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October 7th 2017

Plant tulips now for beautiful spring blooms

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Tulips are an incredibly diverse family of plants. Some have fringed petals, others have pointed ones, and some are so ruffled and full that they are commonly mistaken for peonies. Some varieties even carry a soft, subtle scent. With so many wonderful qualities, it’s no wonder that tulips are one of the most popular cut flowers on the market. Because they are one of the easiest spring bulbs you can grow, tulips are a mainstay in the spring cutting garden. Here at Floret we plant tens of thousands of them each year.

I love the double-flowered and parrot types, as I find the standard tulip shapes a bit boring. I am drawn to the exotic, unusual and showy types that really make a bouquet stand out.

I’m always on the lookout for tulips and other flower varieties that you can’t get just anywhere. This is particularly important given the fact that our little 2-acre farm is surrounded by plantation-sized tulip farms that mass-produce inexpensive common tulips. Even though Floret is a tiny fish in a big sea of flower growers in Skagit Valley, we have been able to compete and get better prices per stem because we grow tulips that are available earlier and are totally different than the kind available in the mass market.

Tulip Planting Tips for Gardeners

There are a few different methods for growing these showy spring bloomers, depending on whether you simply want to add color to your spring landscape or harvest them in abundance as cut flowers. No matter how you plant them, be sure to pick a spot that gets full sun and doesn’t have any standing water, since really wet soil will encourage disease and rot.

In the garden, tulips make the most impact when planted en masse. For a real show, I recommend ditching the bulb planter and plant bulbs in clusters of at least 10. Use a shovel to dig down and remove 6 inches of soil in the area where you plan to plant. Mix in a little organic bulb fertilizer and compost, and then plant your bulbs roughly three times as deep as they are tall. Tulips can be planted quite close, less than an inch from each other. Once your bulbs are securely in place, water deeply and then refill the hole with the soil you removed earlier. Add a few inches of well rotted compost on top to act as a mulch. Be sure to insert some type of stake so you remember where you planted them.

Tips for Flower Farmers

As a small-scale, high intensity flower farm, we approach tulip production differently than home gardeners and treat tulips as annuals. We plant thousands of tulips every year utilizing a technique that involves digging out long 3ft. wide, 6″ deep trenches. We set the bulbs in very close together, but not actually touching–sort of  like eggs in an egg carton. This allows us to fit an enormous number of flowers in a very tiny space. We plant the majority of our tulips in our unheated hoop houses, followed by a smaller outdoor field planting. The tulips grown in the hoop house bloom nearly a month earlier than bulbs planted outdoors, extending our harvest window to nearly two full months.

Once the flowers start to bloom in the spring, we harvest the tulip–bulb and all– for maximum stem length, storage and vase life. That means we need to re-plant new bulbs each fall in order to have consistent high quality blooms. If the flower is harvested but the bulb is left in the ground, the tulip *may* bloom in subsequent years but it is typically of diminished quality, which unfortunately just doesn’t cut it for commercial production.  Plus, since we have space constraints, we try to maximize every square foot of soil we have available.

Once our tulip harvest is complete in the spring, we clear the bed and prep the soil by adding organic fertilizer and a thick layer of compost. We then will transplant a new crop into that same bed, typically heat-loving tender annuals. Utilizing this high intensity technique enables us to produce two crops in the same bed over the course of the same growing season.

Tulip Harvesting & Care Tips

As the flowers start to push up through the soil in the spring, it’s important to keep the beds weeded and also start watering more regularly, if your area is dry.

For the longest vase life, harvest tulips before the flowers have fully opened, ideally just as the buds are just beginning to show color.

If you are a home gardener and want to perennialize your tulips, it’s important to leave at least two sets of leaves on the stem when harvesting in order to replenish the bulb and give it energy to bloom the following season. Just note that blooms may be of lesser quality in subsequent years.

Again, flower farmers typically pull the entire plant up bulb and all during harvest. Pulling bulbs is relatively easy in our sandy soil. Harvesting in heavier clay soils, however, may require the help of a shovel.

With the bulb attached, tulips can be stored dry for up to one month in the cooler, because they are still connected to their food source.  We re-use bulb crates to store our tulips with bulbs attached and standing them upright in the cooler. When it’s time to use them, we cut off the bulb and place stems into water with flower food.

Tulips tend to curve a bit after harvest. To encourage upright stems, wrap the top two-thirds of the flower in a paper funnel and stand upright in water for a few hours.

Tulips have a naturally long vase life, and many varieties can last up to a week and a half. Adding flower preservative also furthers vase life.

Once fully hydrated, fresh-cut tulip stems continue to elongate for a few days, so if you’re making a bouquet or arrangement, be sure to tuck the flowers deeper into your design than seems necessary with this in mind.

Floret's Favorites

This spring, I conducted field trials on over three dozen tulip cultivars. I am always on the lookout for new (or new-to-me) flowers that grow well and that have great stem length and vase life. And if they come in uncommon colors, particularly the subtle hues coveted by floral designers, that is icing on the cake.

Here’s a roundup of my latest favorites:

Black Hero: This unique, fully double black variety is a sport of Queen of the Night. Its tall, strong stems and dark coloring make it an awesome addition to large scale, dramatic arrangements.

Charming Beauty: The name couldn’t be more true, this farm-fresh egg yolk yellow double flowered variety is an excellent addition to spring arrangements. It’s tricky to find good yellow blooms, and the soft, glowing petals of this unique variety make it a must-grow.

Drumline: Unique in coloring, this tulip reminds us of Christmastime and peppermint candies. Petals are deep red at the base, fading from rosy to ivory white at the tips. A showy choice ideal for cut flower arranging with a long vase life and tall, strong stems. A favorite with everyone who visits the farm in April.

Renown Unique: The very last variety to bloom in our garden, this peony flowered beauty is the top requested variety we grow. Each massive stem is topped with a fully ruffled, watermelon colored flower that is commonly mistaken for a peony. Be sure to harvest after the flowers have started to open, otherwise it won’t be as richly colored.

Santander: Like a vibrant pink teacup from Alice in Wonderland, this feminine tulip starts in the bud stage as peach-blush. As the fringe edged petals open and turn cotton candy pink, they reveal a blue throat and black anthers. Strong, long stems and large flower heads along with a uniform growth habit make this a winner for design work.

Professor Rontgen: The largest flowered parrot variety I’ve ever grown, this beast is a real show stopper. Fist sized buds open to huge, vivid tangerine-toned flowers that look amazing en mass or mixed into Dutch still life inspired bouquets. If you can only grow one parrot, make this one it!

A few other noteworthy favorites are Salmon Parrot and ‘Sensual Touch’. You can many of these favorites and more over in the Floret Shop.

Reader Favorites

What kinds of bulbs do you have in your garden? Any new ones you’re planting this year?  I’d love to know about some of your favorites in the comments below.

Congratulations to blog commenters: Laura V.,  Missy G., kelcimcintosh, Lori M., and Heather for winning our Floret bulb giveaway!


  1. melissa on

    Hi there Erin!

    I followed all your guidelines about planting tulips and followed the breeders timeline for appropriate planting time but my foxy foxtrot bulbs are starting to bloom but are super short and super small. I’m in Colorado zone 5b. Do you have some ideas on why this may have happened? I’m so bummed!

  2. deepika on

    i love your all post …

  3. Christobel. on

    I loved your post. I have been trying to decide whether or not to purchase some tulip bulbs for planting. Is it too late to plant them in Georgia? I hope not. They’re beautiful. I would also like to put them in containers as that is the only available space I have. Will they still workout if I do so?

  4. Alissa Cockroft on

    Hi Erin!

    This post has been very helpful! I’m planting my first tulips now! ? Question: do you water your tulips throughout the winter, or just the one time after you plant them. I live in Colorado, a very dry climate.
    Thank you!


    • Team Floret on

      Hi Alissa, We don’t do any additional watering of our tulips after planting them. Happy gardening!

  5. Farah on

    Thank you for a post packed with info! While I know that the optimum tulip bulb size for cut flower production is 12/+ cm, the only ones I can get my hands on are 11/12 cm. I’m wondering if this might be sufficient or will the flowers be of so much inferior quality to be marketable?

  6. Sara on

    I’m curious about what you do with the bulbs after your harvest if you don’t replant them. Can you still sell them as bulbs for fall planting, or do they get tossed?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Sarah, we do not re-sell bulbs after harvesting them, as they will have diminished quality the second year.

  7. ESTHER on

    This year I planted Green wave Parrot tulips and Estella Rijnveld tulips. So excited to see what they will look like come spring.

  8. Jordan Baigas on

    I’m most excited about planting Charming Beauty (as per your recommendation). And hyacinth, as always, for the sweet fragrance. So grateful for all your wisdom – thank you for sharing.

  9. Sherry on

    This year I added replete daffodils to my dad’s daffodil patch. Hopefully he will be surprise at the new addition to his patch.

  10. Samantha Howard on

    I have paperwhites and daffodils. Trying ranunculus for the first time and some tulips too! even though everyone has told me they may not grow here- it’s pretty cold up the mountain so I’m giving it a go!

  11. Tessa Field on

    I have no bulbs yet ? Planning for some hyacinths, daffodils, and tulips this year!

  12. Rhonda Howell on

    Will tulips grow well in a large container? I have been invaded by moles. I am digging and replanting my bulbs in containers before lose them all. I certainly don’t want to lose the bulbs I just got from you. I have another question for you. Miss Hattie’s dahlias were always said to have been transplanted from the original farm in Pike County that was built in 1835. I didn’t think dahlia’s were native to the US. Is it possible they came with them in 1799 when they first came here from England? I am heart broken that we no longer have any of the dahlias. But I do have her Iris growing in my yard and they smell like grape lemonade. And some heirloom daffodils that have been generating for over 100 years. The frilly ones that look like carnations.
    You are doing a wonderful job of representing yourself. I find my self looking forward to posts and blogs. Its very hard to make a personal connection on line that is authentic. I have found myself being proud of you guys in a “Look what my children did” kinda “put it on the refrigerator door” kinda way. With a little help and sell of some ironwork my yard will someday be one Miss Hattie would approve of!

    Everything I find on Moles is awful! Any suggestions? Rhonda

    • Barbara Ottolino on

      Tulips grow VERY well in containers – the bigger the better. Use big black nursery pots which are free – local landscapers will give them to you. If you have heavy soil, tulips do BEST in pots. Originating in Iran and other dry cold environments, where they grow in gravel, they can be given the proper environment in pots – kept dry in summer after foliage ripens by storing them inside or under your porch. If your space is very limited, use a deep pot and plant in layers – bottom layer upside down, mid layer sideways, and top layer correctly. The layers will bloom 2 weeks apart – each layer being replaced by the next layer’s blooms just as the previous layer begins to decline. If you plant layers, treat them as annuals. You will harvest huge blooms safe from animals, perhaps on your balcony! 100 fit well into a relatively small pot if planted in layers. Buy inexpensively from Colorblends or Van Engelen for great quality and prices for your first try. We purchase from these companies for our landscape clients’ plantings and for their spring containers. Van Engelen offers great cultural information.

  13. Missy on

    Great article thx! We mainly have daffodils since we have so many deer. But this year we just put up fenced garden so can indulge in tulips – my fave!

  14. Holly Hagy on

    I only have freesias in my garden but this year I am trying tulips! I am very excited to try them! I always do paperwhites indoors too. I grow tons of roses so the tulips will give me much needed variety. I have other flowers too…flowers are heaven!

  15. Arina on

    Hi, I really appreciate that you share your knowledge about tulip planting! While I was reading, I question kept lingering in my mind “but what do you do with them bulbs after harvesting the tulips? discard them? or Is it possible to re-plant them in the fall?”

  16. joanne major on

    I have Iris plants and tried tulips but they didn’t come up

  17. Leela on

    I just have a few tulips. No plans for more unless I win :)

  18. Sue Hull on

    I live in an apt. My sister bought a house and she has beautiful roses. She loves tulips so these bulbs would be a wonderful gift. Thank you for the chance!

  19. Nancy Bowers on

    I had beautiful iris but the voles ate them.

  20. kelly woods on

    Mums, I love mums in the fall. thank you

  21. Pam C. on

    We just moved to Florida last winter. The only bulbs we were able to bring with us were a variety of irises. They will be lovely, but I miss our tulips. It would be awesome to have some in our flower garden.

  22. Elsie Brockett on

    I am celebrating with a new garden of tulips! Can’t wait to plant bulbs and watch the snow, feed the birds, and watch the seasons go….til spring arrives and my tulips thrive! Hope to win and get me started!?????

  23. Jeanne Coulombe on

    Oh I love the tulips you have in the photo’s they are so beautiful. I just have regular yellow and white and pink tulips. I want to expand my tulip garden this year I would love to plant different types of tulips.

  24. Cheryl B on

    This past Spring, I added tulips and daffodils to my flower bed.

  25. Audrey Stewart on

    I have Crown Imperials, Allium ‘Globemaster’, Allium ‘Globemaster’ and Allium ‘Globemaster’.

  26. Liza Plaisted on

    i didnt plant this year so some tulips would look nice

  27. Shandi Messmer on

    I have tulips but I really want to plant some new ones this year!

  28. Marcia Goss on

    I don’t have any now. I would like to plant some daffodils this year.

  29. Gricelda Castro on

    I don’t have any bulbs planted currently but I want to put some tulips in this year!

  30. Amber cheras on

    I have tulips so far but i really want to expand my garden !

  31. angie w on

    I haven’t really planted bulbs – I’ve mostly just done veggie and herb gardening. I’d love to try some tulips and other bulbs!

  32. Ann on

    I have tulips, daffodils, iris reticulata, hyacinth, grape hyacinth, chionidoxia, frittilaria, species crocus (tommies – the squirrels eat all the others), lilies, and various alliums. And I always want more – you can never have enough bulbs/flowers!

  33. Darlene Owen on

    The only bulbs I have in my garden are tulips.

  34. Stephanie Phelps on

    I just bought a few of the tulips and we also have irises, daffodils, and lily. I love flowers and love to see them grow!

  35. Kat Emerick on

    I added some tulips so I can have more in the spring. I love tulips!

  36. Charlene Canfield on

    The only bulb plants I have are Hosta plants. I would love to incorporate something with color.
    Your flowers above are beautiful.

  37. Laurajj on

    I have purple heart hostas now, but that is the only bulb I have planted. I normally do annuals, and decided that I would love to do bulbs that come back each year. Tulips are so beautiful in the spring!

  38. Katie Bellamy on

    I have lots & lots of pink & yellow tulips! My favorite!

  39. Jayedee Dewitt on

    I absolutely adore daffodils! I love looking out on a sea of daffodils in a naturalized planting!!!

  40. gala on

    In our backyard we have narcissus and tulips bulbs scattered about. It’s amazing how much love they can bring into your life

  41. Eve on

    I’m branching out and trying a few new ones this year–Eremuras and some species lilies… Hopefully they are not a bust! Usually I do tons of research before buying but these I’m just going to try a few and see!

  42. Kristin C on

    My daughter helped me plant some tulip bulbs last fall. It was so fun to see the joy she got when she finally saw them come up.

  43. Laura V on

    I didn’t see my comment load, so here I go again… Right now, because we are intending to move from Southern California to Colorado, we did not plant as many things as we usually do. We have some fruit trees, veggies (not many), and a couple of bulbs. Although, we are only growing two bulbs in the garden this year, they are very special, because; One of them was my Santa Clause gift on our first Christmas as a married couple (Almost 8 years ago). In fact I call it ‘The Santa Clause flower’, which is really a deep red Amaryllis, but I love it so very much. The second one is a hard to find Lily, which I can’t write the name here, because I suspect that your page has a filter, and probably the reason why my previous comment did not get published, lol. The lily was here before we got married, and even though we removed it to plant edibles and herbs, my husband saved 3. The problem was that he forgot all about them, and were hiding somewhere in the garage until I found them a few months ago. Obviously, I started freaking out, because it had been at least 3 years since those lilies came out of the ground, and I hate it when some of our plants die. I am the type of gardener that wants to save endangered plants, and plant every seed I can find, lol. The good news is that at least 1 survived, and right now, it is growing again: phew, that was close. Especially, because as I said, it is very hard to find, believe me, I’ve looked everywhere online as we waited to see if it would grow. I couldn’t find it anywhere, but at least we have that one, which we hope to propagate intensely once we move to our new home next spring. Still, even if we haven’t planted much this season, due to our moving plans and lack of space, we have been planning our garden for the move, since the space over there is HUGE, and we are also going to be looking for land to build an organically and sustainable farm, so that we can offer our community healthy choices of food, and why not? Beautiful blooms! I bought your book a couple of months ago, and got very inspired to follow your path, since the information shared in it is priceless. For that, I am very grateful, so thank you very much. I already have my little stash of cut flower seeds, a couple of tulip bulb varieties (Blumex, Rococo, and Darwin Apricot), and some Anemones (including a variety I just bought from you, super yay!). Since my birthday is also coming up next week, I might be getting some Ranunculus as well, and I am so excited about those too! With that being said; thank you for this opportunity and for the kindness you share. I hope it multiplies with loads of continuous success for you and the whole floret family. Crossing fingers, so I can eventually pay it forwards as well. Cheers!

  44. tree tiemeyer on

    i have daffodils, crocus and Star of Bethlehem. i planted tulips a few years ago, but they never came back. i also have some gladiolus, ornamental alliums and Asian Lilies. If i think about it i can probably come up with more. i grow a lot of perennials and forget which ones are bulbs and which are tubers. i would love to add some more bulbs to my garden. One can never have too many flowers. thanks for the chance!

  45. kathy Persons on

    I have perrennial tulips assorted daffodils crocuses and alliums

  46. Leah Shumack on

    My roses are my pride and joy flowers every year! This year we tried our hand at sunflowers but they didn’t get above knee high before they died off :(

  47. Linda M Adams on

    My favorite bulb is Erlicheer ( a double tazetta) that comes back every year and freesias. I live in San Diego so many bulbs that grow north don’t grow here or it is a one time deal and we have to refrigerate something like tulips or hyacinth for six weeks. Most daffodils have a difficult time returning the next year as well Sometimes it doesn’t get to 32 degrees here. On the other hand we can leave amaryllis outside and they usually bloom about October. I also grow anenomes , clivia, naked ladies, and ornithogalum.

  48. Janice B on

    I am entering this for my parents. I am not sure what types of bulbs they have but I do know they have tulips. My dad is the gardener of the family so he is the one who deals with all of the plants.

  49. Julia on

    This is my first year I planted a cutting garden. I am hooked! I can’t wait to add seasonal blooms that will give me fresh cut flowers from March until November. Daffodils are my favorite spring bulb. I am looking to plant multiple varieties. As a child my mom always had fresh cut daffodils in the house. It was a sign of the seasons changing and a bright future. I now have a baby of my own and can’t wait to pass on this reminder that spring has arrived and the start of new beginnings!

  50. Bea Alexandra on

    For my birthday in September my husband always purchases me tulip bulbs that we plant together in October. I prefer he do this instead of buying a bouquet so we have something to do together and look forward to.

  51. Nick on

    When we moved into our new house a few years ago, we transformed a yard full of old overgrown evergreen and holly bushes into a colorful mix of flowers and growing bulbs were a big part of that. The project really awakened a love for gardening in our family!

  52. Alicia on

    We bought our house 3 years ago and there are dozens of narcissus bulbs scattered about. At first I didn’t love them as I don’t really care for that bright shade of yellow, but I’ve come to look forward to their arrival each spring as a kind of hello from the previous owner. I’m adding a handful of new tulips from the Floret sale as well as a variety of random bulbs I’ve picked up here and there—the packages of bulbs at the grocery store and my local garden shop are too hard to resist when they’re right in front of me!

  53. Amelia on

    This is my first year farming flowers at a family farm on the southern Oregon coast and I am excited to add tulips to the mix! I am especially looking forward to the emergence of an early planting of Professor Rontgen after a long, rainy winter.

  54. Kathy Piscopo on

    I tend to stick to Darwin tulips, as I hate digging up and keeping track of tulips overwinter. My husband’s favorite is Apeldoorn and mine is Pink Impression. I tried to buy some on the site Monday, but as I was checking out, the Professor Rontgen sold out :( I did order some anemones and ranunculus to try!

  55. Ashley C on

    We moved last year and missed planting any bulbs. I was just telling my husband we need to play some daylily bulbs that I have!

  56. Cassie on

    Last year was my first year growing flowers and I started seeds in January so I completely missed the bulb part! I ordered lots of narcissus and tulips this year though. I can’t wait for spring flowers ??

  57. Megan on

    I don’t have any bulbs planted currently. We bought our house 2 summers ago, but we just redid our front beds. So I’m really looking forward to planting some tulip bulbs.

  58. Cheryl Morgan on

    I LOVE ranunculus and tulips. Unfortunately, so do the squirrels, groundhogs and rabbits. So this year, I have vowed to fence the flower garden in and perhaps hire an armed guard to watch over my garden. I have read many tips on how to keep these critters at bay, but I have decided the best way is to run out there like a stark raving lunatic after them!

  59. Kelsey on

    Hello! I have not grown any bulbs yet- only just seeds- but my bulb list keeps getting longer! I will be trying several types of tulips this Fall to get a start. The varieties in your shop are just. so. good. Thanks for all of the great info!

  60. Sheila N. on

    We just bought a house (so much room for flowers) – and I just planted a big patch of daffodils. They’re the generic, big-bag variety that you get at the home improvement store, but after a long Maine winter, all daffodils look gorgeous.

  61. Amber Villarreal on

    We are just starting our small hobby farm and I went crazy with new bulbs this year. We have planted tulips, daffodils, anemone and ranunculus so far. If I can manage to keep them alive in our heavy clay soil, I hope to add more exotic types in the years to come.

    • Katrina Brockavich on

      We have a small garden with mostly shrubs but we do have a beautiful rose bush, and some more color would look fantastic!

  62. Kelsey on

    Thanks for all the insight! I still haven’t taken the plunge and bought more this year yet, but I’ve been eyeing up some new daffodils like replete to try this fall. Thanks for the opportunity of a giveaway ? Also, one question- do you plant anything over your dafs once they are done blooming or do you just leave them in the ground and keep the ground bare?

    • Barbara Ottolino on

      Plant Daylilies over Narcissus – perfect companions as foliage shape is similar and daylily foliage obscures declining narcissus foliage. Should you wish to plant more bulbs in fall, say in wide beds, daylilies can be lifted (at any time of year) without affecting their health. Opt for early, mid season, and late season daylilies – same for daffodils. Order landscaper packages of naturalizing narcissus from wholesale suppliers. Van Engelen lists fragrant varieties you should NOT miss. Heirloom varieties are very inexpensive and multiply rapidly. They tolerate heavy soils and are toxic to all animals – a better investment than tulips.

  63. Rhonda Bunn on

    I love tulips. This year I planted about two hundred tulip bulbs. I am hoping that they all grow!! This was my first year at growing cut flowers and I would like to grow tulips to sell also so this next spring is my trial year.

  64. Fontaine Carolyn on

    As a passionate, although new gardener, I purchased anemones this year. Your posts are so helpful, inspiring my confidence that I too can achieve success.

  65. Heather on

    I have gladiolus, the yellow daffodils that come up on their own and some tulips I got at a wedding years ago. I’m ready to get serious about bulbs and I’m looking forward to planting more especially frittilaria.

  66. Heather on

    I have some gladiolus and the yellow daffodils that are everywhere in western Oregon and a few tulips I got as a wedding favor at a friends wedding I attended a few years ago! I’m excited to add new varieties to my garden this year though….hopefully frittilaria especially.

  67. mb meadows on

    Thanks so much for your inspiring photos and words of wisdom/experience that you so willingly share. I will have lots of daffodils next year – and NO tulips :( – as one of our dogs seem to love the colorful blooms of tulips and gerbera daisies!! I will be going into my third year as a cut flower grower and am expanding my varieties as we open up a bit more land to plant. Replete was one of my favorites last year and I’m looking to add several varieties in one bed that will then be planted in quick growing annuals once the greenery dies back. Again – many thanks to you and your crew for keeping me looking forward to trying new things! :-)

  68. Karen G on

    We have a number of daffodil varieties, some that have been on the farm forever and others that are recent additions. I am hoping to add more alliums to the mix of spring blooms. They hold in the cooler incredibly well making them useful for a long period of time. (I finally tossed a Star of Persia allium that was lurking in the cooler since June!)

  69. amelia davis on

    We *just* closed a new house and there are no tulips yet- perfect timing to plant bulbs! My favorite bulbs are the orange and salmon parrot tulips and the peachy delnashaugh daffodils. The more the better…I just love a thick cluster of all the warm-toned spring hues.

  70. Mal on

    I have daffodils and irises planted in the front and side yards. I’d like to add some tulips, grape hyacinth, crocus to add to the beautiful spring succession of flowers!

  71. David Holifield on

    This is my firs year to really go all into bulbs. I’ve grown Irises and a few Narcissus but am anxious to try Anemones and Renunculus for the first time. I am also looking forward to trying to get several Dahlia tubers from you this spring! I am crazy about Dahlias!

  72. Brittany on

    Tip-toeing through the still-wet grass to gather an armful of nodding blooms is a brand new kind of joy. How could I have known the potential of each tiny packet of seed and every crinkled bag of bulbs? Flowers were a mysterious art that seemed untouchable before this year – then, out of nowhere, I practically closed my eyes and leapt in. Dahlias, zinnias, sunflowers.. yes, the simple ones, but how can the cheery face of a sunflower not brighten the day? And how incredible is the slow-motion beauty of a dahlia unfurling? The joy is contagious. Even now the tiny bulbs of the allium, anemone, and crocus sit patiently waiting to be tucked into their winter home to prepare for their showy arrival in the still-cold spring. Tip-toeing may perhaps have to be done in boots and gloves, but who knew the joy that picking one perfect flower could bring? ^_^

  73. Emily on

    I’m excited to plant Sir Winston Churchill this fall! It will be such a pretty addition to the “normal” types that were planted by owners prier. I’m stoked to add this variety to my cutting garden!

  74. juliekayrouse on

    I am going to try anemones and narcissus this year! I have never planted bulbs before, so I’m excited to try it this year. We just bought a house after a few years of renting, so I am so excited to invest in the land knowing we will be here for a little while.

  75. audracordell on

    I have anemones, ranunculus, tulips, and daffodils planted in my garden currently (all from your shop last year!!). I would love to add some more!!

  76. Diane on

    I just moved to a new home and thankfully have a little garden space :) I get to grow and design and have some great plants already in place! No true bulbs yet, but had some gorgeous gladiolas and a few irises that I hope have gorgeous flowers. Looking for some gorgeous tulips to fill in. I know they can spread like crazy, but my mom used to have some muscari that always made me so happy in the spring. Might have to do a little planter and see how they grow here. Would be an *amazing* treat to start off my new home with a goody box from floret farms! Thanks for the beautiful bulbs/seeds, flowers, and know-how you’ve cultivated :)

  77. April Holder on

    This is my first year planting…anything! I came across your blog last month and have eagerly eaten up every word. After subscribing and receiving your newsletter I literally could not sleep on Oct. 8th as I waited for your bulbs to go on sale. I ordered three varieties of your beautiful ranunculus bulbs and cannot wait to plant. I live in a zone 4 so they will have to wait several months but your story has been so inspiring. There are no local growers in my area so I’m hoping to get a spot in a workshop next year to help me become a flower farmer.

  78. Kelly on

    I have the traditional yellow daffodils that were gifted to me from my husband’s Aunt. I’m thrilled to be adding some new varieties for next year – especially Replete…so pretty! Also giving ranunculus and anemone a try for the first time! I would love to try even more!!

  79. Pam Gregg on

    Moving to a farm when the nest became empty, I expanded my plant collection both inside and out. After a lifetime of growing things and recently becoming a Master Gardener, I imagined myself a flower farmer in retirement and ‘presto’ I found your website….packed with so much helpful information, even a beginner can find success. Strooling thru your shop yesterday, I chose several varieties of bulbs and will try anemone, ranunculus and parrot tulips for the first time, here is middle Tennessee. Thanks for your detailed instructions, beautiful images, and inspiring post.

  80. hannah robertson on

    My mom and I cherish planting bulbs each year. We used to go crazy over the tulip bulbs, but with our humid summers and frequent mole visits, we decided to try out daffodils instead. We have several varieties of daffodils- where my mom’s favorite is yellow on yellow, and mine is white center on yellow. This year I purchased new narcissus from our favorite local nursery, hoping for great success. Can’t wait to plant these! I will always cherish the days of expecting spring bulbs and planting with my mom in the fall.

  81. Cindy Garcia on

    I love your site and what you are doing. I would love to do the same on a small scope of course. I have infected my boys with the gardening bug too. We just moved out to an acre and always invisioned on having a large garden. So far we have beautiful alliums that I love along with tulips and gladiolus and bearded irises and bulb iris. It’s awesome to see someone taking the forefront of this movement. Thank you for the inspiration.

  82. Amber on

    I have tried bulbs from the big box stores and have had limited success. I had almost given up. Inspired by Floret and the tips Erin has provided, I am excited to try the anemone mix and ranunculus this year. Thank you for making the time to write instructions for growing in various climates!

    • Barbara Ottolino on

      Big box store bulbs usually do not do well because they have not been stored at proper temperatures while offered for sale. Purchase in volume from wholesalers who store them properly, provide proper cultural information, and send you mammoth bulbs at the proper time for planting at a fraction of the price you pay at local nurseries. Your local botanic garden offers classes and provide you with names of THEIR suppliers. That is how I started. The botanic garden’s library contains catalogues from all their suppliers where you will find fabulous, sturdy, fragrant bulbs for 1/3 the price you pay at big box stores. No large botanic garden near? Plan your next vacation so you can spend a day at the nearest one.

  83. C Nickelson on

    One of my favorites it the Narcicus, “Poetica”, which thrives on my farmstead where previous owners planted them over 80 years ago.

  84. Bonnie Lipscomb on

    I currently have three kinds of narcissus (but just ordered about 8 new varieties from your online shop along with some tulips, anemones and ranunculus—can’t wait to plant!). Also have asssorted irises and anemones.

  85. M. W. Gillis on

    First bulbs I planted, years ago, were basic. Tulips: early. single. red, yellow and daffodils. In time I moved to whites, pinks, purples still singles but graduated from planting them in a single rows to planting them in drifts. Still and always there are daffodils: large, small, tall and short dotted in my garden. Fat, double, pink peony-full tulips and single late whites then became my obsession along with black Queen of the Night. Now: 2018 will be about color and shape: reds, tangerine, watermelon pink, blacks with tall, strong stems, parrots, fringed, ruffled, full doubles, peony shaped, late blooming bliss.

  86. Monika on

    Just visited Keukenhof this past spring picked up a packet of deep purple tulips that I recently planted. The bulb you’re offering look like they belong there… great variety! I purchased the black and white anemone and pastel ranunculus so so excited for them :)!

  87. Monika on

    Visited Keukenhof this past spring and picked up a packet of deep purple tulips that I just planted. The bulbs you’re offering look like they belong there…great selection! Just bought the black and white anemones and pastel ranunculus which I’m so so excited for :)!

  88. joy on

    I have some daffodils, the common yellow ones and paperwhite narcissus. I love the cheerful yellow and the fragrance of the paperwhites when I bring them into the house.

  89. M. W. Gillis, on

    When I first planted tulips I choose basic reds, yellow, whites and they were singles and early. Later I paid more attention to early, middle, late spring and branched out to colors more in harmony with my roses: light pinks, whites, dark purples. Each year I included anemones, daffodils, Dutch Iris, bearded Iris. Another year I tried peony-flowered doubles in pink but I didn’t like the short stems. This fall in planning for my spring garden I knew I wanted vibrant color and exciting shapes: oranges, bright pinks, purples, deep reds and lilies, parrots, fringed and tall doubles. I’m excited for a riot of tulips in 2018.

  90. Kathy on

    We have daffs, crocus, frittalaria, tulips, anemones, and a few alliums. Seems like each spring, something doesn’t come back and it’s a good excuse this time of year to try planting something new… just remembering what’s already where is the tricky bit. :)

  91. Haley C on

    I’m planting my first bulbs this year! Narcissus sir winston churchill, pink charm and replete :)

  92. Melissa on

    We have no bulbs at this point. We moved into our new house last October. I love tulips and daffodils. So excited to get some Drumline & Santander tulips for our new flower beds!

  93. Annette on

    My boys (ages 8 and 3) and I are planting 700 tulip bulbs, 300 daffodils, and an assortment of other fun things. We have never ever purchased any of these bulbs to plant before. Every bulb in our garden until now was once part of an Easter or Mother’s Day gift that we planted outside after the plants faded. Thank you for guiding us!

  94. Nina Koch on

    Hi Erin!!??
    I read your book “Floret’s Farm’s Cut Flower Garden” ?
    It was awesome. I learned so much more about gardening through reading your book. You have accomplished so much. That’s what I call, “Girl Power”!????
    I ordered your ranunculus bulbs today. This will be a first for me growing them. They are my absolute favorite flower ? I am looking forward to seeing them bloom!
    Thank you so much for inspiring me and other Gardners!!

  95. Nina Koch on

    Nina Koch
    Hi Erin!!!??
    I read your book Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden?. It is awesome. I have learned so much about gardening through reading your book. I think you are so amazing with everything that you have accomplished. That’s what I call “Girl Power”! ??
    I ordered your ranunculus bulbs today. They are my absolute favorite flower. I am so looking forward to growing them.
    Thank you so much for inspiring me and all of us gardeners. Keep up the good – hard work!!

  96. Jillian Aldridge on

    I don’t have any Bulbs yet. We are slowly filling in our landscape and my flower bed every year. I nabbed 2 tulip varieties, 2 narcissus and one batch of ranunculus. I’m excited to get them in the ground!

  97. J Bremer on

    I have at least 14 varieties of daffodils/narcissus and never tire of them. I was bummed because you sold out so fast today and it just happened to be one of those busy days – now I know to put in my wishlist and be prepared! I don’t plant many tulips because somehow or another the voles seem to get them but I love them!

  98. Elizabeth on

    We have such long, cold, monochromatic winters (oh the whiteness!) that I’m planting the largest, brightest tulips and daffodils I can find. Then I’m going to harvest them all in great beautiful bunches and give them to my color-starved friends so we can be thankful for spring!

  99. Cindy K on

    We’re planting Rococo after seeing them in your book!

  100. Liz H on

    I’m adding purple alliums to my garden for next year. I love their globe shape, and an added bonus is that they may deter rodents (such as the groundhogs that eat out of my flower garden). I think they will bloom later than my red tulips do, so the colors can keep going.

  101. Andrea on

    I have hesitated to plant bulbs because I have so many deer coming through my yard. I’m going to plant them if I win. Thank you for the giveaway.

  102. Marilyn on

    I have some of your white anemones planted and they are so lovely. This fall I will plant the champagne ranunculus!

  103. Beth H. on

    I mostly have daffodils from the big box store. The tulips are usually planted in pots on my deck as the deer love to eat them before I can enjoy the bloom.

  104. V Barron on

    I usually don’t plant tulips but I splurged this year with Santander and Belicia. I could not resist-beautiful!

  105. Marcia Weatherell on

    Looking forward to Professor Rontgen and Narcissus Replete. You book and blog and an inspiration.

  106. Penelope on

    Hi, I ordered your book a couple months ago and ordered bulbs this morning. So this afternoon I got out the book and read it! (especially the chapter on bulbs) which was excellent, so I’m all ready when the bulbs are delivered. The photographs are excellent. I can’t wait to get started!

  107. C Aldersong on

    I have a few tulips and a few narcissus, but am planting lots and lots more for next year! Excited to add some ranunculus as well.

  108. Larissa on

    Thank you so much for sharing all these tips with us. I didn’t realize I should put fertilizer in with the bulbs when I plant- I will be doing that this fall. I’m really excited for next spring because I got my hands on a couple new bulb varieties and I will be planting them this time around (I got too busy last fall and missed the window to plant spring bulbs- although I did sneak some into the ground in early spring and had a horde of daffodils three weeks after everyone’s had died back). Really excited about planting those HUGE purple allium balls, soft pastel pink and peach tulips, and the Replete double flower narcissus I just ordered! Thank you Floret! It’ll be beautiful. :)

    • Barbara Ottolino on

      When your allium go to seed, cut and dry them indoors where fragile balls are not damaged by early summer rains. I spray paint them – vivid violet, then display with BIG chartreuse hosta leaves. Or paint them silver and stick stalks into your Christmas as they do at the Missouri Botanic Gardens. See Sarah Raven’s U-Tube video about silver painted allium Schuberti – 12″ across – in winter arrangements.

  109. Taylor S. on

    Hello! Just wanted to say how lovely your shop is and how excited I am to purchase seeds and dahlias from you. I just moved to New Hampshire and have a new flower garden that I am creating. I have already planted some bulbs this year including, pink, white, and yellow daffodils, Tulip Angelique, and Tulip Charming Beauty. I was hoping to get tulip Belicia from your shop but unfortunately it sold out so quickly! I now know that I will have to wake up early and be quick on January 2nd when you have your seeds and dahlias in stock. Cannot wait!


  110. Missy G on

    We just moved to a new home, and are excited to plant some flowers; I think we will do some tulips. My friend gave me some great ones last year, and I’d love to have more than just that small patch.

  111. Amy Miller on

    I have a serious flower addiction that’s only growing stronger, especially thanks to everything I’ve learned from Floret! I already grow a few varieties of parrot and single tulips, as well as some daffodils. Today I would have gladly bought every variety of bulb in the Floret shop, but I forced myself to limit. :-) I ordered the black and white anemone and yellow ranunculus, two varieties I’ve been dying to try but I’ve never found locally. I could barely contain my excitement after the order went through, I literally could hardly stay in my chair! Spring can’t come soon enough!

    The new shop was a completely smooth experience for me, thank you for all the hard work! I appreciate so much the beauty you’re bringing into this world!

  112. Andrea Kurzman-McNamara on

    Hey, I’m Drea! – a newbie, (50 in June -what?!?) who’s been on your list for a while…. however, this is my first day SCOURING thru your website and stories and shop and pictures – for the past 2 some hours, when I was meaning to ‘go the store in a moment’. That’s my MO as my hubby would agree.
    I am a native ny-er (Manhattan/Yorkville are), a commercial casting director who’s been transplanted to Woodstock, NY. We moved so our daughter, Lily – nearing 11yrs., could grow up in the country. And, we wanted more space, etc.
    But, “what the #%!* should I do now?” was all I could think. And think….
    GARDEN. LEARN POTTERY. That’s ultimately what I did;) “Woa, how will you cast from up there”, my old friends have repeatedly asked. “I won’t!”
    It was Lily who yelled, “my mom will take a plot!” at the community garden party we attended our first month here… 6 yrs. ago now.
    I surprised everyone MOSTLY ME when my little 10×10 plot became a lush thing of design and beauty — one I had no idea I could make!
    I planted 6 peony plants (LOL) that 1st year, because I had no clue then that it took seasons to grow and flower… But, I brought those 6 originals with me when our home was finally ready and then I built the garden I have today…. with tulips, those 6 huge peony bushes amongst the many veggies and many other flowers I adore.
    Oh, yes you can plant them all together – they love each other! The help one another grow – I’m sure of it.
    I am absolutely, officially your newest, biggest fan. You’ve inspired me so, as i sit here on this rainy fall day – still 74 degrees out (a lily JUST bloomed 2 days ago!) We are at a total crossroad in our lives and I’m feeling really positive after reading some of your beautiful life story. Ideas are swirling in my head.
    I think I can buy the last ranunculus and the last tulips you’ve got! Everything was sold out! Good for you! As soon as you post when your workshops will be, I will be signing up. Thank you for more than you’ll ever know!
    With warmest regards,
    P.S. I’ll be planting YOUR bulbs in my garden;) pics will come…:)

  113. Phil on

    We are planting lots of daffodils (we belong to the Washington Daffodil Society), tulips including new-to-us Victoria’s Secret, and unusual alliums. We are also trying, for the first time, your fritillaria–love the checkered-plum look. We also wanted to let you know that your dahlias, including Valley Rust Bucket, Maarn, Cornel Bronze, and Jowey Winnie, are still going strong! They were awesome!!

  114. Carol Smith on

    I have some daffodil bulbs from New Zealand to plant this fall, a few are: Sulphur Monarch, Stormy Weather, Red Socks and Sabre. Over the years I have have planted numerous kinds of daffodils, a few tulips and some crocus to welcome spring of 2018.

  115. Peggy on

    In my garden, Lilac Wonder colicium is blooming now, along with pink cyclamen. I grew a lot of white Thalia daffodils in gallon pots this year, moved them around. Can’t bear to plant more Caldwell Banker bulbs, too harsh a yellow, even if they are complimentary! Must plant tulips…will be glad come spring…

  116. Kristina O. on

    I will be planting more daffodils and add more grape hyacinth. We have a small area that looks pretty wild, so I thought it would look ‘meadow-esque’ if I plant bulbs en masse. I did some planting last week and accidentally dug into a wasps nest (hiding behind a rotted wood retaining wall). I cannot lie, it was a bit traumatic and it didn’t help that as I tried to run, I stepped on my shoelace, falling pretty hard. It’s a bit comical now! Anyway, I can’t wait to see how it turns out the garden grows this spring.

  117. Laura on

    Gorgeous photos out with the new bulbs for sale! They’re drool-worthy.

    I already have several tulip bulbs in my garden, all of unknown variety that my mom gave me. I also have tons of muscari that has spread from my neighbors’ and I love it! This year I’ll be planting more alliums, primarily for my bees. :)

  118. kelcimcintosh on

    Island Time Farm will be opening this spring. Only owner run and grown flower and veggie farm on Shelter Island, NY! We will be growing ‘Champagne’ Ranunculus from Floret’s corms we harvested from this years flowers as well as the whole collection you sell this year! We are a small 1/2 acre operation, a small space with big flowers! David Howard and Waltzing Matilda Dahlias are still killin’ it out in the field and can’t wait to harvest their tubers as well as grow Cafe Au Lait this year. There is only 1 Florist on the Island, Becky and she is excited for all the sweet treats we’re going to have!!

    ‘ You Chill, We Till’


  119. Ellen L. on

    I have snowdrops! I have good luck with them, the rabbits leave them alone! I also have a few daffodils, grape hyacinths, fritillarias, and chinodoxias.

  120. Samantha on

    I don’t have any bulbs yet, but I scored some Salmon Parrot tulips from the shop this year and can’t wait to plant them and see them bloom!

  121. kelcimcintosh on

    Island Time Veggie and Flower Farm will open next Spring 2018 with ranunculus
    ‘Champagne’ from Floret’s last year corms I harvested as well as all varieties of ranunculus sold this year. Our David Howard and Waltzing Matilda Dahlias are still producing in abundance and ‘ Cafe Au Lait’ will be in abundance next summer!

    ‘You Chill, We Till’

    -Island Time Farm
    Shelter Island, NY

  122. Carla DePriest on

    Planting tulips for the 2nd year in a row – cannot wait – I love them! Trying Ranunculus and anamones this year too!

  123. Caitlin on

    We started our garden for the first time this year, and it has been so much fun! Our 2 year old especially loves cutting flowers for mom. We planted dahlias this year, and this year I hope to plant some fall bulbs for spring color. I’d love to plant Narcissus Repletes, Ranunculus Pink Picotees, Narcissus Double Pams, and some Belicias this year!

  124. Lacey on

    Three and a half years ago we were house-hunting in May and I fell head-over-heels for a 1907 white farmhouse because the giant allium were like nothing I had ever seen – delicate purple fireworks – EVERYWHERE. We bought the house and I’ve since enjoyed the tulips and daffodils that also faithfully hail Spring’s arrival each year. This year I would LOVE to start my flower farm near Leavenworth, WA with some of your varieties! Thank you for all the insights and inspiration you share!

  125. Amanda Mosso on

    I am planting Muscari flowers among white tulips this fall and I can’t wait to see how it looks! I also planted anemones last year and will be adding more to my garden this year as they are stunning in their petal detail. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous flowers and wealth of information with your readers!

  126. Tammy Thompson on

    Last year I planted narcissus, muscari, and alliums. This year I will be planting some anemone, some more narcissus and some tulips (crossing my fingers the squirrels will not dig them up,)and you will not be sold out of bulbs by the time I order, lol.

  127. Sarah H. on

    I just bought my first house and have no idea what’s in the garden! It’s a delightful mystery, and I’m excited to have my own garden that I can tend year after year. I bought the Santander tulips and Replete narcissus today and plan to put them in big planter boxes when they arrive. Will that work for them? (seriously need to know this!)

  128. Susan Walter on

    Bulb-wise there are anemones, crocus, daffodils, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, lillies & tulips – but none to compare with your offerings.
    Plenty of other plants including fruits, nuts & vegetables.

  129. Kate Carpenter on

    I have some basic daffodils that a previous owner planted, and I am eager to add more because they bring me so much joy every spring.

  130. Kathy Ward on

    I have daffodils and tulips currently. I just bought several new varieties from you this morning can’t wait to get them planted and see them in the spring.

  131. Heathyr on

    I have tulips, daffodils, muscari and am planting anemone and ranunculus now! Hoping it doesn’t get too chilly for them this winter! Trying your pastel ranunculus for the first time this year!

  132. Jane on

    I love your book and your bulbs!

  133. Brother Placidus on

    I’m currently waiting for a box of bulbs to arrive from another location. I have two lilies: “Casa Blanca” and “Brunell,” three geraniums: “Sir Winston Churchill,” “Geranium,” and some “Trevithian” a friend of mine gave me. Also on the planting agenda for bulbs is “Charming Beauty.” I am still waiting for most of those to arrive but they should be here soon!

  134. Jane on

    Love your book and your bulbs!

  135. Maura Caley on

    Yay! I love spring bulbs! I have some tulips, hyacinths, and narcissus in my garden already. This year I am looking to add more of each, especially the narcissus, ranunculus and anemones.

  136. Alexis Jorgensen on

    I love tulips because they are one of the first things that show up in my yard in the spring. They just make me happy! Last year I tried a double flowered variety for the first time and loved them, I would love to try more of them this year or some of the parrot varieties – still trying to decide!

  137. Celeste Baumgartner on

    This is the first time I will be planting bulbs for spring harvest. I’ve ordered many double flowered and parrot tulips, and a few narcissi. I’m most excited about the champagne and pastel lemon ranunculus and black and white anemones I purchased from your shop this morning! Cutting down the spent garden in the fall can be such a downer, but the anticipation of planting these bulbs has changed my outlook! Thanks Team Floret!

  138. Mary on

    This year I am excited to put in some Paul Scherer black tulips that I found, mixed together with some nice Belicia that I picked up from your shop today. I’ve got fancy grape hyacinths, plentiful crocus, and some Narcissus Sir Winston Churchill from your shop as well. I’m hoping to fill in with some annuals & start some seeds too when the time comes (your poppies, and that Sangria zinnia mix though)!

  139. Heather Andignac on

    I am planting tulips for the first time in forever! In the south, they are more trouble, but I am excited about the new parrot-types!

  140. Mary Beth Hunt on

    I have tulips planted next to my peonies and they get along pretty well!

  141. Michelle Jones on

    I purchased our home last year and there is a huge mass of daffodils along the driveway to the street that have been there for a unknown number of years. I am now learning how to care for them from reading the Floret Flower farm book! Ranunculus are my favorite flower but I have also started to love tulips once learning of the gorgeous, unique varieties. If I had the space I would plant a few of everything!

  142. Lindsey on

    Hi Floret so excited for you guys and for all new seedy goodness you’ll have for 2018! I have tulips, hyacinth, daffs, and a couple alliums. Can never have enough bulbs! ?

  143. Melissa G. on

    I love to pot up hyacinths, grape hyacinths, and tulips and place the pots where I can see them out the kitchen window.

  144. Liz on

    At my home garden I have tuberose, gladiolus and lillies. But up at my farm I plan on trying anemones, ranunculus, Sir Winston Churchill, freesia, watsonia and crocus. Thank you!

  145. Anna Price on

    I have tons of beautiful narcissus bulbs and just added some new alliums! So excited!

  146. Elizabeth on

    Adding more narcissus bulbs I dug from old house sites. Add also some grape hyacinth. Can’t wait for spring. Narcissus are my absolute favorites!!!

  147. katherine niemela on

    I’m new to bulbs, so looking forward to starting a new type of spring garden! Ranunculus are my favorite. Thanks and the shop looks great!

  148. Joanna on

    I actually just created a bed that I can’t wait to plant with some spring blooming bulbs! I’m looking to put in narcissus to mix in with the forthysia I just planted.

  149. Karen on

    I don’t grow any in my sad little condo yard, but my mom is a master gardener and has big swaths of red and yellow bi-colors. I’d love to give her some parrot and double varieties!

  150. Brittany Mundine on

    I’ve planted wisteria, hydrangeas, poppies, and peonies, but I am brand new to bulbs. I fell head over heels for flowers last year while planning my wedding and have now convinced my husband to help me start tearing up part of our backyard to start my mini flower farm! I’m so excited to get the ranunculus and narcissus I just ordered from Floret!!! Would love to have even more bulbs from you guys!

  151. Blia yang on

    I’m adding some new anemones and ranunculus to my garden. Looking forward to see how they turn out for next year.

  152. KathyG on

    I have tulips, grape hyacinth, crocus and a few daffodils. I would like to add in some ranunculus and more daffodils.

  153. Jennifer Trice on

    I moved into a house about a year and a half ago that already has a number of daffodils planted in front of the house, and last spring added some ranunculus, but I have dug more plots around the front yard and plan to add even more bulbs this fall – anemones, tulips, and more ranunculus. I never thought of myself as having a green thumb before, but your book has given me the confidence to try to create more beauty around me!

  154. Shalon on

    I am adding more parrot tulips to my growing list. They are unique and beautiful. I love Professor Rontgen and Salmon Parrot.

  155. Tara on

    I do not have a flower garden (we’ve just moved), so no current bulbs. Today I ordered: Tulip Victoria’s Secret Pink ,Tulip Exotic Emperor, Tulip Renown Unique, Tulip Santander, Tulip Blue Diamond, Tulip Black Hero, Narcissus Sir Winston Churchill, Narcissus Delnashaugh, Anemone Black & White and Narcissus Replete. I can’t wait for them to bloom!

  156. Breanna on

    I have tulips and daffodils in my garden. I tried to grow anemones and ranunculus with no luck last year so hope to have better luck this year!

  157. Shannon Russo on

    Thanks to Erin’s book and honest recount of the early years, I finally have the confidence to do over my yard this year with a goal to produce flowers for cutting and drying. All of the bulbs I’m planting are new. For tulips, I have a Darwin pastel mix, a species mix, some Queen of the Night, and finally Blue Diamond from the Floret Shop (it’s already sold out!). I also have some pastel hyacinth bulbs, Black and White Anemones (also from Floret Shop), crocus, ranunculus, and alliums. I am growing a lot from seed also: Anemone Marianne Panda and Harmony Pearl, also muscari ‘Valerie Finnis’ and a white variety. I am officially addicted to researching and growing cut flowers and I can’t wait to see their splendor come spring.

  158. Erin Reese on

    I am just starting adding bulbs to my landscape at my new house and would love some Floret bulbs!

  159. Anna Sharpe on

    I plant gladiolas every year and have many tulips that return year after year. I’m looking forward to adding different varieties of bulbs over the next couple years. Best of luck with fall planting!

  160. Nancy Smith on

    We have a lovely garden amidst the tall firs and cedars in Olympia. In our seasonal gardens, amidst my years old perennials, and miss roses, I plant an assortment of daffodils, narcissus and this year, your beautiful Ranunculus bulbs. Thank you!

  161. Cynthie on

    Crazy-about-bulbs-woman here…though I’ve only grown them in small quantities for several decades ’til moving to Arizona’s high country in 2015. Autumn of 2016 I planted over 100 (small numbers compared to your farm, I realize). Have just ordered another 100 of mixed naturalizing narcissus to add to my landscape collection. I plan to do this every year. A number of the narcissus you rave about are also my favorites!

    Tulips are a challenge here because wildlife (woodrats, ground squirrels, javalina, and deer) consider them gourmet treats!! So tulips will be limited to container gardening grown on our raised deck and screened in front porch. Haven’t started in on tulip planting yet. I do love the ‘Impression’ tulips, especially pink and salmon, plus the beautiful Menton, Apricot Beauty, Maureen, lavenders and the purple black hues. How could anyone think tulips are boring?

  162. Amber Harris on

    I never liked tulips until I saw the ones that you grow. I love the lacey edges and fluffy double blooms. This year I will be growing ranunculus (just placed my order, eeek!) dahlias, and tulips. I would love to plant some funky daffodils as well, they were my favorite flower as a child.

  163. Elizabeth on

    I have a plethora of tulips – some I inherited (probably the home depot special) and a few random pink ones lining my walkway to the house in spring. I just planted a handful of Angeliques in a new bed I just dug, though, so I’m excited for those to come up! They are co-planted with alliums and anenome

  164. Lynn on

    Trying planting ranunculus and anemones this year in the fall. In Oklahoma, it seems the heat arrives earlier every year with torrential downpours that this past summer rotted probably half of my dahlias. So, I’m trying planting these in the fall with protection if needed. SO love ordering from Floret with your different varieties from everyone else! So far; your launch is functioning great ?

  165. Alanalynn on

    Here in East Tennessee we have so many wild alliums that pop up in our yards and in grassy lots throughout the city. In addition, our neighborhood committee organized a mass planting of narcissus in the neutral ground on every street, this will be the second spring we get to enjoy them. Our own garden is fairly new and we cannot wait to get anemones, ranunculus, and tulips going.

  166. Sarah on

    We always have daffodils, but only the king Alfred!

  167. Dilaka on

    I have variety of daffodils in my garden. This year I want to try your tulip collections!! Hopefully I can grap them before they sold out. I have been checking whennit will be available constantly.,

  168. Kerri T. on

    Love this time of year! I look forward to planting 3 new varieties of tulips this year to add more color to the gray springs of Portland, OR. Most excited for Santander!

  169. Shannon on

    We recently moved to an old ranch farmhouse and have dozens of naturalized daffodils around the property. I have planted a few new bulbs here and there, anemones, crocus, and such. We will be planting ranunculus for the first time and more anemones this year.

  170. Lorna on

    I have some narcissus bulbs that come back yearly.

  171. Anne Marcarian on

    I cant wait to start ordering from the shop! We have giant alliums and a variety of tulips including parrot tulips from Baker’s Creek Farm.
    I hope to plant your Santander, Black Hero and Blue Diamond varieties this fall to add to our collection!
    Thank you for all you do! Happy planting!

  172. Rebecca on

    I have no bulbs in my garden! That is the one thing still lacking. We have lived here for several years and I have established cutting gardens, perennial gardens, fruit tree and potager gardens- but I have not planted any bulbs yet! The worst part? My heritage is DUTCH…so really, they are a necessity! I hope to finally change that this fall. Like you have said, by autumn, I am so tired of vegetable gardening and canning and weeding that I forget all about the bulbs. I plan to plant many tulips and several daffodils- a few yellow- but I love the gorgeous varieties you show so I’ll be needing some of those in my life. ;-)

  173. Lori M on

    Floret so glad to see bulbs on sale again, I’ve been waiting and restraining myself from buying my usual supply this fall with the hopes of being able to get a few varieties of yours. I have a few parrot tulips, but mostly Darwin hybrid tulips (I hear they come back a bit better, we shall see) basic daffodils (because they come back without fail), grape hyacinth, anemones (dwindling, but a few keep coming back), and some small and large allium. Thank you for the chance to win your favorites.

  174. Donna Peachey on

    New-to-me bulbs that I’m planting this year are anemones and ranunculus. I’m just beginning my very own (currently teeny-tiny) flower garden and while I’ve read that these aren’t the best bulbs for beginners, they are just too beautiful to pass up!

  175. Marianne on

    I have anemone, grape hyacinths and tulips in my garden. I hope to try some narcissus this year.

  176. Tyler Sacks on

    Yes! After planting a section with tulips that wouldn’t be eaten by rabbits/deer last fall proved to be a success last spring, I ordered 3 more varieties, ‘Charming Beauty’,’Pays Bas’ and ‘Synaeda Amour’ to add around the section where theres more foot traffic that deters pests. It’s a 4 acre property that has many daffodils from previous owners and zero tulips so I needed a change from yellow daffodils and very happy to add more (hopefully more in the future). Looking forward to spring 2018!

  177. PlantLady on

    I desperately need to plant more bulbs of more varieties! The few varieties of daffodils I have do so well that there are probably a few thousand in two main locations – really need to get a bunch moved to the “newer” new orchard and elsewhere. Nice having so many, but sort of boring and since they are mainly 3 varieties that all bloom together, not a long harvest window. Keep trying to make time to get on this project, but for now the two markets I sell at aren’t open early enough in the season to make use of most bulbs in bouquets. So have been scrambling to add more flowers and shrubs that I can use during market season – since my market garden seems to be morphing quickly into a flower and berry farm with a couple orchards.

  178. Megan Osterhout on

    I have some daffodils from last year planted – but this year I am looking to plant Tulips, Anemones, Ranunculus, and anything else I think is interesting! This will be my first year starting a flower farm using organic gardening methods in Salem, Oregon. I am so excited to order! Thank you for your work.

  179. Sonya Mendes on

    I’m new to the flower gardening world (I’ve only grown herbs, veggies, and fruits!), but I’m so excited to start! I’ve planted my first round of tulips and can’t wait for spring!

  180. Annette Hellbusch on

    I do have a few of the Parrot Tulips I planted last year. My favorite flower was the “gladiator” allium. Love, Luv, Loved it. This year I am adding the Lily-we call it the Naked Lady, but I don’t know the true name. Would love to “WIN” some fun bulbs to add to my garden this year.

    Thanks for sharing so much great information for us flower lovers.

  181. Sharon on

    I just moved into a villa last Spring. There is a lot of landscaping that needs to be done. Except for a couple of rose bushes, there are no flowers. ;(

    So I have my work cut out for me. I would love some of your favorite bulbs to inspire me and get me started.

    Thanks so much.

  182. Jessica K on

    Lots of tulips! Hoping to try some Floret varieties this year too!

  183. Cassaundra Cornell-MacKenzie on

    I am in love with the black and white anemones that you have in your shop and will be anxiously waiting for the shop to open up so I can scoop a few up for my collection. I have been searching for them for two years now and my excitement level is through the roof (my poor husband, lol). Tulips have always been one of my favorites for Spring and I have been purchasing doubles and parrots to my collection for next Spring to be planted next week! Good luck tomorrow with the re-opening of the shop!

  184. Madison Puch on

    I love so many different types of spring bulbs my collection is ever-growing! Alliums, tulips, narcissus, crocus, iris, I could go on and on. This year I’m super excited to plant tulips! I also am drawn to the uniquely shaped and colored varieties. Victoria’s Secret, White Liberstar, and Alba Coerulea Oculata are the ones I’m most excited about! Plus, I’m a sucker for Muscari… so as many of those as I can afford!

  185. Amy on

    I currently have daffodils, hyacinths, and grape hyacinths in my garden. I would love tulips!

  186. Corina on

    I used to have tulips, planted by my boys when they were little. Now, I just have daliahs, snowdrops, and hyacinths… Would love some tulips!

  187. Heather on

    I came in for a break from chopping down my dahlias and I decided to check out your site to see if I should be planting tulips at this time. I am trying Foxtrot and Margarita tulips this year. I’ll get right on it! I can’t wait to see them bloom.

  188. Kristen Dolloff on

    Bulbs blooming in the spring are such a welcome sight after the long winter here in Maine. The bees love the crocus, some of the first to appear. I am slowly building my collection of narcissus, including Pink Charm, Ice Follies, and more of those pretty soft tones. Muscari are great for a little bud vase too. Tulips are great but I love those others that I can treat as perennials! Some new specialty tulips I will plant this fall include Virichic and Gudoshnik.

  189. Amber on

    I don’t have any bulbs in my garden yet but I definitely want to put some tulips in this year.

  190. Bobbi Calentine on

    I am currently planting many of the same daffodils and tulips grown at Floret. Erin has such a great eye, that I have searched far and wide for what she grows! I am THRILLED that you will be offering your incredible varieties soon.

  191. Liana Muennich on

    We mainly have daffodils and a few tulips. I would love to add some of your stunning tulips as well as some alliums this fall!

  192. Katie on

    I will be trying more narcissus!

  193. Katie on

    We can’t grow too many bulbs for our garden because of the pesky moles. They can be ruthless! We have been pretty successful with daffodils however. Easter is definitely a beautiful time with those flowers! Going to try more types of narcissus this next year.

  194. Kara Zirpel on

    Planted dahlias this year…now obsessed! And soon I hope to plant Floret tulips! My garden became therapeutic for me after the death of our 4lb Yorkie, Ruby, and my first born going away to college…already looking forward to next Spring!
    Best of luck with launch!


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