I love her theme throughout… she starts the interview with “Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged. “ And her answer to the question “Your passion for roses started much later in life. Do you have any advice for someone who feels like it’s too late to pursue their dreams?” was so good I copied it and forwarded to several of my friends.

  1920. Melanie on

    What stands out if her ability to love herself and be keenly aware of her value. That is such a challenge for a lot of people. She’s clearly a kind and humble woman, but she knows how special and skilled she is. All of her interview was incredibly touching and inspiring.

  1921. Margaret on

    I wholeheartedly agree with Anne that giving a rose cutting to someone is an act of love and friendship. When I see my roses growing in my friend’s gardens, I feel like a proud grandma.

  1922. Liza Swenn Martin on

    Anne’s encouragement regarding not letting gender limit your dreams and goals was so supportive and inspiring. My mother was such a woman. She molded me in the same way as I have my daughter. At sixty plus years I’ve bought a defunct farm, and with my daughter of forty plus years we are bringing it back to life with Heritage Breed Shetland Sheep and heirloom vegetables. Antique flowers are also part of the plan.

  1923. Meredith Brown on

    I was inspired by her not getting into roses until after she was 60 years old! Her passion about following dreams, and it’s never too late was beautifully inspiring to me!

  1924. Julie Woods on

    I really liked the part of the interview where Anne talked about turning 60 and said she’d thought 60 was so old. I just turned 60 a few weeks ago and was feeling just like Anne. So interesting and inspiring to see all she accomplished! Not to mention the beautiful legacy she has set in place. Love it!

  1925. Mary Pursley on

    I admire her giving spirit and grateful to hear that generosity will live on in another rose garden! The Chambersville Rose Garden in Texas will be sharing her legacy. Well done!

  1926. Mary E Vono on

    I love the interview. Mostly I love when she talks about making sure you look inside yourself to see how you can support the prejudice against women also you only need a man if you need testosterone or if you need “big biceps and a beard”. What a joy!

  1927. Peggy Baker on

    I have re-read your interview with Anne 3 times as I found it so very inspiring! It is difficult for me to pick out one piece of the interview as my favorite, but I suppose I would choose two: “ Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do. I owe much of my success to this one.” And , “Next you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” I am 68 years old and have worked in the corporate world since I was 16 and I retired last year. My husband and I decided we wanted to do farming in our next adventure in life so purchased 77 acres in our home state of Texas and built our farmhouse and added a small herd of cows.
    Erin, you and Anne have given me such a gift as I have let the thought of my age keep me from pursuing my dream of having a large flower garden. I’m so blessed to have good health and a loving supportive husband of 50 years. Growing up I had the privilege of spending summers with my grandparents and spent much of my time in my grandmother’s flower shop. I have always loved flowers and most especially roses so we are starting to prepare some garden areas. I believe we have the perfect spot to start our rose garden. I am taking Anne’s advice to spend some time and energy preparing for the new gardens and to not limit myself due to age. I’m going to go back and re-read again your entire 4 part series on roses and purchase some books so we know how to best prepare the soil and choose some perfect roses to get started.
    Thank you so very much for sharing your stories, your experiences and expertise and most especially the time spent with Anne—I felt like I was there sitting with you both and hearing her speak. I can’t wait to hear and see more about your newest rose garden and I can’t wait to get started on my own with roses as well as the seeds I’ve ordered from you! Who knows, God may grant me another 30 years and I want to make the most of it to share with family and friends and to leave a legacy for our children and grandchildren.

  1928. Julie on

    “Know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” I catch myself talking myself out of my big dreams and finding the reasons not to do it, afraid of failure. Love her advice!

  1929. Laura Miner on

    I was in tears reading this post. I decided last year (2020) that I was going to leave my very stressful real estate career and buy a farm. I wanted to surround myself with flowers, chickens, gardens and trees. I wanted a simple life, where my hard work would bring me the joy I’d been missing. I was nervous to go on this new adventure at 66 years old, but I knew in my heart that I had to make the move. Reading about Anne starting at 60 showed me I was right!!! I just had my first garden cut, and the neighbors must be scratching their heads…. a 4000sf garden???? Little do they know that it’s only the first! (HAHA) But when I start bringing them boxes of vegetables, bouquets of flowers and fresh eggs they will understand my dream. I will definitely add Anne’s books to my already growing library on plants, flowers and life. She is my inspiration! Thank You for sharing this wonderful woman with us. Reading this made my day. I’m headed out to the little forest on the property to clear the underbrush to prepare for my shade gardens……

  1930. Martha Coleman on

    Anne was obviously an incredible and driven woman. To be a widowed mother at age 19, seemed to challenge her to be strong, ambitious and determined. My favorite statement of hers in this wonderful rose series, is “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” It is such wonderful news that her roses will be grown and cared for as time marches forward. How wonderful that she continues to share her love (and legacy) with others.

  1931. Tania Pena on

    Really inspirational! Looking forward to learn about it.
    My favorite part was “ My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development” this hit me closer because I’m living with a Family member that has Alzheimer’s Disease

  1932. Billie Marrs on

    First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job. Such a wonderful blog post on her love of roses and life.

  1933. Denise Marks on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship.” Thank you Erin for listening to that little voice that you needed to visit your amazing friend, Anne once again. Her legacy will continue through you and what a wonderful gift to share!

  1934. Jan Ford on

    What a great article. I loved the story of how she started at age 60. Sometimes at 68 I can’t seem to get motivated. This motivated. I’m planning my little rose corner now!

  1935. Christine T. on

    The best part of gardening is giving away what you have grown . “
    “Don’t be stingy” She is 100 % right . It all comes back to you two fold & more !
    THANK YOU ALL for a wonderful read !
    I am inspired to add some roses to my garden .

  1936. Monae Guercio on

    “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” Such perfect advice for anyone with knowledge to give.

  1937. Ann on

    I love her go getter attitude. Encouraging us to not worry about age or other “limitations” and get out of bed and accomplish whatever you desire.

  1938. Jacquie on

    I love that she didn’t start til she was 60! I’ve been feeling like I’m too old to start over and to have dreams. She has inspired me to dream again! Thank you for the interview!

  1939. Jennifer Monke on

    Anne embodied the quote by Henry Ford “whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right”

    Anne thought she could, because she knew she could and therefore did! What a fascinating life she lived! Take time to speak with the older folks in your life, you might be surprised to find stories like hers in your own backyard.

  1940. Stephanie on

    My favorite quote was ”You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” She is an inspiration.

  1941. Lindsay Myers on

    What an inspiration and treasure and thankful her legacy will live on thru these roses. Her generosity is a great reminder but I can tell she had a fun and fiesty spirit based on her tips. I’m still thinking thru what things require constant testosterone, biceps and a beard! :)

  1942. Shannon KH on

    I love her three step process for goals, I think I will print that out for my daughters. Talking about building her house by purchasing a wall jack brought mr to tears for some reason, I’m not a crier. What a wonderful person.

  1943. Lisa Osborne on

    Her generosity is most inspiring … ‘inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important’. This is a small act that each of us can engage in.

  1944. Marion Barnes on

    Marion January 12, 2022
    Anne is like a rambling rose herself. She nurtured her own m life as she did her roses and don’t forget those abandoned animals. She was a nurturer at heart. What greater gift to celebrate.

  1945. Katie Meads on

    What a life she lived! Simply, she didn’t let anything intimidate her. She approached every facet of life with voracity, zeal & determination. My favorite quotes “be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing” “don’t be stingy” two things we could all do more of in the garden and elsewhere. Thank you Erin, for this great interview, with such an incredible woman.

  1946. Robin on

    Anne and this story is so motivating! I, like many love that she was 60 when she grew her first rose and then had 37 years experience! Although I have been a lifelong gardener I was also around 60 when I planted my first rose bushes and they just happened to be ones I purchased through Heirloom roses!

  1947. Jane Powell on

    Wow, what an amazing woman!!! The entire interview was so inspiring, but since I’m getting close to 60 and still have plans to start another business, that was my favorite part of the interview…it’s never to late to start something new! I’m new to roses with plants shipping to me this Spring…

  1948. Lindsay Rojas on

    There’s so much truth in all of Anne’s advice, but the part that most inspired me is, “you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.”

    I also loved her advice for someone who thinks it’s too late to pursue their dreams. Indeed, what she said about keeping moving, staying out of bed, and committing to life long learning can apply to anyone considering giving up their pursuit of dreams regardless of the reason.

  1949. Taylor Grandfield on

    What a beautiful interview! I think the most inspiring part was talking about learning yourself, your talents, and limitations without underestimating yourself ❤️

  1950. Virginia Daugherty on

    She sounds like an amazing woman.
    The one thing that keeps coming to my mind from her interview, is to not be stingy. Stingy with my time during flower season, is what I am. With so much work to be done, it is hard to not be stingy. Something I need to work on.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  1951. Janet H on

    The entire interview was inspiring. What an amazing, eloquent, determined and passionate woman! She approached all of her passions without self imposed or social boundaries interfering. She happily shared her knowledge and success with others to truly make the world a more beautiful place.

  1952. Kathleen on

    Makes you long for roses and adventure – not necessarily in that order.

  1953. Anita Scheftner on

    When she said, don’t be stingy! What a great attribute! She loved life and her ventures, it was like she decided on something and with a laser focus, it happened. Then on top of that, was generous with her time and experience, expertise and friendship, that’s a great character trait to have. Precious.
    Again, thank you Floret for sharing 💖

  1954. Donna Brzuskiewicz on

    Oh my, what a beautiful soul Anne is. I love your interview with her Erin. So very glad to hear her daughter is keeping her legacy/blog alive. I loved hearing Anne say that you are never too old…. To accomplish things, just keep learning. Erin,Thank you for sharing, this remarkable lady, your friend Anne.

  1955. Ali Davies on

    I am recently separated/divorced after a 10yr relationship with someone who could fix and build anything. For me, it is inspiring that it is possible for me to grow, and learn on my own, and that I will become even stronger in doing so. It is eye opening to read about how this spectacular woman, knew what she wanted, read the books, gathered the knowledge, and did so much on her own. In just reading her interview, it has given me so much hope that so can move on and still achieve all that I hope to in my garden and around my home. <3

  1956. Tana Brown on

    How do you choose one part? Her entire story is amazing! I love her ambition and determination. I love her advice for sharing and letting people visit the garden. I love delivering bouquets of my flowers to people! What an incredible inspiration she is!!!

  1957. Esther Rodriquez on

    Wow!!! What an amazing Person!!!! I very much Love her mentality “it’s never to late”. Thank you for sharing Anne’s story with us. My goal is to adopt her attitude more in my life. There are so many things I would like to do. Anne’s story has motivated me to push forward with my goals. Thank You Anne for your story & your example. I want to be like Anne!!! 💗💗💗

  1958. Rhonda on

    Thank you so much for this interview! The most inspiring part for me was that I am not only not too old at 55 to pursue my gardens dreams, but I can FLOURISH at my dream!

  1959. Michele Steen on

    “Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal.” I think this statement sums up the way I live my life, without having put it into words myself. Around our home I am the one who does all the repairs, painting, and minor renovations in addition to all of the landscaping, gardening, etc. I (usually) enjoy the satisfaction achieved from the completed tasks. Similar to Anne, when I get an idea, I research it completely & then dive in! Last year I built myself a hoop house. It wasn’t all that difficult. The reactions I get when people find out I built it myself are surprising to me. “ You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” so many words of wisdom from Anne. Thank you for this interview!

  1960. Julia Ryckman on

    I am most inspired by Anne’s sharing of how much she accomplished and how many new things she started after the age of sixty— seemingly as an autodidact. How inspiring to read that she decided she wanted to build a house, read three books, did it, and then started a general contracting company. Her interview is also a generous reminder that big goals are achieved one step at a time, though constant movement. Finally, I appreciated the acknowledgement of circumstances and/or luck— things that happen in life that alter our course, propel us in a new direction, perhaps one we wouldn’t have otherwise chosen or foreseen. Thanks so much for this.

  1961. Sue Welch on

    “Look carefully at the same prejudice that might be lurking in ourselves.” I’ll be watching myself for any self limiting behavior! Including age limitations. Thank you for the wise words.

  1962. Gail B Wynne on

    I love that she started a log at 97…reminded me of my Dad who kept learning and contributing right to the end.

  1963. D Martin on

    How lovely! I just read through this post with my two girls. My youngest giggled at ‘big biceps and beards!’ I have started making an annual trip to the Antique Rose Garden in Texas to choose a new rose— I have three. My parents will be giving us a couple of acres, and I look forward to filling it with ALL THE FLOWERING VINES, including roses. With my 13yo’s help. (I am a notorious black thumb, but my three roses are still alive.). She’s successfully grown a ruby moon vine two years in a row. After my two years’ failure to grow loofahs, she took the old seeds and grew a monstrous vine that took over our three vegetable garden beds and a quarter of the back yard!

    I think I was encouraged to hear that it’s not too late— I can work to change my thumb color. And, dv, my daughters will have a priceless experience and inheritance.

  1964. Brooke Rodgers on

    Very inspiring as I am later in age and find myself gardening in a climate that is challenging for me …..she inspires me to keep at it!! Her contracting business is also inspiring, as a person who has worked developing low income affordable housing….I am ready to start my own business…as a woman!!! Thank you for this wonderful interview…her entire life is proof..women are powerful….

  1965. Alyssa Tomsheck on

    I most loved the part where she talks about lifelong learning and developing your skills regardless of age. I was very blessed to return home and purchase my 5 generation family farm in my mid 20s and I look forward to improving the property and maintaining my own gardens for the decades to come!

  1966. Leah on

    First, the excerpt from her book had me in tears. Definitely adding it to my reading list. Second, this quote tugged at my heart as well, “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring interview with us.

  1967. Christina Allen on

    Such a wonderful interview. I especially loved her advice for a long life. Thank you.

  1968. Stephanie Eberle on

    First I want to thank Erin for introducing Ann to all of us. I’m honestly speechless after reading and re-reading this 4 part series. Honestly the whole interview was so inspiring to me. If I had to choose a certain part to quote it would be, “ don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal”. This resonates with me so deeply as I’m in this season of life where I feel lost. I find doubt and prejudice in every turn I make. As Ann said, “ go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.” I can feel my confidence grow slightly and I feel the nudge to just go after my dream. What an inspirational woman, thank you Erin for sharing Ann with us.

  1969. April Scott on

    How inspiring to read her story. It makes me think of all the people out there with amazing stories that we have never heard and may never hear. Just ordinary people doing extraordinary things. My love for roses began in my late twenties and the older I get the more I have come to love them. My hope is to inspire others to grow them so they too can know the awe inspiring power of nature. I’m over 20 years into growing roses and I still gasp over the beauty of every bloom every season. Thanks to Anne and all the amazing rosarians of the world who make it possible for us humble home gardners to grow fantastic varieties of roses.

  1970. Élisabeth Leroux de Lens on

    I really liked the part where she said to « keep moving… commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. »
    It really resonated with me and gave me hope that there is still time to accomplish a lot of things in life. It is never too late. You just have to do it.

    Very inspiring ! Thank you !

  1971. Mojca on

    Oh wow, such an amazing inspiring woman. I’m so glad you made this interwiev, and that you got all those cuttings from her garden. I love that she started her passion so late in her life. That means we all can achive something great despite our age.

  1972. Susan Oxley on

    What an amazing woman. Both my husband and I are facing the challenges of dealing with aging parents right now. All of this interview is inspiring, but this part touched my heart the most: “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  1973. Leslie Murray on

    This interview is inspiring in so many ways. I would have to say my biggest take away is her “just do it” attitude. Whatever your goal or dream figure out a way, take the necessary steps, read the books, take the course, talk to whomever you need to move closer to your goal. You can do it. And age really is just a number…

  1974. Margaret on

    I loved how she said to “go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself).” What a good reminder during these trying times!

  1975. Kristine on

    My favorite part is this:

    “Erin: Your passion for roses started much later in life. Do you have any advice for someone who feels like it’s too late to pursue their dreams?

    Anne: I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.”

    This year I will turn 36 and sometimes think that is already too late to change my life and start my own flower farm. It is truly inspiring that it is never too late to start something completely new in life. She started at 60 and was growing roses for more than all my life. Thank you! I feel sooo young un inspired to continue to make my dream come true!

  1976. Susan Cramer on

    The fact that she generously shared her beautiful roses with others! She sounds like a truly remarkable woman.

  1977. Julie Carll on

    I loved her determination. Her love of life, nature, and roses. Her ability to develop friendships through her gardens. What an amazing and inspirational woman.

  1978. Christy Foster on

    Thank you so much for sharing this interview! So many moments of inspiration there. I love the idea of starting something you are passionate about no matter where you are in life. The fact that she began her collection at 60 along with building homes is incredible! This quote/advice was so inspiring to me “ Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing”. I want to put it somewhere to loom at every day, as I am so prone to second guessing myself and my dreams whenever things get a little bit challenging.

  1979. Ollie on

    That sharing was important!

  1980. Becky Peterson on

    I truly was blessed by Anne’s interview. Thank you, Erin. In the ’60s my widowed Grandfather, who was the love of my life, had a carport next to his simple abode. There was a red rose that scrambled up the side and every Summer you would find me with my nose buried into their warm scent. I would tell my Mom I only liked hot red roses. To this day if I see a red rambler on a warm day, I bury my nose into it.

  1981. Jennifer Sumner on

    I must say it’s hard to pick what part inspired me the most as her journey as a whole is incredibly inspiring. Her approach towards life and her tenacity is remarkable! I love that she took the road less travel to do what she loved from sailing across the ocean to building homes as a woman to creating her own slice of heaven in her gardens. Such an extraordinary lady!

  1982. Nina scharpp on

    The section about her book The Voyage of Determination made me feel so inspired and glad to be a woman. Not that women are better than men and vice versa, but that we are all highly capable of learning and building and adding onto our knowledge and expertise as human beings regardless of gender or age. I always have these wild dreams, ideas, plans and sometimes I think to myself, “Am I crazy for wanting to do all this in my lifetime ?” Anne makes me believe I can do it all even as a woman. Thank you Anne.

  1983. Sharon Kegerreis on

    I am inspired by her various paths in her life. I love that she sailed the ocean! I feel that I have reinvented myself several times already and am encouraged by her stories to keep learning and pursuing dreams, regardless of age.

  1984. Diana on

    I NEEDED to read this! I just turned 60, and have had a dream of sharing my love of flowers and growing them in some way forever!!!! I am currently enrolled in the Floret workshop, and because of my age, nasty little thoughts kept creeping in my head saying your too old to start this! I felt like Anne was speaking directly to me!(PS, I too built my own house six years ago, I can lift more then most men, I watch my 5 grandkids 4 days a week, and I am not plump with grey hair,) Thank you Anne!!!!

  1985. Laurie Broome on

    Determine what I want and what do I need to accomplish it. Try to really see myself: what are my strengths and what are my limitations. Be careful not to underestimate myself. I like how she compared being 60 to being in her nineties, and that 60 was only 2/3 of her life. Inspirational!

  1986. Michelle Ellrich on

    I have gardened my whole life. At age 58 She has inspired me to look into making it my career! What an amazing woman! Thank you for sharing her with us!!

  1987. Pam Ellsworth on

    Everything in the interview has inspired me. Especially the recent photo of her looking so happy and content. I turn 60 in a few weeks and just went on the website you posted and bought 3 rose plants! Have never grown roses before, but after reading this article and watching some of Heirloom Roses videos, I am going for it!

  1988. Kathleen on

    Anne seemed determined her whole life…from running down the garden path at 3 or 4; marrying her first husband; determining a path as a 19-year-old widow with a new baby; to all the things she did after. What a great lesson to me…keep learning and accomplishing.

  1989. Katalin Wellmann-Kiss on

    I just loved these:
    “At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. “

  1990. Kristen Heafield on

    What an amazing women! So accomplished. I love hearing stories of women from her generation who overcame stereotypical norms of her generation. Her sailing journey is just as exciting as her rose journey. Such an inspiration for young women today!

  1991. Claire Hickey on

    I love the idea of pruning parties and of sharing her roses and cuttings. I love getting gifted the magic of a rose cutting and remembering who gave it to me when it develops in my garden. I’m just starting out in my dream of a rose garden but roses were one of the first to be planted on my property. This year the planning starts for a dedicated rose garden, my heart is bursting with joy at the thought, finally creating my dream. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful interview and series, Claire in Ireland

  1992. Sharon Bengco on

    My favorite part is the last part..knowing she can do many things at her age because of determination.
    She loves roses and so do I especially the ramblers.
    I am just starting to have my rose garden..been buying seeds online but they don’t germinate.😢
    I am so inspired with her..I also admire her generosity in sharing her roses.
    I really, really love roses and at age 63 I believe I can still enjoy having a rose garden.

  1993. Jenny Collins on

    I loved hearing her heart for sharing the beauty of her roses with others and the friendships she made in sharing this beauty.

  1994. Sarah Allen on

    My favorite part of Annes interview is her encouragement to not let age or time stop you from learning more and pursuing your dreams. I am working hard on getting past those obstacles every day! I also loved how she said perhaps the best way to ensure the rare heirloom rose varieties and legacy lives on is by “inviting people into your gardens and sharing most importantly… To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy”. Beautifully said. ♥️

    I agree completely. The simple act of friendship through hands on clipping together & sharing the beauty, wonder, and abundant vigor of life that a hearty old rose possesses is their greatest legacy! They tell a story of simpler times. Do this consistently and it’s life altering for the better.

  1995. Sidonie on

    Don’t be stingy! I love that, the mark of a true gardener. How lovely to inspire and share your garden with others. I also loved the way Anne reminded us not to succumb to stereotypes be it gender or age related or even self imposed ones. For me this is a timely reminder as I approach 60 and have just started a massive rose garden, sometimes wondering if I am mad! Having just read Anne’s words I am now feeling truly inspired what a fabulous lady !

  1996. Loes on

    I expected the interview to be mostly about roses but I have been given a glimpse of a very special live and a very strong, wise and generous personality. Believing in yourself, choosing your goals wisely and then do the work to achieve them. I think she showed us how it’s done. Very inspiring.

  1997. Elizabeth Wright on

    “be careful not to underestimate what you are capable of doing.” How wonderful this idea to just jump in and give it your all!

  1998. Stephanie Branyik on

    Anne’s sharing is a strength that meeds multiplying, as much as roses, all flowers really. This story has reminded me of how much better the world and every species in it fares when we invite one another into our space, our homes, our passions, our stories. How much better we can all be when we realize the power in this rather sacred sharing. It is a learning that matters everything that sustains live in mother nature.

  1999. Heather on

    I thought the part where you quoted her book “ On the other hand, you might want to pick something that comes to you more naturally. A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career.” That really stuck home for me. It makes me feel confident that I’m on my right path 🌸. She seems like an amazing woman that I’m sure you know how blessed you were to have known

  2000. Laura Nicoletti on

    I love how she reinvented herself after age 60, what an amazing woman. I am 56 and I can’t seem to accept the term middle aged. My dream one day is to have my own garden where I can plant my plant collection, which includes few roses, propagated by me or taken from clients who didn’t want them any longer. A pet peeve of mine is that most of the roses I prune in my client’s gardens have lost their tags, so they will be impossible to ID. I also wish one day to see Anne’s collection. Thank you for these four articles.

  2001. Christie Roberts on

    You are never to old to have adventure, learn new things, start a different hobby or create your own website🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷

  2002. Kirsten Norstad on

    What inspires me the most is that she sounds just like me, but she has the extra ingredient i’m missing to move forward. Stay out of bed. Keep moving. Can do things without math. This is exactly what i needed to hear. So very timely to read her wisdom!

  2003. Janet K Green on

    So inspired to start at 60 my rose garden that I’ve waited all my life for! Thank you for such an inspirational story!

  2004. Vicci Martin on

    Wow, I’m am totally inspired, at 51 about to make a major move from one continent to another, Anne’s story has given me so much to look forward to.
    I have been following floret farms for 3 years and learning and dabbling with dahlias, zinnias and my Roses.
    I shall follow your formula Anne as I embark on this great new journey and with me I will take my rose cuttings from my Roses I started in my garden 20 years ago to begin a new garden.

  2005. Sara Dwyer on

    What an amazing lady! Best advice ever, “Don’t be stingy” can be applied to gardening, friendships, life in general. Thank your generosity in sharing Floret, Erin & team.

  2006. christina koether on

    Full of wisdom and insight, this left me feeling like anything is possible. Yet the most inspiring piece that sticks with me, is somewhat unexpectedly, her favorite rose. Specifically, “It fills the view from my dressing room window.” I can’t help but imagine her looking out on its beauty. To me, it highlights the personal connection we can have with flowers. It signifies the power of connecting the outside to our indoor lives. And finally, that there is no ultimate best flower because every person has an intimate set of reasoning for choosing what’s top on their list. There’s no right answer. Flowers are a personal journey.

    Thank you for sharing this.

  2007. Andrea Winters on

    I’m 54 and just starting my rose gardens and flower farm. The fact that she started with roses later in life was incredibly inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing her with us!

  2008. Shawna Daley on

    I loved reading this; thank you so much for sharing! I loved her energy the most; as a mom of three, I am always impressed by people who can get moving quickly. I also loved her wisdom about how to choose your goals: “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” She was a woman who dreamed honestly. I appreciate that. Now I’ll go get to work!

  2009. Ellen Blumhardt on

    “ It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.”

    And her beautiful smile! 💚

  2010. Ashleigh Born on

    I was very moved to read her choice of words ‘keep THEM watered, fertilized…’ she already knew in her heart that her collection was going to be taken care of and treasured. She gave humble, simple care instructions so that anyone would feel empowered to try growing a rose.

  2011. Eva Carpenter on

    So hard to say one thing that was most inspiring, Anne’s life was full of inspiring and amazing accomplishments! I find her passionate dreams and her belief that she could accomplish them, not to let the fact that she was a woman hinder her success!, to be incredibly inspiring’That she set out to build a house on her own and figured out how to get it done! Awesome! I am going to continue to grow my dreams, she gave me so much more courage in a short interview! Thanks for sharing. I would love to learn more about this inspiring woman.

  2012. Rin on

    Thank you for sharing your insightful interview with such a unique, wise woman. In light of all the extreme changes in how we interact now as well as future uncertainties I was most moved by her advice encouraging us to venture out to make new connections and foster current relationships to preserve our communities. As a person who has also experienced prejudice, I was warmed by the excerpt from her book encouraging women to pursue their dreams.
    What a wonderful peek into the mind and world of such an extraordinary human. Thank you Erin!

  2013. Cambrie on

    Anne’s determination to accomplish enormous undertakings on her own impressed me as I, too, value that kind of grit in my own life. I’ve never let being a woman hold me back from accomplishing something; if anything, it put a pigheaded stubbornness in me that drove me on more feverishly. But it’s her value placed on friendships — on fostering, nurturing, and cherishing other people in her life — that inspires me most. A good standard to hold oneself to, and an especially poignant reminder for me, personally, to embrace connections and not dwell in isolation. Thank you for sharing.

  2014. Kathy L. on

    Love her no-fear attitude and that she started her new flower career at 60. That is so inspiring. Thank you for interviewing this amazing woman and sharing the stories. Plus- I could stare at those rose images all day !

  2015. Mary anne on

    Love that she didn’t stop learning and volunteering. What a wonderful soul. Lots of good insights. Thank you Erin and company!

  2016. Katie L Hoyle on

    Anne’s view on what you can do, what a woman can do, even if she’s older, is amazing. Her advice on choosing what you should go after is fantastic. What energy! What love of life! My own mom is 95 and also amazing! She has that same zeal for life!

  2017. Sara on

    I loved her message of lifelong learning – and how special that she just started growing roses at 60years old. I love that she lived fully, and generously

  2018. Caitlin Pruneda on

    I loved reading about how as a child, she would escape out of the garden. It gave me a good chuckle. And then reading that she ran away to get married! It seems like she has always had a determination. It reminds me to go after whatever is interesting me and to also allow my children opportunities to explore their own interests. Learning is life long and a passion for learning is the greatest gift a person can have.

  2019. Caitlin E on

    Be sure to examine myself to make sure I don’t unconsciously hold any of the biases that may keep me from attaining my dreams! So beautiful. What a woman.

  2020. Dina Temp on

    What a beautiful and inspirational interview! My favorite part is when Anne encourages everyone to share the joy of their garden and to give away cuttings to further propagate future gardens.
    It is one thing to love a thing, but, to share it, give it away so that others enjoy it and it outlives you, that truly expresses the love that you have for a thing.
    And that, truly is what Anne has achieved.

  2021. Tori on

    Holy cow. What a gift she was to the world. I am so glad you got to sit down with her and share this moment with us. What a treasure. The whole thing. What an inspiring woman! I feel like ai can see her running down the path as a child, drawn to the ocean. I resonate with that. I also resonate with her mother being worried about her little legs carrying her as fast as they would go and having to put up a fence. Her first husband. Her reflecting on what life might have looked like had he not passed. Her view on life. She was unstoppable, so confident and driven. Her getting back to the water that she was so drawn to as a child before the fence and setting sail. Ugh. Man. The picture of her in her later years. I just want to sit down with her and listen. What a force but also, seems so warm and encouraging. Thank you again for sharing this with us. Such a treat. <3

  2022. Jolene on

    Her advice on women doing great things hit home for me. I didn’t expect that in an interview with about roses! I’m doing something difficult at work tomorrow – will keep her words with me during the day.

  2023. Lindsay on

    Everything about her is inspiring. But the fact that at 97 she was starting a website, shows how you are never too old to start something. Truly an amazing woman!!

  2024. Michelle on

    I love how Anne talked about being a life-long learner. One of my key strengths (from StrengthsFinder) is being a learner. Whenever I take on something new, I learn and engulf myself completely into the subject. It is inspiring to know Anne did this too, and she did so many times with many different passion projects. I hope I can learn and grow as much has she has.

  2025. Samantha on

    Loved Anne’s perspective on continuing to learn & grow, always.

  2026. Laura on

    I think the most inspirational part of Anne interview is all of it. How she was a woman born well before her time. She took on roles that others (at that time) wouldn’t dream of. Anne didn’t need a man to do the things she wanted yet she had love to share her life with Max, a wonderful balance. The fact that age never slowed her down. Her get up and get at it attitude is something that is very much missing from most of the generations these days, me included. I seem to waste my days off most of the time but the days when I am truly going for it I find most rewarding. I need to do better.

    I wish I had an opportunity to visit her rose gardens. When you were posting stories of taking cutting from her gardens I was equal part envious (that I wasn’t there) and excited for you all. What a fabulous treasure to have be given!

    I enjoyed reading the 4 part story and was upset to read that Anne had passed away. What a legend!

  2027. Irene Hannestad on

    I loved when she said ” I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. ” That is meaningful to me because I am also 60 and I love to grow roses too!

  2028. Emily L Harper on

    What impressed me most is her sense of groundedness! She’s a total realist about strengths, privileges, and just going out there and learning and not being afraid to try something new and extraordinary. I’m amazed that she decided to up and create a blog in her late 90s. It’s very much her style! I’m so glad its out there. I enjoyed reading her writing and can’t wait to try and find some of her books.

  2029. Valerie Iftikhar on

    What an inspiration. Imagining her building victorian houses on her own – wow! A woman like her definitely makes approaching middle age feel like I’m just getting closer to go the good part. I love to be reminded that sharing cuttings, hosting friends, and connecting with people is so much the point of our gardens. Our gardens keep us rooted into what’s going on in nature, encouraging us to stay involved in the health of our home ecosystems. :) <3

  2030. Leah Adair on

    I was so inspired by this advice: “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” She gives me hope and inspiration that I can start anything at any age!

  2031. Jeanne Ambrose on

    What an inspiring story, and inspiring woman! Thank you for sharing.
    There were so many aspects of this story that inspired me, but my favorite was this quote: “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes. “
    I always say we can make our own dreams come true with a whole lot of work!

  2032. Ayadejha Salyers on

    “Look carefully for the prejudice in yourself” That’s and powerful line, and as a young Black woman who struggles almost constantly with self-limiting beliefs, it’s incredibly impactful to me.

  2033. Roberta on

    I love Anne’s advice to keep moving and also how important it was to share cuttings from her beloved roses. I’m so happy for you that you got to know her and were able to accomplish the monumental task of working with her garden! What a privilege!!

  2034. Lindsey Leighton on

    What an amazing woman with so much wisdom and life experience. Anne’s philosophy on life is incredible and all encompassing. This is a quote I will take with me: “ My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” In all her passions you can feel her zest for people and life. I see her compassion and love for friends and family that is accompanied by curiosity.

  2035. shelli krieg on

    Thank you Erin that entire read was wonderful, so enjoyed it.

  2036. Mary on

    What an inspiration you! I love it when Anne said, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family…” I’m 62 yo and a Floret Workshop 2021 alumni. I remember it gave me great pleasure to see for the first time in Spring of last year the blooms of my beautiful pink ranuncs, zinnias of variety of colors, dahlias, sunflowers, and my long time favorite – roses. I enjoy the times when I pick my gorgeous flowers then would give them to my mom, friends, neighbors, my Church, and my family. One time I watched wild green parrots feasting on my sunflowers! My friends are now starting their little backyard garden, another one has incorporated plants that monarch butterflies love, and my sister is now planning to dig up part of her yard to give way for a flower garden! I must say you have to be in motion to be contagious. Flowers do keep me moving and definitely they play a bridge to connect with others.

  2037. D. Levi on

    I love that Anne didn’t let age stop her, pausing to say how old she felt at 60 and reflecting on the many accomplishments following in the 37 years of her life that followed.

  2038. Nancy Dasenbrock on

    I love that she is so generous… giving away her roses and cuttings. Her attitude is indomitable. She is truly an inspiration to all in her determination to do what she loves. Ive known other women who have built their own homes too…an amazing feat! Although i’ll stick to growing roses for as long as i can!

  2039. SD on

    The quote (below) from ‘A Voyage of Determination’ hit home with me along with Anne’s building experience. I work in a very male dominated, good-ole-boys profession; my career has had some high-highs and some low-lows. I hit the glass ceiling so hard this one time, I had to run out of the office building before I’d let myself cry. Eventually I turned around, made a plan and a year later started my own company! There is still some emotional baggage from the experience I’m working through but now I volunteer on a professional committee with the mission to improve the experience for those who come after me. If it weren’t for people like Anne who had come before me, I cannot imagine what kind of experience I would’ve had. I’m thankful for those pioneers and hope I can pay it forward.

    “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

  2040. Hannah S on

    The importance of life-long learning. That clearly kept her inspired and youthful throughout her life, so motivating!

  2041. Brittney on

    I’m so inspired by her spirit! All the different roles she wasn’t afraid to take on, even with the prejudices in some of them, and then starting a new path at age 60. Was there anything this woman couldn’t do?! She amazes me!

  2042. Twila Smucker on

    What inspired me the very most is that you are never too old to pursue your dreams and reach them if you are willing to do the hard work! I am 54 and at a place in life where I am trying to decide what next…should I get deeper into flower growing, get my RN license renewed, become a doula, go work on Mercy ships? This was a HUGE inspiration to me that I can do anything I choose to do even at this age!!

  2043. Marcia Sparling on

    I loved her confidence in pursuing what she cared about deeply and figuring out how to make it work- and her warmth to stay connected to people. Her spirit of going after what fascinated her reminds me of my immigrant grandmother, who figured out how to graft trees, feed herself and her family in zone 3, and create bueauty and humor whiel she did that. May we live to be the women we admire!

  2044. Lisa Edelhuber on

    Most inspiring to me is that you are never to old to go after your dreams! I’m at the age she was when she thought she was old, but went on to accomplish so much more! THAT’S EXCITING to me since my husband & I are just now starting our flower farm! I really was inspired by her formula to accomplish those goals, too. Where there is a will there is definitely a way!

  2045. Joan Kinnischtzke on

    Sharing, sharing, sharing! When I share a cutting or split a perennial to give to a friend, I always tell them – that makes your garden and mine a friendship garden! It makes my heart happy every time as if it is the first time

  2046. Tricia Farrar on

    I was inspired that she was 60 when she started her rose garden. Her collection is awe-inspiring. She is the definition of your never too old to start.
    Also, loved the advice from her. “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” It is definitely something to live by.
    Thank you Anne.

  2047. Lisa on

    What an inspiring woman! Absolutely fearless. Great reminder that age doesn’t have to get in the way of your dreams. I am inspired to take back my garden that the blackberries have taken over. I laughed when I read that earlier because I didn’t plant them but there they are multiplying every year. And they are quite persistent!

  2048. Karen on

    I laughed out loud reading her bicep comment but that isn’t what stuck with me.
    “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else” reminds us that no one becomes an expert with the wave of a magic wand. Wanting something requires working for it and no one gets a skill handed to her; she has to work for it.

  2049. Sarah F. on

    I loved reading about all of her accomplishments and that one is never too old to try something new. She seemed like an amazing woman and her generosity is very inspiring.

  2050. Allison Capek on

    So many inspirations from this interview. From her beginnings as a young widow and single mom to her views on I can do anything you can do (referring to men), I bet she also believed that if she wanted to she could also grow a beard and built up big biceps. I’m inspired by how she did not let age become a barrier to chasing life’s varied adventures and interests. I also appreciate human beings that advocate for animals that can’t advocate for themselves. I love animals and it inspired me to seek out volunteerism opportunities to spare innocent lives yet to live out their fullest. Thank you for taking the time to share such inspiration and wisdom from a fellow flower admirer and superwoman, may she rest in peace and her spirit live within the rose gardens she inspired people to grow and care for.

  2051. Beccy on

    I loved the varied chapters of her life and how she accomplished a huge challenge that changed the things she thought about afterwards.

  2052. Carol Sammons on

    What a beautiful and inspiring interview! Anne was so generous with her knowledge of roses and her roses themselves. I loved her comment “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship.” I hope that one day soon I will have a beautiful garden and a little knowledge that I can also share with others.

  2053. Monica Bailey on

    I was inspired most by the part on her book “Voyage of Determination“, it made me feel inspired that I can do anything I dream!!

  2054. Sandra Christiansen on

    As I was reading the interview, I noticed her enthusiasm for learning new things and keeping busy as well as her love of animals. It might be because of the recent death of Betty White, but I saw a lot of similarities in their life stories.

  2055. Lauren on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” and “don’t be stingy”, I tell my husband that all the time! 😂 She is truly inspiring. Gardening is such a huge part of my life and I hope it serves me as well as it has served Anne.

  2056. Laura on

    What a special lady! Thank you for sharing her with us and this little piece of her story. I was inspired by her rose passion beginning at 60; I am in the midst of my own career change and it often feels like I am too old at 35! But if she were still alive and reading this comment, Anne would probably laugh in my face at that. I’m bookmarking this interview to read again as I come up against one or another obstacle in my career change (and also her website! What fun that she started a blog at 97, well done, Anne!)

  2057. Isabel on

    I love that she said 60 wasn’t old. I’m 53 and consider myself young too. I hope I live as long as she did with such great appreciation for learning.

  2058. LavandulaLady on

    “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else. “– classic!

  2059. Kim on

    I was truly inspired by her pursuing her dream at the age of 60 and then accomplishing so much! It makes me hopeful and mindful that age is only a number if you choose to see it that way!

  2060. Donna Lovatto on

    I am 65 years old and restarting from scratch a flower garden, all the while telling myself I am too old for this. Your interview with Ann struck me right to my heart, so much so that I read parts of it to my husband. 35 years ago I had a flower farm that was pure joy and non stop labor. We made a little flower cart that we sold our crop from weekly in the nearby town. About 15 years into the journey we opened a tiny little flower shop. My journey into floral design was deepened and fine tuned in that shop, but it was so much work to keep up that the gardens at home grew covered in blackberries and black locust. It broke my heart to have two life loves, but one of them abandoned. With the onset of Covid I found it necessary to walk away from the shop for health reasons. How my life has transformed yet again has been a fusion of the two of my loves. I have reopened as a studio, often using materials from my reviving gardens. I do think Ann’s attitude and voice will carry with me giving me the courage to just follow my heart just as far as it wants to go!

  2061. Heather on

    I am inspired by the idea that it is never too late to do something you are passionate about or that you can always learn something new. As someone who isn’t in the career they thought they would be at this age, it is a hopeful reminder that I can still do all kinds of things.

  2062. Julia Moore on

    I loved reading about her generosity and encouragement to share what she had. We can all do same in some fashion I’m sure!

  2063. Corinne on

    I loved reading this interview. I was most moved by how much she loved sharing cuttings from her garden and hearing from the recipients that they are being lovingly tended and shared again from their new homes. I have a plant in my home (not a rose) that is a clipping from one of my mother’s houseplants that she gave me before she died over twenty years ago. I cherish it and the knowledge that it came from her green thumb. xoxo. Should I win these books, I would actually gift them to a dear friend who is starting her own flower garden. Like the flowers, books are wonderful to share, and this would be something so precious to her, especially after reading this interview.

  2064. Eileen Mcphail on

    This interview so inspired me! I just moved from farm to city lot. I’m trying to make my new place like the yard I once had. I love roses and am looking for a climbing one. I loved how she says MOVE. Get busy and do what you enjoy!! Exactly what my 97 year old mom said to me. I love her giving away what means alot to her like rose cuttings. What an incredible woman.

  2065. Erica on

    Thank you for this beautiful interview and all the love for old roses! It is wonderful to see Anne Belovich’s work, garden, books and zest for life portrayed with such interest and care. I am especially inspired by her generosity and desire that her rose garden be enjoyed by others. Her quote about sharing is my favorite part of the interview:

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. ”

    My rambling rose garden is currently hidden behind a large hedge and privacy fence. Inspired by Anne’s spirit of sharing, I plan to remove that fence and create more views and access points into my garden while also continuing to grow and propagate my collection of old garden roses to share with my community. It’s just one small step that I can take to ensure that old roses are seen, enjoyed, and continue to be a beloved part of our world!

  2066. DeAnne on

    I was most inspired by her perseverance. Despite a huge loss when her husband passed away, she pressed forward and embraced life. She survived and thrived through unbelievable heartbreak.
    Another inspiring part of her life story is her love for learning and adventure. The fact that she started her interest in growing roses at the age of 60 is also inspiring.As an older grower myself, I resonate with this. What a legacy.

  2067. Jessica Missel on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” “Commit yourself to life-long learning and skill developement.” “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.”

  2068. Katherine Sandow on

    I love that Anne was ready to start her own blog. She was clearly a force of nature. Reading this she reminds me of my grandmother who had her own gardens and also was a force to be reconned with. I can’t think of a better legacy to leave than a world more filled with flowers.

  2069. Natalia Loaiza on

    Loved to hear that it is indeed possible to pursue new dreams, and accomplish so much, starting at 60!

  2070. Deborah Snyder on

    I enjoyed seeing the photos of Anne and her garden in her younger years and of her more recently. My favorite parts of the interview were her description of being a life-long learner, her guidance to longevity and her examples of generosity and freely sharing with others! She lived and taught by example…something to be emulated!

  2071. Emily on

    I love how encouraging she is. I also love how she’s quite practical. You want to achieve something—do the work. Take the classes. Make an effort. Gender, age, etc isn’t an excuse, a crutch, or a reason to be a certain way. Whether you’re a manor a woman—do. The. Work.

    Also—I love how she’s so inviting about her flowers. Just because she’s amassed this great amount doesn’t mean she keeps it all to herself. It’s for everyone.

  2072. Dominika Waclawiak Best on

    This interview brought me to tears. I love how she lived so many different lives within her one. And her three tenets to overcoming big goals was so inspirational. I know how to do many things and want to do them all. Interviews like this make me believe I can. And what a good recipe for a long life!

  2073. Linda Green on

    What a lovely interview! Your friendship with Anne reminded me of a dear friend of mine who recently passed that I had the pleasure of spending many lunches with – enjoying her company, listening to stories, and learning from her. I think my favorite part of Anne’s legacy is learning the importance of sharing with others one’s abundance. Erin, you have certainly done an incredible job of sharing with us the many successes you have worked so hard to achieve. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  2074. Erin Ardoin on

    When she says ‘don’t let being a woman stop you.’ My day job is incredibly male dominated. It’s taken 20 years to finally start getting the confidence I need to be truly successful. Anne’s story had given me another small piece of motivation to pursue my flower farm as well!

  2075. Catherine M King on

    Being even older than Anne when she got started, I am inspired by her “can-do” spirit and her really practical and down-to-earth advice. She actually reminded me of Jane Goodall, who I once had the honor of meeting, and who exuded a similar infectious passion for her calling and total dismissal of age and gender-related limitations. And, like Anne, such a generosity of spirit! I also want to know more about that boat trip! Thank you, Erin, for helping us learn more about Anne. Also, there are some old-fashioned roses on the farm where I live that were here before we came – so they are well over fifty years old. They have started to dwindle so I am inspired to regenerate them. They bloom once for a short time in the spring but their aroma and soft, gentle beauty always make me stop as I pass by and literally smell the roses!

  2076. Mike A on

    I am 57 and retiring. I am hesitant to start large projects such as a private garden, or a cut flower farm. My thinking has been that I am too old to jump into something so big. Yet Anne did not start roses until the age of 60. Wow! 37 years later she was still dreaming big and going strong. So Anne has inspired me to try. I want to grow as many flowers as I can, to give away, and maybe make things better for someone.

  2077. Elizabeth Crawford on

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading A Rose Story: An interview with Anne Belovich by Erin. I love Quotes and quite often you see some that truly touches your inner being and it doesn’t list the author, the originator who spoke those very words of wisdom … but here in what I just read, Anne has condensed her vast experience into a few simple words and I am forever grateful in learning from her what she shares from her beautiful heart and life’s experiences.
    “Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged”.
    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams”.
    “ Her advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go to lunch and visit friends & family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life long learning and skill development.
    Thank you Erin & Anne!!

  2078. Stacy Burry on

    This wise and beautiful soul was well ahead of her time. I turned 30 last year and feel like I have only scratched the surface of what my future of gardening will be. I learned to garden as a young girl from my grandfather who had a magical quality about him (causing butterflies to spontaneously land on the tip of his finger) and for this, I am truly grateful. His love of nature and gardening lives through me. This rose series was much more than that- it was in fact the honouring of a rosarian who proved over and over that she was so much more than a gardener. Being a woman never held her back and I will take her sage advice and apply it to my own path in life. We need more heroes like this to look up to. Beautifully written, Erin!

  2079. Julie on

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story. What an amazing woman! I was most inspired by her starting a new endeavor at the age of 60. When you asked her about starting her collection late in life she replied that it really was not. She had spent 37 years collecting her roses. That comment made me rethink how I approach getting older.

  2080. Britta Wade on

    An unforgettable woman!
    I was captured by the photo of her grinning from ear to ear at 97 in front of her roses. My first thought was “I want to be like her!” I want that energy, spark, and excitement for life. I only hope more of us living now can find that authentic energy to share what we love and and love what we do! We could make the world a better place in so many ways.

  2081. Preethy on

    Loved the part where she says that inviting people over to your garden and sending them with cuttings is an act of love- friendship. My love of roses stem from my neighbor who used to send me with fragrant roses home when I was five years. Coincidentally, she passed away this fall at the age of 97, makes me wonder if the love of roses has something to do with the age.

  2082. Norma Aguilar on

    That it’s never too late to start something new. To acquire the skills to make your dream come true! Beautiful 🌹

  2083. Kara Vienne on

    Wow! What part could you not be inspired by! Things I connected with:
    -Keep moving (don’t allow limitations to hold you back. Fnd your way around them)
    -A good chunk of your life could be spent over 60…plan on accomplishing great things then as well as now.
    AND SO MUCH MORE! This seemed like it was such an enjoyable hang out and we all got to be a part of it. Thank you!

  2084. Brook on

    What a beautiful interview and now a treasure for her family and all who knew and loved her!

  2085. Janette on

    Many things for me too. Her selflessness: willing to teach and share. Her determination, strength and organization. Her compassion (NOAH). (Erin: In your book, A Voyage of Determination, which chronicles your incredible adventure sailing your beloved boat from New Zealand to California, you share your formula for achieving any difficult goal, which I found incredibly inspiring as a woman who has big dreams.). The “formula” for achieving any goal!! I needed this today!! Thank you!!

  2086. Helen on

    Anne is such inspiring women. I love her advice in ‘Voyage of Determination’, thank you Erin for including that.

  2087. Tanya Bednarski on

    For someone who is 61 and thinking deeply about the next third of my life, her wisdom is both inspiring and reassuring. Her words will be cut and pasted into my notes of inspiration for 2022. Thank you for listening to her and sharing her voice with all of us.

  2088. Colleen Leonard on

    I was inspired by what Anne did after age 60 — starting the rambler rose collection and building houses. I would have loved to have known her.

  2089. toni murray on

    “I bought my own domain last week.”
    A beautifully succinct declaration of Anne Belovich.

  2090. Annie Myers on

    What a lovely soul!? I am so happy Erin was able to meet someone for whom she had such admiration and for sharing her with us. Anne said “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” My sense of Erin and Anne is they both possess a compelling sincerity and earnestness in their love of flowers which is infectious. Now I have caught the bug too! I do not know why I found Floret except that I needed too. I’m so grateful that, in the dead of winter in South Dakota, I have the hope of a garden.

  2091. Jan Fechter on

    What an amazing life she lead! Inspired doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel reading your interview! Her philosophy for life is truly one I ascribe to! KEEP MOVING keep seeing friends, keep learning as we all inspire each other! Thank you Erin!!!!

  2092. Toni on

    Simply love her sharing her spirit and life wisdom. Completely inspiring. Many blessings.

  2093. Erin C. Day on

    “I had learned that I was capable of accomplishing very difficult goals. I was able to face considerable hardships and even extreme danger when it was necessary to achieve those goals. Without being quite aware of it I had developed a formula for greatly improving the chances of achieving any difficult goal.”

    We are so fragile these days. This is the attitude and outlook that started our wonderful country and what we must return to in order for it to thrive for another 250 years! She lived an inspiring life spreading beauty.

  2094. Gloria on

    I am so inspired by Anne, I am 69 yrs old. I still have interests and want to keep going look how long she lived there are endless possibilities. I showed my husband the pictures of the arbors and said I’d like some of these, he said he could do it. So here we go, so excited for spring.

  2095. Jane on

    Anne’s determination and spirit is evident in her story of big, life time projects.

  2096. Rebecca Preman on

    What a beautiful exchange you had with Anne. She sounds like she was an amazing women! I really loved the bit that you quoted from her book, especially where she said “ Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” Very helpful and inspiring.

  2097. Denise Suratt on

    I love her spunk and attitude! She reminds me so much of my Grandma that worked in her vegetable garden until about 95. My Grandma had that same spunk. My Dad would worry about her out there by herself and she always said if we found her out there, she died happy. Miss my Grandma’s wisdom, so happy that you captured some of hers.

  2098. Rebecca on

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.” So often we are our own worst enemy. Thank you for sharing this interview. ❤️

  2099. Jennifer on

    Several things resonate for me.
    One, how she really lived every day of her life, how she challenged herself, age wasn’t a factor. How interested she was in learning new things.
    Where she says, “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” I want to do exactly that.
    I am equally impressed with how she shared her passions, how people were included in the richness of her life. How doing that enlarged and enriched her. I want to do exactly that.

  2100. Kathy on

    I love that Anne carried on after losing her husband at a young age. And then at age 60 she started anew again with a rose garden, becoming a contractor of Victorian houses and traveling around the world. I’m 70 and wonder if zIve done as much in the last 10 years. Thanks for sharing Anne and your interview with her.

  2101. Jeanette on

    She is a very inspiring lady. I loved when she said “ To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship” . Sharing her garden was sharing her self.

  2102. Brooke on

    Wow, what a lady! I loved her message of not letting your supposed limitations limiting you. You can figure out another way to accomplish your goals if you put in the work.

  2103. Katherine Mata on

    What a lovely interview with Anne, thank you for sharing, she had many pearls of wisdom throughout but as I am experiencing a crossroads in my life now and a possible change of career ahead, this really spoke to me

    “ On the other hand, you might want to pick something that comes to you more naturally. A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career. Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do. I owe much of my success to this one.”

    Such inspiring words at just the right time

  2104. Elaine Senft on

    What a legacy! Of mind, brawn and spirit..I’m 79 now. Just left a wonderful garden of 45 years, mostly Old Garden Roses. My favourite, Madam Alfred Carriere, three of them in back and front gardens. I have always admired this incredible Doyenne of the rose world, read all her books, and the best of all, Ramblers & Other Rose Species’ Hybrids. Her heart and soul, will be with us forever. Thankyou Dear Heart. And, by the by, we come this way but once…it ain’t no dress rehearsal….

  2105. Mary M. on

    I identify strongly with how she gives the advice to keep learning and to not let gender stop you. I myself have taken up this mantle years ago, and the key is to just keep learning and making moves that others aren’t.

  2106. Tyne Strickert on

    Thank you for this series.
    I love everything about the interview with Anne. What an inspiring person. Additionally, I love her warm heart and determination.

  2107. Stacy Hollingsworth-Barnett on

    The power of determination regardless of age or gender. Share generously with others. Most of all follow your dreams.

  2108. Donna Erkel on

    I have been growing heirloom roses for 30 years and I still feel I have so much to learn. But they have never failed to bring me moments of pure joy and gratitude for being able to receive what they have to offer.

    Anne’s interview was so inspiring; what resonated with me the most was the fact that she was 60 she felt old but as she looked back at 97 , she realized she had had another 1/3 of her life to live. I’ve struggled with age a little because there is still so much I want to do and when I look at the possibility of living another 30 years, I am enervated.

    My favorite is Buff Beauty.

  2109. Amy Pilgrim on

    As a woman in a male-dominated industry, I cannot describe my excitement when I passed my Florida contractor’s exam (almost 10 years ago, now), and have now been licensed in FOUR states! I think my favorite part of the interview was when Anne talked about facing bias as a woman. I have dealt with it, and have learned to laugh at a man’s face when my boss and I meet a prospective client, “HE’S the engineer, and I’M the contractor.” I get a thrill every time. I also agree with Anne about being a lifelong learner. Never quit learning! Always push yourself farther!

  2110. Tracey on

    “don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal. If you are a man you are not apt to encounter prejudice in life’s goals because of your gender, but if you do don’t let it stop you. ”

    There are so many things in this interview that were inspiring. She was a very wise woman with a big and generous heart. Lots to learn from and aspire to be. Thank you Erin for the great questions you asked and the follow up to those answers that eeked out more good stuff Anne had to say. Truly inspiring.

  2111. Alice on

    I love that the age of 60 didn’t slow her down ! I’m 62 and she reminded me it’s never too late to pursue new adventures!!!

  2112. Daniela on

    I love this interview and am so inspired by it and by this series about roses (a mystery why our rose bushes reverted to big red single flowers has been solved). My favorite part was Anne’s advice about following your dreams, no matter what one’s age is.

  2113. Anne Gassner on

    A few things have stuck with me after reading about Anne.

    To accomplish so many things after the age of 60 gives hope to so many women, including me at age 57.

    What energy she must have had to start a general contracting business after 60! My own mother is 95. So, to think this woman, Anne, who is basically the same age as my mom and grew up during the Great Depression, had the determination and the open mind to do any career regardless of gender, is inspiring. Anne was helping pave the road towards feminism.

    Lastly, Anne’s quote about “inviting people to your garden and sharing is perhaps the most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love . . . of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. “This quote actually reminded me of the scene in the “Floret Series” on the Magnolia Network where you, Erin, chose to give away your Dahlia tubers. It was a heartbreaking scene but it was a beautiful scene because you chose to give away something so meaningful to you but what you hoped would be more meaningful to the world.

  2114. Maryellen Ellis on

    Everything Anne said is inspiring, but what hit home for me is when she talks about her careers after 60. As I look forward to my 65th birthday this summer and retiring from my desk job, I can’t wait to start my new career with flowers. Ever time I say to my husband, “I was thinking about” anything to do in our yard, he just rolls his eyes and shakes his head, “what now?”

  2115. Mary Miller on

    I will be 63 this year and have been feeling a lot of regret about starting my flower journey so late in life. Not anymore! After reading Anne’s story I feel encouraged to go full force ahead. I will take her advice to read all I can to gain the knowledge needed to create a rose garden. I too love to bless others with flowers. Flowers are the simplest way to bring joy!

  2116. Laura Heeney on

    Wow! So much to be inspired by! I love that she started new things later in life. My husband works in Shreveport one week a month and I’m going to have to tag along to go see this rose garden. Thank you for sharing her with us, what an incredible lady!

  2117. Constance Reeder on

    I loved reading all four blog posts of this series Erin – Thank you so much!

    I especially loved that Anne said, “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that. For example, I bought and used a wall jack on a house I was building to lift the walls into place all by myself.”

    This gave me such a wonderful visual! I could just see Anne doing this, even at 97! She had a lovely determination even as a young child, determined to get out and beyond her own mother’s beautiful garden.


    Constance Reeder

  2118. linda boyer on

    What most inspired me is her no nonsense approach about life in general. If you want to do something then learn the necessary skills and go do it. Love it! She must have been a joy to get to know and a life lesson resource. Thank you for sharing.

  2119. Kim K on

    I planted some roses this past season. They were more than I bargained for and struggled, but I’m open to learning how to do better. I appreciate Anne’s remark (albeit not in regards to roses for her): “You need to study and become an apprentice.” I’ll work on that. An extraordinary lady and life!

  2120. katherine patrick on

    I like that she believed in herself and her dreams enough to start new adventures even later in life! I loved her generosity and her encouragement to us all to continue in that tradition.

  2121. Jared Troyer on

    I enjoyed the part about not letting your gender stop you. I’m a man that has always loved flowers. In 2021 I started flower farming full time. In my area flower farming is a rather new thing and especially for a guy.

  2122. Kristin on

    My favorite part was when she tells us 60 isn’t too old to try something new – don’t let anything hold you back! This is so inspiring because in life so many times we make excuses for why we shouldn’t do something because we are too old or it’s too late. Thank you for the reminder to follow your dreams no matter what age you are! I love that!

  2123. Lori Simpson on

    2 things spoke to me in this interview:
    1. It’s never too late. As my last child has just become an adult and I am nearing 50, this was especially meaningful to me because I have been struggling with the thought that perhaps it was too late to finally live out my dreams.
    2. Her message on how to remain young by staying connected to people, getting out, continuing to move, and always learning something new was an important reminder to me. The life altering effects of the pandemic that myself and many others have experienced as a result of being stuck at home have left me feeling more disconnected than ever before,

  2124. Denise Bollinger on

    It is heart-warming to feel a kindred spirit with Anne, although someone whom I did not have the pleasure to personally meet. This year, I will reach my mid-60s —technically retired from full time PAID employment —and on to what I believe will be the coolest years of my time on Earth. I truly look forward to each day’s adventures on our farm and the lessons that I will learn. While some may be puzzled at the endless energy and unstoppable desire to challenge myself, each day is a blessing and I wouldn’t change this winding path. Anne is such an inspiration, and I am grateful that you shared her story with us.

  2125. Paula Keeler on

    Thank you Erin for sharing not only your love of roses but your love for this amazing woman! What a gift she is and a mentor to so many. One of the things Anne said that struck a cord in me was “keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit, read and stay up to date, be open to new ideas, life-long learning and skill development.” Her whole approach to life is such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing her heart with us all here, and the great reminders of what can be accomplished when one follows their hearts.

  2126. Corina Sahlin on

    I’m crying as I read this. What a woman Anne was! I soooo wish I had met her, and maybe I did at Christianson’s Nursery, since I tend to spend a lot of time there.
    What inspired me most in this interview is her spirit of generosity shining through. Don’t be stingy, she says. How beautiful and inspiring, especially considering how I always hold on to my plants so tightly because I love them so much. What Anne says about sharing touched my heart.

  2127. Leslie Beets on

    Great posts and I loved the interview with Anne. She sounds like she was a fierce and loving soul. What touched me most was her can do attitude for any age. That she found a new passion for roses at 60 and turned it into a legacy that will be shared is amazing. One can only hope to have that much desire to continue learning and growing for their entire life. Thank you for sharing the story!

  2128. Gabrielle C Heller on

    This woman was an inspiration to many. Today, I did a scary thing and applied for my LLC. I feel so old to start a new journey and I am scared out of my mind. But I will do it scared. What really stuck with me is “Don’t be stingy.” Too many times business owners look at the numbers. I mean, why be in business if you are not profitable. But my hope with my flower farm is to save my town of Marion Station. I want to bring tourism to my beautiful dying town.

  2129. Bailey on

    I enjoyed where she said not to be stingy with your garden. It truly is an act of love to give from your garden.

  2130. carley on

    I was so inspired by her determination and eagerness for learning and trying new things. The start of another pandemic year has me feeling a little blue lately, reading your rose blog and the interview have really picked up my spirits and have me looking forward to the growing season. I was inspired to brew some rosehip tea, and mist myself with rosewater to help boost my mood. Very inspiring, thank you very much!

  2131. Deb E. on

    I am most inspired by the fact she didn’t start until she was 60. I am 58 and was thinking it was too late to start growing roses at my age but am more excited than ever now!!! She was fearless!!!

  2132. Beverly Chesney on

    Love the way she says don’t be stingy, I believe that sharing and having people stop by and enjoying what you have. I love to share my seeds and flowers to people who are walking by my yard, have meet a lot of new neighbors that way. What a great story, we need more people like her. :)

  2133. Jennifer on

    When Anne said, “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

    Anne reminds me of my grandmother, mother, and aunts who have always inspired me and encouraged me to go after every dream and taught me how to garden because gardening brings hope.

  2134. Patti Sinski on

    Anne reminds me of my dad who bristled when anyone suggested his daughters couldn’t be good at math. My absolute favorite part of the interview is to know she didn’t even start until age 60! I am a biologist but new to gardening. How wonderful to know one could even become an expert late in life! #56yearsyoung!

  2135. Beth Snively on

    Such a beautiful article! I love that she reminds us to keep learning and trying new things. I also love how she stressed the importance of sharing our gardens and the beauty with others!

  2136. Tina Schadone on

    I love when she said inviting people into your garden and sharing is perhaps most important.
    Lovey interview. Thank you!

  2137. Johanna Walker on

    I am curious about her book A Voyage of Determination; I need to read it. The part I liked the most was when she talked about sharing your garden, inspired others, send cuttings…It will be amazing if we can follow that example in so many areas of our lives, left me thinking a lot. Thanks.

  2138. Cynthia on

    I’m amazed by the fact that she raised the wall of a house by herself!! I can relate somewhat to her ability to figure out how to do that, since after 2 back surgeries I have to sometimes figure out how to lift things safely. What an incredible woman!

  2139. Annemarie Greve on

    What hit home the most, was Anne’s openness to life. She didn’t succumb to limiting “self talk” and she didn’t define herself in a narrow way. At 51, I was feeling like things were ending for me, that my choices in the past were my choices and that was that. Now I feel so hopeful that I can take a detour at anytime and with some study and some passion, begin an exciting next chapter.

  2140. Jennifer Kilmer on

    Wow. What an amazing person. I needed to read where you quoted:

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”

    I need to think of Anne when I am having self-doubt.

  2141. Sheena Nash on

    I love when she said, “ First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

    I’ve often struggled with myself on whether or not I’m strong enough to take in certain tasks. Most of the time it’s just a mental roadblock & occasionally I do need biceps & a beard. Sometimes asking for help can be challenging too.

    Having a flower farm has strengthened me in so many ways, yet I think the ultimate goal is to share the beauty of flowers with others!

  2142. Anne M. on

    The part about it never being too late to start on a dream. My dream is to have a lot of acreage to plant flowers to my heart’s desire. As long as I can stay physically fit, I don’t want to give up on that dream!

  2143. Hema Krish on

    Very inspiring. Reminds me of my mom when Anne mentions about “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and beard”. Women can achieve anything at any age. Love you Erin and Anne for this lovely blog.

  2144. Leslea Matsis on

    Yay, she sailed from New Zealand. As I’m writing I’m lying on my couch in the southern regions of this amazing country. Firstly, I’m wondering if she had any roses on that boat to take back to the US, and secondly she inspired me in get up off this couch and do something!!!

  2145. Hema Balaji on

    The part where Anne said, unless you need “biceps” to do heavy lifting, you can do anything! It resonates with me very much because I am a believer that I can accomplish anything in this world no matter what the circumstance is! I’m currently battling cancer & I love having a beautiful rose garden in my backyard. I have only a few rose plants but I would love to add more to my garden. I love all kinds of flowers. But among those, roses are my favorites.

  2146. Candy Horton on

    I so appreciate Anne’s advice on succeeding in your goals. Especially when she said to “determine what it is that I want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that I am going to need, get the books, take the classes.” This inspires me to go for the dreams I thought were too late to work towards.

  2147. Jean Deister on

    I am so enjoying all your blog posts and especially the beautiful pictures you have. I do silk ribbon embroidery and have used your pictures as references! I live in the Seattle area so I definitely want to visit some of the local nurseries near you. What I really took to heart in the interview with Anne was her advice about “keep moving, stay out of bed, go to lunch and visit with friends and family…”. Thank you for writing about so many interesting topics.

  2148. Katelyn on

    The most inspiring part of the interview for me was the way she took on age and described her life after 60. We often set goals in life but fail to achieve them because of ‘lack of time’ or ability. But look at what Anne did! Most people figure that after 60 it’s time to sit down and retire and I admire the way she took on age as a way to accomplish even more. It’s really inspiring how she was able to set up her own contracting company, build houses and write so many books and didn’t let her age get in the way. It was like a new beginning/ discovery process for.

  2149. Irene on

    Ann seemed like a very sweet and generous woman! That part the read “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” This part was truly moving and very telling of the type of person that she was. I truly feel that if more people in the world were more giving and didn’t require anything in return that world would be in deed a much better world, in this case a more beautiful world filled with flowers. 💐

  2150. Laurie Fischer on

    What verve and spirit! I love how boldly and fully she embraced her passions, refusing the limitations of age or gender.

  2151. Stephen Wiedenfeld on

    I loved how she said not to isolate yourself and to go out to lunch and be with friends. Also what she said about sharing cuttings and not being stingy. It reminded me that even these smaller acts are sacred and what ends up being your legacy. Such a sweet interview! Thank you for sharing your friendship with Anne with us!

  2152. Nancy on

    Erin, just thank you. Thank you for taking the time to delve deep into this woman and her garden and most of all for sharing it with us. Ramblers are a particular favorite of mine, the idea of allowing them to grow into trees, traditionally I believe apple trees in particular, is a most romantic notion and one I have longed to create in my home garden.
    I think the thing that resonated for me the most is the idea that at 60 years of age we have so much still to do and to be, to offer! This is something I have felt and said many times myself, now that I am weeks away from my 69th birthday, I will hold it close to my heart.

  2153. Gina Chalmers on

    I loved Anne’s comment “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else”
    Its something that I will be passing onto my kids. If you want something you need to work for it.

    Thanks for sharing her story.

  2154. Kathy Wilson on

    Anne’s amazing life story is an inspiration to all of us; never stop moving in mind, spirit and body. What an amazing example of a life well lived. Her life’s work will live on in your care, Erin. Thank you for sharing this with all of us!

  2155. Shayla Rigsbee on

    I am newly interested in pursuing floral gardening, and this is my first time learning about Anne. As a young woman I find her story deeply inspiring – particularly with everything she was able to accomplish. Thank you for sharing her story, and for introducing me to someone I can look to when life has me frazzled!

  2156. Lindsay W. on

    My favorite part is that she gave away cuttings of her roses. What an amazing woman to share not only her knowledge but actual cuttings from her garden. Her legacy will live on through so many others. Beautiful story!!!

  2157. Jennifer McCloy on

    It was inspiring to read of a life that one can inspire too. Not letting age gender or circumstances stop her living and learning and doing it oh so well . These are the people our younger generation need to know about ,learn from and be motivated by.

  2158. Tina S. Larkin on

    “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal”. This is my favorite part of the interview because Anne is telling us to examine ourselves and know ourselves. Personal responsibility, and yes, kindness to ourselves as women.

  2159. Jennifer on

    What a great legacy she has created and a treat to read about. The fact that she started pursuing so many passions after turning 60 is particularly inspiring, as I am 56 and often feel like it’s way too late in my life to be starting something completely from scratch. but if I think about living to 97…plenty of time! :-)

  2160. Miryan Garcia on

    Thank you so much for sharing Anne’s story, pictures of her and her amazing rose garden. It was truly inspiring. One of my favorite parts was her advice on setting and achieving your goals. We hear often that it is never too late to learn, and I am a life long seeker of knowledge. Taki g the approach to doing your due diligence to overcome barriers to achieve life long dream and goals while logical, sometimes seems impossible. I loved how her approach was that of no excuses. We are our own obstacle to overcome many times. I took that leap of faith a few years ago and finished both my Bachelor an Masters degree in nursing. I now plan to continue on to my PhD. I an no spring chicken but knowledge seeking has no expiration date. So along with learning more about growing beautiful flowers and my very favorite roses, I grow my knowledge in healthcare.

  2161. Charlotte M. on

    I think it is incredible how at 60, she decided to start a new dream. Showing that you can always do or learn something new. It’s also amazing to me that she was going to launch a website at 97!

  2162. Bonnie Harper on

    The most inspiring part to me is that you can make up your mind to do whatever you want to do regardless of your age or gender and that you should never give up on your dreams. Work hard, find resources to learn what you need to learn to achieve your goals and just do it.

  2163. Michelle Enns on

    I most enjoyed her encouragement to have others in your garden and gift them rose cuttings. I’ve done this some with my cut flower patch and it’s always so fun and rewarding!

  2164. Mimsie Sumner on

    Thank you so much for introducing us to Anne! What an amazing person! She is a true inspiration! We should all aspire to do such wonderful things. I bought some roses at the Antique rose emporium and planted them, some years ago. I had to sell my house, I hope roses live forever! Such a special legacy Anne has left us.

  2165. Alicia R Franklin on

    Thank you for sharing such an Ahmazing story of a life well lived!! It’s so inspiring on many levels. It’s CONFIRMATION that we can do anything we set out to do!! She’s up in heaven smelling the Beautiful Roses🌹

  2166. Janene Knowlton on

    Janene Knowlton January 11th 2022

    I love the whole interview! But, her saying, “You can meet and exceed your goals…If you prepare yourself over time. You can’t be a rocket scientist without a great deal of study…Neither can anyone else!” We at any age or any gender can meet all of our goals if we just roll up our sleeves and dig in and put forth the effort to research, study, and work hard on the project our hearts are set on accomplishing. Anne was and is an amazing example of doing just that!

  2167. Dawn Williams on

    I love her determination and her advice to keep learning! I have completed projects that friends have said they would never be able to start….books and the internet are wonderful tools for learning!

  2168. Mraie Chiavoni on

    Her passion for life in so many facets are sort of like Ramblers. Intertwined, growing in all different directions, bringing something special to everyone. I love that about her and her determination to evolve as a woman, wife, entrepreneur. You are so blessed to have that time with her
    as I know someday someone else will someday be blessed to spend time meeting you and learning about your journey in the future and even today.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2169. Lauren B on

    Wow! What a story of true grit! Anne’s persistence to “keep moving” physically and educationally, no matter age or circumstance, is inspiring!
    I love what she observed about her life, “…while much is owed to the length of my life, my longevity, likewise, probably benefited from having a full, diverse life.” Anne’s prescription for a successful (long, fulfilling) life is a great take away.
    I also observe from Anne that gardening creates a sort of symbiotic relationship with gardener and earth. As one plants, weeds, amends, and fertilizes to better the earth, in return, the gardener receives vitality, purpose, and a social circle. She is inspiring on many levels!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2170. Tamara Main on

    When Anne said, ..You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself overall time….
    I love that.
    Also when she said ….don’t be stingy .

    Thankyou, Erin, for sharing this interview and all your knowlege.
    You are definitely living her advice…. I hope to do so as well.

  2171. Darcie on

    She just kept learning, growing, sharing, and living a beautiful grateful life. I loved – “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

  2172. Marcia Merz Case on

    I enjoyed this post so much, I read it twice. In the world of today it is especially important to share the wondrous actions of the many kind, knowledgeable, talented individuals who surround us. Let their stories prevail! Thank you for taking the time to document and share the story of this exceptional, remarkable individual!

  2173. Karen Pritchard on

    Anne really struck a chord with me about the importance and joy of being a life long learner. In 2018 I soaked up every bit of information you shared in your Floret Workshop and learned how to be a flower gardener. Today, I provide flowers to 30 CSA members – brings me great satisfaction to share the beauty of flowers with others in my community.

  2174. Patricia Starkey on

    “Inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love…of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. ”, by far the very best part.

    Love is in everything we do and why not sure that with every single person we can? I have a very small (50 plant) cutting garden but have fallen in love with roses after so many years of being an anti-rose person. I hadn’t ever experienced roses aside from the long stem red roses that stayed tight and stiff. Once I found true garden roses it was love at first sight and I have been on a mission to find old roses since and grow my rose garden every single year.

    One of my favorite things about roses is their heritage and their longevity in history. When friends, family and customers come to our micro-farm and I tell them “this one is founded in the 1800’s” their moths drop open and it makes me so excited; and that’s not even the oldest of a varietal! There’s just so much inspiration and excitement old roses bring and I love sharing that. Reading about Anne’s story is one of the most inspirational stories I’ve read in a long time. Her legacy will live on through each cutting, each rose bush and each rose bloomed. What a true blessing to have interviewed her before her passing. Thank you so much sharing Erin, you too, are an inspiration!

  2175. Josie on

    Sometimes we need a reminder of what pure determination can do. Whether you are a woman in a man’s world, or a person with a physical disability who has been told you’ll never do this again, it is important not to let your passions be buried by the burdens of life. Hold onto them, get the fire inside of your heart burning , and find a way, if that doesn’t work, find a different way

  2176. Kari Ferguson on

    I love her determination and attitude towards living a full life, and her recommendation to always keep learning. I truly love that she did such extraordinary things after she was age 60! So inspiring.

  2177. Kerstin on

    I loved how she did different things in her life and how she even went on a sailing journey – it reminds me of my own story – working different professions and working and living on a liveaboard as a dive instructor at some point!

  2178. Jetta Neely on

    At 67, the negative thoughts of “You’re too old to be doing new things. It takes you too long. Just stop trying.” run through my head so often. With stress of caring for my aged father (99 next month) and Covid taking away my livelihood, it is all too tempting to give in and agree with those thoughts.
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing Anne’s inspiring life that in many ways began at 60! I’ll be printing the interview out to keep in front of me and highlight the formula to achieve goals!

  2179. Angela Hadaway on

    It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams! What an inspiration this interview is to those of us who are just looking at that second half of life and wondering what else is out there. The kids are gone, our careers are almost over, and now it is time for us to take on the dreams we have tucked away for ourselves. Thank you for reminding us that there is another chapter yet to go and all we have to do is turn the page and begin to write it!

  2180. Irene Cary on

    Such an amazing woman! She reminded me; it is never too late to pursue your interests!
    During Covid, in the quietness of the days, I surrounded myself with how to books, videos, and lots of potting soil.
    I grew many plants from seeds, separating plants, I experimented with rose cuttings, and lilac cuttings.
    I gave many of my plants away to neighbors, to their delight and mine too! I stopped and had conversations with my neighbors about
    their gardens. many gave to me starts from their gardens.
    I am so blessed to have that time to share my passion with others and to inspire others to try something new!

  2181. Nena C Williams on

    Everything in your interview with Anne is utterly, astoundingly INSPIRATIONAL!!! We are very blessed to have had you interview this national treasure and to be able to read her very words for ourselves. I am almost 64, but last summer was moved to create a “Peace” Garden in our neighborhood for us women to open the gate and go in and sit and read or dream on the little bench and be surrounded by roses and perennials and birdsong…It is coming along but won’t be roughly finished until this Fall I suspect. My neighbors are excited about it as well as myself. It will be our own little retreat from the harshness of this current world. …….

  2182. Gabriela Rodriguez on

    I found lots of inspiration when reading the interview. Particularly the three important areas to keep in mind: Don’t let being a woman stop you (in my case age), know yourself, your talents and limitations, pick something that comes naturally. This last one, I am aware that I can be pretty good about lots of different crafts: I am a fairly good gardener, knitter, crocheter, sewing, drawer/painter, soap maker (both hard bar and liquid soap), making my own creams, and finally good at cooking. Do I have to pick one to focus on? No, I will do them all.

  2183. Sunnie Kim on

    I was really touched when she said “I believe you were a young lady when I first met you.” She clearly felt very fondly towards you, Erin and reassured that someone as yourself is so determined to keep the legacy of her roses alive.

  2184. Lee Zaferopulos on

    Anne’s fearlessness of new endeavors was inspiring to me. It generated thoughts about garden projects I want to plan and create. I am here in Northern California from the Midwest only three years and have looked at my amazing property and dreamed about how it could look. I now feel so excited to study more about native plants and begin the design so that when the weather warms up, I can start planting and watching. I want a rotational array of color year round which was not possible in below zero weather in Chicago. Thanks for publishing these articles.

  2185. Maritza Ganddini on

    Thank you for sharing this interview, such a beautiful soul, and amazing life. The words that showed her soul impacted me:
    “Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

  2186. Denise M Rolls on

    Wow! So glad that you interviewed, visited Anne’s garden and got cuttings to carry on her legacy. The part of the interview that really encouraged me was talking about her book “A Voyage of Determination’. She said to not let being a woman stop you from doing things. To know yourself, talent and limitations and be careful to not under estimate your abilities. Also enjoyed hearing how she shared her roses with friends and others around the world. Never thought of collecting roses when traveling.
    She spoke of having a hard time of choosing her favorite flowers, I have the problem as well.

  2187. Carter on

    That was a really cool interview. I particularly loved and am inspired by the cross-Pacific sail and the building of the houses (especially using the Wall Jack). It’s amazing how she accomplished all these diverse things that are by nature very difficult.

  2188. Jane Niehaus on

    What an amazing woman! And how fantastic that your dreams, Erin, are just as big and that you are creating your own incredible rose garden to share and inspire others. Thank you for this beautiful recounting, and all the love you and your staff have put into to extending Anne’s work. I am pretty sure you all have big biceps.

  2189. Peggy on

    I loved to read that old roses are very easy to grow! And I loved to read about her generosity of sharing clippings + that her son is restoring the garden!

  2190. Brenda Hanrahan Waterman on

    Anne was a true pioneer. Thanks for sharing the interview. Her thoughts while sailing from New Zealand to California, her inspiring feminist pep talk and urging people of all ages to continue learning and growing all resonate. I am so glad her love of roses and legacy will live on.

  2191. Pam Fowler on

    As one that is nearing 60, I love it when she says “it is never too late to act on your dreams and goals”.
    I’m just getting going! …..unlike many I meet my age – all they want to do is slow down. Nope! Not me😃

  2192. Tara Tolsma on

    I love that she’s so excited about her roses. She is an inspirational woman! She wanted to learn and was still learning. So also loved to give and share her garden with others.

  2193. Emilie Gaddy on

    Thank you for sharing this story. Anne never gave up always kept going and learning. What a legacy she has left for us.

  2194. Nicole Strafelda on

    When I first read that she didn’t get into roses until 60, I was amazed and wondered how she did it. However, after hearing her say it was such a long time ago it reminds me that if we are lucky, 60 is still very young and we do have a lot of life left to live. I love how hard she worked and was always willing to try something new. She has lived such an inspiring life.

  2195. Linda Goss on

    The most inspiring part of this post was when she bought all those ramblers at a sale and planned them. They likely would have been destroyed if they hadn’t been bought by her. Preserving them and getting joy from them is so inspiring.

  2196. Pat George on

    Anne was an amazing woman! Reading about all the things she did after age 60 inspires me the most. I am 67, recently retired and believe that the best years of my life are ahead of me. I hope that when I’m in my 90’s I will be an inspiration to women of all ages like Anne was.

  2197. Janea McDonald on

    Thank you for this beautiful story. Until I saw their photo, I didn’t realize I knew them too. I recognized Max right away! I used to clean their house about 30 years ago, but I had no idea she had a rose passion. Such lovely people. I even remember their wedding gift to us and Max offered to lend us his Porsche for our honeymoon (we passed since it was in December and we went to Victoria). Sorry to hear that Anne recently passed. They were such lovely people!

  2198. Kim Parnell on

    An inspirational woman. I love roses too and her comments about not being too old to follow your dreams has inspired me at 61 to not be too downhearted about our world today and to follow my dreams to do something to maybe make a difference – however small that might be. Thank you for this series of articles.

  2199. Keri Alexander on

    What an amazing lady! I was touched by her comment, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” She is a prime example that all of us can have 2nd, 3rd or maybe even 4th acts in our lives.

  2200. Tessa A. on

    I love the sentiment of letting whatever plants you’ve curated and cared for be a catalyst for extending friendship, generosity, and trust. I will definitely remember to be generous with my garden, beloved roses included.

  2201. Cindy M. on

    What an amazing woman.Nothing stopped her!Accomplishing difficult goals and her generosity most impressed me.

  2202. Michelle Collins on

    What hit me most was her down right determination in so many aspects of her life. Thank you for sharing this interview with us.

  2203. Mary Ellen Howard on

    What a beautiful interview! Thank you for sharing it with all of us — I have added some of her books to my wish list on Amazon! I was very moved by everything she spoke of, but especially when she was talking about her and Max having friends over in the gardens, getting to know one another and sharing the beauty, and when she said, “It’s such a joy to see old friends again, such as you, Erin. I believe you were a young lady when I first met you. So many memories tie us all together.” That line…so many memories tie us all together… how lovely! What a sweet, inspiring lady.

  2204. Lisa LaBrecque on

    She is such an inspirational woman! I love her advice to try anything, even if it’s traditionally done by men. We should know no limits! She is adventurous and daring! I want to be like her when I “grow up!”

  2205. Heidi Klammer on

    I loved all of Anne’s comments about being a life-long learner. Find out how to do something you will need to know to realize your dreams, was her advice. It was most amazing to hear her say that she learned to overcome her weakness by buying a wall jack and learning to use it to lift the walls of a house into place by herself! She is inspiring! There are multiple ways to do something. Finding the way that works for you is part of the adventure.

  2206. Dianne Seeley on

    At 64 I was just beginning to feel a bit nervous that life seems shorter than ever and I still have so many dreams to live out. Her words have compelled me to do just that. Thank you for sharing her work and keeping her dream alive. She was and continues to be a marvel.

  2207. Sarah on

    Reading this post, I feel like Anne just gave me a “pep talk”-that it’s HEALTHY to start new endeavors at any age and that I CAN do big things if I prepare well.

  2208. janet on

    I was most inspired by the breadth of her experiences, her determination and appetite for learning and growth, and her generosity.

  2209. Kate Main on

    The most inspiring part was: “….inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important”
    Community, generosity and sharing. She sounds amazing!

  2210. Bronwen Heinrich on

    I loved that she made relationships in her rose gardens that were as beautiful as the roses themselves…

  2211. Ali Soper on

    Anne: However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.
    We have recently opened our garden to the public (near Lake Hawea, Otago, South Island, New Zealand), already we are meeting wonderful, like-minded people who have a passion for plants. Apart from raising our three beautiful children, now adults, raising gardens has been a rewarding lifelong (since I was 5) adventure. We have acquired heritage roses, seven of which I was reliably told, belonged to New Zealand’s first female architect, they will be treasured. (If you are interested please see images of our garden on Instagram @crosshill_garden) (please remove the last bracketed note if inappropriate). Thank you for reading this far.

  2212. Gwen Mullin on

    Thank you for posting this interview. I found the formula for achieving a difficult goal really inspiring. Anne’s journey from age 60 yr, and accomplishing so much really speaks to me. A lady with spirit .

  2213. Kathy Christianson on

    When I entered college in the late 70’s I wanted to be a farmer and went to school for Agronomy and Horticulture. I knew I may never have the chance to own the family farm but I could get a job using my education and help on the farm on weekends. I was one of two women working on an Agronomy degree with about 60 men. I graduated and used my training to work at a university conducting research that helps farmers and other land managers. When I retire in the near future I will have 40 years of research experience under my belt so when I read her quote:
    “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal. If you are a man you are not apt to encounter prejudice in life’s goals because of your gender, but if you do don’t let it stop you”
    That has described my approach to school, work, and life.

  2214. Lora Bakalar on

    To think, what was once ‘prison’ would later in life become her passion…and now, how she readily shares her knowledge as well as the actual roses with so many. She’s truly so inspiring in so many ways <3

  2215. Brenda on

    Probably the most inspiring part is the age at which she started her rose garden. I have a very hard time trying to think about what I should do after my kids are out of the house. We have spent so much of our lives raising our kids that they are the priority. I’m in a tangled web of thoughts about what I am capable of & which direction to study things that I am interested in. The kids are still at home, so I guess I have a few years to contemplate those thoughts. I dabble in many things, but don’t feel an expertise in anything. This article makes me want to reread it to try & pull out more words of wisdom.

  2216. Carley Arnold on

    I have a personal goal of starting a garden that uses creative playful tech to get people engaged with plants, so Anne talking about sharing knowledge freely in garden spaces really resonated with me. Many of the skills it will take to create such a tech-garden are somewhat intimidating me, so I really appreciated reading Anne say that no one else just “knows” how to do anything without learning it first— I’ve got to just get stuck in and give it a go :) Thanks for sharing this interview and her work. Loads of wisdom I’d love to glean from her books, to be sure.

  2217. Nikki on

    I have been corresponding with someone I’ve never met about swapping plants from our respective gardens whilst also reading these posts. The observation that gardening allowed her to nurture new friendships and to preserve and spread her legacy therefore resonated especially.

  2218. Nicole LeBlanc on

    How can one choose what is most inspiring from this interview? Anne is the definition of inspiring! What stood out most to me was Anne’s decision to start a website at 97 years old! I think that is a big undertaking for anyone, and most wouldn’t consider it at 97, thinking themselves too old, not knowledgeable with technology, etc. While it is true Anne never got to launch her website herself, she still got to share her knowledge and reap enjoyment from those eleven blog posts she wrote. To me, that is enough of a reason to do something that seems like a lot of work, or that you may not have time for. It shows how determination and a positive mindset will always benefit a person and others!

  2219. Brenna Kennedy on

    Honestly I thought English gardens could only be grown in England. It never occured to me that I could great something that beautiful right here, in Idaho. It feels like a seed has been planted inside of me. That seed is definitely trying to break out of the soil and start taking form. I am so excited to see where this goes. Give me two years…….I plan on having the most beautiful rose garden right in my backyard!

  2220. Chinska Wittich on

    I loved Anne’s determination. At 60, she started something new. Her way of finding solutions to obstacles (using a wall jack to move walls into place). Amazing!

  2221. Melissa Lynch on

    She started so many amazing things after the age of 60. This is amazing. At the age of 38 myself I often think I wished I had started on some things earlier in life. This thought is absurd. There is so much life ahead of me. Thank you, Anne.

  2222. Julia Randolph on

    Anne had me at 60!!!! There is HOPE and more LIFE WITH PURPOSE after the kids fly away. 😊

  2223. Jennifer on

    “Inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important.” Some of my most interesting friendships started by inviting and being invited into people’s gardens and sharing. What a special lady. Thanks for this interview.

  2224. Ann B Harrison on

    Anne’s comment about age really struck me. I’m 65 and have told myself many times lately that its too late for me to start new things. She reminded me that I could have 1/3rd of my life left. I’m going hunting for more old roses. My collection is nowhere near big enough yet. Thank you, Erin for such lovely words.

  2225. Kerri Urbanski on

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.” – This part stood out to me most, and though it was specifically in reference to gender prejudice, it struck me as a reminder to recognize the negative self-thoughts that we allow to hold ourselves back, to face them head on, and to trust ourselves and our abilities. Thanks for introducing us to Anne!

  2226. Badge Bourcier on

    Choosing my favourite part of Anne’s story is like trying to choose my favourite flower. What an amazing story. I am 67, last year I started my first cut flower garden and many times I was floored by the obstacles, heat wave, floods, broken water lines, insects, rabbits, deer and the sheer physical labor of it all. There were tears and overwhelming joys. The part of Anne’s story that so deeply resonates with my first year of following my passion, was “ be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do. I owe much of my success to this one……You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” Isn’t that the truth! This is something I have to constantly remind myself. Finding ways to gather the wisdom, absorb the wisdom, use the wisdom, and as Anne says,”Don’t be stingy.”, share the wisdom.

  2227. Michelle on

    The whole interview was moving! Hard to pick, just like trying to pick one favorite flower but this part of her interview was just one teensy bit more moving to me then the rest of the interview:

    “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that. For example, I bought and used a wall jack on a house I was building to lift the walls into place all by myself.

    You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else. ”

    Thanks Erin, for all that you do!

  2228. Alicia on

    “You cant become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study and neither can anyone else.” I’ve always told my daughters to find what you love to do and then do it well. I’m proud to say each one found their passion and continue to work hard at what they love to do. But doesn’t that beg to ask the question, is it really work if you love doing it?!

  2229. jennifer nicholas on

    anne didn’t seem to have any fear in trying anything she wanted to do!!! especially building her own house!!

  2230. Martha Bryan on

    How wonderful that you were able to meet with Anne this past summer! I loved the part about her beginning her rose journey and starting her beautiful collection at the age of 60! I resonated with her saying that she felt “old” then, but to realize that she still had 37 years to go is amazing. Such an inspiring woman. Thank you for sharing this interview with us!

  2231. Liv on

    Anne’s commitment to growing community is even more beautiful that her commitment to growing roses! Most of my dearest garden friends are older or even elderly because of course gardening is a lifelong process. Their generosity never fails to amaze me because they live in a spirit of abundance (literally!). It is extremely encouraging to hear from Anne that my small gifts of time and energy are truly valuable to them.

  2232. Debi Anne Henry on

    As a woman who just had her 60th birthday, I was truly inspired by reading that Anne pursued many of her own dreams after turning 60. As I am nearing the end of one chapter of my life and heading towards retirement, I was encouraged by Anne’s words that “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams”. I have had a lifetime love of flowers and have dreamed of having a beautiful flower garden of my own. I know that I can make that dream a reality, no matter what my age!
    Erin, you and your team are always such an amazing source of knowledge and encouragement. Thank you for sharing!

  2233. Ginger-Kathleen Coombs on

    As a mother of daughters who also love gardening, who I raised to do what they love regardless of society’s expectations, I am in tears. I was constantly taught women don’t do that, or that isn’t feminine, or the emasculating concept “you’ll make men feel bad if you do that” (blessed to have married a man fully my equal who laughs at those silly ideas!) “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”

  2234. Kate Lowry on

    I loved how sharing her treasured roses meant so much to her, and how she saw the legacy and impact that sharing one cutting can make, if given proper care. That mindset applied to many aspects of life enriches the soul and has the power to heal communities. Reading about her made my heart hurt a bit to have never met her. She was an amazing woman.

  2235. Otília Menyhart on

    “A passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career.”

    Wow! This particular sentence describes my current situation so well. Anne’s words resonate deep inside of me.

    I am a cancer scientist, but slowly started to turn my passion for flowers, and particularly for roses, into a flower farming career. I am still at the beginning of the road, but Anne’s example just strenghtened my determination.

  2236. Eliza A Lathrop on

    I love when she says, ” I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.” It is such an important perspective. I just turned 48 (literally yesterday) and sometimes worry that I will run out of time to be brave, to do things that are risky, but that I know are the things that bring my life meaning. Anne’s interview makes me think, really I’m only half-way. I have a whole ‘nother lifetime to go. That makes me happy. And go do more things…

  2237. Shelley Robillard on

    I love that she started this adventure relatively late in her life. I know she said she didn’t consider it so, in hindsight, but I one of the things I often consider, when thinking about new adventures and paths, is “Am I too old for this?” or, “Do I really want to do this at this point in my life?” BTW, I’m not even 60 yet, lol. The other thing I loved was when she talked about sharing her roses. “Don’t be stingey.” What a generous soul, and really pretty smart if the goal is to give more longevity to these lovely variaties.

  2238. Jessica White on

    I love how Mrs. Anne and her husband would extend their hospitality even further by sending friends and visitors home with cuttings from the garden!

  2239. Valerie Boergesson on

    It’s 18 degrees here today, so reading about your labor of love, your admiration for Anne and seeing all these beautiful roses was such a truly special treat. I love her advice when you ask her about pursuing dreams late in life. I can’t pick a favorite part because it’s all so wonderful I had to read it twice. The part that really made me tear up is when she speaks of how sharing cuttings is an act of love and friendship. What a gift she was to you, that is so evident in your beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing her story with us, may here roses and legacy live on in every rose she has shared with a friend.

  2240. Teri Lucas on

    I loved that she was so gracious and generous with giving roses/ cuttings to others. I am inspired by this and hope to be generous to others as well. Thank you for this lovely article.

  2241. Diane Tunnell on

    Your interview with Anne was wonderful! I can not refer to her in the past tense. This is a lady who looks forward and enjoys the journey. She does not complain, blame or whine about the difficulties of life. Life for Anne is a challenge and full of opportunities. That beautiful picture of Anne with the giant smile made my day! I look forward to reading her books.
    Cheers to you, Erin, for sharing this.

  2242. Peggy Hauser on

    I love that she believed that she could do anything! And she did, when she set her mind to it. I am totally impressed by the fact that she started her journey with roses at the age of 60, which tells me I am NOT too old to start something!

  2243. Stephanie Mills on

    I think my favorite part is the fact she is a life long learner, and she tried and succeeded at so many different careers! She really did live a full life.

  2244. Deborah Barnard on

    I am a 72 year old who has always practiced Anne’s advice of staying active and continually learning, trying new skills and developing new businesses. This year I set my sights at starting my own organic cut flower business and also learn how to bring those flowers to life through making flower arrangements. I did not know that life had in store for me this year was a new heart stent into my old open heart stents previously, frozen shoulders and developing first MDS (a bone marrow cancer) and then it turning into AML (one of the worst leukemias) which as I am writing this I have been in the hospital for 10 days with. I have always loved roses especially ramblers and climbers which I acquired from my English grandfather who did amazing things with roses. I enrolled in Erin’s big class program and it has kept me so inspired and dreaming and planning of what I want to do on our farm with it that sometimes I forget I have cancer and it has definitely kept my hospital stay rich with learning. I can’t wait to get on my life this year, and maybe be able to bring to fruition some of the things my grandfather did with roses.

  2245. Rebecca Nelson on

    I was moved by the entire interview , but two parts really stuck out. The first about starting. She was 60 years old and I am 42 . I feel everyday that I’m too old to do things. The second was sharing. People can help each other out and share. Loved all four sections you wrote, but this was my top read

  2246. Alicia Gilbert on

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story. She is very inspirational and engorging. And to believe in yourself and to follow you passion no matter your age. I also love her passion for animals. She has a wealth of rose information and I look forward to reading more about her roses.

  2247. Ellen Lyman on

    What an inspiring interview with Anne…so many great takeaways from a wonderfully wise woman! I loved her encouragement to open our gardens to others to view, share ideas and develop new friendships. Pruning parties sound like such a great idea, especially to assist elderly gardeners. Many hands make light work!

  2248. Megan Clinch on

    What a story for winter hours!
    Her memories grafted onto ours,
    A previously unknown matriarch scoots up to the table,
    “keep moving, stay out of bed,
    go out to lunch and visit,
    read and stay up to date,
    be open to new ideas,
    life-long learning and skill development.”

    Thank you for all of this.

  2249. Hannah Dewey on

    Being a lifelong learner! What an amazing story – so powerful. Thank you for sharing <3

  2250. Lavina Yoder on

    “Sharing your roses”. Inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses. I’d like to help people “take time to smell the flowers”.

  2251. Ava Brock on

    Wonderful story Erin. Thank you for sharing it . I am on my 40th year of growing roses and am always learning about new varieties I’ve collected roses from many of of sources you mention but some are new to me. I will look into finding room for yet one more rose from them. One source you missed is Rosarium Garden Center in Spokane. Carol Newcomb and her husband have an amazing collection of roses in their display garden, as well as many rare perennials. Carol is a talented plantswoman and has a wonderful selection of her propagated own-root roses for sale. I highly recommend a visit. The mail order portion of their business is now separately owned and is called Northland Rosarium.

  2252. Beth on

    I was inspired by her comment , “know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” Right now, as a mom of twins, (yes they are adorable!) living on about ~4hours of sleep, my limitations feel insurmountable. I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and remember it’s a season.

  2253. Barbie Whisler on

    Erin, how blessed you were to get to know Anne and spend time with such an amazing woman! I thank you for sharing her with all of us, I wish I too had known her! My favorite part of the interview was this statement she made, “ Anne: I just love them so. I’m a very visual person and the beauty that roses bring into my world gives me great joy.” I feel the same joy when I walk through my rose garden!

  2254. Lisa Randlette on

    Anne Belovich sounds like a person who lived their life to the fullest. I most appreciated her early remembrance of being a young child and determined to observe the marine life on Moro Bay beaches! What a blessing to live in proximity to such a special place. And also what a blessing to pursue the opportunity to understand and appreciate nature and follow one’s curiosity throughout one’s life.

  2255. Michelle Hendrickson on

    Oh my goodness, what an inspiration! So many things about this post inspired me. But my favorite was, “ask yourself if you need biceps and a beard.” A few years ago, I thought I needed my husband to do all the heavy lifting and be a part of my garden projects. He was always so busy when I wanted help the most, so I learned how to do things on my own such as drive a tractor, put in fence posts, move dirt, etc. Anne is right, you don’t need a man, you can do anything yourself. I was already looking up these books to purchase before I even got all the way through this post because I need to have them all! Erin, I loved this entire series! I have so many dreams now!

  2256. Natalie Tegarden on

    I loved her comment of not being stingy and several references throughout the interview to local community involvement, support, service and giving whether it was with her love of animals or roses. I believe so much in local community gardens, spreading the love of local and sustainable growing, sharing the bounty in cuttings, fruits, seed sharing and volunteerism. I worry about us as a society losing these valuable beliefs, ethics and I just love to see their promotions in any way possible to younger generations to keep these concepts of love of people or our earth alive and well.

  2257. Pamela R Temple on

    I knew Anne for many years, such a powerhouse, such an inspiration and such a dear and generous friend. I have followed her advice to put them in the sun and water them. Long live our Ramblers.

  2258. Jim Kelly on

    Well what can l say but 100% in agreement with Ann about staying away from the Bed & big comfy Chairs an get moving. At 3/4 century l always loved Roses but was to LAZY to do anything about it.. Now l know its never too OLD to start, Thank you, Ann and may you Rest in the Heavenly Garden above. Miigwetch, Jim

  2259. Monique Dozer on

    She built her own house?!!!! That’s incredible and inspiring! Mrs. Anne reminds me a little of my mom in that she never let being a woman stop her from getting things done, especially since she was a single mom for several years. When met with an obstacle Mom would say ‘if a man can do it, so can I!’. I love learning about Anne and her life, thank you for sharing this with all your readers, Erin, I hope her legacy is long-lived!

  2260. Nicole Moyer on

    Such a beautiful article written about someone who sounded very lovely. I was honestly really hit hard by “don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” Sometimes, its so easy for me to “just” see all the work I put into gardening, and by thinking like that, I tend to want to keep people out, especially kids, for fear that they won’t have the same love and attention to the plants that I have, and I’m so nervous about someone stepping on something and killing it. But I don’t want to just garden for myself, and I really want to inspire others to want to grow bigger gardens too, and I can’t do that if I’m stingy and don’t let people in.

  2261. Kim Hamilton on

    I myself an on a new journey at 51, after a career, raised my son as a single mom and am now in my 6th year of my first and only marriage. I find myself at the door of my own Secret Garden on 2.75 acres and wondering if I can do it. Preparing yourself over time, studying and becoming an apprentice, knowing myself, my talents and limitations and not underestimating what I am capable of doing. Not letting the nay sayers in my head or around me stop me from at least trying. What an inspiration to have done so much after 60! I am inspired, thank you for sharing her words of wisdom and encouragement.

  2262. Debbie Wyatt on

    Wow! Her interview spoke volumes to me.
    I am 60 and started my flower farming journey not long ago with Floret’s flower farming school. The whole time thinking to myself “How silly of me! I’m so much older than most of these students. What am I doing?” But after hearing her interview I feel I’m right on track. 🥰

  2263. Dana on

    I found her entire story inspiring, but particularly this line: “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” When I compare myself to others who I consider more successful, I often believe that they have some special quality that I must lack. However, this was the reminder I needed that everyone must work at their goals. Just because I am only seeing the end product (“success”) doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a significant amount of work involved to get there. So when I feel overwhelmed, I’ll be reminding myself that it takes a “great deal of study” for anyone to be successful! Thank you, Anne (and Erin)!

  2264. Laura Kirste Campbell on

    Anne’s continuous unrelenting devotion to reaching her goals is a great inspiration. As a 61 yr old just starting a new creative career that I’ve dreamed of for many decades, I battle with self-doubt, especially about age. Anne’s words are just what I needed right now and I will put reminders (roses, pictures and real plants) in my life to keep me growing towards my goals. Thank you for enhancing my life with this wonderful true life story!

  2265. Cassandre Masson on

    « Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job. » 💪🏻 I love how empowering she is!

  2266. Laura Kirste Campbell on

    As a 61 yr old with many creative dreams yet unrealized, the portion of Anne’s story most impactful on my life is her strong encouragement to get moving on my dreams and goals regardless of my age. I’m going to get my first rose and when I tend it I will be reminded to reach higher, wider, and deeper in my life, and I will no longer think of 60 as old! I still have many seasons ahead to grow myself into a beautiful fragrant rambler to share with the world! Thank you for your inspirational posts. I’m looking forward to supporting Anne’s legacy by owning her books!

  2267. Patricia on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” I was in need of these words of motivation. Thank you so very much for the inspiration 🥰.

  2268. Zivi on

    I loved the part about her only starting with roses at the age of 60 and how that turned into 37 years of rose magic. It’s clearly never too late to start anything. So inspirational!

  2269. Polly Gottesman on

    Completely and utterly bewitching! As a 58-year-old farmer, I love Anne’s comment that 60 doesn’t look so old from the 97-year-old perspective.

  2270. Nancy Bowker on

    I am 71 and have been “differently-abled” for decades.

    My whole being swells in the hopes of
    smelling the masses of ramblers,
    and traipsing under the climbers.

    There is something about Anne, kneeling and
    tending to the tender,
    the beautiful, and the true.

    She stewards glory.
    She greens, colors, and scents our world
    in formings of the magnificent.

    Though often bedridden, I am released.
    I am able to live her wondrous life through
    her gifts of words and images.

    My being blossoms.

  2271. Lindsay on

    Thanks so much for this blog series and interview. I loved hearing about Anne’s diverse career path and I’m inspired by her outlook on starting her journey with roses at 60.

  2272. Sherri on

    I loved Anne’s determination to continually move forward with new goals and knowledge, regardless of age or limitations.
    I’m not yet to 60, so seeing what Anne had accomplished since then, I’m inspired to move forward….no excuses!

  2273. Elaine Alpine on

    I also enjoyed her comments on determination. Not to sell yourself short. You can do anything that a man can do with the right tools. The love of gardening was passed down to me from my father. I am just beginning to start with flowers thanks to the Floret series. Thank you for all the workshops and shared love.

  2274. Michelle Stewawrt on

    So inspirational!!! I would have loved to have met Anne! If you want to do something, then learn all you can and do it really speaks to me. I too agree that it’s never too late! What an amazing woman and life!

  2275. Erika Dyer on

    What a multi-faceted woman! I love the comment about if you don’t need “big biceps or a beard”, there is nothing stopping you. She feels familiar to me, like maybe I met her locally, but it would have been nice to have formally met her. I also grew up on the Central Coast of California and love Victorian houses. She would have been fun just to hang out with or accompany as she went through her day. A treasure. So glad her legacy is continuing in a permanent way. You were fortunate indeed to have known her and gained some of her insight/wisdom.

  2276. Ginny Butler on

    What an inspiration Anne is! I love Anne’s encouragement that we can do anything we choose to do if we put in the sweat and tears. I wish I could have known her, what a beautiful smile.

  2277. Brennan on

    I love hearing about her diverse pursuits and running away for love when she was young. I’ve spent the last year trying to find a contractor to apprentice and learn from, but finding it to be challenging. I would love to learn more about her life!

  2278. Diane Elledge on

    Anne’s comment, “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing” inspired me. I have always believed and tried to teach my 4 daughters that a girl can do anything they set their mind to. I have tried many tasks simply because I knew I could figure it out. Your time spent with Anne is something you will always cherish.

  2279. Breanne P. on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” This particular quote stuck out to me as well as her comment about her diverse lifestyle adding to the longevity of her life. In our current times of change and, in some cases, uncertainty, it is important to keep learning, keep developing new skills, and keep improving myself as I get older and further into my career and life. It is too easy to fall into a routine of the same habits and one day realize that years have passed you by. It is inspiring that Anne never stopped learning or trying new things and that she found additional passions later in life. To even accomplish half of what Anne did in her life would be a great achievement for anyone.

  2280. Jean Hicks on

    Beautiful! Thank you for getting her essence down in print. She embodies the spirit of the rambling rose; intelligent, tough, fierce and hardy. I’m so glad that her life’s work will be continued.
    Many thanks!

  2281. Kathleen on

    For me I love the part of the interview where Anne says “I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that.” It may seem like a silly part to point out in her interview….however, I think no matter man or female it points to how Anne lived her life and a theme she seemed to live by of “where here’s a will there’s a way”. Go out there and figure it out, don’t be scared or intimidated in life and you can overcome and achieve much.

  2282. Brittany Burkhardt on

    Truly inspiring! My favorite part is when she says to not be stingy and share with the world. My dream is to have u-pick flower farm that I have a burning passion to do. I want to dedicate my flower farm to sharing the gift of flowers with others. A great gift in life is to share your passions with others in return to help them find their passions in life! I just bought 6 rose bushes 2 weeks ago and now will be collect more after I have read this amazing article! Thank you Erin!

  2283. Barbara Lien on

    Her generosity was striking — “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important…” — in addition to her energy, determination, and adventurous spirit.

  2284. Lori Kilmer on

    I love that Anne’s interest in roses began when she was in her 60’s. Just when most people are thinking they are old. Over the years, she managed to develop one of the largest collections in the world. Her dedication to lifelong learning and just do it attitude is so inspiring. I believe her attitude kept her young at heart and helped her to have a wonderful life into her 90’s. If we could all be that lucky, right? What a treasure she was to the world, not just the world of roses. Thank you for sharing her story and persevering her legacy and roses.

  2285. Carmen Spagnola on

    I’m so inspired by the fact that she started her own contracting company in her 60s! I would LOVE to see a book of her 25 Victorian-style house plans! Now that’s life goals. Truly, that widens the aperture on what’s possible in later life, doesn’t it?

  2286. Mona on

    You can start a goal or pursue a dream at any age.

  2287. Amy Sonnek on

    How lovely to read her story. My daughter and I plan to create a rambling rose garden – inspired by The Secret Garden. I think Anne would be Delighted❤️

  2288. Kay Chandler on

    What an extraordinary and inspirational women. Thank you so much for sharing Annes story.
    Im moved by Annes determination of spirit to learn and
    achieve her dreams, age and gender not deterring her has certainly impacted my thinking and planning of my future years.
    Reading I am the same age as Anne as she began pursuing some of her large dreams has inspired and lifted my spirits more than I can express.
    I’m dusting off some of my dreams.

  2289. Jo on

    Wow, what an inspirational woman! The biggest takeaways for me are that generosity is a wonderful gift to the world that is also personally rewarding – a double win – and that it’s never too late to try something new and develop your talents. Oh, and her bravery!!

  2290. miri day on

    thank you erin for sharing anne with us. she is such an inspiration on so many levels, her age, her spirit and her generousity. i am in my early 60’s and my rose garden is one of my great joys. i have been growing for about 10 years when i realized roses were my favorite thing and why didn’t i have more

    one of my favorite things is to make rose bouquets for friends and see the pleasure they get. i would like to experiment with taking cuttings also.

  2291. Ashley Blatnick on

    That we are capable. Not to be discouraged by our limitations as women, but to try anyway. Be generous with what you have!

  2292. Angie Stelzer on

    I loved Anne’s quote “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” I am approaching my 64th birthday and newly discovered flower gardening in general in the last 5 years. Love of roses is even newer, in the last 2 years. So much too learn, but roses are special. I want to immerse myself in them (and their many varied scents). I would have loved to meet Anne in person, but I’ve no doubt her books will teach me so much. Thank you, Erin, for sharing Anne’s (and your) love of roses with us!

  2293. Victoria Yang on

    This was a lovely series of articles, just like roses, peeling back layers. What struck me most was her line that read “go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself.” Especially that back half, not just the same prejudice but others as well. Something I try to remind myself of every day. I love that she talked about and inspires others to continually grow, we’re never too old to learn and we should always be learning and growing. :)

  2294. Melissa on

    I love when she says you can do anything a man can do!

  2295. Jacky Surber on

    Anne’s advice about fighting against the prejudice women face really lifted me up. I’m building a house with my husband and have to stand up for myself on a daily basis and even after all these years still have to deal with that kind of negativity. I love her message about generosity too. I find joy in sharing all that I can.

  2296. Hillary O on

    Her recipe for staying active throughout life! Great advice.

  2297. Patricia Westerfield on

    I hold on to every word in the interview with Anne. I, too, raised my sails, then took up scuba diving around the age of 40 just so I could get over my fear of the ocean. Who knew 3000 dives later, it would be a passion. At 68 I’ve retired from tech jobs at Microsoft and Dell. I bought an old home built in 1887 which has only one lonely rose.

    Anne’s interview has now given me a compass for what retirement looks like. And I know it’s time to get busy in the garden. I am so grateful for her rose legacy and inspiration.

  2298. Marleina Ruka on

    Anne’s gift and legacy to generously share her knowledge was amazing.

    I was inspired by her words “Inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.

  2299. Cyndi on

    What an amazing woman! I can only hope, from
    her inspiration, that I can gleen even the tiniest bit of her spirit to put the wind into my own sails. She is proof that it is never too late. So inspirational!

  2300. Michelle Arrington on

    So much inspiration from Anne. I am turning 60 this year, so her encouragement to start something new has had great impact. It’s never too late. Thanks again Erin for sharing this wonderful lady’s story. Anne is an incredible inspiration but so too are you.

  2301. Shea Armstrong on

    Wow – this series has been such a joyful journey. The interview brought me to tears. I’m thankful to everyone who is working to conserve her legacy and continue sharing the beauty she brought to the world. What Anne said about prejudices was like an arrow to the heart. Such beautiful and timeless advice. Fight the prejudice where you find it. Thank you, Anne.

  2302. Marsha Neher on

    I love most when Anne tells that she and Max used to have people over all of the time to enjoy the property, and as many friendships as lovely as the roses developed. It is the sharing of roses and all flowers that enhance their beauty. My grandma had a beautiful flower garden. She used to have a few boxes of empty vases on the floor of her car behind the drivers seat at the ready. Whenever she went to see someone, she filled one of the vases and off she went. What better way to enjoy your beautiful garden, yard, vegetables and flowers than to share.

  2303. Julia McDonald on

    Thank you for sharing Annes inspiring story and attitude to life. Three pieces of her advice shine for me – that you’re never too old to start something new, that where there’s a will, there’s a way and to share our gardens with others.

  2304. Yvonne Cruz on

    After posting my first comment then reading the entire series I realized that I did it backwards! Wow! Ms. Anne inspired you, Erin and you have inspired me! Ill be 64 this year and have decided to fill my yard with beauty! I have a very supportive and creative husband that is ready to jump on board with me. Individuals like you and Ms. Anne that are willing to share your knowledge and wonderful stories especially hearing them when many have lost hope and need encouragement that life is still essentially good and worth living and thriving makes me and others happy!

  2305. Hannah Beard on

    I am inspired by Anne’s comment about inviting people into your garden and sharing cuttings as both an act of love and friendship AND a way to inspire others and continue the legacy of old roses. Keeping in mind the 20 year patents I hope, in future, to be able to share roses with my friends and family.

  2306. Cameron Dennison on

    What a remarkable woman! I love that Anne said about “knowing” yourself. With that and hard work, you can achieve anything.

    Thank you for sharing the story Erin! You are an inspiration with all of your hard work and what you have created!


  2307. Sue Rosenfield on

    I’m nearing 60 and Anne’s words about following her dreams and listening to one’s internal prejudice hit me. I too am wanting to build my own home and garden and farm and nearly every man I ask for advice is against any of my ideas. I am the only one who can realize my dream. Her words inspire and lift me to keep going.

  2308. Lois Bunger on

    I am in awe of her inspiring life similar to what my daughter is experiencing. I was a nurse 42 years and that was my daughters dream. Her health has prevented this dream but she has discovered indoor and outdoor gardening with great delight and success. I have coached her as Anne has said to do anything she wants because she is so capable. I went to grad school on my late 50s. I fully endorse life long learning as a means of fulfillment and benefit to others as well as yourself. Thank you for your labor of love and sharing her wonderful story. I will acquire her books as I start my daughters rose garden and re-pot my own garden. My grandfather planted the first date shoots from Africa in the Coachella Valley by Indio California. Gardening has been in my family roots forever. It is a blessing for all generations.

  2309. Nicole L on

    The idea that it is never too late to start something new, hard, and/or risky was a takeaway from this post. If it’s worth doing, take the chance. I wish I could have met Anne myself!

  2310. Linda Labertew on

    Erin, thank you so much for sharing your visits with Anne and your passion for growing roses too. I was most inspired by Anne’s many diverse life paths and how she learned to overcome the obstacles she encountered along the way.
    As much as I am a rose enthusiast, I just recently started a new rose garden in my backyard, and have mapped out a new flower garden, I have to admit that obstacles encountered along my life path kept me from pursuing certain goals that would have changed the course of my life. Consequently, I invested a great deal of time (years) and financial investment in an concentrated effort to connect the cause and effect dots that hindered the goals I had hope to accomplish. So I know all to well from my own experiences where Anne is coming from. I would love to read her book A Voyage of Determination.
    As to the roses, well gardening in general is in my blood, my love of gardening/roses comes from my grandmother, she had gardens all around the front and backyard. My grandmother’s name was Rose, and I have followed in her gardening footsteps. Rose is my birth flower.

  2311. Eileen McCarthy Mendonca on

    What a beautiful interview and how lucky you are to have been a part of her incredible life.
    There are two points Anne makes that really stand out to me. First know yourself , your talents and limitations but never underestimate yourself and second keep moving stay connected read -commit to lifelong learning/skill development.
    Thank you for sharing and bringing this incredible persons life to us.

  2312. Trish Nagel on

    I think her messages that it is never too late to start something, get out of bed, see people, keep current and to keep learning and developing new skills resonates with me the most. My Grandfather, who lived to 94, gave the greatest advice (many of the same things that Anne said) to stay young in the heart and mind. I would love to have the passion that she had for all of the roses!

  2313. Carol L deSousa on

    I was so encouraged by the fact she started her garden at 60 as I am 61 and just beginning to build a large cut flower garden. I have questioned myself quite a bit as to the wisdom of starting to farm at my age. Her wisdom and insight has given me hope that I am not too old! I sure don’t feel as old as the number of my birth and that is a good thing. I look forward to visiting one of the gardens one day after they are recreated and seeing Florets new rose gardens!

  2314. GWEN HERSHA on

    She articulated beautifully, the truth that women are strong and able to lead in amazing ways, and that sometimes we ourselves stand in the way of success by unconsciously believing deep down that a man is needed to do hard work.

  2315. Gail Lesher on

    Her interests were never “squashed” by age or physical limitations. So inspiring!

  2316. Rebecca McClain on

    The most inspiring part for me was how she pursued her dreams after the age of 60. It gives me hope while I work through my midlife.

  2317. Adrienne on

    Thank you, Erin, for this interview with Anne. I have been struggling with some health issues and reading Anne’s words has been a helpful reminder that with patience and determination I will have more time in my garden with my roses. I would so love to visit her garden and volunteer to help restore it! How can we learn more about these opportunities? I’m in Seattle so I’m close.

  2318. Janice Whiting on

    I love that she encouraged people to take cuttings, share one’s own garden with others. I have often wanted to open my yard, my so called garden to people but I have been so concerned with the fact that it’s not weed free or ‘complete’. I need to rethink this. Thank you, Anne, for your amazing life and open heart.

  2319. Sarah M Dunn on

    What inspired me most is that she did so much – after age 50!

  2320. K. Kolwicz on

    Anne’s perspective on age hit home for me, what seems ‘old’ to me now will not be in 37 years. It’s never too late, and you’re not too old. Thank you Anne!

  2321. Abby Taylor on

    Her lifelong commitment to learning and educating herself is probably the most inspiring part of her legacy. I’ve never found something that intrigues me as much as flowers do, and I find myself constantly wanting to immerse myself in literature, and looking to experienced growers to learn from them. Reading this interview really resonated with me, and validated my feelings of love and obsession with flowers. Us flower people are a special kind of human. This was such a wonderful series, thank you for sharing. 😊

  2322. Patricia Verdoorn on

    As a person who recently turned 60 and retired from full time work, Anne’s comments on not letting anything get in the way of one’s determination resonates with me and the values I want to bring into this next season of life.

  2323. Cynthia nguyen on

    The part really inspiring me from Anne comments were:
    It is never too late to act on your goals abd dreams.
    Keep moving abd Stay out of bed, go out for lunch visit your friend and family member don’t isolate yourself, read and stay updated wiry current symptoms vents. Be open to new ideas and commit yourself to life long learning abd skills development.
    She inspired me to start taking steps to do things I never done & mostly afraid to do before.
    I am over 50 years old and have many dreams but have not act on it.
    both my parents just passed away and reading Anne story have changing my thoughts of lonely and emotionally which I need to get rid off abd move forwards from here on.
    Thank you Anne I wish I could meet you .
    Cynthia nguyen

  2324. Di-Anna on

    Where do I begin…what an inspiration she is…think just need you need to be fearless, and go for what you want in life….I am a terrible sucker for gardening books and hers are on the top of my list. I know I will love them and when reading, will think of that amazing woman….thank you Erin for a delightful ,inspirational read…I see alot if her in you….

  2325. Emily on

    Wow, this was very powerful. What an inspiring woman. Thank you for sharing!

  2326. Mary Lovin on

    I love her advise, “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” So many people I know tend to isolate themselves, become negative and not open to new ideas and learning and disconnect from the world. I think this shortens your life considerably. I also love this quote, “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” It is so easy to believe that others are smarter than you and give up, but what we’re forgetting is that those “smart” people have devoted much time to a great deal of studying. What a wonderful, inspirational lady! Thank you for sharing!

  2327. Nancy DiFrancia on

    I loved her advice for living a long, active life…keep moving, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family, read, be open to new ideas, and be a life-long learner….and that she was starting a blog at 97! How inspiring! I retired a few years ago and have an active mother at 90 years old. I hope we can both be loving life like this at 97 and beyond!

  2328. Carra S. Cripe on

    I have a beautiful rose garden thanks in part to my husband who would give me a rose to plant on Valentine’s Day, for the 25 years we were together! I have also collected Heirloom Roses & worked at our local cemetery to maintain the beautiful verities that have been planted over the centuries.

  2329. Danielle Houle on

    I loved her line, “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” This is so true! I feel we often assume others are more likely to achieve dreams we have for ourselves and this is a defeating mindset. Everyone has to put in the work.

  2330. Mary E LIMOGES on

    What inspired me most was the fact that Anne said you can do anything you make your mind up to. Just get the knowledge and determination and the rest will come. Thanks for a beautiful interview

  2331. Rachel Waddell on

    Anne seems like she was a kind & generous lady.
    Sharing plant cuttings is wonderful. 🌺🌻🌸

  2332. Kristyn W on

    Gosh, what a life she led! Such a great reminder that we are never too old! Thank you for sharing her story, Erin & team Floret!

  2333. Jillian Alexiev on

    I love that her life continued to change and she met every change head on. She continued to grow and adapt and do things she was interested in. It’s wonderful that her rose garden has been a place of friendship, teaching, sharing and love. What an amazing interview with an amazing woman, thank you for sharing.

  2334. Jacquelyn on

    Anne’s comment, “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far”, really moved me. It gives such a wonderful perspective on time and life. How we spend our lives, the things we set out to accomplish, the adventures and new experiences we delve into shouldn’t ever be defined or determined by the number of years we’ve lived; only by our heart’s desires and willingness to undertake the process of learning something new. Anne’s outlook on life gave her 37 years to grow, master, and share a beautiful passion and garden while so many people use their age (especially once reaching 60 and above) to excuse themselves from living and growing. Think how much she and the rest of the world would have missed out on if she had given up new ventures because of age. Very inspiring!

  2335. Emily Peck on

    What a wonderful lady! I love that she’s so open to sharing her garden, growing secrets, and cuttings with others to help her legacy live on. <3

  2336. Mrs. Smucker on

    Wow! What an incredible woman. It is hugely inspiring that she became a master of something she did not pursue before the age of 60. Gives me confidence that I could start flower farming at 38. 😁 She totally nails the key part that so many miss today. Yes you can do many of things you put your mind to, But it’s not going to be handed you on a silver platter, it’s going to take monumental amounts of hard work, time and good old fashioned grit. Courage dear heart!

  2337. Cynthia Waldner on

    Never give up learning new things and aquiring new skills. This is something that resonated with me. And don’t be stingy with sharing not only Rose’s but whatever it is your good at growing. Loved reading this interview. Thank you for sharing it with us. Reading Anne’s books would be wonderful!

  2338. Kate Bode on

    I absolutely love her comment about needing big biceps or a beard; if you do not need those to do a job then pursue it!

  2339. Dianna Ashley-Garcia on

    Connecting the value of her beloved collection of these rare beauties to the act of sharing with others is what struck me most. The act of growing and working towards a goal is important, but without the characteristics of generosity and the desire to connect with other human beings there would really be no point. She demonstrates this aspect of humanity so beautifully in her interview with you. I am so glad you pursue your path and include people like her and her story of resilience, strength, hope, and accomplishment!

  2340. Nancy Poole on

    “Keep Moving, Stay out of bed, go out to lunch …” As a Yoga instructor/gardener/florist .. “Keep Moving ” is my Mantra !! Go out to lunch ? If only
    there were enough hours in the day !! I am 67 -feel like I am just getting started -I am constantly looking for women just like Anne to validate my belief
    there that is still a whole lot of living & growing to do !! Also Chuckled at asking yourself “if the activity requires big biceps & a beard” Hahaha !
    I’ve got my own gardening/yoga biceps ! Thanks for this – it brought a smile :)

  2341. Taryn on

    I loved the whole interview, but when she discussed how losing her first husband in the war changed her path in life, and how she overcame such a traumatic event and made a beautiful life overcoming it made my eyes a little teary. She sounds like an amazing lady! Thanks for sharing, Erin.

  2342. Laura Roth on

    Thanks for sharing! Difficult to pick the part of the interview I found most inspiring. Anne lived such a rich life. The broadest concept she kept coming back to that inspired me is that you really can do anything as long as you’re willing to put the time into learning. It’s also inspiring to see how diverse her experiences were.

  2343. Julie on

    I was inspired by Anne’s start and advice, at age 60! I am 71 and I’m having to start my garden all over again. Last year I had to move and sadly leave my beautiful long established garden ~ I took as many of my lovingly collected Old Rose cuttings, as I could gather. I am happy to say, they are rooting and doing well now ~ Anne’s words encouraged me, that’s it’s never too late to start over! Thank you, Floret, for this article!

  2344. Catherine on

    What inspired me most were two things – one very feminine and one very masculine, which is so interesting – the feminine being the love of roses and the social aspects of sharing them with others, and the second was being brave enough to build a house, let alone 25 houses. I envy her energy and courage. An amazing woman. Thank you.

  2345. Jean Zdrazil on

    A truly lovely read. I wish I had the chance to meet her. I’m sure you will treasure her friendship forever Erin.
    Her gift was knowing the value of hard work, friendship and sharing the joy that brings.
    At 72 years of age she has shown me that it is not how much time we have left but what we choose to do with the time given that matters.
    I think I’ll work on my garden!

  2346. Linda Crowder on

    Her story was very inspiring. I am a member of our local rose society. I loved her tips on aging. I too believe in all she said as getting involved. Began violin at age 50. I’m now 73 and still love it. I have 72 rose bushes. I love giving flowers to make others happy. I find it addictive with the beauty and fragrance. We also have 5 acres which I have plenty of space. She has inspired me to expand ! Wish I knew her. I think we had a lot in common 🌹

  2347. Andrea on

    Invite people into your garden, don’t be stingy, sharing with them the love and roses is the greatest legacy!

  2348. Cathleen Smith on

    Anne’s perseverance and her beautiful roses are both so inspiring. But what struck me most was her desire to share her roses and cuttings – the cultivation and keeping of friends through a sharing of roses is such a perfect way to keep her legacy alive and well!

  2349. Kimberly Beaumont on

    I will turn 60 this year and frankly I am a little freaked out! I also am taking the Floret 2022 on line Workshop. I would love to have a small cut flower business but was worried that might be a little ambitious at this point. After reading Anne’s interview and her remarks that she pursued her dreams after turning 60 and it is never too late to act on your goals and dreams, I feel inspired. Thank you for sharing that amazing interview.

  2350. Jennifer Kuhn on

    I gathered inspiration for improving chances for achieving a difficult goal from Anne’s interview. Be truthful about your capabilities. Meet your challenge realistically. Look at your naturally talents. Thank you Anne for leaving a legacy!

  2351. Tracy Hung on

    I think what I picked up on the most was her determination and will to keep moving forward and her willingness to try new things and not give up when things got difficult. I am inspired how hard she worked and how deeply she loved.

  2352. Teresa Cavallaro on

    I love the parts of her interview about sharing her roses. It is such an amazing gift to share flowers (especially roses) with friends and loved ones.

  2353. Allison Lingbloom on

    It is inspiring to hear that despite all the adversity she has endured, she continued to press on. I hope to have the same positive outlook during trying times!

  2354. Bambi on

    Amazing how she started at 60! You think that is late in life to start anything new but her time comparison of it being over a 1/3 of her life puts it in perspective. Having moved around so much with the Coast Guard and not being able to put down roots (literally), I feel that now with my first owned house and being almost 50 I’m late to getting an amazing garden established. Anne gives inspiration that there is time and to not get settled in one’s ways. Truly an inspiring lady.

  2355. Jennifer J on

    I keep feeling like life has passed me by already and I’m not even forty. It is so inspiring to hear Anne talk about how many passions she experienced throughout her life… and how determination managed to help her achieve her dreams. This makes me feel more hopeful about reaching some of my own dreams (and now I think one of those dreams is letting a rambler take over my fence!

  2356. MARIANNA Chaimov on

    Dear Erin,
    Serendipitously, I was just dreaming of creating arose garden this year on our property and the next day your wonderful 4 part blog arrives in my inbox. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU so much for sharing your knowledge and passion and for introducing me to this marvelous world of Anne Belovich! I already put a few of her books into my cart. Especially I loved the passage from her book “A Voyage of Determination”. I will be 42 this year and honestly to see this courageous woman reinvent herself at 60 and publish books in her 90s is beyond inspiring. This interview truly broke the glass ceiling for me and infused me with hope, passion and wonder to go for my dreams this year, specifically creating a rose garden. I must add here that I am truly a novice, only settling onto this piece of land in 2019. So gardening is still a huge mystery and its taking alot of sweat and tears in the past 2 years to learn and experiment. However, Erin, YOU are the one who inspired me to start a Dahlia love affair and last year I had a small success of growing 42 gorgeous tubers that I successfully preserved the year before from the 10 I invested in. Growing a garden is truly a life long journey, and I am humbled to participate and inspired to one day, perhaps, also leave a legacy like Anne.
    With Gratitude,

  2357. Erin E. on

    Anne’s story is a great reminder that”You can do it!” I especially appreciated from her Voyage of Determination… “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes”. You can’t just wish it, you need to put in some effort. Her life exemplifies that – she never gave up no matter what came her way, she made a difference and she left beautiful friendships and flowers to always remember.

  2358. Karen Robben on

    I like how she said to keep moving forward!

  2359. Judith Field McGloin on

    I am 63 years old and about to retire after a forty year teaching career. I was so inspired by Anne words, “It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60.” These words give me hope and much to look forward to for the next 30+ years (in my garden, of course!)

  2360. Jessica Yerden on

    I love that she pursued so many dreams after 60! At 34 and in the thick of raising small children, sometimes I feel like I should give up on my dreams bc by the time I’m finished homeschooling, I’ll be 50 or so. What an inspiration. Thank you for reminding me to hope, and be patient!

  2361. Jennifer on

    What an amazing story! The biggest inspiration is that she “pursued many dreams after turning 60,” when many people are thinking of retiring and winding down. Her own contracting company! All those beautiful roses! We just moved and I’m planning a small rose garden off our side porch – definitely using this series as some inspiration as well.

  2362. Anne Masury on

    Her ability to self assess…recognizing limitations and strengths … gender bias and how it can strangle you….to achieve difficult goals you must have the belief in yourself first!

  2363. Cathy S. on


    What an amazing interview. How fortunate to gain Anne’s insight and wisdom before her passing. You both are two amazing women to be admired. I loved her comment
    about “not let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. ”

    I must confess that her goals in her life are way beyond admirable. I can’t image taking a boat from New Zealand to California…building homes…amazing.

    Makes me think I CAN manage to incorporate a rose garden in my yard with a little planning, research and some sweat and smaller biceps :)

    Thanks for the good read!

  2364. Corrie Dozier on

    I am humbled and amazed by all she accomplished in her life. My favorite take away from this interview was her belief that you are never too old to start a new project or dream a new dream. The “need for big biceps” can always be worked out somehow!…What a legacy she left!

  2365. Josephine on

    I thoroughly enjoyed the entire interview! It inspired me that someday perhaps I can have a rose garden like Anne’s. Thanks for sharing!

  2366. Lynne Sutton on

    I love that Anne started with roses at 60 years. She inspired me ,at age 65 ,to go ahead and expand my gardens and learn new things. As she said ,she had 30 plus years or one third of her life to go. Her inspiration to put yourself out there and do it is amazing. I can only hope to be a fraction of the person she was.

  2367. Aileen Cason on

    What an amazing life. What I found really inspiring was her start at the age of 60 and the accompanying advise she gave. The getting out of bed, getting out, staying connected, reading, embracing change, and continued learning. I feel like a very late bloomer with my new found passion and interest with gardening and learning about flowers, always wondering if I missed my time to start. This story motivated me to keep going! Lastly, her generousity with her garden should be an inspiration to us all to give back whenever we can!

  2368. Sally G Douglas on

    This summer I will be 80! Anne’ s assertion and can do attitude is just the inspiration I needed to tackle the many projects I wish to complete even though my biceps are withering!!!

  2369. Madison Post on

    What an inspiring story. You’ve been so blessed to have met such an amazing woman. This brief interview has given me so much enthusiasm to persevere with my own goals, despite my current financial and space limitations. She is the embodiment of the saying “If there is a will, there’s a way!” I would absolutely love to read all of her books-“A Voyage of Determination” sounds like it would be fantastic. However, it might be a bit dangerous to get her writings on OGRs. I’m already knees deep in my journey with the Modern Roses! Hearing how she expresses her love of the giant ramblers may mean I’ll need to look into purchasing some more land ;)

  2370. Chris Arsenault on

    What a wonderful story about the importance of lifelong learning and giving. She made the world more beautiful .

  2371. Rebekah on

    I wish I’d had a chance to meet Anne– what a kindred spirit! I started farming in my late 50’s and switched over mostly to flowers in the past few years because they make me so happy and are so great to share. But I’ll confess that at almost 70 I’ve wondered how much longer I can keep up the pace– I had figured until I was 90 or so. So she’s an inspiration– I’ll have to work towards 97!

  2372. Joanne Shipman on

    I absolutely love the community aspect that the roses brought to her and all those around her. Giving cuttings of roses is absolutely something I strive to do with my own (very young but hopefully growing) roses! She was such an inspiring woman!!

  2373. Erin Phillips on

    Gosh, what an inspiring woman! This quote is by far my favorite! “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it,” I’m going to remember that!

  2374. Sasha Thomas on

    I am inspired by Anne’s spirit of can do, where unless you need biceps and a beard, you can figure out how to make any dream come true with a plan to learn and even then, there are sometimes a way around the brawn issue. I’m a new gardner and actually sold my house to buy one that had more space to build out a garden and cut flower area too. I”m having so much fun learning and trying new things. She started later, which gives me hope that in my 40’s wasn’t too late to find a passion project like this. Thanks for sharing her with us, Erin.

  2375. Amanda Perin on

    “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.” This is right on the mark for me. Reviving my newly acquired 40 year old garden needs a man’s muscles, and I often think I can’t physically do what needs to be done. But like Anne says, it’s time to “study and become an apprentice”.

  2376. Mary on

    I loved her attitude, and that she kept learning and doing all her long life. Be an apprentice. That is fantastic advice!

  2377. Chris Holt on

    I found her story so inspiring you are never too old to learn something new.

  2378. Beth on

    The most inspiring part of the interview for me was when she spoke about all the things she’s done since turning sixty. Our culture ingrains in us a dread of getting older. She has really been a beacon of how to live life to it’s fullest and continue thriving and contributing even after society tells us we should be slowing down.

  2379. Emma J on

    I loved when she talked about being aware of and rooting out the biases you might have against your own self. And how she talked about teaching herself to build a house. It seems like such a huge thing to undertake but she did it. It’s very inspiring.

  2380. Helen Noren on

    Wow I love her! My favorite is her spirit, her ferocious tenacity to do anything she sets her mind to, what a woman. Thank you for sharing <3

  2381. Abby on

    I am inspired to try propagating now! I’m inspired to continue my quest in life long learning, sharing of plants and creating beauty for joy! Don’t be stingy with it!❤️💕

  2382. Cheryl Brickman- Dragonfly Farm on

    We have always felt that it is important to share our gardens and farm with others. I believe that that spirit of generosity came through loud and clear in your interview with Anne. Friendship and joy can be found in sharing a garden……

  2383. Heather Raposo on

    As always, I have learned so much from this series. Anne inspired me with the quote you shared from her book, A Voyage of Determination. To have the mindset to never let anything stop you from growing and learning, not age, life circumstances, gender, etc. it is something we all need more of. She is a true pioneer for Women and all who need a push to pursue their dreams and aspirations. I now have a new entries to my reading wish list…. Thank you again for sharing Anne’s life with us.

  2384. Kelly Jackson on

    “inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” I found this to be the most inspiring. Isn’t this why we grow flowers? To give to others, a little piece of our hearts and all of our love.

  2385. Starlene Walker on

    I loved reading how her small garden grew into a very large one. I enjoyed her talking about ramblers. I haven’t tried them. YET!

  2386. Sandra on

    I am 52 years old now and I am studying horticulture with the RHS. I makes me happy to read that I am on the right path of life long learning. I especially love her idea of sharing and You, Erin are in her footsteps, because the amazing things you do by sharing your knowledge, your enthusiasm, photos and ideas is an example to us all! Thank you for that. Since I purchased the dungarees, I feel a little like Erin 😊! Please, never stop what you are doing!
    Love from Belgium

  2387. Amy D on

    “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” This is so perfectly true and helpful for anyone in the thick of their journey. A little bit of study can be fun. “A great deal of study” is hard work, and the bog of it can easily confuse or eclipse the end goal. I found Anne’s words to be a great reminder to keep going, and while I’m at it, not to believe that anyone else has successfully avoided the bog.

  2388. Pat Maitland on

    The comments from her book, A Voyage of Determination. So many lessons learned. The best, “First, don’t let being a women stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal.” Been there , done that!

  2389. Tathel on

    Often, women especially are criticized or ridiculed for having more than one career pathway over their lifetime. But with Anne’s life, as well as it should be with all of us, we should never settle but continue to be lifelong learners and follow our interests and passions throughout our lives to find where we most come alive and where we can share and make a difference in others lives as givers. I served as a career coach for young adults and I always tried to stress–any education, any self-taught learning, any experience in which you learn and gain knowledge is the beginning of building a strong foundation for life. A beautiful and awe inspiring story to the young and old alike. Thank you so much for sharing with your readers!

  2390. Eugene Meyer on

    Best takeaway is it’s never too late to start a project even if you have no idea where to start! Just start learning what you need to learn and don’t let others’ doubts be your doubts.

  2391. Rebecca Richards on

    The part that keep sticking with me at every turn of the interview is that no matter what age you are physically, mentally we are always young at heart and to keep pursuing your dreams because they can come to life. Don’t ever give up even when it seems out of reach. Because of just 1 book, just happened to be the Cut Flower book from Floret, I took the online course and started my cut flower business. Although it is small I did it and have enjoyed all the people that stopped by whether they purchased or just wanted to see the garden. I have a number of rose bushes that I have cared for over the years. I’m still learning the right way to care for them. Every rose grower has different guidelines so sometimes it’s hard to know right from wrong. Trial and error. My favorite rose is a yellow floribunda that I have had for about 15 years. It is always the 1st to blossom and I always gave that to my mother. She recently passed away and I miss seeing her smile. I have dedicated a space in my garden for just roses this year and am excited about this new adventure. Floret Farm is my go to for sources for learning. Ann reminds me that I can do this. I wish we all could have met her.

  2392. Karen Osier on

    Knowing that starting these old roses from cuttings is so easy is inspiring. Share, share, share! Wish everyone would take that to heart regarding more than just roses. How wonderful that would be! I am in my 50’s and hearing about others that started new careers later in life makes me more confidant to start something new now. Thanks so much for being such an inspiring individual.

  2393. Peter and Barbara Pini on

    Love this woman though I never knew her of course. I was a Registered Nurse and raised five children all while being married (46 years to date) to my husband who is a retired disabled veteran. At 64 years old I started a flower farm after taking Erin’s class online. I share the same philosophy as Anne. Don’t let “things” like age and gender get in the way of your dreams. Go for it! I love surprising and and amazing people.

  2394. Megan on

    I found it so inspiring all that she accomplished at a point in her life when most would consider quitting/stopping vs. starting something new. As I get older, I sometimes feel like I’ve missed my chance to do x, y and z. She shows it is never too late. Thank you for sharing this and having taken the time to put into print.

  2395. Jess R on

    Her story gives me hope that at any age or stage of life you can still follow your dreams.

  2396. Leda Bower on

    “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love….of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” There were so many inspiring parts in this interview but this part of the interview spoke most to myself. As a gardener of Orchids and several different types of gardens, the goal has always been share what you know, share what you grow. This sense of mentorship and empowerment should be the legacy of any gardener because isn’t that inherently what we do, we take a seed or a cutting and we nurture til it grows and if we pass that passion on to our fellow gardeners , Anne is correct, that is our Legacy…..

  2397. Karna Monaghan on

    Wow! As someone who will be turning 60 in April, I am in awe of Anne’s passion for life and learning. My perspective has shifted, and my next chapter is beginning, rather than waning! Rest in peace, Anne, you deserve it.

  2398. Mary on

    “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.” This really struck me, deep in my soul. After my husband died, it took some time for me to realize that the next part of my life would be to live into what I really wanted to do. I was 53 when I began that journey, and I followed Anne’s advice to the letter (even though back then I didn’t know about her!). This idea of lifelong learning, of going out and availing oneself of the vast amount of learning available, really is the secret to a good life – no matter its length.

  2399. Leslie on

    It is always such joy to read of women who simply take on their dreams, believe in themselves, and know that every day is an opportunity, no matter how old you are. There are ALWAYS new beginnings, new adventures. I’m 75, just bought an acre property near Sequim, Washington. I moved here after 6 years of living in Lincoln City, Oregon and volunteering in the Connie Hansen Garden. Connie started that garden after retiring from UC Davis. Like Anne’s garden, and mine, it started as simply field grass. When I moved here I said I was going to grow flowers to give away…(been following Floret for a while, too!). Now I have the additional example of Anne’s work–and the additional inspiration of her beliefs and life–and many “lives” (accomplishments).

  2400. Heather on

    I love her response to keeping her legacy alive was to invite people into our gardens. Don’t be stingy!

  2401. Debra on

    I was touched and inspired by her excitement about getting her own domain and developing an online life. Knowing that she didn’t get to realize that dream is bittersweet but attests to her determination to keep learning and evolving.

  2402. Kelly Hill on

    What a wonderful woman! I love how she continued to be a life-long learner and try new things and never give up on your dreams! She’s so inspiring!

  2403. Shannon on

    Oh my goodness, thank you for introducing me to Anne and her story. She is quite frankly one of the most interesting women I have ever read about! What inspired me so much in this interview was her beautiful quote “Go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself.” So often the limitations we feel for ourselves is because of our own prejudice. Just brilliant.

  2404. Becca on

    “First ask yourself if it requires big biceps and a beard” This! I love it! So many women miss out on accomplishing things or experiencing adventures because they fail to ask themselves this question. I am excited to read more from Anne. What an inspirational lady who reminds me very much of my own Grandma and her fighting spirit. Thank you so much Erin for sharing this. What a treat to start my morning off with.

  2405. Erin Harlow on

    What an amazing woman. I think her relatable nature is very inspiring. I love that she had numerous careers, but obviously gives back to her community whether it is through NOAH or giving away cuttings. My favorite thing is to access other’s gardens and sit and learn about them. It is a special treat and inspires me to create a garden that someday I hope others will want to come and sit with me for a spell. No electronics or other distractions, just honest conversation and a love of plants. You can’t ask for more.

  2406. Leesha Cowan on

    I expected tales of rose collecting and tips for planting and growing. I did not expect a tale of a woman who saw no limits to what she could accomplish. I followed the link to her website and was struck by her confidence that age wouldn’t prevent her from continuing to do what brought her joy and her assumption that life would just keep going. I found her truly inspiring and I feel encouraged. Wow. Thank you for sharing Erin.

  2407. Linh on

    Anne’s voyage really resonated with me and my own experience backpacking alone after college. As a woman, I received many criticisms and fear. But as Anne said, she learned about herself and what she was capable of and could accomplish. I’d forgotten my own lesson, and this inspiration could not have come at a better time.

  2408. Kathryn KV on

    How inspiring for women of any age. Erin and Anne have such incredible passionate storming telling skills. Great questions as well as the amazing answers. They both remind me we can always learn something new . At 76 I still love learning about gardening and exploring. diving into old roses this year. Our outside world has so much to teach us.

  2409. Logan Stoltman on

    I think her opening statement on life long learning & growing is something we all need to do. Even at her age she still had plans to keep growing. Starting roses at 60 & then a website at 97. Life it too short not to try & make the best of it.

  2410. Betsy Funk on

    Thank you for this interview. I am constantly working to challenge prejudices around women and the things they are told not to do. I have a lifetime of experience with that practice and at 62, am inspired to continue to challenge boundaries. My farm is an extension of my passions, after a career of educating women to be strong, I now am learning to give beauty to my community through my flowers. Thanks again for sharing. I am inspired to continue on my new path as it will recharge, and refresh all that I do as I enter this next stage of life.

  2411. Cindy Krepky on

    What an amazing woman! I will be 66 this year and embarking on another farming adventure. I subscribe to her approach to life and this was a lovely reminder that I still have many productive years ahead! Thank you for sharing her story and continuing her legacy.

  2412. Kathy on

    One little sentence..”Don’t be stingy” and share.

  2413. Mary Sinnett on

    I felt that the most inspiring part was how she described setting goals and working to reach those goals at any age. She never let age or being a woman stop her from setting new goals and realizing their completion. She is an inspiration.

  2414. Rhonda Leach on

    I loved that Anne did not let the loss of her first husband “disqualify” her from life. My beloved husband lost his first wife of 30 years to cancer. When we met, he told me that Gay had left him in “great shape”. She had loved him more than anyone and he had loved her with just as much commitment and passion. Tim said he knew how to love, he was good at it, and wanted to love again. This will be our 8th summer together in Maine. Just last year I decided it was time to make Gay’s garden my garden…and in that I began to nurture and care for her beloved roses. We have a small yard on the sea and it is my heart’s desire to fill it until it spills over with the older, beloved roses…the work that Gay began…now continues with me. I loved Miss Anne’s story.

  2415. Tracy on

    Not too many things require “biceps and a beard”. What a great thing to remember. Simple, pithy, and so so true!

  2416. Jennifer Thompson on

    I’m so inspired by how Anne is still pursuing new dreams at age 97. She’s a wonderful role model.

  2417. Aerith on

    I started actually my rose dream after retirement. Even though it’s just a little urban property, I still managed to create my rose garden and share the beauty of roses with my friends and neighbors. Indeed age is not an excuse to not doing something great, and it’s never too late to achieve the joy of life. Thanks for sharing Anne Belovich’s story. It’s inspiring.

  2418. Christine R Nelson on

    I loved her comments about longevity and tips for staying young. To think she started roses when she was 60 and at the time she thought she was very old. So many nuggets of good life advice in this article. Thank you.

  2419. Jan Sutter on

    Age is not a limiting factor, follow your dream. Also educate yourself and dive in. Be willing to share and let others carry on. What an inspiration Anne is, thank you Erin for sharing!

  2420. lindsey on

    This was a lovely interview with Anne. “Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. ” I think this was the most touching part of the interview with you.

  2421. Lisa Mannix on

    Anne’s determination to pursue her interests at any age and through hardships as well as her kind spirit jumped from the inspiring interview. I now want to grow rambling roses. What an amazing woman!

  2422. Kat on

    Reading this interview makes me feel emotional! Anne’s entire life sounds so inspirational! Her joy, generosity, and desire to continue learning things… no matter what age or life circumstance, is so encouraging! I think one of my favourite parts of this interview was hearing how she started her rose garden: a plant sale! Ha! Amazing. You never know what simple choices can lead you to. I would love to have a gorgeous rose garden. I loved reading this interview and am going to look for her books at my library! Thank you, Erin for sharing this!

  2423. Sue Jack on

    At 63 years of age, I, too, was feeling like I was beyond the years for starting a rose garden of any depth, height and greatness. Despite this feeling, I ordered six David Austin’s last spring and we planted them in the best locations possible. While we did lose one, the others are doing amazingly well! They gave me the confidence I needed to continue planting more, and Anne’s story solidifies this feeling more than I can say. The old vintage breed ramblers are next on my “wish list” and I have the perfect spot in mind for my next one! Thank you for sharing this woman’s story with us and for spreading her inspiration….we women need all the support we can get these days!

  2424. Mandie Frizzell on

    The part of the interview that I found most inspiring was Ms. Belovich’s advice on being a lifelong learner, to keep moving, stay out of bed, and share your garden with others. I found roses later in life. I’ve been a high school horticulture teacher and love gardening, but it took visiting a beautiful nearby demonstration garden to truly fall in love with roses. Like Ms. Belovich, the ramblers are what hooked me. I would love to win her library but plan to purchase her books either way. This was such an inspiring interview! Thank you for sharing with us.

  2425. Fauve Gouws on

    What inspired me most was not letting age be the thing that holds you back, starting at age 60 which was 37 years ago – 37 years is older than I am now. This message is important to me as I am struggling with what to do next as I recently paused my career in retail during the pandemic. I am not too old to start at the beginning, to learn new things and to have multiple careers and hobbies over the next 60 years. Thank you for sharing this interview with us.

  2426. Norma on

    Very inspiring interview! I loved her comment about asking yourself if an activity required big biceps and a beard.

  2427. Linda Arnold on

    I am inspired at almost 69 to live her words! I am a long time gardener in Florida and roses haven’t been my favorite but now I will definitely be adding some in your (Erin) and Anne’s honor! You are both amazing women of determination and talent! Time and tide take us on journeys we never expected and now hopefully new adventures in later life!

  2428. Amy McCoy on

    To do so much throughout her life, and to take on so many new pursuits after 60 is incredibly inspiring. I loved “It’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams”, as well as “don’t be stingy”. Sharing is so important. Thank you for sharing this, Erin.

  2429. Nynke Vermue on


    You are truly an inspiration and the real deal! I so enjoyed waking up to your rose story today. Thank-you for putting quality, educational material into my life and your readers lives. Fascinating how beautifully complex our natural world is. We all need to work hard to preserve and protect it’s diversity. I’m a new flower enthusiast located in Alberta, Canada. I’ve already ordered many flower seeds for my first upcoming season (also from floret), dahlia tubers and recently ordered six varieties of roses from Select Roses in Langley, BC. I’m not sure what will really work here in my zone 3 climate but I’m inspired to try, mainly thanks to you :) Thank-you for the incredible work you do. Sending best wishes and continued strength your way.

  2430. Robin on

    What inspired me most was, Anne sounded like she wanted women to be inspired about whatever we choose to do. Don’t let anything get in your way. Even if you have the goal of becoming a Rocket Scientist, do the work to achieve your goal. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it! And KEEP MOVING!!!!!

  2431. Yvonne Tijerina-Burleson on

    “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    THIS. This quote right here moved my soul. Thank you for sharing this fascinating story and woman. I have been inspired!

  2432. Kari on

    You weren’t kidding; this really was a tear jerker. The excerpt from her book A Voyage of Determination was very inspirational.

  2433. Desiree Garrison on

    Miss Anne’s story made me happy in so many ways. What a joy to read. I especially admired her for starting this passion with roses so “late” in life, just as I have begun. I have two rambling roses that came from my grandmother’s farm (have no idea what their names are), but when the farm was sold, my Mom replanted the roses at her house and when Mom passed, I replanted them at my house. Am hoping this continues within the family. Never thought about allowing the roses to travel up trees, wonder if I could convince my husband to let this happen as we are surrounded on two sides by woods. Would be a beautiful sight. I’m going to see if I can get ahold of that “Geranium” Miss Anne mentioned. Sounds beautiful.

  2434. Ann Mutschler on

    What inspires me most is when she says, “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” After a career in technology journalism, my dream is to be a flower gardener. I will keep coming back to her encouragement, along with her wise and insightful advice on overcoming difficult goals while I plot my way forward.

    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful interview!

  2435. Joanna Arndt on

    This section hit so close to home. I am soon to be 52 and have struggled with thoughts of what have I done with my life so far and feeling that I am running out of time to do anything of significance. I joined Floret’s Class of 2022 Workshop and am starting on a brand new journey of growing flowers and developing the farm property that we purchased just over a year ago. I have felt that I am going to be struggling with the learning curve since this is all new to me, but after reading this, I feel so energized and ready to take on this challenge and learn and grow, both figuratively and literally. It’s not too late! What an inspiration Anne is and what a treasured source of knowledge and experience to draw from. Thank you Erin, for bringing this story into our lives and sharing the life and experiences of this amazing woman.

    “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  2436. Rochelle on

    The thing that struck me most when reading her interview is a piece of advice – to never underestimate what you are capable of. I find so much hope knowing that it is never too late to get started and with hard work and dedication…anything is possible.

  2437. Cheri De Boer on

    Anne is so inspiring! Her formula for achieving any goal really hit home! A lifelong goal of learning, or the fact that she was literally building houses on her own! Probably the best one was, however, inviting people to your garden, sharing love and friendship in this way! xx

  2438. Evelyn Canam on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    This advice resonated deeply with me. Sharing our gardens and gifts within them to others is such a joy!
    I’ve loved reading this 4 part series. It’s inspired me to learn a little more about roses, which truthfully, have intimidated me a little. Who knows, I might even need to make a special rose garden on our property! Thank you Erin and your team for all your efforts and enthusiasm in carrying on Anne’s legacy! I’m excited to follow along as your garden grows.

  2439. Janel Shaw on

    What an awesome and inspiring interview! Anne’s life is such an example of determination and perseverance. She is inspiring in so many ways. I just love her determination! And her wisdom about women overcoming difficult things, this is my favorite and most inspiring, “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”
    I also love her encouragement to invite guests into the garden, this made me smile:). Simple gestures to cultivate friendships are sometimes overlooked but so important!

  2440. Katie on

    I particularly enjoyed her comment about becoming a rocket scientist, it takes a great deal of study for anyone, why shouldn’t it be you? Thank you for the beautiful interview, Erin and team!

  2441. Tammy on

    I loved reading your interview with Anne! What I found most inspiring was that she did so many things after turning 60. I am 61 and have to say that after entering my 60’s my mind has just been swimming with ideas to allow me to either retire or at least to cut back to part time & subsidize my income by doing something I love. One of those things I love is crafting and the other is cut flower gardening. I’m already planning my gardens for this year.

  2442. Lizzy WH on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.” What’s not to love about that little snippet? To be a young woman in my 20s, it feels like I’m always waiting for the next great thing. But this! To remember I can always be preparing is such a great reminder that the waiting period is certainly not a boring time. I only need to open myself up to possibilities and learning.

  2443. Lisa Heckert on

    What an amazing woman! The part of your interview with Anne that inspired me most was Anne’s advice for life. Her words are a good reminder that we can accomplish whatever we put our mind to doing. Thank you sharing the interview and the entire series on your adventure with roses!

  2444. Barbara Galiunas on

    I’m 73 and have always loved roses. I just planted a madame Isaac Perrier rose so it is wonderful to read about someone who lived such a full life surrounded by her garden of roses and left a magnificent legacy

  2445. Angie Bollerud on

    My favorite pet of her story is Her determination to not let anything stop her from doing things she wanted to. What an incredible legacy she has left those to follow.

  2446. Nanci Samek on

    What an amazing and awesome woman. You envision your life will be lived with children and home and then to have that turned upside down, and to start anew, takes courage and a new reason to be. With her new path change, she led with her heart, but used her head. I believe she was a curious person, and together with emotion and intellect, seemed to have found the keys to a long and fulfilling life.

  2447. Suzanne Niedrich on

    I love her overall advice so TRUE! – especially the life-long learning and skill-building part. “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

  2448. Kym Myers on

    I am impressed by her realization that the tragedy she experienced as a young woman changed her life’s trajectory. What could have made her hard and bitter, made her able to experience a life’s worth of adventure and growth. It helps to look at my own life’s tragedies and see how they have been hidden blessings. Thank you for this beautiful interview.

  2449. Nicky Gilkison on

    Thank you Erin and team for the wonderful glimpse at your inspirational Rose journey and for introducing us to Anne. I love her take on life and after reading about her, I, at age 59 feel more assured about stepping into my own spring chickendom.
    I live in New Zealand so don’t worry about the book offer. Thank you for all you share with us.

  2450. Shari Howard on

    I loved the fact that she said you are never to old to start something new. I am 72 and still learning new gardening skills. I love the Internet and the fact that you can learn from people from across the world. When you are young, working and raising a family it is hard to find the time for your passions. When you are older I think you have more time to choose the things you want to spend time on. I have loved gardening my whole life but now that I am retired I spend most of my days in my garden.

  2451. B Jenkin on

    Thank you for the beautiful interview. I loved Anne’s advice that we can achieve anything with hard work and preparation. No need for big biceps and testosterone!

    I was inspired by her suggestion to just grow roses anywhere with sunshine, water and fertiliser. I’ll definitely be adding more vintage roses to my garden and I would love to read Anne’s books xx B

  2452. Chanda on

    The whole thing was wonderful. I love learning from these generations… especially the WWII era. They were gritty and determined. Such an inspiration.

  2453. George Broyles on

    I was inspired by her kindness in sharing cuttings to those interested in growing roses.

  2454. Carol on

    “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.”
    This speaks to my soul! I have been a heavy equipment operator in the Midwest since 1993. Not many woman had the cahones to make it in this male dominated field, especially at the age of 23! My father is my greatest supporter and told me I can do anything and don’t let anyone tell me I can not. His words are those in which I live by.

  2455. JoAnne Sulak on

    I am well past 60, but reading Ms. Belovich’s interview has inspired me to continue and expand my gardening endeavors. Her advice to continue to learn and do and share and grow at any age is wise and welcome. Thank you for sharing her amazing story.

  2456. Cat on

    Her reply to you about picking up the torch…”don’t be stingy”….

    That’s simple and brilliant. What good is a garden if you don’t share it?!

  2457. Ashlin Wilson on

    What inspired me most is that she didn’t hit a certain age and say ok life is done and over. She continued following her dreams and her dreams changed as she changed. I don’t have to stick with the same dream or goals. Achieve and move to something new! Always learning to keep yourself young.

  2458. Ronda Mills on

    Very touching and inspiring…I loved reading this…I remind myself of this frequently. First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.

  2459. Ellette on

    Her formula for achieving any difficult goal so resonated with me. I am 63 and have felt stagnant lately wondering what to do next with my life. You could still hear the vitality in her voice within your interview- that I love and am going to try and emulate. Thank you so much Erin for sharing with us this wonderful woman’s life that you had the privilege of knowing.

  2460. Priya Dawson on

    As someone that is turning 50 this year, it’s a good reminder that there is so much of life ahead of me. I love the fact that she had so many careers and the main one she is known for didn’t start till she was 60!

  2461. Reggi on

    This is a very inspiring story! It’s especially so learning that Anne started her journey with the roses at age 60! I am 71 and hope to keep this inspiration in mind for my life.

  2462. Genevieve Kendell-Hayes on

    How wonderful in so many ways. Let us all plant roses, the world would be a better place.

  2463. Liz Krieg on

    Anne Belovich was my kinda gal! “You need to study and become an apprentice…” is absolutely how I have lived my life. Life is long ~ there is time to do anything one wishes. I am so glad that you got to meet up with Anne again, Erin. I Thank You for sharing her with us all, as she was a phenomenally remarkable woman.

  2464. Denise Wixom on

    I am inspired by Anne’s spirit of generosity. What a wonderful experience it must have been to sit and talk with her! Her philosophy of growing beauty to freely share is something I can definitely take to heart.

  2465. Bonnie on

    I loved Anne’s comments on not being stingy, and sharing what you know and have in your gardens with others. Anne has done just that, by encouraging others thru her books. I love that she says not to underestimate yourself. Determine your goal, study, and acquire the skills needed. It seems Anne led her life doing and sharing what she had accomplished over the years.

  2466. Sharon Miller on

    You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time…so inspiring!

  2467. Lesli on

    Wow what a wonderful story and legacy. My favorite part was that she didn’t start her rose garden collection until 60!

  2468. June Sweeny on

    I loved that Anne knew that her rose collection would continue after she is gone. This had to mean everything to her! Erin, you were such a large part of this for her too. I hope that you feel proud of all the hard work you and your team did at Anne’s garden and your own. What an accomplishment! So inspiring!!!

  2469. Mary Meyer on

    It was inspiring to read how she overcame and succeeded at so many events in her life. Her love of roses was very touching and beautiful.

  2470. Kathy on

    I love Anne’s perspective on age! I didn’t start growing cut flowers until age 60…how inspiring to consider that not “later in life”!!

  2471. Lisa Farmer on

    “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

  2472. Danielle Valette-Topley on

    I was most amazed to hear her say she started her rose garden at the age of 60 along with her new career of building Victorian homes. Sometimes it is easy to think whatever career we are currently in is our only path. What an awesome idea to think another completely different joutney awaits us down the road!

  2473. CarolAnn Jacques on

    Wow! She really was a pioneer! It’s really awesome that you were able to get cuttings from such a great collection. I’d love to read her books and be able to gain more rose knowledge!

  2474. Heather on

    I think two parts really hit me. The first being that she started roses at what many would consider to be “too old” to start a new hobby. The second that she didn’t let society determine what she could do. These are both things that I need to remember and consider more often!

  2475. Brittney on

    I love how Miss Anne communicated the importance of sharing the beauty of her rose garden with others. This includes sharing many cuttings with others so they could have a start on their rose garden.
    I love how she stressed the importance of not staying isolated, instead reaching out to family and community to stay engaged and connected with others. This was a great interview with a wealth of wisdom to share. Thank you for sharing the interview!

  2476. Cindy S Smith-Putnam on

    Anne’s is a spirit for the ages! I loved her passion for her roses, and her gritty, determined form of feminism before there was probably even that word for it. It’s inspiring and satisfying to know her life’s works—roses, animals, adventuring, building, cultivating friendships and beauty—endure beyond her time here on earth. Thank you for sharing her with us, Erin. Her family must be so moved by her growing consequence in the world, even after she has taken her final rest.

  2477. Sydney Hall on

    The entire interview was so inspiring. I really appreciated the part about staying out of bed, going to lunch with friends and not isolating oneself. After “isolating at home” for the majority of the last two years due to Covid, her advice really resonates with me.

  2478. Kimberly Lewis on

    I love the encouraging thought of sharing your garden and allowing people to come and enjoy it. I am more of an introvert and don’t love the thought of people in my space, but I see the great benefit of hospitality and want to push myself beyond my comfort zone to share the beauty of flowers with friends. I also liked her thoughts about never being too old to start something new.

  2479. Kayla on

    The most inspiring part to me is that she began at 60, and rather than expressing regret that she didn’t begin sooner, she acknowledged that beginning at sixty left her with a third of her life to enjoy them. Such gratitude and inspiration to try something new!

  2480. Camille on

    I absolutely loved this series, and your interview with Ms. Belovich. I especially loved her advice on doing hard things. I am quite certain she saw the world change and her strong feminine outtake is wonderful. I also loved that she started her rose garden in her 60s! I am 52 and learning how to garden for the first time. She struck me as an older woman full of life, and I loved being able to see photos of her gardens and reading her words. Thank you for this beautiful coverage of an icon. Truly inspiring!

  2481. Caprice on

    This was a lovely and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing. It gives me a lot to ponder in my own flower journey. ♥

  2482. Anna Westbury on

    What I loved most was her commitment to lifelong learning and never being afraid to act on her dreams! As she said, growing older shouldn’t be feared, you can always begin something new!

  2483. Leslie Emanuels on

    What an inspiration! I turn 58 this year. My husband realized we have some 30 years left so we decided to start a ministry to foster kids. We just bought the 195 acres to do it. I pray there are lots of roses on it!

  2484. Joyce Jackson on

    I like where Anne invited people into her garden. I do that and share names and ideas. I really like to give cuttings of my roses to enhance the beauty of their own homes. It would have been an honor to have met Anne. I belong to Delaware Area Rose Society, Delaware ,Ohio.

  2485. John Moore on


    Thank you for sharing the story of your roses, Anne and her roses. It was easy to find inspiration in Anne’s comments . . . whether you are a gardener, a women or an old fart (like me). You get points in heaven for doing this series of articles highlighting the life of Anne Belovich!

  2486. Jill Nicolai on

    The most inspiring part for me is how she encourages other gardeners to share the beauty that they grow. I love how she invited people to enjoy her garden, and all of her accomplishments. It is wonderful to know there are people as generous as her in the world. It must be extremely satisfying to know you are leaving such a legacy behind. Beautiful!

  2487. Christine on

    “There are too many weeds,” says the Rose.

  2488. Lindsey Stone on

    Her perseverance and dedication to learning is incredibly inspiring. Now I’m trying to think through all the places I can add roses to my garden.

  2489. Robin on

    “Sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship” I love this flowers are about sharing their beauty.

  2490. Shirley Barth on

    What really resonated with me is that you can continue to grow and learn your whole life. At 66 years of age and retiring soon it is inspiration for what is to come!

  2491. Denise Saunders on

    How inspiring to learn about this intelligent, motivated, directed, courageous, generous and social woman! An icon for all who have read this story or had the pleasure of knowing her. Her legacy is so much more than the roses she loved, but what a heavenly tribute to a life well lived! Thank you.

  2492. Heidi on

    I love what Anne said about not being too old to start new things and her encouragement to pursue dreams- we can be our own biggest barriers I think!

  2493. Taylor Moore on

    My favorite part was when she said to preserve and further her legacy, all you needed to do was to weed, fertilize, water, and place it in a sunny spot—also a great metaphor for our lives.

  2494. Mary McCoy on

    I loved ” Ask yourself if the activity requires Big Biceps or a Beard”. I try everyday to embrace this and Anne reinforced the thought!

  2495. Elizabeth J Soeth on

    What I liked most was her joy and willingness to share cuttings with. people.Generosity and kindness are nevr forgotten,

  2496. Keha McIlwaine on

    Dont’ be stingy! I love that! I love the idea that a garden is only alive when you bring friends into and share it!

  2497. Phyllis Hansen on

    You can do anything a man can do, you just have to figure out how to lift and move heavy items. We live on a farm and my husband did most of the heavy lifting and fixing, he was hurt this last year falling a tree. He crushed his leg, he still has it, but his rehab may be another year yet, so I have had to learn how to do the things he usually does. I don’t like it but I do it, because I have to. In the end I am proud of myself for trying and getting the job done, and sometimes I even do a better job than he would have done and he is also proud of me.

  2498. Kay Jenney on

    I have been a part time “gardener” for many years and am now looking forward to retirement from a University where I’ve worked for over 20 years. Anne inspires me not to “retire” from life, but to continue to learn something new each and every day, no matter what age I am. She has such a beautiful, inspirational message of doing what your heart leads you to do. Retirement and getting older scares me a bit, but this message has helped me see it’s just another phase of my life. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story of Anne. When I start retirement this summer, I hope to plant a rambling rose garden of my own.

  2499. Rachel on

    This particular paragraph sticks with me:
    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    These are all enjoyable, easy actions that can make such a big difference in the way we age!

  2500. Audrey Nutter on

    My favorite part of the interview was the fact she never let anything stop her from reaching her many goals.
    Fabulous story!!
    Thank you for sharing Erin.

  2501. Kendra on

    I absolutely love her statements about lifelong learning and how many things she accomplished at an age where many would be considering slowing down. Inspirational!

  2502. Kelsy Vargo on

    Beautiful words. My 96-year-old grandfather has this kind of energy and outlook on life. It’s something I appreciate so much in different generations. Memorable portion of the interview is her advice to stay busy, stay out of bed, go to lunch with friends, have an open mind. In general, be interested and be kind. I love it.

  2503. Stacy Goebel on

    Working hard at what you don’t know and taking risks… Much love!!

  2504. Cheryl Ruhl on

    I am 60, and am looking forward to retiring from a stressful career to work in my garden and reconnect with neighbors and friends. Anne’s example is such an encouragement to think big as I map out this next portion of my life, to plan for a positive role in my community.

  2505. Orthia on

    Everything about Anne is so very inspirational! That she bought a domain age 97 should really tell all of us, that its never to late, that we are never to old to embark on a new adventure!!!!

  2506. Ashley LaFon on

    I love that she wanted to share her talents with others, make connections. I’m sure she inspired many lives just by being friendly and welcoming others into her garden.

  2507. Elizabeth on

    Anne talks about getting out, visiting friends, and sharing her gardens with others. I extremely introverted. I do a great job at hiding it sometimes, but when given the choice I will always choose to be by myself reading, researching new growing techniques, making lists of all the future flowers I want to grow, being alone in my seed starting area, or out in the gardens. But I do think there is a lot to be learned and and said for getting out into the world of people. And sometimes a kick in the butt to get out of my comfort zone is really needed. Otherwise, I’d just hide in my work all the time.

    Watching the Floret series and hearing you talk about your own introversion made me feel like there was someone else out there like me. I always felt kind of guilty for my introversion and that I could never be a good business woman because I was introverted. You taught me differently. Your success helped me to realize that my introversion doesn’t make me weak. It makes me who I am and it allows me to to be really driven, creative, and unique. Thank you for that!

  2508. Christina Serrano on

    I loved Anne’s advice about learning. I agree with this so much. Learning is such an important part of life and it’s never too late to learn something new. I love learning about flowers and am excited to look up the varieties of roses she mentioned in her interview.

  2509. Lenna Matukewicz on

    Erin, I loved this series. Thank you.

    I am most inspired by learning Ms. Belovich started her rose love affair and expertise in earnest at 60. I am 48 and often contemplate, plan and start new chapters in life – Ms. Belovich is awe-some proof anyone can accomplish and enjoy so much in life at any age.

  2510. Lucy LaFayette on

    What an inspiring lady! I’m most impressed with the fact that she did not start growing roses until she was in her 60’s. I am starting all over with a new garden in my 60’s and her remarks are very encouraging!

  2511. Dora Pradhan on

    Dear Erin, thank you so much for a very moving and rewarding story. I am trapped in my self may be this story will open up and take me out… I so love learning every day ,this life and this planet are an incredible gift!! And yes we women can do anything, look at you, what a great example you are. Stories will be written about you…regards.

  2512. Olviya on

    I was inspired by These words: “ commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” When I taught 3rd grade my goal was for the students to become lifelong learner and enjoy the process on the way.

  2513. Kim on

    Oh! I have got to read her ‘Voyage of Determination’ book!! Her attitude is excellent. She was obviously a very caring person. Not being stingy is a humbling trait, full of love. I think most gardeners love to share their gardens….

  2514. Erin Novak on

    What an amazing woman! Thank you for bringing her story to your readers. I especially loved the details on how she overcame a lack of “big biceps” and didn’t let that slow her down.

  2515. Angela on

    I loved that she didn’t start her rose garden until she was 60. Most people are quitting at that age. I want to be like her and not let age be a deterrent.

  2516. Mary Wolf on

    Anne certainly did inspire us with her resiliency and strength of character during her long life. What an amazing, strong, capable, and determined woman. I love how she had such a great appreciation for the beauty of nature, a generous heart in sharing her knowledge, and lastly how she preserved and shared the gifts of her roses. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us.

  2517. Carol Chambers on

    What a wonderful story and so inspiring. I’m getting close to 60 and I have a dream to create a botanic garden and bird sanctuary/rehabilitation in the Pacific Northwest. And of course a rose garden! I am approaching it as Anne recommends: study, read, practice propagation, connect with others. I love what she says about sharing with others. This is what breathes life and humanity into our ventures. Thank you Erin and Anne for solidifying my purpose and making me feel connected to gardeners everywhere.

  2518. Jenny Kessener on

    Her generosity and enthusiasm for life inspire me, as well as knowing her life with roses started after 60. I just started growing them the last couple years, and I am 64, never too late!

  2519. Mary White g on

    I will be 60 in February and have been feeling like I am getting too old to start something new. I am so inspired by Anne’s story! Thank you for sharing it!

  2520. Heather on

    The most inspiring part of her story is this quote “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” I will be 52 next month and I have some physical disabilities so I often feel like I can’t follow my dreams because I am too old. To see what she accomplished after 60 was super inspiring!

  2521. LaNova on

    I love hearing the advice of those who have lived longer than I have. Very often their advice boils down to: live life. To not to let it pass you by but to get up, get out, experience, learn and enjoy all aspects of life. Her comment that,“unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal” made me chuckle.

    My favorite advice from Anne’s wise words are these, “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.”

    I think often times we are the ones keeping ourselves in our own “garden jails” by not believing in ourselves. How can we know we can do hard things and achieve passions and goals if we never try or we give up because we think we can’t succeed because of one reason or another. Thanks Anne, for reminding me again that I am more than capable of achieving
    my goals and dreams despite the struggles.

  2522. Janet Johnson on

    Her determination inspired me the way she wasn’t down after losing her husband and really got started living. As a woman at that time things were just starting to open up to women and she would really have been forging her own as well as the trail for women behind her. I’m starting a flower farm at 44 at first I felt like it was too old to start a new business but the more I work at it I realize needed all of the earlier life experience from my early days on a dairy farm learning hard work to my working career to be where I am today & to be able to appreciate this journey. I also love that Mrs. Anne was so passionate about giving back to charity & preserving nature. I support several animal charities and am trying to get more active in my local flower & rose societies as well I don’t want to ever think I’m too old to start to help.

  2523. Robin Cushing on

    I just turned 62. My husband and I sold our house moved to a new city and have space to grow many things. I loved when she said 60 was only 1/3 of her life!

  2524. suzanne cheverie-pugh on

    That it’s never too late to start a new endeavor, and women can do anything we set our minds to do!

  2525. Jennifer Nguyen on

    I love her positivity and generosity and warmth! Very inspiring interview.

  2526. Jackie Holman on

    Anne’s generosity with her gardens is what strikes me most. There are so many generous gardeners where I live on Vancouver Island and I love going to local garden sales to talk with them about their gardens and tk buy unusual plants that they have grown.
    I found these blog posts about roses so inspiring, thank you!

  2527. Jody Warner on

    Such a great interview! Thank you so much for sharing it! I am nearly 70, so I too love her enthusiasm for continued learning and reaching for your goals – no matter your age. She does take the intimidation factor away from roses. I have always thought they would be hard to grow, but after reading this, I see some rambling roses in my future this summer. I will look forward to that, and read her book this winter to learn more about them! Again, thank you!

  2528. Beth Farnsworth on

    What a beautiful story. I feel like I relate to her in so many ways. I always share similarly that we really are capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to explore. Her ambition and desire for learning is so inspiring!! I love that she didn’t allow gender, age, or position in life to deter her from pursuing her dreams. Wow.

  2529. Allison M. on

    Thinking about Anne starting her rose journey in her 60s is the inspiring part for me. I’m going to be 30 this year and I know that’s young to many people but to me it feels old as I think about all the time I’ve wasted. I also made a huge jump to flowers in the last couple of years when they weren’t even on my radar before. To some it may seem I’m going through a phase instead of a life style change but it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or even if I think I’m too old to make such a big change. Thank you Anne.

  2530. Olive Llorens on

    I was most inspired by Anne’s determination. Although she dealt with tragedy so early in her life, she didn’t let anything stop her from achieving her dreams. That’s so incredibly inspiring to me because I often struggle with motivation and feeling like there’s so much I can’t do. But really the biggest thing stopping me is myself. She had such a long inspiring life and followed her goals and dreams to the very end. I aspire to have that kind of determination and kindness.

  2531. kitkabbit on

    I’m so glad that you managed to reconnect with her. She was just amazing. I love how she was such a generous person, and shared so many cuttings! Anyone who’s a gardener knows that it’s wonderful to be gifted a to take home and grow in your own garden. I’m unfamiliar with her books, but would most like to read her Moss Roses monograph. I see all those ‘Carefree Wonders’ and think, what a shame. No imagination! We should all hope to be this vibrant and alive, even to the end!

  2532. Pamela Rodriguez on

    Thank you again for sharing Anne’s story. I have learned so very much from you Erin, and your team since I was introduced to Floret. It has given me joy in so many ways. I feel that at 60, I have found a renewed passion for something I have loved all of my life but never really did anything to pursue creating a reality that included my love of flowers, and then my Granddaughter Emery Rose came along…oh how she is infatuated with flowers…the smell, the feel, the beauty of them. It opened my eyes again and brought me back to my own love of flowers, and then I found Floret. There is no turning back now! My favorite part of the interview with Anne is when she talks about the most important thing was being able to share her gardens, her roses and her love of roses with others. Her advice to “not be stingy” with what we have, or know. To pay it forward however we can and to keep the legacy alive. I believe that can be applied to many aspects of our lives, which I thank you for doing just that. We need this and so much more in the world right now……

  2533. b on

    It is very hard to pick only one inspiring thing from this woman’s long, inspired life. Thus, my choice would be that her inner inspirations were broad, not narrow, and carried over into nurturing pets and wild animals in need of help as well as nurturing plants and biodiversity as a whole, with special care for roses. It is noteworthy that she credits her long life in part to having all those interests and passions and wisely recognizes the symbiotic relationship between the two.

  2534. Elaine on

    I love the diversity of her interests and how she was able to commit to each one without sacrificing something else that wasn’t keeping in theme with the other interests. As a Jack(ie) of all trades, I find that both inspiring and comforting.

  2535. Romane Recalde on

    This is such a beautiful interview and story. It is hard to pick what inspired me the most about this. I think first of all that it is never too late to act on your dreams, that you can have many lives in one lifetime, and that sharing the experience with your neighbours and community will only enrich your adventure. Lastly, I am inspired to plant a rambling rose at the base of a tree, I love the idea!

  2536. Donna Shultz on

    Gosh this brought me to tears just admiring what Anne accomplished throughout her life along with the generosity and tenacity she had. Again, thank you so much for sharing her story. What inspired me most was to share with friends, strangers, whomever the beauty of your garden, which will be joy. I do that with my backyard chicken eggs; giving to neighbors as a way to share my joy of owning chickens. They love the offering and I believe it brings them joy.

  2537. Katie Yeaton on

    How inspiring that she learned how to build a house on her own and from books no less! It’s hard to remember a time before YouTube but you really can do most anything if you put in the learning time.

  2538. Lisa Kuiper on

    Started my first garden last year and just recently picked up some power tools to update my house. I absolutely love the part about being able to do anything that doesn’t require big biceps and beard. Then she removed the big biceps part because you can figure a way around that too.

  2539. Suzanne Callaway on

    I was most inspired by the breadth of her life experiences, but equally by her chutzpah in accomplishing whatever she wanted to do, regardless of gender! Her soundness of mind, too, at 97, was admirable. Lucky you!

  2540. Amy Van Guilder Dik on

    It’s inspiring to me that she started her rose passion at the age of 60. We are never too old to follow our dreams and work toward life goals. I also am encouraged by her determination to research and learn and by her heart to share the love of roses with others. A beautiful lady.

  2541. Jana Cops on

    Wow! What a kind and beautiful soul! She is definitely someone I want to mirror. I loved the 3 parts fo achieving a goal! Especially the “beard and biceps” 😂 That is definitely a book I am going to be purchasing for future reading! What a special interview and thank you for sharing it with us! 🥰

  2542. Teresa Janeen Cross on

    I loved all your interview with Anne and would have loved to have known her. She reminds me of my great grandmother who lived a long, beautiful life. They both inspire others to be “life-long learners.” I especially loved hearing Anne’s words to, “know yourself and your talents.” It is also amazing to know what hat she accomplished so much during her lifetime and to know much of it started during her golden years.

    Thank you Erin for sharing this inspiring interview with Anne. I appreciate what you both have taught me!

  2543. Anne Kelly on

    In Anne’s namesake and honor I am inspired to appreciate the life I am privileged to live and I do believe I can accomplish anything, especially related to the hobbies that I love and have passion for.

  2544. Phyllis Horn on

    Loved how she said you are not too old to start a rose garden. Also, to invite people to your gardens and not be stingy! Send them home with a cutting for their own garden 💐🌹💕

  2545. Linda on

    Since I am 64 years old, it’s very encouraging to hear about what she started at age 60! New endeavors can begin at any age!

  2546. Lorraine Gangsei on

    I like that part about 60 not being too late to start something new in life!

  2547. Linda on

    What a lovely woman! I was inspired by her view of life….how long it can be and to reach for your passions, no matter your age. I am just about to turn 66 and it is exciting to believe that I can grow a new passion and talent at this stage. I had an old fashioned rose garden when my children were young and I was homeschooling them in Northern California. Now I am living on the other side of the country, in Northern Vermont to be near my children and grandchildren. I want to share my love of roses with the new little ones as they grow. There is much to learn about growing in this colder climate. Anne inspires me to read and research and do! She reminds me that I do not have to wait for my sons to help, rather that I can learn new things and do them on my own. There is so much life ahead for me.

  2548. Heidi B on

    I love that she said her love of roses didn’t start late in life, even though it started at 60. It’s all about perspective! I started working in my grandma’s garden as a little girl and still have such a love for it. I can only imagine how that will continue to grow over my lifetime!

  2549. Faith DeForest on

    The interview with Anne was so inspiring in many ways, and a true treat to witness through reading. To me, the most inspiring part is reading about Anne’s continuous zest for life. Hearing her perspective on not getting started till she was 60 and realizing she still had spent a lifetime growing, learning, enjoying, and sharing the joy….that’s truly beautiful.

  2550. Linn Woodard on

    I came to read about roses but loved the part about her building a house on her own…teaching herself and just doing it! I’ve been wanting to build a guest cottage but waiting for someone with more experience to want to do it for me. Maybe I need to follow in Anne’s shoes and just learn it and do it myself!

  2551. Robin D on

    I’m this >< close to 60. I'm deeply inspired by her reminder that it's never too late. 💜

  2552. Jill den Hertog on

    The 3 main parts to achieving a difficult goal would have to be what moved me the most. I´m 82 and also had the incredible good fortune to help build, then sail Celebration ll from Florida to Europe and live onboard her for over 20 years. I longed for a garden then and had plants on board at times. Recently I moved into a house with a lovely back yard. I have focused on growing as many vegetables, herbs and flowers there as possible and in the front of the house I have collected as many wild flowers as I can. I keep looking and adding and learning. I can think of several perfect spots for rambling roses. To-date the only 2 rose bushes I have are the wild white type I remember from around the beaches in Kennebunk, Maine. I love them because they smell lovely and I have a thing about a rose needing to smell like a rose but I don´t know enough to go about finding the right rose for this tree or that spot. I will be looking at Hortico´s next. Thank you for this delightful story and thank you too for helping to make Anne´s passion for roses live again. Jill

  2553. Leah on

    Her grit and ability to overlook her weaknesses and find a means to overcome them to reach her goals. Such a good read. Made me feel energized and inspired to work toward some dreams of mine that I had decided would never become a reality.

  2554. Peggy Greubel on

    I found the entire interview incredibly inspiring! Especially her life long desire to continue to learn and engage.

  2555. Raylene Sinnett on

    Here’s my favorite part of the interview
    “ It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  2556. Marie Jacques on

    Anne Belovich was an inspiring women: resourceful, hardworking, dedicated, generous and full of life! She was a women of all trade, a wonderful teacher for women of all ages. I sent the parts of the interview that’s inspired me the most to my daughters and friends:

    « Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job ….fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. »

    « … try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. »

    « …. you might want to pick something that comes to you more naturally. …. Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do.”

    From now on, i will try to live by those rules because they are full of wisdom.

    Thanks for sharing Erin!


  2557. Greg Cannistraci on

    I love her perspective of a “lifetime” after 60. Too often the myth’s of ageism can prejudice one to what life has in store.

  2558. Deborah Luce on

    I am about to turn 60 in March 2022. Last year, I started a very small flower business on 1/2 an acre. I still work full time elsewhere, but this year, I am going to dive in to growing full time! Anne inspired me to not give up at 60!! At times, I have wondered if I can do it, but I did have a garden based business when my children were young, so I do know my capabilities and limitations. And, I have more limitations now after suffering a very serious concussion after a slip and fall accident in 2009. However, gardens and flowers have always been a place of healing and inspiration for me, so I have spent the energy I have in the garden. I was also inspired by her building her own house!! Your interview with Anne has definitely boosted my confidence as have your books, Erin. I will definitely read all of Anne’s books! Thank you so much.

  2559. Kimberley Howell on

    I found Anne’s formula for achieving any difficult goal incredibly inspiring! My first career, and the one I retired from, was in the electrical field. I started that in the ’80’s at a time when there were very few women in that type of career. It was Anne’s formula then that helped me be successful in that, and other adventures I’ve taken on in my life, including now flower farming. Thanks Erin for sharing Anne and her legacy with all of us.

  2560. Kelly Zeichner on

    By far the idea of life long learning, which is my constant goal in life…and I’m sixty with a brand new flower farm, so I’m inspired by her age at start of growing roses. Her incredible zest for living, doing hard and interesting things, and her generosity of spirit humble me.
    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” SPOT on for these times and for women everywhere!

  2561. Becky Stanley on

    I was so inspired by the whole experience of reading her words. My mum has just passed and I also was hearing her saying, ‘you can do anything’ through Anne’s hard won words. The line that made me smile and put a twinkle in my eye was ‘You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.’ But the whole interview is infused with her spirit, like a rose she looked delicate but obviously strong, I mean – built a house too, wow. Anne’s writing reminded me that I’ve traveled the world alone, I’ve taught myself so much DIY, raised a beautiful daughter as a single mum that there is the proof that after grieving my mum’s passing life will go on and it will be full of blooms!!
    I devour learning about plants and the one thing I brought back from my mum’s house was a Piet Oudolf garden design book, to read when I miss her. My ancestors traveled backwards and forwards to the States and I’ve always felt the courage and joy they felt to be women forging a new path, I hope my path continues to be full of roses, I have 33 and take cuttings every winter, It’s my fave success to see the roots of a cutting emerge. Here’s to women inspiring women around the world and especially through the language of roses. Bless us all.

  2562. Susan on

    Being 60 and starting an exciting part of life! (Just turned 60). It is inspiring to hear to keep going, and learning. I would love to read about her building a home on her own! Oh, and I love roses!

  2563. Tammy Wharton on

    I think the most inspiring part of her video for me is the age she started and her advice to keep moving and stay engaged. I am over 50 and still have so many hobbies I want to start. Gardening was a surprise addiction for me!

  2564. Leigh Grange on

    As someone about to turn 60 the encouragement that possibly 1/3 of your life is ahead! Thank you for sharing the beauty of flowers and a zest for life.

  2565. Erica Pollan on

    What a remarkable woman and story! Besides a life of adventure and great accomplishments what touched me the most was her dedication to NOAH. She sounds like she had a passion for tending to others with her care of not only her family, her beautiful rose garden, her community and animals but also to nature. I love her story and can only hope my story is long and full of beauty when I’m 97!

  2566. Bobbie Oleary on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”
    This, all of this!! At 66 I concur Anne. Thank you Erin for giving us a glimpse into a life well lived.

  2567. Jennifer on

    I am most inspired by her life-long growth. A woman’s strength in middle age and beyond is certainly underestimated! May we all be so determined to pursue our dreams as they continue to come!

  2568. Julie Shedko on

    You are right this interview made me cry. Every bit of it was inspirational! As I mentioned in my other post my Grandfather had a great rose garden that he was so proud of. I am turning 60 this year and I am starting a compost business.I was just questioning myself, I am back on track now! I want to continue to plant my rose garden that I started last fall after my Mom passed. I was not able to see her or attend her funeral. I planted a beautiful peach rose in her memory and I look forward to planting more! Thank you for sharing this story, it is so beautiful and up lifting! ❤️

  2569. Tracey on

    At 19 she was a widow with a small child….most people would have given up but Anne continued and was able to come up with a formula for achieving any difficult goal. A true pioneer in that women can do anything if you put your mind to it unless of course you need big biceps and a beard 🤣🤣

  2570. Sharon McEnerney on

    Perspective… moving into my mid-sixties has changed my self doubt into growing challenges. All to better oneself. “Turning sixty, well over 1/3 third of my life.” That is why we are on this earth, to grow and bloom and share your worth to others. Uniquely you is the pedal in a rose, giving beauty to others…

  2571. Jan Wallace on

    Anne’s determination was inspiring to me. You never are too old to learn. I’m 77 years old and an active student at the local junior college.

  2572. Ellie on

    What an amazing woman! Thank you for sharing her with us.

  2573. Leigh Ann Ulmer, Louisiana on

    I will have to admit that I started this series with Part #4. 97. WOW. I appreciated when she discussed how its never too late. I will be 55 this year and just bought my first David Austin Rose to be delivered soon. I am glad to know that its not too late for me. My uncle grew roses when I was younger and to walk through his garden was just mesmerizing to me. All the colors and scents. I never dreamed that I would love roses. I work a full-time job right now but even in reading Anne’s story I know that I can add a few plants each year and have a good variety by the time I retire and still have plenty of time to enjoy them. I already have plans for a trellis around a holly tree that my grandmother planted in my yard. Thanks for sharing this encouraging interview.

  2574. Sandy Perrin on

    This is my favorite part “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy. ” I love sharing with friends and family and have developed alot of friendships sharing flowers.

  2575. Sharon McEnerney on

    “Anne: I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far. “
    Perspective… moving into my mid-sixties has changed my self doubt into growing challenges. All to better oneself. That is why we are on this earth, to grow and bloom and share your worth to others. Uniquely you is the pedal in a rose, giving beauty to others…

  2576. Gabrielle Mancy on

    The beauty of her life had so many different key moments. She never stopped ‘growing’ herself. The determinations and fearless life she led is so magnificent, just as the roses that inspired her to learn about and grow. What a blessing she was to this earth. Thank you, Anne Belovich and Thank you Erin Benzakein for sharing her life with us.

  2577. Lynn Martell on

    Wow, she is a strong inspiring woman, kind and generous. I’m off to my local library to see if they have her books. Thanks Erin in sharing her wonderful story. 💟

  2578. Deena Guptil on

    What an inspiration! At 71, I have lots of years ahead of me (I hope) and now I can see what is possible. Gardening in Arkansas is difficult — digging each hole requires a pick ax which I’ve be come very adept at (and now have biceps of my own!!). But, even knowing how much effort it takes to plant each plant, I keep working on improving my garden and now I’m inspired to add even more roses.

  2579. Patti L on

    As a life-long learner who isn’t always confident in my choices, I like hearing her encouragement to keep learning. And how she is not defined by one thing in her life, but has layers, reminds me of “I contain multitudes.” Very inspiring, thank you for sharing!

  2580. Janet Kelley-Vail on

    “ Next, you should try to know yourself”….for me this was the centerpiece of this lovely interview with Anne, and I suspect the place from which she crafted her remarkable life. For many of us women, it’s a hard won and life long journey to get closer to ourselves and live our lives from such an authentic, knowing place. For me , as someone turning 65 this month, she inspires me to continue to take that road over and over again, for that is the richest of places, and from what everything else emerges from. And just wow, that this journey with Roses started at 60!! My ten acres here New Hampshire will soon have a rose garden in her honor!!! For I have longed for a deep dive into old roses…
    Thank you so much for sharing Anne’s amazing story!! I am inspired !!

  2581. Laura on

    I’m in my early 60s & embarking on a new phase in a relatively new career. Mind chatter keeps me off balance. Thanks to the interview with Anne I will continue to dig deep within to continue to grow. I’m thrilled for the new perspective that it isn’t too late to start my own rose garden just like Anne did in her 60s. “Keep moving, stay out of bed….” Thanks for this lovely & inspiring interview, Erin.

  2582. Rheba on

    Wow! What a person Anne was! What’s so inspiring is that she kept doing and learning and was prosperous. I’m not quite a third her age and I feel sometimes that I’ve learned all that I have and that I’m done. But that’s not the case, and I have a lot to learn and explore and I need to get started! Roses are just magical and her dedication to them is astounding. Love this series and need to learn more.

  2583. Sandy on

    What was most inspiring for me was the partnership she had with Max. Their generosity of sharing their garden with others is beautiful. It encourages me to continue to have people into our small garden. When people walk by our home and ask what a particular plant is, my husband will ask me, then leave a note on our maple tree to let the person know the name and variety.

  2584. Ashley DeSandre on

    I loved her response when asked how to preserve her legacy with roses. She said “Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    I love this message to include others in your love for flowers and be giving to everyone so they might spark an interest in gardening of their own.

  2585. Bethany on

    I loved her quotes from “A Voyage of Determination”, will read that book soon!
    So encouraging to hear a successful woman of her age tell younger generations to chase after our dreams, do away with prejudices, be “doers”!!

  2586. Dianne Smale on

    Having just commenced my 60th year Anne’s comments on being capable of doing anything if you put in the hardwork struck home. I started a small cutting garden on my daughters farm last year and have now taken partial retirement to pursue this hobby to the best of my ability and wiĺl be learning as I go from the many wonderful people on this instagram community. Thank for sharing Anne’s interview.

  2587. Victoria K on

    My favorite part is The fourth article, fighting the prejudice- not just gender but most importantly your prejudice towards yourself limiting beliefs and walls we put up in front of ourselves and stopping ourselves before we even begin. It’s a great reminder for me especially now. Thank you for sharing your love of roses.

  2588. Emily on

    “Starting at 60.” I loved that! I turned 65 this year and my garden goals are big. Though I’ve worked on this garden for 26 years, I still feel there is so much more I can do, especially planting more roses. The rose thing does become somewhat off an addiction, because you can never have too many. there are just so many beautiful ones. I started with a lot of David Austen’s, but in recent years I’ve added more of the old once blooming ones and they are stealing my heart.

    I’m also currently remodeling a second house that I bought, which the realtor said was a “dozer”, but I saw beyond that and gutted it down to the studs. I’ve been working on it on and off for 10 years and last year I started working on the property planting a butterfly garden with many native plants. Today I’ll be leveling the old floor in a bedroom to instal a new one.

    My dad lived until he was 95 and was always learning, building and creating and I like to think that I am following his legacy. I have a little account that is my “fun money” which I spend on education for myself when ever possible, ie; webinars, online courses, etc. because for me, that is so “fun”! The more I learn, the more I can do. You can never stop learning or doing, it keeps you young…sometimes my brain is a little more ambitious than my body, but a good soak in the tub can usually help that.

  2589. Chelsea Harding on

    Anne’s advice to become an apprentice in your area of interest and to continue learning to achieve your goals is incredibly encouraging. I see many people around me in older generations stop moving and stop learning. The idea that life still stretches open with possibility as one grows older, instead of closing in, is a mindset that I hope to embody.

  2590. Yvonne Grady on

    I was most inspired by Anne’s advice, “to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development ” It brought tears to my eyes as I too am in my 60’s and felt I was too old to start something new.

  2591. Dolly Perry on

    I think what inspires me most is how many areas of her life she made an impact. I can’t imagine how many pets she saves. I am now 57 and she makes me feel that there is much to look forward to. She also takes the intimidation out of roses, making us realise that with the right variety it can be easy.

  2592. Darla Wiebe on

    I was inspired by her willingness and lack of fear to start something new at age 60. I’m not quite there but have big dreams for the 13 acres we just purchased. I’ll start small and like Anne, won’t let the naysayers in my life get in the way. I had to let the small collection of David Austin roses stay with the home we sold but am definitely inspired to start the collection again!

  2593. Lynn Conley on

    Wow! It inspired me that she never quit pursuing or learning! I have a mind eager for doing new things with lots of big dreams and sometimes get frustrated thinking I’ll be too old to accomplish things- but this inspired me that i don’t think you are ever too old and to keep learning and doing!!

  2594. Jen on

    “It’s never too late to act on your dreams.” Wow!! What an inspirational woman! Thank you for sharing her story. I’m currently a teacher. A teacher with big dreams of starting her own amazing destination garden and taking the classroom outside of the brick and mortar buildings. Taking the classroom out of the grips of the educational system. Reading these types of stories light the flame back into my dreams and push me to keep trying! It’s never too late!! Thank you Erin and Anne. Can’t wait to read her books and learn more of her amazing story.

  2595. donna on

    As a woman in a male-dominated field, I appreciate her take on sexism and fully agree – do what you want to do and “fight the prejudice where you find it.”

  2596. Jacklyn on

    I loved her emphasis on determination, which reminds me of my Finnish ancestry and the word sisu translating to determination.

  2597. Debra Turner on

    I take to heart her counsel: ‘´You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else. ‘’
    I am amazed what I learned simply by reading these four articles. I have been rewarded with knowledge. Now I have been inspired to study a great deal.
    Thank you.

  2598. Beth Hatcher on

    What an amazing woman and life! What really resonated with me is how she said it’s never too late to start doing something new. She discovered roses at 60 and spent another lifetime with them. You weren’t kidding about the tears!

  2599. Dena Lanier on

    Oh my, as I read this the tears were streaming. What an amazing woman. This article has come at such an important time in my life.
    Getting ready to turn 74 this year and after surviving the last two years I’ve been contemplating what should I be doing and in what way can I continue contributing the most I’m capable of contributing. Over the past few years I’ve adapted to becoming an armchair gardener.
    After reading this, I’m determined to play in the dirt each and every day, rain or shine for the next 30 years.
    Thank you so much for sharing Anne’s life story, a wonderful inspiration.

  2600. Meghan on

    How she pursued a new passion at age 60! Very inspiring!! I love her fearless determination.

  2601. Mary Huddleston on

    What a generous and loving lady to share her story, and her petals .

  2602. Shannon on

    As much as I love flowers, the detail about her building her own house is so inspiring! I have always wanted to do something big like that!

  2603. Bevy Arnold on

    Oh my GOODNESS!!! Thank you Erin for taking the time to bring this story to us. I have loved reading about Ms. Anne!! I will need to read again!! LOVED she invited/shared her garden with others, not be “stingy”. So inspiring to know she started at the age of 60, gives me hope to get my garden started. Makes me want to get back to roses, we grew them years ago, but here in Arkansas we had a hard time keeping up with the black spots. I will look into some of the old heirloom roses, maybe get some planted this year. You and Anne both have a heart for giving of your time to community and sharing your knowledge to others. Thank you, Bevy

  2604. Dee Strube on

    I love that Anne believed you don’t need “big biceps and a beard” to make most of your dreams or goals come true as a woman. Additionally it is incredibly inspiring that she was 60 when she started her rose gardens. Sometimes I feel that life passed me by and I’m “getting to be too old” to start something entirely new. I’m going to keep Anne in my mind when that happens!

  2605. Tenielle Bender on

    The part that most inspired me was her bit about longevity. I want to be just like this “when I grow up”. I love how she never stopped learning and doing new things. What a remarkable woman.

  2606. LINDA HAGLER on

    Reading that she started at 60 is a true inspiration. I started in my late 30’s and now I am 76 and sometimes I say,” What am I doing” Now I know after reading the wonderful blog.

  2607. Katie MacDonald on

    “I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that.” Nothing can or did stop her. Thank you for sharing this.

  2608. Stephanie on

    I love what she said about gardening and tending roses as a community – and the idea of helping older gardeners with their collection. The best knowledge I’ve ever gained with gardening has almost always been from older gardeners who have a lifetime of experience and trial and error behind them. Some of my most treasured memories are working alongside them and hearing commentary on the plants and on life. It would be amazing if there was a network of volunteers to help older folks with their garden chores. There are so many treasures of gardens and people that just kind of fade away without that bit of assistance.

  2609. Elisabeth Paine on

    I’m 63 and the fact that she started growing roses at 60 set me to calculating what I can still accomplish! So inspirational! And love her comment about biceps and a beard! When my Dad died 22 years ago my brother inherited his woodworking shop became he was the boy. It dawned on me that that didn’t mean I couldn’t start my own shop and that is what I have done. Love my shop, love that I can build whatever I want or need.

  2610. Christine Hendrick on

    What inspired me was that she did all these things after she turned 60! I just turned 60 and needed to hear that!

  2611. Amanda on

    Wow! What an amazing story of a life well lived. I love that she shared her life lessons and roses with people. Community is so important! I got choked up when she said it’s never too late. I, like Anne, have so many passions and things I love it’s hard to choose so knowing that it’s never too late means I can dream on!

  2612. Jillian on

    I will tell you that reading this interview has inspired me to buy more roses!

    I like the way that Anne puts time into perspective. I moved to a new house and left my old garden behind. Thinking about it in these longer terms helps me to feel more excited about starting fresh and watching it develop over the years.

  2613. Laura Wheeler on

    “…be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.” What an inspiring woman with a full and beautiful life! Thank for sharing her story with us. I will remember her resilience every time I care for my rose garden.

  2614. Christina Miles on

    Anne was a pioneer and she revolutionized rose gardening in the states. I love that she lived such a full life. Truly inspiring.

  2615. Jennifer on

    I ordered her rambling rose book! I’m going to dip my toes into rose growing. I have one Cecile Brunner rose that we call “big boy” on a trellis over my garage door. It is unruly and out of control and absolutely and unexpected delight! Now, only cover an outbuilding I have with some beautiful rambler that I hope her book will inspire me to try! It is truly amazing that she throughout her life, decided what she wanted, educated herself about it and then went for it! We could all use some of her courage and commitment.

  2616. Ron Shaffer on

    I am in my early 60’s and was inspired by all that Anne was able to do in the last 37 years of her life. It’s never too late to start something new.

  2617. Heather on

    Her “Voyage of Determination” … The whole bit spoke straight to my person – like a flash of images all at once. I chose a sailboat amidst all of the visuals for my vision board this week… yes, I do have a dream to spend time on one but I realize the bigger message my heart speaks for is of my constant thirst for freedom and adventure, open air and pursuit, doing something on my own driven by my own intuitions and ambitions. Like Anne, I speak and live by all of her advice there (much of why it is so piercing) – nothing and no one can hold you back- we are all capable especially when we grasp that to continue to LEARN is to continue to breathe. That is very powerful and emotional on a personal plain. Reminding ourselves to continuously step out of our comfort zones without the assurance of our comforting safety nets – albeit it spouses, co-workers, friends or even simply routine – we have the ability to grow on a level indescribable. There is nothing quite as gratifying as learning from scratch, getting your hands dirty, tripping, getting back up and watching your work come to life … and at ANY AGE. Life is grande should you choose to LIVE IT.

  2618. Richelle Melseaux on

    I am most inspired by the fact she started her garden at 60. I recently purchased a property that was formerly an apple orchard. It came with many old apple and pear trees, one pink rose growing on a shed and not much else, except a lovely 1890’s farmhouse. I will be 50 this year and this article gives me the motivation I need to get gardening and stop worrying that I wont be able to accomplish my vision of the property.

  2619. Elise Lakey on

    It’s inspiring to me that she never let age or gender define her life and her goals. It seems easy sometimes for the world to determine who we are based on where and how we’re born, but starting a rose garden at 60 and building houses by herself, wow what a life! Thanks for sharing.

  2620. Yenelys Hernandez on

    Wow this was a great article. I love when Anne says “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” With everything she accomplished in her life she still felt that her greatest legacy was to inspire and help others. She must have been an amazing woman to know. Those that knew her were very fortunate.

  2621. Valerie McKeehan on

    What a beautiful and inspiring story! It definitely left me in tears. Especially realizing she started her rose journey after 60! What a special lady and a beautiful tribute, thank you.

  2622. Violeta Riera on

    I love the part in which she says :”you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing”. So inspiring.

  2623. Luisa Chandler on

    This entire interview is just precious. What a blessing to have known her.

  2624. Lynlee Weber on

    I’m turning 40 this month and am in the midst of some career changes. This was inspiring. I’m not too old to do what I want!

  2625. Donna Estes on

    I love her lust for life and also her outlook on life. It appears that she lived fearlessly, as I am trying to do. She really inspired me to live that way even when faced with adversity.

  2626. Haylee on

    I found Anne’s words on how to accomplish any goal so inspiring. Loved her message that it’s never too late to pursue a new interest or hobby!

  2627. Diana Leniuk on

    Anne sounds like a wonderful lady and it would have been an honour to meet her. My favourite part of the interview is that she doesn’t look at the world through rose-coloured glasses (pun intended). She doesn’t skirt the fact that building a skill takes work, often hard work over many years, but that shouldn’t discourage anyone from pursuing their goals. What a fascinating life she led! And, how wonderful that others want to keep her legacy going.

  2628. Ann K on

    This hit closest to home to me. “At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life.”
    That and life long learning keeping one engaged!

  2629. Dina Kok on

    Thank you for sharing this interview with Anne. What a special lady and very inspiring!
    I loved her saying: i really donot have a favorite rose, because all of them are so unique and bring something special with them.
    I think that all her rosés cried when she passed away.
    Wish you a dream rose garden and greetings from Dina Kok, the Netherlands

  2630. Lori Ann David on

    Fabulous interview! I met her in 2000 with a friend from Stanwood who was a Rosarian. I had a growing formal collection of roses at the time, and she told me that I just had to meet this lady Anne who was so much like me, or me her. I was getting my seaplane rating at Kenmore and buzzed up for the look at her garden. I was blown away by her, her collection, and yes the similarities of our life experiences, views, and more. I had always wanted to get back and see her, but never did. I lost all her books that I had in my crazy big botanical collection of books in 2009 when all was lost in the Jesusita wildfire. I need to find them again! It’s time! Thank you for all of this. I’m smelling “Golden Celebration” like she is standing here smiling :)

  2631. Tracy Utley on

    I love that Anne started this dream of roses plus several other dreams at the age of 60 and has continued for 30+ years. We all should be so fortunate and as I turn 62 this year, I am going to take her advice that it is never too late to pursue a dream ! Thank you for sharing this wonderful and inspiring interview.

  2632. Shirin nurani on

    Thanks so much for sharing this story . Every part of the story I read put goose bumps . From her childhood to the day she died I think she lived with enthusiasm , courage hard work and sucess came through the rough journey .
    Starting something at 60 is something no one can imagine and I feel following our dream no matter how tough the path looks.

    Anne: I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

    Anne: I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

    Anne: I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.

    At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.

    My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

  2633. Emily on

    I love hearing that she was 60 before starting her rose gardens. What an encouragement to never feel like you’re starting something new too late!

  2634. Sian on

    Don’t let being a woman stop you… and sometimes the biggest obstacles to ourselves are in our own heads! She sounds amazing.

  2635. Pam Meier on

    Her advice to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself). It can feel like it’s too late to start something new, but it really isn’t! Thanks for sharing Anne’s story!

  2636. Pam Hunter on

    Wow what an incredible amazing woman Anne was. Her story makes your know anything is possible if you just use your gifts and learn what you don’t know. Also that your gender should never stop you from getting what you want. Her story makes me want to do more, be more, be a better me. I am in my 60’s and have loved to flower garden most of my life and my dad had a love of roses he shared with me. I hope I can do more gardening using beautiful roses like she did. Her work saving dogs and cats was amazing and very heartwarming.

  2637. Alexandra Arias on

    Such and amazing lady!! I loved reading her story, it is such an inspiration. I’ve been working behind a desk for many years, but this year I have the goal to let go and follow my passion, what really makes me happy. The part where she says “ passion for a particular hobby might be an indication of a special talent that could be pursued and turned into a rewarding career” was my favorite part :) I would love to read more about her journey!

  2638. Darlene MacDonald on

    Thank you for sharing this lovely legacy of Anne’s. I gleamed so many learnings from your interview with Anne which I think is so typical with growers of her generation: it’s never too late, don’t be stingy: share your expertise, lifelong learning & training right down to pruning with like minded which she referred to as friends, include others, share the BEAUTY & share the JOY!

    Every Spring when I search for an additional rose to plant I think fondly of my late friend Alex, a rose lover/expert, that I met at a local garden centre. Alex in inspired me & that got me started.

    Thank you Erin for sharing this touching story; thank you for reaching out to Anne!

  2639. Jo on

    Age really shouldn’t be the excuse that so many of us use from exploring our dreams…She is a great reminder that movement is life.

  2640. Kathryn Cole on

    I love how she never let being a woman stop her from doing what she wanted. My grandmother was similar, she was in the air force as an officer and was a nurse. My grandfather would tell me stories of how she was applying for a job on a military base and during the phone interview the man interviewing her said “We could always use more women in the kitchen”. Without skipping a beat she replied, “I ain’t working in nobody’s damn kitchen” and hung up.

    I think the world needs more strong women like Anne and my grandmother. It encouraged me to go after my wild dreams as a child (heart surgeon) and here I am a couple of months away from finishing my Ph.D. before going to medical school.

    Like Anne said, if it doesn’t require big biceps and a beard, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it.

    I wish I could have met her.

  2641. Charlene on

    When she remembered thinking 60 was old, and yet its been 37 years, her advice on continuing to learn, meeting goals and having dreams. I also adore her statement on sharing “ don’t be stingy “
    You are blessed to have spent time with her, what a treasure!

  2642. Jane McCutcheon on

    I was most inspired by learning of her many accomplishments after 60. I am 65, newly retired, starting a cut flower farm! I have always loved roses. I initially was not going to include roses on the farm as they are challenging to grow in our hot, humid climate. After reading A Rose Story I have decided to include roses. Thank you for sharing Anne’s story with us.

  2643. Gail Ditmore on

    I was surprised that she lived so close to you! When I first stared reading about your journey and friendship with her…I thought she lived in England! What an amazing life….I so enjoyed her story and would love to learn more!

  2644. Anne Krush on

    Oh my, what an inspirational person Anne Belovich is! Loved the entire series, but the paragraph below was like electricity to me!

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  2645. Amber Abele on

    To say she was an inspiration is an understatement! What a full life! She did so much! It was all inspiring but I was deeply touched by her work with NOAH and saving animals- what an incredibly kind and impactful thing to do. 💓

  2646. Umm Shams on

    So inspired by this remarkable young at heart, Anne Belovich! I’m looking forward to my 60th birthday in May. God willing.

  2647. Julie Witmer on

    “Inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    Spoken like a true gardener! How precious to have her last words here, Erin. Thank you!

  2648. Kara W. on

    “Don’t be stingy” really says it all. To be generous with your time, generous with sharing flowers, and generous with sharing what you’ve learned to help others is all that truly matters in this one wild and precious life. Thank you for telling Anne’s story!

  2649. Sara Friedman on

    The part of the interview sticking with me is the “big biceps and a beard.” It made me laugh – especially since there is nothing I ever thought I couldn’t do as a girl (except maybe grow a beard). If I wasn’t strong enough to do something, I have always asked someone to help because many hands make light work… and make work more fun! I’m fortunate that being raised in a different time and probably with parents that never acted like there was a difference between their children of different sexes removed that as an invisible barrier. I should accomplish great things since I have less to overcome! Anne is amazing and such an inspiration to have picked up roses at 60 and made an impact on the rose world in the last third of her life.

  2650. Jennifer Zerrer on

    Thank you for sharing Anne’s story with us and her garden. I love LOVE roses. There are so many inspiring things I got from the interview, but two things resound in my ears: “It’s never too late to act on your dreams and goals” and the idea that you can meet your goals if you prepare yourself over time. They are fabulous reminders to not let time (or perceived lack of) steal those dreams. Even tiny steps forward, that build on themselves, can make all the difference in the world.

  2651. Larissa Hannan on

    I really enjoyed Anne’s perspective of allowing a peaked interest blossom into an actual hobby! The pandemic allowed so much opportunity for my partner and I to start our farm. While so much has changed in just two years, we have a love for it and really wanted to dive in head first to something that just made us happy!

  2652. Jess Johns on

    I think the part that most inspired me was recognizing a prejudice inside yourself against yourself. She achieved so many adventurous things in her life by simply trying. So often I think I disqualify myself from things before I even try. My 2022 goal word is confidence. Mistakes can be the best teachers and I avoid the class with everything in me. I’m hoping to move through this year with a willingness to try things without fear, ready to learn as the lessons come. I’m kicking it off with a rose care class at Otto & Sons Rose nursery in Fillmore, CA. The possibilities are endless!

  2653. Sharon Norris on

    I found this so inspiring! I am 67 years old and about to retire. I have often though about being “too old” to start something new. Anne’s inspiring words about it never being to late to act on you dreams really made me pause and think. Her amazing life and accomplishments are an incredible story that proves with determination and hard work so much is possible. I believe that this year I am going to step up and believe in myself. Thank you Erin and for sharing the story of this lovely woman with us!

  2654. Denise Cummings on

    I found the point that most hit home is to keep learning. Whether its something new, or something that was sidelined at one point. Read about it, research it, put a plan in place and do it! You are never to old to learn and try something new.

  2655. Kathy Duffy on

    I love that she started this when she was 60! Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing her with us!

  2656. Deborah on

    Amen to her comments about ‘stay out of bed, keep moving, and be a life long learner’. I’m turning 60 this year and Anne’s life is a shining example of all the possibilities ahead. I live in a cold, dry, harsh climate and love roses- I am trying though! Enjoyed this series on roses so much!

  2657. Emily Hayden on

    Two ideas were most inspiring to me — commitment to life-long learning, and adding beauty to your world. Thank you so much for sharing Anne’s story!

  2658. Alaina Morales on

    I’m inspired by her wisdom in knowing that “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” One thing I’m always intimidated by is knowing how much I don’t know, it’s nice to realize that everybody started off that way too.

  2659. Jennifer Barnard on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy.” What an inspiring woman!!!

  2660. Jenine Bacchus on

    Thanks for sharing Erin. Ann’e words below really stayed with me. As a rose lover, I’m forever buying roses for friends, family and co workers because of the joy they bring. Share the love.

    Anne’s word: However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.

  2661. Laurel on

    I just turned 62, and am enjoying my 6th year of retirement from teaching. I volunteer with an animal rescue organization and have been learning construction for the last 3 years. My career was rewarding and satisfying, but retirement has been FUN! I learn new things everyday. I can relate to so many things Anne said in this interview.

  2662. Emily on

    I love Anne’s mindset of generosity, of abundance – there is always enough to go around and our sharing only brings us more – more friends, more connections, more openness. Thank you for sharing this series!

  2663. Suzanne on

    She has inspired me to start my journey to grow some roses even though I’m 61!

  2664. Cindy Van Schooten on

    Anne’s comment about “do you need biceps and a beard” to accomplish your goal both amused me and reinforced my hope to continue working with horses, despite my age.
    I’ve always been interested in roses, and would plant three rose bushes for my three daughters whenever we would move. The property I bought 19 years ago came with two ramblers. I didn’t know that is what they are called. They require little maintenance which is a good thing because I would have killed them from lack of attention. Now I’m going to add “Anne’s Ramblers” everywhere! What an incredible woman!

  2665. Mollie Yoder on

    What an amazing story! Her advice of just do the work to get where you want was inspiring. It’s easy to think “that’s too hard to accomplish” when really you just need determination and study to get there.

  2666. Elaine Williamson on

    Anne’s comment that her passion for roses didn’t start that late in life – at age 60! I began my flower gardening 3 years ago at age 61, and this comment gives me the rejuvenation kick I needed!

  2667. Jessica Erickson on

    As with many others on here, it’s never too late to start your dream. I am an educator and I completely agree with what she said. Start small and then continue to add to your dream. This was a very inspiring blog post. Thank you! ❤️🌹

  2668. Gloria Nikkel on

    . I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams

    Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.

  2669. Dana on

    I was inspired by her age to start such a daunting task. Having retired from a career in nursing, I have been questioning my ability to resume the garden of my dreams. I had started the framework years before, but my career and children were my main focus for many years. Her age, determination, and stamina have certainly been an inspiration to me to be more determined to make my dream garden a reality.

  2670. Kathy on

    “I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. “

    After traveling and moving 30 times with my husband’s military career, I now have a space to settle into. I can plant and watch my flowers grown and bloom, while I study and learn what grows best in the Texas heat.

    Thank you for the inspiration,

  2671. Joy Silas on

    I remember when I first started gardening I just went to the store grabbed some seeds and put them into containers. I would water them but I don’t even think I took the time to research which soil to place the plants in. Years later I’ve read many gardening books and researched vegetable gardening so much that my garden is thriving! I laugh all the time at my self just thinking about how much I’ve learned from learning and researching. I loved when she said “ You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” This statement reminds me of the steps I took to learn and humble myself. Just recently I’ve signed up for a few gardening classes so learn more. I really think long- life learning adds years to your life. It adds chapters to your life story! I also want to learn to sew. I’ve done it before but when I can’t figure things out I want to quit. After reading this interview I’m inspired to volunteer at a small store and reading books on the topic. I will just keep trying and never give up!

  2672. Amanda on

    Wow, she is so inspiring! I finally got away from an extremely abusive alcoholic husband of over ten years. I have 4 boys with him and thought my life was over, that it would forever be just barely surviving and trying to get by while my ex did everything possible to ruin me. Instead, I met a wonderful man that loves them like his own, my ex finally went to jail, and suddenly I found myself in a “normal” day to day where I could do anything I wanted with a husband supporting me. That had never happened before! We decided to start a farm, and now I’m going for a dream of a cut flower garden. Three short years ago I thought my life was over and mourning all that I hadn’t been able to do. And now I’m jumping out of bed every morning so excited about the future. I teared up reading her story because I identified with it in so many ways. I just love how she had hardship and overcame it – she lost her husband, was a single mom and had to pivot into a new life unexpectedly. She started many careers anyways, and she just kept chasing goals and going for what she loved. She is so inspiring, it left me wanting to read her whole story!!

  2673. Rebecca on

    What an inspiring woman! In addition to everything she said about pursuing your dreams, I think what she said about sharing your gardens is so important. I have only recently begun trying to propagate from plants from friends and family’s gardens, but it is so meaningful, and such a wonderful gift, and can help pass on such incredible plants that could otherwise be lost over time.

  2674. Carrie Roney on

    Carrie Roney on January 11th 2022

    I was so excited so read that she started to pursue a passion at 60! I just turned 60 in November and will take to heart her attitude to get out of bed, don’t isolate, keep learning and have an open mind. What an inspiration! I love to learn new things and plan on learning as much about roses and life from her as I can…

  2675. Deborah Broughton on

    The entire article inspired me but this paragraph stuck out. “I put some things in the Voyage of Determination, and you have to do all of them. Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes. I bought three books when I decided to build the house on Camano Island; how to frame a house, how to wire it, and how to do the plumbing. You need to study and become an apprentice.” She taught herself how to build a house! I’m thankful for learning about this determined woman. I can’t wait to read more.

  2676. Anastasia Jarzombek on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” In a sometimes overly-connected world, the awareness of how much competition or been-there-done-thats can be daunting. This is such a solid reminder that just because someone else may appear to have mastered something, or may do it better than you, doesn’t mean it’s not worth learning and exploring for yourself! And for Anne to have accomplished so much after the age of 60…how utterly inspiring!

  2677. Pat Glass on

    Wow what an amazing women! Her courage to tackle anything is so inspiring. If you are willing to work for it, you can do it.

  2678. Cathy Yatson on

    “Dont let being a woman stop you…Unless you need a constant supply of testosterone” what a gem!! And yes this article did make me cry. What a generous soul and amazing reminder that sharing flowers and plants leaves a legacy.

  2679. Trish Ayres on

    Anne’s generosity is inspiring to me. She grew these roses and happily shared them rather than hoarding and enjoying them alone. She wrote books to share her knowledge with others.
    That at the age of 97, she was still planning for her future…planning a pruning party in February.
    That at the age of 60 (I’m 62) she began her rose garden.
    It is never too late to start. We don’t know when our time on earth will be over so we plan for tomorrow. Without looking to tomorrow, there is no hope.
    A few years ago, my husband and I bought a 7+ acre property in southwest Arkansas. We began a farm with a few head of Dexter cattle and a small vegetable garden, then after retiring a year ago from truck driving we added chickens and a couple of goats and are expanding the vegetable garden. The flower garden is in the works. Roses are my favorite but while living a military life and raising two boys, my few attempts at growing them were shortlived and unsuccessful. My plan is to add roses wherever I can, preferably the old, fragrant roses. There is no fragrance in the ones you buy in the big box stores.
    Thank you, Erin, for this series and for the resources and information you have shared, not just for roses, but for all of the information you share. I am thankful to have found you. You have opened up my world to new things and possibilities that I didn’t even know existed until I found you.

  2680. Stephanie Bradley on

    I’m completely wowed !
    As a great admirer of roses and bring an amateur rose grower and as a women in my mid 50’s, I am truly blessed to have read this article on Ann ! I know I’m going to reread this several times over as I was fascinated by her life.
    97 years is quite an accomplishment and most importantly, she lived her life according to herself on her terms. She’s beyond inspirational in itself, but if I had to choose which part of the interview that inspired me or shall I say, “ hit my heart”…
    It was when she sailed from New Zealand to California by herself.
    She had only herself to brave the oceans and navigate and muscle the boat.
    That’s an incredible thing in itself. However, she had all that time alone with her own inner thoughts, and raw emotions that must have been extraordinary for her.
    She came away from the experience knowing she could handle extreme danger and other difficulties all on her own!
    I’m just so so completely in awe and Ann has inspired me to fully break out of my “ comfort zone” and jump in with both feet.
    Thank you Ann, I am so grateful.
    I also want to thank you Erin. Thank you for taking on this incredible opportunity and task to keep Ann’s dream alive.
    ~ Stephanie Bradley

  2681. Mercy on

    A beautiful interview! How fortunate for us that you found her for the interview when you did. Her discussion of the struggles of women who came before us are a good reminder in many ways.

    The deer have gotten me down a bit about my own rose garden, so this is just the inspiration I needed during this midwinter period. Her books are undiscovered gems for me, so I thank you for sharing them.

  2682. Lisa on

    What a full life Anne experienced …. and what a legacy she left for the entire world to enjoy…. an inspiration to any individual.. thank you so much for an enlightening interview .. may her strength endure through all who continue her love of roses

  2683. Liz H on

    I love the perspective she shared about her age. Get outta bed, keep moving, go on that lunch date. Never stop learning. And I hope that one day, my garden is a place people look forward to coming to and friendships are grown.

  2684. Darcy MacPherson on

    I enjoyed the part about volunteering in rose gardens. I did this for many years and have recently been looking for ones in my local area to lend a hand. I volunteered in a heritage rose garden where we propagated and cared for heirloom Italian roses.

    She right about keep learning and exploring – it does keep you young and engaged.

  2685. Cheyenne Coffey on

    What an inspiration! “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. ” This speaks volumes. Preparation, determination and commitment… such a good reminder, especially, this time of the year when we are setting new goals. It’s never to late. I truly enjoyed this four part series. Thank you!

  2686. Skyler Richardson on

    I love what Anne had to say about being able to do anything. It’s inspiring to hear someone of her background and strength to say and show that we can do anything. Even beat the “big biceps” with mechanical means. Inspiring story.

  2687. Sarah on

    It’s so inspiring how she overcame difficulties (a widow at 19?! 😢) and didn’t stop just because she was older. I wish I could have met her.

  2688. Katie W on

    That I can do anything as a woman

  2689. Michelle Mitchell-Brown on

    What stood out to me most is when Anne stated, “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.” This is exactly what I am doing now. The hard part for me was determining what I wanted to do. My love for vegetable gardening and my inspired love for flowers has me learning more each day. As I learn and implement what I learn, I am impassioned to share with others. I share the knowledge I have gained and the goodies from the garden.

  2690. Wendy Merritt on

    I enjoyed & appreciated the fact that she was 60 when her fascination for Rose’s took over. I’m in my late 60’s, have recently moved onto 10 acres & realize I just might have the time to do some serious gardening. I’m inspired by her description of rambling Rose’s & their easy care. I may developed a plan!!

  2691. Ami G on

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful interview
    It’s inspiring .I simply loved to learn about her.
    Specially her voyage of determination is awe inspiring.
    Cheers to her !! We need more women like her in the world.

  2692. Chelsy on

    Wow! I am beyond inspired. I just wrote down her ‘advice’ in my gardening notebook. I will be carry that with me from now on! For anyone who’d like to write it too <3

    "…keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. "

  2693. Janell on

    Thank you for the series, Erin, and for sharing Anne’s story. I love how she points out that 60 isn’t necessarily later in life, that it was in fact for her an entire career ago. She reminded why I grow flowers, as a way to connect to others without words. However what resonated most in this moment is that I don’t need a beard and bulging biceps. I allow my husband’s disinterest to dissuade my grand ideas, and the prejudice is as much internal as it is external.

  2694. Ashley on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.”

    Roses remind me of my Grandma Norma ❤️

  2695. Danielle Bakker on

    So inspiring! I grew up surrounded by roses and I always get excited when others share a passion for them too! I’m most inspired by Anne’s continued thirst for knowledge, even in her final years. We are never too old to learn something new. Thanks for sharing this interview!

  2696. Aong Vang on

    The part where she says for us to inspire others by sharing the roses is what got me. It’s sharing a part of what you love and a way to let people into each other’s lives. Very inspiring.

  2697. Nella Miller on

    Just what I needed today Erin.. turning 70 has been traumatic, till today!! What a beautiful lady..I was so inspired to live life to the fullest, at any’s just a number..
    What stood out the most was that anything can be accomplished truly if we have the will.. Thank you for your generosity and not being “stingy”!!💕

  2698. Karen Bellacosa on

    “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.”

    This interview was like someone shaking me out of a dream.
    Anne’s biography while so varied, was quite simple and down to earth; so it is even more of an inspiration to anyone regardless of age, gender or finances.
    These trio of things are the loudest reasons I tell myself I can’t do something, Anne has just turned that inner dialogue upside down.
    I also love the fact that the first thing she talked about was rescuing animals when you came to talk about roses.
    Anne is now going to become my muse, an inspiration that it is never too late to change my life and make my “impossible” dreams reality.
    Thank you Erin for sharing Anne’s story with us.

  2699. Lorrie on

    So inspiring! I enjoy your articles of encouragement and this story is motivating. What a fascinating person. I’d love to read her books. As soon as the weather breaks I’m going to get out in the garden and ‘rescue’ those old fashioned roses in the garden that I’ve neglected the past two years…

  2700. Lori on

    Thank you for this series of rose articles. What a joy to read! I am approaching 60 myself. I love that Anne accomplished so many things after that time, truly an inspiration to us all. Having spent 30 years as an educator, I truly believe, like Anne, in being a life long learner. Having a growth mindset keeps you engaged just as she said. What really resonated with me and I think is a life lesson to us all is when she said, “Go ahead with your dreams, and fight prejudice where you find it.” What an amazing role model and inspiration. Thank you for introducing me to her. I look forward to educating myself about roses!

  2701. MaryAnne Nestor on

    At 63, I struggle with what seems at times to be a insurmountable work necessary for a flower farmer business–marketing, learning the particulars of each flower, and, of course farming in general. Am I nuts? I spent my background behind a desk! I worked in publishing and then instructional design before I finally, at age 62, decided I wanted to go outside. I had no idea what I was getting in to. I took the Floret class 2021, but there is so much more to learn that lately I have been feeling so overwhelmed. But Anne’s comment inspired me to push on:
    “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far. At almost 97 years old, it doesn’t seem that my passion for roses started all that late in life. It’s been over 30 years since I began this journey—longer than the careers of many. I pursued many dreams after turning 60. ”
    Thank you Anne.

  2702. Hannah Kurlick on

    I was very inspired by her passage inspiring women not to be held back by their sex. She was ahead of her time!

  2703. Rebecca Harrison on

    Learning. Inspiring. Don’t be stingy! Good stuff. And I’m 90 miles from the rose garden in Shreveport. I went to a wedding there once 25 years ago. I didn’t appreciate it then. I can’t wait to go again and really study it!!

  2704. Karen E on

    Wow! From ocean sailor to contractor to rose garden creator and author in the last third of her life. What an interesting and accomplished woman. I hope I can create and enjoy something as beautiful and fulfilling as her rose gardens in my retirement years. Life long learning and curiosity is certainly the key.

  2705. Connie Barron on

    “An act of love….and friendship” brought tears to my eyes. My dear, adventurous, rose loving friend passed away last year and those words said it all. Together we dug up, rooted and shared a old rambler rose from an abandoned home site in Alabama not even knowing the name of the rose. My husband’s job moved us many places and I always took a cutting to every new home (5 states in all). I later learned from Jason Powell of Petals from the Past, in Jemison Alabama that the rose we were sharing was Seven Sisters…..our last move from Texas back to Alabama occurred quickly and I wasn’t able to take a cutting for the first time in 12 years. My sweet garden buddy allowed me to cut as much as I wanted from hers. Talk about full circle. A piece of Seven Sisters now grows on an arbor in my retirement home in Florida but Judy never had a chance to visit to see her “love.. and friendship”growing.

  2706. Mia Pelletier on

    I am most moved by Anne’s call to generosity “to inspire and introduce people to the beauty” of flowers, and to share our gardens as “an act of love…of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” My late father ran a greenhouse nursery business throughout my childhood, and frequently gave plants away to his customers. He told me once to always give something away for free — that people remember that, and come back. But even as a child I knew that he wasn’t just talking about a good business philosophy, but about a larger gardening ethos of generosity and the beauty of its many hidden returns. As Anne said, “don’t be stingy.” Perhaps we might think that our profit margins as flower growers or farmer-florists are too small to be able to give things away but, in the serendipitous scope and richness of our lives, we really cannot afford not to. “So many memories tie us all together.” A beloved and curated garden is a living legacy — a repository of memories that outlasts our own lives. Gifted plants or cuttings, a handful of seeds, or a tree are living connections to those that we have loved and lost, to the friendships that bind us, to pieces of our childhoods or travels, and to storied fragments of our cultural histories that might otherwise be lost. Be generous with your garden — what better legacy?

  2707. Beth on

    My favorite: “don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard.” I would have loved to have met Anne but am thrilled to have her words of inspiration!!

  2708. Toni Simonetti on

    She is indeed inspiring. I love that she encourages us to pursuit goals no matter where you are in life. While I’ve tended roses since a kid in my mother’s garden, bought my first (King’s Ransom) for my first apartment. But with a busy career and a few moves I didn’t focus on it until I retired st age 58. Since then I’ve become a Master Gardener, a Consulting Rosarian, a member of several rose ir garden boards, and an avid grower. ( I also went back to playing bridge .. a passion of mine that requires a lot of study and practice).

  2709. Jerry LaRocque on

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important.” I totally agree. I loved spending time with my grandpa in his gardens and am still gardening many decades later. He had so many roses. He inspired me to continue planting flowers! I stopped planting roses because I had planted too many trees, which made my yard too shady for roses. I have about 20 flower beds on an acre of land that is almost all sand. Her story is inspiring me to start a new flower bed with nothing but roses! Thanks for sharing her story. I love reading your email posts!

  2710. Julie Lowerre on

    I just turned 60 and have been struggling with what to do with my life, my purpose and to be honest feeling a little discouraged. When I read this:

    “I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.”

    Just what I needed to hear! So inspired and so hopeful about my future. 60 can be the beginning of your life not the end. Thank you!

  2711. Rita on

    What a great interview with an amazing woman! I’m inspired by her strong will to live her life as she desired and her compassion for animals and community.

  2712. Pamela on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams. Commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” This truly hits home for me personally as I am struggling to get started on a life long goal of mine. This interview is truly amazing and inspiring. I wish you and your team the best of luck in the success of carrying on this amazing woman’s work. Thank you for sharing her story with us all!

  2713. Kaela van Breevoort Reed on

    When Anne said not to be stingy with sharing your roses, the image of all the beautiful plants growing in so many gardens brought tears to my eyes. The thought of gardens fostering friendships is just so heartwarming. <3

  2714. Melanie Miller on

    There was so much to be inspired by in this interview. I think her advice on sharing cuttings and plants stuck out the most for me. I think it’s so important to share and spread knowledge, seeds, plants, cuttings…anything that brings us joy and makes the world a better place. Only in igniting the passion of others can we hope to preserve the things we love.

  2715. Jennifer McClendon on

    Wow, what an inspiring woman! I think what resonated most for me about this interview is one’s age is not a limitation. With study, determination and grit, you can accomplish anything at any age. Also, share your garden with others–so true that new friendships are formed along the way. Lastly, I did host a rose planting party a few years ago. I didn’t think my friends would be open to it (who wants to get muddy handling thorny roses?), but surprisingly 10 people showed up and it was a highlight of my year. Thank you for sharing her wisdom!

  2716. Lindsey Abrams on

    I got a little tearful reading this, I often think of the legacy we leave behind, or if there will even be one, giving meaning to life. I don’t have children to carry on my knowledge or parts of my soul. I rely on sharing what I have to offer with friends and family in hopes that it will live on in that way. I love that she shared her wealth of knowledge hoping to inspire folks like us.
    My grandma gave me my first bulbs and transplants for my garden.. and every year when my tiger lilies bloom I think of her. I definitely didn’t imagine my life would become so intertwined with growing flowers at that time but it was those roots that started it all. I have since given countless plants to friends and even back to my own mom. Truly the gift that keeps on giving.

  2717. Sylvia Whitesides on

    Being a woman who is 65 and just starting to plant a cutting garden last year and add some roses this year I am very inspired by Anne’s attitude and advice to “keep moving, and stay out of bed”. Good advice, and I just love the beautiful rose garden she created!,

  2718. Amy on

    As someone who fell in love with flowers and gardens “late” in life (late 30s), I found it inspiring that Anne began growing roses at 60, which ended up being over 1/3 of her life! Truly it is never too late to start anything, because we don’t know how much time we have. Also, I was inspired that she was always learning something new, never afraid to try anything because it was “new” or “hard.” I want to be like her when I grow up! :)

  2719. Christy Taylor on

    What a wonderful inspiration she is. Thanks for sharing this gift with all of us. Her story gives us all the permission to pursue our dreams no matter what.

  2720. Lindsey Capello on

    Awe what a joy. Such a great interview Erin! Her zest for life and learning is comforting. I love that at almost 97 she was buying a website domain. But her love of roses and sharing them really sticks with me. What a great piece! Thanks for sharing.

  2721. Dina Razinkova on

    My favorite part was her advice about life! Stay out of bed, do something and stay connected! Solid advice for everyone!!

  2722. Therese Leiszler on

    Just when you feel it’s too late you read an inspirational story such as Anne’s and hope is renewed. There’s really no reason to say you can’t do something because of your age. Awesome!

  2723. Paris Gordon on

    Wow! I’m so blown away by this wonderful this interview is and how timely it was for you. I’m simply blooming with ideas on how to start a rose garden. 💐
    My favorite part is “ Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. ” Yes it is and the best gift to the giver is to see the smiles on their faces and in their hearts too! Let’s all start a “Ann’s Community of Care” project for older rose gardens! I’m with you on this 🙌. Will keep you posted ! Xoxo P 🥰 🌹

  2724. Catherine Milner on

    Anne sounds like a wonderful mentor and so full of life! I can tell she was never someone to make excuses, just figured out how to get things done and went at it! There are so many parts of her interview I love, but I think the part that stood out to me was “Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do.” Our dreams can be big and scary and hard but we have to invest in ourselves and our dreams if we want to see them come true! Thank you for sharing a little bit of Anne with us!

  2725. Carolina Elizabeth on

    Here I at 47 with feeling that life has flown by, while Anne at 60 was working on new careers. That is truly inspiring. At educator, I’m encouraged by her love of learning. “Learn anything and everything” I would tell my students.

    Roses, have always been my first love and they are by far my favorite thing to paint. In fact the first thing I bought for our house, (11 years ago) were 20 David Austin Rose, which the deer ate to the ground. Last year, I built a 7’ fence, in the spirit of Anne, by myself. I look forward to a new growing collection within even more file from her journey.
    Thank you so much for sharing her story with us.
    Kindest regards,
    Carolina Elizabeth

  2726. Jill Rains on

    What an inspiring woman!! Thank you for sharing her with us!

    As I’ve grown in years, and approaching that 60 year mark, I find I want to do “all the things!” Maybe it’s possible to do more of the things than I originally thought about! 🤔

    Like flowers, how can you pick a favorite? Anne’s story is inspiring and filled with wonderful feats (I want to build a house now!! LOL!), but I learned once that it’s not getting to the beautiful destination that is the goal; it’s bringing people along with you to share in that beautiful destination. So…”don’t be stingy” sticks out with me. It’s really the reason I’m planning a garden; so I can share it’s beauty with others! Our neighbor to our left out up a tall vinyl fence. It would look right if we put up the same one to our right, however I want one where people can see into my garden and where I can plant sweet peas, clematis and other flowering vines.

    Thank you for not being stingy with Anne’s story and her love of roses!

  2727. Amy Phipps on

    Her quote
    Life-long learning and growing keeps one engaged

  2728. Susan Chester on

    I love when she stated, “I used to think 60 was old”. She started her own contracting company after age 60? Okay, I’m a fan! Let me know this woman!

  2729. Ashley Hallbauer on

    You were right — I’m in tears! I think I’ll have her simple phrase “keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with a lot of sunshine” replaying in my head all afternoon. It applies to roses and most all things that matter — friendships, goals, dreams, marriages, and everything else. With intentional tending and good sunshine, most things thrive and bloom.

    The garden has become such a mirror of life for me (and a place to really process and understand life a little better). Clearly Anne felt the same way. To create something similar in the small space I’m in now, and again in a more permanent home in the future, gives me a dream and also a sense of grounding and purpose.

    I’m feeling so inspired by these articles today — which is extra special in dreary January. Thank you thank you.

  2730. Val on

    I love her emphasis on sharing roses. So much of life is better when shared freely.

  2731. Carolyn Jordan-White on

    You have to educate yourself.
    As someone who turns 70 next month.
    Stay out of bed.
    Sharing flowers is generous.
    Try to be honest while learning about yourself.
    Share yourself, your flowers, your expertise.

  2732. Marge Davey on

    Lovely, inspiring, so upbeat! Try anything you’d like too, be prepared to work hard & don’t let anything stop you.

  2733. Renee Boerner on

    “I pursued many dreams after 60”. After a rough day and worry about time flying by, age and out-of-the-blue grief about my Mom who passed away eight years ago who I haven’t felt a presence, I read this today to start my day. My Mom’s name was Rose. THANK YOU for sharing these stories and sparking hope and inspiring curiosity, Erin & team.

  2734. Jessica Petrozziello on

    “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” – Anne Belovich.

    The above quote from this interview is my favorite because I totally agree. How wonderful it is to share your beauty with others!?
    For nearly two decades I have dreamed of a property that I could introduce to the community for gatherings. Without going into too much detail, one part of the dream included a garden. So her quote above personally resonated with me in that respect.

  2735. Rita on

    I love that she persued many dreams after becoming 60. It is never too late. Keep learning and not to isolate and be generous…what a beautiful kind person. Heading into my 50’s it is a nice reminder that I can still do and learn many new things.

  2736. Andrea on

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. It is an inspiration. As I’m nearly 60 myself, and looking to simplify my gardens, Anne has taught me that there are many more years ahead to fulfill my gardening dreams. Something tells me that Anne never cared about her age. If she had a passion and wanted to pursue it, she did. Don’t let ‘age’ get in the way. It’s just a number.

    My favorite part of her story…

    Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.

    How true. There isn’t a greater joy than sharing with others.

  2737. Tammy Diller on

    So many of her comments resonated with me! As someone who has reached the 60 milestone I find myself falling into the “but I’m too old to do that” mindset. But the following words resonated with me: “I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far …..I pursued many dreams after turning 60 including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world and my study of the older roses. It’s never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” Inspirational words!

  2738. Louise Walker on

    I was inspired by her determination to keep learning. My goal is to be a lifelong learner. There is so much to learn and do. What an amazing woman!

  2739. Hannah McClure on

    My favorite part is her expressing how to keep it going. “Don’t be stingy” she says. I feel like that is advice all can take with them. It feels a lot like information and knowledge is a golden ticket and many people don’t openly share knowledge that keeps these things going. My heart burst when friends/families and neighbors love gardening and growing and learning so much that they share cuttings, seeds, or tips and tricks eith me. They just want that love of gardening to continue into generations to come. ….don’t be stingy…..I absolutely LOVE that pRt of Anne’s interview.

  2740. Denise Dersch on

    This written interview is incredible, and I enjoyed reading about your journey with Ms. Belovich and her intense study of roses. I think being remembered is so important and when she described her notification about the process of replicating her entire rambler collection, well, that was heartfelt to me and brought tears to my eyes. What a remarkable and extraordinary woman! People, from all over the country, will now be able to learn, not only from her many books on the subject, but also firsthand visual knowledge of what she accomplished. She will be remembered forever. What a legacy!

  2741. Judy Hillman on

    “It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.” And it is never too late to start dreaming. So often women of my generation were caught between two worlds and gave up childhood dreams and goals. As a 75 year old, daydreaming and and aspirations, are the elixir of youth. I hope to emulate Anne’s passion for lifelong learning and adventure.

  2742. Katelyn Morse on

    I’m so inspired by how much she has accomplished and her belief in herself. I love that her gardens were a tool to show love to others 💛

  2743. Barbara on

    As someone who is starting a flower farm in her 50th year, this gives me hope. Thank you!

  2744. Sarah on

    The thing I love the most is how Anne has devoted her life to doing accomplishing goals. She sets her mind to something, learns what she can, and is unafraid to try. And through steady progress, she has accomplished much at every stage of her life.

    Favorite quote from the interview:
    “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that. For example, I bought and used a wall jack on a house I was building to lift the walls into place all by myself.”

  2745. Carol on

    What a legacy! What has inspired me is that Anne was 60 when she began her rose garden. I am 68 and I have got to get busy!!! I have decided to build the pergola I’ve wanted for a decade. I cannot delay! And I will quickly plant the desires of my heart!

  2746. Deborah Stanley on

    What most inspired me about her interview was her pluckiness!! She has a tenacity and zest for life that is inspiring by nature. Sure, taking care of hundreds and hundreds of roses as one ages is a monumental undertaking, but why not? And her comments, “read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development” – well now that is just encouraging even if I am 71!!

  2747. Mary-Alice Beneteau on

    Oh my gosh Erin such an inspiring lady. To think she just got started at 60! I’m 65 and can’t wait for spring to redo my garden. Thank you for this interview and for all you do and post. It makes the winter bearable!

  2748. Pam on

    Beautiful and inspiring interview. “…introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.” May Anne’s generosity inspire a backyard rose revival that cultivates virtues of patience, persistance, generosity, and beauty among families, friends, neighbors, and communities for generations.

  2749. Melissa on

    What a strong, inspiring woman. I love how she worked hard to make her pursuits in life succeed. It’s touching how she encourages others to connect with each other helping to maintain roses and how you can still learn something new no matter your age.

  2750. Judit on

    She is totally right:
    1. we have to keep moving, “stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development”.
    2. gardening is about sharing

    Thank you for the interview!

  2751. Brooke Hall on

    I was so inspired by her reflecting on making the most out of life and never thinking it is too late. I am so inspired by how she started this endeavor at 60 and continued it for almost 4 decades. I also love her sweet advice of not staying isolated. This interview put the biggest smile on my face.

  2752. Claudette Aubart on

    I so enjoyed her comments about 60 years old and still having one-third of her life to go. So willing to follow wherever her life leads her. I am 62 and realized just this past year I want to do this also! So cut flower farming it is and may I say that this series has inspired me to definitely add many roses to my gardens! So many wonderful memories of my childhood!

  2753. Gina Bally-Auguste on

    As a beginner in Rose gardening, which one of Anne’s books will you recommend that I purchase?
    I have about 12 Rose plants in my garden where I live in New Jersey.
    I will like to know how to properly prune my roses .

    Thank you very much.

  2754. Julie Clites on

    Her comment about not being to old to start a new passion.
    Just get out of bed and keep learning. She is inspiring!

  2755. Grace Erickson on

    What wasn’t inspiring? I loved how it’s never to late to start something! It’s easy to think it’s to late but it really never is.

  2756. Chelsey Crawford on

    “Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job”

    This line spoke to me and further confirms what my mother has taught me by her own words and actions. She was raised in the construction industry and has always worked outside building houses and hanging siding. I work with her from time to time and still witness surprised faces who encounter a woman who knows just as much, sometimes more, than her male counterparts in the field and can swing a hammer with the best of them. Reading Anne’s interview reminded me a lot of my mom. The world needs more women to realize that men aren’t the only ones who can work in physically demanding careers.

    Anne was an inspiration. I hope her story reaches far and wide!

  2757. Jennifer Petritz on

    Such an inspiration! My favorite part of the interview is where Anne says that nearly anything is possible with effort and determination. It’s easy to give up on things when they become hard- building resilience means that you take it as a challenge and keep moving forward.

  2758. Maureen Van Ness on

    Gardens are for sharing with others. Love that. A garden is for beauty and provision, not just for you, or your family, but for many and for the world. (You do a good job of this, too, Erin). Thank you for this interview, for sharing her life and work with us.

  2759. Sheryl Killingsworth on

    I’m now 63 (how did that happen so quickly?!). I loved her advice “to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development. ”. During this pandemic, it has been sooo easy to get in the habit of isolating oneself. I recently became a Master Gardener. Not to share my knowledge but to gain knowledge! I love the friendships that develop with a shared interest. You have something to discuss that is more than how your grandkids are doing. Thank you for sharing Anne’s life story with us

  2760. Britt on

    I love Anne’s thoughts on sharing the beauty that binds us! Roses bring us all together, watching them grow and nurturing the plant, and our friendships at the same time.

  2761. Hedy on

    “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. “
    So easy to let that negative voice in your head from keeping you from following your dreams, no matter how big.

  2762. Geri Webb on

    I was truly inspired by the entire interview. I particularly liked her statement, “ Do not underestimate what you are capable of.” I have to keep reminding myself that I can accomplish more than I give myself credit for. What a glimpse into a very inspiring individual! Thank you.

  2763. Emily on

    “ I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.” What an amazing way to remind oneself to just start! I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know the one who holds it and we will never create something amazing like Anne did without first starting:). Thank you for releasing this interview!

  2764. Belinda on

    “You can do anything a man can do” My take on this is not to ever limit yourself – quit making excuses, you may surprise yourself!

  2765. Stacey McPhee on

    It was most inspiring to be reminded that, God willing, there is still a lot of life to be lived starting at 60. I am 56 years old and can easily relate to Anne’s words, it seems so old!
    Thank you for sharing this life story, the connection to flowers, and reminding us all that it is never too late to start a garden.
    ~An admirer from Maryland.

  2766. Jill on

    Wow! I think one of the most inspiring parts is starting something new, no matter age. For the past 10 years we’ve been pursuing my husband’s medical dreams, moving every few years for it. It’s been hard for me to feel like I can start anything for myself now we’re almost done, and 40. But Anne inspires me to know it’s never too late! And I love that she shares advice on going about doing it. “be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    Thanks Anne for being such an inspiration in so many ways!

  2767. Belinda Pronkewich on

    “You can do anything a man can do” My take on this is not to ever limit yourself – quit making excuses, you may surprise yourself!

  2768. Shari Froelich on

    Her story about delving into a new passion at age 60 resonated with me as I began my own journey into the garden at 66. Many thought I was too old and considered my retirement years to be foolish and too strenuous as their ideal was to focus on travel and other things that now allowed freedom from the confines of a structured job. Covid certainly had a role in my choice, but now just a year into this endeavor, it’s one that I can’t imagine my life without. I hope that I’m blessed to have 30+ years to finally do something that I’ve longed to do since my early 20’s!

  2769. Linda Paxton on

    Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.
    Know yourself and your talents and limitations. I am 67 and still figuring this out! Sometimes I err on the underestimating but sometimes on the overestimating!

  2770. Donna on

    At first I thought the part of the interview where she said “First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. . . .” but the more I thought about it the more I was amazed by her entire life and outlook of life. I went back and reread her interview, she must have truly been an amazing women.

  2771. Regena Young on

    I too like Anne found my passion for growing at the age of sixty. After being a 24/7 Mother for 43 straight years (raised my four and before they were all raised I began taking 3 grandchildren who are now young adults. As a single parent I felt as if all my energies and attention needed to be
    For my children and never try explored what talents or passions buried within my green soul. All have flown the nest now and the last three years have been about being in my favorite rooms on the property which are my newly developing gardens. At this
    Point I have no roses but after reading the Rose series, I can’t wait to get an English rose plant or two. Anne is so correct in saying you are never too old.

  2772. Kathryn Carlson on

    Wow she’s an amazing and inspiring woman! “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship.” I loved this! This is exactly how I was inspired to create my own rose garden, that I’ve intentionally planted in my front yard for all my neighbors to enjoy.

  2773. Suzanne on

    I love her energy and her advice to share the beauty of her gardens with the community. My favorite phrase is “Don’t be stingy!”
    Thank you for introducing Ann Belovich to your readers.

  2774. Gretchen on

    I love that she doesn’t think her passion for roses started to late in life. People always say their to old to start over or start something new and that’s just not true! Her determination and ability to learn and apply (like wiring a house or framing one) is so inspirational.

  2775. Rosalia Beachy on

    Oh my goodness what a story! Thank you for sharing! What inspires me is the fact that she started at 60! Truly never too late to start your dreams.

  2776. Iraide Garai on

    “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing.”

    These is what I should repeat myself every morning…. I think I will tattoo it on my forehead!
    This was such a beautiful and inspiring story, thank you for sharing it.

  2777. Deb Scholz on

    What a wonderful woman and thank you Erin for documenting this spectacular garden! Would never have known her story or of her books without your efforts. I love roses as well, but am starting over and will take Anne’s advice to heart! Thank you for sharing.

  2778. Tara Lichtenberg on

    I loved Anne’s insistence that women are capable of doing things that are often thought to be done by men alone. It’s important to hear these words, especially from someone who lived through even more challenges on this front than many of us do today. Thank you for sharing Anne’s beautiful words. Her story is an inspiration and has already made my day productive!

  2779. Bi Bi Stone on

    “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that. For example, I bought and used a wall jack on a house I was building to lift the walls into place all by myself. “
    I sent this to my daughter who is a firefighter and aspiring real estate project manager !!!

  2780. Gail on

    “ I remember when I turned 60. I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.”

    Anne’s passion for roses began in her 60s and yet she managed to accomplish more in the years following than most do in a lifetime! Newly retired and in my mid 60s, Anne has inspired me to keep learning and to continually explore new interests. Creating a website at age 97? I’m impressed beyond words.

  2781. Shelley Blair on

    Don’t be stingy. It’s an act of love…of friendship. It’s a legacy.
    My beautiful Grandma always gave you a cutting, a rose from her garden. Her favourites were Just Joey. When she was dying she made me promise to buy myself a bunch of roses on her birthday every year. And every year I do…I am not stingy, they are her love and friendship and keeps her legacy alive .

  2782. Dip G on

    What an inspiring story and a good reminder to all of us that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and work towards that goal. Another advice that really resonated with me was about sharing. Making friends, inviting neighbors has somehow been lost in the world we live in today but I believe that doesn’t matter whatever the hobby you can grow the community by sharing. Thank you Erin for this wonderful blog post. Definitely adding couple of her books to my collection.

  2783. Pamela Gill on

    “you meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time.”
    Everything about this interview is so inspiring! I’m turning 57 this year and have often wondered if it’s “too late” to achieve some of my goals (like flower farming) yet I press on!

  2784. Julie Carroll on

    I love this interview. What speaks to me the most is that I’m 62 and so many women that I know just retire and go inside and watch tv and I SO want to spend my last third of my life gardening and keeping bees. I want very much to have acres of land, but even if I stay where I am I want my yard to be magical and wonderful and so the part I love the most is her encouragement to just do what makes you happy. I love that.

  2785. Roxie Holland on

    Wow. What a beautiful woman!! To have gone through so much adversity and still do what she loves. I admire that so much. I agree get out of bed and stay connect is so important right now. My garden started as something to give me the want to get out of bed. A purpose with beauty. Not knowing that it would bring my husband and myself so much closer and almost back to that feeling when we first married. Before all the worries of raising a family and having to pay bills. But, just enjoy beauty in our small garden.

  2786. Gina Hamilton on

    Oh my goodness, she must’ve been an amazing woman! I was so inspired by her statement about how you are never too old to follow your dreams… “ commit yourself to lifelong learning and skill development .” That was exactly what I needed to hear. I’m about to be 57 and began my flower farm 2 yrs ago. I’m currently taking tge gloret workshop online because I too believe you must always keep learning and improving. Thank you so much for sharing her story!

  2787. Lilli Wicks on

    “To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”
    I love this sentiment- to share and see the joy other people can get from gardening is as much of a pleasure as doing it for yourself

  2788. Susan R Degener on

    What inspired me most is that she started collecting and planting her roses after turning 60. (not to mention she also built homes by herself!) I keep wondering if I will be able to keep up my garden later in life, maybe I should make my garden simpler, so it is easier to maintain, and perhaps stop buying new plants and seeds and bulbs. It is a difficult balance, continueing to improve your garden, but also keeping within a range you can manage.

  2789. Jenny on

    This interview is so inspiring! I loved – First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. I’d love to read Anne’s books! Please enter me to win.

  2790. Jeana Nieves on

    I am turning 56 on January 19th and some days I feel very old. Hearing Anne talk about how much life she lived after 60 is inspiring and exciting to me. Anne is a treasure and wonderful example. Thank you so much for sharing her story.

  2791. Sage Bear on

    I love her spirit! Be involved. Don’t isolate yourself….don’t limit yourself. Sounds like a life well lived. Not a victim of her circumstances. I’d love to know more.

  2792. Kristen W. on

    These comments are everything! I like knowing there are others of you out there who are feeling this magic this morning too. Thanks, Erin!

  2793. Shannon Johnson on

    Wow! What an amazing inspiration! As someone in their early 40’s, I often worry that I should have started doing some things I wanted to do earlier in life. But to start such an amazing rose garden and learn to build houses at 60…that is something.

    I loved the part you quoted that said, “Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.” I also loved her advice for a long life, “keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

  2794. Sandra Mans on

    Anne’s comments about following your passions after age 60 were so inspiring to me! Having a third of her life to pursue and learn, and take on and develop new skills was exciting to me. I love the idea of having a big dream now and seeing it to fruition leaving a rich, well -deserved legacy for the next generation! I plan to follow her path as I look out on this part of my life.

  2795. Mandy Jantz on

    What an inspirational lady! She sounds so incredible as does the life she lived! This is what touched me – “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” Living like that, how can one not be inspired with so many dreams for life? I think i just might hang that comment up on my wall.

  2796. Jolie Bootsman on

    Wow, what a beautiful soul! You can just feel her charisma and joy of life! Just reading her interview has intrigued and inspired me to do some research and plan on a rose garden. This will also help preserve my grandmother’s love of roses that I took for granted up till this very day. Thank you for sharing this amazing lady’s story with us.

  2797. Katy Giffault on

    Erin, THANK YOU THANK YOU for this four part series! You and Anne share such courage and bright shining dreams that show how just one person can make a difference in the world and impact so many lives — I am also over 60 and have been following you for years — own all your books and am at the ready on my computer the minute the seed sale starts — my dahlia seeds that came with my book are awesome so I bought more last week– I am now inspired to look at roses more carefully as i have gone a bit nuts on dahlias with my 100 plants this year !!

    So what most inspires me and why i want to win the books is Anne’s advice to not be afraid
    to gather up all you can and learn as much as you can on a passion
    go to the library and build on your dream in a way that is practical — it reminds me of the bible verse: ” having the faith the size of a mustard seed– the smallest tiny mustard seed when it is grown will be greater than all the herbs and become a tree so that the birds of the air come a lodge in it’s branches” I am so inspired by Anne’s idea to plant ramblers at the base of trees and watch them grow I cannot wait to try it!

    It was also very powerful to read about her commitment to animals and saving them. There is so much about her and you too Erin that I will admire the rest of my life. And by the way the way you work with your team and the AMAZING Becky ( miss her) is also awe inspiring!


  2798. Karen Larson on

    I’m so glad I got up early this morning, grabbed a cup of coffee and decided this was the first thing I’d read this morning. Her complete story is inspiring. I recently turned 60 and consider myself active so her advice to get up, go out side, do the work and enjoy your life no matter what stage you’re in rang true. I hope I still have another 1/3 of my life to live.
    Erin, I found you on instagram last winter. I bought your dahlia book and planted my first dahlia garden last summer. I tagged and highlighted pages of extreme importance and kept it open for reference. I’m hoping to expand again in 2022. More dahlias? Roses ? Who knows. I’ve always had a small vegetable garden with a smattering of easy care perennial gardens throughout our farmyard in MN. One wound think that my age would be a reason to downsize but my husband and I have retired from farming so now I have a reason to expand….more time for what I love.

  2799. Pam on

    “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need, get the books, take the classes.” I was so inspired by her outlook on life. Having turned 63, it is delightful to think on and plan a third act.

  2800. Tricia on

    What a wonderful person. To be so full of life at 97.

  2801. Alaine on

    What a wonderful interview. I’m inspired by her energy and enthusiasm. As I undertake a career change it’s inspiring to read all that she’s accomplished.

  2802. Hedy on

    I do not believe that your meeting her was by accident, Erin! At one point, she had said she wanted to start her venture into technology by starting” a blog”. I believe you are her legacy in that wish. With things still left to do on her life list this will ensure that her name will not only be spoken but also read about from the cloud as well as the hand held books. I hope “more of her” is transcribed into the cloud as her roses are transplanted into the ground. May her name and what it stands for be forever remembered …. starting with your beautiful series on your love of roses …. her roses and her.

    You are one of her main legacies. Thank you for sharing her …. and all of her many life pedals …. like a rose.

  2803. Kristen W. on

    Tears on my cheeks. Gosh. Thank you Anne… and thank you Team Floret for rolling up for sleeves and remapping and propagating..: and thank you Erin for writing this blog series and taking the time to preserve more of Anne’s legacy. I love when my peer group takes the time to learn from the other generations.

    “ My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.”

    I really needed to read this today. Been dealing with the blues and recently watched a Ted talk on ways to overcome anxiety and depression. The thesis was that we need other people. Isolation isn’t healthy. Putting more lunch dates and coffee talks on the calendar this year. Time to reconnect.

  2804. Maria Baldwin on

    Oh how I love learning of Anne Belovich. Now I want to build a house! Her inspiring words will remain with me as I continue to develop my gardens (and my future building projects!)

  2805. Laura on

    Her bravery and determination in sailing from New Zealand to California, especially at that time, inspires me and is an incredible part of Anne’s story. Thank you for sharing this interview and for opening a window onto this extraordinary life.

  2806. Janet Clifford on

    Don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what you want. Ever since I can remember I have been doing things that are traditionally done by a man. I can swing a hammer better than most men and have installed a septic system, windows and doors. Mixed cement for porch footings and then nailed down the boards for the porch floor and ceiling. I have finished a house by putting hundreds of sheets of wallboard and done hours and hours of painting. Outside I have created more than 20 garden beds, planted trees,.bushes and lots of flowers including roses.

  2807. Suzanne on

    Don’t isolate yourself. This is easy to do (even before the time of COVID). Life is busy and everything can seem “important” to get done but being and sharing life with others is so vital.


    Thanks again for sharing this wonderful woman’s story and giving me more directions to explore and grow.

  2809. Paula Smeltzer on

    I love this advice, especially the “keep moving” part, which has been my own mantra for several years. “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family.”

  2810. Lisa Amidon on

    It’s hard to choose just one part of her interview that is inspiring as she has an amazing presence & love for life letting nothing stop her dreams. I found her statement “commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development” to be inspirational – never stop living or trying new things!

  2811. Annalisa Pedraza on

    I love how this woman spent her life giving- of her friendship, of her knowledge, of her passion. She made the world a beautiful place, literally. Embodied in her cuttings is not just a propagated rose, but also the imprint of her essence. I loved her advice for staying vital all your life: “Keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself),…”

  2812. Joy on

    As a 53 year old, I found her words about the last third of her life inspiring to keep learning and growing as I get closer to my “senior years.”

  2813. Karen Houston on

    Loved reading this interview. She sounds like an amazing woman….spunky, thoughtful, and determined. As an over 60 myself, I loved to hear that she didn’t let her age or lack of biceps stop her from pursuing her dreams. I find great happiness and fulfillment in my days spent in my garden and love sharing it with others, so I understand her passion. I have always wanted a greenhouse….perhaps I should just look into building one myself!

  2814. Gina Griffin on

    What a wonderful, wise and generous woman!! This….this spoke to me, as I know my lurking inner voice can takeover:
    First, don’t let being a woman stop you from doing what is traditionally seen as a man’s job unless you really need a constant supply of testosterone to achieve your goal. Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams and fight the prejudice where you find it. Look carefully for the same prejudice in yourself. It could be lurking there without you realizing it and could cause you to not believe in yourself and to restrict you from following a difficult goal.

  2815. Kathy Hansford on

    I love where she said when she turned 60, she thought she was old. I’m 61 and I felt that way for awhile, but realized this is one of the best times of my life! I have the time now and I have good health so, cheers to planting more flowers and spending more time outside. Thank you for sharing this inspirational story.

  2816. Katherine on

    A definite takeaway is the paragraph around how to stay motivated! “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” The other portion of this is her looking back and putting her own life into perspective; it is easy to feel like it is “too late” to set new goals, pursue dreams, change careers, but in one/five/ten/twenty years, so much can be accomplished! Her sage advice is inspiring and definitely something to meditate on.

  2817. Kay on

    Anne’s advice for living is sage. Too many associate the later years with stagnation. Anne is proof that when you live every single day to the fullest, you experience an abundant life.

  2818. Chris Wells on

    What an amazing woman! I would have never known about her if not for you Erin. Gardening has come to me rather late in life and growing roses even later. The inspiration I take from Anne, is that even though I am in my 70’s I have so much life to live yet! Always keep moving and learning! Thanks for this wonderful series on roses.

  2819. Betsy on

    “Keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself),…” brought me to tears. Life seems so busy and her words are a beautiful reminder to stay connected in any way possible, even when “time” seems to elude you. I have met so many wonderful people, near and far, through gardening so when she speaks of building friendships in the garden, it really resonated with me. The reality is, when we’re growing plants, flowers, veggies, we are also growing personally, growing friendships, growing connections and growing knowledge. These are hands down some of my favorite posts of yours ever published.

  2820. Amy Clements on

    At 97 she was planning a website. This lady had no intention of leaving this earth. She must have been something.

  2821. Patty Grove on

    What a beautiful interview, highlighting such a beautiful spirit. As an older gardener, her response to life after 60 was so inspiring!

  2822. Stacey & Matt Ragan on

    Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.
    How incredible, such truth!! The gardening world is always so open and friendly in my experience.

  2823. Deborah Pratt-Weersink on

    So often you hear of a story like this and the person seems to have come from a position of privilege. From the beginning she seems to have been someone who followed her heart, and did so with such determination that adversity didn’t stop her. Inspiring indeed. Thanks for bringing this story to us. My 60 is looking younger all the time.

  2824. timmy dittrich on

    Such a valuable piece, Erin. Much more than a gardening feature here. When I read this exchange, I walked away, once again, convinced as to why this IS the “Greatest Generation.” Thank You to them and thank you, Erin.

  2825. Cassandre on

    How can one not be inspire by her wonderful life. The strength she possessed to be a young women, a new mother and widow . The life she created for herself is so inspiring.
    Thank you for sharing her story 🤍

  2826. Aj on

    What a lovely woman.

    I think many of us fall in love with gardening even if we didn’t begin that way as children.

    She shows us it is never too late to begin a new adventure.

  2827. Shannon Charles on

    I loved reading this part of the interview!

    “You can do anything a man can do except those things that require a lot of strength…I think I said ‘big biceps’ in there. However, you can even figure out how to use mechanical means to overcome that. For example, I bought and used a wall jack on a house I was building to lift the walls into place all by myself.  

    You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else. ”

    So true and smart finding wise ways to get your dreams done with applying one’s idea’s and following through to make it work and inspire other’s with recommendations! 💪

  2828. Connie North on

    What a remarkable woman and such an inspiration. Erin you must treasure your time well spent with her. What a gift!! My dream is to have a cut rose garden! I’m 54 and my body isn’t as young as it used to be, it moves slower, hurts a little more and takes a little longer to recover than it used to. My age has made me question the reality of beginning this dream now! Anne is inspiring!!
    “I pursued many dreams after turning 60, including starting my own contracting company and building over 25 (mostly Victorian style) houses, traveling the world, and my study of the older roses. It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams.”

    I’ll be planting the first of many roses this May!!

  2829. Stephanie Barrus on

    Although it has been said before, the last few years have taken its toll on me mentally and physically. I was reading this post in bed and loved Anne’s advice to get out of bed and follow my dreams. I’m going to start today. Thank you Anne and Erin!

  2830. Tamara Swanson on

    What an inspiration. It’s so very simple, isn’t it. You can do anything you want. “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” Thank you for this interview and series.

  2831. Amanda Wright on

    What a lovely story & Anne seems like an absolutely wonderful woman. I love her determination to do so many things in her life, and bet her garden is a sight to behold ✨

  2832. Barbara Rivera on

    Does this task require big biceps or a beard to accomplish it? I will keep this in mind as I go about my day!! Love her.

  2833. Peg on

    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” Just think what our world would be like if we all took that advice. Keep moving and always learn something…LOVE it!

  2834. Nicole McCulloch on

    I like her advice on how to live life to the fullest. Get out of bed go to lunch with friends and commit to being a life long learner who build skills. I have just entered gardening the last few years and I find it a place bursting with knowledge and curiosity and I always can’t wait to learn more.

  2835. Edie Boyer on

    I love everything about her, what an amazing, smart, beautiful person! I loved that she loves to support local business and that she loved to share her cuttings. She cares so much for animals as well and I could just go on about her! She lived a great life because she chose to and now she is a part of our history and always will be in the flower world! God bless her family and friends forever!

  2836. Renee Parker on

    I love that she concurred traditional gender roles with grace and determination. She is such a role model for everyone.

  2837. Diane on

    Life long learning and skill development…. It made me ponder that you are never too old to learn and try new things. What an inspiration she is for her independence and fortitude to keep going.

  2838. Jean Krusinski on

    This paragraph says so much and provides great inspiration: “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.” When my 35 year career came to a close 10 years ago, I saw it as new opportunities opening up. When people ask “Are you retired?” I answer, without explanation, “No, I’m refreshing!” Anne Belovich’s interview inspires me to KEEP ON….

  2839. Andrea on

    What an amazing woman! I loved how she learned to overcome ‘big biceps’, her tenacity shows us there really no excuses for not achieving our dreams.

  2840. Shellie on

    Anne sounds like a woman I would have loved to know. I love her quote: “You can meet and exceed your goals if you prepare yourself over time. You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.” It’s perfect since I am studying for the bar exam. I am 53 and just finished law school, so Anne’s story reassures me that making this career change might not be so crazy after all.

  2841. Erika on

    The idea that anyone can do anything if they choose to study and learn

  2842. Carrie on

    “Determine what it is you want to do and then acquire any skills or knowledge that you are going to need.” I think that says a lot about how to live a truly full life and to keep learning, moving, growing, and to go for it. Than you for introducing me to a gardener that I was not aware of – very inspirational comments in there.

  2843. Penny Beal on

    Once, if you’re lucky, you’ll meet someone who turns the world around to a new way of seeing things. You were so lucky to have met this extraordinary woman-a true renaissance woman. I’m not sure where this might take me, but indeed getting out of bed (where I am right now at 6:30 a.m. in the pitch dark northern winter), but it’s a start. Roses inspire me and finding those that will thrive here in zone 3 is a challenge, but, no biceps or beards required!

  2844. Zoe Marks on

    I’m so moved by her generosity and how it has come back to her in the form of her rose garden living on, in her honor, but equally, in recognition of her achievements, at the ARS. It made me want to know more about how Floret will be honoring her as her roses fill your gorgeous fields. Do you plan to donate the proceeds of her roses to her legacy projects? It would be a fitting and fruitful tribute!

  2845. Cassie Diemert on

    What an inspiring woman! I connected with her thoughts on age. “I thought 60 was so old. That was almost 37 years ago, well over one-third of my lifetime so far.” She talks about living a third of her life after 60. Starting her own contracting business and building over 25 homes. I haven’t met a single soul that has done such a thing or even speaks the thoughts. She never stopped living. She believed in herself and new she was capable of anything.

  2846. Marianne Gately on

    What an inspiration!! I loved her outlook on life, how she followed her dreams, and her love of learning! Three things for me to remember as I try to age gracefully and completely. Her life speaks of staying connected, being involved, and volunteering in your community as well as growing a garden that inspires you.

  2847. Barbara on

    So many great quotes to pull from this! As a 40 year old female, I am inspired by the feminist message and the idea that you’re never too old to start a new adventure!

  2848. Shannon on

    Very in spring! Love “You can’t become a rocket scientist without a great deal of study, and neither can anyone else.”

  2849. Lovina on

    Her emphasis on generosity inspires me, and her motivation to pursue dreams at a later age. What an amazing woman!

  2850. Christine Davies on

    It was a beautiful article written by a wonderful woman. Unassuming but also inspiring.

    I think that her comment about ‘So many memories tie us all together’ is my favourite phrase because gardening, and for me growing roses and cut flowers, is the best way of making friends and sharing the joy of flower growing.

  2851. Jamie Rodden on

    Words to live by:

    “However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy.”

    Thank you for sharing the interview with us. She sounds like an amazing woman. I definitely want to read her books now.

  2852. Amanda Hayes on

    “Next, you should try to know yourself, your talents, and limitations, but be careful to not underestimate what you are capable of doing. Becoming a rocket scientist will be a difficult goal if you struggle with math, but maybe some remedial instruction in math would help you overcome the problem. I learned to navigate the old-fashioned way with a sextant even though I didn’t learn my number combinations when I was a child because of constant moving and now I compute manually with difficulty”

    I’ve been thinking of pursuing a dream using more of my talents for creativity. Her story inspired me. I also loved the part where she didnt start growing roses until she was 60! It may not be easy, but it will be worth it! I would have loved to have met her in person!

  2853. Edie Cassell on

    I too want to start my garden and small-scale cut flower business at the age of 58. I’ve been talking about it for years and finally had the courage and opportunity to move from the inner city to a piece of land big enough to support my dreams.
    Your interview with Anne Belovich has inspired me to keep my doubts at bay and start each new day with a reminder: follow the big goals, don’t restrict yourself, prepare and keep moving forward, with love.

  2854. Angie Jones on

    I love her perspective on 60 not really being too old to start someone new as she looks back at all she accomplished in her last 37 years. Her determination to learn and take on new projects throughout her life is inspiring for those of us who are getting older and still looking for meaningful and exciting projects to work on!

  2855. Jess on

    I loved that Anne felt like it was never too late to try new things (as I very much feel the same).

  2856. Nic james-moore on

    ‘Keep moving..stay open to new ideas …..don’t be stingy’ – wise words from a very inspirational woman.

  2857. Marija Vujcic on

    What a treasure this was to read – thank you!! I turn 60 this year and even though I have a garden already I will pursue my dream of having more roses inspired by Anne and her story and spirit.

  2858. Catherine on

    What a wonderful lady. I appreciate you sharing with us her story, especially the encouragement to women to live their dreams. I will be 69 years old this year and am just buying my first investment property. You inspire me. Living the dream.

  2859. Susan Volz on

    I loved her comment about ‘not being stingey’ and sharing. This brings back many memories of my late mum whose great pleasure was to walk you through her garden ….she would recall who she got this cutting off and when….as a youngster…I would think to myself….oh yeh!! Then I got my first cutting from a friends mother….I then understood….friendships and pleasure through sharing ….in my Mum’s final months my rose garden put on the most spectacular display …she was bed ridden and every day I visited, I took multiple bouquets of roses. We would share where it was planted, where I got it from… the bond/friendship through flowers lasts forever….in giving we receive and now I love sharing cuttings with friends who visit my garden…it is particularly special when it is a cutting from a plant that Mum helped me strike before we moved to our farm….another act of sharing….you just can’t share enough

  2860. Nageen Mir on

    Wow, what an inspiring interview. Incredibly moved and inspired by her passion for lifelong learning and zeal for life.

  2861. Barbara Badetti Palumbo on

    “Then, be willing to spend some time and energy preparing for what you want to do. I owe much of my success to this one.”

    This definitely resonated with me, preparation is very important for transforming your dreams into reality!

  2862. Brenda Barrone on

    I liked how she encouraged sharing! That is the best part of any type of gardening. I have not grown many roses in the past, but am inspired to try again.

  2863. Pamela G Bond on

    All of it I just love to learn about people who inspire others in the pursuit of knowledge. And digging in the dirt has been a life long passion so any time I can acquire new knowledge for my passion well it can’t get any better than a library full of books on the wonderful delightful rose.

  2864. Jennifer Ferrell on

    I found the her response to “ In your book, A Voyage of Determination, which chronicles your incredible adventure sailing your beloved boat from New Zealand to California, you share your formula for achieving any difficult goal” a very power and positive message for women. I plan to compose a message for my direct reports and women colleagues with her message and a link to your post. Plus her message about 60 being young! Keep learning keep going forward.

  2865. Cindy Thompson on

    I too have always said I can do anything if physically able so I was so surprised to read she felt the same way. I have truly enjoyed all parts of this four-part series and especially getting to know her and can’t wait to read her books in hopes that I too can accomplish some of the amazing things in the rest of my life on my one acre of heaven. Thank you for the series and inspiration I feel.

  2866. Amanda Miller on

    wow anne what an inspiration! i think the biggest inspiration is building houses at 60 so cool. The whole concept of not needing a man is probably what struck with me. I moved to Australia at age 21 and took in managing a dairy farm. I was the only woman there and never did i once meet another woman in Ag while i lived there. Since then i’ve told myself, you can do anything because nothing is or will be as hard as australia. i think we need those challenges sometimes to see what our limits really are.

  2867. Adele Judson on

    Wow! So inspiring and motivating, I’m 61 and feel I need to start something new after reading her story. No excuses not to!

  2868. Wendi DuBois on

    “You can do anything a man can do…..” I am inspired by the incredible work that she took on through her life, but especially after the age of 60. I also turn 60 this year, making the decision to change my life by leaving a job that I’ve loved to create beauty in another way that can be shared with different people. Many times I’ve told myself that “I’m too old” to turn my passion for flowers into a new way of life, but Anne amply demonstrates how attainable dreams can be if you give your all to the endeavor, and always find ways to share the joy with others.

  2869. Cecilia Lawrence on

    What part doesn’t inspire me?? What a wonderful woman and her outlook on life – just amazing! Reading this today was the reaffirmation I needed to stop underestimating myself. It’s amazing how going on the journey to create beautiful gardens at home has opened up a world full of inspiring people that I otherwise would have never known about!

  2870. Merry Buchanan on

    “Ask yourself if the activity requires big biceps and a beard. If not, go ahead with your dreams …”
    Anne echos what you and Jill say all the time—be kind to yourself and don’t let your own thoughts get in the way of your own successes. Loved this interview. What a stellar lady, rosarian, and preserver of nature.

  2871. Beth Schreibman Gehring on

    For me it was this….” Anne: Keep them watered, fertilized, and in a place with lots of sunshine. Roses, especially the old roses, are very easy to grow. However, inviting people into your gardens and sharing is perhaps most important. Don’t be stingy. To inspire and introduce people to the beauty of old roses and sending cuttings of roses into their home gardens, is an act of love … of friendship. This is the greatest legacy”

    My father loved his old roses, and generously shared his knowledge and cuttings with anyone that came into his gardens. He would have said exactly the same thing. Roses are by their very nature some of the most generous of plants and they love to make friends. I was so touched to read her words… what an extraordinary spirit. I wish I had known her❤️ Thank you for this wonderful series…

  2872. Samantha on

    It is never too late to act on your goals and dreams – such a wonderful reminder

  2873. Ann C on

    I loved that she said that both you and anyone else can both become rocket scientists through lots of study, that it’s not just for those who are extremely intelligent.

  2874. Shelly Eckels on

    Anne is an inspiration for so many reasons in this article. I connect with her lifelong desire to learn and that this desire takes you down extraordinary paths. There are chapters to life—Anne’s reads like a novel you can’t put down.

  2875. Jessica Jolly on

    I so resonate with her comment about not letting age or gender
    limit your goals. I started my own business in my early 50s and it has slowly built and built. I am a brand new gardener (pandemic) and am really encouraged by the fact she started her rose venture at 60. I turn 60 this year, and have been (slightly) discomfited by the number. After reading this article, I feel empowered. My husband and I have named our nascent garden Kew West, mostly as a slight mockery of our vast ambitions! But now I have a role model!!!

  2876. Lisa on

    I really enjoyed this interview, and the part that resonated with me the most is her views on how to persevere in the face of prejudices. As an engineer, I face similar prejudices daily as a woman in a male dominated field. I recently moved to a new home and plan to transform our yard into a charming garden, and I love having the opportunity to learn from experts in the field.

  2877. Sally Ervin-Mabry on


    “My advice is to keep moving, stay out of bed, go out to lunch and visit with friends and family (don’t isolate yourself), read and stay up to date with current events, be open to new ideas, and commit yourself to life-long learning and skill development.

    In fact, I am about to launch my own website and blog. I’ve always wanted my own website and I don’t think it’s too late to do this. I bought my own domain last week.”

    Such simple practical advice and evidence of someone who does what she says. Buying your own domain at 97!! Wow. Clear evidence of forward thinking.

  2878. Hayley Barrett on

    I love that she is breaking gender barriers even at 97. What a legendary way to live life and inspire people to connect with others and preserve roses. Absolutely precious.
    And her attitude of sharing.
    What a gem.

  2879. Jodi Solt on

    What an amazing lady and what a great example! I loved her advice to keep moving, stay out of bed, be social and to be open to new idea! What a life, no wonder she lived for so long!


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